The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 15, 1948, Image 1
fifiiiHiiwiijiiniir- wmm COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL lb, 1948 L. u i i—! .s®- one of thjs two boc ies found wreck of . the^dera Jed Rock streamliiler -“Texa: \Rockfet.” . One other passenger, Jdra McClintock, :l$, Wiohjita, was killed in th i yesterday yjhbti; a dump tmek knocked three i ? inj? coaches 0: T MINERS A^Anf VERDICT OF COIJRT ON LEW ■' PITTSBURGH, Aprilj 15 A quarter of : a nillionj so minei-s trckkcd| flick tp tl today blit thoksartds of <oth<tik"fi*tj tight, waiting! “to see wh* ‘ " Seniors Begin Drive To R M . : 111 1 • •! : I . ! yvw ^ ^» m ‘Howdy,’ Other Traditiona ^ I , . ^ . . . Student SpiiAfi* Rat \! court dojes a Wait John L. ' Trial bf F : ' United Mine Veteran Students Opinion Asked On Bonus Question ' I' : I ■.#1H K ■ The Veteran Student Association has received a letter from the Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Uni versity of Texas, requesting delegates from A & M be pres ent at the first state meeting of “Operations Bonus.’’ The meeting will open at 2:00 Saturday, April 17, and f 1 I 1 orkere, Oh a $ dirge i the: Federal J: vart, pj**? IfT 8TAShtN ON TOP ; *1 ' »' of republican; hle OMAHA, April 15 — '/P'-yTSre- less Harold EL Stassen lifted ti* m ' self into the top rank ipf Reipubli- can preiidentfial < andid*tes filth a sweeping victor} in iNehnaika'a gop pt wr ) i His' <! learnt 1 cl|ubb|d ]Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New Vork into pdlitictd submissibn for the second Week! in ai row. Dewey was shut oxf in itte April S Wisconsin primaM f . J h J J The lormcr Minnesota . (lover- noifs "rictoi-v bashed tjhe. irestige of Senator Robeit jA. Tfeffcffilbuilt new fides under (the gdod-ijrtkjhrbut -can’t-win theory that has dojuged the Taft campaign. : ‘ j, It ail but snuffed cout cji ing hobes of Gen. Dougld? Arthur^ supporters. TRUMAN GEHJPAIR I QUEEN OF COTTO TSCW beauty will reign at A JEAN LANGSTON, abore, Bail and Pageant here April It, WASHINGTON, April |$ AS BOOTS —A firrbun of El Paso ditizein! wboy boots., j { The boots ought to fit, laa* Rep. Regan { (D-Tex) [ Igotj Poe^Went mon! El P i’s meakuremeints ’ ago. Tony Laipa. 1 ,-> Tor the boots he turned|out the pair. ,! AUTOfUNIQ^mWS cio ! f. ited Aut o Woricera with Gertcral Mot iy and tinted j s I'(difficulties With open! yeste: can Cor P*| i 1 {t.. stow with demand GM hinged Idn the ./ r aSunioti lBhop. BAYLOR TEACHERS I GET SALARY JUMP . WACO, Tex., April. 15 -l-Wl— Baylor University fhculjtj — bevs ih Waco today looked : to salary increases jthat effective! in September, f j akit i v ! - {The pby i-aisjep w«^e ajlujt by thie board of trustees in spring vnoolirwri rr,1ooJlav U; mem- rward iecome ‘Oar Town’ to Be Presented By Aggie Players On April 28 - 30 By JAMES E. NELSON /A . Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize Winning PJaty, “Our Town” is now under production by the Aggie Players and will be presented on April 28, 29 and 30 % the Assembly Hall. Members of the cast have been Working every night since April 3 on interpretation of the heart warming drama -that won much acclaim for its at}-* 1 ——! "f [ j—{“’H——~r*~ : thor. Twenty-four people wifspar- play ; 41) ig no scenwy employ ed }n the staging of the play, the imagination of the audience is employed to help jrive the play the realization of how thing? in life occur appeal to the audience as I they are told the simple i story! of people and how they live. ; .j| j Production committees; for the play are few becauSTfiie actors double as stage hands, moving the furniture *nd setting? off after teach scene. However, four cqm- mittees will function for the pro duction, these will be lighting, costumes, publicity, and ticket sales. Heading the lighting com mittee will be Darwin Hodges, who Will be the chairman, as well as the| committee itself. Costumes are under ithe direction of Couh- (See OUR TOWN, Page 4) through Suinday, April 1,8. A&M delegates have been asked to bring a poll of the Veteran Student body as. to their views toward a State Bonus for Texas Veterans, Much discussion and one pro posed bill has been submitted to the legislature, which failed' to come out of the committee. The bill proposed to give each Veteran of World War II a sum of $2.00 for each day served in the Fed eral Service within the continen tal limit*i of the United States and $3.00 for each day served outside the continental limit? of the Unite<l States. This bonus bill would cost the state of Texas; ap proximately three hundred mil lion dollars. Due tp .the inahpfty of the house td get a natural re source tax bill passed in which to get the money, that bill was . <Mmedl j , ■ ' ■ ■!( The two most logical sources of revenue would be: || ; Natural resource tax 2i State sales tax Because of the time element in. volved ih obtaining a poll of Vet- eran Students the cooperation of all is needed. Listed below is a ballot, and all Veteran Students are urged to complete this ballot and turn it in to their housemaster not later thaw 4:00 p.m., Friday, April 16. Housemasters should turn the ballots in to the Assis tant Director of Student Affairs noit later than 5:00 p.m.* Friday, April 16. Student ! Senate, Battali Sam Donahue Band Wi . By KENNETH A special drive to bring back the tradition courtesies was organized last night by the S eni$ Chapel. In a rather stormy session attended by 5 5 mediately a drive among all Corps men t Annual Accounting CJonf fill Be Held at A&M, M The first annual Accounting Conference at held May 4 and 5, T. W. Leland, head of the busi counting department, announced yesterday. Speakers include R. G. Dunlop, president ofjj Company ; Earle C. King, of the SEC; W, A. Pi' sity of Michigan; Gay Carroll,♦" Humble Oil and Refining Com- I am in favor of a State Bonus YES (Strike out the one not applicable.) NO If the answer to the above question is yes, answf period of staging.. Our Town is the storjy of taken from' the author's view! point that people do fully what is going . them as their It could well have mal small American to with people that might happen be ypur next door neighbors, even your own life could be fitted into the lives of George and Emjly. •[ ' The play is told through tite voice of the Stage Manager, who talks directly antf simply; to the audience and has the actors dev pict scenes in the every-day; life of the people of Grovers; Corners, New Hampshire, setting of er? th the question below. I* | The money should come from * !r \'Hrf' 11 2) •• T 1 • f- ; I 1. Natural resource tax 2. State sales tax (Strike out the one not applicable.) . j ■ K ||;f| j 1, ; j !|Tn'. 'I I ' - || !i j • ^ !' Class of 1944 if Exams Slated By Civil Service 1 ! TL- IIIr ihi iili The Civil Service Commission has announced ah. examination for the position of transportation spe cialist, employment to be with the various Federal agencies in Texas. Entrance salaries for the po sition range from $3397.20 to $4,- 902'a year). ; :j . j Further information and appli cation forms may be obtained from the College Station Post Office. lorized mnual uugu Tuesday alnnounced tjhatjthjf tnis- tees had: {- . * f\ Elected ter. Wilby T. Gh: ' president of the Univtrsitj - with White aslhis liah tween units in Waco, Houston- , M Elected Dr. Monrte dean of The university. vice- work h be- lljis, and If* ' Carroll Armless Adviser Gims Disabled ]> |p i ; ■j'Jf] ' : ; \ . 'if Students Education Counselling NEED 12 DIVISIONS BRADLEY SAYS ] WASHINGTON, Apri CW —Art army of i at least tejjregdlar combat divisions was! asked! yester day by General-Omar N. Bradley. He said Rusria bgs mote than 170 getive divisions yririilti! now. Bradley did'not say how many divisions the If. S. Army fiia^.now, but. members! of his Htalff said there are abogt nine| ji“under- atrength divisions” on paper. At the end! of the war,I Brad fey'skid, the U. S. had 90 ground divisions • : I ■ | .n \ I .HI I By OTTO KUNZE j "| James Mack Abercrombie; is a happy 33-year old armless i riah from Waco, whoTinds the loss of; his limbs no particular handicap.! He can do almost everything with his artificial hook that a normal person can do with two hands: ,• Abercrombie, originally from Athens, Louisiana, is not a dis abled veteran, he lost both of;j|hjs arms in a 1935 railroad accident. His left arm was severed about five inches below the elbovf 'jgnd _ his right arm was cut off above i the elbow. , {I 1 • I j lij L W’- I ; ; Sometime after his mishap he acquired two artificial hands ahd mastered the art of using them. Then became an artificial arm demonstrator. This employment carried him to Washington where he worked for a firm which manu factured airtificial limbs. In September, 1941, Aber crombie entered A&M, and |n September, 1944, he received his bachelor’s degree in education and riiral sociology. Because of his disability | he was exempted from R()TC and physical train ing. H ^ and: 89 of the* J i 1. wene ol i5um jffi 1 ’- II 15f-' MACARTHUl ON P1UMAB TOKYO, April 15*-(Af»OGeneral Mac Arthur hiid mo ;cortUn)ent yes terday on the Nebraska presiden tial prefterenc * primary, In which * iPpr"! enc; he. ^a» ia poor STATE iniPB GETS g * \> £ AUS 1 Hemap carrier, tie for adhiisan University of ; Supreme B.29’8 WON i OVER WAS Under yesterday sense”:»_ American B over “show Approxima for Germany the Air Forep tine training cIas: r Wf-. II 1 —(Ad mail is bat- in the State uld :W’ 'Erst T day partly erate no: afternoon southeast to {West Texas _ this alterno >nj day partly c temperature THEB w u oudy, Ib—UPl Lovett non- of fly n day took off What was as a rou- carmer Fri- Mod- this oming worked for W. L. Hugh- warmer :ht. Fri- in ■r es in the education and psy chology department for 3 se mesters as a student helper. He was accepted by the division of rehabilitation during his last 2 semesters here. After graduation he received a graduate assistantship itt the school of social welfare at /Louis iana State University, worked for the Louisiana State Department of Public Welfare, and did a semes ter of graduate work in rural so ciology. During the latter part of 1947 he received his present job. Abercrombie is employed as a counselor by the Division of Vo cational Rehabilitation of the State Board for Vocational Education, Abercrombie’s i district includes Brazos, Crockett, Madison, Hous ton, Leoiii, and half of McLennan Counties. His office U in Waco and from there he. tours the counties as signed to him once « month. His tours to A&M are sonvewnat more often because of the great amount of work with disabled students. There are approxi mately 30 students attending A &M who are under the State- Federal Rehabilitation Program. This rehabilitation program was established in Texas in 1929 for those suffering from physical or vocational handicaps. ! Requirements to be included un der this; program are eligibility and feasability. While almost any, disabled person is eligible, many the fe Li ‘iv^l persons do not meet feasabvl- fl ity testjs. Alcoholics and insane persons are ineligible on this ac count. Also persons cancer are exclm grate. Disabiliti sufferin .j.; ? from ed from the pro of the afflicted static person must bo reasonab y stal before he can become e igible. ; j Counselling and guidance go along wtith all services 1 urnished by the rehabilitation program. After graduation the division of rehabilitation helps the disabled person find a job. Follow-up ser vices are continued for about 3 or 4 months until the disabled per son feels reasonably! secure in his position. After that the case with the rehabi Station division is clos- ■ih , ■[■ - —/ — ^ Propeller Is Received For' Mind Tunnel Tho propeller for the wind tunnel at Easterwood Air port has been received from the Curtiss-Wright Corpora tion, Clifton, New Jersey, E. E. Brush, head of the aero nautical engineering depart ment announced. He said that preparations were being made to install the propel-, ler, and that the tunnel would/be ready for use sonietime this sum- teqL ■ r . •< Brush stated that the tunnel will be used primarily for college and cbmmercial research, and that several aircraft companies have { made requests • to use the tunnel when it is completed. Although work on the wind tun nel Was started five years ago, completion has been held up by the shortage of materials. Now that all necessary equipment has been received the project will soon be completed. The tunnel is equipped with a 1000-horse power electric motor, which will develop a 180-mile per hour wind although only ten per cept of all experiments are done at. a v,speed ^ higher than 70 or 80 rtiles per hour. | ■ ! This is the largest college-own ed wind tunnel in Texas, with Georgia Tech being the only col lege jin the south with a wind tun nel qf a comparable size. and pany; D. M. Sheehan of the Mon santo Chemical Company; Ray mond G. Ankers, Lybrand, Ross, Bros., New York; H. T. McAnly, of Ernst and Ernst, Chicago; Wright Matthews, Dallas attorney; and Mason Smith, president of the Na- ttonal Association; jof Cost Ac- MantiuH... |i [j . s jj. ]/ ! “A&M and the cooperating or ganizations of accountants have arranged this conference for ac countants, representatives of man agement, credit grantors, and ed ucators interested in the problems of the accounting profession,” Le land said. The Advisory Council consists of J. R. Mulvey of Houston, chair man; IS. R. Harwell, Dallas, vice- chairman; and T. W. Leland, sec- nwfj \ Members are Curtis H. Caden- head, E. H. Gregory, Ralph W. :r, Kenneth White, Dallas; R. Gregory and G. H. Harwell,^ drth; Erwin Heijnen, John Old ' 'VI Vaughn, Houston; D. V: Arthur; Ben I M - ; lakei |greeting, and other A AM jn a meeting held ty the YMCA begin im- Ag Commissioner to Be at Pageant J. E. McDonald, state commis sioner of agriculture, Will Ibe on ' the campus Friday tp witness the 14th Annual Cotton Style Show and Pageant / McDonald was elected state com missioner of agriculture in 1930 and has held the position since that time. Prior to this he was U Hiember of the state 1 legislature, from Ellis 1 County. A native of Mexia, McDonald mntrated his attention early life on farming and handling stock, both as breeder and dealer. ^ ||T ’* . rl 1. -II ill :i 111 . Cotton Ball Is Friday 10 -1 p.m. The Cotton Ball will be held in Sbisa Hall from 10 to 1 T ' mus(c by estya. i-formal. will be a me nil ushert at 1 Ware Field bisa Hall from 10 to 1 Fri day night with musk by the Aggieland Orchestra. The dance will be scmi-foi There, will Cotton Ball ushert at dhy in De' U Higginbotham, Po P. Irhiy, Fred E. Pflughaupt, San Antonio; B. S. Mothershead, Har lingen; C. Aubrey Smith, Albert L. Wade, Austin; C. L. West, of Longview; Frank L. Wilcox, Waco. “Every major accounting group in Texas is cooperating to make this one of the outstanding accoun ting meetings ever to be, held in Texas,” Leland stated. Groups in clude the Texas Chapters of the National Association of Cost Ac countants, the Texas' Controls of the Controllers Institute of Amer ica, the Texas Society of Certi fied Public Accountants, the Texas Association of Public Accountants the Texas Society of Accountants and the Texasi Association of Uni versity Instructors in Accounting. GI Trainees Iv Should Report Interruptions ,.. T M ; i| Veterans planning to inter rupt their education at the end of this semester, and en ter any phase of GI training at any other place, should re port to the Veterans Advis or’s Office, 104 Goodwin Hall and complete VA Form 1905e Taylor Wilkins, veteran’s ad visor, announced today. , Under existing VA regulations, veterans who have enough time remaining under the GI Bill to carry them through more than half a semester will receive full benefits for the entire semester. Wilkins also announced a recent change in the VA leave policy. Veterans now enrolled under the GI Bill, who will interrupt their training on June 5,1948, will auto matically be paid subsistence through June 20 unless they noti fy the VA that they do not wish to receive the additional 15 days pay. Veterans receiving pay through June 20 will lose 15 days more of their GI time than those who re quest that their subsistence be stopped on June 5. The request to stop subsistence pay on June 5, must be in Waco not later than May 5 and may be made by ret porting to the Veterans Advisor's Office, before May 5, and complet ing VA Form 1908. Timber Profits Student A sale of John Henry Kiri est has netted Student Loan f the Texas Fo: ports. A total of 493 during March to Crcosoting and pany of Texarl To date 'rat Stu has realized more fjhiir state forest' The timber was| and the tirees poles were desk , supervision of B< of the Forest I sion of the A& Forest Service, of Directors auth Under the p gift of 600 acres for a state forei years ago, 1 Jol stipulated that ceived from the products must b A&M Student Loi ijikfi special movement. \t the beginning of the meeting seniors decided to conduct o tfs Day Program Ip Guion Elmo Livingston, president, ppoint a committee of fiVe He arrangements, discussion of a college gift class to make upon grad- they decided to appoint a ' tnti with V I committee to nt Junior Ojas wor s to dfc Ability of the two el a joint gift presentation, irttee's results will ; bo the Senior Class for Intern it onal LICtKM Ighrtt' sions Saim Donahue and his band day for the Senior Ring V Bill Evan*, ring commit- announced. Donahue! . the seation at the 6t Pleasure pier next committee was unable to *tex Beneke. ^ the main business of tho Ig was completed, Clark tht up the question of iVThe lioilr and its Editorial Polky.” J. Wells, ‘C Cavalry, Brought e recent editorial about the of the Student Senate, f, , “How can yop support speh »ings in your editorials when you \ K. B. Nelsori, corpis mfi- te. rYdii are supposed to tepte- POt the majority ef the Senior /Hass in yqur job, and I^on-t tb^'- m\mr oPinlan reproaonts pur editorials 1 be H-SU Co-ed Named Panhandle Duchess Miss Barbara Bechacek, home economics major at Hardin-Sim- mons University, has been chosen as duchess to Cotton Ball and Pageant by the Panhandle A&M Club. [ Miss Bechacek is a member of the Tri-Hi-Y and the Hardin-Sim- mons University Cow Girls. Her escort will be Joe Herndon from Panhandle, Texas* ' li •: rfevi le Wded im The foi’est is rtb|»’ con' sustained .productwjty. P| the Student Loan|fund h fited to the extfflbl of | It took many yjwrt ;bd tract began to ma'^C a rie the time of the glijt:. w thoroughly cut ovaij and re-stocked and bup'up, *" I I IM'f If I Last year, palp vj $1,286 were sold.M is p sell 200,000 bparcfcfeet of and defective piaq tim this yean Next fdar. and sawlogs wfl. be market, fcnd the/ jforest capable of period!d loggf! ations from nowtS join, Service announc -a into oufely E: iK ijk • to S| a Ithe “ Why can’t ypur editorials ! be i nam- allaUe at tie mraber, at to knpv f washoUtH h the nujn- ’and.dnip- e B^ti lege station eject ask<ld Jack Tib-nt ‘*Whv rn itions and results? ier. V '“Why aren’t grades and note her of wash-outs taade aval* " on the FrMMiiq daw* Aiteex?” asked a large m of the class. “We afant to ki || hof! the percentage of wash' year compare with the nil who waqtied out and di ped*Ia*t ye»f.”: ' y, j-. , “l!)oes the Battalion carry Gol- jjas® i “Why can’t \*e send letters to The Battalion‘without signing our pantes?” •] . % . T “We are degenerating into a sen- ond| Alien Arademy. We want the Coims of 1939 W,” Well* said have to use let- to represeat , you use the ils to push the Student i?” , ' were questions and re made by some of the more to Nelson. Nelson, in mak- ap explanation of The Bat- . 1 Fw4y do wo have t is to the editor to r opinion while yoi J mg an explanation or rnc uat- tali an policy and his position, em phasized that his aim wgs, to aid (Sec SENIORS, Page 4) — tiB s f ■ '' 1* i- I: , if . ; * ' rr ? r 4 Su ■, sat r "A'A iji - - • i iafevir . RANGE THER Cl 14th Annual JOHN CLAE «r.s : escorted hy