NEWS I ‘V LABOR READERS DPPOSE J! PRISON RlOODSCO UPETITIOI j AUSTIN, March « ~r | Federation of Laboi leaders S Urday srjoke out bliintly‘iii op gitjon to;’use of prison j^oods labor “m competition with labor.” j _ ^ i .. 1 .T The fejleration’s executive took thii'unanimouj? stand iiji ptaterilenjt comm^ntiij g onj ai re prison bbard recomi nendfttion legislativle approval’:)f sale’of son-prodjiced pml«cts :to o state institutions atja profit.. This \yas a,part of a ^plan! d)r expansion of the piison ! sygteij’« jndustriaa and jfarmj facilities,j < e| , signed ti*!-place it; oh a near pctif- ] sustaining bapis, 'Pheplaniwas pi) M t - gested by 0. B. EH ip. the iiew gdn- t j’ eral marjager, and a|prqved by \ if ] prison b^ard. | - ' J 1 ' | FDR RENT: MAGljiQT ; '} UNE—AS PASTUBE [ • PARIS, March 8 -fPW—For • The Matfinot Line. | The french Government ihas-1 < • fered foy rent as pasture the s' ; tions of land in whi^h the Magi: Line wa^ built and Jjthrough w the Gerij so fast ns «a ipanf Panzer‘idivision to 1940. The laind for rent Ss in the rdgtJoP of Thioiiville, Aumetz, Au*luii-ljd- Tiche arid Bouzonvifle. - ^ u s! CHENNAULT AS AID TD CHINA TOKYO, March $ — , A > > L, Chennault, warime] iefdi the Flying Tigers,‘|said Sdtifix night he agreed with General M Arthur and Albert ;C." Wedemeger . that the United States should!kf)d T military aid. to China . : P i Chehimult stoppdil here briefly ' j on his flight to Wa*hingUHr,-wh|n: he will testify befote the Houfe..of Foreign Affairs Committee) j pfi American Aid to ewibattled Chi|a. He arrived by planejifrom Shangliu. ' I -• T iL LLACE ION ' f:- ' i']■ R j m th — i— Volume 47 j ' Martha -! ill -- ^ ~ r: ;r ■ i. ! ;r '• '> f ; i " UKillHiaiimnfa i'i nmusHED p | \ j COLLEC Langst mi il.t fp u ‘T J !• !VJ - ' Hi - h f Y ('• ;il i • 1 J JL ! «: r! . Duranty -Knickerboc Russian STA-l MONDAY, MARCH 8,1948 JUi, V V %JL f f \U/ f rv THE ATEREST Of A GREATER A & M COUSGE TT )N (Aggteland), TEXAS, MONDAY, MARCH 8,1948 j Selected Cotto H: w • i i?:~u+ TG/itir ti l Mate ■ c ueshon Tonight 1 m ■ ! FARLEY SAYS WILL POLL 5 MU ' NEW YORK, Former Postmaster l A. Farley predict^ Wauacefs third White House will 000 (M)i votes next] ihe saiysi “from ha! million”! of them » New York. irch 8 — 1 (General Jetfes diat Hemty] ty bid for |jhe >11 some 5 0 lovember. a million dll crime if : 'hi ^ -Wrillajce, the oritf-time! hatio demScra(tic chairmin said- So' s more ofjia threat tri night, .li I Democratic Party {than thri D|e -i-f eratic leaders reaMe.” Hq was interviewed on the ; tual): “Meet the gran) dpring whi that he was notlri f jss” ra^io he said candidat ither fo he virie-ijr f Office jir 1948, | presidency, nor .aertcy.”; , | “In my judgement, Trnrtian will be thel nominee party,’’jFarley decMved. As Democratic vice-presi hA BHea S'en. jM IR. KNICKERBOCKER Versus 1 • ; ' li p WALTER DURANTY ; ‘Can Russia Be Part of One World?’ Is Discussion Topic „ is . f • E ' . - .! I ! A By J. T. MILLER Walter Duranty and H. R. Knickerbocker, knpwn debate team, will argue the question, Be Part of One World 7 ”, this evening at ,8 in (Brought to the campus under the auspices Issues! course, headed by Dr. S. R r: ii§ n ■ m 1 ’ possibilities, he list F. Tydipgs of Maryland, S^ci . of Defense Forre8t|l|- Secreta U Coniriierce Harri(nijan, S itt p Court .llustice Will Jim 0. Doit; arid geriretahy of jsltate Mars ! I TEXA,f FINANCES LOOK j . al 1 i f IKAAM); riNANtlE IN HAD SHAPE !| , , AUSTIN, March 8 sib)e/‘trouble ahead” is'seen in statets |financial‘; uniation.'. Stajte Comptral er_ Gejbr(;; Sheppard reported| yesterday state spending 'or the firs | .ji.a months of the fisc|:il year i w; jsi|[P) percent (ahead. i “If tie trend c(|n|inues—with|he rate of spending exceeding ]th(| t^te of income—theni linay be' tibjjlple ahead,” a qualified |ource siaicl (jlhe comptroller’s report had ho fcj mention the poiijit. SCHOOL DISTRB r BAlSEiTAXES jl? State S MUST AUSTIN, Maifchll.B -ti- ihe llepartmem (i(f Educatif rv ias neportep that more indfepe n) t nt school districts inaly havefto r local tax rriTt's j to meet ,t(| u P salary schedulesIrioKt yean The fflepartmett'pointed ou| t l)at there yill be nri 96 supplertle per Capita paynjiei 49 sch year tol help make teacherj paymentis ol year ias j in the? car tent t for fii? up the jre<(u »! DIXIE SENATOR FOR “REPLY” T WASHINGTON Twenty-one Dixjie senatptis ‘ ‘ ^ ^ tii day demanded qqupl ra L answer; a broadc ,st drain 1 President Trunian s Civil program. ; ■ I ' ' v l The group, ^epresenltirg ill Southern states! n ade tho r q uest ’ h a telegram ;‘to Edgar B qiuk, president of thei Mutual Btoanomor»f Ciffina nnmmnnrl todiiy. ' ! J Jj j! 1 rsley received from the will in an informal, record dance ifa (he ) rtecri;atian room of Stoddard iHaj.' T E; lf ] H Tie;dance probably set niore all- timte A&iM records* than any Aggie vert seen or to he seen, er^ nine judges, a pho- aphter, and a reporter to dance 32 jhe.autiful girls. ie mfaod of the hall was (a Leap- tat, catch-as-catchdcan af- •jvillri the girls doing 1 all the ing.l This contihued, with an sionpl break for coffqe, until 1 o’clock curfew. ; 'hej jridges, thoroughly .ajpquaint- trie cpntostiaiits, hut still ly bewildered, retired to thqir quarters with pencil land pa- | ’peri (to debate their decisions through most of ihe morning. jthif 8::U) breakfast' in Brnck- cmridge (the formal decisions were amittte 4k! . ... , , PWisil dii fiterilty. in making thw ; |fmal se- the Placement Office, announcec According to a bulletin Ho reau, men are needed (to do blister-♦ rust’-control work. Thh job is main ly concerned With tlje eradication of wild current anil gooseberry plants. These plants act as hosts to a parasitic fungus disease Which attacks and kills white pine ami sugar pine trdes. The working seasqh starts early in May and ofdinariiy^nds in late September. The wage rate for a crewman is 97 cents an hour and for a erewleader, $1.07. Forty hours of work' a week, Monday through Saturday are required. Board and lodging, about $1.95, a day, will be deducted from earnings. Inexperienced men are first em ployed as lajborersi later. Crew leaders are selected j On the basis of leadership and ability. Jobs in the ^killed classifications such as cooks), clerks, truck driv- ‘Stormy’, Where She Danced T T ! Irate LSt/ Co-Eds Dunk Teaser (! r if By H. A. CHERRY The difference between I a Cajun and a Texan was never more vivid ly demonstrated tfian at Baton Rouge Thursday when the students -threw poor Stormy into the lake as she unzipped her last zipper. . Mell” was discontinued and its editor, Pat McIntyre, reprimanded. McIntyre promptly announced his candidacy for president of the student body. , i Despite an official warning to ^ keep her performance away from The ungallant tjfeatmeht which] the LSU campus, Stormy announ- wrenCe, prima rleanfa’ French* ulted in ip split i, and a black ; HI ted as saying re resporisible HI. t'r and Mrs. tfett announce the arrival Sat- noon of a 7, lb. 10 oz. son, Richard, Jr.i f lett, A&M history instruc- ys that both are doing fine. ■■■ I the lady, Stacje stripper of New quarter, 1 received n lip, fouh loose tee e^e. j Stormy was qi that LSU co-eds for the facial al rJ max of a senes began when she the cover and in (with pictures) of[i zine, •‘Pell Mell.” on the campus, demurely cl autographed several thousa ics of the magazit e. £ flthe s Stormy’s Thui on the Tiger cam: _nj appearance is was the di- i As a result of if events:which ^raa featured on ie lead story LSU ;maga4 tormy. appeared ' arid cop- .tory, “Pell " h ced that she would campaign foi McIntyre. When McIntyre was in formed of Her intentions, he with drew his candidacy. Stormy, probably feeling that campus politics needed an aesthetic touch, came anyway, rolling in Thursday complete with zippers and a six-piece hand. Stormy went into her dance at noon Thursday in front of the Uni versity Field House before an esti mated 3,000 students. As the stu dents sang her theme song, “Stor my Weather,” she went through the clasfaical motions of her dance. Her blouse and skirt fell by the wayside. Her last apparent gar ment, a two piece bathing suit, si seemed destined for a like fate when she was *o rudely interrupted. Wrong School! Stormy had the right idea but the wrong school. Perhaps tho murky swamps of Louisiana breed some strange passions that do hot exist in^sunny College Station. Surely she could allow her art and social conscience full reign here without fear of thq fountain in Proxy’s Triangle. { Aside from the fact that she is unlikely to meet co-educational mayhem here, Stormy would find a powerful protagonist in the large male majority unhriHied by ex cessive association with the fwirer met, j jj! ' P . The men with crusted boots Slid the men with slidie rules would gather aroun would wax am a new zenith. , Perhaps someone might even vote in the next student election. th slide rules would ; d a 'flou d ri ,M M *S s, rind checkers will jbte Ppei e'n 'ri'ho can qualify.! To [qualify for a jobi ;he art; nt piust lie a citizen of t ie Uni Siatek, or any of the II rited tijons jallied with the Ufiiit?d Sti H e must be at least 18 yjei rs of i )le-(>odied, and capablej cf walk aid (working all day pis rrjouritainous : country, j 1 Gopd eyesight is esieritial men (with heart troibjtei or we tt anhounced by the committee with’ its sponsor, J. S. Mogford.i acting as spokesman. He emphasised the let t!ioris,'congratulated the winners^ and offered condolenees to the vun- neb-iiip. . if 1 j f j r • ■ The (selection committee will rve as escorts for the il uc c ,, arid eight duchesses. It is made UP of Wallace Hackler, wtio will giji fas King Cotton,' Barney inimJ Doyle Peters, I Thomas: ()’Brjien, Bill Martin, Dan! Stal led Slites, Fred Robertson. Smith. f 4 • I ii •Ml constitutional diseases itliat mji b > aggravated by strepious or by high altitudes! ijirs not coptable, the Tfiirettive fatited. Veterans will be giten pijfafeH e ice (provided they are jlftilly quia l- f ed. i Complete traininig ip plja^ eradication will be givjei the* itii Workers at the beginriit)g of ti soason. The training pirejgram W 1 also ; include instructiojn iri dt)h >: phasps of forest work, fau ch as ) ir >] per rise and safe handlijiw; of fotej tools, fire fighting,-mja > readnri v ooqsmanship, camp rt: ponsib 1 tij ins, fand safety and hejilth ptutoabt t ons. (. fj Etich worker must jftirnish own jpersopal clothing \|ll ich fll) 1 incliide a warm coat or^weatert sBveral pairs of heavy ( v ool r two or more pairs of ’ pants, and a pair of i b|oot| of the logger tyj In addition to his w the applicant should of all-leathyr work g articles, flashlight, p v'atcti, stationery and sits era, books, magazines, fa and fishing equipmen are upt easily secured ureas. Hqrsley said that fjornto are now m th; ffi<* and he sugges teijested in the work mediately. . ion of the judging group, ink Mr; and Mrs* Mogford ■ , r ftl Manning Sm|th ' visited jl Sfanger Brothers before their ar- riyal in (Denton, to makri arrange- mentH for the costume fittipgs for :tl)ei ebujt. Trie queen's robes will fitted this afternoon, w|th pic- itiires: of the queen in heri regal Igown'to be released Shortly there* after.! ( ' ;; ■" •'i , mi l [-4^ r—r ! ;\ h yi .1 f : II r 1 Society to Hear ipplica placpn); that tA L.jW. Klingman, age) »r Equitable Life / Mur* Agricultural En Room. : • *7 Y 1 (1 i rjLj m h ■' hicago Tribune arts National Contest second j nation-wide $26,250 ?tter (Rooms” competition was unchedj yesterday by trie flbicagd ■ibitnoL ; ( j The cqntest this year again of- . total of‘161 nrtws TungiriK $100 to $1000 in faevfan-room tfieuitions. Contestant^ may mit fas: many entries fas they jh ifojr any room or (for severlal ferentj rooms. Expected to attract widp atten- am|4 continuing hodsing short- * s is the addition of fa “one-room e 1 " Hassification to the compe : in. Entries in this diyhdon must v sliecping, cooking, and enter- meiit facilities in a fainglc room, er divisions of the contest are itcheni dining room, living room, iunbinfation living-dining room, liglfa (occupancy bedrqomj and a ecupancy bcdrciom.i k j cr to compete, contestants ti obtain the competition rules lich faet forth in detail how ideas to j be presented. Free copies the rules can be obtained by .jting to the Better Rooms Com- (tition, Chicago Tribune^ Room deago 11, 111. 1 winners in a faimilar fur- «nd decoratipg (contest 1 by the Tribi William W. e R. Summers, A&M archi- 1 students, wh prizes in the kitchen and ter bedroom classifications. I X / . ; U /■ I'-' M