The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1948, Image 2
' ; r i ■ • Page 2 f 1 xas “|Texas Battali n PI T'fo RI L S ’'Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" Sullivan Ross, Founder _ wheii it cbrties Ijj i librai^fservice we Have to i s Libraries. of things, but THURSp AY, MARCH 11,1948 of Aggie Tradil i—*—i ditions take thirty- eight place Ujiiong states. Of the i 'i 254 tbuntHs iin 'jfexas,: 147 have no Ipublic libralry wittiin their boands.” . Trhese ptom • fV^riighf Patnian of Texarkana,! repr ?«entati\ie in Congress, were spoken in tihelEobse o| jRepresentatives re- have indifferent use s madfijof A&M’s Cushing brary habit of tie disniiWj centSy. Th$y jte f[the story of one of Texas’ the S< problems. They also may explain why such might a i paper foom doesn’t qualify anyone as a book- worrri v | L Seriously, there are. rniany fine books in the CushingHibrary thati^have never been issued We may^npt have as complete a col- lectior of 1 booM as t[he New York Library or even the Texas University library (one of the ten tcjp jcollegisate institutions) but we do i of the )ne e better college libraries Southwest. It isn’t used library, j ,. Borrowing books from the library Awaiting action in the House is a bt and reading! tiler if is a habit, easily acquired authorizing appropriation of funds for mo- in childhood, |a ’4 to adqpre at a later age. It has Iqngibeen notfided that Aggies shy K.v o:r 1 when ah inhjtruc or hanili) out a list of books to secure from He libjrqry and read; Part time. be. Which brings us back to bile libraries over the country. Rep. Patman, suppohtinig the bill, told his colleagues: “T’us bill would do a lot for my state of Texas, as well as for other states. There are more j; eople in Texas without library service than in, any other state. Over 3,000,000 Tex ans, on know 7 I 111 ! I Ip,. Masaryk. non-party foreign! miijuste* in (;7|'choslovakia’s new Cbm ttulriist-conti dfled- government, person alize? the “cqlq vip!’,,. [1 . ! The Czechbs oyak goyernmen-t said Ma- saryc. $on of fH)jr|i^s Mdsaryk. founder and first president!of! leaped to deotli trom hi Prague. Theigqvptihmeritfannouncement /said he “sufferdd: ah ipfi irjmity.” ] j Ihterior Mii Kr 'V m n (■ —* ^ ‘Hidden Cost’ Through Equipment Being Paid (This is the fifth in a series of nine article on the current mess hall situation at A&M. The sixth article, concerning a poll of Cadet Corp^ opinion on Fam ily and Cafeteria style, win -ap pear in the Friday issue of the Battalion.) J, By LARRY GOODWyV but one small figutf* seryi illustrate the scope. :# the . Through loss of nilk bo alone, the rpess hal have forced to pay the cOilrKe cr ery (447.97 in tpe P*** months. Students who eat m A&M’s mess hall are not getting their full dol laFs value for each* $1 spent—and they themselves are responsible in part for the “hidden co’st” that is part for the “hidden co’st’’ that responsible for this situation. The “hidden tost” is the money the mess hall must take away from food allotments every year in order to pay for losses in mess hall equipment, a loss which students are responsible for to a large de- gree. | j This loss takes the form of miss ing coffee cups, knives, forks, glasses, plates and other assorted eating utensils which the mess hall rtnust replace. Commenting on this situation, The creamery charges foui for each milk botlih that returned. Students wjl bottles out of the ni be making it ; fee with th£y are , ience in the form of i ha}l costs. In an a this loss, a . program' uiioei»in^, . , to dormitory janitors for eV ^] milk bottle's bjrought back mess hall. This profriilm has in a small wdy, to pyerconli unnecessary “hidden itsst." But the real gaii must:, from the students. If j»pme prp^r could be worked out tpl i „ . jpwijl J. G. Peniston, chief of A&M Sub- loss (and possiibly er able st sistenjee, said, “The students don’t to have their nightl> coffee seem to realize they are paying for i crearti”) the probhn pr^ablyi Masaryk’s Only Way Out... about half of our population, do not vhat-'free public library service is. iHa^ahy IVt lUUIlUt}! ctllU ihe Cbcchoslovak Republic om hik khifd floor office in VERBAL RETCHI My dear Mr. Murray: Ever since you have been edl of what used to be the Aggies newspaper, I have writhed and suffered in silence while leading the asinine folderol you have seen fit to print. I have suffered, I re peat, in silence. 1 have disagreed with the stand you have taken on almost every subject you have taken a stjand.on, put I have fought down (he im pulse to retch verbally because I tary aid to.' China would help stbp “Russian aggression” in ^urope. 1 Several members of Firtland’s delegation to negotiate q Finish-Russian pact requested by Prijne Minister Stalin were reported in Helsinki to have asked to be relieved of their „ assignment. Informants said Finnish Pr'esi- h ». v e .never bplieved in destructive dent ijjiho K. Paasijdvi cut them short with mt,cism and 1 have neither the the rerhark: “There is no question of whether (Ifness,. coupled’ with you hajve any desire to do this or that. This is k compulsory labor.” Daiiish Foreign Minister Gustav Rasmus sen in Copenhagen expressed- concern for Jege Hills leaves hisl windows open and burns gas day and night and the cost of the gas must be distrib uted‘over those persons on a flat- rate.” This sounded logical, tho' exasperating, and sp the bills were paid. !|t. In September ID-7 a meter was installed arid we tiought ~“Now we’ll pay only for the gas ; WE use!” But the bills continue to double! I realize this has been a the equipment that they take out of the mess hall. That is exactly the case, for wg just have to spent! the money that should be going for food in order to replace the neVer+endirig loss of equipment.” The extent of the price loss to students is reflected in these fig ures from the subsistence depart* ment,; showing how the mess hall spends each dollar in the process of serving the; student body.. . Sixty cents out of each dollar goes for food; twenty-eight cents own liberty tacked.! He with all available .force” if at- did not mention any possible source of attack on Denmark, but declared ^ M - « - 15 ’ ' w J ■\ ; 1 ■ I lihi ster Vkclav Nosek said Ma saryk had lipent: ithe jiilght reading letters and jtelegraras! f X)|n BHitSain and the United States attacpjig Him fjor continuing ib the Cbmjmqnist ijroyerrijmeni [ In Brussels, five Wjefetern Europeah na tioni negotiatfeK 4 miliillarj' alliance agreed that “the main eastern power, the U.S.S.R., in ptiriciple fhei ’ linionl \/ill be open toiother is at present striving to attach Finland to counjtries on jthe ^optinejnt. . “ the eas: European system. At the'Vatican, Popt'!-Pius. XII said in his Ajt take Success, the much-publicized U anniial addifess tp thfti?Rome Clergy; that S.-Russ ian agreement on Palestine partition Catholics ini th* ltaWai| national elections appeared to be dissolving. Imminent dis- A'prjl 18 mujdjvjtJ for'candidates who safe- agreemjent ayipeared to center on American guavd the right? |of (Wdj and of soulk; for .insistence that the Arabs, bitter foes of par- .the true 'God of individuais, of families and tition, be brought into United Nations con- of .society, according to |the law of Gojd ami sulfations. Christian moral Sc(ctnnkC ’ / . ★ In Washiiigto i the Tf i Sv C-ongress sought Yomg Masaryk apparently .saw only one to transfoiffl (tl e IM&rkljiiill Plan for Euro- way opt of the dilemna of the world. He pean recovers' nfo law bv April 10, Maj. jumpeti. But the rest of us cannot take such Gen] Claire Gh^nfiault! [former commhnder a way put. Can its upward trend, Ar the fact that only twice dui ing.tne last 6 months has anyone in this vicinity Seen the meters being read. , , Now, Mr. Anthony, my question time nor the inclination to take i s ~tlm—Is there anything that can part in getting out the Bait. be done to remedy this—other than However, I can't swallow; eVerv- installing Butane Atwood burners, thing. Monday’s issue is top mUch- 0 r talking’ to the chaplain? Any Quoting your t6p-of-the T column e , ^plaint made to the Lone Star editorial (?); “What more can be j G aa Co. is met with the reply, “If particularly cold wintep but this j for lalbbP*cost, two cents for utili- doesn’t account foi; the fact that ties such as heat, light, power, wat- during the month 'which included ! er, fuel and gas and the remaining the Christmas holidays when I was! 10 cetits fop-“dining hall expenses.” gone for 2-weeks, the hill continue! i The price of replacing mess hall equipment, along with cleaning and laundry, insurance, garbage collec tions, is, included in this lattet figure. The exact percentage of each dollar that is spent on replac ing equipment; couldn’t be obtained, could be licked. Got any ideas? 7 II ■ ; j it) it j mii VA Representative Changes Schedule Darnell, Bryari contact re ive foe the Ycterans A lion, will be m ! contact rep,. Hart Hall ♦ YOUNG TEXANS A EISENHOWER, FA irtPRoyi LEY i'l ■1. 1 [ i, r. vr • “■ i re entatr mnistra' thfec days a week instead Of the miming and afternoon arrange- nr nt previously in practice. A tie can he contacted in Ramp B, Hart Half every Tuesday, Thurs- \ ill j veterans probl m , iy to handle is other than edu- iohal qVestiOnfl. Vamell will also maintain offi- ■I r de i in Brynn on Mondjay and Wed- riepday. His office has been moved frii Mr t rim the second to tne third floor of the Howell Building: Until now, Varnel i a n pus every Monday Tlursday ia,fterhoon. visited the morning ar lavarro Club To ileef Duchess TYLER, Tex., Marbh 11 The Tyler Courier-Tibies sai terday that Generaj j Eisen and Jim Farley WoUkt be favorable mention as; a prril tial team at a meeting here Sitilr- day of the Texas Youlilg Dem)q(' r *P executive committee. rwpr! iy+n il dei- PALACE PHONE 2-AH79 Finland amj said Denmark would defend her ‘ hell of a^ot.^And nmre <?f itTasi you,- iffr—aix'l ihey U 'wouid l , whole i you don’t like it—\y e ’d just, cut to do yith the battleship Tjepcas. If you haven’t any original ideas, too! MARTIN B. MARX ’45 vreii; v, iaire |t |n(‘inrauiu |jormei commanaer a way rut. t a of. the “Flyirng Tlgersf’l in China, told the mess H-fthout Earl Buntiar, pres djent of the National Assn, of Mai ufs ictjlirer:i,ihe!d a press cbnfer-j ence during the repent convention;to explain the NAM’s l^-pjoiljit prjo^ram to fight infla-J tioni During the duest one report er -asl ed a hailing question] about pricpSiand B l\i r around thi ajU./pio one v drive the ;pq ht straight to 1= I oilsly C'horus|d: 6 Dil'fefencci of O union i, we work our way out of this getting into a thitd World House Foreign Affairs]Committee that milH War, alnd a wdrse mess? We must.try '/Y-. 3 i ‘ .1 If 5 ' , ■ - ’ \ B&() Promotion Public relaiions wise, the Baltimore & Ohio Hailroad doesn’t miss a trick through spects of,its passenger promotion are subtle. We refer to a slick brochure, some a pretty ntjnd ansivbred at length [large-, pcinii, an;1 (summed up: “After an ps !|price controls agaiiii.” To lished road’s York’s! period afterward, illustrated by,Don Herold, that was just pub- and v which tells, in part, about the fancy rddtor coach service from New e put the problem cs with a rhetorical 42nd Street to the terminal in Jersey City. A halfstorie phot of the midtown wait- jhe report question. ‘T# ^'ojildnA |vant price controls” he said, “whijd *'o«?” AUwhich point a good ly number o|[tqe lasseihfiled scribes vdcifer- “fYes. ’ f -—TIDE ' 1 • j 1 CoHsternapion beset the Detroit A? Bu reau wheti beffih pHones Aent out of commis sion simultaiieoisll- du|’ifig a busy night last week- The AlP lecuesfM quick service from the teiephon|i c6npanf because- imi)fortant outstafe calls [wi re expt ctlecl, so an emergency ■ushed ttithe newsroom. The I \ ;Hed and rpchecked before one finally located the trouble, phfenesl hkd been switched. repair crew is repa irmen chHel. astute mecha ilia receivers of tie Right aboye the [Edinbur g stoiVf neadedl V „ „ - _ BLAZE IN BF.lDRbo blarhed on an e ing rodni smarts an interesting sequence. It shows la number of passengers waiting around for the bijs, including a goodlooking chap ahd a pretty girl. These two, however, are seated sbipe distance apart from each and aije^ Obviously supposed to be strangers] But the next picture, showing the bus enrdute to the station, has the two fdfks sititing side by each and chatting ;ogetherj. ! —TIDE loaded young cozily row from the Austin dump. You have been an outstanding propon ent of everything advocated by the teasips ever since you have had your name in the Batt. I, for one, 1 am getting pretty damned sick of it If you value optipion formed on tho forty acres s6 highly I suggest you pack up land change schools. 1 have never learned anything ad mirable about that bunch, either in dividually or collectively, and I know a! few. Editorialize all you please about , battleships and forth, but please don’t ask us to take their word for it, whatever it is. H. V. KING, ’44 MIDNIGHT SHOW ONLY MARCH 23rd Martm’sPlaci BARBECUE PLATE* with all trm Mings 59c & 7|5c SANDWICHES Midway on Onli|t<ge Ave Phyne 2-,st)i38 L: t(k FRIDAY - SATURDAY NOT-SO-FLAT RATE Editor, The Battalion: I realize this probably should be addressed to the ,(;ity fathers of Bryan. However before writing them I’d like to find out if any Other people of College Station are in similar circumstances. From September 1946 to about August of 1947 we were on a “flat- rate” for our gas. During that \yih- INTERNATIONAL PICTl’RES presorts MERLE GEORGE CHARICS PAUL ter the bills doubled every month | jji and any griping was met drith the argument—“Some guy over in Col- DALACE W !• ON i ft • ■’9 LAST DAY tot You Were Meant for Me” i $100 Soun o itical Plate )God in print Scni Antonio {Te\.) Neics l! LENORE ULR1C || LUDWIG STOSsEL | ARNOLD MOSS -I te'J Pirtdil bj ntVISG PICHEL PrelacM b, EDWAID SMALL h I0SEIT TIOEIEN DIAMOND POCKET KljaVES & SPORTING GOODS HiUcreat Hardware 2013 CoUe«; Road fhe Navano Countir A&M Club ijll meet Thursday it 7:30 p. In the Academic Building to «elc luche»8 to Fepresertt the club I \ c th*'annual Cotton-Bill, according President ^twVfir wi 1 be discuswd. Harris requests all mi mbers to attend. TODAY ONLY Features Begin—' 'J 1:40 - 3:J30 - 5:00 - 6:4|)- T ' 8:^ • 10:05 I!-,-- I I' Jon Hi *Mic*higari Kid” In coioij; 30c—Tax ‘Inoluded < . —Plus-t Oort — News 4-' Cartoon FRIDAY & SATURDAY f Alexanders Ratjtinin Hand t. I : For MODEL AIRPLANE SUP PLIES Jones Sporting Goods 80S S. >ram Pli. 2 2832 i ATCH FOR THESE mm Songs r*ii bishopTw // Winter Comet T H L 8 10 CLOCK ALAN IA00 in !>A!GON NE WITH THE WIND*, MBirn • ■ jVy.. ‘4"^ INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Chatts r adj fir electric blankets, 'ex.r) Review 'ran a 'flki/ TbAsrry toes bring :t)RpOM.’| It was about a fire It ctilic bjaiikt :anooga— Fifteen thousand State Department of Conservation workers have distributed 27 pounds of grain throughout this ariea as emergency rations for biras.— Briqegjrotjjm On Knoxvl Wo Fonk|-JlIoi|ths|oid Adjc ■ i' win n pHvfrdfr Chairge ' \'hwnchbi^ff\ (Va.)New's The Batt i afternoon, exi :i i lishcjd semi-W^kl; .. News conit Hall. Cla 209, j Goodwin S This, makeover.) leNe ids-Sentinel. thy worlf, and light work. Free Dress, rea ining heids in the Detroit (Mich.) Groups of Donors Urged for T^t-Tube Bubiqs—Husbands Won’t Like udge! I(P. S.—There was a quick J ! e Battalwn ufewspaper of the Agricultural aim published five tirries a week a^c lidays and examination periods, ion rate $4.30 per school year, i s nfayt be made by telephone (4-544(4) r y IN PERSON 11 : 1 [ 1 i . > -' FOR HER ■ j FOR HIM 'l SNOW WHITE Mechanical College of Texas and the City j circulated every Monday through Friday Durihg Ipe summer The Battalion is Advertising rates furnished on resuest. AND THE SEVEN DWARFS I ; 9 . I !l -Americ e Assoc ed tb it or not f rfP| Enlered a t( a Press is mtitled exclusively to the use for republication of alt news dispatches credit- iotherWisq (credited in the paper arid local nevys of Spontaneous origin published herein. jlh ati jm ,ol a 1 other matter herein are also reserved. mattfer it Post Tea .as, under dr March 1|70. Vick jLimllcy J. T.i Miller. Kemn Mnck: t! Nolen ( ^ Tom R. L.lBillingBley, l ( rv (y Oielf. i^ri y Goodwyn Te<i-U )pel md^ Truropn barter. Ted U >|> L I ’.'-'s: br at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- ,ds ttifi(y be placsd by te'leiphone (4-5324) or at tine Student Activities Office, Room i 1 ! 4 Member of The Associated Press ! 'i* The sweetest Story ever told . I ' With a . - t (I, L-oits T ’ Associated Collegiate Member Jl Presls f.j, ManntriiiE Kditors ‘ Feature Editor »n J. Martin. C..C. Munrtw, Odlb R. Kunte. J. C. Fall., Maurice lid Grady San) I.aii lot Art Howtird James iDcAti Hersche Bob : '-k- Represented nationally by National Ad vertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. •11 ; U in ILUANT NEW YORK StNGIN f • DANCING CAST ■in : '■•' . Vh ...Co-Editors Advertising Manager Photographer ..Cartoonists ..Sport* .Editor S¥\ Auditorium, AJarch 30 Hr i u ^ Matinee 2:30 — Night 8:00 —Sponsored by— Bryan - College Station Junior Chamber of Commerce ^ ':..± . J .1 *• it i . J At.* foSnsI ... THURS. -4 RL. — SAT Bioae -TUES. Produced and Written h liliONAL prwnls JT?nri!sI3 & Till RSI)AY v f R Fir O l 1 iFILICANOR LUPIN0 PARKE in WARNER PP0S! "EscapeMe i Pin - NUKEI cusp • nisi ^GfG YOUNG) : REYp.od»c»d b» HENRY BLANK! I MMrtl« NMC