The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1948, Image 4
■J; Tta tate ■" ' i: enoi • f. ■■>1 ■r. 1 , • ftff italic i IUARY 17, 1948 ' I llf 1 I! : If: l >, r eb? 17 —(JP)—A sharp denunciatibn man’s ipr) k^ed “civil righ^” legislation was vojted f unaninkufsly by the Republican State Executive ^'om- ^ i i. ^ --l - * 11 ^ J HOUStON, Tex. of Presiden Miiy'25, Col. R. B. jville, jjationa Winajh from folrd the re^ tjHe ‘‘‘so-icHlfed air (iticos Coi u "row” soy r the president’* jivqijiest ifiofl letijlla- ttoh mitlawinljr | lynching, pol requitenji^ife}; 1 * Eiftploymeht sipjii” and the tlftn lav\?s in Col. CreafiMj, kijt Republicans, i « unanimous by the Exei ^ the proposed 1* Violation of ajul sitate's. ijig^ts, ous increase Federal jrove advan on (the racia ttee at its hjie^ing her! yesterday. The cornmitjtee seljecicu Corpus* Christ! as the site fbr state presldiintidl copveptiiir v !> r » ' Ifj i L T . ■ gaiter of Br< vms- epiibliciti :|oni Mt-i T*}:ai- Since 192), iof- ol|i|tio(i| to lionfli^nn li hf south. r •ft ki igpin of T ? Imd Just been y i otej of confid ei ye jCommitte . { The CreagJrMromlution t< r ’ Fede:al legislate ocjail klf goww n jenl in: the powers c f jjthe "npiert. Such le r tion would. iiicjii-a!(ti and enfii racial feclinta dh the: south out achieving |the v slightejst b|ne- ta jfe, | [the rgspfu facial .. said." : " In a speetj the 7-esolu.tion. Or|ville Bullihdjtonl >f• Wichita Ff Crat, said thi issuij sirtce , jand a da n Committee ghts Act .. I Mil i Vpn ■iWce Clark Files Nam With Calvert For Senate Race Hillsboro, Tex., Feb. ij Dij. F. B. ( lark, former prpwsor of jeconomies at Texas A&|M jt'ol- lege, today formally filed as a candidate for United States Sea- a, H . • - f T J; The application for a place oh the iDepiocratic party ballot filed with R. NV. Calvert, cl man iif the State Democratic j ecufive Cpmmittee. j j| Hi! e; :i! ! IaImec was hair* F (li j f : ' ! ’ 1 THE C3AMPI3)S it •" -rlfl f H • m *— I i ;; 1\M 111 j] I' ! m ui ■ illlfp \ 1 i i til E Chapter i<m -;. M^ets Tonight , J- j ' 1 } ,* | > • hi * j,! 1 1 ^ • ij h from the- flopr on n , . t , ! , ■ . _. Irille Bullii) tori' ! ^ # / alii, ;t former i no- “ f th f American rfchutsted legisla ion' S ^ e k ty of E^meeh 4% !S1| |U , ^ i ( ! f'l’rofessor; Udon’t understand—would you mind repeating that atohiic theory experiment?” ^ li : - | hat’s Cooking? •I : ' ASCE, 7:30 p.m4 Tuesday, G vil ‘leering Lecture Room. Gukt :er to be George G. Smith, manager of Texas Constfuc- Materials. I l 1, ! r j p •’ • -~_L* . 1 ■ . i I , es- , in the 4 pf"*- Engineering T between ihe sdajtef p']! I - 1 ,n • !ine Mechanical 1 He Hairnet tljatj jlhe Stiuti^i^a , done ipore fir the coloml ie iplp “•+ than any cjthet’jSei- doniof'tihe|c< un^ f o]iowing the so-called bipartisan try He chatged that the. Tf, .esf ^ ; olicv of the United S ates foe the legts atjion is for ’ Mn cal * anfl * 0 J e ^ the “extravtaglde” and rot on p .r, fse , an attifpt to ()f ^ Ma ^ hall p|an H e saidUjits get the HarM, vJteF , J . to d , Bid ling top declared. “I| ant a capita in ^i a nd to combat Co Southerner heforef 1 am an ymier- mUn j sm , Hut . that there probably lean and 11 am a Texan I am a Soiit/ierncr.*’ He urged) Rgpu}blleans |tp I I- if i - - II 1 N > bf >re j ai'e. more j Communists in Harris | : county than in predom'inentlyl Cjatjt ■Cfasc olic Ireland. • ’ . i '] fi-I l., .ii, T ! II r ; #111! 1^ sw k ■ >' Organizational, College Balls Announced for Spring Semester •' The schedule of organizational balls And college dunces for the remainder of the spring semester has been announced mtfT GGIE PLAYERS, 7:30 p.fn., Wednesday, Assembly Hall. Plans Will be discus* xl. CHAPTER, AV-, faday, Room I )5, Veterinary- Hospital. (Picture V ill be shown.) M i I AIEE, 7:30 p.rtl., Tuesday, ICE tecture Room. Gnest speaker: on ‘IThe EE in’ Petroleum Industry CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Tu day, 7:15 p. m„ Room 227, Aca demic Building. High school sepior will be selected to make the trip here-on Sports Day. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, 7:15 p.m., Room 227, Academic Bt| ld- "cOMMUNITY WORLD DAY PRAYER SERVICES, Friday, 11 p. m., St. Thomas ChapeL _ ECONOMICS CLU^A Pt^-, Tuesday, Room 307| Acadeifnic. Discussion of spring agenda, j HEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thitrsday, M:E Shops Lecfti Boom. : : | LIBERTY COUNTY A. & M. CLUB, 7:30’, Wednesday, Room 127, Academic. I y GARDEN CilAlB, 3 p. m., Friday, YMCA. ’ KREAM AND KOW KLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Creamery Lejjture Room. >■' ;. f I NEWMAN CLfUB, 5:15 |Wednesday, steps of Cheni Byilding. The Longhorn picture Will be re-taken. NAVARRO COUNTY A. AM. CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thursday,,, sec ond floor, Academic, Election of officers and discussion of selection of Cotton Ball Duchess. 1 PANHANDLE A. AM. CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Room 228, Academic. PRE-MED, PRE-DENTAL SO CIETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, Biology Lecutre Room. SOCIOLOGY CLUB»j7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Room 203; Agricultural Building. SAN ANGELO CLUB, 7:30ip.m., Thursday, Room 203; Agricultural Building. TRI-CITIES A&M CLUB, 7:16 p.m.,. Thursday, Room 10fi, Aca demic. Plans for Sports Day will be discussed. ; il ’ I ^ M-r-, -fi Classified Ad A BATTAttK N V JtfctWI ft sr'&’ffT n dftJ ti to the Stuifrnt J riM. AH ' wb should be JO :00 a.m. of the d»y befonj — Double unit 12. Project Ho AfWr 0:00 p.m.j Hiai tea 1 SiSl jifly Elms, assistant director of student activities! weajher conditions are favorable, some of the’ later will be held on the slab,” Elms added. 4&M’s next formal ball will be the Fourth Regimental • - fBall on FEBRUARY 27. An all- fir \BIjKR — college dande follows on FEBRU ARY 28, wjth the Aggielahd Or chestra furnishing the miiMe for both occasions, j nf | ‘ p.m., fjistry The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Alio. 7||f rator and Street, H Typewriteri, lujndard j We repair and »>4 a. Hryan Buiijl 22hd* Phone Bryan— h- 'ii Come in and see us for large or small appliances: Radios, Electric Irons, Stu dent Lamps, Floor lamps, Presto Cookers, Coflee Makers... and many other usefuhs f;;1 Hr ■ r 1 UNITED l APPLIANCES, Inc. i 25th & Washington Sts. Phone 2-1496 - h-H ^ HwI.^Bob" Jonea, dr«j*ln«. (‘hone 2-«7or,, too? li. Rejri.trr ftnw fur el»»»«i 'eynmry 17th. ftnbjrrtu to lh< lode shorthand, tMMikkerp- iijr and aMoriated aubJerta. ' MeKrmie.nSuiwin Huai- SAIjE-Siren a»4d billiard table*. <d bd* wll l>e received until (10:00 ajm'., Wedneadby. February 25. 194|. For further ilnfomtation 'addre** Comptroller. A, A M. College of Texan, College 8ta- tlw. TegU. ■ j , I - |. ■ -School Siii iplip -Electmca 702 [8. Washington. 4! RENT—H< u*e.. three room abd hath; furnintied. ><♦ owner, H-IS-A, College w. aUter 5,00 p.m. - i r I - Stationery Ilems LLMMIK CARDS • ’ ‘i. !• i (Continued from Page 1) \\ ] \ I y v [Cbhtrbl destiny. We see it in her treatinent of :Mfs, Elvsted, and when Kilcrt Lclvbot'g tells her that, land; of c<: NOHiRtSUMENT I WE H k iitri'atjlijent ; of iMfi, Elvsted, and when Kilcrt Ldvbot'g tells her that, Isht' njakes'ihim confess everything, she ajik-s pointHlartk, “Do von think me?” That is sion of her de- ife for power! IleAda Gabler has revealed the mjipdi iin sign iif ica tit conflict, and wT.haye reachied -the same conclu sion h-s we haiye seen in real life i« "I’VE TRIED THEM ALL, )th MARCH 5 is the date fqf the Third Regimental Ball, which is followed by pn all-college dance on MARCH 6. The Aggieland jprehes- ti i plays foi! both dunces The Junior Pifom ,fa|lk on MARCH 19, with an allkiollege dance on MARCH 20. The|Aggie land Orcheitfra furnishes ipusic. Six events are planned for April, The First Rlegimental Ball on CHESTERF FAVORITE CIGARETTE : il! . i j -i STARRING in a ! srARR/l TRIANGLE PRODUCTION r j' itt; thi- lives of* present-day would-. V mua ! c by Ag- be dfotators, (hat whenever man i ^ UiTfliestra is follpkvipil on tries fijo control and rule destiny of ’ b 3 by an all-college .dance otjheijk, he may succeed for a time, | ' Vlt ^. Samnay Kaye and orchestra bpt iiievitabiy iho will bring.down I fajmwhing the muaje. ■ i Uio> and justide on his own head.” ^ ie Aggieland Orchestrp ; playS - s ■■■ for the Cotton Ball and Pageant on APRIL 16 and for all-college dance which completes the week*<:ml on APRIL 17. : I v ujjse tiny tots go jor our delicious ; j . j r i ; ! ^ 1 . v ■] I -, | LLEI), MANY 4 TLA YOKED i This is the first (time in the his- ..tpry i6f the Aggie; Players that a ptoiy hf this type has been attempt- .eiii 'It affords Ian opportunity for thosf ; who,eniojy thi‘ more classical typelj[of proauttions to spend an evening living iwith the characters rre'atied by Ihslcn as. portrayed by ijtjjii Mayers.' ’ ni ' ! • j Plans are v bring formulated to give, an afternoojii matinee per formance for tjhe high school stu SLEEP, MY LOVE" RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS Sbisa will [be the scene: pf the I lentij- in the [Bryan-College Sta woiUd like to see the tjiir/n lirea that ppedtiction. Members of will meet in thp Aggie Players Assembly Hall on! Wednesday njipht at 7:30 p. m. to dfsci|ss. plans lor [a picnic. 144- Freshman Ball on APRIL Festivities for the followihg week end begin with the Second' Regi mental Ball on Friday, APRIL 30. and the May Day Ball greetif Spring the following night. Date for the Senior Ring Dance has-been changed to MAY 14, and an 'alljcdliege dance has bei?n set for MAY 15. Orchestras for these events have not been seleciefd- The Final Ball will he held on Friday, JUNE 4. The orchestra sef looted will be announced latgr. , nHr MORE HELP FOR GREECE TRUMAN r rt- .Tj^/iYCi noiji SOIXJHT BY . WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 —•-'Pi President Trufnari told Congress yeBtiijrday he will ask more mondy| for fpilita , I t - . , - 4 ! I u ■ ■f ■ ]••• —& and Turkey. In a letter sent to Congrjesjp with the report on use of this money, the President said Greece has been subjected “to ever higher ancreas- ing pressure” by a Communist ilitary assistance for Greece j m j nor jty subservient wf “foreign influence.” i . 11 'LL i [Mi J 1 ‘ L - ’ Styl* Vi : m •Aa Here’s Your 'Shpelff ng lipped, brojvn calf, ruggedi but handsome up-to-the-minute smartness. Try a ipair ^ I '1 14.45 :!H I- I ( I — ' i i:; I I '' i I j • t r ■MMIUIUlimiHHMi i ' ^ i !.■ • : ! 4* Modern simplicily of design makes- Gorham Lyric truly modern—genuinely j classic. Here is sterling silver worked by craftsmen in die Gorham uadi lion. -yi $2100 per \ m SANKEY PARK JEWELER| li 111 N, Main f •fill f