The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1948, Image 2
r Page 2 4:-i IiTO RI A L S ilher, Statesman; Knightly Gentl if. ' • r ! Liawren 1L The man \pho puts,if ucation is not cpi!h LLr “ en many wlio jhe ... the same i ime, cuts, and everj akk ped l !• • ,j -i .! If w , van Ross, Founder of Aggie ill-. ; .hi ■.11•„ :-mp rf : f ; 1 v i' rim H •*% ^ . f? : '4 ! I I -4-v. Shuttle Army' of the Atom I !. orps of Experts Fights Ti Keep [I IS Ahead in Researc ' l ! — .A "«huttle army” of hundreds flight srientisfjs. engineers and physicians is working sure this country comes up first with the latest in at< search. Providing the guiding light in the nationwide prhjec l!Jv. w 1 ' Letters Help Fofl^ Working Student The man who f uts u a a If^ht for his ed- secure his education : s6 ucation is not ghthmoni it AaM. There have serving of a financial!bp • • • r . |v i ' on so far, and whoj of a financial boost in his aenio . . uw .. I n tfvi.cj or three jobs - submit his name and'the sltory of hjs strug- lo! is de- r year dnfc|-p-month' hair- fiew^ieals in'order! gle to R. G. Perryman, Office of the rtegistra I** Ph ' finest tradi-i committee, Will submit all such ipfirmatiot Perryman, as sec re the scholarship^ i L ' to stay in schpot MI is on| m iiat. jsnnate iheiS*!™., | w.v,i.o. | i. i ■ ■■■! •• four way ithrough school has Two other major awards are also avail tions of the schdof hat tpesd, rten ar<i respec-i to the committee. Both, students and faculty ted by their classmates, Taltncr than pitied members are invited tol submit such lM !• tions. ! i! # I ' I W nomin; as is the case;iii sejme, sOhiOcIli. Working long'been recoghized hef’eal? ment. . .. and (this year fhat . I. [ expenses during the|rl] This year tjhe mian wfidlhhh (done the most who will be classified seniors in the hext reg- tj 5*. : rlx | f{' •J % real achieve- able tp members pf the present junior clasF jogriition will/'.who have earned a mhjor portion of thei' take ^ very tarjgime fo|*nii. 1 | . expenses during thejr first three years, an outstanding jdb; of win !^bite of finan ‘ t " 1 : three years a^ scholarships committee idil Handida|)sj diiring his first tj A& vl wijl p< selected by the f tiejcdlege to 're ceive the new!‘[Jeaise Hi jlcrek Reward for Achievement,’ i c^sh rewa|(| pf $333.33, to Hii education in ular sessipni. , , The Kruegir Award, established!by C. C Walter Kruetrer of.San Antonio, is now K\ it !:! the U. S. goverjliment. The main woijlk centers are the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission’s regional national laboratories and plants' scattered! across the coun- | try. The key equipment at these facilities is the atbmic ovens or reactors. /Taking part in the expert-; ments which cover all phases of atomic research and its applica tion to industry,- medicine, plant growth and related fields^ arc botanists, biologists, bio chemists, chemists, engineers; (ysicians, physicists and stu- A^r»»on iji- Some work ait the centers full time. Some are on leave pf absence from universities. Many are scien tists carrying on research at thei! national described as a “controlled of the atomic bomb” is foj ag crated at Los Alamos; N.lll. The reactor uses plutonium insjt -ad of uranidm, and high.eneri Irons. Military applied on atomic energy also is cenii|i'|red Los Alamos. The Atomic Energy Coiiinissioii operatqs its Argonne, Clijltm and Brookhaven labs through | :• mtrao- toi-s. A number of partitipliting ink stitutiolns, mostly unive|rsi|t|ifs, joili in research, . Strict security precautions taken to guard against an cak oi Clill llpB uri restricted information. Some pf the discoveries! pected to further the re exl •ntiy I own institutions but using jgovern- 1 will be kept secret. Othd ifs 1 ' ..... ,be used in his s^nibr yedr jhkre; ^ The winner of this n have a respectlable scho greatest ^mphxsiis vdll pjla: gle he has macl^ tc makje his Full cduisidert t{Qn will !b his worljing Hoiirs mayi hjaf; Their Bonnets in the Ring . grades. ■*.i pxpected to ord, but the onthestrug-i ond selection aj in school. Men the effect! nad upon his r If you knpjvja rtnan wdrttyj Df considera- ^tihn for this award a m^rcjh; Junior Class tiHoifas pit u i Kibitz 1 The South has ^ Neghblpj |//‘ -putiion oi the people in th of the problem janil arejwjoi i ' solution. Manjj Aewspapbn fi litical groups, arid indivitliiji best they knojW how ti j‘ freedoms for everyone, j'egaf creed. A great ()eal of genui • bf the present j a real fight to and Walter Krueger oftSan jAntonitf, is now in its third year. It pays $50(j to the rjian with the highest grade-pointjaverage and best per sonal record in school, fjrom ahiong tHis work ing group. , . | ' 1;i Ui;. ; A warded, on the sape basis is tljie Banta Senior Award,; $3|Q0l which goes to the sec- Kriieger plkn. Present holder of thej Krueger 4 w ard is Loren H. Stiles, v^terahi Senior in Civil Engi neering. The Sehlior Bantu Award is held by Billy M. Vaughn, executive officer of the corps.’ ; f j- !i ij'li :j. Who will receive the first Jes^e Jones award? You can hflp ri^me him lace Problems. AH Seven Women i n Congress Are Again Candidates in ’48 WASHINGTON—The seven wonen members of cjm- g^ess are tossing their bonnets into trie ring again this elec tion year. " t; n . Mjurgaret Chase Smith, Republic m of Mai lie, elected to i the House to complete here husband’s tin-expired term in June IjllO, and ro-elccted to sjic-t—r r_ - —-— y-^-—^ ctcding! conkressei is put to cap-1 | A - r nrfjt |w i 1975 Will rrodi * been and is being niadej blem- A major service at downtown restaurants. He may not lilh are aware attend a downtown rnoviejor play Um he has ihg toward its! to go into the poorer sjedtion of the city to find _ , , ! !e in the an over- Svie.bodies, po- are working as ; vide the basic lies? of; race or : e; progress has a night’? lodging, j ; j ,• The Negro Wno decides toi sett District must often find a home in crowdedj subs tarn ard area. He must often take a job below tie level oif his abi ity. ing thing to thope jierfcn-n)iu$' the'job' is the trust his fartuly’S'health to medical agencies needed ,but thefe is : no observers. Particularly as take a job below tie level of his abi ‘He must send hisj children to the In any tremendous tasknlle most irritat- public schools set aside for: Negroes thoughtless critficisn off byt |atiders. jin the job facing the South.mapy n (?ne workers are 1 i’ 1 j * t t? J.! • .1 W A /» • 1 sfio'tijge of Critical Jim Crow question is fpeqUelntly aired Washington.. MpnT jne^iijeifj ' ^ which is the gpYerijnglbody. of Columbia, hjiye been baffti in their critici.frb p]'_ th(| this !is iel set ion year, the ; ingtop that is Negro j SjK, under the authority of Coiigh^jss, -the failure A New Kind i* lIl'.Jj , 11 ityj inferior and en- vyhich give inferior service, “In addition; he must endure the dountless daily humiliations that-the system df segre gation imposes upon the one-third cf Wash- f»v .Marlow cpncludeti, !'In Washington Ne- ■i|s handling of the Southern State?! Negroes n , behind Vvhite people. if. wee the the Negro problem. C Jamjes Marjow, in hib capikbl column, has “ 4 Gtherw|is|e, there ddpSn’t seem jfntich dif given slome. inteires Jpgi : iiiitfot|batidn, as re- ference between the Jim Crow treatment of , jxtrted by.-a preside itial cijjm ii|ttee set up to 1 observeiconditions then, on, : ije results Con ,, t gress has achieved in Washir | ion. “The Dis | trict of 1 Columbia,” the! co|nndttee says, “is I] a graphic illusjtration .off a ff|lure of demo 11Lcracy. As the seat of oui F<fd<‘ -u] government 4 of the District a? thv fa lure jc |Mhe peoply.’ i “If hje stop? iij V’asl ingtcib a Negro may 1 dine like other men in t le Un inn Station, but ; 'as soon as he {steps ou. it ti the capital)-Me ;'} leaves such denbicratic \ ratti :|is behind. “With veryjfj^w exct'ptioij.j; he is refused If complish more by coming down off tneir soap boxes and placing the shoulder to t ie wheel. Bi I »f Film ‘Epic’... Li-. i, ' II,; V 11 1! i I I.' the <|ul(s|)oken head of reticent. There have eveif been muted charges for his murr that .some! of the multiAnillipn dol ar deals jder of the Engltsjh Is ngUagi s rll*his startling weren’t really quite that large at all, even ■ 4 ' ' t — u '' 4 - ,utA ^ LLiff. a? j-- though thdj made good reading for the fans at the Bijou. If thy othek studios ate to stay on the sarie publicity, level as the Goldwyrj Studios, they mus^ mal^e at leaist an equal move in thj same direction; Magnified by their comparative sizes, th|i s may b(; painful, statenjents, both:,of (which fnile for wonder ful publicity, Mir. (iolqwyii b|Hs just lashed out with a startling excellent publicity, statemi mtfwhich is most but which this time is lit very lucid language. s iiinoe TfyfLiped to tpll r the action and its effect on the Hollywood salary Two days a executives we salary cut. Ho nuHfbpr 0^ Salaifies )f his [bastes. Columnist Bob Thomas qubites t‘rnj.side sa|!irces’’ as say ing that the txpcijuti'?iesjnui(inl:c|r only four or ihged roughly :<i) ho ai nop need .that, his top repeidirfg! t [fifty percent We are anxious to see Wth their official riej I Haf’^placerth^T Ambaxsadora .. t-n aua ■ y »-■ 4A ' 1 “*-' 1 of ,$ong who cancblle’d their ehf gagement last mofith. six aiidrthe pre-cut from $6Ob to $15pt) iny; r| vee c.' The \salar>-ijlicing; arjinddiicefnent may leyt on the ■ilnall Goldwyn lot, but it has caused hggrkyjftion'of ulyers. scene. ' j "j \ We aren’t quite certain just wftat GoltU wyn’s! motives were. W$ are sure that th!i? is the best press release; to come o it of the film capital (.since: the last “epic” was prjef each of : at major studibsi, of executives. Long acjcustjo all their movement)* ak sationa Jv seem Tic J j action. i origihal,’ be a Ijittle f! 1( J thle CO ifusfec Hollyijvoocl publicity il vl The,® of pellcgc] afternoon, 1 alied sen: official | now la Pii Newa tontrii win Hall. Classified 209, Goodwin Halil.! trillion, pi itatiop^, jTexjas, cxcjcpt durtihg holldkjhi -weekly.I Sqbscriptijf t C(. ts — The Associate pd tp it dr not bl Eights of republigaiion rf- ise c mil Kntered as sccond-da^s raiitei at Office at K« Station, rexii.f ulile ’ the Acl of Congress ojf -March 3. Vick; Llndlcjl JRR(AY, JjlM -4- T. Id Uteri KennOth Bonlj h Mack T. No.. R. U Tomi Cai^r, ’ C. c. Mu Ctla R * 4:: x~1 ! ; 1! ioidi Lftrr r . Copejland, 'i|run1nn O Jan es E ^Jol n B. ManE Juniors Will Make Trip Feb. 23 | Management engineering juniors I will make an I inspection trip #> Newspaper ads ure^ novv saying v that ! Lufkin, Monday, February 23, V. which has score?" : Harry Harris ( a -toiisly headed moppet j ,ha? M. Faire*, head of tjhe ilepartipeht, r.nLd to labeling switched to Spear Prune Juicd i\ ! ’ ;u ' I1nu nced today. viewed. ride ture a iseat in the! Senate, She (is competirtgj against Hor ace A. Hildreth, j the j incumbtrpt goverhir of Maine; Summer Sew ell, a fojrmergovernor, and the Ri’v. Albion p. Beverage, in the Republi can primaries June: 21. Mary Norton <jf New Jersey, dean of women members of Cqn- gress and the first: to be elected to Congress by the Democratic Party, says she had wanted to withdraw from politics and! get back into social Welfare work. H ' ! But her supporters back home wouldhjt hear oi it, says Hep. Ndr- ton', who has been Hi; Congress Since 1!I25 and is rtow the ranking minority member ; of the HbUSc Commiltjee on Labor. She says she guessesj she’ll stick it ,put for an other teifm if elected. Mrs. Edith Noulse Rogers iif Lowell,; Mass., veteran woman member on the Republican side of the flouse, says she j also run ning fet re-electibn and doesn’t thiiik she’ll ever give up. She (was elected to CofigrcSs June 3(i, l‘J25, to (ill the vacancy caused by her h|isbami’s death. Re-elected to all Succt-eding con-! gressesj she is chairman of the tihijmc Veterans At fairs Commit- tee - .1 • ; ;!,ll NEW ment facilities at intervals: Two considerations dictated use of a “shuttle’’ method, where there is a steady stream! of scien tists back and forth fron their own institutions to the government research laboratories: With some atomic ovens (and re: I lated equipment costing about $10,-! : OOO.OOO, numerous indivi|ilual urii- j 1 versities or research institutions! can not afford such facilities. Also, i many scientists .can not work full time at atomic* research, but .Rre willing to devote! part time to the - defense progiti ipt !sec.r( as the productidn of radio)! already have been made in a to the Aorld. They are exiCitetl th ! M H Jtopesj, find many applications in riiicin^ industry and metallurgy. I: Studies are being mydij of the properties of )e l-e m e n [l i, and atomic nuclei and radj ilions;| the effects of neutrons f dd hu* diations on the properties) uf terials and living organisms ' si| II AN KS TO! THE HOSPITAL it^r; The Bai talion: n an Ag pe who would like ejjpi-^s my lappreciation'to the & M. Hospitiil for the wonderful i(fditttl care w lich l received after r in) a car ivreck. iish to comjplintent the hospital on it? nurses ujid wish to say that II I elk*ve there * is no hospital any- ere lhat hiis nurses that dan pare) with those at A. & M. wist to thdnk those of differ* orgunizaticths who sent sym- ly. I wish; to thank ,, Mom” aghp*n) foij her excellent job stjtching my ear and setting cpllt r boneJ * ink A&a| College is down* iljlutky in having such oxcel- ipet ical ca#c. They have taken st ofjjcan of iny buddy, Cal-. ix, They have also treated cuts and relatives, who came edsidq, with the very most {kindness and friendliness, j hope I can catch up with my liels which I know is not going I »e tod easily done. I’m not writ- 1(is letter t) flatter the nurses late them feel proud. I’m tying to rhake other A. & M. j lehts realize how lucky they I in halving suk-h wonderjful medi care. Sincerely! yours, NDKMKN H. TARVER 4 ■s % luce Worldwide Movies YORK, Fkb. 16 -v(. cast that movie fans of the tu ure will) sep pictures projected o i a giant dome instead of p flat screen. ‘He will be able,” he said, 'ihe program works this way: The various laboratories and plants conduct different kinds of atomic research. The principal work with uran ium chain reactors is planned at the ArgOnne National Labora tory near Chicago, which alreadj' has a uranium-graphite and a. heavy water reactor in ojperation; A new high flux reactor several times more powerful than the NEW DELHI, INDIA? I* existing men at Oak Ridge, India iimj Pakistan w Tenn., will be built. , ly observe a Trestore woi Similar resehjrch and production I children” week beginning of radioisotopes for medical and {it’s ap effort to recover j m fission products and thei|it sepa ration, and the application of radioisotopes and tracer! teejh niques to the study of biiil igifal processes, chemiial reft tions, metallurgical phenomenal and industrial processes. The atomic! ovens proailce aia abundant supply of uim larged neutrons. There is no ott er in* strument kmAvp ^oday ti|4t ca dupiicjine. their function. J “RESTORE WOMEN, €Hllii)RE?( WEEK* OBSERVED which wiill al- i Erie Johnston predicted Saturday th# movie-got i s in lil’iS will], be able to watch events that (xjeur anywhere in the world. The president of the motion pic* tore association said in a broad- hidustrial research is being carried : and childreb b oil at the Clinton National Labora tory at Oak Rid^e. Tile Brookhaven National Lab- in the r'ecentjeo|nmunal relief piinistij statement s [>.‘16 joint hfa am Si onday yuDmen i side! ring, i M.l evisoj! tldheiiili 1 assengers |moi!<; time in which mnduct ; daily business, will be iguraitedl by’Pioneer Air Lines ; '(ibru|ark\15,j Harding Lawrence ill erUl irajffhr iml sales manager, ’ ' announced. ! . , ri he now ische lule will include an itkiial itouru -trip to both Plain- anilj Miner il Wells, Lawience plajinView and Mineral Wells '' e formerly ! given two daily ndj trip! flighLs, but the new sgl ediilea Will provide three Sdch Mhti. nr Al) c til's \vjill be affected by iC.hedulbs but it is belicycd nv nn/lF lo t tor sot 4 vim rnn llffW fastiei derived tores aid arrivals,” Lawrence itikl ojuti -4r and better service can frob the earlier tle- see! events occurring anywhert in the|Worid the instuilt they happen through the medium of'guided mi skies' hurtling through space- moiffng iso fust ihey caln huitlt the globe HI two and one-half houis. “These missiles will contain phO- “to oratory at Upton, N. Y., will enj- phasiKC research and production of atomic power. Atomic' powdr'also will be the main purpose of the projected Knowles Laboratory near Schenec tady, N. Y. \ j Plutonium, the man-made ele- togfaph|c pickup units which will ment used bothXjri the atomic%omb take the pictures and! transmit; and in one atomic oven, is being them instantly to the seiiji-globlilar jifoduced at Hanford, Wash, scroll n our thcaae.”' * - 1 — - A new t> pe chain reactor plant Composite Croup Sees Bridge Film V il’ An oi film sh semblin fieial aimy timtion piqtui*e owing the jiroceiss of: as- g the M-4 lljiatipg bridge, iibm Negroes in trie capital, arid the southern states , fiances }\ Boltoji, of Uhio, elec- was exhibited Thur.sdkv (weniilg w which are usually spokeh of as the Jim Crow ; ted in February >J40 to fill the the 479tjh Composite (jin.up, Urban- section of America.” I M? 14 unexpired term of Her husband, and 1 ized Reserve. These are the conclittonsi observed in our A hl '’ Cu ve-eketed, nsl-a candidate Lt. tol. Joe Davis, assistant to ,. *, ... i • ", > for re-nommation di the primaries the comniandant, accompanied) the nation s capital. They dq not in any way les- ( 4/ I | l film; wijh explanatory .mnarkii He sen out ott n responsibilities. The South Sjj Handsome Helen Calhagun Doug- pointed out that the bridge was problem is still before uij. Its solution will be las of Hollywood, now serving her capable 1 ; oi carrying, heavier ve- more rapid and endurable howevhr if the' second term Vn Coutgie^, expee|s j hiel|s than any othei|thc; army has non-co,.structive ..priticjiijm is cut down to W 'kU cl 1. ( star, she is the wife of screen actor will be .in the Chemistry Lecture The vvashmgtonl politico critics flight ac- Melyyn :Douglas. Room, Thursday ait TRIO p. m.; M!rs. (Georgia l.psk.s DemicraL ; , [ L L. “ ~ " New; Meisico, first WomuT^elected td ; oaClCalC-oirmilld*^ Elect Kingsbery ill;- | i ,. Jack {ingsberyiwas olebted itres- ident of the .Saddle arid Sirloin Clut) at the last, mfcetiffg of the dut) during the falf. Semesteif. Cdrky Eckhart Was re-eltfcted vice-president, and Hap Cartning was named secretary - treasurer for the! spring semester. {Billy Congress from her state; will also seek reflection. her first term, 3he | is. Serving ' N I . , | j •. Sammy Kaye Booked for April 3 Sammy Kaye and his orchestra havte been booked for a Town Hall performance and All-Col:' lege dance op April 3, Assistant Director of Student Activities, Grady Elms announced today. ; i Kaye’s appcarajice on Town i- it e e : it. A 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT oti, your FAVORITE vSNARSHOT j . I ; For infoi'inatijon •A write to: EVER: FINE Photo Service . 1001 TraVis Bldg. San Antonio (5) Texas GlIfN - I ‘ f s% ..ill IL QUEEN Johnson' was elected parliametitar- ian, a tipwly created post. Wilson Greshaip replaced Garlin Powers MONDAY— — TUESDAY — — WEDNESDAY as reporter. ;—-t—!#- pMAC ►DAY AND ALL THIS WEEK ■' leer 1 ’ or “sen- han; irujty .bfc r Os may Me J f 1870 nils il - r rtH).l> r producers' Use a piece of gardeh hose, buflap or*a information may ^‘obtained from tpiproik" bv Gpldwyn’s roll of currency to protect the tenjder bark of the trees from the sfyarp, wire, ejj'er been .called / i j! [j ij i—Nev|ir Yorket 4-r- 4 - *-^ Battalion i, — • . | | 1 ' i 1 j ' "i 1 • I 1 i ~*~T~ ^ '' j er of the Agricultural and Mechanical College!of Texas and the City ied five time** a week and circulated avjery J^oRday fhroujgh Friday and examination (periods. Djuring the isummeB The! Battalion is pub- ijlite 54.30 per school year. Advertising rates fufnished on risucst. .‘i-.- ••!• * 4 ... j,-j-g.;,- ' de by telephone (4-5444) or a . the editorial offi aced by telephone (4-5324) or at thd Student anhounced today, i j. ■ r n All classified juniors are expeC i | ted to make the trip, Faires said. ' the department secretary in Austin Hall, j :N ; ; ;• I! H \ f J L i: exclusively to the use for repliblii the. paper and local news of matter herein are Also Teservi Room K)l, Good ties Of Ice, Room —1 Associated Collegiate Press Member {' -i Iteprcsent*dr! nationally by National Ad[ i*ms Boride, too., at No If Tork Cltly; 4n, Loo (Kiigeles, and sjui Francisco, •SON ...L , .^.VVtro, Editor Maurice Howell j, ..Matiaxliig EdltotsOrady Griffin .1 , .Feature Editor Sam Lanford, K. I, . Feature Writers Art Howard James DeAnda. Andy Hershelt Shelby J7 ■ * ■ Reporters ; ssaw 1 1, les credit- shed herein. ; . ■m J... T,.". T. ► • • • • • nil 1 H* le-! n ;* / Press ■ Po-Editon I (ports I ■ Short* Writer* OtvMlla Inn XT in ampiL ■ jl* ' ji'j ■ ‘\1 s i Owens 1:00 p.rri. 4-1181 ONLY 2 MOKE BAYS tf Ist Showbill College-Bryan Area *'1 ■ .^t* !8 Begin— WV - 7-.NO . —Features 1:20 - 3:30 * 5:40 - 10:00 i!! k'/ ■ I Mil ii * ; J ! ti-j a b Am- I' ; t i il BRILLIANT STARS' BRILLIANT STORY! oaua ANDREWS MERIC OBERI | | in jl: I J AltlHUR RANI, p, ,!■ <n(, James MASOH Margaret LOCKWOOD . . Patricia ROC ( • „rh GRiFFITH JONIS • JtAN KENT • 'A CHAU femx Aylmer • (nid stamp taylor ' nnRCHCH ric 11 ; A UfllYfRSAl mURHATIONA BtlMSI' ) Jp?, Wrgk * m i - • : l!' 4 . I I V If. ! 'V v- 'hi, TUESDAY ■ --'-U.—-hr-rr^TTT , WARNER RROl.' MYW1I i' M if AV - THtRSDAY ’DENNIS y. j:; ''!! ; -4-- 4- . THURSDAY— , —FRIDAY — 1 — SATURDAY r AHoir It Was! .ill ■ nun rt m i ;i ,-TTL. fi^r 1 IP! K .,U \ J John HODIAK George MURPHY Frances ©IFFORD hi j ■jT ,mw D*Hl ■ HtOKft YHtC . HAS DAVID BU ■Ito— i .K*«K *<* 11'iL / y ■ r' A i i m a {WATCH FOR :',k; •*. i\ i JG TO GUION 8 ■ J.'L I |j