The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1948, Image 2
Is Hussila ;R • i How -acceptar ce of th^ |A and .reasonable miiti >ns Onl' the actionM'thai t|m But jit least the U._§. anil (Russia iritentioiisff-and enecs. sian neiir’sj agene ‘Thf Soviet sincere |s the eady for Peace? ’ingitforth, "’ill tell lions tceyard llu^.iia Amedthiii A nib; Smith hits!told Sn\;ii A -tov that “6js # farjas| 1$ i corned, he door cussion and the Smith Mllj)v crllth^ with right assertion that h solidly liehiind |fc : ne« ward Rn'skta. Mohjtc a! ’t.icronifiy f; r°h the desire of th|. |'e ojimprcjvd Russian government’s So does Dewitt Mackenzie, Associated Press bid fjor "decent - icolumnist, and ijie invites readers to do the time, and same. (j)rte Is reminded of the. truism that words are the cheapest commodity on the market aind that it's concrete actions which count. 1 All honest folk most certainly must wish for good results, but. we should approach this test with realism. There is one. basic fact j which we cannd: escape; ;A11 the differences between the United States and . go n )< sing of c ur differ- cardinal policy of spread of Comit un is ted ever sinci Sc* V, /.t T.1 L.4^ ijssjussmns between the help clarify Russian If..clarify our inten- f ssaclonL Walter- Bedell ,Fc reign Minister MqIo- c United SU.tes is con- lv/i ys open f >r full dis- ih States the proj oJiUl to ]|rc|cj to disci existing jAme iniilg tl S any, one • on disp j fori School A. riidultui ssion 4j}d }s‘tilimeint of bet\veC)| ifj’ diplu'ni a|.i| qiiarters rican e •Soviet; rdp| y i • r'Th what tl unlay ini (bun tip latid Woi i '--iu Wc r e i All-C4fci r 4 tb the fim tb h oined wiSthUhc at ISchocfls. fi| i by 'thei ■ very {lituaf, > Arts & 3(i-ienctis Hive terial t| inow tjiatj ho machiiT or tjie \i g|r livestock,!iat IdiistE n what ci n iie done.. lt”hi ilf ... p [ynglish dfpartntcnt’i exhibit shflwodf: ini(« nr eraent in report wiritingj aji 1 featured i cufTicu arctic; ti(| : 'gitj Placers : an<}l tin Debate and - Society Whsat the- afj'lish depa otfcer .tl spiartmtf itsj: hipi Id be a bit Ui year. 'U ^ . j:--- !. The Aggiehcid Hull t he UP t Srevinih eu ’wiiys it wkild erl lii^s to .'orne eaplic copld go j (oil tpnr. separat injg front thb lose its original-pi|,i yUor g^tul’ati - who put iii long fcijiturif jjf AIM 'dl! st4 thil ygags i'int (JlifiliriensiH ■ ■ i p i •if miencan i aquoted 1 y the Uus- ns rtcplyin rnnentj views favorably nrimPnt’ of the United a Lionis' and iBtates the forth- people are policy to- , r : Bolshevist Regime of the Com muni i“We see the agrees to -vith this mid in view MacKenzio the United Nat tliO work of the f I stem from the Soviet’s world revolution for the ism. That policy has ex- the establishment of the in 1017. It is a vital part st program. | mmcretje effects of this poli cy in many coup tries throughout the world” wtiijis. “It has even dominated oils to such an extent that peace organization has been ng. It is doing its .best to •'V Arthur W. Melloh To Speak to Sigma Xi Club Thursday New York. He spent half years with the California, Division search at the US Nan Sound Laboratory, Si Dr. Arthur W. Melloh, vice director of the Engineering Ex periment Station, wih 7 address the Sigma Xi Club, Thursday' May 13 at 8 p. m. in the Physics Lecture Room. The subject of the address will be “Some Engineering Aspects of Speech and Hearing.” Dr. Melloh spent several years in the communication research labor atories of the Automatic Electric Company, Chicago and the Strom- berg-Carlson Company, Rochester, received the Certific mendation from the ment for work done laboratory on under problems. Dr. Melloh receive^] degree from the Upite nesota Sfhd was a me teaching staff of thtjj of Electrical Enginee Institution for four a senior member of of Raidio Engineers, the American Institutj cal Engineers and of The general public ]i attend. Commissions Open In US Air Force To Post Graduates Exercise Without Exertion Inferences all but 1 hamstn are exam- v -ithi extreme caution. of Europe. It is within thd Unit I *'11 I I Batting Accuracy to Improve; Andrews Works Out A Gimmic The United States Air Force will commission a few individuals who are now pursuing a postgrad uate course in certain technical fields and who served in the Air Force during World War II. Students who are particularly desired by the Air Force are those 1 majoring in the following fields: civil engineering, electricity, phy- Jr throttle the Matslikll Plan for rehabilitation . > •. i T 7 . reaching for political control ed] States itself.’ By J. C. FAILS - Since the era of the suspended corn cobs of Jimmy Fox's origination, baseball players have been looking for a way i to get batting practice without chasing the ball. Now there is $ way, .thanks to Paul person ito kttf around to ; ay. if F (f\s Fair s Fair.” T Upy exhihli s last Sat- was impossible' for ? the Arts angineeri Science.^ ig a hd Ag-j Engineer.' culturists i? departni exhibit: . Although the lyeorgia .Re: l|e departnents und% But they finall /1 made it less spectacular mu* publicity campaign ()ne alunjnu > letter and sjuch extra- ajslpublications. the Ag- djtagM' her P-slbebetter ii I he ;seasoi f)|i| thd othek AlH'ollege d iv,. it would pdfe.-' \\ lull's lat’s about! 11 that-was Some Georfe are U]» in the air frifni Georgia S giq Institute of wei thougl Polls were Technology (which is what las all along). talken. surveys were made, and opinion way generally canvassed before with tH'if with their nt proved diploma! and n \ he; frankly didn demanded a new ring, new ?w transcript. Another said give a damn—the school was just a disgraceful rathole Whose name Andrews calls the device, consists .shou’dn't even Discussibh rtment did, to do next eslqf ’48 ) ro\ ed to he e. In some or the Foj- , so that it hand, by poetic gradir-de topt-tooit, We’i’T) —i’ You know Guess we’d b to: change t hej anid (’Pttnn ('(|i stitute of Texm (Jet a Fan- u.U|ion |i ifhild ibooll'a 1 on!. Texas Alt inqgli tjie t| |r Ihjghest its} hos tiojns t). diniori 1 thlmse vek to eh hire i. Iif th en ; h anaijig t}u{|otlfu-jthres. Alt pobula ioiigh Tdxas st third become h| 1'iU the‘comm itteemeii ii m |voirjkjng up the many ?gpl Day. But r l“S .’fbnj heate dial N PUtlrd . . .tend tp emplo.'.j state in the with all Of billy c.i'jrnh in offers only. 26 posi- repadents ? neblalists in ■tUf. (Texas i4 Itifit niq ibiji in 4|-i(. ijatijm.; the-total of all of the bet s j javailwbf esnecia ly( desiiinecl i.4 rankjl Te ca td jchjldreir. t b cajre for Mf.T . ^ otfier : fates. No lucH p|ospita| Housto i jsjr in ljlar|is (’oijpty. Dnl , r !tiwo-'otheif|sta|tes| in tlw we hope to n in 1949. j It has been be placed on thi publication edit ])e|rsotis si'ekiuj should state wf NanieV structor of jiliysical education at A&M. ; lazy, m^n, but he didn’t like thef— — ! idea of throwing and eftasing base- M. Andrews, in- Andrews is not a red. students and alumni-'t± ! HoDOr Architect To Receive Award ajiecii siuuems aim annum were ^ king ^ttinp Practice. Ho over the recent name change devised a labor saving qevice which •hool of Technology to Geor- pints authorized the chahge. Now comes the soptepcef with thje “re:jtl schools) tiop-.x He named the “Andrews Portable Outdoor Combination Posts” when he applied for the patejit. The word “combination” comes into the name becawe of the variety; of uses to Khich the poles may be adapted] They can serve as goal posts far football, net supporters for various net games, suspension for golf prac tice, clotheslines, teht supports, and high jump and vault posts. sics, meteorology, law, chemical engineering, electrical engineer ing, industrial and production en gineering, metallurgy, physiology, psychology, and aeronautical en gineering. Candidates for a commission must have had active duty in the Air Force since December 7, 1941, either as an officer or enlisted man. L In addition a prospective offi cer must not be over 27 years of age and mast have an honorable record of prior service. Prior officers selected apd ap pointed will be returned to active duty in i the permanent grade of second lieutenant, USAF, and in the temporary grade in the AFUS as was held in tno AUS immediate- ! ly prior to being processed for The graduating student !in ar- separation, chitecture who, in the opinion of Former Air Force personnel who the faculty of architecture, has are interested should meet Colonel iffade the best scholastic ; record 0. R. Bond in the Petroleum Engi- wfiile a student, will be presented neering Lecture Room at 7 p. in., an award by the American Insti- Wednesday, tqte of Architectects, Ernest Lang- The invention, or “gimmic” as | ! e mentioned m the same of the na- Th<e prize dijsentirig vote came from a ‘ ‘R (j( >t y-toot-toot, Rooty- ho boys from the ..Institute, iv reft. itter dot start that campaign lame bf A&M- to the Cbw lege, ijnd .Technological In- of two ppright posts of adjustable height with a reel attached to one, and a length of rope.! ! To use the gimmic for batting i practice, a baseball : is suspended from the rope stretCihH between j the two. posts by meapS of a mov- 1 able ping. If two battc-ijs are avail able, one stands at eajch end and thus alleviates the necessity of walking from one end (jo the other. f<jrd, head of the department, has announced. The award will he presented at tfje annual dinner of the;-Archi tectural Society and the depart ment of architecture, May 18 at 7 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. Bryan 2-M79 For golf the same principle Dancer suggested that a new bkmk quest i irs. Se the to prepare the care of stands elev- n total child in hospitals children, is UsitwelftT among the U P in Dslhs had Miss Yvette Dare and onaire for pros nee five veral gdpups feel that publication editorships nt artist they in fer publicity purposes. plies exjeept tha,t the hall is sus pended at a lower ^ijitude. The device has beeii inspected by George' “Birdie” Tjhbets, for mer catcher for the Detroit Tig ers, who commented favorably on it, and Ohio Baseball Coach Stahl uses a similar device (o develop a smooth swing in rpokie baseball players. ! ■ Andrews says that foyeral sport ing goods concerns ate | scrambling TOMTE —7:30-9;14 Janies Stweart Jane Wvman ■: ii MAGIC TOWN N O W 4i Pan handle” tV. ■' 1 4 { NOW i6 Three Daring Daughters* :—t4- - 4~ if practice feet. really will i 'd make per- 1 •<' —i-TT.’jf— f or the rights to mandfpeture the i Judging fHjm the pPce (hut ho* been set gimmic. commercially Possibly in student rac<js in our fellow southwestern ’ 1 nu ' 111 toreaedable future schools, a st-rirjper is practically an essential e . vt ‘D n ?. an can .m# Williams for a solid cninpaign. The LSU jragazihe edi'ors started the custom! by ha r ng "Stormy”. Lawrence up from her smok Milled place of employment i,n NeW Orleaij: to-afjd color io their mihli- cHtion. Miss lliiwrencp provided the desired color as well 4' an [old-fashioned; all-out brawl and sotlo juicy national publicity. Then just [list wedk the Southern Metho-1 i • / .* /?/ markets ’t h make the manufacture Del Rio Club to Elect i The Del Rio Club jwJll elect of-; .ficefs for 1947-48 at a meeting to • be held Thursday evening in the YMCA Chapel. A movie will be sjhofvn and rc-i freshments will be served. nf iromen's and children's trear r —f—; exists in ^ er sifivong-steHling parrot to aid them in their student qlectiobs. Though Miss Dare union have was there in full fettle, the parrot was re- more c : it id ren tfLnt’elasi^ut in 1947 EACH ^ rained ^ f**"* \ nU) th « act b >' ^ .. ...i. ... a. i. if ii...j i. . ..ix ,i stern and remtovintr ir ances from tn sortie of ten other sMate|spi’oy5ded n ore hospital care fo 1 their sj ck (mildreji-than Fd Texas. Sonte bf thjj' foljfis |own in Ifouston have are re; dy to ettrse Jaimes ]S. : Abejcro Housto ii, -from! Jur «i procee< ting a cal Center at 5|Iou|fod. -4 It i show i roiceedsi! will Ijf enough to start the l dJ; ' ecijmojfr most jp I j disstiurH td ajboutt these conditions, and nethiiji 'lit t g about it. At the jn Oak Stables in ‘4 to June ja, there m ill he sev( n jperfoji ma Icet- of a horse show, the nromuif s of wlReh gplto a fund for erect ■hiklrenj{s hif^pij^diin the Texas Mixli- stjern and rejpivi ing glances, from the col- Iqge fathers. ! L ' Our own Iscjhool i^ the next logical spot campaign. There would sure- g of interest in such an af- star studded revues in the; t MTIOML MIUIEVEHEIIT f'jr a fan danJcd ly be no laggir fjiir. And ^lle Opens 1:00 P.M. Ph. 4-1181 a finej^aule. ^ml:ivie hope the horse by their conjlp^tition.; revues in Ideal bisti’os should provide ample material for a floor djholv type race. Sq get oijgi niked,i you would-be editors, j You can’t njAkle the race without a bubble j hesitant may be outstripped : TODAY THRU SATURDAY First Run Bryan-Collcge 1:20 -Features Begirt- 3:35 -5:25 - 7:4b 10:00 dancer; And;tin NGstery and Suspense ir. Cairo...Havana... .Haw York! •hobpijtcl iqn the ros ' Y ' i ic [bills h-jT) the others u—4 ;i U» Tealizatibn. Tqbe,\j| (Ijlep, N. H ) predicts politics but jto edeljyed. Unfortunately, flee,” Well, no (vil not A formeji’ Arkansas office holder prom ised to continue taking an active part in never again "hold public of- one fan prevent him from taking an active part in politics. "te The Battalion Tin Battalia]i, «i 'icul newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City ofiiColltUA Statnjh, iTllxa? is publish ?d five times a week and circu p.fternb( n,- excera du ing holidays i nd examination periods. Durii lishe-d s mii-week! j ubstripijion ratio $4.30 per school year. Adver News jcontnl i wpp Hji I. ; i Claisj' utio a Hiay (be mac 209, Go idsyin Hu 1. ied kds may be placed by telephone (4-5324) of at the Student Activities Office, Room The Associated B e&stes entitled ed Ito it or pot djherNise Icredlited in Rights if ftfpybllilcatid I; o ’ all Other ' jj -"fr ' 1 Eptcriid Oiflce at tlie Act e CHARI E MURRAY Man at aecondj'la»“ ivattlr at I’obI Cdlk’Ke i atior , Te:aa. under T* r Vsclt 'Lint ...^i J. T, Mill r, Kenneth Bond Mack. T-j oka.: .:.4 -R. X. Bjl ingSey, Hi vey Tum R. ar?er. C'K . M.i Nfekoii, Ot«d ft. Isa nte. . Wi ynand, Xalty Gi ( r ' ttF I. of Ml fch ,(i, [ou s c. ,1 wy i \l illiE NE s!orBan..„.., -..sq, HjJf . roe, _(■ C. jrpii. 1 tib, John ilnvLtary , .... . .Ill I , II. I . I. .i U»|i 4|-,. \ .... by telephone (4-5444) or it h 1 * editorikl office, Room 201, Good- sxclusively tt) the use for repul) iefi ion of all news dispatches credit- the pane natter n er and local news inatter herein a re [also reseryeq. : pootaneous origin published herein Member of The Associated' Press -SON. Wire Ed .Mttnitging Edi<- Feature Ed I ..Feature Wrijer* James E. Bob Kennelley..;..; .X Repoi irtere Art Howard. Jafnts DeAnda. A ndy cSasr: atdd every Monday through Friday gitihe summer The Battalion is pub- isijig ratejs furnished on request. n 4— Boh i: Represented nationally by National Ad- i^rtLing Service Inc., at New York Citi - , (phicaeo, Los Angelos, and San Francisco. ...Co-Editors Joe Trevino, Hardy H.j Roes. —Circulation Manager -111 Matula. Zero Hammond, SpowJu.' Bill Evans.-, „_£j .U... Photo Engravers •••••; Sports Editor. I Muttilt SAT sr PM. PREVUE - N. — MON. — {TIES r ‘ yj! f PTrst Run Brynn-CoUegc “SCudda Hoo! Scudda Hay'" ■ wf— “LADY FROM SHANGHAT FITTING PRL1 IT ING OF Tlie scope and vitality of the women's and child- L • i X ren's wear industries is illustrated by the fact that l . / * * the following nineteen cities of the United States I , ; | are now important production centers for this ■. X type of merchandise... of which New York City is the major producer: ATLANTA BALTIMORE BOSTON * CtUCAGO CINCINNATI CLEVELANB BALLAS KANSAS CITY LOS ANG MIAMI MILWAUKEE NEW YjOBK CITY tOELPHIA i OBTLANB t OBE. ST. LOUIS SAN ANTONIO SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE A TWIN CITIES • ■ Introducing The Wenea*! aa4 Chlldrcn'a Wear laduatry . /U\ , I to THE AMERICAN COLLEGIATE PLBLIC I te A series sponsored by “Women’s Wear Daily,” a Fairchild Publication, 7 Bait 12th St., New York 3, NY; T- • [ : ii is ' i T. ■ ■ ! i TTTT Civil Sendee Has Real Estate Jobs Examinations for the positions -ojf real estate officer at salaries ranging frttn $ $4902 per annum ha/e been announced by tjhe Civil Service Commission. Emploiynent will be with the (Ulvestoir — Applic tlained fl College Engineer District, itfdn forms may be ob- Roger Jackson at the Station Post Office. East Tf Plans to Plan Party' a summer party will lie madej bly the East Texas A&M, Club Thuisday night at 7:80 in the YM< XT V Beaut blug,i 1 pi pink *chid GINGHAM plaids in grey. 'Site • 1 h The F I i^e, lime, rose, tjaspberry. Across from Dol Hi e I r ya^ci IC Shoppe Bryan hi i- o Walter Wifit h soys:.; “Excitiig! It’s meat ;• - 1 III It. itted by Produced by CIKTUM-fOX I HENRY FRID SATUR I ATHAWAY • FRED KOHLMAR LAWRENCE y HCstUfuy with n* place j toga.. 1*/ IF • f ■ ; x ■ V .1“' r jl. L [i ■I,. B l .* >; I.