The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 25, 1948, Image 4
■ rl R,.i ■ It < H 1 r ■ ,e plrfl Page 4 THjt EAnjjl] I ■ W, Ff ‘-v 25,1*94 in; have th< J twelfth rin^ U|air r ; Cattle S eenjartnoimced ijnV NiemeyerJ flresf Kjf>am and! Kc w Ihtevssted st ider ter- with thjs (feirj partmeit ilidiqatii and type to exhibit jjbef^re meyer stajtad. The show, whit jointly by tie <lair partment arid <he i Klub; jul opeih to an who in en<l«t<vnia. bandry accjorc ipg hnnouncpmefit. Afte ' ref'is ,rat|b completed, $ draw tb deternfiiirfc tlhe lect aniilnalij f^om bandry Denart ment |herd will be selected fn through sieitiovj yet Each stt|ler|t w i pare his atamtilp flbr exhibi ;ii)i liyji Ti.... xra_—riUI May i, NSemetei though the istui(flen{l nil junioi iMngs. 1{ fit at ( ,4)rH ■y ri sponsible ffljr the diily feedi earing of hk rininiiils. consiij r ihjlb training win be nfj.-qsisary it odfcr to make th* b^st show. •' Suitable hwards each contestant ex| in the show, A. dairy husbandry is acting afe- tijitei' for the elul|’ariTor itjed toda^ W$SF.i MA teH !•*- . Del RiojClubMP Have Phitl O Ta ' : j' fl The Del »io iA&B its picture takdti f Thursday it j)|ll .front steps ok Building. | | ! , Tresident Wj JDi Trent uri memlalrs tp ibpKppJek , nti wktj MARp'll 1-fi COLLEGE |ckN’T] jlfSE SUMMER EUKil) NOW AUSTIN! TM., Feib. :2. r j Sul Ross" Staticj Tjebiehetrs, < may not u^e ijts rt'ummer 'si. ftJnd to pajy . eiuirtlejnt salarUjsJtbe attorney gririerp|~|i«^ ruled.! fsaid|_ will not xhihi.tionl; hltlef i j • T Will be nads |toj lifting al ittuiflsf )t‘ on| th j I ;Ciui) w r.The Ln P- ni. Diei Agrij rini juj). I ts ^hpuri htisbarii! j ft Ftlte / {^limjjijs i they March i, is sptti ihashand li-ctam ar r Is uderit or in dai y toj Niefi i has l nb wiirn tasiitiOns 1 the Dairy fn d Id i' hi held k? ; m. (<m ‘ r.. ii •!? y it | ij •'« Ion the Campus 1 velopmtmtis. , Colombta , fLARRY HAUCK Success, Feb. 25 <#>- partitioning Palestine ttml even rejpeal of !the whole SPEAKS WEDNESDAY— PAUL | W. UOYNTON, above, ^supervisor of employment irt the industrial relations departntent, Socdny-Vacuum Oil Company, JNew York, will speak in Gjuion Hall tomorrow at 1 p. m., | He will discuss vocational choice and the best method* of j finding employment. I WSSF, MAitCH l-« Texas Forest News Spotlight Lufkin | In Latest Issue ■UT ' ! : j ■ The January issuje of “Texas' r if3+K. Forest New%” publi.4hed quarterly U . P a T U , M L by the Tex4 Forest Service, sires- departimerjf kht ^ the imi ? ortance ()f timbl |. in .;ur state, placing special emphasis qh the area around Lufkin. . ‘Plastic From Poca.n Shells” is only one of the stories included in the twelve pages of this.issue. This ll f story, written by Nprt Baser, tells how this product, onice useless, may soon become one <j>f the leading sou fees of income for the | pecan industry. Treated fence posts ’may help qnd the damage done to fences by terniites, another article states. The plaint at Naeqgdoches, equip- jietl to turn outj 1,000 treated posts I daily, is finding a ready market j, ainopg the farmers and ranchers^ of Texas. ( The (first radio statloiji in the; all 't ' <4 oil ege h uili” |)erlri| ^ possible today in urjty-Cjouncil de- • ■I i ' li 1 I ' , askekl the United Na- |tion.f td^jonsider alspecial session of the lUjeneraF Assembly to re- consideif the splitupiplaq. The Unit ed Stajfesi asked fpr q Big Five Committed of Study and Concilia tion. ‘Oi 3 Withfthis background, the coun-^ pil return! to debate (B’p.m., EST) On the idejicate issue. The Lij-gest question remaining isr M'hjatTwill Russia say? Well- infbifhad Isburces said delegate An drei AL Urornyko promptly dis patched the «text of the American speechlfto the Kremlin. Moscow’s versiop ! of what to do about Pales tine tbiis:; was expected to include some comment, perhaps sharp, on the American stand. ThejU-jiS- and Russia, in a rare stand it)f?; cooperation, joined last Nov. 29 to support partition in the generd'j' assembly. The plan calls for Jewish and Arab countries to be icreUted next Oct. 1. Jn a long-awaited policy state ment the council yesterday, Chief |IUJ: S. delegate Warren R. Austiiji said the council could not use armed force to carry out par tition. iHe added, however, that the United! States was ready to consult uruler jh|) charter should the U. N. deci<|pMtji wasi necessary to use in- ternatfiorjiii troops to maintain peace |n lihe Holy Land. Austin!! made no direct commit- nwuit pfl: American troops. Presi dent Hillman announced that he approviedl the speech. . WSSF. MARCH 1-6 to F«-bru»ry 2H» |x> art for Srrvki mrn and K*- «•*. Lif.'. | *4.25; T Timi>, no* on Firlil i SlrfMn; Collirrii. U Ofl prr yo«r. Johniuin't Matadno Aarhcy, Bon 214, " n<Hi r Iftore. : enat In tihlw at itanrr Howard. | ('iilalinn, s-K, MM. , I ■! $4.00 prr fear; Johnaon'* Mua« at Colli FOR SAI.E Tablr tnodd I'hilca radiq, IJR* Rush> 6-8. VlltORO.' HAltCAIN ar xTorf “So yftu’re the girl whir took my order— w^hy, you don't look a day older!” Having Some Fun S j By C. G. “Spike” WHITE ACS, AIChE Slate Talk Thursday By Chem Researcher What’s Cooking? Friday, —-r e -/ F'OR TH0 DEMAND 0SR \VHO flD {bH^ BEST Oollrife iSljo|e Kepa North Gate -r f ri H 4 ■» M j 1 M VI 1 j nation to be devoted to thei porpe- ' BARBER SHOPPERS, YMCA. !; i • : ; ■, • AGRICULTURE COUNCIL, 7:15 p. m},’!Wetinejsday, YMCA Reading Room.;' j! BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, ThursHay. Discuss plans for annual Baijtof Party and select Cotton Ball tuation and preservation of oui i R!>A 7nPTA r'ATTVTv rr ijr forestry resources 'was dyd.Vated at fhuHdVy n ghl hi YMCA Chapd nova ;!39i|gan|e will be shown. . CLASS OF '46. 7 p. m., Thurs- day, Assembly Hall. Plans for an- ntial.(fi0eial. j CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, 7:15 p.m., !|R<!iom 227, Academic Build- ing. M ; ' ' COtLEtlE EMPLOYEES DIN NER C'LUB, Free dance, 8 p. m Djr. Herman A. Liebhafsky chem ical researcher for General Elec tric] will speak at a joint meeting of the student affiliates, ACS ami AIChE, Thursday at 4 the!Chemistry Lecture (Roorti. p. m. in >e Pjis address, to be illustrated witb slides, will; be on the subject, “X-Ray Absorption in Chemical Ant,lysis.” Bi^, Liebhafsky received his Bi Si degree in chemical ‘ engineering tion, chartered w|ith the FCC as i KTRE, Was formally dedicated by j President Gilchrist. The Texas Forestry Service re cently purchased h new 125 H. P. Swift monoplane to use in pajtrol- ling the East, Texas Forests. This is the third |)lane to he added to the forestry service for this pur pose. The story of the birth of 1. ♦ ;U :• For Your Viisual Problems Consult ; j I|)r. Carltdh R. Lee OPTOMETHIST : 20:t S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 i : 4 1 •: fl HEY RATTLER was played for Tom Scott over KORA while he was hero for the Town Hall concert and he agreed with) many Aggies in saying that RATTLER was a fine bit of Americana. He fjirther added that Grandpa Jones was one of the few remaining good: five string banjo players. On the same radio program, KORA alsoUspun one of Scott’s platters “Set‘Down, Servant” and it was a teal Iticlc to, hear it after hcaritig the Singing j ftohi A&M in 1925, two years later Cadets and Toni Scott in thi! flesh . obtaining his MS. degree at the’ do the saime arrangomeht. li j University of Nebraska. When Carmen Cavallaro Hailed Work-for his Ph.D. degree was to show in time for,his coneirt, we ^ atthe University of (alifor- missed even more than we vjtmw. n, ‘‘ a ^ Berkeley , I realized this when I met his danc- P1 N< . nV A’ • M'' er in Sbisa kitchen during the all- BMnc, Dr. L.ebhafskV is respon- college dance. She was really a ^ i°r p aK of the dhem.capre, queen and was “Miss California.” search carned on b >' that comply. But speaking of dancers, Ivii Kit- j wssf, march i-6 chell.will be here on the Towh Hall j # March 4 and judging by her pic- RfaJirp ( InL ]V|p«f ture she is mighty good looking,'! M* **«wU ViIlllJ ITIcCI too. Judging by hdr progra^t she -j _ ,j Slated I hursday THURSDAY Fun and Fancy Free 9:30 Fun and Fancy Free 0:00 Swintr Time 0:30 Mornini: Musicalc ,1:00 Time to Dilie 2;00 Noun Day News 1:00 Afternoon Melodies 1 :30 Between The Limes 1 :46 Studio Music 2:00 Musical PortAaits 2:30 Lpllabye Time 2:45 Pick A Tune 8:00 Music by Masters 3 :S0 I>'.-tri Hack and Listen 3:4. r > Album of Comefly Favorite* 4:80 Aft«'n<Km Serenade 5:00 World News 5:15 Musical Tete A Tcte 5:30 Cocktail Time j 6:00 Headline Kditimi | 6:15 Elmer Davis •i :30 Music by Maupih 7:00 Ellery Queen 7:30 Henry Morgan !j , K:00 Willie Piper ! M no The Clock 9:00 Candid Mike 1 9:30 Lenny Herman : Quintet 9:45 Earl C.odwin 10:00 News of Tomorrow 10:15 Sian Off WANTED—Ride for two mfi North 'Coulter Drive to G Mt s a.m. to 5 p.m. Earl Ma)ii ! Tywi. , ■ j j. ■ | WANTED Baby walker. Cdf College View or Box 862. Cct FOR iiALE—Chair and Dune fn. Phone 4-6644. 218 Lubll from [l IT win R: ey. A* PbyfH Stm Attention L^il J I'll ! ' ' | J hair faded lor streaked i. this ■BICES AkkU i*t r.a|eJTcf*i: Ne|r Morton iDouble Sink- white ppfreWn. HALF Radio A lAppliance Co., e*e. Phoni- 4-1251,- '} • Is youh hail ed ouj? If so. this c«n be a very small fee by vlsitintr following beauty ahi College Hills Beaiil Ea»t Gate j -f Pruitt’s Beauty & Shop Se«th Side , ] F FOR 'SALE—Student* desk 11 4-55Q4. 1 • i 1 «' dnds bid f rrectedl r of! IwUeen Smith’s CMners View—Dai i brown Jib o is down robt, Paula . cjemjenji a X-lB, College Vfew. br 1/ , peward. J Ip j /j S>|jliE 4l94 .Chevrolet eluh cou i»dio 2 hi-njer. defroster, spotligr nm [heudlighis ; stood condition. qRoom No.'4. MitcWII Hallj *ff - ■; j [ ' ' / j' } SALE - 2C| lK,y» bicycle $15,00, 424 jWAMTg-.n TO TtKNT VVelberan -tudent. wife and 10 ttoothyoM H>n want small furnisheil apartment. Write Box 798 of pontact H. E.jPhHlips, Pniiltry Farm, larch 1st4* t|e deadline f]>r filing nppll- caliums for degrees to be! conferred at the end of th, current semester. This deadline ►< applies tl ua|te studi already d chiton in lyf' bothl graduate add undvrgrhd- nth. Those Students who have not inf- sol ,should file formal appli- the R^glHtrur’jv Offite immediate- 1.00. H. lJ heat Registrar; FK |: sub RO$hi MASONIC LODGE f Norge T FOR SALE — Phfln'e 2-1510. ASM! ANNEX AGGIES Leal* at A AM Annex Exchange pails. Prices arc same,as leRd shop. Fast service guja )ick Hoot Shop. ~r~ efrigeli your ki ore fort maim j thnteed'.' r sill Ross Lo|)ge Nti. 1800. 4 F. A A. M., will confer, two Entered Apprentice |)iv gFees bivinnitig . 'Hhursduy. 86 Ki i _ , . candidate dxnmlinations. Vit filbUhe. | I ; GtBH fllLUHRIST, W.M. ; ! ! ! W. H. BADGKTt. Sef’y .• *; v will do some numbers that Will ap peal to everyone. You know the average Aggie seems to have the idea that any Town Hall feature March 2 Deadline For Senior Ring Dance Favors Seniors planning to attend the senior ring dance and banquet should place their orders for fav ors now, assistant director of Stu dent Activities, emphasized today. Orders for favors may lx* placed at the office of student activities, Goodwin Hall, anytime before March 2, Elms said. The deadline has been set for March 2 to guar- . jr CORSAGESl Miltiej j and TULT or Your Danjces V 1 Occasion! j c’ 1800 S. College ;Itoad •ER SMITH ; ! i.i }\ri i Phone, 2-6725 i. i \ ..I t m mmxm On tie last pafee of .the f News” i { |R J CLUBt ^ p . n v u ifSfof Za y I ThurikA Agriculture Building. Oak, 'which stands outside of Aus-, • GE6iA)GY- CLUB, 7:30 p. m., K’ (,n . the ^ b:ink , <)f ^ C t Wednesday, Petroleum Engineer- raflo nVer. It was under thi$ tree , ■ nv. p„2i t that Steven F. Austin Wheel a ^ u k I Wed^v. R-™ 107 ! " 1 ™ ">} n «{ **y l» lfclj| Amcri- COUNTY. CLUB, 7 p. •J-*"** ,2 *- A ~- MARSHALL A&M CLUB. 7:15 ! p. mi, .Jhursday, Room 207, Aca demic. ii' PIPE-SMOKING CONTEST, 5 p. ip.. Wednesdav, YMCA. tilf: society for the ad vancement O F MANAGE MENT .February 24 at 7:15 p.m. in the Mechanical Engineering Lec- tfli'J'e jRhom. * VETERANS’ WIVES’ BRIDGE AND SOCIAL CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, YMCA Cabinet Room. WICHITA FALLS CLUB, 7:15 jp. rat, Thursday, Room 208, Acii- denii^, i | : '! . . / f ! WSSF. MARfH 1-6 - LANGFORD - ! H ; (Continued frorii Page 1) : ' i 1 j- , ' ton states that since his appoint- | men I ,as. dean of Arts and Sciences j he. h : |\s not found tiihe to devote to city (duties. ! The Regular city election will be held] April >(i, With one voting box at the ; A&M Consolidated School. The [polls will Open at 8 a. nj. and close at 0 p. nj. Any person may file for office • ri'ilhiti 30 days before election date, provided he meets the legal requirements of residence. ,jJBy legislative act a candidate need npt file a petition with /ive percent of the names of the voters in the jlast regular election. There is ni filling fee attached to the fil ing S’oij' office.: : | antee delivery (of the favors in The Veterans’Wives’Bridge mnil ! *’ m<l ^ <)1 ^ a,1c<?- is highbrpw and longhair stujff. Ac- Social Club wil meet Thurs.lav at Guard chains may be ordered foi tually the program is balaitfced in 7 :1 r, p m jn th() YMCA Cabinet ; the favors for an extra charge of an effort to have; some nuimbers R 0 om, club president Mrs. BojUie j one dollar. - : that w T ill appeal to ;every taste. Bonner announced today*. 11 ; Orders may also be placed foi I once knew of an ex-Aggie who One table will be set aside for I graduation invitations at this time. Was invited to dinner by hi| boss, persons who are interested in learn- No deadline has been set on order- During the dinner table coijversa- ing to play bridge, she explainc<j, | mg these invitations as yet. tirtn the .boss’ Wife’ mentioned and other tables will! be for gip Gladys Swarthout . who the ex- j rummy and bingo players. Aggie had stumbled in to ;kee at; Dues are 50! cents for the first Town Hall here. Hg said tlmt the semester, 25 cpnts for the secojnd fact that he was! conversant on semester, and 15 cents ajt gach Gladys Swarthout made a tfehien- meeting to cover the cost of prizes arid cokes. ,i MOTHERS DAll $r).()« for $2.46 ONE SxlO-BEAlinTFtfLiSI J- SPECIAL OFFER hi ^ $5.00for$2.45 ilEIJijp STUDIO ™mjH WSSF, MARCH 1-6 Brazoria County Club To Discuss Party All .poiA aits ci Proofs to Select Ptom Not gi “SNving -tbRIN dous hit w’ith the! boss’ wife and the boss and he actually thdught that eventually he got p pi djriotion and a raise out of that (simple knowledge. I don’t have thq back ground to really appreciate geveral of the artists we have hid but everyone of them! has been well worth hearing if for nothing else than from an educational 1 stand point. However, this Kitchtill will appeal to more than your educa tional outlook. \ | ‘ ' Bobby Goff and “Burr” j Layne WSSF. MARCH 1-6 I I I . • Wichita Falls Club To Meet Thursday The Wichita Falls A&M Club will bold a very important meet ing Thursday night at 71:15 in Room 208 Academic, Building, Charles Davis, presideht announced today. Plans for the Eastdf Party, the Selection of the Cotton Ball Ducb- made the mistake of “shinving” i ess, and the party to he held at Coaches Harry Stiteler and; “Tug- Yqungblood’s will he discussed at boat" Jones howto play hdndball. j the meeting. Davis said. The team of Goff grid Layrte were wssf. march 1-6 glad to get off the court with about wxi* ■ a ^ W7 i 15 point? for the 3 games. ( ; r llijht \V 1I1S The Brazorip County Club will hold a meeting in the Chapel of the YMCA Thursday night at 7, according do! Club President T. R. Hicks. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss plans for a party to be given soon, Hicks said, j Pictures of the 193B A&M-Villa- nova game will also be shown to the club. i WSSF, MARCH 1-6 MAGNOLIA GAS jtND - -■ Certifielif IV ACCIELANI) foiHpnly :$2 ipjn* reladj I w ad 4 ‘4 ; LOVELY m iture’s jflowers js Gorham Greenbrier... la sterling silver pattenj that will delight you. A ; Let its griccful beauty add charm to your : table. Come in, sec Gorham Grecnbrj^r in a corriplete place-setting arrangement. At last dept: the furniture for the lounges in Dornls 9, ‘J9 and Hart Hall is arriving daily; If the various manufacturers deliver as scheduled the lounges will be ready for use March 1st. ! - : ii N On the hall dept: Marty|KarjDW and the Brazos Co, A AM Cl fib were way ahead when they edneeived and organized the Junior (.College State Basketball Ton rnamept to h<? held here March 1, 2, and ^3. This tourney will bring to the jeanipus some great basketball and llso will provide an opportunity for some I outstanding Junjor College ath-1 letes to see Aggieland. CL, u , Regimental Parade Flight A, Air Force was award ed first place; in the regimental re treat parade held February 19, Lt. C<>1. William McElhenny, adjutant, announced toddy. Flight “C’’ Received second place Flight “B”, tfiird; and the Mftroon Blind fdurth. * l Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist A Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas EAST GATE \ Jil jli: For MODEL AIRPLANE c SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Brvan Ph. 2-2832 ■ § r . i DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES & l SPORTING GOODS J Hillcregt Hardware ■ • -• n ii (icnera WE OALL tone Portrait . 4 - I • dy for framing. laatisfaction Ggaranteed # for popywqrk.! gjes for 5|8l Yeaj“s” t r. i t ML i i •' 4 , ! ; PlljONE 4-1188 • r >hil Liilnjication StyVtfcEjSTATlON ■ HN I;] j ApE^EOi jbjwnlr ' jAnioj ReJkjriijg .11 i ..]•]] |. fdR AND DELIVER College rtai station, tenas +4 ■4 .-ll' 'll: ■ WHEN 1 YOUR WIFE GOES OUT - I i, If" . . . come in here to dine. Our daily menu includes a wide Assortment of fine foods egpertly prepared and courteously served. A. & M. GRILL North Gate Weekend iMipjper Sp j !; { ; {J I if y I I Oyn er pji t^a la Finfe^ther d°a. i/o ddd in oj Oys er pd 11 1 U. S. Choice'To CLUB !• • ■, ; . ' jn ecials .\i • , on tljio 4/2 shell ister a ugrain eh shell thasS. a Iri f in J 1.50 j .u • 1 i J 1 ' i ' [>L ’K 1 pijSirlclin for tywo with F F onion rings and! potatoes 2.50- \ PIPE F Seh om 1 The Cave lifontH pus Corher'donl 1 1- 1L _ Febi 28 tobacco, and -•N: :-v the !25th. ■ . 11 Smoking En- , 5 p.m., Feh- - L The Cam ’s) IwlH give the the contest T4 the second will give a f 4 .J: AVE r- * ■ rt.: * , *