Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1948)
I IIR FRIDAY, c u r Holds on RecoMs [.J: inteAtsKam the ,v Bob Taj 1 f d »- . t ler.of Taylo i^en- alvefra fds., whict nminefs ic| Danny Gree - than any other j. y y ~ He has _._ r mertibering tjhem Among his la ence records 4 free style ra Last year 4yd. free atyl old pool recorjd set of A&M by 2.5| j-. He also broWe yiool records ijn ithe . With a spectatuljttr as compared iwijth ' of 5:10.4. 1 ! At this rajte,j Gi * 68 seconds feir 100 ' faster than ipapy js| i tpake it in a s^rintl Green is also j a Member of 1/ 400^ yd.-relay tealm Mhich holdk pool record of d:43.f, against. 1 conrepjnce mirki 1 off Id rod jset jl) Tcxas tL Tea*i fn 1339* j, WHn all of llfese recc Green holds ajevecj individ mark except ,tne lackstroke breaststroke jevient ii Danny ,was| sjwinjming for ! Dallas Athletic fclu bj only 14 yearfe (|)ld. was fast, arid h|s p .-.•there in the lOOl 2P), and 440 sfiil Jj stand. ' J ^ l i^- U 1 Last month Cjrec ords at Kansas U. . 100 yd, distances,’ " • m s'hj). HOWARD ti holds md ‘e- records, pool and vyi^mer in |he Southwest, [f in$rks that he. has itrou! L. T ' •* ' i 1 ^ conference when }he| ji ^ jo^rdcorim^et l )10 ^ ,a ^ the furtherest Green had ,■ !Mi h set ne^ i s in the 60 I ind at Qltla) , , ma yjwversitjir he~|roke |)ool| ords in the'5 ‘ '* ~ ords were t,V«m When he wWs jatfi 1 DANNY GREEN only 3 or 4 events . MAN Intramural Uy started handball of i the . leted and in th« hands of the ms. Ii the schedul- lings ddme out even, ndbal matches have retort was this hcduwta 9 p. m . ndbailwill be horse- s scheduled to start, 'residing ‘ye ole’ weather ] a fighting The month of March the p nog rani in fulll sw softball, boxing, wirestl | the open toi will see T swing with resiling, and merits taking the ttd Junior as- ever-been behind, and he swam his best ini spite of a cut; thumb. Although he lost by one foot at the finish, his time, 51.1, was the lowest on record in the Southwest. * . j' j Coach Adamson has pictures ini his office of famous A&M swim*-! Managers sistants for the first part' of the spring program are as follows: Bill iRippotoe is in charge of handball-with Tommie Spllttgerber helpingt Horseshoes is being handled by Bryan trouen with iFrank, Boggus and Ja«k England a isistirig. Herb Carter will have charge of all opdi touimamen ;9 along with the astdstance of Billy Hightower arid Doiig Bcjnefield. Tulane Student Shoots Sub-Par nje-Club Golf r-Tipj—T- Rice Trail antes (or Vietory ops ^th Bat^n hospital wi JrBl With their aigh JAMES DeAN set. on fourth pi ’ i'- phice in t in the Southwi BRI . est Conference race, the Texas Aggie basketball squad plays host to the Rice Owls| here tonight at 8 o’clock in the secondi game elf a twin bill. Coach Johnnie Frankie’s crack Fish-Bee aggregation meets the Rice Blue Bolts in the 4- - —^ f—i———- first tilt of the doubleheader at flj .o’clock, i I || [. ! , ! This contest will mark he second meeting between the two clubs. The Junior Aggiek lost the first tilt earlier this season 1 y a score $ 43-42. Two points frotn the free Srow line by Blue Bolt forward ex Proctor in the waning seconds f the game proved the 'difference M a Very close tilt | Coach Erankie’s pupils have look- d impressive this year. The Fish- tees have Won, five and lost four bile averaging fifty points per fljt. Ti-uett Mobley leads the Jun-, ion Aggie point-makers with a total of 49. Jim Kirkland is in the runner-up slot with 48 followed Closely by John DeWitt who has tallie l 44 counters. ' ' ■| Th : Fish-Bee startirig line-up wllj probably be Trpett Jdoblej newc )mer Jewell McDowell at and for- four Mards; John DeWitt, six-foot Inch eager frpm Waco i at center; in i * — TiFK By HUGH FULLER'ION, JR. ne|w york, Mb. is -im State Woman Leads Witeon Shirley,; 19 year old | ^ p a , m Q 0 ,f Bill Batey, sharp shooting Ag^ gie guard above, may miss to night’s battle with Rice because of illness. Ratey’s loss, would be a severe blow to Ag hopes for a victory, > A—-J- j mors, jjwrith their pool and I confer*-'' in-the Nawy. ; 11 H' It may be riu*i ing to tile |on|g 1 ords, but Gijee i’s western J AAU and outdoor; In t 446 races are e$| worthy^ f m j It' i In ain jntra|-s|jua(jl nesday, lianr y was the edge ofj the At 15Q vv ■A Green aMol crime ‘fntercollegiatje the 440 in 1P(42 16 years old.j Coach Art At it he events.' o without ii Green haj probably swim event. nd 100. Thesi 1 at Oklalv which he ' C .,ice (icprda under them i ’. . It t ts> hT-il' will 'do a long lime before a.nyone llg T k movesija record front below Danny’s itonoiis list st of his \ resenf Si»u h records, .iradi or he 100. 240. a mi ;; peeiaNy , no e-j \ •, ■ n i in third in tlje and fouith iri ten he wai rnljy on the 41t) r yd. rel t yards behind t: le ojtjher anch by the/ tirnel. _h s Buttoni Trails S In Ghbiii V Marvin M a,, tiri and Wallace Mpon will be at the guard positions. Students whose last names be gin | with the letters P through Z will be admitted to! the game i 'I | i • He ight, the factor which has hurt the (’adets rill season, will give the Owls a tremendous advantage. The king sized Owl starting quintet aver iges almost six-fett, four in ches Aggie chances of a win w-ere givm a hard jolt when it was an- nci need that Bill Baty, starting . Fafmer guard will probably be of action tonight. Baty, who g m ion’s only e ;iet Danny fnly rning-mtTj out. way, he M’puld ust ojr f( {ii' in an |eiher- bu his in the anchoff | y. ■fte w picture Green'is a Jijnior, majoring in Industrial Education, and he has one year of eligibility left. 5 Former Champs Lead in Ft Worth Golden Gloves! FORT WORTH. Feb. l:> UyP>(- Five former champions pared the Jvery freef s tyte | 12th annual state golden! gloves j tournament into its second round meet last Wed* (of action last night. . L „ L. *; -k-i *1 4*J irJt. _ 4 i + ltv five ex-titlists scored five [eisjond last night before an dpen- Mmaai ing! audience ot 4,707 persons, im membkil hit; Henry Kakaway of Houston. jooI. Tfoif fwais M flyweight champion in 1946, reg- ’ istered the only knockout kmong I the fpe, eliminating Royce Smith of Waco in 1:38 of the first opi roupd. ... — -V I 'j ^ ^ ; Th Mother former chanjiindris win-! rds . livision SKatipi . ma nothing about coaching football. ^ . , v, .. . ^ ^ ->v but that seems ofj little import- Feb. 13 —iPi—Haps Gerseiililtyr.; heavyweight champion from.Dallas]| anL 3l biiyhow. and I should be of Swit/.crlnnkl, defending sc [am--by a-decision over Don - Thompson i!; better qualified to please pion, defeated;Dick! Button of Eng-1 ot'OdCssri. ’ ''s and alumni." ularte; U, studeijit. probably iliever Will; make the college, , ,, ijiblf Uam, but he’tlat least one 1 L PA ^J li ^ A l CH ’ Fe ^ 13 .T r ar JP 0 >^| he « tars w|» en itcomes H exaS) ° w .f $ stnhthefavoHte Irfoe JN conference fell vietim to the 10. savmg on clubft and caddy | women’s golf 1 championship of fa ^ u 1 fees. 1 ■ 1 Palm Beach today as play entered ^ ? S . S "'ili be keenly felt mikr Plays the regulation 18-1 the second round. , b Y fo c C » det 8 <l« ad - H addltlon .*<> c|c ciorirsc with of ly one club— j Miss Riley, who won medal hon- puttier. . .; what’s More he often ors with a 74, dallied to take the peaks 90, drives uu to 190 yards i last two holes of her match with ind says his best sffot is a blast Evelyn Odom of Miami, yesforday iu-t of Satrap. 1 > - 'j ; 4« d finish one up. ;| il ; ' Some golfers w i- know can't j She Will meet Mrs. Eddidl Bush do Tiriy of those things with a qf Wilmington, Del. Mrs,i Bush full net of matched woods and eliminated Mrs; William Cuopio of ironM: I ! : • jl] if West Palm Beach, 9 and 71 J Othet School!,. Xdo? j ; . . | ] b “^ f f Xt Novli that: they’ve kfquirdd Eddie j < l odrse . ]. |i f Miljeif, the Phillies |have at least; : five sfioirtstops mbthbir list, Miller, Ralpjii Lapomte. Jackie ($40,000) Albriiht, G|ran Hanjner (Up from Utierii and [Grady Mfjlson (rescued via dipfl from the Cardinal chain). Fags are begihnjng to dream boaMtradep thar would make the ’hifei'a fiyst-divisipn club. Otijo applicant foij- the Virginia ! Teci4|Footbrill coachfog job, which Jiriimp Kittjs quit, iij Jimmy Price, ; (in alumnus, who wrote:. [l “4>f course, I knjdw absolutely 91^ ■ .. yj | ' Coming down the court is Ag gie Guard Gene Schrickel. one of the most improved men on the A&M squad. Gene will be one of the big guns in the A&M attack against Rice tonight. Brother Coitsin ft I P’® It was all Baylor | todas The the{ ■ i f Bolts 48-39 Okla!, red-faced So< h frs, TULSA —,<&*• — Norm Me A tee, Tulsa, forward, doesn’t know whether he should call his broth- _ er Phil (Red) McAtee, Fort Worth ks third in season! scoring in goalie, “brother- or “coijjMn. Norm has scored the winning goal againkt brother Phil in two games this season. IJ j -i-V ! j r ■ r i a : i Station WTAW. will broad cast the basketball game be tween A&M and Rice Friday [ night. The broadcast, will start at 8:00 p. m. with Milt Fririkel ; the announcer. loading the Farmers ini scoring, the Only about 25 percent of Ameri- ailing eager has demonstrated can farm-homes have running wa- deaqly accuracy fiom the foul line. ter. e has hit • 41 out! of 52 at- terhpts to rank near the top in l the nation in this department. Baty was instrumental in the A . & M upset victory joveri SMU w hen he scored, eight points jin less than ( a minute and a half: The eight point surge iced the contest for the Aggies. Coach (IP W basketball club in the conference which hasn’t Mdn a game, hopes to throw off [hat barrassment during itsi the Kansas State and courts Saturday and Moi A 1 surprising featur race this yealr has been ty of conference te their best game on f( where the din of host! isn’t calculated to ins' dcnce in a visiting agi Of the 20 big seven ship games to date, tt j* visitij club, has won nine, the jllost only elevtjn. However Coach Brui|[ Sooriers narrowly miss over wins in both their dropping a 38*39 decisidt sas at Lawrence after a | period and being shaded Missouri at Columbia. In road play the leap ball streamliners have fij lows: Kansas State 2- 2-1, [Nebraska 2-2, Kar State-1-2, Colorado 1-3 homa 0-2. €ager Uses NEW YORK — 'A*) |f Goo Nostrand, ex-Wyomin ball star noW with the Steamrollers of the Association of America,j t for 27 points against thej ] Knickerbockers in a reqjp game—but he only thru them. The other two p on a basket scored wl can)mod off his hea hoop. L t ,i i , Conference basketball (champion Texas out of the lead lastS night, 'within threS games nfetcnce sedson and :>U| MMithingtonla deadly shoots ' atoouinted for exactly half of < lojra Score, while Texas’ speedy ooter Slater Martin wps Sight and Tom Hamilton only nine, A1 Madsen- Tlexas’ scoring with. 1*1 i baa! ’fovidci E askritj j ot .ciri llcw Yi' it loi in 2 iirtk c. !(ri fa . idto j j uoacn Marty KaroW will prob- ' 'y start Mike Garcia and Sam | Jenkins In the forward spots. Billy Turnbow will be the piVot-man and Gene Schrickel wi|l hrindle one of the guard positions. Ilf Baty does notj start either Gordon Moore or Bof Kamperman will round out thei starting quintet, j _t.p4yps P^zJtuflfjZERilNlp, j ’“cfhVies Simmons, ddfonding [I hut (that seems of! little import- [Wind, Rain, Cold Hamper Golf Pro Tournament in Harlingen Tewoed,.- N. pulsory fige world figure sjeati ik chritnpiii Button, thej Olympic wlntu favored in ItRe f qe skatini will conclude! the fcompofcitip (ft o fr owr — M :oin-1 Bill Henderson, defending ifeafh* ■ the erweigl)t titlist fron) Lubbock, oM: 1 ihiip. pointelf Clove Steed of Wichita * R Falls.; ' [ that;, Toni 'Adams, defending light, fo' heavyvvdight champion- fronf Abr ) lone, had ri hard, time decision ing i Cliff Bradley of Amarillo- Herbert May, Middleweight rchammon in 1946 from HoustO-rf, easflyi won over Don Orville of Brown wood. Twenty regional centers are com| Bting In thetournament. Fighters R E VIf AL ! [ i . .ill , First Baptist B R Y A I Fkist fJGtli St. and YVujHi ngto petingj in the'tournament. Fighterii;! who did not see action last night loe iJouis will fight tonight. Some will 'be i|i]j rounds in 26 d the -riitg .for-t^e second consecutive;! to E/iglamj this sp< thg ]vets 'and aldrtirii.” , _ . , , , kno;„ 11>° ! as “wrong[way Higgins” since he Jhe tournament trail saying [you can pick any one of a dozen went} to ejairton, Pa., for a ban-1 players as favorite. Golf has become that close, they declare, quet' : instead of CljrHon, sent h'is [ and the 1948j record bears themf- • regrets: to a Pittsburgh affair re- out. Icentl^ when he, v ris snowbound i , Six only ito: fin'd out th' 1 dinner wasn’t; [this «*»•• »«li ei* mdn . i “I'l ” "TT. v i untilltwo Meeks tab t\ . ■. , Bbb merely moa u-d: “Not only are my ulcers kicking up; now myimindl wandriijing.” Ml. M ★ I. ; ' - M | plajns to liox 7 ! * f ’ i r. yl . . S • Ul. I tournanients-have been held Lippilian Will Be year anq six ditferent mnn * » J , t Eagle Scout Tonite HOUSTON, Feb. 181- ihave won them-—Ben Hogan, Lloyd Mangiium, E. J. Harrison. IBohl jj Locke: Skip Alexander and [Sam knead, j j; | [ff j., _. . If anyone i>j to be established as of the nation’s top SCojrers in foot- mi w ,K lJ1e P neral 'favorite hei-ti it {MlplJll last year, Gtenn iLippman, Is rlui^lnriirtr hk vkit' Jlohnnjr Palm( | r ’ the rapidly rising to;become an Ragle Scout here to- A) day s friug his visit j ycung ma|) f) j om : ,} a(lin> N> ; r u*, kioh* LippMan, who made 293 points j is short—just 6,Q45! yards-^giviiui for Bt Cairipo High ; School lasti 1 niKhl.; . . [ijf Ltjitghtdn, Pa., high, school -fin- ■ The; tournament will iun ! :tonigKt:i ally (has ended a 14-gamo losing ■ short—jus?6 045 vards-^givihil tompm.w and Saturday with the , strerjk in , basketb ill, [stretching th J edge to thj top m'an fon the ' ^on, will be among participants semt-fnials and finals Monphy; over} three, years, j. - ; ; greens Halmer stars at |)utting in, a special Eagle Sc()ut pn-senta- ... ... • ’■ JOra LndejroocI, the ce)e-, % with a very'sound afoaround tion ceremony to be held by the Ma e champions w.l represent brated editor and humorist oi Ux- m e. Another well-rated Man is *Srim Houston Area Council of the ixas; m the national toumapidM [ ngtin.K^ was risked to Predict, Bobby Locke ]l th e Johamfcsburg, i Bqy Scouts of A.ricricf roSiL-' “I’lUakeV ticket 4’ Ben | Wh ° ^ 80 < '‘ X ' The high-scoring hick plans to why lot a parlay on | f ^ men of golf 0nter Texas A&M thJs fafl - Texas at Chicago February!!23-25’. is ■ ,, ■ ij-: : Jj The 1940 census [showed 18. lie [percent of all gainfully emph yi'<| in rigriculiui'b •Yes, Fri|gjidaifle:is full of f veniencetsv fulljcif beguty of qualifyi. depqndabilily vdlue. k Jl I frig it 4® eclric “ R’s truis ofj ihe refrigerator, jejec ailijomati(j wosb’ir - thie nine -hou hold Riiat FriditiairiEi rcnc off anffpf -jAnd It has |b ! een trijie since Fiigida making r refi than 25 yea Tod Frigidaijrqs and 1' sHll « first bff iprofors %an 8 rrjiHbj 'j® been itnir) gj-eot ^fLnt* iofe wgrkitf j a jiejetthe de^ [Frigjjdqirc hcm«’ gidai|r|e—Sa es ] 5rys ji —Sincq- cans to, be [with ^4.3 percent in inanul'ricturing -}:4]l ri T HANKS | AGGIES ij . ; * 'i,. 1 V^ejare ready to h|el|i ^ybu at all timdk COMK IN TO Si US Jones Pharmacy At the bus stdji Bryan Ben (and ted Atkinson? except Sam nead and Led W(*r- 947 National; Open sham, the ^ Champion, are in the field'of 181 j Tile lianiburger fe first recorded j'Lnt preMSibc^chlmp^d^ffittS J"T; in ’ K . MU ‘i wlay in ,hc ? rs, • ffl witlt oniops as a! hire for colds, . f! es '\ • -i Jj,. t ) ,, . and coughs. .1" .Snead wmrit-r T 0f The Te^is Open 7 .j- . f i j ; j a|t San Antonio last week-end,-has 1 u ,i i „ i quit the! tour for af time. Worishaili greenbacks ^ a kg infection that ^ ( , Ut , ^ tMAMONI INjfCKET i United i States i fcen„ ir l t4»!iKp m k s^rs l sr^; ^f <( A)l(l in, 1864 am rose nearly paij i The crac |,. shots of gold whio in v lb78. j - I laughed at raimapd cold: at San jj Antonio where par figures wteijo given their greatest battering are Winds EDGE INIVES ij < ■ ' f j« ' i i|Jas I .'4 • j.:; SrpKTIND GOODS Hillcresl j Hardtu are ; 2013 Colllege Road For Tour Sporting Goods .Ne*Mls JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S Main Bryan Fh. 2-2832 feeling none! to ° good abput cori- " K: ; of 28 to 38 mil«hj per h^tir affe | ditions at the Valfiy OjK-jit- per fit causing general headshakirtg However, they have Ise^ii trjrri- j ijning par 35-36—71 figures pnitty consistently in warm-Up j rouhfls. Several 65’s lave heen reedrded, The field will bb trimmdl to 160 With today’s jrouiul. Tomorrow some thc jthe 40 more will be lopped from the list. The low 60. and tiei of TOOK • I! v mw" he with sound-prdof Th6 Largest Complete L[ (i RF W| •[ and the only store with sound-prefo i listening booths franchised to ge allnwafi fip!: (T. j: , BETTER (HOMES ■ *r L 314! N. Main l BRYA »' 1 ' Phone 2-1642 irst 36 holes will play 18 holes Saturday airil 18 [more Sunday in the battle fn0ney. ; Air abso: three staL descends toward the ond when it is reflected s the suns?heat in first *hen earth and sorbed by outward. third when fieat ... he earth is ihadiritt - Il J;' Ml I SI I, I. For Yot r Jisua^Probfems Dr. Carlton K. Lee OPTOlt 203 ^1 lEADGUARTERS ’46 Ford Tudor ’42 Plymouth ’42 Ford '' ,’41 Ford ’41 Merc ’40 Ford Tudor ’40 Mercury Tudor ’40 Plymouth ’39 Ford Tudor ’38 Chevrolet: Coach ’36 Plymouth Coach ’42 Ford Pick-up ’40 Ford COE Truck ’37 Ford Pick[up ► result left the Bears with Stria ght conference victories, in second place with, a- one record and shoved . into third.. , j '' . lor bald the lead most of the It half, [ but Texas deadlocked score just before the internils-. sion. A crip shot by iHeathingfon gave Baylor a 22-20 lead at the NLlcan^aB isi host to Texas Chris-*! tian at Fayetteville, Ark., in tfie]* first of a two-game series and puUfs Teuas A&M at .College ijhe race isj practically over Baylor. It ha^ only three i left to play. Ope is against 1 Christian) and another with South ern ’Methodist both out of the rUri- niiffg for the title. The third game iri foe most important. This is with |^g|te— fish-bres to play j TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE .Saturday night, February ,21. 7:30; the Aggie Fish-Bees will ?t, tW Tyler Junior College gets in a game’in DcWare Field House. Ice Coach JGFIIELD, Mass. -* iA>» Bcrtelli, former Notre Daime football star, is coaching ihtt Sprijngfield Rifles, members of " the Atljantiri Hockey League. A looiul resident, Bertelli is a mefn- , I bejr of tfie Chicago Rockets of the.: j. Al|-Aineji*ica Football Conference. ' r I —iit.» ' ' ,i . |' 1 ’ ' Ii • I i • ■ I Uf. ' # Ex-Aggie All-American Tackle :oope|ration with ii j , IJJJ I J MJi RELIGIOUS .MiiiAiis .WT:ek I ■ • ■ 1• j ,v • j' I '■ B f i;R j| j'-l-V..' joL M. Boyd . J i J T f ' ■ Il-Artferi&ah Taeklj. •jl ' [jSU MD A V , FKB. 1 im ^ 7:80 p.»h. 14 •i' .ay thnwigh 7:15 mm; i i MiiHie BOB RANDALL j I ; j M ; ' j Ij] Youth f For - Christ \l iri \L ! ' Wrfw iiurope tin 1947 Bryan Motor Co. ^ Your Frienjdjjy Ford Dealer 4i6N.Main|l Ph.2-1333 —f— \!11- THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO HEAR THESE l T jI T I i . i.| 1 V- : ‘ ■sr- • ■ ■ 1-.. 1 u •1 [. -1 £ »' i'