The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1948, Image 4
ON THE CAMPUS ESTRANGED Unit, and are! normally entered individual premium account card^ : “Receipts for these premium^ are mailed promptly to veterans, and the notice for the next pref .Tnium due isi issued at least teii days' before (the first of the fob inp delays ini the Dallas Office ar^ for those vejterans whose recordp records from) other sections-of the prds in Dallas, which is now tH' case for nearly all ex-service peo ple in out three-state area, we csln give him any kind of service He desires with ‘reasonable prompt ness.” [ " 1 * j t \ 'll I Pray requested that any veterans firi this area,; who have hot received explanations for delayed Service, write to himj personally at the Dal las 'Branch lOffice, marking their letters “Personal and Confidenjia ? ‘.j ;| ;: 1 y [ • j it • u i Road Builders Course Ends; Near Record Turnout Claimed j ■ _ J J • • | < \ j ' ' | ‘iUnder the unit plan, the country’s affairs are placed uponla business system comparable to any individual or com- Two riuhs to Hav^ mdrcial institution and affords ample opportunities for in- , r j _ "'i I | creased efficienty and economy,’ r Fred B. Glass, county judge Pictures Monday lof Falls County, declared at the annual short course for y. T 'j I Highway Engineers at A&M Col-4- Two club* will have their pic-1 which closed. Thursday. | n rhf\ L 'O > lures taken for :the Longhorn, M(in-! m h Panel discussion of the : Kpogr^o Kl lA Vpp day afternoon, March H. S county unit plan Tyree Bell of Dal-1 d/ivO VOCty The Galvdston" County Club Uill ,as i 58 *' 1 ^ ^ not , so mu f ch t tht ' Ilf ^ • £ f\\ • have their pictures made at 51:10 | g M svT MOVlCS Ot'UkmaWa p.m; in front of the Ag Building. i" efe0? yay counts. t the sys- 1 ' j • ■ V" [tern is not administered in a busi-1 '; • . ’’I t\.j i Ine Landscape Arts Club vfill j rbanner, therj it will fail,” the A movie of Okinawa operations have their pictures retaken at 7 00! Da Ua. s ; ma h asserted. will be shown to Die BrazosiCounty p.m. in the Assembly Hall. |i | striit adherence to the county Reserve tffficers associatiomat 7:30 ;i _« -•*» - ■ March 9, in the Pejroleum Both club! presidents urged jail unit plan will remove from the pub- itheir members to be present for the nictures] FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST College Shoe Repair North Gate; mmmmnmmmmummMmmm SW Livestock Show Campus livestock departments have given livestock to be trained and groomdd for the Little South western Livestock Show, C. R. Stone, general superintendent, told the Saddle and Sirloin Club Tues- W. d «y night '"stone stated that the list of en tries is filling up rapidly and that anyone wanting to groom an ani mal for the show should sign up an soon as possible in the Animal Industries Building. Sheep, swine, horses, and cattle may be signed for at present. Other business transacted inclu ded a report from Edd Talk, chair man of the Cattleman’s Ball Com mittee, who told the club that a definite time, place, and band would be selected for that event by the time of the next club meeting on March 16. Jack Kingsbery, president of the Saddle and Sirloin Club, announced that any club member may nomi nate a girl for duchess to represent the club in the Cotton Pageant. Nominations should be accompanied by a picture of the girl and should be turned in at the AH office by March 16. The' girl’s name and ad dress and the name and address of the person submitting the pic ture should appear on the back of the! picture. rodeo team was selected represent the Saddle and Sirloin Cltib in the Annual College Rodeo at Tucson, Arizona March 13-14. Mombehs of the team are James Day, Lucien Kruse, Prince Woods, G. R. Stone, Lloyd Griffith, and ■loin Roberts. »sign un 6:45 Recorded Music 6:00 Texas farm and Home Program 6:16 Good Morning Music 6:S0 Texan A&M Farm Review 7:00 Martin Agronsky 7:16 Cowboy Melodies 7:S0 News of A_ggieland 7:45 News Summary! 8:00 Music by Maupln 8:80 Piano Playhouse \ ; 9:00 U. 3. Navy Band 9:80 Hollywood Reporter 9:45 Honeydreamors ! | ji 10:00 The Abbott & Costello Kid SI 10:30 Land of The Lost 11:00 Record Rack at Maxwell'* 12:00 Bryan News 12:05 Johnny's Juke Box 1:00 Metropolitan Opera 4:00 Tea and Crumpets 4:45 Pearls On Velvet 6:00 The Vagabonds 5:15 Music by Adlam 5:30 Harry Wismer • * 6:00 Headline Edition 6:15 Elmer Davis 6:30 Sign Off SELL WITH A BATTAt (>N IED AD. Classified Section inch. Send all < -I remittance to the Studen, fi:e. All ads should be li > ;00 a.m. of the day bef THJ SCRIBE SHOP — graphing, drawing. Pboef E ist 23rd,. Bryan. r jj-iij } — SUNDAY 7:30 Sign 0n . < 7:30 Coffee Concert 8:00 Aggie Gospel Time ■ 1: 10 1: 5 1: lA 2: i0 - CAFETERIA - (Continued from Page 1) style feeding lie in several fea tures. First of all, the student pays only for what he eats. (This is true to some extent even when meals are paid on a monthly basis in that past experience has proved students will miss less meals because of thejflonger ser ving hours.) s • I y* \ Another advantage (if this ipeth-' od of feeding was pointed out by Peniston: “Food served cafeteria style is actually better thaio the 8:16 Shiloh: Gospel : Singer* 8:80 Coast to Coast; on a Bug 8:45 Coast to Coast On A Hus’ 9:00 Lutheran Hour 9:30 South^rnalro* 10:00 Music; by Master Composers 11:00 Church Music 11:30 College Ave. Baptist Church 12:00 Sunday Showcase 12:15 Old Fashioned Revival Hour 1:15 AP News 2:00 Silver Jackets 2:30 Sunday Serenade 3:00 Sound Off 3:15 Calling All Girls 3:30 Med. Aud: of Air 4:00 Treasury Agen# 4:30 Counterspy 5:00 Drew IVarsoiy 5:15 Monday Mornkng Headlines 5:80 Greatest StoryR Ever Told 6:00 Childs World 6:30 Sign Off MONDAY 5:45 Sign On . ;j; * 5:45 Musilcal Program 6 :f)0 Texas Farm and Home Program 6:15 Kazmeicr Poultry Program 6:20 Coffee Club 7:00 Martin Agronsky 7:15 Dr. Edds r 7:30 News of Aggieland 1 a 7:45 Musk As You Like it 8:00 Breakfast Club: | 9:00 My True Story I 9:80 Womans World | 9:45 Listening Post ; 10:00 Breakfast in Hollywood j 10:30 Galen Drake 10:46 Ted Malone I 11:00 Welcome Travelers ; I 11 :30 Record Rack I 11:50 Bryan News • SALE — Dotibla on . No. 12, Project li nry Halt afteg 6:00 p a iking J Lines Aggk Ramblers [Marie vDennip Ethel A Albert Bride and Groom J.adics Be'Scated F hcUvi prefab dtae A 2:10 Paul Whitdpian ([Miih 3 :|0 Treasury Sbrtw Afternoon BanX Sta m Eyes On The Ball Voice <>f The Army CoIUnr) Simaks ■ 8) Sportsman ^ fl Supper Club 0 Headline Edition 5 'Elmer Davis |0 Sign Off For Your Visual Consult i Dr, Carlton IPTOME Main — 'Phone 2-1 \ n - 4 H > Hi! T jj ; NEW | ■ portal typewriterg. standard , W4 repair and service ail nachines. Hryan Buainess Machinr , 107 Wl 2tn I. Phone 2-1828. and lee ail office bine Co.,) ari’a Plain wedding band in vicin- LK.. Hdg. or North GaU. Reward. P^R SALE )R TRADE —Hk»t model ' j Rainer auto; nobile. Perfect eondMIbn and . perforjnanc*. Equipment radio, heater. nnd dofrostdr and seat, covers. Uninstall-* j led sixth tir 1 and tube, flwii extinguisher ' ind ti|re in ’lator unit, filtler cartridges I 6tc.. aill ne t added without extra coat. I ,'Priced) far iclow retail cos). Ph- 4-7054. 8(0.00 RKWAjRD for information leading,,, to thei rent ng of unfurnished two bed- |) Iroom house or apartment abound June 1. ] [Drop card io : Ed Collier, Box 528. Col lege Statinrjj. R SAlI.E*—1942 Plymluth 4 door sedan, i!Going ito hkhest bidder. Scaled bids r«- ' feivixl until! 12:00 a.m.. March 12. A-12. WajimL Ski Ford. IS. -H .. March 12. A-lt. | : !- - ' j - 1942 Super Deluxe Tudor fter 5 ;00 p.m.' or Saturday hVj Sunday^ at Trailer F-3. Price $1,050. FOR SAI.E (Man's bieyele. rxcelleni roij- litinn. Milifell, C-19-B. College View. , College Stillilion DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES SPORTING GOODS Hillcrest Hardware TT 2013 College Road lie ^official most of the evils of Engineering Lecture Rooni, F. J. tempuitiorr and graft, Judge Glass Benson, president, announretf to- said. ‘jit will strengthen the con-, day. f . 5 fidenc^ of the jm^lic and offer more In addition to the mobie the ^ _ assurapee of a greater return for program will include short talksi j food served family style.'This the; taxpayers’ dollar,” he pointer) 1 by army and navy recruiting teamsf. j s true | a , Ke jy because we can outf ! ' i | Benson invited .all reserve offi- j keep food hot b y the former'meth- The discussion of the county i cers taking advanced ROTG to at- whi i e this } s impossible family unit plan was a highlight of the tend this and other meetings of; j s ^y| e when all the food must be meeting. T^e optional county X 11 ® Association, j H<? pointed out prepared at the sarne time.” road j law became effective May that all Corps njdn who hbve ad- Continuing, Peniston said: “We 1, I9if7, and its provisions weije vanced Army ROTC contracts are; can saw the Cadet CoVps member adopted by several counties dur- I eligible to join the association. The : fj vo toKten cents a day by chang ing tKe past eight months. Some hues for membership have been re- j n(r t0 cafeteria style because of coUntje^ have turned it down. duced to $1 which includes thej C j lea p er c osts/ > When asked what The law sets up a county road \ P, r ‘ ce ( ol ‘ t ^ 1e r ese, ' Ve Officers' j this saving would mean in terms •no ■ • ! .3 i|; Civil Service j The law sets qp a county road! »« ntt • department composed of commis- j ‘ ‘ agaz,nes sionprsj court, cutinty engineer, and j othe'r adminisltrattve personnel. All j. matter* pertaining to county road system J conie tinder jurisdiction of ,h L^f' V Ti PS . of Houston, „,di. Announces Exams broadcaster olj football games was j | thg) principal speaker at the ban- j^e Civil Service Commission has announced examibatipns for Ashburp of the Texas Good Roads positions of civil, electrical, and Association was toastmaster. | mechanical engineers at a salary Fred J. Efenson, professor of | of $2644.80 per Vear, according to Civil engineering, acclaimed the | John C. Sheffield, executive secrei- ihott course ps bne of the most | tary. j : | uccessful ever held. More than Examinations will also ihe held 171!deldgatee* attended. ' for |>ositions of core drill oj)erators helper, junior cote drill Operator, [and core drill operator, at;salaries What’s Cooking? ranging from 88( to $1,33 per hour. ; The above vacancies ap'e with BUSINESS SOCIETY, 7 p. m., n>dn0erS in the (:a, ‘ Tuesriay, Ag. Eng. Bu.Idjpg Lee- AppiicaGon teis may b^ obtaiH- ture. Room. \ ! e d. f,-om the Post Office! of the FORT WORTH CLUB. 7-fS p. 1 Office of the Uj S. Ciyili Service i m., Monday* Science Hall Lector** Region, 210 South Harwood Street, I ; Room. I j j |\| Dallas, Texas. , \ j i : INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTI CAL SCilENCES Monday. March 8, 4.7:00 p.m. in: tbc petroleum Lecture j Room. Films will be shown. NEWMAN CLUB MEETING, ! Monday; March 8, at 7:15 p.m. in basement of St. Mary’s Chapel. THE ; AGGIE WIVES AND “RUTH” CIRCLE of the A&M Methodist (j’hUrcK will meet with ME; James Jackson in the Metho dist Papsonkgle. Monday, March 8, <**■ ' | ! ' j of food, Peniston replied ' five cents a day more, we could ! serve another bottle of milk a day,; ; bacon at least three timej a week, I dnd better salads. A saving of 10 cents a day would mean steak meal twice a week.” “These are probably the reasons most schools in the country are using cafeteria style feeding to day,” Peniston said. Asked what steps would be nec essary to feed the Cadet Corps on a cafeteria basis, Peniston {said: “If the family style method were changed, we would probably set up four lines, with a maximum of 12 students a minute passing through each line. It would probably take an hour and a half for breakfast and lunch and two hours for din ner, depending on the; number of student* present at each meal.” A Complete Supply Of EASTER CANDIES Jones Pharmacy 101 N. Main Bryan Fun Choosing. ft-om the luscious food on rpenus. Everything! i|» so JeMc-i ipus . . . everything ptreparbd iit the best of exacting tqkt m*; Gome in today ant of our wonderful di liters. irl’P^HUR CtOUNTY CLUB, 7 p. j m., JThursdaly, Room 307, Academic I Building. ' Handicraft Group Will Meet Tuesday The Handicraft Group t of the College Women'.* Social Qlub will meet Tuesday at 0 a. mi at the home of Mr*, K. Riggs, 211 Lee Street. Mrs. B. S. Schweigcrt will con duct the lesson qn “Textile Paint- ' ' l LAWYERS DIRECTORY f ; ••>•••! iteimkia ■ A; M O h D KIN G'S~N For That For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 EUGENE RUSH ATTORN EY-AT-LAM Gasey - Sparks Bldjg. Over Aggielajnd Phamiacy v ! Phone 1 -, I jELECTRIC ROASTERS 'ill- 'ii : j U i SUNBEAM COFFEE MAKERS jj'. • ' ; j /liU '' T ELECTRIC TOASTERS IjAsiER CANDY We havfef your favorite candies. Gtt A BOX TODAY Our Famous . . ; ’ L fountain drinks WEEDON’S CONFECTIONERY