The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1948, Image 3

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    •«>« •awiMl'MI i* '
Texas A<fcty^ bjsketballf sHu^d
bite the roail for :th; lu»t tijme
woek-end wneni it travels notlfi
moct SMU 4n(il TCL on Fridaj
Saturday. ; | f | i
'Hmw '
will try to Im^ke it two ii^ a
try p l
over the Musi
KjafOw’s qu
two iit' a
ingslthis yebr.
Cadets ups4t;thc Ponies Sjl-4 i
DeWare Fielflhwsf earlijer t
* season. " I.• f !;- if
In spite oi its previous iloti Ho
- the Farmers.i €oa<h Doc 'Hpyps’
capers will ipirc^.bl r play the
i orrte’s, role! jjnj HHn contest.
'Mustangs rfebbendel from the}
gie loss by; Mrdllop ng Rice l&td,
' The Ponies,'Wlho have a corife 1 a|ce
reqord of tijiv* win i and five
backs, also defeated TCU.
The Methcfdjsts ; have lost
close ones ‘ this yjear, Aifka
47-40 win oye^ the. ronies-bias
SMU’s worse doss. The Dallas
also dropped bite-point jdecisio i ^ to
Baylor and | tbe Raizorbacks.
TCU, the. Farmers* sdcom bp*
ponent this! week, jshowed at im-j
. proved brain ;of play irt a Ho-
game series with] Arkansas jlhst
week. The'Fiogs lei on severji joe-
icasions dn lj)(ith tilts, and loiit
scores of 3.7-i31) and 47-38. Alt! (
jthe Cadets Will enter the $an
- 4 * slight favoiiiets, a duplicatin
: V the 48-22 trouncing the Frdga
in their firsit Eneetijig is yjer r
likely. ]
Wrestlers Slat
To Hi eigli in Fw
Intramural Bouts
same; as is ijisi
tournaments^ 5
given to oh
ing the ma
announced lAtei'
Boxing will
wrestling tiju
pot start fiiiit 1
rnarpent is |>veii
,, T .0l th ' i
..LI-I rri 1 . I
’46 F4rd-T
’.42 PlUio
’42 Ford Tudor
J . ’41 Fdrd Coupe
’41 Mfcncurjy Sedan
4 *40 Fdrti,Tudor ]
’40 Mercury Tudor
’40 Plymouth
’39 Ford Tiidor
’38 Cljieivrolet CoatlU
’36 Pljymonth Cc4c|i
’42 Ford Pick-up T
. r 40 Ford CDE Truck
’37 Ford Pjick-up
Bryaiij Motor
(above) of
first place
Boh Fitzgerald
Minneapolis tied for
in the iiOO-meter European ice
skating races in Norway Satur
day. Clocked in a dead heat ^ith
Fitzgerald was Del Lamb, Mlso
from the United States.
on or about! rflontjlay,
first bo.ut| of the
mural 'Wr^stilingi Touijda^ts. HoMER HITTERS FIND
the 19417
In Valley Open,
Lead Pro Golfers
Grande Open.Jn Harlingen.
Mangrum Topped six strobes
pat in edging runner-up iJh
Dem.aret and i pre-tourney fuv
Johnny Palmer. He tallied a; s
ing 31-34-66 in r the playj
against Deniaret’s 34-35-69,
By taking the $2,000 fi rst prizej,
Mangrum brought his sea win earnl-
ings up to $K,188 to maki him top
money-carncir in the wi liter cir
cuit. ■ j
Other i men who have to their
credit johe tournament apiece out
of the six played this year, aVe the
tdxthi surprise of Baselmll Coach Matter
owj>oVer 75 prospective ball players turned out
day afternm n fqr the first practice of the Ag-
U Karow was (quick to state that 75 prospects do
nj|i|t make a balll cjulj). Both he and assistant coach
■ -Koch w{ll have the tusk in the next several
f weeding out sand trimming ddwn this large
into a balanced baseball tearti. A week of
gttou wVather, stich as Was seen Monday afternpon,
iuld aid the team immensely, Karow added.
Kirbw will have back Furl Btesley and Stahley
pitoheii; Jam'is Covert, catcher; Clifford
secondj basem in; Charles Thornton, short-
alter Willmghi m, outfielder; Stanley Holl-
mig, pitcher anil outfidder; Frptzj pitcher and. in-
lieJderi and Chiude Vass, outfielder and catcher.
Seven!othe^ lettered lasf seas«i\but will not be
k fogf yariops reasons. Included were Outfieldier
Who Iccj all Aggies in hitting with a
conference mark of .895, and two who signed ptq-
fezsiopal baseball eotnracts, PitchL-r Dewey Jacobs
and Ghltche r 1 Harold Walker.
eys with four victories, and
twice an all-slater at-Dalla
*: Hdrold Walker. ;\
graduated. Jacobs led (he Aggie pitcl-
— one defeat. Wqlkei
Adamson, hit .264.1 ;
Ip lkeepingj with the ndjv trend in Aggie ath
letics, fRarow spid that every spot on the starting
nine ty-epen to jthe best man.With the large number
of playjers turning put, it vyill be necessary to spljt
the pitafcice sessions into two parts to give the
Tankers Meetif
Champ’s Belts
Always End Up
la Hock Slop
OOgches a cfidnie to see all the players in action.
iUlchers are much in demand fo rthe Aggies
in liijt. The hurling burden will fall on.Beesley,
Tprner Hollmig and Fretz unless other pitchers
are uncovered! among the present prospects.
Oh^vrlie DtiWai-e and Tom Pickett have been
ashigiiddito haiidle the freshman Squad of about 20
plgyprs. Both DeWare and Pickett; worked with tljiej
fish fiibc last iprihg.
BILljy TURNBt^W of th« Aggies goes High
iUto the $ir Cor a rebound during the game with
the Rice Owls in peware Field Jioutje Friday
night. His offprts went for naught Im
the Fanners droppe-l a bitter 48 to 52
is AtfcUf’s high sooijer in (-on-
and ranks second behind Bill
the birds. Turnbow
ference <s>mpctitioii
Batcy in seastm| Scoring.
i lip it'
’ MiU ;
P 0 R T
z . j ^ i 1 • t 1 . | j • » ll »• t
, FEBRUARY ji, 1948
1 Page 3j
wever as
battle to
Ben Hogan, E. Ji
son, Bobby Locke, Skip Alexander,
: * j I i. 1 II
Star Broad Juniper
Thy Intrajnural Wrestling *10
'gram gets- jiqdemay Weifneijpuyi
Tjnd Thursday Afternoons, I-]eWr fary and Tom Snead.
18-Ip, as wruspers'vlre%h Ip i jthe
intramural Dqpt. flight; j vq igtit
I* classes willjipp represented! in jthe - . _
f tournjament, 119 and under. 2U-.| .If . li ’ •
\ i29, i29-rj9,|ii|i9-i|i9[ 149-1151, isH , tietUirns to Sippcrs
' 169, 169-179,; 1179. line over! , | T- ; V rr '
;:-T' tourn|nients i!re oHdn t i »ll -AUSTIN, Tex., Feb. 13 «A*)-The
; itUficnts 'of Jthe .college, piho pBo- re F urn 0 f broad-jumping stpr JoWn
gram; will- bt run on a singh fell- jtdbertson this year is expected to
minatjipn: tcjutnanient plitn |thp 'bJlsterlthe Twits Longhorns track
s vd n Golden (» Ivies team in the field events, where
team in jhe field events^ where
. ,,,, , tl . they hsiYejbeen woefully weak, j
stractions;| ,w 1 f be j Robertson,'' who was indligliole
tn .wim wd bje » Ht'fl last yepr, placed second ini ihH Se-j;
les pt a dq.^ejtij br' nior AAU broad jump and is aj
, mi 11 i *. I former NCAA champion. |He'won!
■* Tbd contestants wiU sqp; rU-otf, 1 the in 19 4 6 w jth' a leap d
ty, Maitcli }I ,u) ‘ feet Hi '/^ inches.
fa- U ’ ' i ■
Pete Stout .Named
Captain of Horned
Frogs Team in ’4$
FORT WORTH, Feb 17 -^Four
coaches and 106 grid candidates
are'waiting on fayora )le weather
to start the biggest spi ing football
piactice ever held at TCU.
“We have a lot of exjierience and
a reasonable amount o1 talent, and
i we’re going to work c n plans for
victories next fall,” Coach Dutch
Meyer declares. jj s
he varsity squad will include 36
NEW YORK, Feb. 17 —UPi—In
what premises to be onie of the
outstanding social events of the
season for “the mob” the Police
Gazette will award a “world heavy
weight championship belt’ r to Jer
sey Joe Walcott in a public pre
sentation ceremony at Camden, N.
J., February 26.
The catch is that publisher H.
H. Roswell can’t come up with
one of the old belts that the
publication used to award to
gh^piana.. .|||
They invariably found-their way
into some hock shop and that’s
where Roswell has been searching
for one to give Jersey Joe.
★ u
I, •!
Today’s guest star, Lau}-ehce
Leonard, Richmond, Va., news lead
er: “Zath Taylor, now in his first
year as manager of the St. Louis
Browns; believes young pitchers
nowadays won’t spend sufficient
time trying to correct their defici
encies. j
Whenj he looks over the Browns,
no dpuhit Taylor will find 24 hours
every day isn’t enough time to cor
rect the Browns’ hurling woes.”
Lou Little, who recently refused
a shift from Columbia to Yai^, las
football coach and athletic direc
tor, and Gen. Dwight D. Eisen
hower, who will be installed as
Columbia’s President ip June, arc
oid coaching rivals.
Back: |in 1924, Eisenhower coach
ed the Third Army Corps team
that was beaten by Little’s George
town outfit.
At least four national league
clubs are interested in “taking a
chance” on Ray Sanders, the Bravr
es can spare, the first baseman but
Billy Southwqith wants to see Ray
in spring training before he okays
any deals.
Jim Conzelinun, who coached a
championship pro football team
Coach Art Acfamshn’s
its first real test of the set
defending Southwest C
sjty squad invades tq ;
Rice Props
Move for Title
. I ■
By The Associated
; i.
• \
' T v, •
i will be up j
afternoon |fhei
• 1 ill
n the
dor’s undefeated
ji h**
clinch , ,
ference basketball chaihpionsMi
a til: fob the South'’est C: i-
basketball ch
tonight, thanks to. the
p jrprisS i
i efendii
land abii
8 hopjtf
ipiin Texas Univer-
duu meet. The meet *|
at 3 p.j m. in the pool.
" the .opening appear
Longhorns this aeason,
- ies have a stripjg qf
ear the Cadets beat
a dual meet but
de conference match.
Rice OWR
Rice last night upset
champion Texas, 54-47,,.
ruined the Longhorns] tit
Behind 20-3 after the
minutes olf play, Rice staged a
nfic second half comettm :k
by Warren Switzer and big
Thp Longhorns started fast
13 minutes and 45 second s el
before Rice had its first! field
making the score, 20-5. iBjut at idle
half the Owls-had whittled Texhp’
lead to 25!-J4 and ijn the ^jeond
went ahead at 82431.
In the final ten minute; of pUk
Texas shot ahead! at 3' -35, bt t,
with Switzer and Toni ; is spar
plugs, - tbfe Owls jump*'I out! rtj
front to tstay. 1
' Tom accounted for 18!joints ard
Switzer had 17, .the saifi* amfll ft]
as Texas' top man, Slatitr Maiiii
Rice sank 16 of 32 attempljd
field goals it the second I alf, wiji
Texas made only eight o 25. Bl
lor, with 4 just three gam i* left
iplay, can : insure itself a ft it for be
. oe De
hd (pari Qi
which A&M has suff<
year is Jimaiy Flow
t i oiae
T J’b atar, jacs iou»r.
won the conference diving
and 50 yd. free style event
t jfenr.
fhe captain of the Steer squafi,
McCann, specalises in the djs
Hoe races. This will put h» >
tjnslt Aggile Bernie Syfan, wllo ,
aten in the 220 or -
hi Rqhmtson of TU is pes-
s not been,
free style
odfth Rqbk— „.
istic uhouit his team’s chances
norrow, buit that js SOP for a 11 ' •
iches In pitder to get their men
a better [mental shape for a .
ipatch. He still has several men loft
nj his squad from last]year’s team.'•
,Ml ' ‘J
Among these are Mike Hulsa,
third in the 220 free style; -Bobby
second jin the breast atrake:
Mt-LeUlind, second in back
stroke; and Frank Gampbell, ^
third in diymg. \ ’ | t'
M ; 1 1 j ' ' I 'I 'll
i Howard $bencer of A&M won
the confererce backstroke event
last year but 1 , is now sick with thd
flp and may not see action tomor- _
. Danny Green is expected to *
her lin a
I 1
•• I
li' 1
rmen, 34 up from the “B” team I ^ as .t fall, is spendi
and 11 volunteers. THe 25 frosh-■ writing copy lor
a St
1 NEW YORK—<Ah—More Ameri-|
can League home runs during 1947
were hit-in Sportsman’s Park thi«.n
in any other junior circuit park.
Sluggers hit llO- round trippei-si
there last season. .
t it a Thf r c ‘ 'were 109 four bagger^
'UARFLIlS i^roi^ Bl ''Pg s Stadium; 103 aj-
; [ jl’icturjed above are members of the “A”! Infantry Intrathurhl
\j(llt>bail (!6rp:s Champions for the fall semester. First Row : Chester
flell, William Bntiy, Charles Mattel. Secojnd Row: Wallace 'iBxtjn,
cK< 1 •
Sah .McKenz|ie, Jr.
~ Lombardo Scraps $40,000 Ci
JljilU [i* ill -1 ■ i j! | ‘"'11 n : r I
ati; NEW YORK—Gby. : Lombardo,! fittings are constructed of aluin
102 at Boston’s Fenwajy Park, 101 »peejdjbojita, hopes)' to break
injCelveland, 74 at Puiladelphh’s . anothier r 1 *
Your Fijijehfilj
Ford !De (Ipr
ipii, 2
Yankee Stadium in New York[ tihf ilkml; leader With ji flare for j mim and otliet* Ijghtweight riater-
yPlark" " * - ' ^
j Shibe Park, 50 at Chicago’s C >- djordk: soon,
• ----- | . .• ffc-j-- - • *' ■ *
miskey Park and 30 at Griffith
Stadium, Washington.] : / , f
iar- Wood’s water re-
For Your Visual Problems i |j
Consult : | li
Dr. Carlton E. Lee
203 S. Main — Bryan
Phone 2-1662 ; ]lh
Alhioii Fallon V
in! the Second
Lor I’our Sporting Goods Needs
80S S. .Main Bryan
Ph. 2-288?
' Lombajrdo will scrap his $40,000
Zurtbiach * V iller engihe in favor
rtf a; 12-cylinder Allison airplane
| motor.
Heliost tjo laniri - 'Foster ahd the
Miss j Peps :V in the Gold Cup Re-
i gntU; at Rot kaway last summer.
Then; he scoied with an Allison—
riuriJv. Miss Great Lakes—
half of the Silver
ials the Allison weighs 110 pounds
less than the Zumb&eh-Miller which
tipped the beam at p,400 poqndit.
Lombard^ probably never Will
part with his $40,6100 engine.
For one thing he rgrely has time
to give his boats a thorough
trial, even when weather permits.
His present engagement will keep
him at the Roosevelt Grill here
Until late March and he knows
of no buvers for the l6*rylinder
Miller. ; j. .-J ; J [vL
Meanwhile^ three Allison engines
ibccame convinced he j and the expensive bric-a-brac J;hUt
„ ake a change in his Tern- helped win tht Gold Cup at Detroit
'po jVl,* winter| of the Gold Cup; in 1946 arc in Lontbardd’o Ljong
nfr in I94f. J Island boathouse, j
.opibardo ‘liked his first ridel Anybody want a $40,000 motor
ipuiotul an A li.son Especially after ; for a song? t; j
j; winning the’ second 45-mile heat
the winter
_ ^ t, Louis ad-
mei will work beparatfely. PV I ydrtisiqg agency—between s.|>eak-
Make-up of the varsity first- | big dates, that is.
string line is pretty well sat, ! ^ ^ ai
but there will be a lot of ex- ! NEW YORK, Feb. 17 —No
peinmenting in the backfield., sooner had Iowa State’s baseball
Pass defense, putRing, speed, bet- j . coach) Cai , Timm, completed a 20-
ter tackling are among the things jr^nie schedule for his team next
to pe stressed, Sleyer J-eports. spring than football tutor Abe
Steuber asked for a copy. . . “I
want to know now what days
spring football practice will^he
rained out,” Abe explained.
With Gus Lesnevich threatening
to eat himself into the heavyweight,
division, manager Joe Vella has
clamped down on pj^'lic appear-
! at.ces—f-especially at mealtime. . .
“The next time you show uj) in
, rt , -t. , , a, , public,^ Joe told Gu?, “will be
andi^ Billy Fox Match 5.”
Bayior dptned baseiall prUct,ce i Harry Harper, New Jersey State
a Y-J, iL. . .' Labor Commissioner wind opce
-Ha ^
fw°r y* V Jtofmen fe'y.fc SHrtS
in ir from last year sj escond place | / Wa shir^n Pna n Pnvirh
tepm and Texas, which wort the
F ete Stout of Throe <morton, all-
conference fullback add; the Frogs’
No 1 scorer of last season, has
been named captain qif .the' 1948
TCU eleven. - Guard Godrge Brown,
Fort Worth, is the coi-cnptain.
J .11. and Baylor
Starting Baseball
-n Met i ,
»i Wain
into tH j -dj
me gk i iej j
ititle by tijeffiating SouthF
Hist University tonight!;
The losls dropped Texgs
place in jthe standings;,
behind the Arkansas R izorbe
A twq-ga(me series Frida; and
urday between Texas and Arka
will determine which, if. ntherj i
tains rt chance pt a slhnf ’
DURHAM —(A > >—| When D
University defeated tie nson
lege in basketball, 80-4|7 this
son, it sjjt a new j high if )r sc
in a single game by the BilLe
Devils. Also, Clemsom' ^ommiftt :d
only eight personal foUj
or two for
have the edge on T(J
ree style reli
ay but a
event gives a team
points. Other events
pening medley relay,
for first, second and
( Th4 medliy relay race,
has a] backsUoker, a breastst
and a ffee-s yler, counts six
tor the winn
tine second tt„,„.
TU hart i new breaststrobbir. I;
'Hill, uirtd hi* performance in tlu , ’ , |
(medley relu r and 100 yd. rage
might give ,he ’Sips a victory, i . .
i,t all ads fap that the Aggies ai^
\it( (for a toiigh meet tomorrow adj 1
(tnfe Longhoi Us still have a po^edt!
aggregation left from last year
and might take a win over the boirte
Confehqni-e champion
ship, lost only five flayers.
Last year’s conference clram-
pions, Texas U., w II meet the
Aggie Swimming
Wednesday afterndorf’, Febru
ary 18, at 3 p, p».
Detroit op Labor Day.
(Washington Post) Povich points
out that, if elected, Harper would
be the only senator; who ever lost
a 1-0 decision to Walter Johnson.
estoie j
Woodwork] j Furniture, Floors,
' -* ; I S i- • j j - . i'
HarV r;juat what, you
-pr woodworki oi
iei wit) new life aildj
ity V irho-Lclc qives c b labtilgl fin^h |o old and
For Yarno-Ikjc stain4 aidf vatolshe*
u„ niqhtenir.c
of age and \
of furr
ty) ACME Qual-
id make
pieces of furniture
■;in the Detroit race by 2 , d: miles.
“The Alijson engines were
used in th|e P3$’s,” says Guy.
“Pro convir ced That I can 00j
-t [; 110; to H5 miles an hour with
one; My orly wqrry will be to
rtjjay in the boat at that speed,
j ! “I..hope to drivle I'alloh’s Miss ;
Hi rent Lake? on Indian River in 1
Floriilla for a now straightaway j
recotjd this winter. Gar Wood j
miles an j
recoils- ndw. H ;i
'j ‘fNaturally I hope to set a now
record inj my own boat, Tempo
VL Po Ij may hajvt! ito wait until
next pu niftier.” .
The allis< n onginr on which
Lomfcirdo now sold is larger
tnaiy his Miller -which cost &irn-
my-Sithmon? $40,600 when he, or-
Before m<)vingS[o Yale and more
recently to the University of.Wash
ington as head football : coach j
Howie Odell was on the grid staffs
at Pitt, Harvard, Penn and Wis
consin. He is 87.
VI, However, Jpcause most
renewing shabby surfaces and wiping
i qrat
law. tjo le in today and
Fort Paint Supplies 7
Burg 3 Piigh Warehousi
Sout ii ide bn M.P. - R.R
one operation! Easy to
c'criestmusua|l| hard and fobgh to a serviceable finish,
be Washed with’soap aid water Without spotting.
Economical to uss, loo! Available in beautiful, rlc^-
' ^ w* d coli
I ' I [■[. :, I
holds’ the,: record of 124 mile:
hour'll have two of his Gold
rcootjoa. nrtw.
yi Sin, now Tepvr
I lillcres t
2013 (College Road
eerwm cams
; dumvS A Lv~*r«w.
Tbe Exchange Store
“Serving Texan Aggies”
UnwI Cjith — Wc I Live Tlicin
ir-lj : :|j 'i 1
Across from the Post Office
Bryan, Texas
Ik *JL
y ’
J { a ■
For infonnation
Write tjo:
Mj- , ■ . j
Photo Service
f ' 11 (v j
1001 Travis Bldg..
San Antonio (5) Texas
I- : fjl
i in
i Bui
Outstanding Values
In Suits!!
JLny Color
Z i • If
Any Pattern
Blu^ Grey, Brown
Beach — Searsucker
Wlrr f-t