The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1948, Image 2
I m566i5S 53pjpflil ■ Ready for Honor Groups gf'-ibg lirgsidfeint ahead vsiinal on the eKta! societies ;it : A&M, the I 1 • Battalion TORIALS d/er, Statesman, Kmghtt) Gentla/lan" ! * i j ' • i u $ullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions has .enaljil id| us to takje (lii j^lace alongside Other ed I ejges a nid utivlriitie^ throughout the conn; -y. Now. A&iM in t |n will be recog nized nationally!ijor scho|a|tic achievement. ourj. With-M tje hatidtcapped in gradt’4 d kchojdl—thleir ihjmors will be rec- ogrnzed Jfre tmire^rtSrp "cottcge at which [i|christ the go- ilhment of; honor SoArd of Directors Too, ji before? an !! ; I J requirements for jm the campus, it • reception! the 1 iMSDAY, MAY 11, 1948 othe hers ; of Tau Beta\ ‘i ;! organization with such enibership is allowed on ight' be well to await the !i receive. Should mem- for example, exhibit its p Pi, advanced: work jsi uiijciiert4li|en. It Is .tk Oj W al agricul 1 ural hbmor nimous v<S>te of jtlke Tpria 7ieTiCTbe-nation - ci(|trequires a una- tivijmembers for ac cepting applicants. Thbre.i# a need for some type.oif a.i ipcmtion to i|ec9r|i.ize the scholastic proficient yi stwdcmtsl i|i|der the Dean of Agricultul-e.; There is U pfsMbility, however, that as th i other socieliesjekhibit their value to the co) ej^O and tihe ■sjtiid^nts, Alpha Zeta will be alt owed td e$tdbH?|h{ a chapter on the campus, j ■ ! • f 1; I >:.!• any $ign of a tendency to “blackball” pros pective members fbr purely personal rea- t I » 1 sons,; not only •Would that particular society be subjected to the closest scrutiny, but the possibility for the establishment of Alpha Zeta would dimjnisl ! ! Now we arq awaiting the day when the first;of several; hon tablishes y chapter Signja Xi’< request Board was approved for a chatter is st >r societies formally es- on the A&M campus, for recognition by the last fall. Its application 11 pending. The college should t:ik(| steiis immediately to secure chap ters Of Phi Kappa Pni. Tau Beta Pi. and Phi Eta Sigmd. Briglil Lights, WiiiclqWs .r . Foolish, Dangerous Smoker. I L r Our (iflitprial «oIujpns||cicently carried a istamfied ouTVnjmed congratuj itiory afticlji oA,f the addition of . erice jdldn’t eVei knc|w that it occurred. classroonib find build to detract iij any-way light-issujnfi powers. . > The iiik; bad haijrih jlrli page whq i;we receive ;l]a|i i? i • Saturday night in Guion Hall someone’s cigariette' ignited a curtain. The fire was ately; most of the audi- ihat ii modern IjgHtingyfixtijresj[li yeveral Of our Saturday] tjight Guion Hall was over- 1 Ca^“ru^ Utwe^nf n 1S/ nr |r A1 . ts were filled and there, and Cuba, tbe inomeni you cross JLiAlCiloIUIl r? UI liei ience, and squatters in that magic line: you filml yourself ?' ; in a wogiu^herti evccy jyalue is dif- araica* j j . , .,. feivnt'anil everyidm'pietfion is new..! On another jfestl ze Saturday mght a halt Here are islands, large and small ngs-jWe didn’t mean crowded; all tHe sedts were filled and there. ft’# mother nature’s Avas a standing aucience, and squatters in that magic line you fiigd yourself! . t i , ik the alisles. I T [ ' ? • : F aitllly v i gruniled jpllindent that all well iMidi gpod. but turned otlt lithe last riAn was forc8d[|to eramloj |ii are dirty .Such ictondi to find tlie fjoor. It stem^lhat the windows ^d on the editorial eport from a dis- new lights were when they were eaving the room cigarette lighter dozert years ago, ii a pane of glass. Several AgiX«ionMS|Twe know have agreed Hi afiwe ^i'e jlo(ji|ia|onough topsoil as it is will onlt w^stiha pwe on the, schools casement:. ^}veiwoijie:jsfc<||ls to agree that this soft >1' jfchingdsiciuHill'tely out of Order. cigarette. Lets i oti lx> carried of the mi the sun this time w electron ill si bracHcallf r« ii 1' R1 rljERW^EpSll KditOr, Tlr Hattaiipin:, • Since Th; llfatt seems b>j bjj- tih repository of; all tomplaitt-ij, ■\vish to hr ng- to yejin at|e»it| serious sit lalljop, u?|ich, i if :|l td to cont inMe,. mgj rc.f i disaster. \ Tfc mt*s < j ! hall midcii* reputation s at stake! ,nV i be the last tL east dvefi J (if a doubt ppon thifiri u cd record, aitj we 'feel jit that viciou: rumors (halt h Circulated^ edijintly snoile jniblic*, and tl|,(jt messjlhiijll ly he able to imake <a (tleji of the who e:business. ; We are ' efiferringi jgentl-; the’ rufno'ft that the tniji:| in our mes > 'bmll hjts thd ijilhtj* of il I' it . bitterweed4 We’ve bf‘atd,j 1 t>ay. of cou :sk r .thati isgehl !;ly by the -powers Tinees, After all, radition here by The United The greater thieir to put out. BETWEEN THE BOOK ENDS.... Ideal Vacation Spot Is Old Buccaneer Haunts in Indies I ■ I l | ; I I By’MRS. WIRNORA ARNOLD ! ! i Readers’ Adviser LAND OF THE INNER SEA. By W. Adolph Roberts. Coward McCann. If any of you are [planning a Caribbean cruise for youit summer vacation, here is exactly the hook you need. || Beyond the shores of the North American Continent the West In dies have always been!; the most accessible ports of romaneje for the American traveler. Th# Tropic of* - •' s' — - - »—* ;i Key '‘f -'-* 1 * >1 you ’iib. Alfred Johnston Ordained Sunday At Baptist Church / What’s Coo AGRICULTURAL 0 Wednesday, 7:i5 p. Room ofdYMCA. ” ACCOUNTING SQCi p. m., Tuesday, Ki-23. . ... , : officets and awarding Alfred A. Johnston, religious ed- ant , s Handbook. i> itor of The Battalion, was ordain- , „ i ed to the ministry Sunday night „ A , &M . GA ,V,Vp * . at the College Station First Bap- * . a 4; in YM CA. list Churci . ] BIOLOGY’CLUB A junior from Mexia, Johnston day night, May! ll, a' has taken part in many religious! in the Biology Lectur activities cjn the campus. In addi- election of officers; for tion to hisl part on the Battalion j yehr. j L l staff as religious editor, he is di- i BAYLOR - ARCRE rector of the Sunday morning pro-j COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. gram ovpr WTAW known as Ag- [ day, Room 126^ Acad< gie Gospel Time. Other religious ing. I 1 HI *’ activities include service on the | GEOLOGY CLUB, Baptist Student Union Council and ; Wednesday, Lecture R< the Intef-Church Council. Other Aggies who took part in the ordipation service were Cadet Corps Chaplain Clitf S. Harris and Roy Hunt. The ordaining council was com posed "of the pastor, R. L. Brown, and other ministers and deacons of the First Baptist Church. Also j ^on the «j|ouncil was W. F. Howard of Dallaj, who heads student work among Baptists on all Texas cam puses. Louis Hanna of the college staff presented a Bible to John ston as p tool for yse m his minis try. 1 NIC Rfnd loom nip: leum Engineering Bui tion of onicerB.; 35; RIO GRANDE VALl' 5 p. m., Thursday, i SCOUTERS, 7:30 p nesday, Room SOL Go< SUL ROSS LODGE, Thursday. SAJd Tuesday! 7fl5 1 Lectui-e Room, election SIGMA XI CLUB Thursday, Physics'* Lee Dr., Arthur W. Rlello Tour Program Set For RA Officers with towering mounta|ins clothejji I I nTIlPFPflPP in vvrdure to tlu*ir sammits: with V4UIll.d the Coconut Grove in Bostcjn, a tirade hirst into flame and^the verdure to tlivir summits; with crowd stampeded for the exits. The next day countless; lamlloykKd haj'bors of an they were found; stacked like cord wood . vhiu , belu . hes . Bright-plummaged against the exits w iich their panic-stricken hirds and flowers of gorgeous hue numbers had blocked. : ! Charm the eyC, land the flavors of Ir an audiehce composed in a large part t^otic fruits (lebght the palate ,,, ,V m .ify|frely out ot place of palenU-anil in particular mothers, aifire In( ua n C o U l!t3are eiSdinTr- at A&M.j Ajiy rihy$ick inlijor f ctw-tell you panic} With the resulting injuries and possible |i y varied, from the independent, al; ea.s concerned with the improvc- that a I’ilj 11 bf| ; dii’t'.wijll IkweT the refraction deaths has a hbrriblje potential for pain. The Spanish-speaking republics of Cu-; merit of family living, tihe confer-j angle and iHcfleaabihd il'H>rption powers of Folli# could have easilv been something less ha- and Santo Domingo to Puerto enceLw-as called to arouse national 11 ' 1 ™ ' thm-lhe end of a perfect day for the many prout 1 people Who .visited their sons batur- black republic With a French eul-1 to consider the status Off the var- day. •' i _ turc; Jamaica land other Briiish j ied'activities in this ,arfea r :iml to Tljlis seems! a large price for a fool’s possessions whtjre the language is’ plah action to strengthen family -V English; and thp scaUftretl.colonies , foundations. <>f France and the Nejhcrland. j National leaders in die field of "*! “ r . ... I These were hnee the land# of; odm-at[ion,\health and nuditlai care, otil .OS IS tr\ ing to uUlici Up thL* huccainccrs utid of. vast suj^ar social, wolfarc, housing oconoruic productive industries in European countries, plantations worked by slave la- factors, inter-personal relations, : Amplp opportunity exists 'for regular army appointments through the competitive tour pro gram for capable young officers, Colonel G. S. Meloy, PMS&T, an nounced yesterday. The announcement was made in view of the possible increase of the junior officer requirements in the Department cif the Army. Colonel Meloy also said that he had been given authority to ac- j dept and designate the branch for the July 1948 competitive: tour program subject to physical quali fication, from applicants receiving ORC appointments at the end of the current semester. Application blanks and further information can be obtained from ROTC headquarters at Rosii Hall. speaker. SAN ANTONIO CL) m„ Thursday, Rqom 20ij Election of officers 'SAE, 7:15 p. m,., T Lecture Room, j J. F. speak. Vjsitors welcom ■ .— ■: - I 1 1 n • WASHINGTON —< Mexito and New Yoj highest US birth ratei X iology Summer ijects Offered 1 i or and senior sociology "ma offered the opportunity practical experience it I through participation ji york camps, accor^ng tjo oh Whitman of the Urjitarian Jfmja*. ‘ . r survey of Mexican-A tiierican utions in San Antonio is; one of programs which have bpen sdt [by the Unitarian Servi ■ : 'V m- >rU in cooperation with Unitarian Youth, mother workcainp for jcollege ts will be the constfuctlc < (fomlmunity center jn the ml nt-inhiabited area of Ok ahoipa outh volunteers may ch >ose wofk in Sydenham Hospital, nation’s only inter-racial' )rivate hoa(pital, located in the larlej: ion of New York City, his year’s j workcamps, kecord Whitman will offer program of work, and recreation in; addition to a bajl- educ»- pngaR- ; caip- c|jr 1 primary purpose of 0 young Americans jn tht gn to dispel ignorance,, preju- *, and poverty. ’urther information and; uppli- ions may be obtained from Ujii- ian Workcamps, 9 Park Ftredt, R iji 8, Ma«s. ] [. : |UPAL Arie.—(A>)_Tho ijrail te thjs Indian community at the bot- toni of the Grand Canyon! dr<j^s i,(1)0 feet from the canyon ‘rini 111 th|, first mile and a half of] its 14 Mrs.; Eloise Trigg JoHnisou, Ex- tensioii Service family life spec ialist, attended the National Con ference on Family Life held in Washington, D. C. May <5-8. Sponsored by 112 organizations ' all professions and areas concerned with thp Improve- PALACE Bryan Z‘SS79 N O W Pa 11 handle’* QUEEN Letters to the Editor hitter mow. bill were large enough for fhe cow # to eat. Marsh [explain ed that the whole story Is a long . ... one and invited, anyone iptereSU-d ■ ! t<< drop! bv for' all the ' ,4-! •—!-' * fl 4, a ■ ,j ^ j| ; 1 Dear Ltnltor: imhint’s Orciiidsj to the men of t'B nipaiJy for the Smethhd dr improvement to ]sug- jgest. The technical aspects of road. , jeonstruction are not along mv line,! . * Adplphe Robert# was born ; being held in Washington This Ibut I would like to make two Lug- ln Jamaica and is the author of conference is scheduled tjo edd May • ; ns ‘ J I several outstanding works on Car- 15.. Mrs.-Johnson will qttejul this Tear these cow path* up ihbean question#. He his made six-; series of meetings where specific begin from scratch' to build tt ’ en HaPP about the archipelago, plans will he made for mistruc- as they should have been culminating in the one for the tive hot ion in the states.; n the first place. (I know purposes of this book, which took wi 11 jto , eran Co sb : dow thoughtful 1 L l!is|h-; their con o fljj jfdir s|)li‘ii(lid * H'el men held in S jgestii j r di ja nd | , them % ^ rpany fund toward the : * “ , Mother’s Day Banquet T esulf nsa Sunday noqn. iave Such action is commenilajbU* not'r 0 01 1. cij' iadc ■ tllj • luv- , only from r Iti iSeakt. but from m,- i V I i t'ahjjshing! a precedent wliicH dut- Ilui, to: fits w ill do well, to follow in the I'vcpd ; future. I j ReSpejct fully, CLIFF HAKRlh, ’17 tion is goii giihto the fpujt; i!j|eek.l "A t ,, Not only ai c itihese scoyndijc ast- 1 -,{0 \D DESTRUCTION 7 ing aspers o|i| .on oug t Oflrf Editor, Tile Battalion! nianagontei t,j but also dmtjlil miaiti-1 • : ageiiwint ol ddr own : A&Jl! '('iit|anl-' ^ * u> 811 h.tect of road ilmprove- er yj j 1: , ;[ j, IIP JI j ment (or; destruction) s^lems to!# 'W: I Li a)’- tua- (2 it urn jtions iinee, posec eausi Now they are a kaleidoscopic patter of nations already born and of backward peoples struggling toward self-govern ment. History has left its mark on every hand, in the form of ruined fortresses and noble sur viving monuments. lltpilt the less we ll have >or ‘ '^ e gi'eab naval powers wag- an d mfental hygiene participated in ( ‘‘ ed incessent wars for their control, the meeting. \ Mrs. Lydia And. Lynde, feiR-ral extension specialist in parent edu cation, is on the advisjoiy commit tee of the National Confe/enoe of Family Life. Following the national confer ence, a conference of sf)J:-c'iiljots in ; parent education and family life, N O W w4 Three Daring Daughters” / L-y of money has been spend and him to <jvcry impoitant, unit. He 1 (Ui> 1 ,M {is. he jng bpent on repair and; im- includes the three g^uumas which! ™ »">• htToriS stbp;H‘d their pokor game to L all, l economically, with the other it in the hot sun and dabble European colorjies. There is also mu 1 s immimimcmie imi s , j., . i a ^ r) u. 1 i t ) a chapter on Bermuda in the At- the .parent s standpoint. ; ’l! 1(1 I- 111 K™' 11 anrt a^Pnalt.) v , q cc favored resort th.. st-mdnoinr nif ex ' Leave the mess a# it 18 and lanuL ucejn >. 4 lavoitu ieson tin standpoint <xt its ys- a]1 * alarjes an( , ^pp ro p r ia- among American vacationists. intended for street mainten- oveit to the fund for the pro- Student l.'nion Building, a from Which value spent will result in value received. Sincerely, ALBERT D. STEWART, ’46 G U Y/ H. DEATON Typewriter Exchange '[New & Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repajirs Life S. Main ; Bryan “TT Longhorn Needs 12 Club Member List; %: T-;- E i I J ■ : : HI m • vU* u '\ . A NOTE OF APPRECIATION .- r . Jtrfiow era of the jpi'Bss to 1 brjnr ;|)|G truth of tlj: linattei^- J. It. W OLF , J. T. TROTMAN 'f\ (Ed. Nite: It is bSttef^v or rather ;l mixture of weeds, irjilk ( J weeds, ;an flora of t :c Rrazpa Hot, C. Marsh (jf the dairy; j ej ment sail ; jthe A&M ()ri;jr obtains milk!from 12 daiL) ductrs in jhis areji; whilst make par j of their liviitg! in were not ujejl -CU Twelve clubs; have pot submit- [ ted member li$ts fob the 1948 : Longhorn, according to Bobby Lee I Williamson, co-.editor. M , Rosters for each of? the follow* WHY. ' ■ - , 'iji ; 1 W’o are deeply grateful for the jpg clubs must be turijed in to the The roads on the main campus; Jieau iful flpral offerings and ex- Xqmghorn office:, Goodwin Hall, be- n still be traversed with only pres^ions of sympathy for our son fore 5 p. m., Friday: i:oo t'.ixi. PR. 4-U81 LAST DA jV | 111 A A v ^ V/ J. j V 4 X fcj 4. 4 v B 4—' I . J 4- W. 444 4J \ J We urge jypp to uac all lilrlAowl- forgotten hrouml here. [ jEditijr, The Battalion: ess to'brim: jnatteri; Rjttcrly your.-t ! •} can minor automotive damages' result- Gorkv. ing, while those leading ffom the \ Wif wish to thank each 6f the t i main campus to Bryan or College ffello' ! View have! reverted through neg- iliac loot to me lie coxy paths. last ! dd .mentioned ipaths are so c uttered B iG j [with holes that it is a wonder any paijy 'car makes it across withoult, haying gete a spring cracked- or axle broken. V\'hat must! visitors think opoij en- ro- ; teiing out beautiful giioufeds? Crcix ws More than likely, at present, their nik| only'thought is to get off the |hor- ving organizations and men, ditioh to the entire A&M stu- body: the Sophomore Clair; i impahy. Infantry; “C” CoTii-j Infantry; intramural mana- i Petroleum Engineering Club; i nvest Texas A&M Club. Jo|m Hagan, Alton Bailey, Geo. ! Jack Russell, Evtrett La-! Dtis Yelton, and Spike W'hite. I Soiit old fashriludl way—tliajt js||byl rible roads as soon as po$fiible eating w;cjejdk He said tnej f||eds j 1 do not think a person i shoi p. m., Friday AVMA , . | Beaumont Club Brazoria County Club Business Spciety El Paso Club Fisb and Game Club HJSK Lutheran Walther Marketing jSt Finance Pre-Med and Pre-Dental San Antonio Mothers Club SAM Singe rely, high emougl should gripe unless he has some. better i WASHINGTON—— Aviation A NI) r MRS. (». D. ZIM- engineers suggest that rockets at MERMAN AND MAXINE X • The B of College p.ftemoon, (ished seln tl 1- 1 J T 1 ■■ !!!■ H | ■telion, official 1; ; !: he Battalion Nows win Hall. 209, Goodxti nj|.vspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College Of Texas and the City Sfition, Teka$, Published five times a week and circulated eUery Monday through Friday dicept' durilngi mfidaya and examination periods. During the -weekly. aiStibKflibllon ijate $4.30 peii school m ' the end of World War II were in about the same stage] of develop ment as were airplanes at the end of World War I. nrijngt mpdays and exanupation periods- During the Subteflippon rate $4.30 per school year. Advertising 444-—.■ -■ At 1 ’—■ —j — j. ■. '.' 44-ij'— 1—- :piltributions fudy ®C made by telephone (4-5444) <jil Classified aidsi-Tfal be placed by telephone (4-5324) < w all ’if' •. - ''' ummer The Battalion is pub- tes furnished on request, at the 'edjt or at the Sf rial office, Room 2()1, Good- dent: Activities Office, Room The AtachHated Pres* ii #titled exclusively to the use A fdr r^publication’of all nows dispatches credit- net. otherwise ft relited in the paper and Ideal nejws ; of : spontaneous origin published herein, rfpjublicatiori kl| other matter herein are also resprved. cd to it or Rights of Entered lis Office at Ci I Hie Act of C ni CHARLIE Vick Lindlty. J. T. Miller. ■ iMack 'T. Nole It. 1. Billing Votn TrCn-t ■ Nelaou, Ott L #ob W«fum '• ,1;: ccnd-elus-st mat lei n j Pont |q> Station. T !xq», |bnder ks of Manck IURRAY, JmiS NELSON ■fi Member of The Associated Press kerresented nationally tiy National Ad verbs njr Service Inc- at New York City, CUicu: :o, Los Ancelcs, and San Francisco. noth Bon; Kunze* J.i C ! —ijn Mi • i •. ici ■ ••••;• ■i H !v —.'J.!. AV ire Tlitc r .Manusing Editors Feature Editor ....Feature Writer* 1, James E. Singletary, , •••• Kepojtcrs Ailverllm'ny ManfaepT >«»*••■••••*•• •4e,a aaa i VM Trii Juhl Bob Kcnnelley ' _ 4 rr. - Co-Editors Rii Circulation Manager Photo Engraver# Joe Trevino, Hardy Art Howard,....:. | J...... „.L..jSnMta"Editor Janies S'eAilUa, Andy Mat iila, Zero Hammond, Bon Engelkiug, Boh Spoide. Biljl Evans Sywft« , Writer J—_4_4 Photographer Grady Griffin.. Sum T^rifnnt TC J Mnralji ill i! ^ r»rtnAnl«t- If TOMTE ONLY FREE SHOW Magnificient Doll Coarte-y Chas. Cids Jr. i —Features Begin— j 1:50 - 4:35 - 7:15 - jlOlOO Mi TOM & JERRY CARTOON NEWS — SHOftT W®D. - THl RS - FRI. - SAT. ' i —Features Begiri-j 1:20 - 3:35 - 5:35 - 7:'4(5 -10:00 FRIDA? SATURD Mastery and Svsptnse in Cairo...Havana. SlHn9liai...N«w York! ■m i t f -y 1: 1 ' v 1 " ■ LAWRENCE TIERN \ b$o.. i if BVOS BUNN 1 ... COMING SOON )Y FROM SHANGHAI" ‘SCUDDA HOO! SCUDDA HAYl’’ ii 1 li/i. •‘SITTING PR E l kTING OF I Step Out in Style and Comfort So oction free /.. so pgr- fectly tailored! Step into summer's fun with Norris Cosuals - the Sport Shirts that give comfort and good looks. Made; of highest quality cotton and rayon fajbrics: W a $ h a b I e of course. Select now from' our wide range of styles qndsizM. i • h I • '• . • ' •’ „■ n\ : Ml Thej Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggiefe’’ »5? W — ...v . % 4' r i IFF rmu csrir t RAP!