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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1948)
; i- • • y 'W t HH' vj;' I m Page 2 I ■: ' 1 Lawrence; laEZu ] (! h: ■ i Battalion i ! > IT0RIALS J FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1948 n I .. '| I : M "5Wi per, Statesman, Knightly Gentle, livan Ross, Founder of Aggie Jim Criow Ui North, Too |. F ■■i Texatj is stiltf experiencil tion over the outcome of thejS! fbotball ?ame. ’Not entire! was a moral ^ifctor but! foi which Penn State players, ] colored, Iwere* treated durii|] 1-' ^at their rather th of the S' quiet satisfac- UTenn State because SMU She smoothness th white and ! i ■ their stay in j.- Dallas.;-' ! >1 | || S|| /ill" Though there was a cam ilaint from the | players after thjeir return hjclci e, it was aimed j quarters at thej Nit ^al Air Station art at fheir hosts, ^lle first invasion uth by a football it |im with Negro came nothing moir||han one sports- j players „ _ r _ r ! nivanllke footbq.ll team ente •! lining another. Rut (liscrimjination is a >oser for Penn State even a^hiome. Accowl ii g to The Daily , Pepn! State itiewjft])( per, Jim Crow- nat been stamped |c ut there either eittced |from the fo|l|wii Collegiar ism has • • us is evi 1 from theiir editorial column t! >wmg quotation “The fight |o eliminate the barber shops of State , ^ seriously injured Sbjy All~® ate Cabinet. ^crimination in • allege has- bden ■ ; l j i •. r i , any short-range jirogram- which asks patrons to voluntarily njot get their Hhir cut at shops that discriminate agaipst other Americans. “The Committee oh Racial Equality pro gram to end Jirh CroWispi will be impaired by Cabinet’s actioijt. For bver a year this com mittee has beenj carrying: on a plan of educa- tio^mf publicity in Un effort to convince the barbers that public isentiment was in favor of eliminating discrimination. Last year a petition which was signed by 2000 students, faculty, and townspeople definitely proved that at least d largjfe f sejgment of the local population wa$ willing to patronize shops that cut the ha r of all rapes. “Now the bitbersS will get the impression that by Cabinet action .the student leaders,; and consequently the students themselves, are apathetic towards the ending of discrim- i ination in their Shops.-Instead, it seems, the Hl'ir f ip students are \yilling to open a shop to ac- j 1*01 3 jGI commodate thei Negroes and let it go at that.” All this, not,in the Deep South, but far in the North! Discrimipation jis not a problem n ind prance Regain Their rmf]' f! li^stry but thiut lh«y did control the |)or iunJionjs. In Comparing bluck Mnaikct op- fatii>H» ini Prance and England, jGijbsbn said tlhiu there was much ick market ac ivity In France but ilttle in E igtanj. on. is the steoivd of a num- iiominenil men who will ad- ' Qreilit IflHues elaas dut ingr ] i ' !:.! “By d vote of 13 to 8 C dbinet decided to unique to the South, but shows: itself wher- I \s \ instruct ^ts COjtE represdn ^tives to oppose ever there are minority groups. Rather a Living Memorial ;. \. fcross the state, [.lap in order to ; £ a monument to! [ ! i i 1 but it nevertheless id quite inanimate ami in- . •! capable of returning any real value for the money invested. * j ; I Why not a livirtg rtaemorial ? Why By HARVEY J. (HELP When mid-term grade reports ! were mailed out by the college 'a not ! * Ht ot her mail wenti out too. .Stu dents hastily devised 1 excuses and At -'4 ! if/ u Memofii ■ii . _ ., 1 11 L ' Fiftt en yeaijs agi) this mi ;nth—when most of us were ju^t little' hi isances running around the hoikse—FrankK i Delano Roose velt toolj: the oajth;of office if; ir the first time. He smashed a jtnidition ! by s memorizing the We are nc iiuite evident But it just se es of One F. D. R.. T u 1 ‘‘My fmi: speakers all showmanship! as the leader t: condemn yt hasja 1 s i el I This jweek, in theatre)* collectioiis are 'being take set up th(e battleship Texaii; the war heroes; of the statu.,, Two Texas-lorn miVil fjars; Linda Dar , . .... it -m hell and Danai4 n <h"6" , s. ajgped;to contribute; honor these soldiers of flexas by usnig the alibis to tell their edirespondehits iriaaeinnorl n1k>n : mnruiv fOr u i!n»rnA«» frrlm whieh thp«e mon This is a fairly copiplete file of one student’s fabrieafijdns. w Dear Mother,. Well, I gaess my grades Ipive gotten home by noxjL and yp||ve | g^des on them found out that I failed chemisljfy. k I want yo,u tq know (hat it wa^jas much a shock to mei; as it ;wa| ; to j you to find it out. Since you niust _ . i be wondering why I failed, dspedial- ortijs a wastjg in this dky of heed Ik since I had an A jin it) ijust|be- h fought Sfljie money collec-t to spend mondytfor the purpose of glorifying , foic ; Christmas like 1 told you,. I’ll or a betUr'purpose 1 ' a p^st war :> ^otf!r^tioc science, t fFhen Grades A re Mailed Home, Can Excuses Be Far Behind? » N 1: ! 1 : Li! i ■T\ J ' .Tl » ■ their seijvices ahd make anii npassioned pl^a: on thd screen fbr money w th which to yon vert the haftlesihip h)to aj Te(as shrine. To tl ose whin like to see i he glory of Tex-i as idolized anq pjaraded bfeforqi the public,;! this mo . ! Certainly the people ofl Texas are proiidj ' ofi.the men w|o fought #t’ the two world) wars. They ha\je a right; to he.- But won Id if t) it be mpre in keeping wjth; the tradition which these m ted wer4| used A monqmenk cif steel; s|ii h as the battle : ship Texas wdlljbe sttrrinjg.'d aspiring perhaps money) for a purpose from w'hich these men themselves, orj their relatives ayd friends can benefit? Canyer. research, a truly worthy project, i t s| in need 0f ! funds. It is only one example of^ijnany, liviqg Texas could establish heroes. H 1 monuments that honor of her war -—i. —J u. ng a project which, ncere goal in mind. uy in tiielqs ot medicine and; (urej, a i 1( j his lectures were full Ij j j • ! of profanity. 1 rem^Tpbered wlat gliess the folks tojd you about my , In answer to your last letter, flunking chemistry. Well, son, it’s I’m really sorry I couldn’t be there really rough up here. If you think for our date, byt honey, like I told you have it tough in high school, you I was jot) the bull ring week just wpit until youicome to college! end before last. You know how I Study six or seven- hours a night, , tough it is on that d— bul! ring, Ipts of times to three-thirty or fotn especially *wjhen I’n) constantly ip;the morning, fwas doing pretty thinking of ybu. . . gdod up to my jast 1 quizzes, and 1 1 : I ★ Would have probyblv made goodf t , T l Suit l was up al|l l,i:ar Johnn 4 night trying to help mv roommate I ' How in hell are you, am! ho>v are pass a couple of courses (boy, is I'things going at SMU? How did ‘He described conditions jn wesM tern Europe as quite graVi-, but said that the people wen rork-. ing as hard as they coud with the: facilities they had.) Their, greatest need is for model n tools and ne* methods of malsei pro duction. By giving the western Bubo pear nations aid, Gibson said, v c wil give; them hope, and whea; thoj see that their efforts an • Worth while, they will work hare a % One reason that France s n:l Engl: land are so. far behirtd us iccord ing to Gibson, is that it takes them 3 times as long to do a j )b amjl their workers get only on- third as much pay. Ln addition jabpjr uniops there restrict the ipplr tion of the techniques of niiss p duction by not permitti y laboj saving devices to be insblteti i industry. In pointing out that the t'S is much farther ahead in mjaiis pro duction, Gibson cited the jtase of f the Englishwoman who * as so; excited over her new wishing:; machine that she spenii hours); talking about it at a dinner par* ty. In the United Staten a new 1 > washing machine would wdcasion onlj’ a casual mention over a back yard fence. Gibson attended the . regui meeting of the Great Issu.-S clai Thursday morning to ans Vji r ^uei tion$. When asked to what eXUpt Cdijjl munists control French industry,,1 replied that they did riot control nlpnii* Analyslis’ t by Aurelius Mor- gitier ;of the A-kM department of | m! off the pf’ess handle, acting kca<l - tHb departn ent announced! to- 1 Morgner he dumb!) and as a resrilt I didn’t have a chance to get ready for those last quizzes. That just proves haw tough it is here; if you miss, one night you bust u course. Don’t hoy have 1 'been tell the folks about this because I drunken ole time! your grades Come out? I hope you , did better tfian I did. I busted chemistry, . and just squeckled through in English and tiig, but) having a wild, j l haven’t crack-; #yj J »■*« (jilljtliOrated wi ,h Profeaaors BobL fikt Strotz of j Northwestern and fjjark Allej (jf jDilke. The bool: whibh is being pubjish- by Prenlicle jlall Publishtng’Co., intended t(| accompany the idnciple; of |Economics” corirse nd give majiyj intriguing and’ ed- ■ative probleitis to illustrate; the nplicatior ojf economic principles i kctual (conojnic situations, i Dr. ka'jd**? ;a ’ f l that* 1 the book ill probaplM He. Used .experiment!. ' I f in Ecjmpm cs 2p8, 204, 20S, or l )1, for a, scb ester. If it proves i )|e a fatorab e text;, tho book; will s reliably be Ud jpted for |kll 0? the lioiises. , | ; . ' [ ;■; 1 ) j ’ " A reeeft iad lititjn to the- |Eco. Dijob.icg Dcjparti lerit, Morgner ( ame Mi A&M laftt' September -(from Rdrthwestjern Jniversity wiher( f h< as a leeture in economics. He jsj previously reviewed hookk for hC AnnilsJ the-Accounting Re> j kjijeb, an<l thie Southwestern Social IfieHce Quartfirly. t 4 tljjey might think I’m working too hard. Y'ou know how the folks are I s’i : f I II I [I I oath in jits entirety, rep(;atitig the 35 words altogether instead of iia bro ien phrases. As We grew up, wWheard of’]Ri)oseyelt continu- ing/o sijnash precedents.: Tieh—while many of u« were in ufiifbrm-r-qarhf the news of hisj /eath. I Toduy morti nhud is^bfiiig! slujig at the memory of F. I’. R. than wit t slung,even dur* ing his life-timie—whWh; was plenty. But he you told me when fl came hqre, about listening ^o that so*t ‘of thing, so I tried hard not to listen to the cussing and Still hear the t!*>«>**■>• rolMbutof.Ioud; SSt'iXf aver the country. Hjs political ; However, I know ;you won’t; be; was focusling attention on him I too angry when you know the true not of a party so much, as of i R (°ry. Please don’t 411 anyone* the \ | r * jj redl reason why I jfdiled, because : M i they might not understand likeijyou a natiop. In 10 mojiths he jn^de 20 radio talks, a i do. About the Ford jiou got m^lfor record-settin# performance for a chief ex- j Chriptmas for having such gjmd ! \ -4 I; IF 7 ecutive. During his famous ‘,‘105 days”!, Congress swiftlv grourtd out legislation, tailored almost completely td his order. He bombarded Con gress with missagevi Revolutionary;'economic jswept- throng 1 grades then. I ii fh both sail, “let me assert oW y thing we have (still towers ab( vej our time. On ;hat MArcjh m'orhi : bj f in 1933, m an effort tjo bolster j;he s|piri| j Df a nation with a bad Icaise 6: the hard-jtime jitters, he launchei into q confidenc^-f Rudded inaugur al speech.) (. '4; f. ; “3o, first of qll,” he my-Lim belief; that the to-fear is fear itself.” , Next day- he closer]; thb nation’s bapkss until they could be re#ejn id on a sounder , footing. Then He ballerf!Cop jress into'special; session fpr em^rgincy jictwm Eiglit' days a-tter his ; inaugurationj jlr. i Roosevelt began trre SferieS^of fireside radio talks wfiich delighted ih|s friends, exasperat ed his enemiesj apd injifjreH ed jmultitudbs of voters. \ | , jj7i il Dear Father, , , ,, I reckon my grajdcs at'e tfikire by now, and you’ve found biut 1 failed chemistry. Well, sir, th|W' s nothing I can say,;, without Sfbuii thinking I’m just making exci|8es, that i.j ’ jl I w My Darling Janie, If {you’ve seen Jimmy since I last wrote, I guess you know about my flunking chemistiy. I Now you can understand how much I miss you. At night I sit sit my desk, trying to stiidy, and everytime 1 look up I see vour picture, and my mind skips a hundred miles and I just <.ait’t Study. Don’t tell anybody else, bin I want iyoU to know, the yba! reason 1 failed. You’re on ruy mind day arid night when we’re apart) "4“ j rr y *—’— ed a bqok since mid-term arid 1 was damn lucky to pass that much. After I got ilny new:- car the folks gave rut* foil Christmas I’ve ojet | all the ejute girls in .Bryan. I had a date with a sweet little’’thing week end before last, and did I evei have a swell time! By the way, don't, spread it around at home hccauSe'! I don’t want [Janie to find ou’. . measure* sometimes house? in a single day,. .. . The president was (authorized to manage • faiie/F in & ^ 0U | a :f the national Currency; with wide inflationary ' You remember that long mah-tn- ers. Hp took the' (country off the. golml nmn talk we .had before I camb up Hard. 4 • t I!* . : Be powers standard. Congress created tjhe Civilian Conserva tion Corps, rjstjbrecl 2|jcent postage, passed a her liqv last Septembqi ? you told me tij 1 always |rive Remember I f - T]je large kjze magajiirij#has finally made i its mam. An ofitfii on Fifftfi Ave., R. E. An drews, Is now offering ffulfcsize’’ njail boxes j big enough to) accommodate Life, the Sat- evepost] and Ccilliier’s at oif F ] " i FrJ ^ Something chllea-Tie.'ftfrap, in Wilming ton,‘Del., advertised a rfey| leal in the Satur day Review of Literature You send 'them ye re »W the\)thei' fellow a jl)reak? Welj, I was xloing like - yoip said aijd it securities 1 regulation‘|bi|ll to protect inves- <-ause<INne to fail. ,r ?. tors and moJli£ied!th t: vfolstead act to allow : J““ the sale of •> 4 percent beer. j a broken gas-jet, which kept liH in , At the Roosevelt iPresiden- |j tial “honeynhoojn, i nR the summer of 1933, mu 11 ( |i ( | n - t p,- ess p bedgusef if 1 15 the press reported that a New York family moved, one of my buddies would had named a nfjw baby Franklin Delano Blue haV e to take my place, arid I km*" Eagle. A Chicago couple named their infant ;', ou wouldn’t want ;me to do Mny- son Franklji Garnpr* in honor of both the „u n the Hme “xpectlhgU)qmssjSnd’ president dftl vicH-jiresKlent. All this was you can see I wasn’t really filing a long time Id go I But we still remember F.D.R. . almut my grades when I was home — . ■. 1) ■■ .0 jp;—L_ji_ p : Uhi istmas. When diseovcnsl; he j ’ l . j) 1 ! i i- ' . , had failed me I thought aboujt re- BarMart, in MAimattan, came up with a porting it to the dean, but I ikUy.. devilish Neiv' Vear'.k innovation: bottom’s- hated to get my ijrof in trmible. : f * ; I Besides I knew- yoU’d be prqtlder up tumblers; that pm (rounded on the bottom 0 f me if I just toolkit like a mlin and cannot fbe set ddvvn till the drink is all j TODAY A SATURDAY —Todays Features f] Today’s Features Begin • -3:15 - 5:50 - 8:00 - 10:08 -Sat. Features Begin ■- 1:20 - 3:30 i 3:20'- 7:25 - 9:15 1:40 16 GOVERNORS WANT OWN Tl DELANDS CORSICANA. Tex.. March 5 Governor Beiauford H. Jester said ! here yesterday that 40 of the .48 j governors of! the nation are hack ing the stand he has taken on the j tidelands question now bdRive Congress. UEEN TODAY ONLY Penny Singleton in “Bloiulic’s Holiday” gone. jj’ J-i- IMease don’t ttfH mother j the real reason; she might insifct I do something to get. that prof in trouble, maybe glct him fired. You know how mother |$ . | L r.\ :! ! William land pulled thru’ and gave a name to each day : pf the week. (Of course Dear Jimmy, j r, ^ ,n — 1 * J “ ' rT ' 1 Well, how’s my [kid brothdij? from otie-to-sfxj niecktie^ ybi 1’re tired of. '(They President Tfuman aided a wee bit.) The new return you the same*njupil< r, all cleaned, and version of a vt'eek: Sexless Monday; Meatless iv the m&ilman one 1: pek plus postage. Tuesday: Dateless Wednesday; E g g 1 e s s Their 1 liookjf “Far-awaY! store labels ivow de- Thursday; and Whoopee Friday, Saturday, moisellbs.”' and Siindax !j !( A 4- ShvBattdlioh al njiifspapdr of the Agricultural and Methaifical Gol Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas Thd feattalidn, offici*t n£\f a P a P^ r of the Agricultural and Medhaifical College of Texas and the City of Collqgc Statun. Tcxas, !,is’liiblished five times a week arid circRated every Monday through Friday afternorin, except during jholilays and examination periods, Dur ng the summer The Battalion is pub- [ fished 4femi-weel|hyi. Subscription rate $4.30 per school year. Advertising ra|es furnished on resuest. win Hi 209, 1 pr— s enntri autions miay Class ifi n HbU I d ads may ! W 4-i fi ■ made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- Oe placed by telephone (4-5324) or jit the Strident Activities Office, Room 4+k- BRYAN INDIAN SALI Service, Parts & Accessoriil For All Motorcycles New & Used Motorcycle? Temp 1 Frank L. Askew NEWS & SHORT -Sunday Features Begin— 1:20 - 3:05 - 4:50 - 6:30 8:15 - 10:00 W ATCH FOR THESE BIG ONES Associated Pn ed to it or,not otherw Rights iof- repub icfttion -4r4 Member of The Associated Press !« pitied exclusively to the use for republication tjf e paper and local news q£ spontam^i ather matter herein are .also rerierv^d. N •class msetir it Post taition, nder o* MarcU 3, pH Associated Collegiate Pres;. Member I NELSON Vick Liiidloy .J. J, T. Mi Icr.'Kcnu Mack T. Nolen R, L. Bi Unasley, Hirvii-y Chelf, iji Tom Carter, Ted Cobclind. Trumitn C. C. Trail, Jamds B. Nelson, Jcha iinsletarj-, ifiob Vfeyr ■•j-i:! . Wire Editor Uond, Luujk |l<i nan :.Mailutr>iiK Editor* .'.realurc 'Editor ry||(oodwyn Feature Writers artiri, C. C. Munroi, . Kunte. J. C. Fails. ..Reporters iiT itfln Maurice He.. . Grady Griffin l ... Sam 1 urn ford. K. J. > M Art Howard Joe Trevino, Hafdy all news dispatches credit- us origin published herein. jT I ! ———. ; ’ Rapj^sWted jiatlonally by National Ad-1 vertuaijm 8ervi&. me., at New York City. Ci jcaa-v Loe Angeles, and San Francisco. ••4 •• -WI" 1 . t * .i. 1. i.••...... Z«oHammond, .^.......Co-Editors Advertising Manager ..:l.. ...^....Photographer -,- .-Cm M- I — .^Sporta Writer* a Manager Engravers ■C ircu latk>n_Managcr MOTttKR’S DAY ~ SPECIAL OFFER • $5.00 for ■'iV- ‘A 1 for $2.45 <)• Station, Texas fl ; ; Offers J OI^E 8x10 BEAUTIFUL SILVERTONE PORTRAIT ’■ALL PORTRAITS CO^E 1 Proofs to Se ect From j| ; | i I —THIS jii Not “Servi ,0600 mj t good ng: Ag m irn only $2.45 MOUNTED IN A NICE FOLDER" Satisfaction Guaranteed I for copywork. Aggies for 28 Years”j- FOR 50c ON YOUR ORDER— I ; : , r J FRIDAY" A" SATURDAY' "The Picture of the Ye« tayt Redboolt Mofi'm "Nothing is more excit ing, more thrilling!'‘ : —True Sloiy Mogotme "Pick of the pictures!" -hb«rly Magazfat TECHNICOLOR IkeYeaAng GREGORY PECK jane! YMAN rII m-eiit# 1 ij, CLAUDE IMMiN, JR. IS W ClEM IIVANS » iMAKGAHeT WYCHlUV fOWIKT TUCKtR . Screen Hey by Paul C*( 6ai«d en the Peliiier Prize Novel by ' Kinnon Rawliagi e (directed by Clai Produced Ki I wsawit inHiiiii _ gjfcimil HWlI WlfMhhPdWIu. < IlSBMii f reryMyz rerb 11; 5.’ B0w trhmphl