Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1948)
P age 4 } Announi I i.: . .. : vi m to #/ • (i s •' 1 iii ; For Ho ^edt of the, fojf the .com petit ioi|i for the -]A&M Oppbttur|it\ Awiihia” wad made to high cifclsthis we(k by man, secretary! o: A&M Scholia; •shim i, school ( .G.Pte the p (pommr Opportli nitiy ' iir r t J i i- The purpose offer riny bo; tic record add in ieei assistance, i cha|nce ■ own college^ e The T^xal 'A&M Awards progrprtil vl-,,.. .. stigated in 10416, o “fei s high ; , graduates ajji pppjortjqmty i" Y* pete fpr fdur-yfliir scho paying J200 |^ .‘yholarships i r .. „ , dent jobs sulfflcieiit to eairni qt|her necessary exjpdnse i. | Scholarship, j cl i rac ter, evp^ of leadership, ianl nefed of ance are the) points on whicl winners are kcdecliodj ty the committee. Applidt tiiop blriin ; ; , «l)o secured from jiigh school ] rin- j cipals an(L niuiit (j e j f lied j otit returned to ithe college compi by Mart hi 16 , | The finalists iare em itleq to jiete in an ejxaniipjatiitnv ^djbjs at the college i\fa;r 1 and{'2 r ners will b0 rjabl ;tf on [ of this ekan|inhtifn.; ! ^ The- scholarship aw are provided] fdr iy er students, jiaife i icnfaspdf uj Vf 'Jr ■1: i'ard$, Extension Atlendiiiff Meel ■ ■ T; e ] T] Louis FratikO, editpr for & M/Extension Service. U Pa : pating-in tlife.j an nisi mejetjn editorial sec was in Was to attend Backgrour lhascH malion fiel<H ojfi tHc and Marketspg' onfqr of ew Ach andi USBA progifemk vdlt be cPvq the;meeting] VVihile In Was! Franke wijl jeonifef ■tyith Ext Service, and! 1 . studying thpi lalSfesf dfevelopmeni radio, visual}aid^,; aijd publicpb A&M Cbn Mas Dant^ The Juniojr 1 Clgsp sol iilated 11 igb 1 ?e ttoj a Valentine I Dane» ■.tonight in t|ip schjoc •foe Boyd to Agffie Gosipol Rev: Joe Boycj "can tackle of 1D3I) •of 'the Beckldy M Churc i in Dallas, er fot the Agg# 8 a. ni. Sunday, program will ibe facilities of Stat Reserve Chapter Uu* S^Hithertajigkcillturajl K|i'k- ; - ; 1 ers' Assortai/idri in Washjipgfdfl D. It Ip/tfc I Iffippt'e Februar^iV2rl4. A - Uj ^Vf 11IVV1 55 ~ Franke, wlhcsiis 1 cMimiiiin bl( |the j > It he |oh, ilidajtj fl AAM. )1 will s4)<Jr| jeginjhinp' a| The Brazos County Chapter' of the Reserve Officers Association elected Lt. Fred J. Benson, U^NR, president pf the association fdr thq ehsuing year in their Tuesday s nieeting, - Other officers 'elected were Capt; Grady Elpis, Ml Res., | First Vi:e President j Lt. Joe Mi'Cjllllnan U3«1 in ' MOR, Second Vice President; Capt. Allan M. Madeley, FA Res., Secre- j tary-Trea$urer; Lt. Joe N|] Holn- green, AC Res., Assistant Seci e- tary; Captain Prentiss W. Chunn, Jr., ChC Res., Chaplain; and lit: (j,gf.) T. 0. Walton, Jr., USNR, [J Me., S.urgpon. • ; . ; • |l • j S - ! l Favorites Photos Deadline Feb; 2j8 gynw; j An'angemjejnjts |lia|ve been.; aiade ; by the dccpratiloji |orfimitt|ei ind j All senjors must submit pjetures , ,, t, Li TtJL.iL si i the senjdr favorites 8 section of,, by Mrs. Eafl Harris amj Mr*, jj^-. The Longhorn by February 28, '!' [ ? ' Henry Pate, managing editor of i; | A the annual, announced today. ; , Sp^ak Owr • phdtos, which will be turned i ' in rto th(i Student Actfyities_ Of» it’s a hectic life. s. ! Ted Cathey holds down the night j, ] tor’s job in the Housing Of* When fond parents seek to hjear their children’s voices on the telephone at night rates, Cathey second ’ generatfion and gets it to I But Cathey’i nocturnal caljers are not always doting parents; 1 an olccasional prankster—an ariel— twirls the dial to lend variety to Cathey’s otherwise prosaic Sj voca tion. Si qnaersiana—it; was tn uerman, or ait least w'hat the caller thought was German. Cathey listened patiently. I A cautious lady who credited Cathey with an all*embra<;ing knowledge called one evening and asked if nylon as in stockings re acted violently with acetate, The cautious CathOy refrained, from guessing, but told her who might know. Forever anathematized in Ca- tjhey’s books is that segment of the population always calling him away from his mystery story; to Ibok fof a fictitious student. People with an abounding cur iosity and a betting instinct call frequently to find out the correct name olf “that school in College Station.” One'gentleman, presum ably tipsy, .phoned from Chicago for that purpose. If a candidate for president an nounced himse|f in favor of a edm- pulsory course in introductions, Ca they would probably support him. And that is quite logical because a number of Cathey’s calls are from girls looking for boys knotvn to them bnly by their nicknames., There are many people,called ‘Slim’ “Shorty,” “Snfitty,” and “Chuck.” 1 Impatient people call the source for their information sometiriies. One impatient] homo sapiens phon ed down fromjKansas last Novem ber to find out the score of the A&M-SMU game. Evidently jnfdio ahd paper’s were too phleg matic for his business Winner of the Corps Tennis Champion whs A Infantry. Members of the team are lejrt to right: p for the Fall Semester ictured above. Tht Front Row—■AY A. Mattel, Sam Pate, ahd John Dieb. Rark Rfiw—WnllaCp Divnn and Art flnrmnn 1 Shrdlu’s Students Air Their Views of Prof in Same Style U ST-Tir lau, 4>f FOR RE : md i Mdw edtkcr xpankl, r *4. . Hide to Asm Collotro. OyMlwln S10 W. 24th St., llryan. M<m. th Saturday. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ARD for at Mo rule. Namr R. T. lit eaM. 4821 CT rail 4.7«M. Call j k: ‘ — Hodroom, private entranrr 1 intr lutth. Not avallublo tor CaU 4-4T74. B -IMi Mauler Cheyrofet Tudkr. FOR SAILe -Wi Mauler CheyTotct iaa rtMki. new battery; 480.00 iverhaut rompleted Monday. Kxeelldnt unnlnf condition. Make me an offi>r. Me I’rj.tawood in afternoon, taw. 2-11. . F( R SAtE • 16IJ Plymouth 4 door aedan ir wiM; trade for convertible. A-12 '' Waltoa I • t>—i . -t 1 Tri SALE Ret'lntered Collie puiw. Trl- I duei SAtE 1047 I rfuick. _o;lj excellent eoiidition. Prise-<2,406.00. jtOB W. Brjjan. COll 2-7600. NE^f fumlahed bedroom Nufth ' Oakwood, one bfli rui^. Cah after fi:00 p.Bi.| T By A. S. QWERTY j ♦ Fwas the day before Corps Trip —twenty minptes past eleven and' classes] to be dismissed at noon; PrifesSor Shr ilu had eompletjed his lecture and the class was poised up>n the edges of its seat in eager an icipation of an early departure. “Now,” said Shrdlu, “to com- p ete the hour I’ll read you a little something I have written^”; ,l Not again!” shreiked, the clash in perfect harmony. Anguish and disjappointmeiit made the bass. Anything hut’ that!” one firth4 -F- 4 •4- , FTJ] r TTf tional chap shouted and rushed up before Shrdlu’s diased chair" and fell on his knees. Eyeing the stu dent sus|)icously Shrdlu motioned him bdek: to nis chair. Roam and ream Shrdlu read, lingering affectionately on choice words and phrases, not to mention puns and hyperboles. Ill at east^at first, and thep actually ill, thjr^-lass bore its burden’ heroicalKv'All ex cept Grade-Point Johnnie who sat on the front seat reflecting, Shrd lu’s expression jjrtmace for grim ace, smirk for-smirk. Finally^hrdlu finished with thc.sheat of papers and the class, relaxed. But not for long. Reach ing into hip desk, Shrdlu drew out another manuscript even thicker than the first. Several! students rushed in des peration to the window. T\vo jump ed! iSceing the mess made on the sidqw^tlk, the others returned to their seats—beaten. against the Veterans Administra tion, the VAj' said in answer: to numerous recent, inquiries. The fees, which are fixed at $10 , for an original claim and $2 for Unusual cnjls from far poipts : additional benefits claim, are paid and foolish people are not Catheys : *>>’ the agency and deducted from stock-in-trade—thev 'are unusual—, the monetary’ benefit due the vet- ibut thev have convinced Cathey An y hi* attorney charg- VA Rules Legal Aid Unnecessary \ In Money Claims. Veterans are not required to pay attorneys or Agents for! represeht- in | themT i^ monetary ejaijns| : "Shrdhi took out his roll book. “They can’t fool me,” he leered. I’ll give \hem one-half cut each.” T AAM Aiinoii AtEKiM- AAM Antt^x Exoha Prices art* the aume ns o>i shttp. Fast service srtm: nojiit Shot;. I' : ; | WEAR flowers {rt^Vnlcnni midland Elnyi'pr Shop. Phpne 4-im. ROOM EOIt RENT-tNIco i fop, sinirlo: lady or gentlen after 6:0^i p.pii, F(ilR SALE—A part Ten t s3 Sltf.-OO. Phone 4-4469. FOR jSM.Er Flowers for Asaiolund; Flower] Shop.] Collette Station and llryn A; terriblej lament the class. With a lihlber-.wri&a 11 “0h;| boys” gesture, Shr<|i bli deeply and continued #|i dro(nl| or. Mnca. nnd sables from Champlnti ' Jlellehnvon nnd Tokalon briv'dliiB. l Kx- rell.nt apwk (Iors. Itoh Jones, llox 862 • far Lejtj&t 717, P H SmEDIlLE CHANCES l.lAllS sludent deslriritt to add a course .must pfe-enl a written statement from 'the department concerned, that there ; is a rllare In the class for him. This istatemidpt must bo presented to the jDcan :i>f Ms School. With the Peon’s j approval, the Reiristrar will he author- j ited td make the chapae. !.; Transtier* from one shftion t'n another ; in the'aame subject will be made by thr • IV ,1 our for jri Imaip < I .* *h4I! eiftbirr. ] |>tn wltihli Friteldi i department head eoheerned. f 8j Mondniy. February IRth. will bn the-Imli- j day tljat courses can lie dropped with out a yrade. It will also be the last day ori which new rotirMs may he added. I I ] H. t. HEATON, | UeRls.rar. ,Fjieh mndidate for the Mister’s depree wttid experts to complete the reumrementH fdr his decree in the current semester hoi.Id file Notice of Expietation Ip Com- pjfto witfa the Dean of the OraduatC Sehool ‘ * ' ' r. ■ Forms may lie obtained ip the Graduate School. Theses, • head of the student’s ma- should lie presented to the Dean of Ithe Graduate School on or before April Hg P. n. PEARSON Dean of the Graduate School NORT MOVING Mrs. Ri< Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas.! ing such fees hre subject to a penal sentence and ; the loss |of accredi tation^ n PASTOR— imes et)ruaryl$ rokdeas t VTAW ii i ie- - 4 ’J Ch^NTI If t £ Gorham most popujlar d ling, cherished This is £»n tinctive Gorham Corw* inland choose yfyr 1 pattern today. Sumla 31X1 i episcopalian rev. Joseph Parte «»f ah Saiiits* Chapel inh Austin will be speaker at St. Thomas' Chapel her^ : hex! week. [ “’T'it —H' - ’ - Hi—' Y 1 i '■ | 1 - |that there is a certain amount; of jifunny business in this world just lithe same. 1 .•i-iii T w, , . , . ■. : j The Veteraps Administration al- i so called attention to the fact that ! a veteran wishing to transfer ; to j uhpther mstit|ition and still receive ’ j • j c benefits of the GI Bill must ob tain approval fot’ the change from thj VA Regional Office or VA What’s Cooking? j RELIGIOUS - H — — T —-— —j.—j, .Eontinined frdtrh Page fie<*, second floor of Goodwin- Hall, | || A&M AH-Aijiiri- m nst be i5” by 7”, and of glosjsy Bryan Prejsbyteriiiif Church, will jnd nqtw]p4istor finish, Pate added. 1 be speaker of th: week for the yijinwood ,ist ] He stalled that only a small nutm rPresliyti ridn Chui ch of College be theispelik-! her of pictures have been turned ;;St4ti^n. Afjter grai dating from the ospelj T^n e at in, and many more are needed to‘.Univlisify j of Te> of ‘ T hig^bomplete jthe section, he '' one ¥ ir generati mj;. of the li2 l . : designs., Pre-Law Society Will Meet Mondav The Pre-Law Society will -in 1834, he ]entered the service las a chaplain. jUpoi)[ receiving his] discharge, he UiecatjJte pastor of tfie Third Pres- bytetian Church ol Houston where ihe; irtimained iuntil| he moved ill Biyah in 1!»45. A&M All-Amer ian tackle of .... meef 1 ;; 1938,. REV. JOE B0YD. now pas-[ Monday,] February 16.'in Buidiftflfjtoi’ ]df Beekileyj Wy^ewood_Baptist K at 7:30 to elect officers, fo J coming ijenyester, C. P. McKn i president, announced today. Also ht this time the s< ] will disejuss plans for a trif will fonjiulate the social calendar 'smg%-, ! for the\ Spring semester.:; . f ! Yworkhin ■ , I ^ — — ir I i ' :]J|8iijhl|er. u j. ! m Bryan Minister Conducts . From Si; Austin’s Chapel in Aus- - Religious Week at Belton H AEUJI. Dr. William H. Andrew] pgstpH'Marj’s Chapel (Cgtholic) of Col- of the First Baptist Church in Bryr l^el]Stafi^n. A ifradiiate of the York, |i list Chuiich of, B»yan. In charge ciety of irihsic for the '%ca$ion tyill be | and Bob Randall, youthful evangelistic’ wmi perfotmed missionary fell rope curing thei past AIEE, 7:30] p.m., Tuesday. EE (Lecture Room. Guest speaker , on (“The EE in Petroleum Industry.” ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (7:30 p. m„ Monday, Room 39, Ppy- isics. John Chilton will speak on the r'Carbon Cvcle.” BRAZOS CHAPTER TSPE 7:30 p. m. Monday! EE Lecture Room. CORPUS CljlRISTI CLUB, Ti^es- Hayi 7:15 p. m„ Room 227j Afta*. demic Building. High school senior will he selected to make the trip here on Sports Day. ] CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB. 7,:15 p.m„ Room 227, Academic Build ing. : COMMUNITY WORLD DAY PRAYER SERVICES, Friday, 3 p. tn., St. Thomas Chapel. GARDEN CLUB, 3 p. m., Friday, YMCA. KREAM AND KOW KLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Creamery Lecture Room. Guest .speaker. ./i 1 1 . 1 ■: f ■ training officer. ] Though there is usually no ph- jetftion to y e i brans’ changing ] schools, howeyer, notices should be , given ih adv^nbie of the contem- 1 pig ted change if delays are to be. prevented, the Vetgraris Adminis tration added; The Co-Weds Sunday School of the First Baptist Church, Bryan will have its Sweetheart Banquet | Saturday night February 14 at 7 pi. m. The class is composed of Vet erans and thejr wives. Wwk; FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station, Texas The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Washington D, C.,. assistant Chaplain ^or the Newman Club! at the University of Texas. anj has just returned from Belton; i where hi* conducted the annual Re- 1 ligious Emphasis Week Services at Mary Hardin-Baylor College. i , ~T 7 ; Club at the University WILL QUIZ KAISER j] (Thy lotjal Lutheian• Church will A,BOUT] SE( l. RITIES ; present an their guest speaker the WASHINGTON. Feb'. 13 -<*>•- REV! H. ; WILLIAM SORENSON. Two officials of tne securities and Ap 0x-NaVal chaplain, he is now ( exchange commission went to New : pastor (of the Luthjeran Church of York yesterday to talk to Henry i the pood Shepherd in Houston. J. Kaispr about the sudden ^jth- iRev.lSorejiiilson is thp Lythefan Stu- stqi - GRANTS 4 • j n • ] i I Continued from Page 1) ; ■!! ! T :: -''■I Hoo .k eliding Fed. Van, • •*ni • J# SANKEV ■-U ■ Li lb * drawal pf two hanking firms flort)dent'! Pastor for students of Rice a public offering of Kaiser-Frazet ’ Institute : and the ] University • stock. ] P«umt Seminary .in New Yi , and IMtnei Catholici University at I , A „ .... , , , » , . — u ‘ - - now the 'breed. The individual donprs’.in cluded R. L. Underwootl of Wichita Falls, Matador Land & Cattle Co. of Channing, Roy Parks of Mid land, Jack Warren of Hockjey, Tom Elrod of Odessa, Jess Coy of Dorado, George i Northington, El Jh, of Fbrt Wort Egypt, “ h, Paul Waggoned of R. .A. Brown] of LET A N I Aggie Student SERVICE YOU1 CAR •GAS OIL ; [ 1 . EXPERT GREASING . WASHING "i I' WAXING & POLISHING STOP AT THE GULF STATION block north Bronco Inh on Houston Hwy, ! : : ! 11| ■ r Operated by . Schmidt on Houston Hwy, ' J [• ' ■ : I »j Owned & : j. w Throckmorton, Lester Goodson of Houston, W. B. Whitehead ^bf Del Rio, J. V; Ferguson of Wharton find Albert Mitchell of Albert, New Mexico. I Y' j\| I | J Equipment given the electrical engineering department in j recent weeks include a geophysical os cillograph from the Texas Company and a new industrial type welcfing I transformer from, the Harni^cg- fpger Corporajtion of Milwaukee. The geology department, has received a torsion balance from ; Ihe Gulf Oii Corporation land; a collection of jnaps. logs and other material from the Amerada Pe- troleam Corporation, for use in Class-room work. Funds for scholarships and fel lowships, which complete the list, include two giHs of $10,(Hi<V each j from Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Jqhes of Houston, to finance scholarships fdr Texas boys who are interested in military careers. Another gift of $1,000 from ances a ne achievement F RE E! A 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT | j’J j ]• !■,- Of your FAVORITE SNAPSHOT For information write to; i ^ N Jv I \ EVERFINE Photo Service DR. FEE! ■ i lb' ' Pastor of The First Bapt st Cm Will be Guest Speaker i ll (JATIf! ALTERATION SHOP POT’S TRADING POST HoYf , !Mrs. Blaczk 1 -'I ■ ■ •71' i V p )• .1 Y '1 ' , ••I jj Or. forest Feezor F i^OR ■ , 4 .' a.&m. baptjsr Church r' He is an Outstandnig ■* and Young Pe<) ■ | j . . »..j j; j' Services Each E v . 1001 Travis Bldg. i i I San Antdnio (5); Tex as i • - the same source ifin- annual award ;for .j be made to!ia $tur dqnt who has financed his own (ed ucation urinfj; his first three years albouty, Houston ofl .blished a graduate A*U Michel T. , man, has es geology facufty, who has earned part of his undergraduate expenses and needs financial aid to dp gtfpd- T" ' the Largest E^lectrieal Lppliance Store in ir yan—(ji I ; ' Come in and! see 0|r small appliances: ios, Electric Irons, Stu- it Lamps, Floor Lamps, ito Cookers, Coffee [ers... I J and ntanSr other / , . 1 usefuls APPLIANCES, Inc. 20th liSSr SUNDAY SE Worship—10:50 a.ii er r.; i|- Waco k-N >' ' '• ' F \; ngiligt p ejader ! Sc S. - 9:45 I ,r X ' I- ■ ■ Come and Bring You * Friends ■ * : :. |; V. ' i. 1 .1 p yf :.i I ! i, -.ifi ' K ! J r: \ V. ( : ; , 'I / I