S V r I I- if !V | ‘r, >:■, | ■r -1 ■ • ( I i 4 (I: r I 'r: ■\ J J. Hi , J! N'EW Yp'RK, Hatry “ many dolla tttbcr jPhils, I ! - "Tbey understand w sawl the outfielder, : ■ JL * i to th$m.” f SARASOTA, fiL; .ij Johnny Optrowskf, Ijiat I want '‘and an; L ' 7 [arch 5— 1 from I I Second-Stringers Du As Ass Are Heavy Fa -I P' J : ■ ,.'I , * !.. •. s Hosts to T . , f li.il- j'i ' JjJj Thei Aggie Tankers will go into action again tomorrow afternoon when they meet the Baylor EeartiMii Waco. Baylor will be after its first win of thje sbasohi, having lost to Texas, andSMU. , |[l A&M took the last dual meet herb, against Baylor, 4 nirlg hy to 27..while i)sing win- every rf H ^ pitked F r' ,: Tc-f^:tsrha„^ Blackwell, his biggest winner last: th( j A gii-their first setback last season, and rookie Howani Fox week, touk an*even woi-se (58-26) -Arigelcs, ik making aj bid fbr i third basd job M?ith | the jflosl t Red Sox. Chief cjonipetition pr< ;ably will come frejm Jjihnny Pes (or Vern Stephens, depending which of tlhem is |pick|ed for rtho agains^ Detroit Sunday. •j ; :h | - i* ST. FlETERSBURG. Fla., March 5—'-'Pi—-Stan Musial, the St. Louis stop. TAMP> Manager Fla. lohnny f— i ■ . ••■I s : l of JM toll bf the Bruiri. swiminers. Mtlh the Cadets heavy favorites Coach j^rt Adamson will prob ably g;ive some of his second xw * chance to show their ended his holdout today and signed last .meet against the Aggies Cardinals’ slugging first baseman, 6ayloj|-j to &*** r n a i atteimbt to beat the Orajuge iml Vihite,[Collcjnel Anderson ( Ajjr- -d truck cbacIhJ with the able as- i^tan e of Ray* Putnam, has been trying to d addition, the plavers each received || ELBERT PICK ELL was awarded a Sidccmd team—Dee Nutt, Abilene By BILLY GERSCH A&M’s basketball team will pipy the role Of underdog again' fuxt Tuesday night when they l^jver the curtain oh another basketball season with a gahie againstj the University of Texas bohghprijsj The Aggies are dosing out a be low .par season. They have (won only two of their conference games, defeating SMU 51-16 and [T I Stand-outs on the\Tl discus*, mil Ho iing tl f! of tq* Icore More iiit Cagers len Games J • : 1 I J arch 4 Woint|v Thjero Jw^re two one-point are, first and never la.sl fantous Longhorn sprin(c .fey Parker, Perry Samue Lawler, ChaifUe Tatont s Robertson. Tatom and l| the two slowest, can each 100 yard dash in 9.8 [s- t«< | Robertson, who is noted bfoad jumping than sprim (the NCAA broad jum() 1946. A definite Olympic pt (how djefeat <, tw|o tvjp-pointers, oncjfivo, Char . •4 ,e • 1 i < and ode seven. Alltli > *nld Te:; (bertsoiji run thf qnds. ore f >r ijng, w 1 amp th l SMU averaged 52 points ! per '' , statlistR'i from the offit-e of ____ H. j Stieiart, executive! see- J y, khow.' That was two-tenths 4 x iht hetjtej' thjtn Baylor, vthith tie championship.) , { (jefjensi'jely, the Methodists )fpect at mil rbad trip to SMU and TCI . Both D ^i Jerry Thompson! Texas' g should be in peak form Tuesday 0 1 ; ,jj ( . t ii Kt ancc rumier. Thomson, w night. " ” ' ’ ' ‘ ‘ " - . . - Texas leads the nation’s teams with their splendid free throw average of 72.8% and have won many of their games by one or two points. , - Play Here March (> T Tomorrow’s football scrim mage will be held at 2 p.m. in stead of 2:30 as originally plan ned. The postponement of the track meet was the reason for the change. t: ’f ■ ■ A&M’s Volleyball Club will play host to teams from the Wa co. Houstti and San Antonio “Y’s" in tlcWarc Field House- tomorrow at 3 p.m. This same Houston team plac ed third in the National Tourna ment this year. < : , holds the copference rgee '< rpile run, won the 880-yd. mile run and the two m the conference meet las | Although Allen Lawle; He able to run Monday,, like to be LortfUl •itfis l!< 1 i up 4jk4i liointfi—fourth in the, j-ieihei). Bailor was tops in this ■ merit vjith at) average of ?eeo|nd 4'as Texas with 45.0 turd wasj Arkansas -with. 48.0. ( l_14 ii 1 .pout (nie-wiird of the A,rfie people ll>|c In areas wttlfout i( |ibfar)i« ijiicent appendectomy, T Horns Will be in the fava ilegardlgss. j Last year the,two-.tCp scored exactly the same j' , points in a dual meet heii In 1-947 U.S. people, on tho av- Neithei; team has suffer)< • > erage, spent twice as much' fop goods and services than in 1939. Rob Feller ojf the Indians al lowed 17 home- Irqr.s during ll*f7. • ’ r ■ j *T'';r" losses since 1 then but horns have been bolster- addition of Robertson wb eligible last spring. . f ■ t ( : \ r;! -1 ■it ■*4 T ; II " we; miAfiji ■ 1 SCHOOL 1 NEED IN , IPPIJES — BOOKS iUIPMENT ; , - I4iv, ; H- COLLEGE! ttiOOK SIORE College Station iChrfetian; Sam Trombatore, Loyo- w j(;|, 20 points, i e 4 )rlt;anR) , : Act ‘ T MoCann, Slater Martin, Hamilton’s Nam Law'41%; Kenner, Seton Hall; John ma t L . ( helped ice | away ttullgjame , Er I Assort, Beloit; Smith, Long Is- with his phehometial aecuraqy ami irt 5 BASEBALL? laiuL i- was credited with 17 point*! Billy Cbnspicuously missing is Norm Turnbow led thej Aggie scoring, Hailki/Js of Lawrence Tech, the netting 15 points.;The seme bf tlie natrons high scorer and all-Amer- ; game W as 69-48. i ica dahdjdate. After losing a humiliating: game ; ; > ' — —r ‘ to SMU-^nd dropping a dose one jg pi st() | t0 TCU ' tho Ca l lets may Tejgajn Defeated by Mich.; THej A&M Pistol Team received ♦ its:first»defeat of the season last vfteplc as, ; it fell with a score of 1288 fd Michigan State who/.scored U!2t> pijfujts. The Aggies’ only win torlftte 'was their victory over Pehnsylvania State two weeks ago. jdc-jnbev.s of: the Aggie team in the firtatcii ..against ’Michigan State | weWiR.-ij. Cox, H. R. McNiel, R. T.j Cdok,'-.Ql. -Q. Ray; \Y. VV. Reed, and S.. WT'Smith. Cox. of A&M. vviis high jpoint man with a score ;»he Team-is back in competition jthi* year for the first time since bejfbrp the ‘war. Several matches hqye *beeh- scheduled for this year’s seinsop. This week the Aggie Team wjll shoot a competition -match with ...West Point. 1 P- 3 ^ '■ | Any other Freshmen who Waht ti» come out for baseball tihji.year must report not later thafn Saturday. March 6, to Tom Pickett bn the Freshman Field Soiith pt: the Varsitv Diamond. — ' ffeacf e&ntt PINNA CNA !N\ 1948 — i 1 USED GAR BARGAINS 0-1: * : Pncca to move quickly '42 i-'ord, Tudor . . , ’42 Plymouth CdHfih $1095.00 • What mystery team is faivored over both the Dodgers and . Card,? • • Name the famous manager with, the greatest pennant record in basoball history! • How many homers did the Giants hit l<(st season t • What talented pitcher is the farm system’s newest gift to Lippy Durocher? • Who threatens to dethrone the World Champion Yanks? Dashing fot die dfjee, or strolling on the avenue —you re dressed jght for the bright city in this .[. smtiofn and snajpy Stetson. Tht sleek, graceful lines bf (the -W will help you go places .L r ; .’41 F'ord Tudor .,. '10 Mercury Tudor . ! *39 Ford Tudor . . , ; ’38 Chevrolet Coach [ '• j I Alao 4 nice seloction of other ; makes* and models. Some '46 1195.00 I j You doh’c ne^d a crystal Fhall to find the answers. They’re all in Bill Fay's hard-hitting, fast- 895.00 895.00 695.00 $595.00 reading, Sports Feature jri this week's Collier'S|, now 0^1 said And keep ahead of the htjadlines every week wita , ! ns euj( ijnounim ’ May > seridiik ? Loij by tl was. ii- j For 7our Sparling Goods Needs JONES 8PORTINO doons f-03 S. Main Bryan Fh. ?-2832 ;- JOHN i.ONOI.EY. HAS KEEN NAMED THE| ItEFItESENTAT!V , _ ' . j ; I . I , American General Lite Insurance Company ] AT COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Johnny has just been discharge himself in the Life Insurance busineks at College Lonjgley welcome their friends Editor of the 19j3 lyonghorn ajnd a SIDNEY E. LOVELESS, ’38, Manager H‘. E. Burgess, 29 H. R. Hooker, ’35 ! i'- k- 1 IX i.iy- r lit I >. - d ;j 1