The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1948, Image 4
HIM ** ^ '£ LI’L ABU irs MIGMlf/ THAVE A S I '. .iijMiiig-;4ill«| By Al Capp >1 ^ aBMM ,-$wm is vd' Blind, pansv?~we HAS A DOTTE^r .sir PEjS or ll'L critter Vh'swEete',,. MOST-APPEAL) n: MOST- LOVAB .PtmE HEART OF tWE VAST PORK INDUSTRY —-TH ". , , RE STATE BUILDlNG/r —J. ROAftINGHAM PATBACK, THE S^iNE.-KiNG, BLASTS HlS ADVERTISING STAFF .t r V ir-. a ewelTT 5 — —■— fLASH HAMP FISH THEMES - (Continued from Page 1) I ?*<r c* -+l - V** I OUR TCLADEMARK isn't sweet ENOUGH"- IT ISN'T APPEALING ENOUGH/T r—I—-. it ism't LOVABLE ri I i V-——-, enough.*:'' ^'j£ —r ullro-vidlct radiation U’erei shown in thoir ordinary applicaticihs. j Various mechanical and iioat od dities along with high voltage and pleetro-niagnetic stunts coinstitut- e<l the bulk of the other Experi ments performed. Booked under With a small and exhibition, the clje the chemistry depart' Classified Ads n»>w H^y.yO, nine HELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Rat/": Collide,'. Ltt£«j fish [poof m* r 3e a word por insortion with a 25( 1 minimum.' Space rates in (flnsrdficd Section . .\ G<M i»'r columri Inch. Send alt classified* witH remittance to the Student Aetiviriei Of fice. All| ad* should Ijte turned la by 10:00 of the day before publication, beautiful tftn for home, nisi od. Aen year pnytnen 209 Pari: Place. acr< Par TYPIN’Gr-Brinp your themes and thesis trt C-10.A, Collette View Apartments^ after 5:00 p.m. or to the Scribe Shop. 1007 E. ESrd. Phone 205703. , the heading of “Believe It pr Not In Srietwe,” these phenomena were nevertheless entertaining. I mcKenziE-baldwin business col- 1 FOB trai SALE—9ft acre* froni ■0 ^aTE—I9td Cmhmnti at F. W. Wooluiorth for IS. F. Swindler. ULE OR TRADE fr (onvenieutly local j Wai ner. Trailer K^7 SALE—1939 Pocbard door, new paint. WelUorfaniZed ( LEGE offers refre-her courses in short- h<;atier. Call I-CIOS. a ment $eH short of its possibilities Featuring glass-blowing find or- hand. LooLkeepintr and associated sub- ! FOR REN’T— I rioin fiiltnlslji iects. Dial 2-CfiW. Briyan. Teya'. L frotp .lube through Auguf morith. LL’tin A Eehol, BryS; or- ! FOR SALE-22 ft. trailer with 22 , xSyl'- genie eheimcni uroeps^es rlie show ! room noaebed. all under one roof. Trail/ j WAN . j . processes, itje snow , or fjUy Paui p pc<1 an( ) hn , a nw W08 tinted T to . wall displays Of I four burner apartTm*nit Fir.'' jrnfl ran^r. various inorganic compouijlds. Of nob ConRt'r, Trbilrr Arm No. '4, spe<^n|l/iuterert was a sarjiple of I site ini. ^ . -.Student rad ip stj Kraft. Kraft Fur} Nuclear Physics Will Be Offered In Second Term i the ammonium nitrate that caused 1 the Texas City disaster. A water softening process, per fumes, crude and refined cotton seed oil, and a model of the first FOR SALE—Doberman Pinscher pup* sired by Hallwyre Kennels, ichampion HI CHICK. 209 Park place. West ('4- lego Park. A new course, nuclear physics, will be offered by the partment beginning w end summer session, J head of the depart me ced Friday. Potter, who will tear said that it will be knojwn as Phy sics 312 and will deal with the ele steam engine rounded out |the de partment’s display. The biology department, while showing no zoological exhibits, had some excellent botanical j slides and speciments. , j| A collection of native anjjl culti-! displays. But the school still has far to go in realizing its full po tentialities. FOR 'SALE—(looil ice (>ox4Ii A-94X. Oollw View. |aft,|i m*: ire. ; Hi "+ T ■><p Mp 11 FOR (SALK K'xlF Winbrii witp new linoleum, gut hi drawers u|id divati. I’rjiceq iibbi. See S-Kgt. J. IK Mi^)< ill, r. Trailer No. 11-3, R. C. ECH Realtor ? r 1' r ' I- !;• I Jlj' . 'j '• ! , ' j, 1 ' . m*? n, a? 8 Million Vets Over Canady’s Phajr na<fy !|| Bryan 1 “ !: ’' I'Used Cm* Headquarters Ml; Ford, Tudor ’ll, Mercury, Coupe ’3j0; Limcoln-Zepher; Foitl9r 'do, Chevrolet, Tudor ’.19, Ford, Tudor • ’38, Chevrolet, Tudor ’38, F(i>rd, Tudor ’;37; Chevrolet, Sedan ’3(i, Plymouth, Coupe ’.33, Pontiac, Sedan M8, Chevrojet, Pickup ’•18, Jeep v I ’ r' • ’47; Dodge, Express ’40, Dodge, Truck ’37, Ford, Panel Dcliveiy '35; Ford, Truck physics dc-1 vated plants were identified to tli the see- visitors by their names, the place G- Potter, where they were collected, and other notes of interest. Participation of the School of Arts and Sciences in AU-bollege Day is necessarily limited! in its In GI Training Phone 2-645 4> it, announ- i the course More than half of the 14,870,000 World War II veterans have ap plied for some form of training since the inception of the voca tional rehabilitation and education and training programs administer- FOR SALE—Nice 12 I Cash or torm*. Derm 15, jk< a i FOR SALK Apart mont ^t Cf ndition. !»404 CpIU’jw Rnj < >4C f ! Vi tl •wents ol •nuclear physics. # scope as to possible eye-notching , ed'-by the Veterans Administration :0urse is to that enter t>, and the of atomic The purpose of this present the progresses into thb atomic bom peacetitpe applications energy, Potter stated, The epurse will describe nu clear phenomena and their ap plications without us ng special mathematical method* . This course was approved by the Academic Council'too to be included in the st log. Anyone desiring formation should see advisor or Dr, Potter MY NURSERY w ill I b<- op. liamiuM ami S«n,i<>r Rlnjr Prd^wood, ‘iul Rnrk Suiimi. |<b>' I' \ T wmw® BRYAN MOTOR COsVIPANY , Your Friendly Ford Dealer + Ml <413 i -if 111 i| 1 I «t»i i IIS N. .Main St. Phone 2-1^3J Bryan, Texas late for it; mmer cata- further in- his faculty _L BOGOTA, ColomlbiU-'-CPl— T h e is in con- office while president of Colombia slant touch with his driving arjomul the capital, through | Uf-e of a radio telephom; in his car. ilia m 1 m ‘X- day are pic til reel jalboie divided into four classes. \vi)t ’ yan Field JFtcslimen wlio wcm prizes in the engineer)!' HOWARD BARLOW (left). With DEAN ID three winners chosen from each class. drawing contest Wednes- A'inners of the contest were Reseryaliotis lOpcJ ' actonnpodations fur’ both Friday ' and Sdtqrtlaw nights may lie ob- For Dance Gues j tained in Room 100. Goodwin Hall, beginning at'8 Wednesday morn-j rug, Bonnie A. Zinn, assistant dean j thu cidil be! cast of matrons and other in- i ital expenses. Red linen will urnished. r M Donnitoi'yl t'*.“erva.tjior4i; for! sie:i ior ring dajicb! ruestb m|| ^ i.||| i e For Yoiir[Visual ProH emii Co isuit : in ’' W- Dr. CHUllon of men, anjabunced today.' 1 • Seniors whose guests not'd ac- : ('(immcjiatiutis for Saturday; night ; only, liny ijhake reseiviatiobs be-' gitming' at ;8 Thursday morning,j Zinn added.; ; ' , f- pnC i id Missouri River basin covers sixth of the United States. ROA MEETS TONIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the Brazos County ROA will be held tonight instead of the date announced "oil tljie meeting notices. 1 ~*1— ETHISjti ‘ i - SOS^lita b‘— Bryan lAirtn* ^ Guests will be admitted to their looms jut 1 (Friday afternoon, and must Yarattji the rooms hy| 11:3(0! Smelay moijning. ,-,4^ -r ij :rV~ H ! T l ! Students having guests in Wal- ' ton will pay 81.25 a nigih.t to-cover 'll Orchid We isDt eiii. Y y ■ , iSr" V: fi Big. Li r if ^ < ■t dirjtlorm i|cj !S T lfti .v. tile. A White I'orI ti|h!ring dance rencEtative will c«U. DDH.NTl F d)N(|KSSION FLORAL ii ("^un jby {Acgies for Aggies” -T 1' m i \ a i h •< •a :*r dot- !. : ... dl l-C ■ , *55^- s ' - \ mm? ■V V /’K X [N i : ! I : ' / , • or ■^r* Mother , s a df4y off 1 ; ■ r.'l Ians now for May to Hrtd the (family :\ ■ i ' ever, i . ■ 'i ,(h ■“f ! ijom eooking. Make your 9th and treat Mother the best Sunday dinner !C &M, GRILL North Gate L' i "T (HERE’S C ’ ' ! I l no ^ inE r CIGARETTE chesterfield. 1 K N 0 W/ ,T ’ S MY BRAND." m i ' ii:: <: ■ A AS "THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI A COLUMBIA PRODUCTION ■ i: B m mV ps-ii rm .;•• > < WM MX .yi : {US im ; r J U \ AMITY FAIR NO. j8 .iOANNK JOHNSON, Lnixersity of Texas co-ed from Houston, s the final selection in the series of VANITY FAIR beauties chosen iv TEX RENEKE for the 1948 LONGHORN. Her picture was sub- nitted h> .! \ .MES K. H. NELSON. --r It’s Over Her Head : . . but it’s not over our head to give you the ultimate in satisfactory dry-cleaning! Our equipment, sup plies and personnel are superior, prompt and our prices are right! Our service is ! i il <1 AGGIE CLEANERS & DYERS 4-4554 ' SS*| J • ; : i mw - \" .iu- I'p" ‘ ft WHY... I smoke Chesterfield (from a series of statements by prominent tobacco farmers) & Myers I have done business with Liggett for over 40 years. They buy the best crops in the house at tl\e auctions. j I am exclusively a Chesterfield smoker. 1 think they are the best cigarette Made. e Qjljbto TOIACCO »«C 1; fi pSI Ii# m " r : - (i'i:: ■Aif;. ♦ m li NICHOlAtVIlll, KY. m l m K J;. i '. -r Sty '