The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1948, Image 4
r-'t I **•< Flan tio ■ r Visi Hi ■■I TtALIO! !5 I; - PRIDAY, en West’ ■ ■ , • k J'M ■ FEB. 27. 1948 ill 31U, SINGL STARY (lesig i njike i * * ;■ . - : , r l :j* «. I- By JOHN D j The fifth rear architecture ’viill m ispection triji to Arizorti 'l j’fornm Marci 13-28, ; Joi ^ of the archi ^eture (flepa|-tment ah ipounced yesajnlay. | ; | ; ' About 15 Jludenta wiil tnike th trip which i<ri part of a project jp ’.research on school huil ling code!' :for the «ta^ of Tfexas) I ter studio flak', Arizona. A visjit t Pajuscn Hoi s< whicjh kilned in Ihoenix 'has. })lanne<l. In Los Angeles jthe be guests of the C cil of Arch it rfts wlios4 committee hi is plaanpii ! nferary in (jalifonjia, ■ / . i Some of the building jwho /will meet with th|? ifor discussk n .of buihlinj nrb Charles-G bson <if I>l nil authority on school jUghry Wrij hi one Tof j Cohtemporal y scm|ol fti(jbar(l Nettra, Americs h his wi being di ij-ected by If. Arthur! Meloh pi ‘the Texas Kngiineering 1 Ixperimcnl iStation. t I’lan,s maiLe for the t i ia visit with} 1 Yiink Llo jconsklered |h y Ttany o b< , / ?nost famou archiUtct,' “^a liesen we^ltj’at Sc * Ui the Ro^c fright dp also he class will tfmniiia Coun adyisor; j their itif! ■ e : khiwn arch tei't amgo Mifciht as irofpsjof ini lecture depui taient iat est Kump p£ San ]Fri 1—* ■H—r A(;ii Till ►rniii Your Class field in and Gali- T. Meadoi Class to stern Insp I i ts of con and! John hlifornia 3 f jjhe nation’s outstanding expon- Jouncil of Architects: Tivo faculty members will ail- mjpany the party. They are Bill' uldillJ professor of architecture^ |u|id Joe T. Meador, assistant pro r fds»6r of architecture. Cameramen 111 also go along: to record about a.'iOO feet of. film of buildings. 4 authority sjtudep t pfobleifi ts AngeU likhty ho. r il^t(li esignej rnationaj '-time c< ,the arc) &M; Er4 icistco, onp “t I I YoiiiiirbioiMrs Barbecue Dint -Th J I I i ‘I Barbecue Snmwiches Fried Chicken P T-B‘ inie Steaks ; A i BDE^tY OF RIpOM FApT SEriviCE Aill Kink Is I f Ft Drinks r Younghlo: Mjdwayjoi CfJUj'ge A for > ; ’ . Ps i: tie f i temporary architecture; ed, • dHairman] of the Studintk jwho will make the trip are John N. De Haas Jr., Jack D. Harriniftohj Waldo W. Shannon, J. A. Hart? Jri., Willipm M. Pena, A. D. Sakis, W. L. Deane, Harry W. Sauntfcfs, Harfy B. Smith, Jimmie iri ' ’f- TO f 1 •' -r-i-- n I AM Profs’ Book Demopijllo! ,:and Harrison L. Whit- B «Atlison, C. R. Crawford , am Dwniel Perkins have indi cated t )at| ihtey may go. fT r. 11 -j The^revised djliti on Applied Them Virgil M. Faires, hu agement engineering department^ A. V. Brewer* professor of mechan ical engineering, and {Clifford M.; Simmang, assistant professor ol; mechanical engineering, all of A &M, has just been published. The edition, .published by the; MacMillan Company of New York, is in use in more than 60 univert: sities and colleges of the United ’States. • r ' * Originally written in 1938, the book represents, over a years work; ion the part of|j,UMi three authors! Containing ovet 1100 problems oh applied Thermodynamics, the man-. u«l has a section of vapor tables,’ charts on properties of!air, carbon! dioxide, steam, and other tabulated data. ‘ The revised edition will go or^ general sale immediately. Ttf 'f r Kiu^m : i ! • mi . * . tlonjM_ ^ B to £S- nmittane* to 7 r Mi MTALION . If "a- *S< min! Section nd all jHHHHj I Student Art! flee. AU ada should be tu 10:00, of the day before pi _lL, 1 I * K —1 JL- 1 — : THB SChIbK SHOP - Typiat, it. Phone 2-671 ro* fiAi.p - house. No. 12. Henry Hhll after 5:00 ; - ble unit 'Jeet House K’l ill f Jfl ness ' a r CI/4SSffppi ; !k now for h. Suhjiirj. shorthand, bts *' rltinK and associated si ■— McKcnii^-Haldwi, 102 S. Washing BILL TURNER presents a tie to JIM MALONEY of The Aggie Ramblers. The Kiwanis club gave ties to members of The Aggie RarableyA and The Barbershop 702 FOR JtRNT — (Lfnfnrtab|e bod room adjoining bath. Prpfewor or grl biud^nt preferirfld. Phone 4-0724|. f Northwestern iologist to Visit Campus, March 1-3 Dr, Arthur J. Todd, chairman of the sociology department at Northwestern Univer sity from 1921-43, will visit Ihe campus March 1-3 to speak before students during class periods and at an open forum}Tuesday evening. Dr. Todd, invited to appear here by Dean of the College F. C. Bolton, will address two sociology classes Monday} $nd Wednesday mornings, and two psychology classes Tues- Attention Lad’u „ TOTf ., TO Js your half faded or streamed, cm ed out A It no, thin can lie 1 corr a very Hmall fit |>y visiting eitlifl! following lH-nuty ahops. College Hills Beauty Sajon Enat Cate Phone f*l jM Pruitt’s Beauty & Acces s o Hi I s’ _ ji, - cd ! I-if ill !Hith olate T .'stvJf... y ■h BARON?MANS DP! MEISS-TEUFpEN, I P war correspondent and world traveler, will speak on the Palesjtike situation Friday at 7:30 p. m. in thf YMCA. His appearance onjtHe campus is under the sponsorship of, the A&M Hillje! Foundafhtp; and. the YMCA. WTAW SATURDAY 5:45- Sign On I TOt _ 5:45 Recorded Music 7 B :00 Texas Farm and Home Program 6:16 (food Morning Musid 6:80 Texas AAM Farm Review 7:00 Martin Agrohsky 7:15 Cowboy MModies 7:30 News of Aggieland 7 :45 News -Summary S:00 Music by Muupin H :30 1'kino Playhouse .* j J 'J:0O U. S. Navy Hand 0:80' Hollywood Reporter ■ 9 ;45 Honeydreafncr< XL. KAMT ’ 10:00 '10:30 TT va K itchell, Dance Humorist. To Perform in Guion, March 4 12 11 :00 12 :00 12:05 1:00 4:00 4:45 5:00 5:15 5 :.t0 5 :45 6 :0() 'Che Abbott A Costello Kid Show Land of (The Lost Record Rack Itryan Neuts Johnoy/s |JMke Box Metropolitan 0|>era Tea and Crumpets Pearls On Velvet The Vagabonds Music by Adlam Harry Wispier Supper Cl ah Sign Off ! J J By OTTO Kl NZIi h | Iva Kitchell, dance humorist ,^hb.«je brilliant wit and wellness have delighted thousands ft Europe, will perform in Guion Hall ' .-all presentation. A native of Junction City,- Kan aheing at the age of Tour. She tool Doth!in this country and \ , u j . , e l i m 12:00 Old Filshioned Revival Hour i)n March 4 as a Town ms ' ? ! j 7 • l:30 j 2:00 }t:flou$ly, but icon developed at' uTpoPous aspect of the art. Ip her opinion klancing more than ,ny ;other art becomes absolutely idiculous the moment it is taken )o seriously. She acquired her itimorous aspect of dancing while student in ha Ilf't school. ’Tlie rapt :hereal expresp|ions thatj she ob- i^rved in a ballet class cdused her natiorib ot^'fhodem well-known burst out! laughing and she has | 11 S i , ■ achieji’e their wide appeal to a ence [by virtue of the fact that they j reflect characteristics of people i^erywhere. Oyiurary to 1 popular belief, Mbs Kilchell loves? m odern danpFs. Misiji vifchellydbea not make enemiijs ! by hCyr hitarious imperso- )K‘n laughing ever since} Miss Kitchell has a pense Urhor that perijiits her tp see thel! moderh. lances increases the aud- inny side of evjerything and show) idhee ijptir^st in tlje dafheers whom up with all the fine tpste. vitV she sa|irizes. jmsity. vpt, I and dirilliuncje of jtpe'i She Bius The divine gift of pok orhj-renov ned'dancer thtu she js. j ihg fm|i t human pgxmposities with )hn Martin of the New York opt hurting anyofiie’d feeling. Her imes says that 'she J4ughs at actionsicowey hurtior by means oj ‘rerything quite indist'iiminately r her ai^ide! and highly individual nt always in jthe^best of humor techniqpi pf movements. One 'of und without a traCe of malice, tin- her spectators'once remarked, “why i|ke many pjirpdists she is able i jihat gar l can erai^kt a joke with the things which j tier tois mOetimes powerfully mov- ny and -s to coipically ^burlesques. Miss KitchdlJ adapts her -satin-1 in <?- dbnders on -the American biI gyrations t(j) anjy and all types stage |rLUV-c; such ajjgijft for charac- i)' dahees. She loves to display the miical view hf Huc’h (lances ap ladotei Ditwa^i’sfsjchodl of esthe ic dancing, Martha Grahym’s mod MY|T|MEll| !: :. r . 'I'ipHiful, pirouettes, sr I caricaltqres -A- \7 -H- somejof of dancers in ’ s » t jc -77: Cel lit an Operl. Mils overJ25( ted Hta SUNDAY Sign On | 7 j | Coffee Concert Aggie (iosiK‘1 Time Shiloh Gospel Singep: Coast to Const on v Music Fill Studio Music j / President Trurnan Music by Mdster Composers Church Mdsic Baptist Church 7:30 7;30 K :00 K :15 S :30 K :45 9:00 9:10 10:00 11:00 : -I ' S a - ■ . 1 ^ i ; : 2:00 , Miss Kitchell pegan i.the idea of dancing Tfw dancers, tnift on thse Contrary they arc htjr, closest friends. Actually of.,, Miss JvltjChell's merciful .ribbing of 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 ews President ilver Jackets This Week Around the World These Are Our Children Pattie Page Presents Bill Lance Counterspy Drew Pearson Monday Morning Headlines Sign Off I $ terizaiioil as is displayed by Miss KitchklJ :i He# seemingly carefree satire is . |! devel^pe Lfropi long and untiring MONDAY f 5:45 Sign On i : j . : 5:45 Musical Program 6:00 Texas Farm and Home Program 6:15 Coffee Club 7:00 Martin Agronsky 7:15 Dr. Edds : 7:30 News of Aggieland 7 :45 Red Cross Program 9:00 My True Story 9:30 Womans World 9:45 Studio Muitic 10:00 Breakfast in Hollywood i 10:30 Galen Drake 10:45 Ted Malone 11:00 Welcome Travelers 11 :30 Recprd Rack 11:45 Bryan l^feWs 12:00 Baukhage Talking 12:15 Newscast 12:30 Music for Monday 1:00 Walter Kiernan 1:15' Ethel & Albert 1:30 Bride and Groom 2 :00 Ladies Be Seated 2:30 -Paul Whiteman Club 3:30 Treasury Show 3:45 Folk Music of France 4:00 Constant Invader 4 :15 Your American Music 4:45 Harry Horllck . 5:00 Sportsman 5:15 Tcrrv and The Pirates 5:30 Sign Off SATURDAY 9:00 Sign Ob 9:00 / Fun and Fancy Free 9:30 Fun and Fancy Free 10:00 Abbott and Costello Kid Show 10:80 Land of The Lost ll/OO Record Rack 12:00 Bryan News 12:05 Johnny's Juke llox 1 .00 Pjiano Cocktails 1:80 Aftermain Melodies 2:0|)- 000 Contest Hall 2:80 Your American Mukig 8:0(; Album of Comedy jFiivurites ■8:80 pick A Tune fV. ] 4 :00 Music by Masters 4 :30 Afternoon SerC'nUde ■ 5:0i) Musical Tcte A Ti U 5:15 Musical 'fete A Tetc 5:30' Cocktail/Time t i N 6:00 Museurn of Modern Music 6:30 Challenge -of the Ydukon 7:00 l Deal in Crime | 7:30 Famofls Jury Trials * dlO/ Gartg Busters H ^80 | Studio M usic - j :0p I Musical Etchings ; 9:30 : Heyloft Hoedown J | 10 :(lb News of Tomorrow! 10:16 Sigti Off SUNDAY i 9:00 Sign On 9 dfo Fun and Fnncy Fny 110:00 Music by Master 0omposers 11:0o Time to Dine 11:30, World Security Workshop 12:00 The Honeydreamers 12:15 j Raymond G. Swing 12:3(1 ! Piano Cocktails 1:00 Old Fashion Revival 2:00 Musical Portraits 2:3o Lullabye Time : 2:46 ft Pick A Tune 3:0o Lean- Hack and Listen 3 :jl5 i Album of Comedy Favorites 4 :80 I Afternoon Serenade 5 :(»0 j Drew Pearson 5:t6 Monday Morning Headlines 5:30 Greatest Story Ever Told 6 :00 j Childs World 6:80'.Exploring the ffnlihown 7 :tM) Detroit Syniphnriv H :0(i Walter Wlnchell K:;J5 ILouella Rarsnns 8:80 Theatre Oiiild of The Air 9:00 Theatre Guild of The Air 9 :S0 Jimmie Fldler 9145, Music in Velvet !0}|)0 News of Tomorrow I op 5 Sign Off- MONI1AY Shop South Side Phone 4-1 WANTED TO RENT — Veteran 4t wife and 10 month old json wgnt furnished apartment. Write JfotX' 1 contact H. E. Phillips, Poultry Fa I n. l dent, (all 1^8 or 4- Sign On. Fun and Fancy Free Swing Tiny Morning Mudctil ji '■ dance and Alicia Markova’s j prepfiM orts. .She ’has studied with • 1/1 lj - ‘-Mhg vvPfld^s greatest danc- tis Dolin! Caton, Nimura, d jStaats, all of the,Paris 4 N i l|’ ‘vitjchoir has 1’ecently given Q performances in the Uni- des iand Capadk - VA 4 A \ CO , 1'-\ * l LtEGE HXLS LAUNDRY * : I j/i ; .. J. ■' Devote more houVs to Junior and sis during 3 J their fojjmative years. Send your laundry to us! Expert shirt and . flat work . . . and it costs no imore! ' : iTOH; :i ’ ' » ,!l I i ','4- on Not Open Dance Dates ^ i 11 7 r \ Contitirjf to an hardier announce ment, M alton Hall will not be open ed to jdjatet? for the Fourth Regi mental ball, Hi L Boyer, of the Housifl' Off fife, announced today. Only th^-ee stujfjehts had made applicli iqn for these rooms for ieir Housi cafion these up, nfb “fhr Thesie girls can be jrivat djjltels wjjlj iconic by the cedi n rooms in private homes, clr elites will 1 1 Tr (^ffjee aDd make appli NThprej is p 0 set Price, but dooms usually run from $1 ^tW. denwind vfas not sufficient to nedcjsfiitj^te the; opening-of Wal ton fdr th|s wtek-end,’' Boyer con- tinuec, "butL \rii the future if enough} applicattMis are received, Waltdn will be opened to accomo date *t ud 4Dt datepN / (Continued fi;om Page 1) : if . f veterans taking full-time courses , either on a semester or clock-hour | basis. —, i Veterans taking any of the folv lowing types of training a^re not entitled to increases, but will con4 tinue to receive subsistence pay} ments at the Old rates of $65 a month for those without dependents and $90 for those with dependents: 1. Part-time institutional train* in K- • / I ;• ];• ? \/2. Institutiorthl on - the - farm training. 3. Apprenticeship or other on-tha job training, for which veterans receive-pay for productive labor. \ 4. Combination or cooperative training In which students attend school part time and are employed part time. . i | 5. Internship\and residency train! ' \ fl-ij ' . J 6. GTaduate training Under a fel? lowship requiring 4 reduced credit course-load because of Service^ rendered under provisions of the fellowship. The sooner a veteranNsUbmits necessary papers, the more certain he is of being paid the correct amount and paid on time, the *" erans Administration concluded. - ■ ; * 9 :oo 9 S10 10:00 I 10:30 10 :45 : Pearls on Velve) 11:30 i WTAW Recont Rack 11:55 | Bryan News 12 ;D0 ! Baukhago Talking ' 12 {15 : WTAW Newscast 12 |3()! Music for Monday; , 1 jOO Afternoon Meloilhis i j3() | Between The Lini-S ■1 145 ; Lullabye Time 2:45| ; l , ick A Tutto 3 idO Leonard Herkins 3:15 Transcribed Interlude 3:30 ; Lean Back nnd Listen 3:45 Album of Comedy! Favorites 4list;Farm Fair ’ 4 :30 AfterniMin Serenade 6:00 W ,,r ld News j»M5 Musical Tele A Tete 6 (30 Cocktail Time R100 Headline Edition J ’ 6:15 Elmer DnVis | * ; , (113(| Smoke Rings 7:0(i Point Sublime 7:30! Opie Cates 8:00 Oh Stage America K ;?.0 So You W Mn t m Lend n Band 9:00 This Is Your Ad vent are 9:30 ! Ear! Godwin 7 10:00! 'News of Tomorrow 10:15 Sign Off ♦day. Tuesday at T:.‘10 p.m. he will lead an open forum' discussion in the South Solarium of the ' YMCA, Dan Russell of the A&M rural sociology department said yesterday.!- j ■ ! '-7 Dr. Todd attended the University of {California, later enrollirig in the European schools of Marseilles,, Paris, and Munich. In 1911 he re ceived his Ph.D .degree from Yale, Dr. Todid served as chief proba tion officer in San Francisco from ,1905-08, later joining the Univer sity of Pittsburgh as professor of sociology and head of the depart ment. l > From 1919-25 he Served as direc tor of industrial relations for B. Kuppenheimer & Co., Chicago, holding part-time duties as visiting professor at Northwestern. Then he became professor of eodology and head of this sociology! depart ment at Northwestern. / In 1943 he retired as head of ‘the Northwestern department, and was named chairman emeritus of jthe sociology department. During the war Dr. Todd served las special examiner of the Nation- I al War Labor! Board, and later ; managed the Washington office of 1 the- Christian Science Committee | on Publication. j Among the books which Dr. Todd j has written aire “The Primitive | Family As an Educational Agent- | cy,” “Theories jof Social Progress,” J ‘fThe Scientific Spirit of Social ! Work,” “Three Wise Men of the ' East,” “The Secularization of Do- j iiiestic Relations,” and “Industry j and Society.” ; j - In Addition, he was co-author j of “Democracy and Reconstruct j tion” and “College Teaching.” Dr. Todd edited a 5-volume se- | lies, “Recreation Survey of Chi cago,” and the “Life and Letters Of Martha Gaddis." '' A mpmber of the American In stitute of Criniiinal Law and Crim-1 j ihology and the International Kriminalistiche Verinn, Dr. Todd has spent mucili of his time ip the field of criminology. L | j f FOR SALE—4 ft, Gibson refrigerkt cently overhauled. Quick sale. A S-A, Colltwe View. FOR SALE—HM1 Dodge convertiible motor, top, sOgt covers, tire*. See Crowley, Jr. Apt, C-6-D,' College ’ FOR RENT- Nkmtly furnished iM-rlrli* . new home. 910; East 30th. Phone ! 53X8. LOST—Grey top coat in Sbisji nt{ Saturday night. Reward. Calahain Law. . ,|l ( BARGAIN! — New Mortfin double 27'' s'" 67" - white porrelnin. W PRICK! Aggie! Radio A Applini((i East Gate, College. Phone 4-1261 WANTED-Auto mechunlc. must hi* rlenfed. to work part or full .time, eoln-Mercury. Charlie Cade. Jr.|B# ' No. 6, Bryan, iTexas. FOR SALE -1937 Chevrolet roup* mechanically, new paint, excuilertt Box 1165. Trailer S-4, Area 5.^ m hi 7 P. What’s Cookiiij AMATEUR RADIO CLUlj m., Monday, EE Building, j BARBER SHOPPERS, Fit dhy, YMCA. lj CORPUS CHRIST! 041877:15 pAn.,iRoom 227, Academic ^juild- ing. METHODIST WSCS, 7:30 Monday in the home of Mrsl Dphlborg, Beverly Estates, meeting of three circles. CIVIL WAR THREATENS SMALL ARAB STATE CAIRO, EGYPT, Feb. .27 - Cables received here indicated terdajy that civil war thle} Yemen, where . the Iman ( Ylehia was reported killed i d a coup February 17. “I’m Western Electri up your Bell Telepho with equipmont and 1' R JC fit Conn «• I I lit) InHl lition fi wnipr -ini H 726(01. .yiw I ilii drol ngs* ihd wh«s ipcMN !« h«nae I Ii iLil r> !■ to pi .TO f. ami -Rf r. Nothin* South fia HEARING considering lo, 4 and «• of Block I ic existing t al DIstHct, to Di»- si less District.. I rois rty wilhin this i>W ding property with- r; of the i>yo|Miscd igy? Be «4>|>»xrd ;u> the th! Zoning Ordinance t • uch protests to the hi I Heating to l»c held 7: t) p.m. on vyixihe*- 94H. . j ■ ... t good tires. IIP Ail -HA l!' T, ■ ■ ijftian b|itt|d.sJ Oarage has Now vadant. lolcated to col- hW Vim it: ciimjrete f Conveniently i tr .{inice il I bde e Ser.v c f k Jf. I 1 * IpCE TOT 1 hunt two; bedrhom Eicdjell^nt condition. Furhi lj * shed j siltiun well |wi [vt align to j Al Ihome ojnd -Bbtil are’inj Rpot condition n ly furniphffd A pPo; t I si i i ■' apartment. and A p Po po- ir tp jmtir time to ' if / 41 WE INVllTR YOU TO V RIT 11 i ■ 4 THE FUliENDLY ‘'ii. I - I F f '1 / m /• i V' / / ; < piioite d-1243 Realty mm ■ lj(jfasey-BUrjijess Rldg. 1 r ; Largest Class In History Applies For June Diploma ' l| ! ' ' * j ii p- The largest class in the history of A&M will he graduated this June, according to Johnnie Zinn of the Registrar’s Office. Over 800 applications have al ready been received from prospec tive June graduates and many more are expected before the March 1 deadjine, Zinn said. Increasing by leaps and bounds since the 20- year low point of 67 reached in 1945, the number in this year’s graduating class surpasses by more than 100 the previous record year of 1947. J j i I \ jiln 1920, the figure was 96, in 1930, 331, while by 1941 the num ber of June A&M graduates has risen to its highest pre-war level of 767. Students who plan to graduate in June riiust make formal application in the Registrar’s Office before Monday, March ANNOUNCING ihe OPENING H j: ! | In A Hurry? Come in, jgiVe us your order, it will, be served to you piping hot, deliciously pre pared in la jiffy. ' THE ICEBURGH College Roac$ Bryan i j, ■ j vf ♦i—, -4— i. -h Expert Radio Repaij For All Mikes and Models of RADIOS AND RECORD PLAYERS ' •r o.; : 303 W. 26th 1 Block W. Post Office-Bryan Hi! . r* i » t I •* , * t . .. rr \ L E T A N . . . , j ’ Aggie Student SERVICE YOUR CAR l ■ i r I '. ! ■ . W M ' * mm EXPERT GREASING WASHING I'. WAXING & POLISHING STOP AT THE - GULF STATION block north Bronco Inn on Houston Hwy. Owned & Operated by J. W. Schmidt •If A.&M Stu. Vet *4 IK '4 LE ,F Western Electric is family circle for e|x lociil Bell Teiepliont ' the close Uiamtvork t nomical, nalion-wij ' As the suppl] Electric makes ti 1 of supplies, kee uting houses for and installs cent This unified sehl economies to the t turn, to you who use Since llt82, Wesl i i the Bell Telephioi service the worli j 'f | ' idtl I! T: ■IT OF mi I i. , : ^ mck SI i! 1 ' ii’ ; tier of the Bull System same reason tliat your is It member-1 utial for, efl cient, eco- rvlice foi you. >f the family, Western uipment, huyi i all kinds t , ,. pi distrib- hone dompsnies, . "L ti this ■! i v m many an$es and, in ent, huyi || Stock at 2 Viet •'! i »«1W mpan hcen a; aeraber pf ii)ig tio make your rrirf-T \ , ■ i i :•