'I \ V I «n 1? f » find QtJAl] SAN >.I)ISF>! (tine u: ITONljO, ijon Uong ,.An 4nsp| feb. 2 r - k of 2( ... hern tine line diHease Sfe© miles south ol nearest point in the Uniteil ^ revealed possible in lection in one fieljl ^ (Kstric I jr. E. L chief of the Bur *aiii iof Aniinut d us try Hein|, paid y^terday. t' British; cruiSei! saiU —FOR HONDURAS LONDON; pi.. Admiralki ann^un British jeruiser She [field ed f rom] (Coilumbi i fir Briliish -.dnras. ] C 'll:;] I A foi-feign office :%>okesmar there rei-ently had been a.“vii campaign” ajrair st i*!Britai;n GuatbrnUah Preps. L AI If LIN i YEAR’fi . ,!i p ski »pi|r oets (iUOUNDl NO SANTA MONicA; Calif. Ftj —.i/P)—^Pt. Chiia-le j R. Sisto, ^er of i^ni air^liper i which “ crashed' oVOr El 'ordered year. with 54 iljlersonH all); aso, Tcxhi, last fall iKioundcd today i for I i T Ilf.. LITTL^ ASSEMbIiY TO igNorp RED I ' LAKl tionp in viet boh|ott. The[v EX SAthOR COlftlENDS SENTENCE EXCESSIVE uk- is M DALLAS, Febt sailor ^tinies Mari plained; Hh a mofiitn | filed trict 'court today'tiiat his sentehcAi for the l bobbeiry taxicab driver' wat rs)|cessiVe, harsh, ; ! bnrbason:jb|fc ami 1 mane. 1 ICOTT . fiance of Harris 50 ; II ff r f. .j ii ... *t ip 1 1 “WRIf^T [WAY7 IIS SKY PATH NAME WASHINGTON, Skyway] Number!' wide path from He j les, wi 1 he ttanlei Way” ‘hr the coj-ij | airplays. ARABS: MAY C U. S. CXINCESS CAI15I0, Feb; I fat Ebb. 27| — nt?, a 40 to Lob ‘The | W ybiitorS EL 1 Arab I iague hasp ia Arab s bates” wil concessions to tljO ;if, the m g. kee 4ine partition, ;yester LI opr. I uni, Seijatoifl I’oij) « ts 4- If tin, apd mostly Rock Springs, "as . Fredl^ [admitting that she is not the comment gqcn by . liss- Ranis- an at .^.{. Ss ) )U t, that she “just loves I h r whej, asked about her younger the t ^ atre - Sybil declares that '^ S ‘. , , • i ’ „ Jo ii ! she etiloys playing i dialect 'parts. '4^ U'M'k ■ I" 1"^ ' Directnl s of past productions of J High Schoid, -k- began j hei the. Agkie Players seem to differ j can-qr m kindergarten, and , wi th. Me! talented charter member eoi ding to her, the only thing I f pf thJforganization for they have remember about thoSe first P'f>-; cast | ^ r ! in most of thg produc- Sun Shines Brightly in Africa, Not Dark At AIL Yantis Finds )LU Y: H tii sligh jjy coolfer tliis after WnigjHt. Occasiojal rain handle early thisljaftgmw -Jday- j^rtly douL . '.fl. ** . -(IPiJ- RESS 1 N, Feb 'Sjociet Editohh committe ; op .jivor) domx fjlnformatidtn will iivlep repo-fgrj’ critici.-jm (jif tihr presi f policy in .J rpar!. 1 .. J fT ‘ WEATHER , En; t) Texas: Ckjjnsi'dyaffllC ness i usd cooler tlis a ;tc showigs in oast raortiim trem< jnprth portion. fartljFj < and < (jiolter toniglit, S iturida(y ly clcujdT'with lit|k l cl ft: t peratires. Freshj schftho 1 }!} on tliit coast, sl|(iftiriR l|oi northerly by thisjafteni' minis hing, winds becom ate vto‘iable tonH ht i b Wdsjt Texas: Partly d -cooler tnis sfi 1* ipe r l lici - mt» nm > . Ildf; wit i j duetibns is that;tlu y were Mother ! Goose.”. K-In. the first grade she played i Cinderella, and Prince Charming was 1 played by her . brother. From then on she appeared in other pro- <3uetions while j attending school, usually playing leading roles. After completing high school she attended business college, in pan Antonio and worked for a ref tig- era tor manufacturer and j. the; De partment, of Internal Revenue at Austin.. ; Not satisfied with her education to this poiat t Sybil decided to prog ress further in heir quest for knowl edge.; In 1641 she enrolled in Texas University,. After appearing in light opera productions and partic- i;)ating in the activities of the Cur tain'Club, in addition tip going jtq schwlurpd classes, she left school in 1 ’l!)44 to wprk jfor the A&M Ex-i tension Service. At present; Miss Bimister. is As-* sistant Radio Felitor for the Ex* tension Service. She works ort sev-N ehd radio programs including the “Texas Farm and Home Program” beai-d Monday through Saturday; the “News of the Women’s World” on Monday. Wednesday and Fri day; apd the “Farm Review” on Saturday morpingR. Sybil also as- tions pinie the group was fornjed. Cpnqerping personal information SybiUMtated, “I am five-four, weigh a hurfjlred and too much, have bfownijhpir, sort of hazel eyes, and a new;! king green Plymouth with radio, Ineater, defroster, windshield wasneff, (md other conveniences to make riding in it a pleasure to alt? | ! ;} jWh^n iasked about her hobbies she said !that ( she hdd only one and that, !f ap psychology, the study of rrr$n, or as she said, “men, if we nlftist be brutally frank about the matter.” Sal ii relay Noon Refund Deadline | !j« ;-*t; [I. \\ Jlj! • Saturday noon is the deadline for obtaining n refund on the Cat-men Cavallaro* concert, Grady Elms, assistant director of student activities,; warned yesterday. [ (: Those applying for a refund tpast turn in the tickets given out at Guion Hall. yt — Architect Group Mefets in Austin Tha fitst regional meeting of ar- chiteqtural educators jn the Texas area jii’ill bo held at the University of Texas today and tomorrow with Ernest Ij,ang,ford, head of the A&M department of architecture, chair- man'.l, ! Wm| Alleti of A&M’s architec ture t department will present a paper o? Patterns in architectural educition" before representatives fi omf thp faculties of Rice, Texas Teohi and the University of Texas, as \wall as the delegation from A &M. r! \ • TH{s meeting, the first of its kindlj wlill form a panel for the dischssion and solution of prob- lemiilco{nmon Ito architectural edu- catdip ip this area, Langford said. t \ —■—i? By IVAN YANTIS I left Egypt with my caravan, fully de termined to explore the innermost depths of Africa. After a week of torturous travel un der the hot, bHlliant sun I decided that Af rica was not the "Dark Continent” after all. Apparently the Africans have gone on day light saving time. After three weeks in the brush I sensed ‘He wanth to know what we are doing here,” my interpreter explained. “Tell him we\are explorers and come in; peace,” I said. My ^interpreter did as I badej him. H , \ j . “Ooglug - all, geegug-all,” the chieftain ‘answered. \ i --- “He said ‘go ahead’,” my man said. * “Goody” I exclaimed, and then added: that the natives Were getting restless. They “Why does he put “all” at the end of each started complaining of insomnia as well as W0I 4; 1 : t. .. t _ “Oh, we are in LIR FEARS CHAOS IN PALESTINE SOON \ c Lie, thcl f !Ur)ited N: Pa estine will Br tfeh withdra «clp .quicklyi fimm I * b SUCClJlSS, Feb. 27 -

fretary-general of Jons, Mid today chaos when the unless the U. N. South Africa,” my trans lator said. “Incidentally,!’ he added, “you had better be careful while you are ip this part of the country—the natives down here have deeply rooted racial prejudices. However, we proceeded on our way, un molested. ; Two weeks later I encountered the first white man I had seen in days. He was com ing out of some brush when he saw me, aned, wis chosen as Corpus Christi's Cott< i Ball Duchess at the TujiiMlay evp ning cjub meeting, and Siirah, M Campbell was named altjdinate, a cording to J. W. JllekerJ porter] -i! ' ' I ll- Verijon Chapman and [ Don Ml-- Clure were appointed a tommit^K to initiate a weekly paps)j of C' pus Christi, news for Cjdilpus in school at A&M, Blekerj added;. Club representation ijn the Inf trumural Softball also voted. Bleker menibers wishing present at the first tytijii) praic • tice it 3 this afterniod field behind Law HalM! A club picnic, with th|d (time pii place provisionally sett os Eastp Sunday afternoon at lUae Math was announced by BHkt Another club meeting {3 schedul ed for Tuesday, March la at 7; on the second floor of ti c Acadijip it- Buildinj'. Knickerb Debate on this Final arrangemen been made for the Fo evening from 9 to 12 .|rhe Wais t bejfrom 9 to 1J and Gene Lewis, regiment; J coijimuiflet, cftiitioned everyone to note,the time changed 7 ;' M J ■ INGSLEY ^ight is thf Satiirday t night rap jYealr Djqte, Fish-Shorthorn kethalll gai and a fencing 17 ■ ‘The Fourth n to all f ;gieland Ojfc m*,j assistant ari jalm whiij-h will be tor pot boil I scrimmage tch Jon Saturday L tcgimental Ba)l is ivgimcnt mcinbcrfi, ttteir Quests, ajnd all corps-seniors, funic! will lx) 'furnished by the JestraL and Grady director of Student riivi|ti|e8{ iand( unced Sbisa would angCd^ii t ;ht-chib style.” This pinumt includes tables and ndar tjhle dance floor and mils to lie served the dahe- .Tickets are $2 ank may be ob- tained from my of |he organiza tion cknamanillers or from Carl j). Mrlittqsh and Bill J. Swango of the dbhce'committee. iSUdi nf Activities is sponsoring tihe Saturday night “Leap Year" Dtinc; anid it will be from 9 until li wfitJ mnsi - by the Aggieland Grches(rd jland the 'same “nightj- (i)ub ,, ! eti ftp, j according to Elms; “dm ssjonTo Ihis all-college dan^e , and Elms ojdded that the \ear thdnio goes all tho way Jth proper {fanfare awarded to ahy lutinthalt announced at the dance. ' j j [7 • 1, Tl e Aggie ^ihh basketball txmm CIOS' ‘8 its seA on in DcWnrc Fjeld lifopic tdnlghv at 7:30 in a game jMith tpc] To hunts, siturd S exjis University Short- ( | ■ f , temoon the public t glimpse of A&M’s qr nbxt season when scijimmage is held on gip -Fencers will also beij active {on 1 Saturday afternoon |;When' they match foils with a sqMad' from j the University of Hjiustop. Chief Week-end activity afield will be jhp kyiim meet in Austin **7.7:30 Saturday afternoon with fhd speetly Aggie, splashers trying * d i * the tribe halted hte men, alone. “Oogoo-allhe bongo, I no, no, ill ston. • 4 i t; |» f| £lJ‘ 1S •• 'ir i-l ll ,uL c ?i!; Prize Monday D To File D ■Monday, March 1, line for students to tions for ideprees rqd at the end c semester,! H. L. %; r zs d ' —iuate and u lents. Those *tu|0*n b hot already donOli o Hr ees lUJ !L ll k the de: appli c«n du: i, .ro; 'edittf. . ounselors Sought or Activities In i||‘| Camp ' Counselors}, are sought? for the YIMCA summer ’camp for boysiat Ross Sterling, Dean of Men W., L. PCnberthy announced today, j Accofenng^tol a, letter Pen luml aire sought? for cr camp for boj MuhI ccordlngjtO a letter Penberthy eived jfrofe| . Orrin Blanchard, y’s work ifecretury apd catpp di- tmtor, YMCjV counselors are need- , \ iS to dik-wt fectivities rik-Ii as arch, rlflefy, brftft, hiking, athletlcfi ^ , '• FW Olid natjure study dy. Each eounselot rvisg eight hoys in a cabin assist, in the waterfront n June 4 nnd Will su a; id progra: T|ie damp WHI ope Win for 1 a pejri>d often and a half weeks. Althofufh counselors are de sired feir thd full period, they will fte accepted for shorter periods of S x to c g|ht Weeks. Blanchard said that in addition tp thei|r [ training, the dounselbrs will receive room nnd l*oard, and remuneration. ' Anyone who is interested should apply ajt thcj Dean of Men’s office a* soon as pjossible. . - HI reccptieo lait night. 4. . ‘-r y,-' TEXAS 10P, 27 —(.‘Pi— Texas' bishop, Wendelin iham, wall honored stholic lay leaders c officials with a •(