The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 04, 1948, Image 2

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    v ; l
r 1
! '
- j ■ ,
'ilier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman"
‘ r ' : ; J{ . " \*! II I*
van Ross, Founder of Aggij Tradit
y Is Real...
j spirit” are not
more, tp judgelbv reports
Texas cities,
j- eight miles apirf,' these
i rivals. Time was when fc
bitter, ind the):e : were ni
But toe ay^they? gpt along?
have their annual! football]
- Disiussingfflii| amiibij
sports writer oif the Assc
“I iittendedf tlpe sepor
the othor night! lUou’d ha\
me of ‘‘school
ool stuff” anv-
(fom two North
Denison. Only
ties are: ihtense
)all rivalry was
ierous incidents.
well that tHey
mquet together.
’, Harold Ratliff
ted Press, says:
•annual banquet
thought it was a~
ub.* Everybody knew
! w*
meeting of the f>ion^ [c
everybody eM and t3ny spent most of the
! ‘ tancis.. No one was
ly from the other
time renewing acquaii
, :
miffed because some
town occupied the spotlight^ Everyone has
tened to see that his; friend from the other
place got the!credit due him.
“Sherman f Dlks even give Dehison credit
for originating the pEa
If high schoptstudents and partisans can
behave decently/certainly College students
should be able to.' h
M !
Eng ineering, 1 fetudents]
morning, scanned the .IfH
Invoke the other
pages of their
newspapers, them cast darfi|mspicious glanc
es at tfeir slide rules..A^rkulture students
| stared imcomplrel|iendir^iy lit their hands all
' ,0r ?
me Communist
* i
in the wheel of ehaos
by the Red Front
American value
/ ' |, the day. long, liky men be|h ijyed.
-I "^Anc
j. their t'ades, the objects
' l trust v -ere. worthless, jtrfs
betrayed thevi % The' tools of man
)S, the Bureau wjis chosen
beejause it formulates all
s. Without its otherwise stat
ing, a pound fcpiuld bfe eight ounces, as it al
ready is in many stotj< s.
Representative J.iparnell Thomas, chair-
n of the Ho
thefr .greatest
erous fiat. No
depfended on to
jpearingj in your column on March
tise Ctjmmitee on Un-Ameri- 110%. That .system is sji objjoiet« |jl;^^
llhand measure a
longer could aj sliide nile^bf
give* th 2 right ianjswer noi
horse’s height jacfuratelyjj ||
Whlh an eyil thought l|c|j Dr. Edward V.
Condotl, head jof |the Wejrplin and Standards
Bureai, who, everyone knows, consorts with
Commiiniists, |hej student|bfby sjaw its many
years of degrfee-iseeking jc^mble into jioth-
ingnes^by defect of all msfamiring Standards.
The Bureau of Weigitk and Standards,
operating from its dark jhliilts in Washing
ton, /was natprajlly the ffifit object
can-Activities, purfed all this stiartling in-; i. 1 } 81 11 makes a
his tsid in Walter Reed Hos- 1 e
formation from
pital in the approvi
His committee
don’s wife waslpf
everyone knows; ^-hlat
Editor, The Batjtalion: v
I read your iuttiblc upon the Elec
toral College aiid agreed, with you
:Editor, The Battalion:
This is in reply to a letter ap-
a ’48 Packard.
Now for your second article con
' the underclassmen in Hart Hall,
Although unsigned, I daresay
moved Machiavellian fashion, jeerning the,Southern “revolt!’ andjihut this is the same person that
had discovered that Dr. Con- i State Democratic Chairman Hobertl pats up the loudest bleed whenever
d of % l''Tech extraction and W. Calvert. You qudte Mr. C|lveri A&M loses an athletic contest. 1
ii oi (Lzecn extraction. ana ^ th , u y^ tire d li the I wtuld like to congratulate him, ob |
Theicomm^ Apartment, ^ich sigm kiKul''IM # *S »W nn £^ ^
checks for the Bureau of Standards, allowed Yet. the only remedy that hje can done for tht> school. Most of the , thcy le |[ about awestricken first-time visitors to
i iiliSu - Ti_ «<• io f ii h rlo tVl u hi on hero work nrlettV
Trampling Out the Vintage , . .
ideal Freshman
Smith Carolina -
The ideal v freshman—a first class cleaner )f
rooms—has been found, blit not on the [campus bf
The party concerned resides in Charleston, S. p, r
ftnd is currently on the ran from the local police
officers. This, latter fact, while *ot necessarily ate
of his qualifying points as an “ideal freshman’’
nevertheless is interesting ia^that it is concerned
with his ability to cledn rooms. ;
His name is Woodrow a>hL4ike Goldilocks, fedls
perfectly at home in other peopled houses. The main
entered a Younges Island home-this week while the
family was away. ,
He helped himself to a full meal, washed the
dishes, set the table, then went to bed. Discovered by
a neighbor’s boy, the intruder departed with a pistol
•and $|5. \ » ril !.! • M
“Just say Woodrow was hei l e and that I’ll be
back,’’ he told the lad; , j ] / i I
Charleston Police arc still looking for “Wootl-
The evils of intoxication ward brought out
again last week by two separate, events in different
! cities, . jr j» ■ '! J
^ I In Plymouth, Mass., policeman George Cowilery
ran to the historic First Unitarian Church when he
heard the carillon bells pealing “The Sc Louis Blueis''
Mr. Cowdrey arrested the church organist, Edward
Ward, 42, who later drew a year’s probation for in
toxication. • l. r ■ , I' • U 1 • • ■ .*{ •;
% And in Galesburgb, 111,, a 27-year old man tar
ried in a cell because he insisted on chasing a love
j rival into a police station. v.
\ Police seized Harold F. Smith as he pursued R.
L. Bone into the station.
Boiie complained that Smith, tried to wreck his
automobile because Bone was riding with Smith's
former,-wife.* ;; ‘i V ■ [;j j i '
Bone asserted he had to go directly to the police
fo1i protection as Smith, drivfng another car, tried
Several more, times to force hiqi 'from the highway.
Police alshheld Smith on aii intoxication charge,
The gey was red hot
i ' ^ I
j.!. •' 1 U ■
fofk City. That’s why I
'extern [State Teachers
three i games in the
jrki The troupe ihiiluded
h«cl beep in New York
me meal at thie Auto-
in ^ where coins arc fed
right out in your face,
con pletely, Armed with
jrlcing overtime at the
‘liWrfed four hr five pieces,
.lityh ih ine asked [
^oM’ve iboiit gotten enough
-<) i
pompous disp|a(y
courses ill"
you vi * >een .
kerch p; in g’
n A -
ce a
shoot ip an
you can’t si
shoot hg dicej,
■didMti :
■ -’i JLu
tha|t Marie
a tennik pn
applyflpie, B
acrdsH the stHMt
isl’f i ' ;•
l essor if [church history
logical Sjcminary, soun-
e bf his classes Against
fm|nd [knowledge in his
detkiis just to show that
I, “fou can wear a handr
cket to! show- [me that!"
oif dice packs a moral
d of:
hoot. Something you
jig a foe. However, if
I a fo’ when you’re
! '' i’l If * I ' '
nplatned to Chicago police
a Waitress, serves pie like
alssmult 'charge against Mrs.
■ ' i i 'J ■' 1 li' U A
as how it didn’t; thi'tik Dr. Condon was “dis- thilik of is “remaining in the femo4
loyal” to the goven ment, bqt once a con-; ^rat«c party ami fighting agr^ivee
gressman finds a t# to get feriame in the roqSents
paper to an £tyctw>ij|: year, mere’s just no ; the South.” f %
'• No Wonder Truman feels so con-
dlbctknEyear, t
stopping him. Thus-Thomas’s actions. . v»..-, -
But let 1 there be So mass'throwing away fl<,ent that regardless of what he • ^
oRAn 4 says-and does, Clem; and S toll l nae LP ai \f L 0
underclassmen here work prletty
hard tjryiag to develop them-j
selves ;[nd to become a member of
an A&M squad Being a good ath-j
lete takes work some place along
1 the lM- and plenty of it.
of \he of slide rules ol indiscriminate cutting off m ’ ybt> not likt : thc tttsU . of 1 but, ^ ^ th 4™.
Communists assjault becauete Tt was already of hands: Some other use for-those commod- come election time, -they’ll l walk wh< F are taking a ntt
'• ' - i** «r.“JsIRterf «“dS±TiS.trwha.
Admirably/sp’ited to. be 'a cog ities may yet be discovered.
World Order Comp and Gone
. J U- Lll U ^ 1, . II, ■!-I
i i, .J!Nj a ^
We almost! gqt a hev\|mhrl(l organization author of a prp|iosi||.jfqr the United States
in a fejw minutes yestenfji'fj It was 1 whipped to take the lead hj sCTthlg .up a supreme coun-
togethtr in a ;huirry b\t a diijple of Senators cil apart frdmi t$e;l|ftited Nations, Vanden-
over a cup of coffee. demolished_as --berg declared: {
“I don’t think'll
Saturday morning aboiu 9:80 at
tin* East Gate Aggie line:
The line bad formed in ils usual
If he manner as it had for yean/an the
him report to the past, each man awaiting W^Uurn
some afternoon and for a ride to Houston. At that ran 1 ’
of the boys an automobile pulled up unjl the
O'a re laiong a little workout driver offered rides for four
| hr go to the football field and which the first four in line rtfspon-
,-goo.d old straight Democrat*- tic- kn T rtck ^ f °f a f Whi ‘ e : . . / J.^: ?«/ or< ! ), h « coald leav< ?' «
I ke ^ T , , * :. ; r. ;!| I certainly hate-to think that fifth Aggie (??), who wasjust
there are still. Aggies who bleed getting out to the East Gate walk-
ihttbiiint and oifderod pine-
it at me *s though I were
. Stlalcy told pilice. “The plate broke
aid cut nto fate.”
"‘‘“’"i oekup.-ljlrs. Bochantlne said:
i irijit|alb|e customers.”
‘i wit
Penny Singlet b|i
ed up and succeeded in “forcing”;
, Mi’s Calvert further goes ibn to l ? r,ere a . , . ,
say that staying iHth the Demo- S^M^e some guy gets a break or ed up and succeeded in ••forcing
i era,tic party IS the ^South’s! only !tWo-rbi|t I guess there always will his way in with the other four
! solution. Well,’ it’s piety llte in he - - • .. V i,/: Is this an example of A &'M
' i ‘
quickli by a jcoi|p(le of eph^rj Senators.
Is ^his frilitjici laist-rjjji
.'lack of tbin|inif) the '
tribution towiirdlrworllcfilftt
npucp? | . i] -
[)e«ice .'i
Thl i propokafti) sdt uj
was offered to the Sehujei
iUe thinking (Or
iptea States con-
utship and world
Supreme Council
l)V fouriRepulilli-
to the $6,300,-
Ball urged Coqj,
Fee with it.” j
tq t a$k the president
to invite other hktlbns tq-.ijoin the United
States in a “pledge m armetl forces” to halt
the “steady RussianlCommunist aggression.”
He was joined | fry three Other Republicans
Their itan asked; establishment of a su
preme council, 'tof/ pe created outaide the
the dav - now for this sparflcular v Av ‘ m / ,1 1a V m ‘; ss:l ^* sportsmanship displayed bysyfcw
niece of leeisldtion (f ivil Hfehtsl Y0 * - Mr - Editor. Another track of our athlete*? Perhaps w^tged i
so mavbe he? rShtithVs Se kt!ai<on “PP^ching It would be a revival of the traditions*’
‘ , * | 1 ' • .[sincerely appreciated if you would: dropped in order to presefyd:>^ieI
If everybody is in earnest iib«iut ' assign someone to cover track ones “we” decided to keep;
this matter, I have very little meets and track activities who was Hitch-hiking is the ,mal^-^odf,'
hope that the South can wiif out. jjon a little more intimate terms of transportation for a grci&hjany
Also, I personally think th»4 the with the _jmen on the track squad Aggies and the Aggie liijie is- the
chances of Harty h«fing our next /ind had a wider knowledge of tjuaU only practical solution to traveling j
president are about fas klihilas a , Hy <>f track events. We are not this way. If the line is too slow or J
complaining, but last year the track too long, there is no objection'from j t|
' articles wjsre butchered terribly, the majority if an individual wishes/'
>t As a suggestion, why nOt nttk a to downstream. .. -f
snowball in hell.
However, if the South lufei not As a suggestion, why not «sk a t 0 downstream,
been and was idol so jsylidly |)eino- member of the s»|uad to write an Let’s continue to make that litte.
I’an Kciuvtor« Hri anjtesn s
1000,OOp JEurobeajn rCco\’4|->|[pijogram
Scijmtor Mtiiipenberg'lisfld it was drawn
up by [Senator Ball (R-IVI|m|) and hijt friends
1-- ,. and Cain (Wash - ). ;|tf did not'nitiirtion Russia i strongly* *”the 'Roinfibiioan I’- this falls to impresjt
t’q™* asking ol | )V . na jpe, but thetjehvas no doubt as to its ' party. It’s then quite likely t(don’t -M r ■ Nijme-Withhcld-By-ltequestj.
^CqnjgrfSS,. Oil 24 hottrp {railed, to accept a ; ‘ t p n f ; j : you think?) that the Rjepullieank i|»leate »»k him to bring his board
formula \vhi(-h ! would iMmit the United pV J d*, th 4 n /tors’*aetioh wss the rp • wouldn ’ t he so Hrongly in fifyor of ever tu room jj-f’. Hart Hall,^ and
Staiy to W4- / the yljof; foreto ouu„-
tries, v anuqnofif, (reci< fQtl. which Russia swallowed up Czechoslovakia over. The states that hiavjj. two (Kd. Note. >\e h»%e tried ath
‘T can’t Contemplate ]a|Jterjiptidg to hold and started grabbing for Finland. But these «i ual, y strong political riartijs and
back the Euijoptfean reooi|e|y Plan which has R ua ^ n 'encroachm|nts could have been- Jav‘hr^eleSont ,fthe?-
begn considered [for ei^l r ; months to develop an( i were—foreseen fmonths-i ago. Meanwhile these are the [states! that. gl-t the
a military defense .progr»n|” the Marshall plan [teas—“and! is still—stalled utmost consideration from;- both
? In |a debajte tvitlr-Ser itfir Ball (R-Minn), in Congress. I k ’ f parties. It’s the old boy-girl iheme.
— T-S h— —J —^ ; — —4- —r-—pj—: «—H—r 4 ——
Whose SldgUnV'- / | S.™-
ReXail’s.Otel-Soiliag stores and the Thrif- I * ervcd f ?. r ot ¥^ who are hot so , closely scrutinized the I effects of
.. fr> 4.1..^ -il,r „ I co-operative, | the abolition of certaini detnmen-
/ ‘Dptlg Cc., two L<ps Angeles chains, are a ; p or the benefit of any ijpdihot i tal” traditions, at A&M and up to
teu.din and a-fussip ^tn ways that might Democrats who read this, 1 -would i now it hks registered nothing but
bring peace to the jHjatfields and the McCoys. to say here that we’unti have
|:30 - !7:10 - 9:60
HCnOFi-Rlithe Ulaui
P. S.-rUpstieaming and ifyasbibg
the line used to be a senior coiirt
offense. What is it now?
,6 I (tame
Wi’ve all
heard the Hitty ‘{I came to col
lege, t|o get sonie know i|(|je,’ f etc. , . Well,
it seefns thaf Mornings M College in Sioux
City, Ijowa, htts diven it-a Ijif|. Thev call theirs;
, , aj qpEiTO TH^|C()-ED
Hcre’d to -thej cdfed loyal a|d tfue,
Here’4 to her bllue-jeafn
| The partly says to the; state, “floney
j I’ll do ajnythirjg for'you if ijyou’ll
letic-ejiirl-espendents in the past
and found them unsatisfactory.
Coaches do better. But we hope
to get a good man on track cover
age and keep him there this
Office in Parker Building
Over Canady’s Pharmacy -
Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas
DAY ft
me;” We’if nice Editor, The Battalion:
! tV
Roj ,
anyhow so the orchids a^e re- f * For a good many months I have i
been democrats since great grand-
tion o< M sell* *K at the lowest prices. ^ ^ B «
Here’tj to-hqil sWeaterB, aSigloppy as h^L-k,,
\ Here’^ to .herj“siddle$’11 dtaJodk like a wreck,
Here’4 to her! tresses tfct l! lang|jlike a rope,
; 'Here’ji to h^f hby friqirljsSfor whom there\s
I nb hope/ I ^ ] f
Here’$ to the* pictures fe te tija^ bn the wall
Of Jimmy ai d Tommy tfi&t 1 Lenny and Paul,
Here’it to thdse iblife eyc> Ithat innocent look
That (jatchesithe fellotfs li|e a fish on a hook,
Here’i to thait chassis, ! t ip|e wbnderful legs,
Here’l to the beer that^s
Here’i to the fee jred lii^js
That [comes when the
14t her cut,' ; ■
Herb’?.to he* liquor, !uij
j ^ f Here’s to her grades thej
As usual, the furor centerk around the ques-
bf tight Nav^blue, The only amusing [thing is-fhat both chains
are using big sizeiitewspaper ads and radio
disgust with me;
1 have read of the two-percenters
and their disgusting bphavioir to
ward visitors oh the campus, but
I have never, until this past week
end, run across! the two-percentet
spots with-^Xaqtly the same slogan. But the
slogau^/ZNo olne, but no one; sells for less”-
of the two-pereenters. The most
surprising thing to me was to|
Idarii that this penton occupied a
no danin yankee, talking.
I'll stop with these remarks. The
Democratic party Was a faithful
horse in the old daiys and?we’ve
, . ! been blindly stayingijtvith hi^t ever . r „. _ ,
actually belongs to; fieither. If we remember since. Seems, though, that 8n the room in Hart Hall and was sup-
right, jits first tiseir- kvas no one but dear old ! I a ft few yehi's fomobod! - hasj posedly a member of >ne of ourjj
" switched, animals on.ius. | Thgy still [ athletic .teams-rfthe oite place ini
call him! a ho|se blit the tijiuth is all A.&M whtire spqrtsmapshipjj
that he’s a jackass—aiid he shodld be fostefie d *
kick! ; !'' Pil ! .; I ‘ '""
; i ’ ii T
I dependable, buckeye,' thrifty Gimbel’s
While reading thru’ the Westminster Col-
dowjns by the kegs lege Holcad, my eyg jwas caught by-a cartodn
D }
dt dute little pout
Se mother won’t
Yores truly, ij
(Kd. Note: We, too, think that
long; cigarettes,
’s and the D’s,
rs are so hard to
:V It’s just that “the prqfffc;
■( pjlease!” j . 1
f Here’p to thi^ co-eds all the nation,
; Who $ays th$y’re not .gdt|tm’.ali education ?
TIic Battalion, official
of College Station
aftempon, excjept
lished [semi-we
News coni
*wln Itiall, Cl:
209, tCjoodwin
| All<Xmeric«ii
tions ini
led ads n
fat Battalio
IV. L Tl : ,
wspsper of the Agricultifral ahd Mechanjical/
sublished five times, a week and cirsulatied f lj
jdaysjand examination periods, During the,
tion late $4.30 per school year. [Advertising'
—.. -£~- 1, i.!.- dl-
that depicted a scette familiar to many of us , Texas would bd better for a: Real
around Q. W. A gitoijip of girls are two-party system. But the South-
various’bopths. looktog as mad as wet-hens; ® rn “ re '’®}t” attempts to .make
while all the felloiivjk are grouped smilingly exas 100% ttepubhean—for a
around, you gu^ssfei it, a pin-ball machine.
No caption is necessary for that one.
Just what may I' inquire,! is so fascinating
about a pin-ball mpe iine?? ‘i If only someone
would enlighten irSefbn the !subject.
School authorities Or student
leaders cannot expect (he general
student body to;be the perfect host
to others when’some of our OWN
.athletes show utter disregard for
some of the finest Aggie traditions
that are based upon common clef
V 1
jllege vf Texas and the City
T Monday through Friday
imer The Battalion ia pub-
ea furnlt|hcd pn reauest.
rriade by telephone (4-5444) or at the
riial office, Boom 201, Good-
be placed by telephone (4+5324) or at the Student Activitiea Office, Room
e Aasociiated Pr<
ed to t or no| otjherwi
Right of republication
,"" 'j"-#'
Enl d as mci od-felass macitei
t Collage siatlon, Uexs i ;
Uie Ac of Congrikia il March 3,
Member Of Tht
e Associated Press
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sAited in the naoer and local news of sDontahdous origin published herein
ifited in the paper and local news of spontan
" oth^r matter herein are also reserved.
Associated Collegiate Press
p vented 'nationally by National Ad-
a tjf Service. Inc., at New York Cl
Vick Lfmlley i i..:..L;Ij..,
3. T.^tiilWr. KtptethilJotid, Uluv
Mack % IWen ...U..-\, ...'..i ll..
1 -v-ic i
L. U lUnseioy.
Tom Cu rter, Ted
• •*••••• a ••••••*••••••• I p «• ••• ».<
.c. c.
Trail, Janfea^E. Nel»oi
Trail, Jan
arioy CUtlfy 1ft
ipeland. Triituart
> Wire Editor
.MunuKtug Vlditors
■U—i-l Feature F.d'ttor
Cooiwytl Feature Writer*
'Martin, C. C. Muoroe,
It. Kunite, J. C. KailB.
r 4tr •, f
Maurice Rowell
Crady Griffin
Sam Uhtord, K.
krt Howard
I amts Dc/Vnda, Andy M&
kthel . Shelby
'v -r
• -.^1,
The incident to which I am
about to refer happened this past
i p is jijM : if ■ H i! 1 I j f j ■ T
n,' i[| .i rfi / • j # ji k
Cleaning Prewsing, aiid
. 1 ^
in i 1 1 ]' i
t; i
f I’M
Lou An
d San Franck
...J j .’.Co-Edil
.Advertiaing Manager
...U.... f ,i.N...Citrtoopirta
t t..;..iIi;,.A...aporij* Editor
Zero Hanmo«d, .
~~+Pboto Ingnvtn
FOR sm*i
s; i ilii -1 m .-i .U
r Li
: I
V' t-
“Whe e the Art of Fine Cookery Has Not, Been Lost”
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Your Date
• Barbecue Dinners
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PLENTY of room
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