The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1948, Image 3
i- -i> 3 i r To % •• "r 'V. ■ nFF r ! Trackmen Jour For Drake; Relays ■ Mile Relay Teams^Kadera, Goode! r * * petingi the sprir Las I White tl . Stone an( y.rjthe irip i< I f' hour euo atnieue ut ueorgc S ghtsiilL, minute arrival inly dads to 14. 3. I). Hampton, L Uowing hurr.eiii ele tsi on trie p^itt paftment. . ivaui-ra, SW( diL_ r . y champioi: wno aid not coivUeLe >_in uic ninsas Ifieiays lost necli, leu Vy.eJnesaay logetiier iritn the A&M‘Track teajgi, wove in Des Moines, Iowa, today, com thd Drake; Relays, annual two-day cindeaf carnival that] is one of Is will be heli he four-mile rel ly team boosted the total of Malroon and quartet, compo .ed of Joe ^fcGlothlin, Carrol Hahn), Webster riSt ' •H ’ the emu e sprint re»ay teal Of Hooert t: all, Wtbb jay^ :air-| don ana v* arr<n Wusba. knjeli latter n ur »ili enteri the'SeijJ 5 i • sjiiii irom Texas y. a ■ . r 1 1 ■' ■' 4 I reuy wijiie koci Gooae will for mi» a»ut in^ MO/| j tUne gn up Joins’ me five trackmen wno'aryiveu in Des nes earut r in trit week rrpni sas wner ! tney competed i: Kansas ieiays. itioiuacu it buncn a e miri uooue an i crack mu s relfiy team of Dor don> iiirvjn tsiiaerimckj |Kay btook aril. Art ttiurnuen; u i. » TliUs,k&i«i Win ueidilthrdj old tire reijy teams ’— the slnat, mne, aj.d tour mile j— ; p ns a ^"iher we.gntlian anu uoode, son—fn enter i|e javelin. i ? -T 1“-. , ■ si “T?! -t , . . season to Texas’ unbeaten 440 squad,: anchored by Charley Par- Kadera, defeated by Minnesota’s Fortune Gordem in the discup at the Ttjxas Keiays has since Deaton ;•[ Goruieirs winning toss ana win he shooting for the winners circla at Drake; xn piactice, Kadera has bet- tired 170 teet— s'ix feet over the exisung bWC record—twice since tne Keiays. Hjis best toss waiji itl feet six inches. The Aggies will be joined at Drake by an 11-man contingent — ' 1 7-7- —FT Tf TTf r— ! ! | ..Ve • . i Fish Baseballers Meet Baylor Cubs By JAMES D«4NDA the nninf DeWi It wasi at Draae last yea Ttfeat the fcivvii cnampion mue team melj its lust and itmiy 01 tne y|ar. Tne Aggihs fn, ond to i|icni|gan in tnfej fig fast tim| ol oilW 1 . . 1 ’ bince fiat time, the Ag^i' a lost omylonc^in trie wITite in New |Jrieknsh-|wneni a baton cifcc tne Angles ii5 Thqy JoA that/rare to L. whom tn|y nave since ieatei’ Tne four-mile quartet defeatejl in its two previou iUgs, h&vin|’' 4nhexed| the as «elajys croWn jm Austin weens |go and the Kansai Tne'sfnm rejiaV teajm ha! nsistent secorji [ . > lays tiife last week. nil reji r.unmng|a cons ,ctn t t~~\ S ' •! i ! MimtiiiiK'b 00 for M.45 ACCl H- (fct New Cooper Battery fcor Hurler-less Giants b a e nd s4 h k ! ay JAMKiB LICAJ^UA ,, Riding the crest|of a five- game winning streak, Coach Charlie DeWare’s freshman nine travels to Waco tomor row for a tilt with tjhe Bay lor Cubs. It will be the sec ond i(rip for the Cadets this week, Saturday’s game will mark the eleventh time the Fisjh have trot- ! BUCKNER, Mo., —M— ThJ New | T otic Giants could arrange Crioper battery this: sea- a pinch. v ! \ Morton, the pitcher, isn’t play ing tnis year, but Tne Giants nave , Warner as a caicner, and bis . year-old daugnter, Sara, shows /hurling talent. j *At the recent achievement day program for Jackson courity senool students, Sarah wop thc| baseoall throw for third grade ♦airis. girls with a toss of 68*6 feeu. 11 III. That's enough to curry front the : v|l pitcher's moupd to home plate, tl*- with eight to spare 14- " -GEORGETOWN, Tex., April 23 ihi*e —i/t-i—Harold “spot” Cohms, one l m<jet Aggie Team Meets Southwestern Tecu Today, Saturday Baseball resumes it# activity on Kyle Field this afternoon a.’the varsity meets the Southwestern Tech nine from Weatheiford, Ok lahoma. Taking a breather from SWC competition, the Aggies fgee one of the toughest teams in Oklahoma^ college competition at 3 p, m. to day and tomorrow^ Thedwch men took the crown of the South Cen tral Oklahoma conference last spring and are winners of five out of seven this season. | i> 1 1 -'H trap — —— irig their tenth win. Only once have the freshmen fallen , Tmt vta two v|eeks ago when they dropped to tne Sam Housljon Staftje Bearkats. i! rii Aggies and Bruins have already met once this season. 0# that occasion DeWare’s slug- clubed Coach Jim Marino’s 4)ng staff for thirteen base hnee ,—ia-i—Harold “bpot” Collins, one ilfc' time ace blocking back of me Chi- ' li ■' versify ot Texas, is new head fbot- 1 ball co adversity versity ot Texas, is new head, foot- en ball coach at Southwestern UmV m.Lversity. f ■ ! x — JSFKCIAL Uh h EK $5,00'for $2.45 STUDIO , station, Texas ’ . v f h' E R S EAUTl|? UL SiLVERTONE PORTRAIT > 1 for i only $2,45 [TS COSlffiMOUNTED IN A NICE FOLDER” its to Select From j — Satistaction Guaranteed for copywork.' > . ,j Afegies for 28 Years” • ■i 1 ' M I m. < ! 1 xj7 • rll > •hj . -j j •M -f- f is and a Urn if thdir agsir mark when hits ever, rnavi I'Th dyts tha • sel4 er Ml Wallace, and Sonny bollros 1 right fieldef Bill Warrinef. TBs left side of .the Cadet in field, Guy Wallace and Sonny Boll- man is setting a torrid pace at the date for the club. Wallace has hit iafely nineteen times this sea son in thirty-five offical trip? to maintain a .543 mark. Bollman has an uverage of .487 with eighteen blow|s in thirty-seven tries. :lorinouhdsmen will have Work cut out for them once The Farmer nine’s batting stiffened a big drop Tuesday the Fish were held to four jy Blirin Junior College. How- Ithe Cadets still boast a tieam of .337. ere /will be at least six Ca- starting tomofrow’s game are currently hitting in the t ^00 circle. They are catch- Uob Graham, infielders Bill herson, Joe Savarino, Guy- ace, and Sonny Bollman, and Shown above spiking the volleyball is FRANK GREGG, ace spiker for the Houston YMCA Volleyball team which will participate in the Gulf AAU Tourney here Saturday. The Houston sextet, form er national champions, i'-Ti seeded number one. First Gulf AAU Volleyball Tourney Scheduled for DeWare Saturday . jo •' ' Ji| I ! j . ;IJ . ■ I 1 J ; A day-long, six team, double-elimination tournament will be field Saturday as the First Gulf AAU Volleyball Meet opens at DeWare Field House. The tournament, conducted under the sponsorship of the A&M Volleyball Club, will get underwway at 10 Satur day morning and continue through- out the day. Entered in the meet are YMCA squads from Houston, Dallas, Wa co, Fbrt Worth, and two teams from A&M. The Gulf AAU has made ar rangements to award a trophy to the winning team and Stu dent Activities will award med als to the first, second and third place; finishers] | f ' | Thf Houston ‘fY” team, on the basis of its national standing, bas been seeded number one in the tourney, with the Waco sextet seeded second. The Houston squad has previously won the national title and placed third last year. om* Earl Beesley, with four wins to his credit and one defeat against him, will be the starting pitcher i ^ this afternoon. Earl ijt the present time has over 55 innings of pitch ing in conference competition to his credit,! more than any other hurler in the circuit. The Aggies also have two lead ing batsmen on their roster- Both Tex Thornton and Bobby Fretz are among the tea leading hitters of the SWC. Each nit homeruris against S)MU last Sat urday in Dallas. : ; I 'i i ' ! In Saturday’s game against the j Tech nine, coach Marty Karow I plans to use either, Bobby Fretz or Alvis Nixon. Both have a con ference win to their credit. Fretz picked up a game ugjainst the Bay lor Bears while Nixon wenti all the way over the SMU‘MustdnK* this past weekend. Fretz has been suffering from a charlie horse but may see action on the hill thiejj weekend. After this pair qf games, the Aggies rest until Tuesday when they journey to Waco to finish put their games against the Bay lor (Bears. - HENDERSON, Te —The oldest base Teixas history is season here John Crow, 96-ye >f Rjph, will “ first pitch and rother. Genet he backst 1 \ RlS Page 3 r^p-R- -rwr 0W8 Completion | 111 i i r* 7 it: ■ New athletic dressing rooms and offices for the coaches under the west side stands of Texas A&M College’s Kyle - Field Stadium will AtuSm michael announc The project v mutely $l6o,00(l. within three week*. ryestertl R. Car- need Yesterday, will cost approxi- j -• r . ond thousands of them are irorktiHj at top speed for YOl^ i :cs.. . wirejs::: wires by the hundreds f thousands! Imagine picking out each : ,.. leading it to ixs proper tephinals telephone ce ntra l office ...soldering . |t diere!; ' ust be done on each new switch- >oi ird or dial switching installatiori before bN- 0 ’ r Ek IW y. teipf! It f 1 ¥ Ip w t ijan hail jell teli die your calls. i.; CUNT ' r dephone^central olhce equipment 1 s pstalled by Western Elearic Jpd' this ; ob today requires a mobile force of n<( re than 31,000 installers. They;are in- i ; ita ling more central office equipment ! than ever before, 1 I ■ r. ’ ^ ; or sixty-six years, Western Electric has betn a part of your Bell, telephone ,ser- — hejlping to make it the world’s' »t at the lowest possible cost. w r'.'x (v, Electric SYSKM SINCI U82* Hi Here’s a famous B.V.D. Short for active men. It fits snugly to give sup port, and sjach unusual comfort features as the conveniently adjustable waistband, reinforced mless One A&M squad will be cot posed of Ned Bunson, Jqe Bell, Guy Dawkins, Howard Devaney, Walter Arbuckle and Victor Welfe. The othei team represent ing A&M will consist of Curtis Rajr, Red Wisenhunt, Gene Reed. Jim Mamarchev. -Wayne .Wim berly. and Bcb Miller. Ah exhibition rnitch between two championship girl teams will be Jlhyed Saturday night at 7:00 p. rii. bringing together the Tem ple All-Stars and the Grand Prize team of Houston. X FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . j• ■ j ■ is rr • \ College Shoe Repair North Gate — J •} For Your Sjioi-tlng GoikIs Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2->832 T X - —? crotch and the sea seat make Brev a buy. best In •am. u-a mt. os. ; ; Marumpetf, 1 -4- — — -s- 1 i p Wm KEEP YOUR CAR mi Let us a lean»»d Repair Your.. ; y Hot Weather-Dri- ONE? DAY SERVE ' ■ rhona 2-1684 . If —M —■ ■— — ; i : . . , ,| : il . | I | There are only tv(o sets of quin tuplets alive today#—tlje Dionne sisters born in Canada in 1934 and the Diligent! quintuplets born in 1943 in Argentina. 1 .: “I’m so happy to find a really wonderful place tp eat J . . and it’s so conven ient! | M j ? , ! A.&M. GRILL , j North Gate ! T\ ■ * t ‘ rg \ '“I. IN TfTT Xl, XT IT" THE GREENS NEASSER-WKEN^ TO SPALDI NEW MODELS’ . BALANCED TO Ringing wei TKEBALL ANdACCURAC' WOOD PATENTED 6i VOOR grip! WAN tor rrtTKOSk NBW SPAL0IN6 WOODS VOl RC USING/ !v# NEW I, SPALDIWO WOODS .. V XL Ask Yourself The $64 K BY JON(5 r~y ,. - ■ I M o«d Top-Flit* at yowr Fro only. S THE PACE IN SPORTS i. I I X 1 ' vi i. “Do you want to know whether you will be a success? R| ■ 4 i 4 1_ If so, the test is simple. Can you save money? If you \ ‘ ’ '.t 1 i " !■ * '. - J j , * cannot, you may as well drop out, for the seed of success is not in you.” j j , ; | : j " j! 1 • ! ’ —JAMES J. HILL ' , I ; ■ : T 1 r 1 - IT ■ : T M The Great Railroad Builder •j 'j ^ 4-i ' j" i T ' ; j T Any veteran is urged to seek our assistance on any problem concerning National Service Life Insurance CGSJ^Esto >NEY L. LOVELESS, ’38 Manager College Station Agency fj . |\ ASSOCIATES: a E. Burgeqp, ’29 Weldon L. Mapfes, ’43 x Johrniy; Longley, ’43 - • X '■T<FT .••I m y _ • short ■ri I > PH H. E. HooksB, 35 M. M. (Rip) Erskine Tom Stewart ^ L Flop Colson-H-Qeneral Insurance rt, ’41 V: ,i i.. [. & ' •wn , ; ' i; ■ " i i, ; - . = j' i American General life ins S . 1-| ’ Holton, 1)^ (l “Ljfe Insurance A iblip. — . j 'J' i. v :r J ' N-K-'i \/r : T i / j- . 1 . ■ XJU; of i:X y'&t-i 4 'll. i • j j. | - * j ’ * i| l ' ance Company Hi- : / / •i * I w . :