CIRCLE <0^ A p. m. Monday* Hbme of Mrs. Murphy, [207i Milner Dfrivei Tiir'sday, Speaker, CATTLEMAN’S BALL, ^ p. m. Friday, Sbisa Hall. (Music by Jesse James an 10.-00 u.m. of the day before publication Uterine machines Bryan Business 22nd. Phone 2-1328. - COLLEGIATE- If Employees of the/College haye been provideil with park- f MARKETING' AND FINANfi® CLUB, Tuesday; 312 Agricultural' Building, 7:30 p.m. St. Mary’s Chapel. Father D. R. Jacobi, speaker./ PRE-LAW CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Monday, YMCA. RichanI H. Cocke iwiir speak km “The Lawyer in Politics.’.’ RADIQ CLUB, 7 p. m., Monclay, Electrical (All men interested in i-adio in- Engtneering Building. ’lyitidA i r j i j RUTH CIRCLE, 7:30 p. m, Monday. Mrs. Ripley Harwood, Apartment B-20-B College View. RANGE & FORESTRY CLUB, 7 p. m. Monday, 3rd floor, Ag. Engineering Building. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, A&I Lecture Room. buildings in which they wor Hickman stated that sUn are allowed two tickets or before, they are called up foi first time and that more s j is placed on speeding than on i ark- ing. Students are reminded that thfc 6pecd limit on the campus 19 20 miles per hour. The following areas have been provided for ^students only: Day Students:' Parking [area north of'Petroleum Eng. Buikling Parking arba south of Main Drill Fiekl. Parking area west of ' Tem porary Class building. Dorms 1-3-5: Parking area east of Dorms- 3j and 5. Dorms 2-4-0: Trail Street (street next to dorms.) Dorms 8-10*12: Par-king areja be hind Dorm 12. Dofms 7-9-11: Parking soluth of Dorm 11. Hart: Parking) area behind Hatl. . J I] Bizzell: Parking area sou Main Drill Field. Puryear, Law): Parkin r (Continued from Page 1) current crop of purely technical engineers and what can be done and what is being done to broaden them mentally. Editor Paul Cretien goes into the agricultural field with fan arti cle on migratory crop workers and what the Extension Service is do ing to aid them. Bob Poison’em ploys mathematics, economics, and philosophy to ascerthin the date Of the next depression and comes up with the conclusion that in 1952 we had best look to our apples and shoestrings. Cartoonists offer some 'food for thought on the IjlMT issue with a two-page group of ideas on what the program could and might be like. The comparisons are painfully possible. The “Visions of Swedenborg” are adapted to verse by Vick tind- ley. It’s interesting to note that Swedenborg was an early engi neer who delved into calculus and immodiatly thereafter had a vision of the tortures of Hell. Concluding feature is one con- men in charge of the tea commit- j cerning Dr. Joseph Stadelmann and his basic language “Voldu.” This issue of the Commentator FOR jMLE-Lot 100 woo.t. Jackson Sit! 4-6819. ' • WhiVhUI. 405-5. or B. I.OfiT—Netr North Gate, rimmed irlai*o» in leatr owner’s; name. Cuhtnet Box 1343, Collete Stall FOR KALE -Ni^e Give finable. 406 Montclair Pat Yo On the Ba tee. -N •5-. A wt-st and north) of Law Ha Leggett and Mitchell Milner Hall: Parking north of Milner: and cast of -TENNIS-. vConVumed fiom Page ?>) j Benny Stanford^ recently moved to j the pumber two spot on the team, 1 defeated Joe Emerson 6-2, 10-8. Emerson got hot in the second set and Stanford had to come from behind to gain his victory. Benny played very well on the boards and showed Same improvement in his Hall, previous: bad habit of berving Walton Hall: Parking area doubles. | I - of Walton Hall; i The evening doubles went to the Aggies also when Bennett and Stanford teamed to take a win from Emerson and Exall 6-4, 6-2. The Aggies will take', a rest from the conference race this week but will stay in shape (>y playing the same Houston Bearcats Mon day in Navasota, and the South, Wejsteni Pirates Thursday in Georgetown. area 11. area Sbisa north Novis Allison Is fit Club Winner i Miss Novis Allison of Rule in Haskell .County has been awarded the top 4-H award for Texas girls, -—the Maggie W. Barry scholar- Spiipit. ! r } Given by the Texas Home Dem onstration Association, the awarjd entities her to a year at any static college. Miss Allison has been associated with 4-H club ,work fpr the past 8 years. ' 11 '-j | ^ J—^— i.'. 1 f 1947 World Series Films to Be Shown Movies of the ; 1947' World Se ries will be shown at 8 tonight in the Civil Engineering Lecture Room. Carl Tishler, hDur office open Sunday afternoon 2:00 ’til 6:00 l.i CULPEPPER Realty Company East Gate Phone 4-1101 •I .•.Mi'I TOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . College Shoe Repair North (jiate i. Sr.; TAKE r Dorms 13-16: Parking area east of AAA Building, east lane inly. Dorms 14-17: Parking arejj west of Dorm 17. -y- 4- - I Come in and get an earful of oiir i •/jj • j .1 newest RECORDS j ■ I ■ • [ Blossom Shop j. Aryan 1 j Phone 2-1658 h * It 1 1 1 , In addition to Thurtfdays of Id Satumay, we will run our usual, weekend specials beginning at w eek'at “hot ’ prices. rlced, ve mean at pri, ■es so low SOME Brazos County By “I ot” prices, Me mean at pn worthy of belni advertised as a •-'"in ] r- •. • •■• i ■ s I denote Mt will select fr 1: Cdrry In stock, 6r or below the advertised prices . We Will follow this plan »nt buying connections. !• ' ] ! ' will be displayed for cus on our shelve^. ever runs fifty items on EVERY DAY. y™* DA ] Fish Ball Tickets On Sale Tickets to the Freshman to be held Saturday night on sale by C., R. Ruble in Hart Hail. These tickets -for freshmen pn the main Cam pus. - #7 once, we wlR seU FIFTY ITEMS—Mondays through M 1 .. N;, ■i ■ ,1 M. .. ' T.1 u, leader. .., I) i'll if |i store thought It was in; the ads appearing in The Bryan Dally Engle fifty r items of comparable quality to our items, and sell rertlsed prices FOUR DAYS next week — Monday regularly hereafter. We are THIS con- informal Thtt. i'- store e •RltES your gdoerry buying thmughout the Week* and si ,v help-yourself and help us. ' Ml | SIDE F i!: il .! ■' I.' 1 " I ■ Red price tags will !' ‘• •• 1 j ]i | IN [■ cad truly say we sell at :.r #• 11: :■ I'i■j j By so doing, you COLL S'V\ ; . *4- i-U ' 1 :' !\ Ml i 1 f j : ^ :I j- : \l| * 1 I . .1, : No Job Is Top . r' ,Td|ti£h' When trouble lies deep in the tnotor of your auto you can depend upon oui’ ex perienced mechanics tp get to the bottom of it. ,! • :• ■ n Drive in complete . gardless model. today for check-up, of make MIT LEE CO Nash Sales > * nrj rnone 2-li — 1 US4 No more to make pajames fit bind or press. You sleep comfort ably in Jayson took good lounging In them. For Jayson ; I ifl I O' ; f replaces the drawstring with a full, i a I T Mv sffl i • ! covered, back elastic band. Keeps the trousers fitting snugly, without pressure or binding. In Cotton, rayon and mixtures, Jayson paja mas an cut to fil..styled fashion- right. Drop in today. / $5 to $7.95 LEON B. WEISS Next to Campus Theatre Phone4-1212 M. f |;; - ■ it 4-4 Ti r at •I r* A . GRILL j i: 1 ie Food,” -U ii 1 i " I 5«^ 1 l : i i ^vQ5 ffttVO* 1 I I EXCITINt NEWS! THE N Wfestinghou IDIOMATIC WASHER IS HIRE! For you to sec! For you to inspect . . .1 fr ginning of its workless washing cycle, ngjit djjjt till it cleans, drains and shuts itself of'. Notice the sloping front that eliminatea bending and stretching . . L And the iiingk . [ J offers a choice of washing time and water Watch its exclusive patented washing so thorough—yet so gentle with clothes. Discover how the Laundromat given in usability, performance and economical Come in tomorrow. u\ KRAFT F r, fl, : . J <: mi ■ mi . ■: ’•cturin, dtfecU. Your _ ■ . •. .j . 1, f’.i 1 j RE CO -M j218 S. T > j