The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1948, Image 3
Gc l| eighth i] the Tex. to take ThdCkdets i will find t) c Lo ] .strength fo| the r_\.; year, . Crucial Events = A few fn vide the rhartin a winning feu hi will : -the meet 'by not points. i ““ f ^““k Te prief the opcn^njal Med Ags can wi|i thisi rui^je, it may. :1 v r uad im time :ch is: (the Dave | Vat the differei ce b^tw» and a vi etc ry. Atiothe • ci ucial match yard free sty e rade. IS Dt man or‘T >mfiy. Khox jcomc: iin ff i ! or take sneotd and tnir<J place, : ! Aggies'Will have a tiriuch bet [chance oflmiging hdtne the bac . Berniij.Syian will |^e up ttgaij a tough opponent, Bobby Hill, s the 100-lyaiid Intlivijjluai Medl|}{ Race. Hill i« Texas'! star fereai stroker and he is certain to tal a lead iji thjat part of the swii Syfan will have .to oatch him the last freje Style jap iijij oil to win. f i] I ij | i r || •t—'t i—4 dr ney fllih Lmming Team will try !for ii eason tomorrow mr Austin. The event is schedi university pool, here last week, but this match - Two: pf A&M’s thr h* backstrok- ers, Howai-d Spencer^ Buddy Fish er, and Ed Kruse, Will need to pick up a first place, or a. second ppd .third, to keep Texas from getting too many pojnts late in the m^et. \ If the Aggies can hold off up-. til the final 400-yard relay events '■ the\ should take the meet. The team of Jerry Fisher, Jack Riley. Rerni^ Syfan, and Danny Green . haven’t been beaten all season. 1* T- It all, adds up to a close match ‘ tomorrow aftenioon. If the Aggies manage to take a second win over t the Steers,'it may meani that the 'conference titly willj exchange trophy case? this year. The Texas Tankeis rebounded on the Baylof Bears Wednesday pight and topk ^n easy win. Thg Aggies took the Bears; by 48-27 several , weeks ago. J . ] ' ; Elsewheta: iin the Southwest Conference, Southern Methodist sprang .an unexpected defeat on thej Dallas Athletic (Club last Wednesday. ! ! ffii their fel 1 ! the air fwhat the called “a Smoking i „ hi m All of ihe 1 entrant fjj in the rec^i • pipe smoking contjest am joyed th in selves w|iie tryiitig ijjol) to ofitj jilt ow ! conte.stijint$. Even ijsl vaS filled with fumes; spe nsoi!, 0 B. Robim pi fragraijt bjWd.cjf tolpl co." T r 1 ! ] ,.• I -M But it miel led like iso much c( ir 1 silk to many of the jkmjokersLi :i nssibRities : .1 the athlHM field ai A&M! 'f gestion h •n made t H|t Aggie 11: smoluTv get gather tind fo 'Mash jU W|ARUj dnee i of (17.5 ftbody : capture A nd an that nuiij ites, ithc' to sw erccO S< on \ altered T r pijic. has brokpn in will Rndoulbteilly; tiy to he record. idle Teahj a cfe cnce-wttiih Ik- sponsoring ipi^' shiokinfj :<intests.; Only j |sp Baylor would be lejt oujt. Scholarsh ps. j woild Soon awarded to the besil Aifd slo\i( puffers n the sj,ateJ I ! Training rules! wo AROUND K ■ j •]. j H . 1J ! IN H. ' literally bur its in the few rema Iray Eargle of Corpus Uhl up th< ing gi Christ? Jiiiibr College will be the individual i icoring champion of Texas jiiriior college basketball, latest sU?tc wide statistics indi cate. H Eargle; Ihps completed regular y with an average fame. Billy unior College and 18.4 point# per game. mh’n of tOria Junior D. W. SHawlklns of Waylahd College 17 : -Is ' H “ W 1 | f:m\' ' 1 T ; . : : ; i fi" i ; : ! j: • Ir •' 1 - fwHHi ' I S p Battalion ORT * •• ! 1 -w. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1948 4~ • - : ' r n. f ■ iMr 1 "• -r - 1 P«ge3 i ' S • 1 ■: ; • : • sli.L • 1 . ■ r have completed HOWARD — “ 1 r. • | : j '. - j "i i. Become A Sport wlcad: of biirriiiK smoking, the Coach would have to say, “Boys, you have not been hitting the pipe enough lately. From now on jpu fjfwill have to buckle down and , ;j smok# a pound every day.” ! • • • ’ ' ' 1 I* ' Soon conjuring trainers would be treating tobacco with special J - chpmicals to make it "burn logg er, and (he A&M Wind Tunnel could make special tests to de- j! termine the “air flow’ 5 and best I ventilation openings for pipes. at Plajnvii w currently are in sec-' opd .and 'third places respectively and toeyj league* pja, Shirnlaln, although playing with a team that did not win a game, averaged 17.8 points. Haw kins, thief gunner for a club which hhk not been beaten by a junior cbljlege opponent, averaged 17.3.' ] T .:; > : Eargle, and Hawkins now' are ’engagedjin - conference playoffs, but tfiost; records wj|j not count in the sta ej-wide records compiled by Claremc Welkel, athletic news director for Texas A&M College. The records also will not be affected by points scored in the stat# chajntpionship junior col lege! toitr lament at Texas A&M next! Mbiiday through Wednes- day.f i'j 1 j ; • ■ Wijh IRite games to go, Paul Mitchell, to|f North Texas Agricul tural i Co ijkge at Arlington has the best fCham c to ensertake Eatgle. Mitchell is in fourth place with an average ip' 16.7 points the game, less than p itwoipointj average out of fi f4|I j ; |.! ! sm til I’j! unds are lie Pipe smoking could become more n-j impoitiint than football; evfcn the \ h" dob, ti o t most ’unathletic people (profs in- a bull-.sesi u n| clu<|ed)! could cpmpare their endur- :ial. But [Why rry i t rtherl? I,,$. cl Linked an Ur-co UI«' it i poad 10 i nuttM Joi a nraifl-s A&M stui e c with a tji§c Tijgijt stut ance time arid special tobacco foiv mulps with those of the leading Contenders. , .! WTAW would probably set uji a television set; so that conference pieets could be brought dirocDy to jAggiefend. The ipuff - by - puff description z [ might go something like this: “Per cy of Texas is having trouble get ting his wind; Rice’s backfield Strategy looks a bit hazy L , ll There goes a red' flag on Lindley's head; question on the play. N’o,; it’! jruleil that he is still going.” But; ^Inference officials ^Sis co & t'o.) would judge smoking meets and rule tit pipes asi dead and dead pipes as still going. Worst of i all, they Wotild, gp rigfitly for \ f 1 >- 1 . I, ' V i ' ir *■ Id have t( hi}; sport. : r I 1 f: T 1 AgFish-B I. ' j ! ! • .• [ ; t ' Tonight W 'll II rf ; I!- f. p m M * Sports Calendar Friduvj—Fish-Bees play Tex as $hojrtporn8 here at 7:30 p. m. No priority. j Saturday—A&M vs. Texas U. SwiriimeH, Austin, 3 p. fn. First' Spring Training Scrim mage. 3 jp. m. Fenceijs Meet D. of Hj'usfon. Bljya#; High School gy m, 2 p.m. J ■/ Monday—Junior College Tour nament 9 p. im.l Starts, gym, 9 a. m. to i Miami Sports Writer Tests M ;V - UJT •’ Boxers Punch By HUtH FULl.BRTON JR. MIAMI,I Fla., Feb. 27 — Trainer jimmy Jones won’t say anything, but you’d be pretty safe in betting that Armed never will run anbtner race. Jimmy sticks to •his statement that the “Golden Gelding” no longer can carry 130 pounds, and that’s the kind of as- jiignments he’d draw, i / Lee Evans, youthful Miami sports writer, heard so often that Humberto Sierra didn’t have a TT ; | George Kadera 7! y- punch that he decided to find out for himself. He arranged to go one round against the Cuban in training and was belted out in 54 second#; When Pete Norton, the Tam pa scribe, heard about that one, he moaned: does that mean that when I criticise a football player or a jockey 1 have to get in there and play tackle or ride the horse? That's 1 making things tfco tough. Danny Lamont’s widener handi cap winner, El Mono, will race in the double event at Tropical Park before going north. In two' paces, the colt has won $68,200—con siderably more than the whole Calumet string has collected. That’s not bad for a horse that 1 was entered in the McLennan only | because his owner got a kick out of having a starter in a big stake. Bill ($75,000) Goodman, the Red Sox rookie who was converted 3 from an outfielder to a shortstop at Louisville last summer, figures the first thing he'll do when he hits training camp is to ask Joe McCarthy where he’ll play. Marse Joe likely will tell him to be glad if he gets to plky anywhere. When Babe Ruth snowed up at the Orange Bowl polo game the other night, about 10,000 people, 'Murk! Softball Rules Meetings Beginning March By ij ljlFFfAciiisRMAN ! In Iprifoairation for the 1948 In- tne smiiw* wneu questions ai- traipiirat softball play, rules meet- ? racte< * 7^ e “ v ' ings !wi0| be held lath afternoon > er '»«'», They showed the at 5 unlock beginning Monday. tive P! 1 * j 10W A H ( the 5$-paund March meetings will con-; the , y , l pun I U '‘ c 1 I ?‘ nd tinuc lint; 1 the rules have been gone ! 1, ' et the odd-shaped ballj go over, I thdroughly. , flying over their left shoulders. Ags Kadera Aiding Weight Event; To Try For Olympics | ! : ii I A husky high school graduate of champion in the Amateur Athletic two months cupped his discusMn ! Union's national junior champion-1 ^wtly*’attracted "by ‘Ruth’s"name his left hand and joined a cluster ships. He had defeated all of his I f u i| e( ] to recognize him in a front of men on the other side of San teachers but one. Antonio’s Alamo Stadium. / | I Last year, after! becoming the He watched for a few tiioments j Southwest Conference discus, shot before nudging a 24O-p0under and j and javelin champion while a fresh- querying, “What’s that?” “Wjhy. j man at Texas A&M ^College, George that’s a 56-pound weight. Haven’t again entered this iieventJwhlch so you seen one beforej?” f ‘ ^ “No,” replied the younger pne. “What do you,/do? How doe# it work ? ” j ; / j , , ! j! ! I- The seriods toned questions 'at- intrigued him. Helistrqg^led wjth the heavy ball for j,he Second time J in his life and this time he bested! all but two of his teachers ip the A.A.U. national meet at Lincoln,. Nebraska. ■ . :1| George is going to try a third time this summer. He plaijs to hurl j the discus and the 5G-poiurid weight in the Olympic tryouts.; Immediately aftrir he Competes j jailed to recognize low seat. ' * Mike Jacobs has become a Jai Alai fan during his current so journ here. Sam McAllister, U. of Florida basketball coach, took a day off to go fishing the other day and came home with a half dozen big speckled perch. When he returned, a telegram ' was fastened on his door with the news that Florida will play Kentucky in the first round of the Southeastern Conference Tournament. “After that,” moaned Sam, “1 naturally couldn’t eat those fish.” flresl Win of 1 Year Tonight at 7:30 closes out a mediocre HRson W V J Shorthorns ttHBeWare ie Fish will be b it to tjhe A&M Fikh-Bfee X ?>tus en ids , !! junior sippei-s. In a prevjii counter with the Texas Austin the Farmers racke; last minute 46 to 44 Victbjijy the boys from tfalarid brooding over. The victory first A&M win in Gregoifjr nasium since 1934. The Shorthorns are Uppdtently an improved ball club hoj* ever, I “L' «MI| Raa tht Gymjj t' r 'ield it^i a gamje k. B it two orns Season r Second. * 3 M ' 1 i ppers nrr jketball team linst the Texas ini a row over the* ■'«o JEWEL MCDOWELL,'hikH wor- ing guard, will be playing hia, fourth game for the Froshimjen t<sl night when A&M Fish time on the Texas Shorthorns in Be Wart- Field House. .McDowell entered A&M at mid-semester, at Ml his accurate shooting has betjfija big factor in Fish offensive! plans M. , ,|g Texas Invited! To NY Invitational he Ags have to be in best 1 for if to win tonighL ednesday jnifabt the Texas cag- iij* edged (Ihe ;Ba>lor “B” team * game inj Austin, and the > Beet? funded the Ag Fish ■isive trimmings in both Uieir ami s this season. Coach Johlmiij.Fraiikie's starting htieu? w-ill brobjbly consist of Jew- Mc Dowell arpi Guy Wallace at. It e guard posts; Truitt Mobley and • ff jnfi Ah' Jifhin De j;; Me! )owel Icpdii g. scejrjir hinoct, joining m id-s ?me8|ter. Re has an av'ej-age o( 1,5 points, pe 1 gable despite the fsctj hat ije wis hold to a mere nine: points'by ■ n alert Tyler Jun-, io|- C illegc def mse last weekend. Mast of the Farmers offensive" plinth will : ifomi? from the cojiiW- nati|oJi of MobllO^, DeWItt, and Me-. Da-wfcl with ’W allaijc and Aijder- - sip doing the floor work. Thi re will lx? iNO priority system Ui cd or tori gh|,'s game. ’ IjL.11,'li\| |ii ji ill/ ■II 1 I -li i 11. . 1! .1 j 1 • V ROUTS , for A&M in the Soiithwpsjt Confer- Allli Inli alrinurall Managers and Of- / The young 2(M)-pounder |vas | etice track meet in May* the form- j ^ „ ficiafe a'Ciito httepd; those meet-,' game. He was willing to try; it, j er star athlete for'Houston’s John J aroiitid the state making speeches i: Atj letic Qfficfehn, and others ' even though he could spin only Reagan High is going to start ex- The sport that really seems to telling people, “We must get rid • interest^ are urg4d! to come, to once, like he did when he hujpled j peiimenting with that heavy odd- be coming along in this town which of all of the opium and marijuana j ^ese meetings and to bring along the discus. > | [shaped ball. showed remarkable lack of inter- — L-J-l-:-n.f—J.* *•»-...» »-— Less than one houit later Ge|rget “I’ll have a njoifth to practice,” i «st in a world championship fight Kadera, pictured abbve, was ; the says George, “so I see no reason appears to be polo. . N the-differ- runher-up to the 56-pound weight! why I shouldn’t do! betteri." ence, of course,' is in the promotion. Which are fouling up pipe smoking an .v ^ujojestions thfey might have contests.” ! and. to (Ji ar up any questions they — may |ha\(i concwniiig srulps and of- i ficiating, ■! | j I / InfraiTiiiriil softbaUl/iules follow ASA npij; with thefexception of a few rigulations which will be takeh up luring thp.sei meetings. ! | -State! bnckfielder today : wasitrlamjd sports editor of Radio Station K KCK hefe find will give a spbrtri. newscast »'afeh evening at "6:151 f He Ml school iju sumjnejj college h qpiniod B 1 f ' Sj’RINl i! Gome in!now whi| cjtiookcj yi\ur favo nciw blocks V(?u look 1 wear a IS Ttlji; f}|ME TO j3UY YOUR Smart to make You can the reasqjnp why Hats thalp ;any ot| k- r H > j $8.5' (STETSON ■ I ■!- . ! u4 ■' _j /t Sjsi .‘lections are good anti Stetson-. firing’s newest shaded ujr best on all occasions. hat - - -jit’s one of re people wear Stetson brand. N HATS •V i • lio $50.00 *■ A I CL Colle^) • " HIERS and Bryan I ■ f.. ! AUSTIN, Feb. 27 — Texijs Lotighbrns will g<> National Invitation Bafj coll) a'3 1 Tournament if other Sj i thwef t Conference [members vote a Uprova j I ity i slid th > itatio tbl niaki Aljulispr i i Citr ! - Thi. 1 to th* I Dijntt X. Bible, Univc Texas Athletic Director, Lon? horns received the i this nprning and are eagei anotler appearance at Square Garden in New Y Ja njes Stewart, cxecuti? tary of the Southwest Co jiljeirenfj has been asked to poll , t schools, “We don’t anticij trouble)” Bible said. ’ , Byroti Toivhsend iTfi JB|ef Neivscaster l ,y ODFeSS Towbseijc football, great, sports filter. THe al A;, Feb. 27 Byron Odessa High School’s I ■ ' .IT ' ■ .1 ■ Nine Teams Enter Catholic Tourney SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 27 —'TF— Nine teams are entered in the an nual state Catholic* High School basketball tournament which tets underway at St. Maryjs UnlVer- is ; going to be a j sity gymnasium here tonight; Tonight’s first round pairings pit Lanier of Fort Worth against Price of Amarillo: Central of San Antonio against Yoakum, and Ca thedral of El Paso against St.; Jo- 1 seph’s of Victoria. V \ Continue to attend high j Saturday’s pairings are between id wijl graduate in the j St. Xavier of Denison and Jgsuit If hasn’t divided on what of Dallas. St. Anthony of Beaumont will go to but, general j which drew a first round bye 'will itjhat he will pick Baylor, j meet the Central-Yoakum winner. 1__ The championship game will be NCAA Champion Playoff March 23 CHICAGO, Feb.; 27 —UPi—The National Collegiate Athletic As sociation's basketball championship will be decided March 23 in New York after completion of the East- . ern and Western playoffs, Arthur best players and run the thing'in (Dutch) Lqnborg, chairman of the big league style. All the things that happened in running the Willie Pep-HumbertO Sierra bout probably never will be told, but we can guarantee that they shouldn’t happen to a northe erner in one-of the,Miami Beach booby-traps. On the other )?and, the guys who stage the indoor-outdoor polo matches in the Orange Bowl seem genuinely interested in promoting interest in the game. They put out elaborate programs, bring in the MbsdtfW —ISP)— Andrei Fomi- played Sunday. chev, IS, unioh yx> Of rpcinjs: city| He I mijmjtcs; of Gorki, set a new all- itjh njeord |ln the finals > Navy is the only governrtient just jlplsed in the Volga I school ever to play:in a Bowl #ime did IjWiO ipeters in two —the Rose Bowl of 1924. . < Sl.5 and also took honors ! Oiiily five members of the 3947 ip tfie 5, WjO -myteirs witha record , football squad at Syracuse arc eighjt tirjinutes anid 54 seconds. • seniors. . , . | , '!. ■ V‘j . 1 ' , . 1 V l : * ff K and of course tiny tots go-for our delicious NOLKISHMLM FILLKD, MANY FLAY ICECREAMS . . . t v f.-’r* ] ; : «• ■ /' ?• ! 41 IT j; Si ^52 i • Lit. '■ I; '' NCAA tournament committee, an nounced today. Lonborg, North western Univer sity Coach, said the Western play offs, will be held March 19-20 in Kansas City M©.» The Eastern playoffs will be staked In Now Yjork March 18-20) | | The* winner and runner-ups pf the NCAA tournament will 1110^6 into the final olybipic basketball tryouts at New York, which begpn March 27. | | ! j , . I 'I 1 Holy Cross and Kentucky already have been named to represent dis trict 1 and district;3 respectively. The six NCAA berths Will be de cided mainly bn the finishes in (he various conferences. Baylor already has captured the .SotuhWest Con ference title and i? expected to be inivited. 1 ■ .! f ' • ., i: »• * . . ;| ]) I . \1: I I j' The .Syracuse cross-country team finished the dual meet sea son undefeated. As a result they’ve averaged around 4,800 attendance over two years, hit close to 10.000 some times and hope to wit? the inter collegiate championship with the Texas-reared U. of Miami team. Clarence (Kay) Kantrowitz, pro moter of the recent title fight here claims its true. . . when he walked into the Orange Bowl for the big affair, a gateman refused to let him through. . . “But I’m Kantrq- witz, the promoter,” Kay. insisted, “Nothing doing,” growled 'the guardian of the portal. “You’re tho tenth Kantrowitz who has tried to get in here tonight” . „ . P. S.: He probably was the only gate crasher who didn’t make it Leon (Goose) Goslin of- Detroit grounded into four consecutive double plays against the Chicago White Sox in a game pn April 28, 1934. H EASTER IS EARLY March 28 Place Your Order f ! BiC NO W! CMRT ♦ HIM! i , r" r : i; CLfTHIS j ( | . 1 ' . FOR THAT TAlLOh-MADE SUIT _ |sem ■1(!( Othl litio anii FREE! F A 5x7 ENLARGEMENT of your : N . I AVORITE SNA FSB For information write to: : > EVERFIN Photo Servk 1001 Travis -Bldg San Antonio (5) Te r • How do hot dogs affect tho « i 4y of baseball players? bo’ll grab Jack Kramef’! amateur tennis crown? ^•Who is thei superman who threatlensi U. S. Olympic track laurels? ;9What doesl a "kiftfl’*ixe" doorway hjave to do with basketball scores? • Name the 'fBig 4“ threaten- ing golfer hobby Locke! | • Who won |the bitter battle tl^rjour topi college football f N i ' :j' rush uf> on all the answers. Ritad Billl Fa^’snew, livcly’sports; * fatulrc Cxdtjsjvely in Collier's ' every week. Keep ahead of the i hejidlines vl’itlh' the brilliant " » young itiiakcf of scoops. Hippy ■ wi* }, | !l l ^ 1i • : N • jf /» OW EVERY WEEK IN Colliers 4 ;/» eppy each frldoy at ilUpe book (tore or m^onO. T “" '—•* 1 4- ?- ~ I NEWEST THING UNDER THE SUN K h tlilii. A H. 1 .'11 AROlDt R ■ I^TUS v o. - WO Cv. , •1 i !)V xext ?. hvrttin N. hyery: can't b 1 .uw-C r. t ling new for every* one under th 1 sun ... a he'fTTan outdoor cap with a famous, non-glare KOLAROIDf shield .. HINGED right under t the Vitor! To cut sun glare,, just reach up and flip down btHpre- k bock ?he shield 't need if! Fof *plit second eye protection, for fi»h- k gardening)! or doors . . YOU NEW BANCROFT ■r, * * j • itmpi s’ ! I i m $2,<Mt - , ; l! 11 KXAIOIO SHtPO KXOSf hat v*** vwcar IDO W s . I ' ■ • ■ -I.' ; !■' . ‘ ! , J| ' '