The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1948, Image 2
•AY, APRIL 20,1948 l TMi , J y Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentle Sullivan Ross, Pounder of * all for the Absent.. iii i j • i rrjT Wedjesdky is th6 bigjgest day of the year for Agg|B8. ajid Aggie-eXe$ all over the World. On {the fevering of San 1 Jacinto Day, the solemn Roll IQall for the Absent will he con ducted, Jiot joinly at College Station fmt in occupied^ couiitr es from Japan to German Trizoniai injeVeiy city arid hamlet of Texas. SenuJ A«M (ustoms lave" been ca led in question^duriing the past iwelve months. Not so the miistdf.lAlong with the friendly “Hel lo” and ihe -Aggie hand shake, the San Ja-’ dnto D4' master is honored by all whc know Sincl 10o|, th|e|' muster tradition .has grown i|to a htige impres|ive rite. That year studentsf fai ,a holiday but vowed to at t alio OKI AliS f- r . Traditions il. ... n1 • : i •• [ A j; j ; jj -j j •-! ful radio stations of the Texas Quality Net- work. At 6 p. m. Wednesday evening, every Ag gie on the campus should be on the Admin istration Building lawn or at such muster- spot as has been assigned to him. We have a date with Aggies who hav&gone before. a^.; ff * J Tr ROLL CALL FOR THE ABSENT meet onfthat dite in y suc<ieeding years. This promise Ihas; been fulfilled. tom became During the u ar tne c nationally Imow i, after clave on Cqrregiddr a fell, on In maj Our loyalty to country, school, we pay. . And seail oiir pact with bond of common might Two {years a Dwight Eisenho M inter- ggiies met iji con- w days before it mthe Rhine e Field, -wit aker, Roll C i <Jen. all for agaeineJ which fexplained the his- ackgroimd of oifr unusual custom, irnardo O'Higgiis, Chilean patriot, w$g killkd dinging the refo/t against his namje was! still Called at every and some one answered rHere.” We do the same ev|ry Apr: 1 21.*—call out the names of Aggies dead during jthe year, and lisjten as some/distant wipe cries mt “Here V This! year al Texas will be ]isto.. i .. 6 , t .. the soleinn Avord-i" the songs of the Singing Cadets,: the plaintive solbing of the trum- ■jpets in ; Silver Tapsj is cia|Tied by the power- ,ny lands and climes this April day roud sons of Texas A. and M. unite Ity to country, sc seal oiif pact wit mm 1 * ; i ,, nl;i 1J. . ! ' |p : j • . 1 | ■ I We live:again those happy days of yore On campus, fields in classroom, dorm, at ■ ('#41] 11 | Fond memory brings a sigh—but nothing ISwmJI .j‘i: : J t i Now we are men and life’s a greater thrill. : i On Corregidor three jfeafs ago today ; : A band of gallant Aggies, led by Moore Held simple ritesjwhich to us all doth say: The spirit shall prevail though caiinon roar! .'! I- . Before we part and go upon our way, We pause to honor those we kneW so ■ T ■ The old familiar faces we miss so much today Left cherished recollections that time cannot dispel. Softly call the (muster . !■ ■!' j... Let comrade answer, “Here!’' Their spirits hover round qs As if to bring us cheer! —Dr. John Ashton, ’06. ■mm New Tarzan Weismueller 1.^. By CONJRAD TWIGGINS Dear Diary: Poor Jot ought by RKO; ithont a Job! nny Weismueller! He has joined the rank;s of the unemployed, and RKO is shopping for a new iTarzan. a letter just the other day from an RKO talent scout inqijiririg for some husky btuiser to wear Johnny’s lo.n cloth and sv infc ^ on hfe vines and yodel his |pe- Tfj Riic Editor, Battaliori:) •j K th| e - Ji - i n: - 11 CQjnposec represeni does it ikp; r • • 1 j ^ j. ., ; jy, 1 • • iji Letters to the Editor R tALSEf tipn, to me, a*plot to discredit opr Texas men with their wives and sweethearts. After all what girl can kiss a man knowing full well that he isn’t 6’ 3’’ and muscular? And if elected I promise to see that every man gety a loin cloth. al WisihesI of the few that fo^m it? Meeting Mere is vhy il as c: jl J „ As fen The^e s a-rum «- (yea, B know Board ojf Directors and h ? w; ^arl^irumc^4rt| #ome) questtonT You*have^stated Or im ^roing; ari mild, the famplus'that this Just onfe thing Mat has been ac- tn rfo^rimont of vniiv committap. has tak' tnemsielv^s td chaiigeTtneis rfng. They pi rumor, to d ill-designed fo now! has and ; niftk* itj Imijo tepfed chiink of 10 5 gjold. L Ever since]the ring desg changed “yjialr ba :k (yondeii” the Wesent form has jeeh in lu*, car- led; by Aggies through j World Jar’ll i md to al corners |bf the forid.- To -the jpre 3ody, thi shape cjf Ja now i Want! M Aggie j^r.. t (Ed. that jitft its JkejtoiRwveiit as 4hat AVa| myself. iTAme w ithh Notei Just a ru I’ 'i^’ REPRESENT A' 'Ke Batta .ion: irds to lyoijif ~ NO Sditor, Jorirad fTwiggms Ad yo ilion fe Wpu iitori in the Cadet Corps is tjie Aggie BAT! UNFAIR TO SENIORS ‘'T. ay 0 L life ^i the l l . we, tH- n0t St {Editor, The- Battalion: rebuttal to sonie of the remarks made at Wed nesday’s infamous meeting bf the your cohort “Conrad Twig- cry and thwart mean men trying to enslave innocent Ubangis, all of which used to be his private domain, , ’ j |' It’s a fine opportunity for someone abundantly blessed with muscles to earn himself a swikn- ming pool and Cadillac convert ible;, but poor Johnny! The new Ape Man, according to the letten to President Gilchrist, { “should be between 22 and 25 ysars 1 old, an excellent swimmer and gen eral all around athlete. He should have broad shoulders, full chest and muscles fully developed yet not to an abnormal extreme, “Although acting experience would of course be helpful,; a strong face able to project a pleas-1 logt thah never ^ have mg personahty is even more im-1 a ii portaht.” i (Acting Ability ould essential when “Am t don’t know whajt Johnny will turn to next. Probably demon rum will get hold of mm, he’H go squander his fortune at Mon te Carlo, and then perhaps he’ll marry one of those foreign heir- esiies. Oh, once you start down, there’s just ho stopping. I • guess Johnny’s had his last bath in that clear jungle pool. 1 guess he’s got the last soap from hts ears in that swimminghole. But. it is better to hav6 laved and laved at humorously Mrmed shen fit to present [opinionated side of the upon complished in the recent past by to the dpteriment of your W the seniors Atlilp esent f|tu<|:iit the riing ric ririgj Any ish( “I'of a meeting of the seniors with!# ow " emss warns to Board, Jmd just one thing that has contro your entire editorial policy. been accomplished by the Student w No th .!^ |° u d be u f tr f ue - aW Y t Senate that the administration )vas reah J f that , ou , r . clas » s fa *’ f l a not already in favor of. from perfect, which is witnessed flat In sport, The Battalion, in; toy K tl ^ V b K a !f ' n ' ij ... suit battle which can he of no good to either concerned party, and we would not want to silence a powerful corrective voice, when M E FINDLEY both sidcs of the question are pre- . j " * -j !• j[ ; lented. 1 Junior, 18 ; The facts, are, however, that P. S.—I’m not ashatoed tb put you have failed on numerous times A liv. t* V V** 11 V/11 J 111 I lli^y was Opinion^ is about as representa tive of ^.ggie opinion as The Daily Toxan and about half as interest- mBsIEm f’-rmwBM t The edneenfsus c f Agpie iminion Resent Aggie opinion. I supposte that the views of our clalss be “ ‘ W.SM!SSS M SM’SS^'MSS! it is ailicf I feel ashamed to sign my name. «e shall continue to ask that our ■ n’ “ i j ' ■# ' : views and convictions be presented “MTrnTv ittptv in The Battalion, as it is onljy pro- MIGHTY Firri-^IYK ];] , )er that the cofpg editor should at Editor, The Battalion: least present the views of the body ir. be represents, and if he dots not tli Tb mr^w er of 1 fhe\uffh e tv n Ffitv ) a ^ ree w5tb them ’ bo certainly has Ftv, Sc? adthe right to print his views and Lk rS . L Z 13,- a rl»l *0? fa™ ™ them. article by viy rfc W ' Wo do not think that the Senior the corps, we would suggest:! t r . - >■ hardly be essential when gow-ah” is all Tarzan ever ’lotvs.) “He Should approach a minirhiim height of G’ 3” in stocking ft et,” (he letter said. Obviously hey have set their marks pretty high (P'jnji. Mh Stacy Reach, Talent lle- partment, RKO Radio Pictures, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, NeW York 20, N. Y. is the ad dress to which! potential tiee- swingingers should apply, v ith pictures and vital statistics. I can’t 1 imagine why the scout addressed h.s hoce to A&ivl My platform, in the race for chairman of the Lower Biazos County Thought Control Assojia-, has just added another plank in the light of RKO’s search— every man a Tarzan! I propose that the qualifications be lowered to 4’ 11”, anemic, bald and flat- footed. This looks like discrimina- LEWIS MAY GET JAIL SENTENCE Expansion of Forest By Broader Use of E ' •' ; "■ ’■ ft '• Hi i n • ' I • Expansion of ail phases of forestry through broader use of all the facilities of the was envisioned in a statement Saturday by Pres GiMrist. In a study now being made of the forestry college, the president said he rec-.f’’ ognized the need for strengthen ing the program in the three broad fields of conservation, research, and education. The study ill made by a group of college members, Including 8. L. acting director of the Forest Ser vice. ; j.i.'• “We are particularly interested in the possibilities of bringing into full use of all the research facil ities of our Agricultural Experi ment Station and the educational and informational facilities of our Extension Service, in the forestry program,” President Gilchrist said. “A start has been mad*! in this direction | by the special training courses established in forestry for our county agents from the forest areas, addition of undergraduate courses in forestry, and through a number of other cooperative pro jects, but much more is yet to be done in this line.” State forestry has been ad ministered by A&M through its Texas Forest Service division since 1915, and has gained na tional recognition in a numbier of projects. | “We are determined to do eiven better work in this important field to prevent the depletion of one of Texas’ major resource*, and to put to greater use the trees which are cut each year. We are seeking means -of improving further our forest fire protection service, of giving more assistance to woodland owners in developing better man agement practices, and of increas ing our production of tree seed lings for reforestation. \ ,-j . “We will expand and intensify our researches in wood utilization ..o uo lit many phases oi tree growth and land uses). We are de termined to render an increasing ly valuable service to the 140,000 Texas farmers, ranchers and other small woodland owners, as wall as to the 1,000 wood-using industries of this state which employ 50,000 Texas people.” : I Norwood Arthur haa of j the annually by ithe tute of Chemical This award is iber of the studint who has made the h lartic average man and soph A*M. Talbert hat) a i age of 2.95. He wa scroll and gold key M, 4_ T*1 ttioniiig *e Set 26 - 28 i annual Air Condi- mce to be held at sponsorship of the hanical engi- ?ril 26, 27, and ’• mec for Api of the conference of industry to- and discuss the |l developments and 1 fields of heating, air conditioning. :e plans to foster Ition and a better ‘ etween the sev* lea Mid professions and to in building and maintaining lid engineering foundation t6r industry. : i ion will be held in .the of thie YMCA and Dean H. irlow of the School of Engi- ig Mil deliver the address oif welcome ; i w. H. Driscoll, vice-president of jthe Garner Corp., New York, will , ie principal address at !# mnquet Tuesday, April 27, rm in SbUa Hall. i' VE TWig; ,r! editovi tree Vck polic; lilalioit’.'i pressent tree Vdice ; or S ooge’,” iy, in sho policy STINKS! firht pi jeej if your .apology, “Bat- v/. Class is being treated fairly m 1)., That President Gilchrist re- Th(? B at talion reports , or humor- tun! resignations . W mic iseiuurB who womui i-vyuiev lS. fltel ’ V in toen icflftild not be questioneti. ■ fct. lit! al ! n’tk.* . separate school | he ^ established for the veterans, or Students, as this group prefers, to ,C vJt who C Wnmi t,a j wbral cal1 tb(>ni - or better still, require peifeon yet who nasn tl whole- every veteran to carry a sign On ,Ca I) UPOS ii wJS! B Ubatt D. P. or displftced • orlientativd fB'“F ,K ? k ? P4 r hMSSwB SW *" repr,senttttivd ot, fP potent o( Uicjseniera' who would roplacc .*>"*■ PAUL B. WELLS, ’49 BOB McBROOM, ’49 no professot be allow* any vet a grade high- jECrDpD UPON at thd senior nesting, which y m Ijtove to nobly lurredl three tinjes to fai|. From ‘»jto t - 0 W jYt Ibeli sve in them (Joesnfti bv. u ..* , u , - .r-- u, ^ «»«.w. M .. I c UM «uv« *t A&fi ; the onlj trouble 4as that EDVi AED M- McLANDRICH 46 'from $1954 to $2894 per year, riiey. w re about a semestfer late. MARTIN E. CROSSLEY JR:, 44 Further information and appli ** In th ; second place, as 'forhav^ G- T. ’RESSWOOD, ’45 t ■ .cation forms may be obtained iron |hg pnfBcrved thp Affine f^ ayiof P. S We have our D. P. signs j Roger W. Jackson at the 0olleg< person.; ft) i'hat ha vie hedrd of thfc Policies ‘ t ^ a 0U {i hat me ^> wc We remain. Would lay that anyone vtWo does- i. . wi jbel^ive in thqin doesn’^belong ; . lours very’ truly, Civil Service Positions Open The US Civil Service Commis sion has announced examinations for the position of Conservation Aid with entrance salaries ranging “THANKS” .., Aggies For Swell Comments TONITE 7:15 and 9:00 j . p| f j Men begged ll her love! WASHINGTON, April 20 —<A>» 718 John L. Lewi's and the United Mine Workers were found guilty of con tempt of court yesterday for flout ing a court’s stop-strike order in the coal mine Walkout! ’ Judge T. Alan Goldsborough, who made the ruling in U. S. Dis trict court, put off passing sen tence until today. ! He hinted strongly he is thinking of a jail term for Lewis. I f y |/ I! 4 ■ 1 l.l fljf .'i PALACE Bryan 2’8$79 “CALL ’ ’! .4 NORTHSIDB 777” • ‘ L || ' ! 1; ' ! —wim+H i I j j -i! ij \ James Stew art .»i« .. . . ... NITA’S NEWSSTAND AND CONFECTIONED ■ QUEEN " : !■ | :| Ronald Colemaih • ’ • ■ il l • | y j “A DOUBLE LIFE” Academy Award Role | jj North Gate n DELICIOUS HAMBURGERS a ALL POPULAR MAGAZINES COFFEE & ICE CREAM TO GO Owned & Operated "by a Student J. C. KEARBY 4- " t hi Don’t ht washday the pnesi tot way <$ living ready. i 1 1 ■ ■ 1 ! I TlirBM <*ri7i :ge on. lemi- rK'-TTfe H 3d to ' pgliti Associated t or not cf of repuW I of Congnaa CHAR LIE ed ads of Uarcb | telephone (4-5444) orijlUE the edl by telephone (4-5324) or at the {:.!■ office. Room 201,: Good it Activities Office. Room ctherwiae credit ’ cation mf all nth* I i.l' NOW SHOWING j THRU WED. —Features Begin— ,! 1:30 - 4:15 - 7.‘00 f 9:45 LOVE and LAUGHTER for everybody! IRENE DUNNE to "I Remember Maia \ :f 1:1 "•PrtrtWftoM’.-’ Tins it THE ’KIUI m... laori, Otfai B , Ktm: Veynutd. Li cry ' HowaJl at Post uadar 1870 I Member of The Associated P; - -8 • *••••••••« wi Hfe-