The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 25, 1948, Image 3
3 w jfe ! i % it ■ ; i I M 4: i v si I . % ,-'V ; L A [!• S 1; 1 u vl 'I- I f r- r mmmmm WEDNESD. ■i ■m-M Ji •AY, FEBRUARY 25, 1948 . - I - ■- ' ■! ■ ' Mare pool records may fall to tfye Aggie Swimmers next Saturday when they meet the Texas Cadets have broken: at least two reccjrds in every meet so far this year. , Texas is defending conference taken a win in three tines this sea- + son. However; the Longhorns wih probably make things ;e 3 1 X I i'"** i i ibove ^ .rtetu four vie uries mid no row,i \ef' to ijiglpi, I5ill">je ty Hotter-, tit'ctr my Knoi, Dij-k Vardain m, -Ij rry l !ishe —1 14 , I ;e Piftr! l.ea, Kdi ii||nbers of the A AM Water l > bl«> Team whjleh (yunpleted its s*‘ason with ,tn i Klojit Of these swimmers are im the Aggie Swimming Team. Bottom j| jii >, iDiijs Kuhank, Tot WentervOlt, Jim Beruimt, Johnny Heeman, ^eot- ReU ■rnolii a -little • } Vilfi Moye, Bill lfaust>r and Haul Fleming. Top roU, Bernie Sytah, Tom- b. Gene Summers, C'paeh Art Adamsim (with iihe tie), Jack Itile.y, Dave 1'islH-r, Danny Green aivl Haul C’ievengeifJ uy l‘A v L The Aj ;gH! ten released ■vcenily j anil li the ejigh -game k-tuid with 'all Soujtln :est e MVItif liis’! sel schools •, |)1uh matchjes, Vapder bilt, from |Na dwille, the openi ig oppoi ci 1 19. pklat pma U. list id a jmeet he-i Four (v the jdg if .^n dlacb here though oply it ' mi tionicon M, Rice, and Tiexas t948 Tennis Schedules #ire I nsiOSSOe V! .,ni hijn- i n is l sc eo id u|| tfl oiUtHeni ■e iMaifih f nieej,: w con fere ii( e mfet fkjllefflc S tation. | The co mplet :■ A-hjidulf is !aj lows:]V;iiulerb It heii' Oil M; i;( Oklahomh jU. here jou iMa e Rice her|h)(n iVpill Sir U, ih i las on Abril 9; T [’Uj in Fou mil'th on April 10; Aifkinii* 1 e • Apiilj 17.j Baylor Ini ; \Viaf >4ji] exas ifiiivgrsStly ii|A 1. [ ' . j Ip. rctun iiir K-ttcji nu|i jj i .'ail the Houtjxl ms f‘i| of soille I'd i .en.! They ! arc Bill' JehndU, Itod’ ejf Scl-' lers, j Bchnie Stafifui-dj, am 3. iffy Jam is p WaUiisj is | #.«:(Jed five, ,P|yse Mutcijlfilllvho 24; ahd on May Fopr Stanley. number —J t w lie i 'IK' J- ■nyc i, , /" r;. . ' f , lehered in 194C>, alsM reported this j ers fofe- NCAA ,yjar. ■ j j ' ‘ i; I tj °?,4 n 4‘ l< -‘ s ' jFreshiimn prjospects look njiuch| b ■ttel' thmn usuj!,'’ said pbacdij W. ft . Dowell, Bedding Fish tfjndi- honoifs this year at in Junjh tfroip the flu. McCann is captain of the orange and white squiad and specialises in the distance faces. | i But the services of Hill are; more important to the Steers. A good breaststroker can give a team :a big advantage in the Hiledley ]Relay and the regular breaststroke swim. As was the case last week, Cpadh Art Adamsqp is worried iabobt spotting Texas these two events and still taking enough points to win. \j j " J Jack Toldr, last y.euf’s conference diving champ, is expfecteil to take diving, with his teammate, Frank Campbell, expected to place in that event also. One of the brighter spots cm the Aggie squad i* the excellent show ing this year of Jack Riley. Riley | has pushed Danny Green atitimfs iir the 50 and lOpfyard dashes. Riley finished thin) behind Tolar last week by only a few inches jin thje pool-and-a-hjdf event, but he placed second in : the 100-yard swim to give A&M what could have been the needed margin of victory. -.■j champicm, but, has not Fish-Bee Cagers Meet Shorthorns Here Next Friday Coach Johnnie Frankie’s Fish- Bee quintet will meet the Texas Shorthorns at 7:30 Friday evening in DeWare Fieldhousi, j Thp tilt had previously been sche duled to proceed the Aggie-Long horn varsity cbntest oh March 9. This will mark the second meet ing between the Junior Aggies and the Shorthorns. Earlier in the season, the Cadets journeyed to Austin and won a 461-44 thriller from the Steers. dates arc 1 Jimmy Gray of Laimar Ligh School, (Houston), Allen and Alijjf 1 aimong the rttrof’-ger teams j Buddy Fisher has also bfc<jii gyt- is thelTujlane University net squad, ting firsts for A&M in the baqk- Jatk Tutjro, a member of the Green stroke all season, and his Brother Waveite^m, who went to the finals Jerry, has won several 440-yard iji thefinaitiobal men’s dtiuhles cham-j distance races. 1 ' * . with Bob 1* alkcnbcrg in Following , is the ‘remainder of There will be prif>rity s>s- tetn used for admihsi|m Friday night, according to Bill Car michael, Director of Athletics. Day for Cadets t Spying football training is well Underway now with 130 men re porting daily. This includes 1;9 lettermen. George Kadera and Bob Goode will not participate because of track. Stan Hollmig wall also be absent in order to play baseball. The boys out for training are displaying tremendous spirit and are showing a lot of hustle in'shite of a wet field. There are about eliH’en complete teaniis and nine men are work inf to fill position. td fiill the important quarterbdcli Dining the spring the practices will; be confined mostly to working oh blocking and almost entirely to offensive drill. X Shring training will he highlight ed by an inpasquad game every Saturday. March 20, Sports Day will be the final game. The two participating teams'Will have different men each week, and games will begin about 2:30 on Kyle Field. ited in junior college! < ompet - drew a rugged op Kneot 'ip Tarleton Of Stepheh' ille fjd|i - li H ; Ho, Ty AC Draw Fav Wayland College > 'P]ai|\ day as pairings were i nnoji i< junior cdllege basketb|a I toij: r March 1-31 Wayland, the WejfctJ. Text^ defeated in ji tion, dr< John Tarleton the feature openl'ng-rou Monday. Tyler, froat-ruhnlng q the strong Southweste College Conference, wli No. 2 and | drew as its first oJ> ponent Monday Texas ^ College of Segu|n. r Eight teams were seejdjnl byl a committee headed by Maitjt:’ Kan ’ i, tournament chairman, anB the o ;|- er teams were drawn, frojni a ha Amarillo, surprised l>; Wa r land for the zone title, > seedcfi No. 3; Corpus Christ!, loser only one junior college } i me an w inner of one of the Soiiit i Texai Zone titles, is the Noe 4 club. aiieht at Tekks A&M College dj i •;•[{; : T chajnpihD whiph isTinlle- Alvin Aaifonsonj a set of. twins « ! f I K'fl' 1 !,' p'S, v* ’ .OeE K -m.J following , is the m-maind (, otulla, Texas, I John Lugiur! also I ■iS/liygds the New Dileans squad., a&M’s swimming schedule: , I: X' (|| Un ur C(|, Baylor University, • 1 ! ]' ; j th, site Dal-! >.t Ui I; Thw sqhedule is as follows: Okla-1 Feb. 2«—Texa^ University, A(is- liqma; in Norman .\]>i il 3; Arkan-1 tin. Sas iii Fayetteville April 0; Tulane j March & ip Aufstifi April 10; .Rollins College! W&co. .in Ai^sti’n April 13; BMU in Austin March. 14—S. W.j'A. A April] 17) Baylor in Waco April 2(J; undecided as yet. Ricelfn Houston April 24; TCU in March 19 arid 20--S. W. Confer- Austfi May 1; and'Texas A&M in ; once, College Station. Aust|i May 8. | • . j March 23 and | 27-N.C.A.A., la in iNorman, Arkansas in j Foar lettermen reported for the j Michigan University. \ FajyettMv|lle, Bayloy in \Vaco, a mil I first I wqrk-out. They were Felix! ■ ■-) l Rice .ip Houston.' | Kellyi (Ijarence Ma^ry, Wa«le Spitl- fjroiu Lamar, and' Charles iflodgi) Ijrom Sunset Hib'h in Dalla.|. 1 1 No fn shman j schedule has bceii ananged as yctl ' i ; Texas University’s tenuis sche-j lule has also been coihpleted with) !en meets slated. Five of the dual Peels wll be Iplayed iin Austin, Oklahoma in Nqrmitn, Arkansas in | Miami U. Boxer Is Best Pro Prospect MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 24 UPi—flie fight mob is here for tonight’s Willie. Pep-Humberto Sierra tussle, but the fighter who really has the managers drooling is a college boy. He’s Atrhur Saey who does his punching Tor the University of Miami and never has been beaten in tw T o years of College boxing. Saey, a tajll, handsome 23-year-bld heavyweight who reminds the fahs of Max Baer without the downing. Intramural wrestling is still I Won thc ''i ltional c<,llt K iaU ' titlc as three weeks away but 140 entries freshman last year and has have already been received by the kayoed four of his five opponents „ . I : . . | U k* Intramural Mat Bouts to Begin, 140 Entries In Others making the top light McNeeSe of Lake - Chad is, • Ranger; Blinn of Brjej 1 am a North Texas AgVicultuni Coll|‘|i of Arljngton. I*" ’ Another powerful cluhlj Lamaitwj . Beaumont, was a latg Sentry, ji a ; placing Wharton,! and wijnt unsit(|i:l | ed. Corpus Christi drew Whar ap(| now meets Lamar ft: amt opening-round fujorchebJ i Amarillo faces HillBbutd, runj r up to Ranger. . Following are Mjuhday’H first - round pairitigb playing times in Olid ‘r thi * ijackd itjeter, teams appear in the Wayland vs. John T p. m. , , Lon Morris of JaeksUnviHe Blinn, 9 a. m )ted that; lilil lx ast man,sand K<l Chew. A manager and 13 othejr candidates' were also on,j I himHf | if eluded mi the Rollins .College t(ja|n ; 'Rif* Institute, hi inleasing its | thgt will meet the Longhorns Aprjil \ J'-dH* schedule, is also slated to J Intereollegtate ; >VitH the potent; Rollins Col-1 Lamed juid ! h-ge'jjjigjgiegation dud Tulane. 1947 National Juniog Champion Buddy: B^hrensj The Florida ' boys Sirs recognized as strong contqndl- Coach I). A. Penick n some ()f the opijonents wc fiationiUly recognized nefcters.Vln- ‘ the Roll meet the LX are (National Champiom Ciardener Lamed Racing Boom On In Florida! s. 1, " I- fix ' I * •s I Tliit* Owl tennis schedule is as ..MIAMI, Fla., Fclj. 24 —tifPi—AH follows;] Texas A&M at College of a suddeh, Miqniilhas found fhUt HtafSm April 3; Tulane in. Houston boom times are hack and injst folks Ajujf 9] Rollins College (Winter don’t know what ltd make of it. . . Phrl^'lllh^r .hr April Xr, A little river a week ago there A'rkiinslis in HoinMn April 1*9; weren’t any ciowds aroumj. f >’ , TexifS University; in Houston April Then, with no warning the hotels 24] Baylor in. Houston April 29: filled up, the race track began db- TflUfl in Fort! Woirth May 7; and ihg the same sort; of buslnesp it SMlr ill Daljhs May 8. . , did a year ego . . when they ran h’iVe ircturnjhg letternu n were bn the wirlenei at wihleah Saturday, hand at the initiai work-out.. They attendance and betting ; records jure Bo|by Curtiss-; whb 'lost to Sam were broken—and jnost of the ciis- Mat|h,jiaIso of Rice, laX year in j tomers. wdre broke; the ) singles jnhaniinoigfnip of the They did all their betting on Soil|hvilest CdtiferenX', Bob Harris Armed and Assault. . . incidentally, Chufk Ilarris, Bob Foley, and Cecil : Mort Mahobey of the Hialeah Mu- Barfield. ’ . . j * , ' j tuels Department maintains that Criach Quinn Connellev’s team half the people who watch Iforse will] he weakened by the loss of races here never see them any- Mahih ; vmo, in addition to taking where else. singles honoi>, paired with Curtiss I hey come from stateji where t*> iJiii (he doubles crown and later there’s no racing or they sftve their the fNCAA Charttpionsluix betting pennies for theiij winter The Southwest d'onff•renee Cham- vacation. . . . I intramural office. | . i According to Barney Welch, As sistant jpdVector of Intramurals, the bouts wit! get underway op March 10, at 4:30 and will continue every afternoon With apprpximate- ly twenty matches each day. All matches will be held in DeWare Field House. . !, The grttpplers will be divided in 1 * to eight weight divisions. The lightest Class includes‘all wrestlers weighing 119 ppunqs, or less. The oth|r classification^ are 129 lbs,, 139 lbs., 149 lbs], 159 |bs., 169 lbs., anti 179 lbs. All wrestlers Who weigh 179 lbs. are to be put in the heavyweight division,! Two A g g i e s inj the evjent will be defending the titles they wop last year. ] X I . R. W. Wheat: of C, InfUiitry; is thp defending champ in the 119- pphnd division. This cljass has three entries thus far, the fewest num bers of contestants ip any of the classes. Earl Keese of B Cavalry is the title holder in tlje 149-pound group. This class has (he largest nurrtbler of entries, 38. . The remainder of the clasped do not have a defending Champ ion. Spike White, Director of Intra murals, gave rule instructions ap'd this sea.sop. Since college bouts (never call the fights) are limited to three two-minute rounds, that’s ap im pressive feat. Coach Billy Regan, who also I is secretary of the local boxing commission, figures Art could handle himself in pro com pany any time he wants to try it. In 1938, LSU piled up 24 fust downs to Mississippi’s three yet lost, 20-7. demonstrated various wrestling holds yesterday in the Little Gym. White will give another demon stration today at 5 p.m. Rians are being made to have a ‘Tight Night” heite this year. On that night, both the wrestling and boxiijg finals Will take place. For Your Sporting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Ph. 2-2832 Bryan x: pioiiship tournament will he held in 18<11)$ton May 13, •11, aiid 15. , i.: '< , “I—T ! : " \ \ Orint -St rr—rh r j d to miss —thatN the way I react lo ShtrwinR Gum’^ grand: flavor! And let out another finje thing about Dentyne keep your tcetjh whith." leijtyne Gum —Made Only By Adams » ! • ' I [ rij . -r-- ss>- JS’OtJKlSIIM^l X .• ' |\ ir8c.tinj| tots go for our delibous . rriLLEI), MANY ft'! ^ICREAMS • • • FLAVORED ! • ! ri\’ ! ill a : lil ■Si i! Ji -5t- I R E E A 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT ofiyour ] ! ; | FAVORITE SNAPSHOT B’or information write to.' EVERFIME I Photo Service I V\ I ' *• 1001 Travis Bldg. it X Anil •|l onio (5) Texas Uepeildabjie Used Cars 1941—Chev. Clb. Cptv j 1941—Chev. Tudor. 1 owner 1941—Dodge 4 Dr. 1940—Ford Tudor 1938—Chev.'Tudor ; 1938—Ford 1,4-ton Pitjkup 1936—Ford Tudor 1935—Ford 4 Dr. 1935]—Ford 4 Dr. l934i—Ford Tudor, new fnotor Emery Motor Co. Behind Montgomery Wards Phone 2-1643 ; l Insurance is cheaper when you call . . . KRAFT INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 2-2629 State Farm Insurance Companies 215 S. Main St. r ptAC ||vk. \llen Academy ‘ nif 1!! ! ' iBryajj, 7^0 p. m, ipus Christi, 4' Hillsboro, 6 1 ager', 2:30 p. mj Kilgore, 1; p. hi. an vs, Tyler, lOplO •( I SI I II . j ; Iflednesdiiy. .ji cl t »i FOR THE FINE Si* IN Clean f’i lor Playo was .seeded No, 1 here to- n(e| f|or t^e f r^t annual stAte Lai .mar jia. Ci:}) fe't v * r •!£ Iso V #r';f Rh McNeeife vs *>xas iLuthifi a. nVJ r»t tjou nt] cjutitin hr y teim i teanjijs w |es. ; ay A. tfl loscis 1 will fornv a icltet, thereby givhtg le.ast, two gnir|ok. I get to jplay four II brigin at 9. |i. ; tn. v. <1. in. hiesday . , e sday ami ! 1:30 a. ijn. Wee j rlijtli the Ithirdtplace tussle sejt foi m., tjhe ctonHolation champiun- at t:80' p! m. and the statq. npion»liipi|finaf at 9 1/. m., all (leorgt r of tn it*- ^ ielt the itele. lirid (ti me Is Most Pdptila ’ In Texas » j I JI ■ w - ptipplar ’hat’s [girt? T< xas’ t!h; k ipost •[i j'I ! 1 C-h rich man, sports ejli- of t|^c M irahall ^.ews MesHen- iintc an ariAiinciit, so he utiatij's spurts writers de- exl in ni.s prill sh ) will foot ha 11 ah No. 1 Willi huV ? j ' ' ■ [i iliiL, bjji .idfoilirth, gulf|]ifth and bowling six- 4 hu||ifinie and fishing he (ilA, b||shctj)all third; f basjhall ■!' H; rations ■iry ■ |il ssinidaiHl: 0 t||AM ' jllhside || 1 P YOU’LL LiK$ Oljij jlirDjREEI-D^Y SERVI i ■ff “n - m 4— > / ( /. Iff K ..... ■' ii ! I he Most Beatltifnl Selection i of Palterns Ever Assembled at I ‘ If «ORKT * HHR» • : • ■ ! ■ •■! TSrTn?l CLOTHES Qrder Your Tailored Suit Now! f |j.ii r ! ^ • ]|f[ jl f .Mf , %- / 1 HERE \ ■ ; : # l4 The soft,;(moot fabric, j of ill collrip AEROW GORDON OXFORDS BACK IN CAMPUS STYLE PICTURE! A. V.. Jiin. I'HR .., Cljirlt. IValrn.l, R I III. maljcrs of Arrow prodiitl-, apnpuncc I he rclurH thoir fine Gordon oxford cloth diirli for Rite injenj . ' 1. FENWAY—Arrow’* new oxford shirt with ;i bhtton-ido’Wn ctdlar which conies in white. I flripes] alid solid e/olor». ' . | i 2. (HJVER The claeiut of the butlon-down* With a medium point roll collar. 3. SUSSEX -Smartest of the Wide-spread slav collars. ; 4. toOUBLER—The 4ii|t that idouhle* for dre>s anil sportSyA rcRiilar leitpth collar. 3. BROfiKLr—Aamili. r fine oxford in medium ^.oint roUars. 4 i j' See your Arrow dealer now and place your, order for your favorite style in Gordon oxford: Yes, true shirt,, anil Lo-No col! a looks rigih Three jsjj r Just pu these Ki li- Si ng and un-scj|f! .[ ■ PUN ■■ riendUy to human akin /\ t; L been! built into style 1 too. ome with .1 icM ui t 4 tie! ’ The smart a.tie— blurii neutral and tan. ane with U arro »—- SHIRTS and tlES HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS ■ t .! 1 $5.0(1 I : itlil S arts. .. i aeveraliof 1 1: ' m ■ ■ ; '' M . • ; 1 ■1 :■ i. Jj 1 ii. 1 m :! -iti" . : 1 ■ ' 11 >- ■ , ' T T