The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1948, Image 4
M - WEEK-END - I (Contitjmid i *om Pago! 1) ' (Contijjiujd irom Pafed 1) 1 Oklahoma , in a two-game aett' 1 - Friday and Situ day afternoon ! Kyle Field. [, The fiest Gull AAU Volleybnl Tournament to >e held Satu in DeWare Fielt house villi match some of the best! teams in the na» SJT | I \ -Ti [! m I The tourname: \vi nation affair, Saturday!:, am e|d - that n ght. : * A stage sht>\v ‘j rit, a double ePmii- 1 begin at 10 a. m. j Or John $. Caldwell :'dturing the orletrist ikiwe S’ CaldweU’s Jewelry Store Bryan Texas J- 4 S : j : p !r a ;>• ' -^r -TTI ^ eland Orchestra will be included the Guion Hall presentation! Muhlay night, ' , In f adaition to the regular movie, The Romance of Rosy Ridge” arring Van Johnson, patrons of e fheatve can take in this special ovi at 7:15. Admission is 25 cents >r both the movie and stage show. Wally Pierre, manager of WT- Wjj will be master of ceremonies Program For Concert Is Announced Classified Ads .! r,th . •. _ rOon with a tit minimum. 8pw> In ClnmHied Section TTfM pci BATTALION CLA8S1 a word pe ninimum. Spae on T«W pc ittaneo toi the Student Activitle* Of.' . All ads »ho\ild be turned in W W ! a.m. of the day before publication SALR- Aggie Band, under >f E. V. ' ‘ Hort Students Make Field Trip i 'iH-iH" ' r IT ; 1 H' FF A complete survey of the steps in commercial i pecan production wa? made by tpe Horticulture 418 class on a fie fielq trip last week-end mss «t*» of ^ «■ onji.” Other features include the ‘ r " gIceland’s arrangement of “Body id -Soul” and Khachaturian’s “Sa- "e i Dance; MissjLayern Hunt, local concert jajiist, will play two selections, iavmo’fe arrangement of Roger Hart’s “Blue Moon” and Bix ftoftlerbecke’s “In the Dark.” II Tf’o imodern tunes by a new girl jlist an«l a novelty number, Little Brown Jug,’ played by the rchestra ort bottles, will round at the program. 4 YOU SAvp ON AUTO, Fife & LIFE INSURANCE When YotjclIdD [RAFT INSUR ne 2-:?6r2» Wte 215 S. 4 ,' ii Plu ne ! Main St. T rT' "r. I- i W iY GRO ce Agency Ins. Company Bryan, Texas A demonstration of processing the becan from the time it reaches the shelling pljant until it is bag ged for safe [was given by the the plant at Taylor. manager of i After leaving the shelling plant, the class made) Jan inspection tour of pecan orchards, noting both the commercial and agricultural ad vantages of different varieties. Students word also pemitted to practice budding and grafting on ifl the Shirley R chords farm after watching several demonstrations. CHINESE {WITHDRAW' FROM RED CAPITAL NANKlNGj April 23 —(dPt- China 'yesterdt y gave up the old Cohimunist capital, Yenan, after little more that a year of occupa tion. The withdrawal caught the nation by surprise. Y SPECIALS EVERYDAY? I lib We ahe running sp^ iql wires bn 50 items every? week, Mondays through in addition to'our usual |^eekeml specials. ursdays, Why! Because we vaia tjp intpress upon our trade what a gobd thing! we have. Fpr \fe certainly want toijlvtain btir buying eonneetioois just as? they art 1 novjr. jj tiis vill take a volume W husiness. Our profit margins have been out, and those of opr w holesalors even njiork sd. Shorter profit margins demand! more, volume. To make ur wholesalers iyIU j)bt>.satlsfie(l with the business volume we purchase under the jw i .rrangements, w* api* Setting our sights- for double our February volume. We elietfo we haivd a good cJpnpe to reach this figure. «1 Ii iri ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ - j" i ;■ i believe you ejan iniij your entire grocery requirements here with; much satis- fdcti(jn as well fas conipaiijibh- econoipy. soiTH {side food markeIt % What’s Cooking? Adams, will ng concert at Guion April 27. will open with the “The National An- vi.c*,.. «fter this, selections such “c»35 1 ^ ll M * ior " - by - Alr<,rd ' Dar ‘ 3 aw* lofai way C nino mile* i e««d, fUb pond. 2.000 p OR SALE-ROYAL TYPI IOYAL PORTABLE TYPI jrrem portable adding ICHINES. R120.00 and up. Combir Adding A Cash Registering Machin.'-.. Immediate delivery. Call or write L. H. Adams. No obliswtlon. BRYAN BUS I- NESS MACHINE COMPANY. Dial 2-1D2S. P. O: Box 972. 107 W. 22nd St.. furnished. 20 i 9M.00 per Abstract f 1 | Wpst Collswe Park. TAPING—Brin acre. Ten^^year pa^Umt. to C-13.A, g your College after 5:00 p.m. or to the Si 1007 E. 23rjS. Phone) 2-fl|08. FOR SALE—Nice five, room house. Rea sonable. 400 Mont Iser and] Country ’ by Goldman, ana “Finale sonable. 400 Montclair Street. Call 4-R0S4. FOR SALE—House No. 41 between court* and: Project House*. Pui or unfurnished. May be eeen aijr noon. Writ* R. ,J. Carlton. Bax College Station. T iony in F Minor No. 4” iwsky, will be preaent- FOR SALE—Boy's bicycle, 20'* wheels, FOR SALE-jl941 Buick Scdnnettw; good tires. Good condition mechanically: tiires, good radio, in A-l conditiot, _ JJ W. Craii, .Klmbell-Btyan Co. 1 mne 2-7 IKS. '' ' 1 ‘ $15.00. 509 E. 28th, Bryan. I ri . t AGGIE RUTH CIRCLE, A&M Methodist Church, 7:30 p. m. Fri day, Tiome of Mrs. Jack Timmons, Apt. C-'i-D, College View. Bring magazines for Texas Prison Sys- The fifth number, “Introduc- Md T« arantella,” composed will be presented larinet Solo by Cadet 1st E. Wheeler. Follow- . , J . * I . • j | Leland to Preside At Ohio Institute -uving for married (it4ideni. 19 (imished of unfurnished. .Tehwtf . I i >1 ■ ■f. tern i i i CATTLEMAN’S BALL, 9 p. m. Friday, Sbi^a Hall. (Music by Jesse James and all the boys.) j NEWMAN CLUB informal dance, 7:30 p. m. Friday, St. Marys Chapel Basement. NEWMAN CLUB (executive council) 7:|$0 p. m. Monday, YM- CA. ing this, the band will play “Now is the Hour” by Kaihan. The nejtt number, another solo, will be Gatozzi’s “Beelzebub” given by Cadet Paul A. Allen in bass. The following numbers in order are “Barber of Seville,” an Over- T. W. Leland, head of the busi ness and acounting department, will preside; at an accounting insti- tute at Ohio State University in Columbus, May 10. Dr. Leland will preside May 22 at the' discussion on taxation. AAUP to Hear Education Report I a/V7A \JA. V 1*1^, <4X1 vr V - ture by Rossini, “Fantasy” by Cable which will include commer cial “Jingles” familiar to all radio listeners, and, Cole Porter selec tions Of “Love for Sale,’? “What is This Thing Called Love,” “You Do Something To Me,” “Old Fash- ionea garden,” “Anything Goes” and “Night and Day.” Leave your shoes at . . ^ A & M ANNEX EXCIIANt STORE Tl for Quick Repairs—Some P; as our Main Shop. HOLUCK’S BOOT SHOi j USED CAR HEADQUARTERS Professors L. L. Grandi, S. H. HopkinSj and M. S. Brooks will discuss “A. Report on the Presi dent's Commission on Higher Ed ucation” Monday at 8 p. m. | The meeting of the American Association of University Profes- soi-s will Be held in the Physics Lecture, i ? The concert will close with the hand playing “The Spirit of Aggieland.” Admission will he free. IM Norman | F. Rode, professor of electrical engineering, said that all members of thd college staff ! are invited to attend. FHA CONSTRUCTION : . ''o W t) ys.- A Complete Supply Of ! CANDIES Jones Pharmacy 101 N. Main . if ,] Bryan Built before the war to strict FHA specifications. This home features select hardwood floors and good cloeet space. It is located on a large comer lot south of the cam pus—may be purchased with rea sonable down payment and small monthly payments. ^ I ’46, Mercury, Club Coupe ’46, Ford, Tudor 46, Ford, Tudor '41, Mercury, Coupe ’41, Fond, Tudor ’40, Mercury, Sedan Coupe ’40, Plymouth, Tudor ’39, Ford, Tudor ’38, Plymouth, Tudor ’ ’38, Fond, Tudor '37, Chevrolet, Sedan ’37, Chevrolet, Tudor ’42, Ford Pick Up ’37, Ford, Panel Delivery ! a j !; CULPEPPER REALTY if COMPANY Bryan Motor Co. Your Friendly East Gate Dial 1-1101 A ' FORD QEALER in an, ! : E Bryan, Texas 415 N. Main 12. FOR SALE—Student owned' home Yext to Project House 5. El l lent v ■L...!— -.-.-j I i mil , 0 U s r PaltoAt, 23,1D4S bUBfoW WIRE valuable nnper* Return to M. W. Prfcrirr. byn' Bfttlon. Rewatvt ■ ’m vanaunB awmmmm ■i! L-.-N y . ■ \' \ /' i .1 * i ii 4 ■r ]if ti RAY’S SNACK BAR j North Gate I T“ TTjii At a meeting on April Consolidated Indepe* signed by 307 voters Board to call an elect taking action on the fo FIRsY: To bring the | authorized figure of $lj have already done. SECOND: To author > total i to a total of $125,000 to ditional classrooms lug community. . NSI OF if. 1 : IIDATED : . td of Trustees of the A&M xtrh-t received 25 petitions fet, requesting the .School istrict for the purpose of; pofFppsltfons: r L 1 ! ! 1 1 p Hm.ksaUV many other Texas schools The School set for SATURI District should go to vital to this cotnmur election. College Stat lerfed! i? L polls than is the higher learning, and itjpow our public schools in tN4 Dist WE THINK OUR BEST FOR ITS (4 BLE FOR THE S< DEMAND! COLLEGE STA: AND CHAl 1 Board to ishue boou'iipl tnictlou and repair of ad- e.Ypaadlng needs of a gr<m - he election, and the date is qualil very qualified voter of the vote, as no issde Ls more one to be decided by this ne of a great Institution of ipes a question of whether ? haB sxxffer by comparison. V DEMANDS THE VERY i|et1s make it IA1.S TO MEET SLOPMENT O P08SI- 1 THAT DMMERCE i K , ASS’N. i 1 .■i i. m ■m m ma m mi ~\ s aunderette Way l£mw ilsA'irL ii l Entire Week’s Wash Done Automatically \ It 3 t. U M While You Wait or Shop I i KL IMPORTS I rmg your laundry to LAUNDERETTE and place it in the I endix or we vrijU ' iach Bendix ta c! lines as you ntjed 5!. Add soap—wait of shop while the Bendix does your work THE UNITES WAY TO WASHDAY FREEDOM .iA“ NT—All clothes are pre-soaked in in water before washing. .^1 for you at no extra charge. ft to 9 lbs.—you can use as many ma- home in 40 minutes—cleansed, sweet, Dibs. I;. ! ! \ ■ 1 Ji,!: I- WASHED RINSED PHILIP MORRIS i i i is so much better to smoke! iSl BP ii ! I ; 1 U' r Lliiffi b' 1 ip' L ND / '• ’ j; ' DAMP DRIED i ^ RETTE DRIED .. T 11 1 -V v * \ The grandest s ..’V. i, 'I, 111)' It’s true, if e\ct X MORRIS smoker ■ I *•] famous BENDIX automatic LALNDRYS ! Hi I W. R. McCullough, ’25, owner ! — TWO LOCATIONS — - Southside 4-1170 Station L . ■ • V 108 N. Washington Phone 2-1304 Bryan j to PHILIP M|C)1 _Yes, the PHII 1 what other smokd SMOKING PUE -So for perfect today! /• only Sure '-j. | is . • /• l«l r ■* il jj' 1 mm I’ve ever enjoyed! knew What PHILIP they’d ALL change 11 r OI ; JnS|amokpr really gets L' V, PERFTCT J . r ljtty apack i' 1 h • !' -I, j. L, ALWAYS BETTER-BETTER AIL '!* I yL r I I i •JJ J. - ...... ♦ (I