I i •J •' i- R i r •: rj RossIVolun 5 - y ■ \ ■ >]• ■ r\:i Battalion 4 I f : I' v ’ ; p ° R a ■j Statesman, knightly Gentleman’* Ul^van Ross, Founder of Aggie ! Tr actions r.| ■j.uiL 1 ...fe 1 rs Again jvji-r -ij/:; I 3 if' r r; ; : BRUAR! i’ | | : I : tion, th^ grou{) Lastjinight the famed Rj organic » under a ^/icon the war that body of men pc .standin, !* group of cadets < be eledpd to the Rbiss V< dream (| every fijeshinan. j V Primarily a so< ial )rgai it heverth iess acted as fepresliitiitives of the college aind the people of itrae :ftate in offi cial functions. Th|iy § rieetedJfjjii|ious jperson- ages to it he cam|us; the:f|03! Volunteers acted ai la guardjtff lipnor || {tpe inajuguri^-^ tipn ; of |iany. a, Tje-xa ^ got e oise mo ^menis on the drill to behc Id—perfeptioi i was every cm :eaision. ./f; Retirements for Men hadlto beihcqiept ' li . 1 j ! I p) \ I : II j -J ' . j • -I ' jl !. ! j‘ , " •' | U - It jV qlunteers re- j group on the campus; indeed, there is a need tion. Prior to i for such a body of mbn. But there are pit* used the oiati {falls which must tye iiyoided if the Ross < campus. To Volunteers is to bq Acceptable to the stu- eml ejjjsjhjjp werfe stiff. | of this type. Many good men will not mbet epthile bolh] Scholastically the entrance requirements, due either to aca-1 and mi i^irily. T|fey J wedted by! their 1 ' M ‘ ^ ” .yrganiz ♦ V^***|'v*^. a v « -r rA • - - (fecfers was the dent body as a whol 2. First, the matt^.bf dues must not de prive any man of h: s right -to participate in the activities of thi Ross Volunteers;. Any amount which does, that is too high, even if it is only, a small sufn in the eyes of the majority. The white uniforms, are striking, but should any nominee feel that he is fin ancially unable to shoulder thatmurden, it is too high a price td sacrifice quality of e[ keynote dn character for quality: of. material. j Snobbery has no.place in an organization Their pre- |were a sight classma :|s for th{ ho. Kpr, j nil ,|ip groulpl ever demanded any mi)i'e a\aeii!|gj standards of .•’(Its nominees-thart did the no, They W ite “men” in tjhe eyMoj The Ross VolUhteers..d)mU Volunteers, meiji. ; iiied I the best — i: f;. Ml m f I ZLU : : . -— —u- M ' • I : ' ! ir y Tramplinc Oat the Vintace yj.n T I pi —- , ! around giving If rodent event* and t offi ill J 1 • I (i : t | , '.Jl We’rt* not ini the hahit of goini advice to military authorities, but in distant areas arc any indicatidnj bf vyhat might happen to military equipment around College Sta tion-well, perhaps a double guard might be in order. It was only two weeks ago that ja certain -frus trated young V'Sgt. (now Private) Williams de cided to relieve the Army of one of Its self-pro pelled IBS mm. Howitzers and led; sojme anxious'M. ■ . P.’s on a merry 12 mile chase through the,heart 1700 Mile 'Unauthorized! ‘ w n-FIying’ Sergeants in “ "r deht. bit doubling imti of LawtOn, Oklahoma. . Now comes a story from Balboa ip the Canal Zone which may well cause some hpire revisions in guard schedules in the army. What was “’borrowed” this time? A B-17!! ■■ V^../ feature:!; of twp'jnatlionalj. military frater- demici.or military ivork. Perhaps, in some cases, those not making the grade would otherwise Have mad; bietter Ross Volunteers. Who knows? It is pot for that group to de cide. . . pa^t errors; have shown the fallacy of such thinking. In addition to their official, ceremonial, naties-.-i scabbard and :Bladiqja|i(8;the Pershing and sociaf obligations*- the newly-formed Rifles, rile formjr wds •lydjnjixily aj social group will have a mprO serious responsibility lizjiiioh, wh|e tjhC ||le: devoted a i —that of upholding the ideals of their name- to excelling sake. Ah(ove. all, some Concrete program for the betterment of! the; school should be es tablished in the naipe-of Lawrence Sullivan Ross—“Soldier, Statesman, and Knightly .p 1 i r greater in drill, The Ipus a group wi cal antecedents, V portion off ith V Battalion fyelcom^ hn f dents. < Stu( ’ such illU 'here' Ml Just; SuppOS Southern Democratic Revolt Spreading Throughout Dixie kiCHMOND, VA., Feb. 27 —(^)—Coveniof William M. Tuck alsked the Virginia General Assembly yesterday to enact legislation which would bar President Truman’s name from the next Presidential election ballot. The proposal, was the governor’s' answer to the president's civil rights program. Tuck invited simi lar action by the re.st\)f the South. ; kto the cam- tfious histori- lace for the Gentleman!” Supptjjde at Ad was pul bf cdjmm bombed A few yj Suppose 'the onhj! and Dunym dini)j|rg could b< ; shipped wild go:its!that c plains. Suppose empty olt books, ihushiiitg' rppbed ')i volumes “ttixts” tvere no tbdajjf s.dbn be^f ars ago|(|i. fo|od a\|i|a hjflls 1 |'c |Au4il)tlih, plus ^ few I would bj| a eiits in m Tf " - S Mae <: Sen nett said a mtjuthful tle xtter that movies ardni finny “I seejall thp pj|:ture$ tlj, of them I I U I: M :! power plant it hiid been |ng the war. ile for Sbisa 1 living- under just jduch conditions why World Studer While we are educ helji; students the \vi whateVSb^ cation, under almos Thiit is Service Fund exists, atijlig ourselves, we can )rlur vote and Support.” According to an Associated Press dispatch, ti^o American Sergeants took an “unauthorized joyride” I, 700 miles across some of the roughest terrain in the world—and neither had ever been at the controls before! jj • -H / | M/Sgt. Glen D. Woods <>f Mumic, Ind., and S/Sgt. Theodore S. Havens, Jr., of Washington, I|L J. , a r rived at U|. S. Carribbean Air Command Head quarters Wednesday night from Caracas in Vene zuela, where military authorities said they landed the B-17 after a flight across the Andos from Gala pagos., j-j _ . I | ; .‘ j'..: , . Both said they had observed pilpts in flight and it “looked pretty easy.” So,; instead of servicing Galapagos” one plane for a possible mercy flight at daybreak Monday, tlje (wo Sergeants said they set off for greener pas tures. Woods said he handled the controls the whole way—just did everything he had Seen pilots do. Up to 15,000 and 20,(MM) feet they took the bomber, 'headed for Waller Field bn the island of Trinidad, Woods said he had planned to set down the plane and isay: “Well, here \Ve krc.f';It didn’t quite work out that way. With only 500 gallons (if gasoline left, Woods sat down at Oaracaa. Officers of the Carribbean Command said they were astounded that two untrained men could fly the four-engined plane over the Andes, but it <|idn?t Seem hard to Woods and Haven, Wo(|(ds said he even made most of the flight jon instruments be cause of thick weather. Woods said, he bad a little trophic getting the big plane to land properly. He had toitrji four tiimjs before he got the a iris peed down t<[ a safe margid. Then he made a good landing. j M 1-' I fib Ml one! CllA {:!• isday, ' k up r*si icratek ertee you; know reason Force ik hidi case of were talc phonic legger. : . i- Ok a loma rum-rui refs i deliverj Th a house bo chc up sikUrl was; in,son Stark Leaves On Tour of College Union Buildings of pope :i custom* uiiepile 0ljfjedrs'W. M.itiollr and Ir ^ {off boo ||nf||lfad bpjen frained to jot dow.n^ isn’t h( fhi war at a cost of $2:500,(jo* After spending 10 days son, Wisconsin, Stark plap Purdue, the .University ! b |gan, and the University o sola ; to inspect their upic mgs. He will return about Nl In ihis absence Bill Hill manager of The; CaveJ a$ geperaj manager of campus confCctiomqies. you would feel, if sities of Greece o iM were like the univer- iTKIiui. Morje BAllylifighs Needed.. | i ,'ie-producer, length collection of! sojme W. (! ;Fields and e cotyiplaiias Bing Crosby: shorts; and otjfiers. re. Sennett .attribu^; thd eclipse of his ie out. Many comedies not to thq advent of sound, but to much mur- double feature. The culprit, He declared, v'-heit aH feif belly laughs was a theatre owner of Providence, R. I., i rns bt i .. . j whose custpfners campilained they had noth- jing to do after the show was Out at nine [o’clock. So; he gave them another picture to keep them happy. The double feature idea He a Life {jf Rile ultan sfed MattHikl lit thif o 'eyed th i:n( . ie guaijdhi tads oyer li v ., J y: say soiiyething; about V j f ■j] \ to! the Co . |Ahu> of twcuAi' E-ity eclated oh: late Wljdntsday fCtart offich hi Merldl had e(i shed inj ). “It porte *. instrurh •“Whj? the liflbSS *1Y li ft wli? o| “DSid' you s j • lill fa 17j” ” j, -•YM could 11 keb very Irtiutli.” “Dk apyp)a|ljy bail lit! iccknc Htutbo||lit of airplanes, we ram that occurred ft flight coi tiuniu rr of a group West' coast, calmly dames (crashed in flames : phone in the sheriff’s a.nl. and confirmed it I! : lltkf) plpi.,” he told a re- re! flying at libOOO feet on hlfavy ri|n and fog." •nmg?” he wak asked, r;.’ out?!” H ieii mvewied later th^t Col- l!f|biiiiled! onu oj.the plane. lOTLFXiCxIKlis jl ' .* toi I in i > [ i* i 1 * j i j ■ i ( iLy polu elThUrsijay wore hot on the if mg j gijrlk -iriinei and eleven—who siooges T(j(r aft Oklahoma City boot-, 11 1 ' ! 1 dili: has pnihibilion nhd the local ft* |llh<|(i(es to taki- onlclrs for borne I Ilf ! if >1 • i T i Hd ihuij! ylmuti jit Ihen police went to i Id cMinphiinLsI thgt the jgirls’ gniwn- ok cJigbl r)tttR']off bqotlegg juices I ■^stis. dxiplai: d Madt- , m visttjll Michi Minnty nr build- lid thjcTeliter sister, "Mother ai ch 20. present jh' ill act jtlie two . S., BRITAIN, FRA NOE RKDij WASHINGTON, Feb.]2l The UniU <1 States, Bpiti Fiancn yesterday jointly d circuit Jl* noty held with McGrath. The guber natorial group opposes President Truman’s Civil Rights proposal. At a news confci'Unce here, upqn his return from Washington, Laney said the discussion with McGrath was transcribed. “I have a copy of the discussion,” Laney said, “but not iall of it is in the transcript” madl' public by McGfath. The Arkansas Gojvernor added I that “where we matlj* our mistake | j was not taking along our own cofirt f stenographer.” i 1 ■ —rf :—* eq as ja “disgtiised djetato: . >1 ings in the country. Th. • • ;■ ms nmy Lou "'1-1 Jcftn e Battalion Of the Agricultural and, Mechanical College of Texas.and the City I five time# a week and circulated e /sry Monday through Friday d examination periods. During the summer The Battalion is pub- ler and examination periods. During the Summer The" Battalion is pub- jatc $130 per ftchool year, j Advertising rjatesf furniahed on resuest. ide by telephone (4r5444) or at the laced by telephone 1(1-5321) or at t3ic as director, the Folyst Service has expanded its Indian, Mound tree nursery at Alto from a yearly crop of one million seedlings in 1912’ to 18 million this past season. An other 100 acres have begn leaped as an addition to State Forest No. 1 at Kirbyville, and many advance ments have been made, in forest fire fighting methods, ihcluding an aerial patrol system, which tyas served as a model for other stajj^i. A native of Illinois, White Irev ceived his Bachelor of Science tie- gree from the A.AM; College * of Michigan (now Michigan State). He served as a Forest Assistant for the U. S. Forest service' in Oregon, saw service in France dur ing World War I as a private and 2nd lieutenant with ttye 10th En gineers, and was a deputy sliper- ■ j . i . i } •. ■ 1 ! t: i ...» ■), SUNDAY — MONDAY 11 SAT. NIGHT SHcpardson Heads editorial office, Rootn 201, Good*, f 1 ol'f d Student Activities Office, Room tidlllt IlCbtdl til Mcmlier i lid exclusively to< the Use for republieation of d-U news dispatches credit- i|in the pjiper and lofcal news of spontaneous wrigiippubfishcd herein, aittcr herein are also reserved. Associated Collegiate Pijcss Member ........ 1!! ........ Wire Bdlt< r ... Manacuit; K• i i a • aid. Eero Hammond, ■i — Charles N. Shepardson, Dean of Agriculture, has been appointed chairman of the Jersey (a(tie Breeding Research Commit Ice; of the American Jcrsfty (Club. Dban Shepardson also s«rves as piljsi- dent of the club. • i ...XIo-Editors Ur...... ..........iXJ^tojrrapber tend rectors plans for tbe organization :of a formal research program will * be discussed. T ( . Dean Shepardson' attributes his Thou. Ensravers receiving the chairpianshii being a member of the . directors of the club whilfi as head of the Dairy Dei (his of ■fi W { i ILilt FRIDAY hiR) SATU1UMY February 27-28 T ' . 1 ■ • j ' IT DARES TO STRIP RARE A «l WOMAN’S ^ MIND! Wmk. h. ^ i ' T * di . c! nratantb pen 1 00 \).m. [ 4-1181 j )DAY -4 SATURDAY 4 Ti" 1 ■■■ r- ’■’-J. j \ Cantoster _ De Carlo J HUMI ■ Cronyn / IUA Raines CHMLli Rii i • r' pvt Aiwm lovtn tou \ AlAH U )D in "SAIGON 4- • -V- '!J :