The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1948, Image 4
'.I'--*. ■ LTL; I • . i ■.. y.'j ! . 1*, T T I k. r ‘ 0 i^cr, ■“JJfiSwEET . f I Inquisitive it ;u Rt porter! 16d«y^ Qu#*tion:—Whet is voor reaction to tho^nyina SagsSi«r? |iSS' ! s?aKi^ I Wt<)oitt Know who our enomy is, so th» onlu to do ij*| drop atomic bombs on I •vary body—and blow everything upr'Satetv I first: is my motto''—j . l earth even ant the Kind thatdorth the way prices are, KJayS.*? - It would be •dtB Club Hears Talk er Arrangement Show the At lies P. Ste t. l u [ Garden Club and their guests leger of Dallas talk on flower ar rangement and!: lowe? show practice Monday afternoon in the YMCA Chapel.- > “People cari < lo as 3the|r please with flowers in the home— cram them in a pitcher of what- i 1\ j ' i i not if that. is the way they like flowers most,” said Mrs. Steine- f/ gar, a nationally accredited judge and lecturer on flower arrange ment. “In a flower show, you are given a schedule and you select the groups in which you want make entries; then you make an arrangement using the flowers, foliage, container, and holder.” Mrs. Steineger said that;flow er arrangement is recognised as one oT the fine arts today. A people can arrange flowers Natur ally just as some play music “by ear.” Principles used today in making flower arrangements are based on the centuries of study by orientals in line arrangement and occidentals who specialiib in mas ses of flowers. There are certain requirements of good arrangements, 'Mrs. Stei neger continued. Balance, either , symmetrical ox by placement, hat rr- Jpfel m qs b Hluiimiingbirdis! 11 •' 11 .Si \ i. i Eijtter-; abfe: AWSfankl M PORTIS STRAWSf PANAMAS will help yoiu beet Ihe hea|t. I • ” --“oilwb j 11 I 1 IS Prices $1.95 : ITO J-i liH. :ai!if( Cl.0. .. \lj- ^ ir. i R :« ‘FORMALLY” YOURS Y ' y • I — ; She’ll be when you let . • ’• f' I us create her corsage! Our flowers are . . . ' FIRST-GRADE flagrantly freslj! WYATT’S Flower Shop Phone 2-2400 I ! h • BRYAN, TEXAS nujHiy, in size, color and texture of flowers and containers, rhythm in iline and color must be cjohsid- irs. Steineger assisted by Mrs. /id Walp and Mrs. Fred Alford of Dallas, made arrangements il- ’ ‘ .ting points of her lecture. Steiheger closed her talk by showing a group of pictures in iter colors of perfect flower ar- raAgetaerits. ' L J i Preceding i the lecture, Mrs, Steineger, Mrs. Walp, and Mrs. Alford Were entertained at The Oaks witlji a “no hostess” luncheon. Present at the luncheon were Mrs. H. W. Barlow, Mrs. 0. K. Smith, Meal Norman Dansby, Mrs. E. B. leton, Mrs. c. B. Campbell, Fred Hale and Mrs. Cecil ble, who are officers of the [ ^nd Bryan Garden! Clubs. WhatUo^ns? : AGRICULTURE C0U NCIL» 7:15 p. m., Wednesday, YMCA Reading Room. AGRICULTURE COUNCIL (Longhorn! Picture), 5:45 p. m.,; Tuesday,~YMCA. (Previously sche duled Thursday, April 2(2). AGGIY AERO MODELERS, 7:315 p. rti., Wednesday, Room ID# ME Shops. [ lAYTOWN A&M CLUB meets Thursday, 7:15 p.m. Rioom 1()6, Academic Bldg. a 1 BARBERSHOPPERS, 8 p. m., Thursday, YMCA. BAYLOR - ARCHER - YOUNG COUNTY CLUB 7 p. m. Thureday, Room 126, Academic. iHEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7^30 p. m., Thursday, ME Lecture Rbom. Special film apdl picnic plans wijl pe discussed. Fresh en invited- Ij ' 1' !. j, , I'I HORTICULTURE SOCIETY iB|ARBECUE, 4 p.m., Saturday, ;hsel Park. Leave name and 5() efints in Horticulture Office by Thursday noon. (INDUSTRIAL E D U C A TI ON CLUB, 7 p. m., Wednesday, Room lOTt. ME Shoo. (KREAM AND KOW r KLUB, 7:30 I pi., Tuesday, Petroleum Lecture Boom. Principal speaker, Hairy Stiteler. MARSHALL A&M CLUB, 7:15 m., Thursday, Room 2(j7, Aicai- deihic. I RADIO CLUB, 7 p. m., Monday, Electrical Engineering Building- (jAU inen interested in radio in- yited.) j RUTH CIRCLE,, 7:30 p. m., Monday. Mrs. Ripley Harwood, Apartment B-20-B, College View, 1 I UPSHUR COUNTY CLUB meeting Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Room S07, Academic. , ■'ll J NEW . |. . | ■ Steel Lawn 1 : J r Furniture ! : : l 1 ! ~r a B i ON MOTHERS DAY Oft: ' ht^ I f I' •AD RESS - A4 ba: * ¥- • \A ■ 1 i • 1 u: In ! / - • ' 1 il ;; ii 'I i iE-... 1L ®p(s k The p-—I' J S i !•' i Across fron Foist Office % / ' I :f r-'i'-.. 1 -i ; - < \|j 3 1 ‘it Pr 'I — I h \ .4 . i-U J FI vi f ... ^GTH , '■ : ; PREAD LINEN UANDKERCHfEF 1 «IC SHOP I 1 Bryaii , ■■'V. SHG MF (Continued front ((Page 1) IF Millan; Miss Betty|Lou Ham, Rene W. Schroeder Jr, 1 ; Miss Billie Jean Heame, Charles Holcomb; Miss Sue Hembree, R. D. Hembreb; Miss Carol Henry, J. W. Buchan- ah; Miss La Verne Henry, Robert J. Weiler; Miss Marguerite Hicks, B. J. Carrol; Miss Dorothy Ann Higgins, R. B. (Higgins; Miss Mar jorie Hightower, James R. Stroope; Miss Bertie Louise Hinman, $. Westervelt; Miss Jean Ann Hir- schi, H. E. Dungan; Miss Pat Holden, Charlbs Mattel; Miss Gay Holland, W. Ehlers; Miss Ann Holloway, Bobby Southall; Miss Harriet Hornish, T. A ; Wise; Mrs* Don M. Howeth, Don M. Howethi Miss Abby Jennings, D. Deere; Miss Joanne Johnson, J. K. B. Nelson; Miss Louise G. Jones, Wal ter X, Whitehall; Miss Louise Jijrt- Son, Tom Laros: Mrs. Anne Ken nedy Jr., Alvin Kennedy! Jr.; Miss Carlyo Kimmerly, Lloyd Thorp? ton; Miss Laviernc Kimr, L. D. Pdt- bey; Mibb Sue Ann King, J. JL Morgan; Miss Virginia Kroesche, D.' Rusmeisel; Miss Mary Kniebt. Willinm Gruneisen; Miss Bettye Knowles, Charles H. White. Miss Fijancies Leverett, T. Hot- chlpss; Miss Rebecca Lewis. Har ry R. Morse Jr.; Miss Martha Little, W. J. Magee; Miss Angela Luckenbach, J i m m y KershaW; Miss Pauline Lumlgren, Charlbs Lundelius; Miss Patricia Ann Lynch, R. R. Tunilinson; Miss Anna McBce, J. C. (”imett: Miss Phyllis McFadden, Rob McCarty; Miss Patricia McLellao. Sam A. Rowe; Mrs. Betty McMahan, Wal ter W. McMahan Jr: U I ( . Miss Marilyn Marrs. J. W. Por ter Jr.; Miss! Dorothy E. Marshall, Richard Woijnat; Miss Peggy Jean Matthews, J. D. Gallowav; Miss Ivamaye Maxwell, J. E. Hughes; Miss Elizabeth Ann Morris, Al bert Agnor; Miss Sue Morris.' R. Morgan: Miss Mary Munnerlyn, Jimmy Tittle; Miss Gladys Mus- grove, S. Leverett. Miss Ann Negy, E. Richard Robbins Jr.j; Miss Virginia Ann Neil, H. V. Shelby; Miss Imogene Newton, Ln<t] D. Co$: M'ss Mftri- lyn Oden, Bten Brollier: Miss Jac- quie Ogan, Joe Cullinan; Mrs. Charlene Osterhouclt. G. Ouster- houdt Jr.; Miss Patricia Ahn Pat-\ terson, Jim Gregory: Miss Jean Payne, B. jW. Bowden; Miss; Jo Ann Peacock, Bob Ross: Miss Bar bara Ppchacck, Joe Herndon; Miss Betty Perkins, B. S. Dixon, Miss i Betty Pottejr. John. Heeman: Miss Emily Ruth Powell, Jimmy Moore; Miss Virginia Prewit, C. H. Cham- Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan,, Texas English Class To Air Playlet j fifieen-minute tten, produced and f student# of English be broadcast over iday afternoon at nte* in Clanificd Section oolumn inch. Send nil cf remitUncc to the Student fie-. AO ads should be to 10:00 aan. of the day before OR SALE—Royal typewriters, 11. 12. and 14 inch carriagos, also portables. Addilnt, “The Devil Dines fantasy,; written by ands. Charles Haiti- cting the broadcast --r bers Jr^; diss Pat Andrew ; Miss " soy, Carl Ratclif , J Miss D. Thue nolds, Gi Lou E. H. ane Ram- Whyte; Mrs. Evelyn eny R. Ratcliff. Ajigio Jane Reid, Henry iss Nancy Jane Rey- rge S. Kept; Miss Ada it, Louie P. Clark; Miss Ross, B. W. Dew; Miss| kcr, Gus Vletas; Miss! Jim (Voss. i. , i, Donald L. Bynes; Ihagen, William . Connie Sfhumm, O. F. Mrs. Ruth Shcinberg, J. ; Miss Peggy Sitton, rdy; Miss Betty Ray R. Sawyer; Miss Kay Finlay; Miss Mary Ste- Garrison; Miss Mickey Burditt; Miss Gerald Mary ^lis .Miss Pat] Schumm; B . L. Sheinb Tg sSlh ir G ^ •smith, G. Smith, E. wart, J. I ;Stewa&!, I ^ s erine Ami Streit, J. Bichardson., j[ i : ' ★ Mrs. Bobby Tanner, Bobby Tan ner; Miss! Mary Ruth Taylor* Evr erett Lanik; Miss THeda TimaeuS, L. G. Mflxfield; Miss Minkie Tom linson, Tammy John; Miss Margie Valek, I, J. Bohuslay; Miss Mari ano Vernon, Warren Gilbert Miss Bjbbby Louise Walker, D. Barton; Miss Nickie Wallace, Guy Baber Jri; Miss Sally Ware, Joel R. Hubbard; Miss Sije Warren, Ed Richard; 'Miss Dorothy Watkins, C. S. Harris; Miss Robbie Wat son, Bob Moxfield; Miss Madge Westbrook. H. W. ( Horne; Miss Margie Whatley, F. Hughes; Miss Delores Whitaker, Vernon Hard- castle.! 22ndf. Phone M328. FOR SALE—1941 Mercury convertible, new paint enjrine overhauled—tl.M9.00. R. M. McDowell. 805 BUdcll. j ; FOR SALE—Accordiau: 120 haiw “Sapra- ni.’* j. H. Kemp. Trailer L-8. A red 3, or Box; 5233, College Station. FOR (SALE—50-U>. Coolerator in < oxed- !, nt comiition, $22.50. See Roy Goode, A&M Press. — Part time outside salesman previous sales experience. See Mr as at Better Homes Appliance - Bryan. 1 BETTER SERVICE on all makes of ra dlod »t BETTER HOMES APPLIANCE CENTER, 314 N. Main, Bryan. Phone *i si i Mist Nancy W lace; Mi* Peggj shall K. Lasswc Whith^(j, T. I) Ikihs. B. B. Wal- Jo White, Mar- II;: Miss Mario Howell; Mrs. Anne Wilson, W. M. Wilson; Miss Gloriahn Wilson, G, H. Rice Jr. 4 laiijj ii ! ; .1 F OK SALE I. ’ • jj • ;'i|’ Corsages ‘It S : T •flli I! i ■ .2 .*;] For the weekend dances. AGGIELAND Flower Shop Ijl . F r; ill ' !l ' i diod »t BETTER HOMES APPLIANCE CENT] * '■ I 2-M42. 1 1 Mis# Nancy Wilson, Bill Knotts; Mis# Marjorie Wright Burton French; Miss Betty Yarbrough, James W. Lindsey, and Miss Bar bara Yelton, Whitney Wilson. “GOOD GOVERNMENT’ WHHC PROCLAIMED AUSTIN, April 14 >-»)—The week of April 18 to 24 has been designated as good government week in Texas by Governor Beau- fonjj H. Jester in recognition of the battle for Democracy at San Jacipto on April 21, 1836. j "tf LOOlK | I 50c buys SPECIAL AGGIE DINNER t - at \M | Youngblood’s This dinner consists of soup, meat, 3 vegetables' | 11:30 - 1:30 / 3U. L.ft them at twin wa'Ml KOU SALE 10 tu, ,!.-l hcatir, ipx4 titiv. icood C. W. Cox, 6S Milner or WANTED Garaipn in or m i tion. JamiT. L. Jacknon. NEW nhipmcnt apartment received. WiWn-Bearrie block ea*t of hank, C Timaif. USED ’47—Ford, Sports ’46—Ford, Tudor ’42—Plymouth, ’41—Ford, Tudor ’41—Ford, Tudor . *41—Mercifry, ’40—Merciiry, ’40—Ford, Tudor MO—Plymouth, T ’39-Ford, Tudor '38—Ford, Tudor .; ’38—Chevrolet, Sei ’37—Chevrolet, Si'‘ ’36—Ford,! Tudor „ ,, ’42—rFovd, Pickup! (E HILLS room home specifications t-in features, lome offers easy home ihip Under F.H.A. title 20 yfarc^tQ. pay at 4^;. 4 B. have lots of 4 lots in a addition at h ghly restricted addition at the East! gate. ,. We feature lots with and without trees— call us today so .that we may show ygu what we have to an Mot! Your Frici FORD DEAL 415 N. Mjfift Bryan, Te: iRsroi ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LPEPPER .jj in ■ 1 lealty Company • East Gate ! Phone 4-1101 ■i I ■ [if.* ■!B!M •4 4-t If I : Henry A. Miller I Company ! Hardware & Furniture Main at N. Gate Ph. 4-1145 When returtning from a weekj-end trip plan to have supper at4 N il (4 - i ; . , I i litl I 4 ; • I I JkjtoAxHki cafeteria rFTHi 1/ ti . 'ii! • ■ A, & ‘The rn , FOOD YOU WANT ■ i itAt f . GRILL , .; in Wholesome Food.’ North —. •i'.T H/, ■! . For Your ' K ^ i Corsages— !. • ItK — 1 E I ( !i i Call Bryan’s Quality Florist . j ! If ‘ • n ' !| I ; l ( n | } '• ];::(.! : ! I who has a large assortment of flowers for you to select from I ■ << with prices to fit your pocketbook 1 . $3.95 and up CojRSAGES . GARDENIAS—(two blossoms) , $2.00 and up CARNATION CORSAGES—((All colors) ue, yello IRIS—(Blue, yellow and VANDA O ROS1 • j • GLAEMEUAS, C BRUi 1 -| . PHONE 2-1286 white 9 • 1 M 1 * •i r ii - ' 111 I ,; ! Ii! I:;! PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! . Jfj■ (F r 1 4 ' ft ■ PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette 1 . For Philip Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog- > j',* j .■ I TT' nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for yop. Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they’d all change to PHIL,IP MORRIS. f M V il« ‘Ii !■ ii' /: ’# 4 IP m Ii ; h m pa /m ii x ' % i w i; ; \r I , } LO ■ il 4 y G, II *11 liii F| I ii m i ■ r i Ii f ''yi-'ff'. m ' ■ m wm » ; 4, ((!’ 1• I ''U: ■\l :/ 9 l j i j 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ■; j ■ov.r-T •* ■ 1 ' is .]». i 4 i TIT A P*«K • ♦ • I. i, . i.i i 1 4', ; 4 a 1 I