tl j'X. ■m :/ i' i i > ICtfR -MISS M A CW b usiness maj has bee* chosen CottoniE ^ " the jvr duchess repfcsentinK S MARY K major fi Spring Social Underway With Cotton Ball The Cotton Pageant 4nd Bajl tonight open a period of social activity for Aggie^ which will not end until Com mencement. H! [■ In addition to tonight’s activities the Hillel Club will hold its Spring Formal at the B^an Country Club Saturday ^ — ♦nishii and an All-College Dance 9 r* I • at Sbisji Hall. What s Looking.'' ~ “ ; Church’s n is under I „»wl A + C, f War, mercury o, ^. acheg clatg f n ” Otis Miller, instruc- j U rticultural economics has _ The UnitcjiS States miles of pipe that early njvai tured, naturil and liquifitjl from th« ir sources u p!a4 application. | 1 -i 3(21,000 Jiufai- gasds es of I ] I-:' a- ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 7:30 p.‘ m., Monday, Room 39, Physics Building. J. T. Kent will speak on “Eclipses.” ANNEX LUTHERANS, 7 ji. m. t Sunday, T-347. Worship service. Sermon by Fred Mgcbroff. HORTICULTURE SOblETY BARBECUE, 4 p.m., Saturday, Hensel Park. Leave name and 50 cents in Horticulture Office by Thursday noon. NEWMAN CLUB (Group Com munion), 10 a. m., St. Maryjs Chapel.' ’ • | 1 NEWMAN CLUB (Combined meeting with Catholic girls] clulfs from Bryan), 7:15 p. m., Monday, St. Mary’s Chapel. FatheijiD. II. jjf Jacobs, speaker. ij, | • RADIO CLUB, 7 p. m„ Monday, ‘T- Electrical Engineering Building, i (All men interested in radio in- ^’1 j vited.) i | RUTH CIRCLE, 7:30 p. m., : Monday. Mrs. Ripley Hanvood, * ! Apartment B-20-B, College View, I , . . Ij Engineering Grbup PictnreAnnoui. 1 Tho Cattleman's Ball, a dance for members of the Kream and K; ■ * inc machine. See „ Acquainted with the New Testa- revieir oi “ the book, “While the “ 7,4 4 Carrol Til 18, at Wrs. Her- bert Emery, Rev. Davis said. FOR SALE—Three new butane or nat ural gaa ranges for below retail price. Jamio Dawson, Room 422, Dorm IS. Phone 4-8494. ‘ j ' | FOR SALF.—50-lb. Coolerntor in iptcel- lent condition, $22.60. See Roy Goode, ARM Press. WANTED —Part time outside salesman with previous sales experience. Son Mr. Thomas at Better Homes Appliance Center, Bryan. “Everyone Is invited to attend the entire evening progra service,” -Ret. Davis said. >-4--j————? Variety Store im and I r > is at Gate day, (April 30, will be followed Sat urday evening by an All College Dauoej. ] . .. 11 The A&M Newman Club will be host j to members of the TSCW Newjnan Club at the May 1 dance. The AVMA Annual Dance, mu- jYll^ i FOl ' IjCflVCS DUCHESS — MARY MUN- NERLYN has been selected by the Ross Volunteers to represent them at the Cotton Ball and Pageant here tonight. ! sii^ by the Prairie View Collegians, ivpl be May 7, M^y 8 will be Agriculture and Engineering Day. All departments are Expected to sponsor exhibits, and 'the Little j Southwestern Ron- ing and Horse Show will be held at the Animal Husbandry Pavilion in ith« (afternoon, i if- The Slipstiek-Pitchfork Follies and a free dahee in Sbisa in the evening complete the day. Parents Day will be May 9, and the review and fbwer ceremony will take place on the morning of the ninth. A band concert and a program in Guion Hall honoring V Visiting parents are planned. ] ijiej Senior. Ring Dance and i ^ , | .| For Region Meet [ ! .1 , iTiiJT . * J. George H. Thompson, assoi- ciajte professor of Mechanical E n g i n e e r i ; n 'g , left this mornirig for Kansas City, Missouii where he will represent the Ml! department at a regional admin istration meeting. The, meet is one of the eighth ASME national district in whic 1 A&M is located. | Thompson will return Monday, April 19. The picture of the Student gineering Council will be taken for j uuntpiet will be May 14 and an the Longhorn Monday at 5 p.m. in front of the Y.M.C.A. Gene Summers, president of the council, urged all memberi ]o be present. j-j: !l j i/_ WATCH REPAIRS All-College Dance follows on May 15| An out of town band is ex- pected for these events; j The Final Ball will be Thursday night, June 3,'the night before the Final Review on Friday, Jdne 4j The baccalaureate sermoij wipl be Friday morning, June 4. Dr. Teotygo S. Bensop, president of ig College, will be the speak- r. Dr; W. R. White,. president of Baylor, will speak at the com mencement exercises Friday evon- Wj|-' . I' | 1 Ihf reception for seniors at the honm of President Gibb Gilchrist will follow the commencement ex- eretees. . ; ■ Bwan Attorney To Address Pre-Law Pending construction of a new , building at the North Gate, Tay lor’s Variety Store haa been re long: a landmark at North Gate, will jbe replaced by a new brick and tile structure to be built for O. H. Boyett of Uvalde by Clar ence Andrews Construction Com pany in Bryan. It is hoped that the new build ing will be completed about Aug ust i, Mrs. Taylor said. In the meantime both Taylor’s Variety Store and Charlie's Food Market have reopened in the old structure which has been moved just back of the original location. It will be torn down after the new one '-is completed. | ; i f JEWS VICTORIOUS IN ARAB BATTLE JERUSALEM, April 16 —UP)— Jewjsh sources said today 2,000 Jewish fighters have scored a “de cisive victory’’ over the Arab vol unteer army led by Fawzi Bey A1 Kailkji in northern Palestine. rj pj-s- r’ COLLEGE ESTATE! Nice house with A very lovely home location—priced righi Three bedroom home will fi have to see to its value. We have a number inviting properties you. CULPEP Realty Com East Ga Phone 4-1H recu lltll CARpf HEADQUARTERS T >; V f 1 81 -42—riymoum, r ’41+-Ford, Tudor ‘41->4FordV Tudor s ’41-Mercury, Sedan «- MOt—Mercury, Sedan Coupe ’40—Ford, Tudor *40—Plymouth, Tudor MU: S ':i8—Chevrolet) Sedan ’37-Chevrolet, Sedan ’36—Fordi Tudor ’42 —Ford] Pickup V \ Jryan Motor Co. vj • [\ .- Your Friendly FORI) DEALER in 41p| N. Main Bryan, Texas 1 MISS GLORIA DYER of Pal las will be Cotton Ball duchess for the First Regiment. A for mer NTSC .student, she will be escorted by E. G. MARTIN of Company A, Veterans. f Are You Going, Seniors? L [Ji m !e Committee needs information ipe and banquet. If you plan to or dance, please fill out this blank and place it in the ballot ^ox in the rotunda of the Academic Building. - ? ;■ J j f With Date Stag The Senior Ring Dane: to make plans for the dan: attend either the banquet .1 plan to attend the bjanquet " J I plan to attend the djance l am in favor of a State N AGAIN lore steps and get the same 2NDLY SERVICE I Richard H, Co^ke, Bryan attor- he>i, Swill, speak to[the Pre-Law So ciety Monday night at 7:30 in the YMCA on “The [Lawyer »h Poli- tiei” . • j . J ; Cocke, who recently formed a lavf partnership with W. R. Allen in Bryan, served as assistant to the attorney general of Texas from j 1939 until his entrance into the' I nayy in 1948. Cocke became head of the oil anij gas takatioh and anti-trust division of the attorney general’s hfijice - upon : his (return from the Bonus YES (Strike out the one riot applicable.) NO If the answer to the apove question is yes, answer the question below. The money should come 1. Natural resource ! ' f 2. State sales tax (Strike out the c Signed from tax ne not applicable.) X nayy in 1945, a held until resum position yriiich he ing private prac- Tajiloir’s Campus Variety Store tidp eighteeiji mtnths ago. ■ *' | Each 'customer has a choice of six more meats, fifteen or more salads, and ten or more pastries. ON MOTHER’S DAY A BEAUTIFUL I ( INEN HANDKERCHIEF ■ \ . Is Tfili 1 ■ PECIALS EVERY DAY Friday and Saturday, we will run our usual weekend specials. | itlon to tfils, beginning at once, we will sell FIFTY ITEMS — Mondays throng Jays of )ach week at “hot” prices. ' , ■ l ; . if iff | • ; | ' j ; g at once, we will sell FIFTY ITEMS — Mondays through “hot” prices. ; T i )rices, we niqan at prices so low SOME Brazos County store thought it was heL^g advertised,as a leader. t , 111 we will sefect from the ads appearing in The Bryan Daily Eagle fifty' wte carry' in. stock, or items of comparable quality to our items, and sell at or below the advertised prices FOUR DAYS Diext weekj — Monday; urn daylPwe vHll follow this plan regularly hereafter. We are THIS con- in our present baying" connections. i'v.:- : r ?[|l!l j. | ^Written lists deioke the article ’ ore ever [runs fifty items on special. Thus vtet CESi EVERY DAY. ead youi] grocery buying throughout the week, an< now help yourselves and help us. 11 . i f SIDE FOOD Across from Post Office ‘ V i 1 j K »\ J jj | j ii V.r A Complete . | Supply Of CANDIES Jones Pharmacy 101 N. Main Bryan ; |’ r n i .• IF IT’S H( '•I ' ( ! food you Want -4— STOP by and see j j LOOK at the sm| USTEN ceive when UNIFORM TAB MendlandHoi ILL Wholesome Pood.” ate . U, ti, V I. ' ir se|j|stion of shirts Of pur tail S- and pants. unifoms. ; T ] r liments you will re- your clothing needs. OR L, a: !;:i