•‘.fra -I ■ ' . • 11 \ a 4-' i.—4!U 'Hr ■ ■ : ■ i-i :•! ji j. ■ F4 fr 'W ■-<' 1 ! t er Servict r:. n 31 : i! • M — r" t.atiZA'd * . 'b COLLEGE STATI* applyrng for a degr twd) year history of thej Mrs. Sahdstead, wi applied for a Bachel summer session. In proving tlhat she ons,” 1948 editions east two semesters tdence;in thjis C^llegefflu *4 Uitary Requirements r Anvil 1 fPA*_JtTr« S.Vrra SflnHstpfld Rtnrtned nffininla A ll.U" i iPftp IpI 1 mil 1 (PA)—Mrs. Sierra yesterday, becoming the first Woman to do sb in the seventy T ^ ^ ~ : llr 1 stunned'college officials !«!s : .i! I'ljl New Supervis Named in Ag College officials, responding to many pleas fjrlom ’ , f T Miljt r - r ■ ifi —j apt from Llano, Tex- ie|r at^the end of the lat: at res with an average f terj not lesis than 36 hours 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication THE SCRIBE SHOP — Typing, mitneo graphing.: drawing. Phone t-6706: XOO'i East -23rd. Bryan. FOR SAI-Rt-Royal typewriter*. 11, 12. and 14 innsLock lend: 9 x !l2\c.m. Easy to use: iwilj do portrait (|uality work, only? *35lo Drs. Milor and sume their duties a the college staff ip ture. It is thought both men have tu equipment they now, tossession they wi|ji operations. [ i- M . . • since then has fried jaggs ot era! mornings. .1 When questioned} • a s to policies in operating the chi dining halls both menfwere as i saying, “Huh?” iMurthej? ex planation by the corps i of reporters present at their first]!' Press- ifeas”) conference brought tHi; reply 1 from the two men: “ThiiC pilfering of! plates must stop. rt Qf Nolei commenteEon the last war single C ripple ill” S. Through some j mix-up, they originally landed at Texas Uni- versity in Austin, but found lob many Communists on the can\pus there already. They never met these other Communists, but read about! them in the Dallas News and Houston Post. 1 3. Having finally nmvod at Col- (chapttersj) operating in each bull 4. The ^line" followed here was different from that handed out in other places (in accordance with • Marxist-Leniniat-Stalinist dinlec- 1 tics, which call for stressing local dissatisfactions). Bait held out to students: Hqboir stores to be es-, tablished on the campus, eliminate in* trips “over the river;” all text books to be abolished; students to shoot craiis with instructors, anil gtedds to be [determined accord ingly s meals to be served in rooms: lo|ung|e (hairs with foot and head rests ] to be installed] in all clasi i^e told the students that col lege; classes are conducted that hay in Rusal*;” said the leader, booked] tnerely as Comrade X. did they fall: for It!” Asked what disposition he would .N *And Asled what dispofit makei of the prisoners, Chief Slick ^ nlanped man said he p to H.i R. Mulu of Houston. to send them en it,{the University WfV' > 'r rngMiniiiMiiStgu CAUSE FOR AMERICAN PRItlf VEfPERSON’S ROUGH DRAFT OF THE DBCLARAt] ft, or ahvkica. ~ 1 I ; 'U ' [■ : EN0ENCE ,D 5Tv4T£S f.-f dusoCix-i Jj ihi, I According to recently uncovered PYidertu dippings, from diaries and old news istorians have come to ibn the Ajamo did ! not Martin’s Place : rmiI r F’ 1' BARBECUE PLATES with all trimmings 50c ft 75c SANDWICHES . I |( | : .».. 20c! i j Midway on College Ave. ' >„Phone 2-8039 Featuring Swift’s Premium MILK-FED BROILERS ' ''' ^ If** r i: r duuurJ- turn. 4 I ■| !- SERVING Chicken Dinner 75c In'"’ Al Part of the origi* written by Thoi dom Train." The? finally presented 1 AX, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS it, J k.teiLLB Good .food — that’s all Ralph Stacy, Owner ,U •* ■''''a ; O! With a Pag] what you effort. No proud- to thi Parker"5F coax, that', HAjjuu ll' III r the Declaration of In< I no^r on display .board -‘l WHAT YOU WRIT! Pay you write it! re • • • ’tu, to tak* more pride ir —faster—with lest not toowji. standards. S*tho It’a the “SV at . arher Pan Company, Wisconsin, U. S. A., nto, Canada.