Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1948)
■i 11 .fans jot ftrtic j f .f' Basket! 1 Conference . .V last week’s games. , | The spotlight was The hears endeil :a L )ng|iam r>ing streak atj iine^cen tiN-e conference . ble for I'ending |jlear picture!of the Southwest time this season as a result of !i i r jje^ Texas-Bay lor tussle in Waco. v • poly on fir pointa in the The victory pint. anuls wlhenfi 4t -39. n was fesixMi e Texas jout. Two wins against five set backs put the' Ponies behind i the sta Hapless I lace bjy scjorii tame. -^the driver’s seajt.' With oh'ly ;th | 4, games temainijhg or th|t* Bay li schedule! and i. rectrd of ;i straighti wins, the Bruins affc most certain o ' at east a shi of the conference crowfi. (|ar|i j with SMU, TClf, an< a tetun | ^ gagemeht with Texi« ttan tween the Baptists and in am jr y! pitted champio.r ship. Jack Gray’s S teers have thit lit chance of overtaking Bajyloi • the Longhorns |,hf\e six ".grimes to play, incltdin? with the alwayk-’danrero is f backs irt Fayet «yille Arkansas, the only other tc L:j ’that has not been nuth^mafici ’'eliminated fror li the in third-place, ’’he H y George Kok, took a >• { rids from winlens TCJJ b> yf-30 and 47-3f'. Rpl. at scorer irt the league, points in the-tno tills. Rice Institute 52-4 itl.e Aggies gave tht pitted possgssidn of The Houston team has a three wins and four The Aggie <|agers ithe basket frofp the ‘absorbed their seventh tr mntiii} Ithe campaign. [Billy : ’ jlied 12 pbintSTTluring [dropped to thinf .jlbphind Kok anc bps all but wrapped iipj i.h# ii jvldual scoring itace wi ' HeatKington hlis- 10 f bbw has netted 99. The idle SMU Mu [ ringside seat apd wa in the standings. Tnpless eight time lioi has p deathl-gitip on the cellar ^pbt. The; Frogs won a moral victory byj keeping the score down against Arkansas,-bull Coach Hub McQuil lan’s charges are still tryinl break .into the conference win Johnnie! Frankie's Fish-B quintet wjon a hard- earned j54-51 decision frt m the Rice “'Bf’ sqbad in De- Ware rtieldhouse list Friday ttfgaiir a sp ill in the twio ■s jflayed with yeakv ;ll i loss !S could fou Tmjnbowi the! game in tie sepfinjg i Heath ingtori. \ tche d ojf the confereiiice tjtrnte >t a rids If oo ' '' toe 'i! he Bjue Bolts seconds!;4f the tilt Marvin . |M,artin am thia , . . i The I iiior Aggiert dropped thbir first col test vjrith tlicj Owlets e^r- lier this'season in Houston byj a 43-42 cbiut. Bbt it wajfi a different Story thft time as the iDadets junlp- W into it 2-0{jlead in the first 30 jvith a goal by ijremamed in McDowell si ml Farmers okit- Bplts and hHd 3i-22 score at s II u n le race, paoesl twofgame sco|re! mbdr i icored Ovds irth jpi reeprt front tho rest of the game. Paced iby Jewell Marvin- jMartih the listanepj “the! [Blue e long! end ; of a Iftimbi McQowellfs| unbanhy jotink;gave him a 15-point total the first half, while Martin ad- 1 riim^ tallies to the-A&M see re. Tht' Farmers stairtesl slow after !hg infelrmi^ion sindf Cejsich ton i ®uman'^! Blue! Bolti dit the Fish* | $ margin to 33-29 after six min- | btefS of mlay:[At tnisi point, John DeVVitt brdkcj throii gh| the Rice de fense Us: sink a ba ;kt{t and before thb vqsjtjors could jutiout the fife thb' Qaidiets had a 45[|}1 lead. T^* ekt thejAggies enjoyed during the ^VfHihkf; . .! ^ ; J ‘ MclJoJse|l added fjjve points in the second Jhalf to lead the Cadet jscojrers ivitl) a totil bf 20 points. Thp-Fpriner Arnari lo'jkll-stater has scojred:20 points in twp of the three games; hi which hep has played. Mairtiu was runnel -up in the scor ing 1 department with 12 tallies. J)e- Wfttj Ttuett Mob ey| and Bill Fckles toumied pitlfoach Frank- ib’ij stbiiting five;! | SlooEiilg honors went lot the [Blue . t)ei|m<jti The Rici? pjvot-man lied 2 i pojnts to, lead [the Blue attack^ | par mk. hw ^ ! ' ' >B« v \i • f ^ / j ) w ' ^ 4 ■Kt %■ '3L 1 JT * ' \ ’ QlLL DOBBS Out With Mumps i ■ • . [.! (iill-Dobbs (above) top mjler iu (he nation, will miss the an nual indoor track and field meet at Madison Square Garden this Saturday because of a case of mumps. This will give other mi lets such as Leslie MacMitch* ell, Gerry! Carver and others a chance to win. fbr the night Edits’ Joe Mc- al- blt 4 Entries Close !| ; [ j j | ' ’ j Soon for [Three ’Mural Sports lirtt|r ; ies are du JSiinmons to Atlend Forestry Meeting ll. ’V. Sirbrnons, farm forester for the FxtenMon Service, will attend . the P ains [States Extension Service, Foil esters’ibioet in Lincoln, Nebfas-i jikal February .16-22. t !-■ j • j 1 This meejting will be the first jalj- ! , [regiouaLLitcniion Forestry^ pteet-!!!: Enttiiaits • lug ever held in the MWwtfStjrF f "ami W'dl i. L-1 FOR GOOD . . . I ’ ; | ' . Iloine Cooked l ! Food j , i •I *-• , ‘ ‘ ■ Eat at- A.&M. GRILL Open 5:30 a.m. ’till 11:00 p.m. AFljElt EXERCISE REFRESH YOURSELF Spring Semcsto tivijticis -pre schedu ed this (week, witi intrantuial:ac- k*(l| to get stlut- Team Handball and Team Horses log Pitching j al- re'ady. i4-heduled. - j! Sofjtbhllt Team Teniii|, ami Wnjstl- tng! will stai| later in ! the year,Ipfobably in Mmch. Inakniuch as thereat re ho active Wrestling clubs in [the! state. e\4ry- je ;|i' novice jurtd experienced lop- tomorrow I for one ontiered will wj|l not! meet any portents. :n Jp its a wliole. Entfalnts will si'. d. Will be assigned; to divisions aftgr.'Weighing in jlafer this >v|*ek. Wivwlliipg. has beeil ope of the best specthtofr-dlrawing ! i ii t r a m u r a 1 sport's, hnd Spike j\Vjhit.e, Diieptor of SCudjmtl Activit es| is expec|.ing a large ftu (nout. ':WjCc-stliitK willieoui|t towards' the inttiirtniral winnpi a| tin 1 emj of jhljp^ wpicjh will govern the pjoint j^cbjrci Mb he awaldedj | jjj { -j s 'r Boxing- ijljnsBqXing ten p. >in| awarded! the iirtit ; fo^' each m;.n [entering Ithe tournament. Each unit will be lim ited Jto fivie men ir e(ich sport. The mjbts each (irno Unit [will |ose ten ti'ne bf rts entries foijeits a nultch. [Each [unit bavin f a man win Ids Weight will score § joints with 3 points pejored for lunner-m»j ,2 paints for each n an; teaching the sertiisfipals and 1 point for tach man; rdhrhing th(j (piarter fi mis providef; brijq^arjx! iiyer’ ankiktponent. jThe'jnjit scoring the most ]d>ints banner w ill be giveii 30 points W th 20, 15, l(>!i iaml 5 points beirtg gjiven for iod.Prd, 4th, and fkh plants respectivejly, in addition itry! point s.|jT . j jlhe rpaghes we semi-f nals (ir quarteir-fiiiai round by a victory Lasjl year’s conference cham pions. Texas 1’., will meet the j Aggiiei Swimming team here WpdBgsday afternoon, Febifu- 1 I ary Jill at [3 p. ih.; HE HAVE ll i\ggie quintet. ITT fi Bat tali •f ® , [ ' ’l 111 ! | F-; *; • J f o .n[ J Hn T S MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1948 ■1 H ^ * i Pdge 3 . p i- ^ P 1 ..U i 48-27; TU Cbmes Wednesday The pwimmeBs broke one pool record anj;l tied tjtnother witile beating ithe Buylor Ti.nkrnen 48-157 here Friday Afternoon. A packed hou|e turned out. to see; the Farmers ake their fourth atraight ; hvin ojf tlfe season. * Baylor t</ok three of nine firsts4- and [two second places, hut thgi Ag- irieSj lmd the meet in the bag with wo events to F'*. l - Syveral of thei home, team’s(reg- |br» third. Time 2:31.2 ilar sttgrters sdtOn the bench While '.tbach Ait Adamson tried outbonhe of the secpnd-Ktijingers in comjjeti- j R.W ion. | f The Aggie l|l(l yd. freejstjle relay team broke a pool record with a time bf 3:13.5, lowering the old rpark bjy three-tenths of a second. " | ' pi’ [l j j- This same ddam of Jerry Fnsh(i.r ieiiniy Syfan; Jal'k Id ley, and Dati- ty (Gri'en set the [(.Id pool InlaikilaHt i-eiiir. Baylor vvjm bcaUtn by ;t;|io<)l ength plus 15 feet iii lids efoiit. ivitih each Aggie swimmer jjaih- rigj at least: J5 feet ort hi$ ogjiou ffrt. ■ !' ■ : ili ; 1 i I Danny (ireen| tied his pool r<4'ord n the 50 yd:' frejc style event[|vitih ! i itimh of 23i6l seconds without ! tcijrlg pushed. Jack Riley earp'e iu | texioml by heating Victor McC’jly of laylor by a stroke. In other A&M first plkcesgKd lyruse ((*bk an easy win in ithe 130 yd. backstroke, Gene Sum mers lejd in the 100 yd. breast- j stroke, kind Da ye Vardaman won hi; 10 [ft. in the 220 distance rare.' j _ j j{ j n the 3110 yd.! Medley relay!race Buddy Fisher, liick Lga, and Tmn- idy Knox finishijd 80 feet ghoijd (T the Bay or team. Fisher gsimdtf ab mt two yards, Lcjf» al)<)Ut i4ght, an 1 Knox gaine(! thj* rest^y; Due of the BFar’d fjprfs wjiis, in Ii' ing, with Manabxf eXecirttiitg sevdtal difficulti drfost [with |iib^e..| Johnny ileeniapWlf A&M ke|ft up uiitil the sixjh dive, when M;(|alte piiilcd ahgKd fdij keeps. . I hX REtjuLTS S ; i || h , jiillli yd. Medley---ActM, IBjnldy Fisher, Dick Lem, Tommy Rtmx) Time 3:25.5. -I ! • jf Ti -! - . I [l WHAT YOU NEI<:n IN . . . SUHOOL SUIT JUS - BOOliS • j ■ j ■. ujmjiijwM 11 j COLLEGE BOOK SIOKE • ; North Gate I I X College Station CfttlH) inJOt AUtH Df IMF COCA-C OLA COMPANY «Y OLA BOTTLING CO. fc> t9A8, Th» Coca-Cola Cowpony S ' ii ' ' ' ilil : :l LjiSHMJN Jf< Vsei\ Oafs — Wb! Haw TIhmh Across i i I POM I AG COMRANV a [from Office j | 1 Bryac, Texas ilT jj!!' • 114 D Soviets Building Huge New Stadium MOSCOW Grcjund \ii shortly to be broken! for a new stadium in Leningrad which Will seat 75,000 spectators. The biggest stadiun) in the [US SR is Moscow’s Dynamo Stadium which accommodates almost 100,000 persons, jndijiding standfeek Russia’s largest sport crowds turn out for soccer football. 220 yd. Free-stvje—Dgjve Tpan, A&M, first;[Sam Stjrt Huy -eeond; Tom f’ergejso yd. Fi'ee-style—Dannj Green, , first (tied recordj[;. A & M, second t Victor Bayl rr, third. Tinjc 23.7. Di Fmg —Bullet Manalee, Baylor, ond, Bill Strait, A&M, third. 100 yd! Free Style-—-Victor Mc Coy, Baylor, Tommy Knox, A&M, Tom Wynn, Baylor. Titne 5:8,4 150 yd. Backstroke?—Ed”Kruse, A&M, Buddy Fisher, A&? / Dan Odom, Baylor. Time 1:50.7^ —...L — j’ 100 yd. Breaststroke—Gene Sunc V^cia- mers,- A&M, Bullet Manalge, Bay- el, Bay-1 lor, Dick Thompson; Baylpr. Timp i, Bay- 1:13.9. 440 yd. Freo-style -Jud Williamk Baylor, Stevie Helbing, A&M; Da- vide Harkness; Baylor. Time G.T'9,4. 100 yd. Relay--A & M (Jerry Fisher, Bennie Syfan, Jack Riley, Danny Green) New record tjme e Owls After going scon the jfcggie Gagers pul before the Rice Owls - This loss drop Homed Frogs. SMU rose Aggies by remaining idle Oije obvious cause of was the Inaccuracy of era from the foul line, w missed 19 of 29 free Owls helped their own making 18 of 25 chari Although missing n i throws (to set Bpme sort ^f rfico Billy Turnbow led A&' sive with 12 points, foljokd&i ailing Bill Bailey with 1 Center Bill Tom led witlji! 13 pointi). Grtan Crouther was the main [factor the visitors victory when] ‘ all of his 10 points in tf minutes of the | last half After makirtg 42 tall ahead at the midpoint of| half, [ the Farmeiis for another six tninu Turnbow, Schrickel, and ded baskets to end the nil I perR i score at 16-17, faVor of Ri Rice was leading by jl with three minutes to go what seemed tp be a sun; But Rice starters Cookj and Tom went out via 'tjie foo iroute, with iAggiek Jenji Bate) follot Billy Tunlbbw lid th|; as the Aggies closed The g tp, sci> P ing five points in 45 sec mds. l few lost balls gave the Rice secqr 1 string enough time to | mid U the Aggies’leering spfeilt, and ^ game ended fen favor of the as tfie whistle caught Tiirnbo swish shot in mid-air. The most Sinproverl mjm on (1 squad F'ridayj night was Flike G i cia. Mike teamed with; rurnbofk and Batey to give the Agj ies th ^... -p-: . ..... Aggie Gels 4 lf Linesniair TrHph) i I • j | ■' | ji J Aggio Robert Davidsqjn.of Pjifjt Arthur was! [named co-winner the Robei tsdn Trophy eju- the oli|tl- standing lineman in Pu Arth duriipg the last football Season. JJj; was [presented with a tryihy aj bamjuet Satiirday ’night Davidsdin [ eihrolled ira! A&M mid-term after graduaifing fr high; school.; j He was hjiijed as one i^f the tackles in the state in ;j947, J hti received [unanimous raippOrt; the <tHDistijict 14-AA tea n. In ii ditiort, Davidson was mciijilioned the ill-state! team. D-Jvidson [also played! blocks back' for the Yellow Jat cet te*i early in the season bull )refer|' the line, w ktc he playc J pt tackle, center and guard' .msitid ns am after.{ scoriiik; Totals 17 18 28 U2 alftime siore—Ricc 17, A^EM Officials—-Williamson, Keeling. Insurance Jobs Open With V A, Kxaniijiaticiis fqr several posl tiois with thle Mpterans Admlnis- trajtion jn Tlexas, Louisiana and Miisisslpipi have been announced by jlhe Civil feeryice Commissiom Joby open include Insurance Of ficer and Insurance Conservation Officer, bayiifg from $4149 to 90,4 per year: and Registrar, pay ing* from $26(14 to $4902. per year. Jtppliclatioijs rpay be obtained frojm the Board of Civil Service i ExUinineirs, veterans Administra- ! Gon, 111(4 Commerce Streetl Dal-. ' las 1 , Texds; Tenth U. S, Civil; Serv- ! leg'Regibn, Custom Buildingi New Orleans;! 14tit Civil Service Region; 210 S. Harwood Strict, Dallas; or ! ant LSt or 2jid'Clasls Post Office. FDR THOtjE WHO DEMAND THE BEST Di dug—-Bullet ^lanaUje, Baylor, Danny Green) New record Dine the tine, w Kre he playc J pi pipe. ..{ f'jortit oato , st Johnny Heejnan, A&M, sec-' 3:43.5. . , tac^c, center and guar|| J08iti<|i| THIS WEEK-WTH G. C.[ 6REWER ! ; if • j I (• i. " J j i' . I ' • ■ ! U. H; U: ,[[ •-! .1 , T I I'-i ' •: 1m wawwnr'^i l r j j !• ; [ . i . ; j ; ijj [i : !' jjj.' ' f •* Ruligiou^i Fmphasis Sneaker al llte & M. Gluiieh of CHrisl !f. ti if ■ i •' -Tm IT ■ ll ; - lf:l M I I ih Fhe Gemral Theme: God Is - God’s Love - God’s I:.j . i m ; l' /' j ;-j : .'li: Thj,^ f.' A SPEAkEK OF 1 NuklJAL EXPERIENCE AS A MINISTER OF THE G^SPE^ kb SOK AN AUTHOR, AN EVANGELIST, A'LECTURER AND DEBATER OF! NAT “EMC EE’ OF A RADIO PROGRAM, AND A FORMER EDITOR AND PI BLIS| EK. Supporting l he ihemc^ J . . THE MYSTERY Monday 7:15 BELIEVE OF LIFE— A L j: p 4 . H EDUGATED PEOPLE RIRTTI OF (TIRIST1?! Tuesday 7:15 P. IE VIIUilN DID CHRIST DIE FOR REIN ER PLANETS? Visit and S ON OTH- WednestJay, 7|l5 P.M. ’ •' j 111 ' i iu • fllRIST THE (illT OF CiOD’S LOVE 4 Thurstfay 7:|!5 P.M. ?;■ j. ‘1. ;* I.. ’ .- ;:-i f KNOW JESUS— | Friday 7:11) P.M. FIVE MESSAldiS IN ALL 1 ^ I' , . ! )!■'■ •; Five times tie Gospel sliali l»e pruu'luMl. t; | M i (AN A’J f T Heaif I)t. Bt*ewer Laeh Evening — s purpose j. | | I .' - L LlimIe profes- lON/.Lj RENOWN, ' \ I 'I' •' • - rling the 4.4 • ’j- fDjrlrier miniater of Cfhrigt in Auatini, Sherman and Clc- eaching in Bible trbmdnt, Harding College, 1 eal|c;, Ark4n8as. n ac diUion j to full College tjbachiing load, j,continues to Write books,; editorials, ^nd 1 amphlets f&r the press and served tlhe Jackson Avenue Churc)|i jof Christ, Memphis, s a debater 0n the lyceunf flatfarm DjK Brewer ha* fonherly r ( jposed: 2. 'iD). C. 8. <fcolcm*Ji, wUsll-knowij lekHcttllve > Hccretary^ <tf tin: ‘‘Fricindh if the Soviet Union" [| organijtktiion, I^s Angeles. 1 . l ! ■' S • I ', dgc B. LindHcy,, noted Ju- nile Judge, of Denver. i»nd dviKtHtc o t compamonuD h rr . Ut Durrow, faino,.. ilnal lawyer and cvolulioiti-: &M CHURCH of |1 WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE NEWLY EQUIPPED NtlRSl EVENING FOR ALL SMALL CHILDREN liC I: .