The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 21, 1948, Image 4
'v .n w— ; I’ : ) UP TO'A I! ;-Y'AR CPI T'TH' SOU H EFYO'KIN AFORE HE :1 ir ;7 ■———1WWJ 'ARCSUSE , kMJ THINfe FPf fa that Y(M i, Gert? OSSl t a +“ jj ^ Hpr? ■ ■ii >n*g" '.• a i YCUCAhfT SP iHD MONIES AT WE SOUTH PG -E. WRITE DOWN HERE ERE YOU wAntyoui SENT. 1 >?■ SB** mik, -M SSPfli: .. .mm * MOW'D YO' LIKE T'MARRY THIS fine, strong gal- M WNE.TOr ^NTTHKI «OD0AW»f, an'HAVE YORE RAY SENT r HER ? LOOK HER O/EP, qooo.T- WON'T BE HER AGIN FO* FIFTEEN Y'ARS.r & m «ith F: 1* Wei] Phones I I Pkces Put In . By LOWPLL B. (jlJRE What j You ha 1 to wait three hours for a long distance telephone ijn the YMCA? Thp Stuxleut Senate recognized this inconvenience last October and appointed a committee con-, sisting of Neal Ga’lowuy, cnairmaii; Charlie Kirkham. and Luther. Teiry. Ml - The cqmmattieei coHtactc npijicd pla istar ce to| phone Company ini) pla^s Working pv ith IMah of jJlldn . to install mpre Ion CoippujB L. Penbcrt|iy and | Bennie ^ini, f, assistant d -an of in«n, the com mittee selected the to law inf \ places for itelephohes tci be in stalled for pse twetitj-fodt houih a day: Four phoiios iii ’poijm ipi, one pn Hart Hall, o id in Gthodwiii and ope ip Walton. The plan has ico)mi| oijti, of the of pod Tape are alrep ly anq are rn ee—lthat the ill bt naileil and] Waltjon njaterSal ■Valley of th i^Shtidbw and the foir phones ■' installed in Dorju Il2. an* use. Southv esltejn [T >lep|i|ine -assured the commtitti j rest of thef phones I v into Hart, kkjodwin, aa soon as ]the recju I'- isite) p 3 battb squeezes through tfhq bottlenecks. The senate committee ran ia quick. su r v|y ; of where the avaip- ' ' ' ’ ‘ are. fv 1 )uthwestern States Tele- situhted around the campus and caipe up with these results: in tie liege I View, onpj in Campus Corner, ! bnq iri Dundan, onie in Anchor Hdll, one in Americjtn Legion Hall, one in the Project House area, one at the Blue Top Courts, one in tho Agtpeland Pharmacy, and bne in Bus. Station. here is communication w|th the ide now, but there will be more ently. | • p j;^ : ! 'j Library Notice Any student who has received a copy of “The Fig” by Ira diti which does not belong I to is [requested to notify Mrs. ( areff, ijirder librarian. !| . Con-) to him G. LJ MEN!] M E A ^ Y • |WAi:. 9 ti> dial Ml 658 in [ rr fir aijreja! CoirMagqL 4 .] yftur- b it '4ppir< elate a i|or BLOSSOM SHOP ryjan I 102 S. Main Ph. 2 1656 •| 215 S. ■t YOUpAVEO }\l I Main St J—* yftur-date can’t help e.from the . . as Ai am?; , eration nomy Society Students Cooperation letter addressed to all br and clubs, the Agro yesterday expressed i to student groups ration , and partfei- the Cotton Pageant and (V held Friday night er reads as follows: gronomy Society of Tex- wiihes to thank all clubs nizations for their coop- id for the beautiful Classified Ads SELL WITH' A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Bate* . . .. 3< a word pe> inucrtioD with a tit minimma. Spao rate* in Ctaaiftod Section 60# Jg 'lolnmn inch Send aU el#«iifi«U ww remittance to the Student Activitle* Of ficA AU ari» should-be turned hi b>! 18:00 a.m. of tho daj before publication 0U N. TYPING—Brinir your themp* and thosis to C-18-A, t’ollojfo View Apartmeota. after 5:0U p.m. or to the Soriho Shop, 1007 K. 2»hL Phone 2-0705. FOR SALE-ROYAL TYPEWR ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRIT PORTABLE ADD1NC CHINES, $120 00 and up. Combination PaaVi RMriat^rincr Mnrhirifq: duchesses which made the 14th >tftn ; Pag e best in history. Had we Pageant and 13tyle Annual Co alSwla l , not had your support and cooper ation, it would never have been the show] it was. i are looking forward to your ation in the pageant next reafjand in making it bigger and latter than this year’s or any in Mb IT I 1 " Organization! Mrs. W. M. Wilcoxen of Gal- vestcli fwiU be the guest speaker at art organizational tea sponsored ■I H 1 rr HANGERS’ MODELS in midriff swim suite were vociferous ly applauded by Aggies as they came down the! runway at the Cotton I'aireanf, Flriiiav nierht. , , ; t! ’ 111 Jtton Pageant Friday night. ■■Km--- r—^—' ;; ; j J i j Delaine Merino ■Ram Purchased By a. Hi Department . The animal husbandry depart ment has purchased a Delaine Mer ino rani that won [top honors at the San Angelo Fajt Stock Show rtndiat the Gillespie County Fair in Fredericksburg. N ATJTol FffiE, & LIFE INSURANCE ■ Whan Yoju Call— j' '.. .KR.‘ tFT INSURANCE AGENCY v* Phone !-262f) — Istarei Farm Ins. Company 1 4- — MOTHER’S! D )0 for $5 . , 'T A G Brjan, Texas li . ; : ■ Thursday, April 22, YMCA Read ing Robin. g FISH AND GAME CLUB, 7:{j0 p. m., Thursday. Talks by J. Baughitan and Dr. Thomas Scott LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, 7 p m., Thursday,; Room 126, Aqn demic. | PANHANDLE CLUB; 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Room 228, Academic. RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, YMCA VICTOR portable ADDING MAi CHINES, $120 00 and up. Combinatl Adding: k Cash Retriitering: Marhim Immediate delivery. Call or write L. Adam*. No obligation. BRYANf.iBUSl NESS MACHINE COMPANY, Dial 2-1828, P. O. Box 972, 107 W. 22nd St.. Bryan, Twcas. May 1. Mrs. Wilcoxen is chaimum of the state committee on membership for the AAUW. The Association^ a national or ganization bringing together ove 73,000 women college graduate^ is a spokesman for higher educa tional standards, wider opportuni ties for women, and international understanding. j! ’ . The local chapter invites a|l women interested in the work DR SALE—-Lof 1 4 6510 ^' LV>n FOR iBALE-NIco sonable. 400 " FOR SALE—'42 J«* shop painted. Bo> 1 Room 209. FOR- bALE-Pur- {bred! ool Stowart Worncr ! table 1 agmiMue rn<j«md •Jplabcv radio. 2215 EfhoM; Bryi|n.i LARGE A»»ortment» of Smal [ 10^ dlacount. W’Json ■ ''mmop Pleape notify Mrs. Suga ilf at library if you ha\> receive* \ The Fig. by Ira J. (Condit w||-1 belong to you. A HOME WITH jHTrt' ! !fj A {distinctive buff 'era ivory oomforL sidesmen a m boasts a h*her l-j ■ by the, American Association of University W be held in the YMCA at 3 p. m SUL BOSS LODGE NO. lit (falleq i meetin at ( 5 liind 171 p.j Et A! d<-gr<f- AFAAII Thpr Work that of- home re lot beautifully land- d and Ls protected by high lotions. Each of the two bed- have ample closet space, will be comfortably: at home porch which GlI^H 11ST. W RECORDS School & the AAUW to attend the ten. omen, The tea will •f FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . L College Shoe Repair North Gate IM • I 1 "Chesterfield and I are . Supplies ALL YOUR HAS' wood burning fireplace - gt|od buy at $10,500.00. I ' g ;fp [] i '• Hi ' ' ' ! i! ;; j! ■/■ FHA CONSTRUCTION A; beautiful small two bedroom home built far a small family 1 . This home features; select hard wood flooring, insulation in roof, car j port and good storage space, can be bought for very small down ent and $45.00 per month for; fears at iffe. Our office opiyi Sunday afternoon 2:0^ 'til 6:00 ! I - I ’ lit. j I I CULPEPPER Ittealty Company Phjlne 4-1? ■ . , 1/ .! il 1 irs MY SMOKE. 1 !lil 1 .1 m FRIENDS. I ' i m ■ CORONER CREEK" COLUMBIA'S FORTHCOMING CINECOLOR PRODUCTION j il B ! ii - :■! :•! Hi: i:; Chapel. i : ,.u> — SPECIAL OFFER 45i! I • S5.(XI for S2.45 gieiJand studio CGDegG Station, Texas •; OFFE R S C 8x10 beautifIul silvertone portrait I fqt. Gnlv $2.45 < MP MOUNTED IN A, NICE FOLDER” 1 — Satisfaction Guaranteed Not g|)od for copywork. “ALU PORTR/ Proof! to Select FYom 1 ' ■ t ']■ : i 11 11 ITS POJ t From “Seuwing Aggies fqr 28 Years” .! I GOV. GREEN >WLL The ! ram was purchased f,oni I K PHILADELPHIA April 21 j- 1 Owen! Bragg, Dclaihe breeder, of 21 ~ Talpa, Texas for $^G0. In making! '■ the announcement o|f the purchase] ^ J 1 . 0013 - will deliveiv the keynote J.([A. Gray, professor of animal address at tho Republican Nation- hiisbandry, stated that the newly a Convention this summer, acquired rajm would be used for breeding purposes with the college flock. The college owns! about 30 De laine Mepdno ewes j and it is ex pected that some diesirable breed ing will result from! the use of the newly purchased ram. - 1 ; What’s Looking? BAYTOWN CLUB, Thursday, i 7:15 p.m., 106 Aeajdeinie. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB, i [Thursday, 7:15 p-pL. J127 Aca- Idemic. . 1 [ • i r ; ! CATTLEMAN'S BALL, 9 p. m, [ Friday, Sbisa Hall. iMusic by Jesse James and all the boys.) ;DEL RIO CLUB, 7:30 p. rm, I s im MIH i ^ ftl 4 j I- 'ia^ T'; WITH II Ml Im 7 '* L-I l\ '• t-h. •; ir- . '■ i 1 11 mm •1 ■'p ’![• TfS NO surprise: ; ;r \ M- Some folks are surpri .1 » i at the excellent Work * K | {‘j/ 1 . ! i . !.' ■■! 1: and prompt service > they get Aggie Cleajoers. But it’s no surprise that Aggie Gleam • . .’I want it cleaned better to me! I’ve always kilo f- .I BETTER were 1 s in town if you ffijl IT HERE! wn i ^ ' ' V ^ •' . ‘I:;.:;' Cleaners & Dyers ■ : ‘ I ;| ’j ■ : ——rv-—- • > • Tt r. j f FANS Relax . . .- a Gcnteral Electric Pan will cool ydu off with whisper-quidt breezes. 1 G-E smED FAN lO” Oscillaling quiet blades beautiful bronv. • iinUb, can be ^placed on deA qr on floor. |[7f ) 1111 1 • G-E SUPERQUIET FAN S'/i’'Oscillating, qui<it Vottulex blades, hand- come two-tone bronte finish. •I torry „ Electric Funs [i Hi McCuIloch-Dansby <ewpl«te tins of Gtnval ^ -vry cooUn, oSl Bryan, Texas If mBBm.imm ■MMCMVIW ■ i •' L, •! I I l'.|: | ■ i.H ' I / ... . mm .. _ v. r 1 I ,u T-v.| T 1 'm ■v ■< «• ; ...-Ifv r; m 'mmn i * i i 5 \ f\ i 'I" ris;.! 1 :1:- • i m 'A- v - <| jplii SI MY.,. I ( FROM A SERIES OF STATE/ “Chetterfield in my about 16 years, t lik really satisfy. I kno them j.. it's the bes ^Chesterfield ■ I i If wmmm it : light, ripe, i.prices for tK 'hem the Chesterfield OMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) been smoking them for —^- they’re mild and tobacco that's in their tobaefo It’S top ■ T 'j J; ii: ^ All Zi-, the ’i, ' TOBACCO M — I r J S" . I t.fl Ik ■ 1 . j '{ \ rt t ih I -rri": i