i JL I' .f-'i mi: . n a Pdge 2 ■ * ■ t !.• ix - i •- : . ; " wrer Add to the gou», cuts reported [this jvetk tfie vey^conducted by tl e Norths estdrn Life Ihsurahcb Coi pdration .That orgajiizati )p i *. F ice 3|f giheral price day could be n L <4 Ui'MJ 1 ijolled jor colleges dud un vd.rsitw4.the jast.mohth,* | asking e|ach y, hat • he ! ior students tjt slip ini ; uation. the answersrope l^d, while pot s startling,. contradii t < previous Sj 1 >*yeyk seek* | ing the same type o ? informc.tioni ? . Dividing tie co lege grai!uati|ig class in to two divisieias^ te|hhicali ahd non-lechnical, X'dhe insurance company’s. iKirnilj • .Econohiic^ ] Bureau found that Ipngineersi ch ;mists, phyf : f sicists, and similaijj highly specialized fields could expect a mojhthly pan chic ick ifangju I 1 from $240 to $275(1, comiftuckl to a pre-wa .average of from $])|35j to .flip a inonth. j w I - '■•1 Italian ITORI Y - i i' 8 1 1 i JP '' ■ rj. " . . H ; • i^T. • ~ ? Now, Upon Grladuation... — . : 'll . ^ • j f—'YJ • i.ra WEDNESD v. 1 THE 6IANT > ■I 1 r a 1 ■it ‘Ji ^ g. •jl -T •BMOpUC f' Out the Vinfage 'fa ,1 SiaieSt iJm, Knightly Gentleman” Ros% Founder, of Aggie r' ft |r ions j y i esults of a sur- National LssuBd recently. thiijty*four nia- 1 m, i casonably certa ih of obtaining some type of job. Aside from engine creiase in derhan jobs after leaving their alpia mater. Now, though, almost all? seniors can texpect to find ?! '|,| j | fjng gn.dujatps, an in- njiand for sidles personnel and ac- coijntants continues as the nation’s economy rides on the crest of the post-war boom per iod. The heaviest cfeinaiad for those graduates is from corporations, the insurance company says, adding that; “tprporatiojns will be alii but waiting outside ttW graduation ceremony halls, offers in hand, this June When students, file out with their 1 degrees.’ Such new? is ;pf course; wjelcome to col lege students. But how long will the bubble remain inflated'^When will industry reach a saturation point? Will the Unii ed States face jfT" Business ndmiifisllratib^ (and other non- another period of prolonged! te | technical students rein hbi: rig it into jobs; unemployment? Isj it true tihajt the next de- ’ *’ * X.' i t —-.a;— w jjj; ma g e the last lone look like mm another period of prolonged! technological i _ ^ ^ unehjiploj f that pay salaries ringing frUm ^S00 to pression ■ ■fMheUcis'.jidgo*,”! ‘miW'f Australi Puts Ovi m Vll ►list Beat!; 300 Radio Listeneil i, ■■ i i 1 ' 'I ’i 4, t i 9x I,Aiacv (,(M I)\\ i We nole tliat Australia has fi- : mtlJy Rotten around to producinig M 1 sleep inducer; that ns, a have dosed the eye? of some 00 patrons at ond of his shows : recession ? i the upper thiijd of graduatii g desses of that fiascoes? Heading Ofi A, Big ‘Bust’ | X H the _j as soon as they shtju, iiicuj eC[ple |a it! waek ai quite forgotten, sion like that which followed 1921) is still hanging over us. Maiiy.ol trii‘ v iteraais ifow in’school gre’v up iri depr.isfeioi days, and k-now that thqre oi icqj was a| tamj >; when $800 a month jobs weren’t autjoimtU ally Ihanded out to college grad rates, j } ! i j j j { Chester,Bowles, formejr f)PA administra tor and before that a ■i .■ “Even ithough theijnumbeii of unemploy- sacheS only six orjeight m illion, roughly the American jietjple tnud wejekjjire hot half.lhe numbei! of 193^, the effects through- te forgotten. Tie fear df an.oher deples- out the world would he drastic.X 1-1 ’ ‘ To cushion another deprjessibn Bowles proposed the following, nine-point program “based on our experience in the past?: 1, “Tax cuts all along the line . ' ,j . the time to cut takes is when purchasing power is beginning to dry liijh” f ^ “An iUl-out J) rogfeafn of ?lum clearance and housing,” biii diiijg 1,|0(!,006 homes a r***:- • I [ 1 i h ■ 3. Continue rfcnt controls) “lor at least ie|r i leading* jadvertising executive,, has sou|id(fd a vvafni jg and sug- include self - eniploydd dorrlestic help and farm workers.-. | *; 1 New York, Bbwles an extensive Fede 'al prognn ‘^an modify, to a major ektent the n l ic(s.4io;i which Our z . . a Li, past mistakes[hav4 made L vita |e. We have * 5 ' Enact a nafionajhealth insurance plan. " ' • ’ few i\v«qks, “Oiice a recession bpgins,; we (should j the ijecdud move'ahead pronjpfly with our plans for tljtt* economic development of the (Missouri Valiev alithori- 1ml r >[)ped; sharp- all witnessed, during thj; ilaht what may be the beginhii g’ ol gycle of the old d smal eye e| boomand bust.” • ; YThe prices Of grafihs Have tl ly, and so have the prices blfjmar y securities. It fs possible’*! of course, tlhiijt jth commodity markets wiU fecov u* an(Lp<[tjco ifideiicu will be temjporariljy restored.?I i*| \ But, Bowips added: . 1 ;.,LKt r ’. “There is lone fact thht’iwh must all face squarely: Wej couUl not jijoskiblv ekpept .that ■)ur economy could bt su'bfeateSd ' o the-wholly annecessary jriflat ion of ltlieih st year and ...H 'I ' (.I'H ]p" ! > f y gotten around to p: „ leep inducer; th^t is, a joker| | U r •• 1 • An 1% ai*t4 4in4ph A. Beaver. Tho to iweatHur, % >, Be igipundhii,” s on the wuiitry weather J’l. PERFECT Mrsi jWilfrj and twoijeompai were tool kuijpri liad 13. imades, Llppincpjti 13 tl ’Hiani'ki "III oaids,! (there (wililj be a break nibad -to 1. “Pay “if Ijrust when it comes np attention to the ‘e skunks are .tsa tlrew; perffl re out) in tlitj bridge hands, bpt of all tirae. In tiiik aesar the human! bjefng as he novel the hml Tore aijipeared to himself, his family, his leg*kins, has jiome, his Enipire in the mopthsl immediately* ——7——— Through imaginary letters | ered'Ctitunus’ the 'bKd'thougir’he ' 10 'completely in refleshirig sleep, documents, which pie cunningly re- w ‘ 0 ' , ()f t- Listeners to his broadcast>ve|% told they were yciiling and Toflpw a naifat|\|; going to selep, that thjey iyere relaxing and would bittern, all Robe comes crowdbg | In the meantime; tni fatal ides j S(M)n fe c l Relieved, of all iheir worries. He alternated through these pages. Romans (of ! UJV drawing near bid Y.aesar sees | bs instruction.^ vj ith a sljoW count, md- slums, Romans of the palacjt'8,;''^dh approachingwi de around Ousley probably doesn’t realize it, but he may Romans in the AlbaK villas, prawl- j '"b the patterns ot b e are cop- j, ave pc„v|deijrai|/ Lgvine .ftmtifiod in obtaining frbm f lniip]|)(luCer NaJtjLevinc. She declgr. fun thair lnoijiiyinoon |ak September, her >pent |iill {hisishare tinlc at Golden G^te it n Fraijiciscoi “Be would lose up to day llietjtinrj tljie horsts,” she said. The {a property settlement. QtlESTION vye'r s nap he l heal* J ji- assail 1 #n‘s am j u* 1 Hi igh above theni Caesar, refle on i, his mastery of the world nuin’s relation spnsibility, to to libei ty,. to t|- i goipti flic passions, ' So j mfso a Thornton Wildcri I) With great wisjdom rind He has;prerteii(te authorxfor his outstand ng work of u half without evontjualKi lialir if it has not ajreadi startbU development of t^e.Missouri valley ty, 8t. Lawrence Valley authority, and for similar developments)!.on the other major: rivers;” 1 ifYi : j 7. “An aii-out: program fojr the bUilding | ft H^pcat? Are Seeing Red ■. \ gleat map- D^LACC ut great world.' lleie is all life ojF the hu- th| subtlety, lerirber tt(e jested a program |fo|' hekdirig ijjff the next depression beffore it evef ifsJ JAddressing. Another vear or tWHjj , , . , , . , . . , , the United Spates Cqnfe^ of; Mayors! in ! ‘ 4 Broacleh sfealfecurity payments to! 1 T ‘l ° f ( stod ijhtt in his opinion }nc1 | d , Wlf - eXdov^l dornestie hkln-and •! ™T I'ffl - jl,, .L-'^ TODAY AND ALL THIS WEEK \ V Composers of Swing Slreet Are Strictly if Long Hairy’ Jl - , . , (/Pl-XIfhte Russian critic wh'» (enotilived dead liiifjj degenerate music hat to come over here and spend!a J ig at the g the : piper. ' without crippling-imendmentk as rapidly as i the Soviet rujers arc worrfiejl thin and the poverty of U; TmM fmlitro • .tMwoihlo’’’ II | if’ : I | , ovtr the type of tunes the Russjuri | Here is Swing Strcei’ /^Sometime''in ^he riotr^ 'diitahtjfutiure, possible.' , ;i Ml . t ; j | . | i ^sses like. .Apparently no w has come along able to srit |h| kind will s<>oner |b|r later be iinevitable, and,; “doinmum.st manifesto’’ to-imwii wki rib find bur-’ He emphasized thaf. “ a reitesskm of sonic 1 hat ♦ ! That was one reaction .today along Swing & 4 Increase minimum wagjes from 40 to | j^,, XAnujricL ‘at least” 75 cents a?!hour, j . ' : ibj hepcats gathqr.to soak lip the baMioili but hypnotizes 9. “Pass.the (.Ejurofaean recovery program j iakest jive. thg dead cold mechanics sjome J selves'moving info a dejpb^ OR — .sort.”' t [ ; 11! 1 i'l I I, when it comes, corigijelis and t|he qdmiiiiistra- Stating that there now nr; many con- tion must make 4f 0 ug leadeijship if we are.i trTshostakovtch'a 1 trols. ( which hiakd an exact IdupHcatioii of to keep it from (ieter^rating! into a serious V ir Maurice Howell a trn, *» Writers h! SStafe-j; Art Howard .. . SS-S J - Y- di’ t«d Press I sprit cites qredit- uhlished herein. iy Nailodal Ad New Yoijk CH; ( San Erji Advfrttota*' M I-* Thoi yi'Cl Sports; Editor PlfMINCE «IUI«MPEim fi! i-Features Start - 4:05 - 6:45 - : L2Q • 1:05 Cartoon PRICES included)- includedj j H htj central commitliee of fchC “Man,: that Mr. G< Cqnmihnist Party bawlgll out Dhig has really Hipped litj, nd six other pri: ought to come over composers o)f advanced-dMr spend a gig al the li)ack. He’s smal music (for their “Boui gqoLs KIK) r e( | hut plenty whek he says hriolojgy.” j, . ! ! !;)(• our music is; dead.” I his didn t worry the denizens (K(js Note: Onri of our office of Sw ing Strecjt as all sjeven-( |,oys who plays a sIxopHpne tranri- rnmposers are {“strictly frcjllf Iates this as f 0 |l 0 ^ : “the gentlp- Iring hair.’’ The man who started 52nd Stri Cit blowing fresh “riffs’’ ami “ijidi |i(|cs” in rebutt jib was V. Goi oijiij-i fkjy, a Soviet imisje critic who caftipj thitwn with lx th heels on jifzk, |v|ich he feels corrupts iiiriochip Boiviet youth. j.; . ( I jii luting a Russian Educator coiinplairied that modern jazz was ■‘grinding our will into hamburger?' Gorodinsky wrote jin a Soviet jmhrii Mne: !' ! i!‘Moriern Bourgeois music does jmjt awaken strong joyous fe^ingi) jOij the contrary, it uxtingriisrnik and suppresses them. It does Nt cafry one away with impetuf/Us ' ——Hr-