The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1948, Image 3

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over the
^ Texas , A«
travels to 1
wfth the Ki
iM «
• hind Texas
have pet
are s tied
call on
however, d<
mi*, and
Of the-otl
CU r f( r las
wui if
y Kaiipi? wilU
jesHtogo a|
iturdiy. He
le to (jiM 81
puld neither
^ US
may ajlso
xne .«ace team lost fts fi^st
1 of games tqj the Bi
. ty 6 and 15 Sq4, then dropped their
third outing Ip Texals, 8 tajS, Pite^r
mg has as the scores tndicajte tfeen
the Owlr cnlef weakness irt games
to date. John: Plumbh y wi 1 prob
ably start mi the mound jfor 'the
Owls tomoroow. j t [ . ‘
„ Game time is scheduled fori3
* p. m. on tie Rice dia|mi>nd; which
is near RiciJStadhjiii
Other weekend cohf ;renc| ga nes
pit tiie Tppl Horned I'rogsjaga nst
hghorns n tw® games
Friday und Shtuwdaj
at Austin, mod a third ganje sqpdsi
the I Baylor Sears agalinst
Dallas Satu|day.
GUY#. D E A 0
Typewriter Exchange
New &|Used Ty]>ewrilters
Guaranteed Repairs
116 S. Mail
—-iVw l"-..
SHSTC-Nine Halts Fresh
With 6-5 Victory Ten-I
: ' ' ! - ! S «
$MV at
■■ v*»,
"fi ■'i.'f J T
Baton Rouge, Loi
be the scene pf
activities this w
undefeated A&M
meets the LS
dual meet there,
The farmers
favored to win i
Bcngals have u jtitroi
Uam und will probab
field their sti
ition of the year in tl
Aggie George Kadg:
to revjenge a defeat 1
Graves, the Tiger’s
man, in the Border
at Laredo last month
juas hit 170 feet several time
:ing practice the paist w
should be ready to turn
** oU " r
evenfs. Lowther rates with the
best in both and, Could easily
sweep both events tomorrow. His
chief competiter in the javelin
will be Bob Goode, the Ags’ five
events trackman, [jUi:'; •
A&M should take most of thg
ack events as the
the way
strengr 1
and thg!.
Aggie Mile Rela
I .(»•<«
•• v.ii ; [•
K ,■
points in the tntd
Tigers don’t have m
of speedsters. Moft
th is in the dashes,
mile relay, anjd- eyi
Bilderback at home
mry A&Mj should
relay easily enough. : i:
Nei|t weekend Col. Andpri
send the mile I’elay team
Goode to Lawrence, Kansas
j tier the Kansas Relays.
| enter the decalthlon gvent;
j The remainder of the
; track team wijl entertain the
Owls in a dual! meet on Kyle Field.
A |S;
Li • • • • ' ■ i II • i
? ' ■ ,
L E T A N • 4
* J
G&' {
1 blocif north,; Elroniccj Inn!
on^ Houston Hwyi
■ T
& Operated ;by
W. Schmidt ,
tu. Vet — Clajss’’4 '
u^ii tnc icia.y ucam ami xoiift a }
olid Ray Putnam always count on Ray for many valuable
ppints. | ■’ '/TTj! ; ilu- , j : j j / ' ]
mi • -4 ^ vi -« /%r\ a I i „ 1 iS .v T» X TX V
This 5’ 11”, 160 lb. trackstfr hails from Baytown. It was
there at; Robert E. Lee Hightr
#^. Ahat Ray e first began to j Chicago, tjhence to Primary in Cal-
flnd his ability as a trackman., if orma a „d from there to Secon-
Upon,graduation from Robert;E. ir • ’ J - — - -
Lee in 1945 Kay entered Texas A&
Ititramural boxing ’wiill I con
tinue this afternoon starting at
4 p.m. in the gym and will last
until 6 p.m.
Win in 1
-•..I- j fU
the score,
the tenth frame to
defeated Aggie Fish
A Kat outfielde
performance by crossing
with one out on Bob ”
Taylor proved to) be
between the two tea:
He was credited with
seven Bearkat hits,
run?. *4 batted in two
The Farmer batters,
:e Bunt
i ball:! at
game pace before the
Aggie Pitcher EAlfL BEESLEY is shown warming up before
going in against Baylor last Wednesday. BEESLEY threw three
straight atrikes to stop a Baylor rally in the ninth inning.
ante pace b
were hitting belojw par.
ton pitchers Ernie Me
Rocky Nelson limited
to eight safeties, but
had trouble finding the
remained in hot water
noon, issuing ten walks
ting two batters. Fourth
were left stranded.
Coach Charlie DeWarfSS
Truett Mobley, was chill
the loss, but the Cadet
er desenved a much bii
Mobley was on the raounjj|
one-third innings, ane
shaky first stanza in
was nicked for three ru
hits he turned in a th^||hit
the rest of the way. I,
McCullar also had
the initial frame. The)
crossed the plate twii
single by Wallace M
pair of doubles by Joe)
and Sonny Bollman.
Poor throwing was
cause of Mobley’s dow
the Farmers had knotb
with a single tally in
Savarinp’s Tow peg to
lowed Taylor to scon
the Huntsville school
lead. However, three
knocks and an error ga
dets a 5-4 margin in
inning. T
Mobley protected his
ith inning to tie
squeeze play in
jfronji a previouly un-
-f l # i
elimaxecj a good
Need Something to Do?
Texas Best Team
I From Foul Line
He decided to try fo o r the track
t^am, made it, and proceeded ! to
. . . .
njake a name for himself. In the
SWf ' '' ‘
S|WC Track Meet that year, Fish
Holbrook was high point man.
! He wim the top place with 10
fa points garnered from two first
places in. the quarter and half '
tnile and a berth oh the second
place ntlle relay team.
I Ray’s success was short lived
though an ” ’
Aeas about
But so did Fish Holbrook, so upon
passing the Eddy Test he went in-f
tb the Navy and Boot camp at San
Ejiago in June of ’45.
\ Not forgetting^ his fleet feet, Ray
NEW YORK, April 8 —
Texas, of the Southwest Confej'-
: ence, was the best 1948 majpr col
lege team from the foul line and
(darjf iin Texas at Cqrpus Christi.
; ft was at Corpus that Ray’s
S running legs caught up with him : , ie ge neam irvm uiei «yui une «pu i ;»»
again. He ran the quarter mile Oregon State, of the Pacifier Coast
on. the MedkvW Tfttt that Conference, i-as tops in making ' 5 d g ^ ' '
won at the fexas Sclavs m ’46. : field goals. H ! [/ of 1! P k ^ hor “ a< li, ,
I In July; 46 A.E.T.M. Third Class Final statistics frdnj the Nation- j tlo ^X huntertnro^rJ^ng 8 wfth
Mollbrook changed his name to Mr. al Collegiate Athletic Bureau th ^ r i jttle forked sticks ^ an( f b ulg-
Holhtook ! and; returned to Aggie-1 showed today the Texans rimmed I - - k
bind the following September. : 351 of 481 free throws for a .780 *p or n ^ t Sunday is the ninth
i Thl cindeiw beghri to burn again ! percentage, they led ; in this dje- y
ijvhen in the Spring of ’47 Put-1 partment the entire; season. [
Rattlesnake Hunt Provi
Lots of Thrills For 0
J. 1 ! 3 | T n i . I • 3 ' } • J { ' - ' 1
and 4
variw j
Aft :r
e cou ;
bird s
d p
the Clte
•1** M t
when, with two
Dennis’ throw
ilo loft field and
I • Ison scored to
r JlCt
crammed the bags
of the tenth but couu
its; djid better. Taylor
, r with s boominj
right-center field. Then
almost became
iti Lionel Duncan,
tt;hitter|‘teed off on Mob
itcfi with a fly to
eft fiHd( Thejoonfused Taylor
abiut twenty fleet off the bag w
ielder Wal see snagged the I
had no chance to
- ,? put out.
owevfcr, Howard’s bunt off
jbf tosBer Lawrence Ludl_
Ranged the crowd’s boos to chee
i Tsylor scahupered home.
Aggie! Fish £00 010 200 0 58'
Bam Houston 800 001 001 1 67
ngout when winning run scort-,,,
A AM: Mobley, Ludtke (10
, ISTC: McCullar, Nelso:!
aid Crow, Bender (8).
'son and Guerra.
im lea
RntVi Vmi
OKEENE, Okla., April; 8 W f mass vengeance on the serpent
Uncle Sam had other Oani put (together that fateful four- Oregon State, regarded as a team
his immediate future, some of Napier, Bilderback, Hoi- which controls the ball well, tixjk
bropk, and Harndon. ' 1,818 shots from' the field during
This was the tamous four that the season ami made 668 for a pep-
pUt them to woik to win the week-
to relay fame in ’47. They
woh the Mile Relay at The Tex
as' Relays, the Kansas Relays,
the SWC meet, and came in sec
ond at (he Drake Relays.
! cpntkge of .367.
I SYDNEY in —Plants itted tij
Australian aborigines for curing
500 yard run and two bucks ond at (he Drake Relays. _ (warts and ulcers ave to be sent (to
Worth of P. X. cards. Another , So far this season the team has the United States for examination
month of Boot and- P. X. for Ray romped to wins in all of its races, by chemists. This is part of a
,u ur famous Mite Relay Team j Their Sweetest victory was the world-wide movement by univcr$i-
n^ight never have been heard bf. Texas Relays, where they shaved; tijes and scientists to exchange in
biwt wctTp^-BSo "™ ati,>n m fl** 1 * i ’ 03
feber vett&K
sibiliities of Various plants.
next Sunday
annual revival of that: fabulous
Oklahoma sporting evppt— the
Keene Rattlesnake Hunt.
Starting tomorrow, hunters will
oppn a three-day convention at
Okeene and nearby Efiid before
heading for the risky climax of
the hunt itself. Four hundred are
registered for the first day alone.
Men and snakes haven’t got
ialong too well since that time in
the Garden of Eden, but it’s been
more or less a you-go^j our-way
and I’ll go mine affair.
It required hot-blooded Okla-
hbrnans to change all that and take
Incidentally making it pay in hard
shiny dollars.
For pay it does.
If past form is any guide, about
5,000 hunteip will come home Sum
day night (at least most of them
will) lugging about 500 highly ex
asperated rattlers.
To catch a rattler, you have
to find him before he finds you.
Then you pin his head down with
a forked stick. Then you get a
noose over his head and gently
loft him into a sack. The snake
doesn’t like this, and all the time
is making a noise like a bill col
lector at the door-buzzer.
If the rattler catches you, it
makes a good after-dinner story
for the rest of your li
The handsomer sn
zoos to study humani:
hind glass windows. 7
wind up as canned]
steak or salad jto deligj
heeled epicure. Athle'
find new lives in si
Last but not least,
medical laboratories,;
hunt is not all a gag. ‘
arc the only source
om serum, and also]
pain-killer for cancel
And despite the po
well-known folk remed
is the only reliable i
snake bite.
The hunt stalled nini
J :
g° ,
fat bom’s
;he w
4 snake
ity .0
ie se
j (ears
’ } ■
. Vt., April 8-4-
1 —The Cathedral High Schocl .
eball team today reported only -
idle casualty after a strenuous
ctice session—Coach Don Ma-
f";" fl
q coach was pitching batting for his boys when a grour •
de)r took a bad hop as he was aboi t
KpH fiOld it. 1 He Suffered a badly
pi lip. ■ | '
ja8|; one of these extravagant gen-
|tu|res made pp often in the grei.t
Bat ?rhen (he dollar reared its
caught 1 on in real earnest
e is plenty of fun am!
eveijy year.
oth hunt land hi-jinks are .bofc
Slid by the International Associn-
Min pf rattlesnake hunters, whoi (a
chief rattler Is Oiwille Von Gulker.,
The Associatjoh has taken most Pf
the wo(rk off the hands of the
Okeene Junior Chamber of Com T -
iiiprce, whiqh launched tho idoa
batk in 1939,
j In alf the Jfears of the hunt, only
fbiir persons; have ever been b tj-
t?ii, and none Have died.
hj : ■Ht—^—r,
Babe Ruth is known as the "nuln
wbo l biiilt Yankee Stadium,!*'
Now Yprk fang.
ty of beautiful colors
leasonablv Priced
• M
S. College Rd., Bryan
* Sat. Hours—-8-6
1 1 • •