Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1948)
I T ; ' i i -1 lil m ITT 1 it ;• !E,|f7:B0 p.m V Lecture Room. Guest! speaker on “The EB in Petroleum Industry.” ASTR^NOUflCALt SOCIETY |7:30 ! p.' n»., Monday, ft<k>m 39, Phy- SicsiL*Johfi Chilton will Speak on the ‘^ai^prpRTSPE,^ Monday, EE Lecture Room. RPUS CHRISTtl CLUB, Tues- 7:1;5 pJ m., R(tom 227, Aca- denllc Bilildlihg 1 . Hipli school senior wilfibei ielectejd to make the trip here on Sports Day. f \ \ CLUB,; 7:15 p.mH Rc^nn 1227, 'Adademic Build- I,yi 'i cssmen to Hold l-ch Meeting Al t sneaker on : ! NIOR ckAPtER, AV . m., Tuns lay, Room .105, Hospital (Picture will 11 A convention of the Southwest- Journalism Conjrreas and Southwestern Students’ Press C ub n Austin, March 19*20, promises i worthwhile roster of speak ; iccording to Ben Hartley of Tekas ’ m tJ ■ ^ ‘COMMUNITY W P R L D 'DAY PRA 1 1. p. m.. Friday, SERVIC m., .St. Thomas Ch (iARD|>N CLUB, YMCA. . KREApfl AND K0|V| K'-LUB, 7:30 p.' jin., Tuesday, Ci-eamery Lecture Room- !'] ! ' • PRE-SlED. PRE-DENTAL SO (>. mi, Tuesday, Biology U |o5lof.OGY CLlii' 7:30 b. m., [):i,! Agricultural Tuesday;! Room 20 : Building, "there irhe about 500 volcanoes in ^hej "world which ; are c,oiisid- ertid active because of eimptions within ijlstcrrie timoa. Jnijyerjsity, president of the South- vesjtiern Students'! Press Club. ;• ! s^tirtley, in extending an invjta- ioii to The Battalion ;to send a leRgatior. to | the Congress, lisited Margaret Bourke White, phqtoj | jrajpher and writer! for Life-Ti^be^ : Friday, 3 p. fortune, among the people pr< pent in the field of journalism vill address the meeting. Pthers who 'will speak at t t •onvention are Rqyston Crane, <rre itolr 'of the' coihic I Strip, ‘'Buz : S4w* ^eiPt; Mrs. Oveta ICulp Hobby, Vice )resident of The Houston Post ind 'oijmer Co|onel of the Woman's! Army Corps; Felix McKnight, as- iistant nianaging editor of The )a}las Morning News; Dr. Frank -uther Mott, dean of the School of lobrnaiism of the University ? of Missouri; K. C. Pratt, New York advertising executive; and Vernon Saplford, manager of the Teyas Pri^s Association. i 1 I mm m Mi BA • ^ ! i ;p f S(jr ngtime 4c||*liisticatioij at its subtle best ini tin; PAULA |lli>OKS original of Faille by captures ihe charm of C ^a with futi blown skirt anc* ’[Sizes S toils. •! j : ^ from! $14.95 > 1 OtHKlK DRI ' ie.e how jt an o Hie i? an" wais; $( "L/ SRLT. WITH A BATTAMON FIKD AI). llatM . . V 8f • (nuertion wi*h a 2W minimi rites in CluwifleU Seotlon . .[s;60V aolumn inch. Send all rlawiifWda t remitUnee to the Strident Afltivitie* Of- flee. All add ihould b* turned in by 10:00 ajn. of the day before pubiirai — j—- —4 THE SCRIBE SHOP - Typing, m graphing, drawing. Phone 2-*706. East ?8rd, Bryan. _^UABBLE AT TU-j-DR. L:/LUND, almve, outitandi emist at the University y*exas, has accused Prei ident > 8. PAINTER and the Board of Regents of havirtg viol tied his tenure by reducing his salary- wit hout good reason of cause. DR. LUND was placed on pro bationary status Aanuai'y 22 }>y the; regents on charges hi| to teach and to cooperkt thei zoology department First 60 Day To Decide Next War, Says Ike i: By ELTONf C. FAY ASHlNGTONf Feb. 1 6 femes to America again, first) 60 days will djeeide the win wi E NIGHT SCHOOL. Register now for ctarse* , N beginning February 17th.. Subjects to be taiight include shorthand, bookkeep ing. typewriting and associated subjects. Phone 2-BGS5, MeKenxie-Baldwin Busi ness College, 702 S. Washington; h— ——t FOR SAI.R - Double unit prefabricate,! house. No. 12, Projeet House Area. Si-e Henry Hall after 6:fM) p.m. —.— 4-ei fr-r ^ FOR SALE -Registereil Collie pups. Tri- rolor, blues, and sables from Champion Ilellehaven bnd Tokulon breeiling. Ex cellent stocl dogs. Bob Jones. Box kl)2s pr Leggett 77. Each candidate for the Master's degree, who expects to complete the redjjirements i for his degree in the current, semester > should file Notice of Exportation to (’om- pletciwith the Dean of the Graduate School without delay: Forms may be obtained in thij office of the Graduate School. Theses, aiqiroved by l|he head, of the student’s rna- joif department, should la- presented to the Dehn of the Graduate Sehocd oil or before April 81. | ' ! P. IB. PEARSON 1 . Ji Dean of the Graduate School -Vi TAW- (ContiDued fyom Page 1) her of the War Labor Board, and director of the Bureau hf Labor Stfitistics. In his discussion Randle will point out how, by ah educational process, labor and management may have; industrial; peace When ollectiye bargaining ;is ujted to itti fit advantages. [• Why liusinesses Fail Oh Friday, S. T. Keini, Jr., of the B&A department will discuss the m^jor problems which confront new businesses today! He will point out the factors which cause so many new-; businesses to fail. Kcim contends t'mit factors causing fail ure stem from two sources: first, lehey to undeiresti* i mate current capital requirements, |/i -LU-- J - j ”» i ' Ea;sy Credik. 5 d ; ■! : .^Terras 4 Pieces 139.50 Free Delivery $ ; 20?, N. Main! St. COIN I tilRNITURE CO. i r i -jjir- i -I 4- Bryan, Texa6‘ • \ fx ‘V t I’ll be up there seen I there is a teWli senhower, n.» » .dfcH, W-1 itary statesman, -said so ml his ; ^ art of the jn C 8tor t0 comnlit farewell report ai army ch.ef of | his .^ om . >r to ne w Wrprise. T ie general took a loo \ at mat- Kcim, a native of ,Leavenwhrth, ters diplomatic as well as militjary, g r ‘ l duated from A&M in however, in writing his final offi- receiving a B.S. in.ecoiiornK'S. cial | statement. ; I , Completing' his nn.stersXdegree m Hie saw the European' recovery' LMJ1 at A4M, he studied ojonomicfi ijlan fathered by Secretai y of State v »rri foi « ycui. Marshall as vital/ to “our sister ——J— 1—.— 1 —j_ <|emiocracies” and to us. Eisenhower did hot meition [Rus sia by name but qe said 1. jif thq weSterp Euro]iean cpUn- ! tries were to “become i he pawns Of totalitarianism. America's secur ity would be in dire danger.” j 2. If the democracies of the Med- iter 'anean area should fall and thal corridor between east,land wes: were blocked, “the effects would be instant and catastrophic.” “ Var, in such , case, j woulcl Ik* el os; to us.” Eisenhower declared. Looking down- the purely inili- tar] read, he predicted: ! j “Hecause major, nations,' in the futire, will be arnijed with weapons of terrifying destructive power, a serijs of ' lightning, blows njight Conceivably end a futujre war at ijts outset. , ( n such case, the resulting hegee Would not be cursed with social Chaos produced by widespread de vastation of the qnemy’s land and internal facilities; for living. | dl 5RING REVIVAL First Baptist Church Y A N Fust ^Tlii St; and need j i. 4- ■' I D i ; ,il •! ■ Mi ! : l;\;4 | ■r : I • •' : • i l " ; N Ip p-nrRi' tli|c bciling’R mitiinircfl nnd Ike i. I F f! . . f .. 8 ... . . 1% . ' L ■ liorizchi'd iisj wklc as lilt world! Up where there’s frtcdoiivand adventntfc - and a manj can dare to do wliatj ho hiah’s djond before! “A corollary tq this is the for a system of major! and alter nate or secondary liases around which can be organized, first) dur Own defense against air attack, and nexu our retaliatory copnteiojffen- sive. [ , ;| “This concept, ’ featuring (is ; it doer the hope that in ! air power resiles the possibility of avoiding! long drawn out and costly land j ' opejations, nevertheless and iines- capably requires the availability of effective land forces; without them, we will have no: based nnd Cart seize none speedily. We would be (vide open to jutack and help less to do anything positive about 2|senhower said that on anly jfu- day of emergency ind mobili- ilon this country would need a ground army of UlOO.OfO men. But to iriaintain a regular a my of this size would he “prohibitively ex* pensive,” he said.. Thin the [‘only feasible .solution is to build the national guard ntid organized fob- serves” to required strength. :—- You’re an[ your wiy tip there wh|n vou join tlie Aviation Cadets. After a year’s jiilot!training, it’s siilver vyltigsffor you —and a conunijssicjin as Second Lieutenaplt ]h tlic ij. S|Air Force Reserve. Voh ajfd eligible if! yonre single, between zp and i \Li. 1 — p]c|L‘d at least laalf tlieFcqiiirp- S !i 26l / i, ;jiijid have com t i ti i ' •. r i r | j degree r i can meijts universitv to NHmitaj);. mm ■ mbn tilis ii hj» | y i 'jj flii the vety froth an accredited college or pas|S an ccjuivalcnt qualifving iK'st planes duijing your ia of 'pilot trailing, rhen. after graduation, yo(i 1 pilot ]ct fighters at^d bombers. And you’ll get ,a starting srary of S ^6 a monfb. Durmg your three veaiislon aebive dutv voifll be given a chance to win ; i 1 jji-i [ q • i* | . ,1 a conmussioii in thej Rtiular Air 1 orce. i | .j - , jj.> (fj L t • ’ ‘ \.! | Tlis ! Is a priceless opportunity fori alert inert with tliej urge to cats c their future in American, avid ion? Ask for details at your U. SJAijmy and U. S. dree Reernitirg Station. Or, |write to I lead- quavers, U,jS. Air Force, Attention: Ajnation Cadet \\|shingtoi| 4 D| b AND U. Sj AIN FORCE RECR H 1 ; j : fl li '. : T i ; U I ) J ■i! A(EE Slates Talk Bv Texaco Member : w B D. Lee of the Texajv Company, Hoiston, will address tbq AIEE on “Th?! Electrical Engineer in Petro leum Industry” afc 7:30 p.m. Tues day February 17,■ in tlje EE Lec ture; Room Included in his )ta|lk (vill he dis- aderiDg liroMems^encountejred# jiatcnt.'j, and proper evidence fpt protecting in- vem ions. Slides will be shown on insti-uments developed and a diis cusfion of the pfobelnm involved and the purposes of tfyqse iijstrU- me^its will be included. i young - ir M 3 Si d<lle & SirijOi To Meet Tuesda I ; The first meeting of the spirng semester of the Saddle and Birlojn Clul) will be held Tuescfay! night at 7:3( in the AI Lecture Room, Rankin, club reporter anno todi y. Ex-Adgie I F IN 10:50 Ex-Aggie All-American Tackle I and Eally-rll^ntlay 9:»() T '! ' . - RLIGIOI'S |4s WEEK BxA R : lit l • T Amefhan K wit .' ,1 'fy d . 11 .. * ii Ttijckle 1931! \ ■ 7:B0 rt.m. i ! L -- . i O ;h Friday Music Led By BOB RANDALL j ''I 'ih Youth - For f Christ ’ m M Trader i.ijM Europe in 1917 ; if ! X f \ . >..■ , ; ■r 4, ill •;,rr