? Departments To eat Physiologist Members of 4hb A&M Best at a luncheon in Houston iday, March 26. iDr. Best is the co-discoverer of i|sulin, the [ hormone which has ved the lives of thousands of peo- e suffering from diabetes. Dr. sst has for many years been pro- r ssor and head of the department of physiology at the University of Toronto. j mi! ! Following the luncheon at Hous- n Dr. Best will deliver, a lecture Baylor University Medical 'chool which will be attended by a oup from A&M ana metebers of ie faculty and students at Baylor Dr. D. V. Cardonai To Address AVMA r • l; l ! j I ( Jj | ■ ' i Dr. D. V. Cardona, prominent practicing veterinarian of Fort Worth, will address the student Chapter of the American Veterinary Association Tuesday evening at 11:15 p.m. in the Lecture Room of the Petroleum Building, according to an announcement by Louis Buck. Dr. Cardona^s topic will be Ihe surgery. Before entering can- pri- Foirt Worth 25 kL- Buck WiU Veterinariai Mag i' Lewis E. iuck, senio • v jterijiai 1 student .front George Wert, Te was elected editor of tie S' l western. Veterinarian at a i 3 meeting of the Studen Q ia p r the = AVMA. j | . Bob Shelli of A‘fdnfl|otfe, rf)klal . „ j was elected business manager. |hifll i A -is also a senior yfeterit gr r ! ! Buck and : Shell \vU' SU pe; V s ];5)u|lication of thf :Mbj| ’ .magazine. I:c ' •! : ] i J* A new slate JL | Veterinariah will be j the 1948-49 school yeaf^, {‘ western Veterinariai semi-monthly pujblica ci. student. tipe)jvi|c ue of Confectionaries Require Fee Slips for Checks ! i ’ a • j : i. No checks will be cashed at college confectionaries without the yellow fee slip from the Fiscal Office, the Office of the Student Union-College Confec tionaries announced yesterday. The only exception will be al lowed when a person not hay ing his fee slip may obtain the signature of one of his friends as co-signatory, the announce ment stated. i v Filth Available At V&ual Aids Lab jyate practice; in _ r .|l years ago, Dr. Cardona served with the Bureau of Animal Industry. In addition to the operation i of the Fort Worth Dog and,Cat Hospital, Ihe 7 !serves as city and zopi veteri- narian and milk inspector for Fort fWorth. ‘ IP JEgCTif. .„ . . except for one or two years dur ing the war. j [ j. ' The A&M rodeo is conducted by the Saddle and Sirloin Club, a chap ter of the National Block and Bridle Club, anal its members are students of animal husbandry. It ttjftaged for the purpose Of rais ing funds to help defray the ex- Mnspa; of the international live stock judging team. jWhat’s looking? AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Civil Engineering Lecture Room. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER ING SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, AE Lecture Room. Speaker repre sentative of John Deere Plow Com pany, Houston. j. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SO CIETY, 8 p. m., Wednesday, Chem istry Lecture Room. General Elec-.| trie Company representative to speak. ] AIChE, 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, Pe- troleum Lecture Room. BRAZORIA COUNTY, 7:15 p. m.. Room 326 Academic Building, Party. FORT WORTH CLUB (Officers) £15 p. m;, Tuesday, Room 118, ' rm 4. ' ir 1 [ VI - • |! ; j |1 JCONOMICS'CLUB, 7:00 Tues day, Room 307, Academic. Plans for party will be discussed. EX - SERVICEMEN WIVE ’ S BRIDGE AND SOCIAL CLUB meets Thursday 7:15, p.m. at the YMCA. Cabinet Room, jj EL PAST) A&M CLUB meets Wednesday At 7:16 p.m. in the Aca demic Building. ! KREAM AND'ROW CLUB, t:30 p. m., Tuesday, Creamery Lecture Room. .Ti LOWER RIO GRANDE LEY CLUB, 7:15 p.m., f _ j , .Cabinet Room YMCAji j,', husbandry. Itj LIBERTY COUNTY CLUB meets Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., room 127 Academic Bldg. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB, 7 p. m., Tuesday, Room 310, Agricul tural Engineering Building. Re- CLUB freshments) will be served. NAVY RESERVE OFFICERS Organizational Meeting, 7:15 p. m., Wednesday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. PRE-MED, PRE-DENT SOCIE TY, 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Biology Lecture Room. Three films will be shown. ; i j PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CLUB, 8)00 p.m. Wednesday, Pe troleum Lecture Room. UzzeH Branson will speak on core analysis for reservoir performance. ► PRE-LAW SOCIETY, 7 jj. m 3 Tuesday, YMCA Assembly Rooni. Speaker Dean of University of Houston Law School, jj : jj j f[ SAE Tuesday 7:15 p.m., M.E. Lecture Room. ' jf ! j! -j SOCIOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Room 203, ( Ag Bldg. Bring pictures for selection < * " ton ball duchess. ' J SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB meets 7:30 tonight in the AI Lec ture Room., ton Ball Duchess. 1 WICHITA FALLS CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Academic.- America’s greatest football coach is unanimously considered to he Knute K. Rockne. He was head coach at Notre Dame from 19l8 to the time of his death in 1931. Mmmwmmi Miifgin to the Student ■d. thou Id be * the day bef araphing^ diyetnc. Phone NEW Koyal typewriter!, portable. We repair and i machine!. Bryan Busincsn 107 2f ^ r r SELL WITH A BATTALION FIED AD. Ratea .».>** insertion with a 2Ed minimutn. rates |n Classified Section . . .v* p column inch. Send all claMiflie< • wl' remitUnee to the Student AcUW lea Of fice All ad* should be turn id in 10:00 a.m. of the day before pifb icai THE SCRIBE Bryan. HOSPITALIZATION or all Spin dent insurance as low Sir 3jee it with the world’s Janrest excluslv . - aad accident company. Muitufl Health & Accident Aaaqciatijoi. Mjiers, student represciitati re j 2-125). Resident C-12-C. Coljhi s MAvIe EXTRA MONEY diuijin* summer vacation month* intrududna n -w Soil Conservation Farm Kquijlnwn item ! it (arm neiahborhood. liiii tan ■ mom safer. No competition. ! Am r vi>d by h-ndinx ,‘Ak" colleges and ;*o 1 experts Nationally advertised. Manly ' t< rritorit> open. Write Box 2S4 F.E.. 'Imo B ittalioa Tejxas A&M Colleae, Coliex i Station LOST- -Short coat. Cround For -c i paid R«(turn to Student Activit)ieii (if ice. K- w^rd.1 LOST—Ronson cigarette lilfhtier nttrave-j iper; m a at_Shii ‘'Sami’’ Lost durinir supper m n sa Hall, Wednesday. Marrt “ dollar reward. Return to Si IU| Ejiaxell or Box' 729, Colii R i MU$T;SELL THIS WEEK.-l)» It. 1941 al alumimltn VaKubond h-nise t -a iler. Jr* b September 1. 1$4S. Iljn taking th|i action.iit is the intent ^ mlittee to favojrJoniy tpose aful Will Rfudimte before the 1)149 e m hell Iqhg Clark. -4- at GOfcS “RED”, : Lfi AID IINGTON, Mir. 16 —'-'Pi- ] 1 A-VIk^ , The ;I)<‘P|rtment suit! yt-ster- y ih|t if Italy got* Communist .. it* |villl gt*iL no furthei 4 economic air the use of studejnt clubs ami organizations, Howard Berry, visual aids director, has ij^mounced. j | ' j . Th|* film deals with oil prospect ing, Refining, and drilling, Berry said. ; The 16 mm. filfn is in color withji sa.uind and is. thirty minutes long, N