4^ r j i; V I i ■ i r I . ! IAN ST, MO —Rythrrtic Icott, Canada’f-da won the women’s ohampionshitt ih tl Olympics tOTiay—g ^rn Heihispherp a ng titles' that] have lusive property e n tie in Wednesday’s geper il JPI—A War annbundjedi to- i Hui T: ,ueip- 1 t OCCUPATION! CO FRANCE COMMIT PARIS, Peh 6{-|. ministry spokesman a day that Gen. Otto{}Vfri nagel, wartime jc< German troops in qc hanged" himseljf thisj liornfcgt in ’ Cherche—Midi j prison c ^ j Stuelpnagel/ja 69-v;< af-old bach elor, was under i ini til nfiepfT Charges of ‘*cr$mefe a rain, nationail law," I incjmlini cution pf hostages, Stuelpnagel was|tt$fsfci time German' ajrmy olf fi|er ti take his own life in two days); whijle fac ing war-c*riraed eharg(sil Giin^jJo hannes BlaskWitz I ju: rf] «d (tp his death yesterday fronj la toris1 l fl mi WASHINpTjON,; F »h| 6 The unexplaiinpd brenk n OTlmfno(l : ity and stoek‘markek yriceh f r ave congress edndern ;yfsterdat, f.iust ns it did the j White 'Housd, Wall Street and tftu"! markt isfwhe *e Ist' b d hife hews . Mui •e 1 '# in? dp so fast tha| at craspj : bo arid to come unies^ sjomethipfg is (loijp to tie them' dopy trade in foops|uf.fs President' Thimah conferente that pme • t T F i* WHEELER^TURNR Df)tV^ AFi. campaign pi is r MIAMI, Ha.. F|cb. 6 Former Senjfitqr Bui tjoniK. V r WBele]r of Montana ijtoilay tjunnifd do wA the . $2 IER ' L j! TURKEY RECALLS ENVOY TO RUSSIA ANKARA, TURKjUYt Fei.fr, - (sPi—Turkey intends[ :o stai d firm against all pyssian jt ei nandt.ilFor ■ eign Ministeij NeeMeldin declared yestdrday d t( r it )c tune iknown: tna| Turkey 1 as-iDialled her umbasdtidiov frqijii e Mosj-'d ,v in i'etaliation foil Russi|’sjfwithdi awal of the Sovleti. envoi to " Such an aC ioi>,—hovliv 1% represtMit a!bi|eak injidi do lations. . 1 JOB DJSCIUMINA., BILL APPROVED 1 | WASH I NiG TON, Fef. 6 \ pltLkihor ^ men ■i! Volume 47 Ji mi ?! Nt'lf • I' fl • ! II H ji 1% IS;' LLEGE STATION 8 1: *■* i .Til! ' * ’if «• : ! ■f-M.j'ft'!' • i'll! i tr (Aggieland), #■ To Shame ABAB-Happy i- ■ wwmm i ‘ J] J t« I l Architects Co Pictured above li oh no one was Injum selves, sick. Spectator* larte wai ce0 military science, a 1.25 grade point ratioj in academic work. The cahdl!- date must be taking advanced inil- itaryj scienjee. *' !• '; j i Seniors must be enrolled i i r * senior military science course, rnd junioiis must be taking one of the 300 <|eries military science !cpurise!S- Afteh September, 1949, the acade mic grade point ratio required Will be l;5. Since there is no Ross Volunteer unit at the present time, students will be jselected by the PMS&T from; students recommended by tjtu Ross; Volunteer Sponsorship pom 1 not a first meeting of the gl'oud will be | and hilarioi ThuiAday, February A^olutely No _ Soliciting m ■: J. i: Dorms, Says Zinn r 1 ! j . Ybninji:, many interesting ■ioug.Tigures wtlKJe pre sent when tnki doo 1 ' 8 of Sbisa are i opened Saturday night at 8, A lot of tilne and effort has been I given hy the merhbers of the tje- j partment in the .preparations add I advertising .fqr the djtnce and if | the dance is anything pear what ! is it planned to be, those attending m 1111 MISS MILDRED (TRIBBLE Cooking Class To Be Sponsored By Vet Wives Monday Thq Veterans’ Wiv;s Group of A. & M. will sponsor a cooking class, being given by Gulf States Utilities Company, at 7:30 p. m., next Monday, February 9, at the Agricultural Enginqeying Lecture Room. 4 . f ; Conducting the class will be Miss Mildred Tribble and i^iss Dorothy Mpore. home service Sadvisoi's for 1 & n LULLUrZ JARY 6, 1948 Am l i ! II , I" . : i! . ! . ;■ !*•; T , ■ |. Commandant Wil War CoUege at j|adak The Senate!liabor Gmimitlfc terday appufoyed leg ditio|rt up a natioial! comm s ion m. Job discrimpation cm gron In race, creed Sdii color. j ; This is orte ;of the i iws P' lei blent - Tnuban asReil in h ; civil| lights message ‘congreM wh H has stirred up *c( muclij resf|n|hient among sout|ictrn demtoltfi’: ARAB BA^DS Rori FOOD TRAINS JERUSALEM, Ffhj 6;'. Police! saidf Arab |o ibor looted two |njore t^i s y< r- u ruiuiv i of five carl lads of &|g|r m eiieved They were piles for th II partition o KS? f CHINESE %\ID PL .NEARLY fOMPLE WASHIffGfrON, Feh.t r. The administration hip pleted plilny to ask: < oiiigMdl , pletert planip to ask): (fopgiess for $510.000,00(jf to finaijci aj 1 -i ijortth relief i propdmtn in Cj ii aW April l.. ’ll RUSSIA N|)T SEEKU WAR SAYS IKE i WASHINGTON, f Gen. Dwig|it[ D. Elkc|iho yesterday |e is ■‘cei|tainl , ,i l Viet Rusfciajsrtbes notiwint The retir|ri(g armj cmief tpld the Niitional P r, Russia “is j^rt no pojsilion if-key. not c re- JP)— yes- t i set tfAiinst s of Application blanks for pros-t j ^ n , peciive members may be obtairil to ed from branch instructor^ teach ing advanced military science ebutses.' . " j ji |\ In the past membership wa^i should have thi? time pf thbir lives; Guif States. j tne range prooiems in lexas Ci-ook stated. | j , . \ Tne eRiss will .Includ 1 ! discussions eontnbuted to the technical will be' selected by the PMS&T from students recommended bv the “ ., " ft; mittie, composed of Lt. Col. Dexter L. Hodire. IPAS&T, chairman; Miaj- oadet.^domRorieS^ 4 and f Lt' Gol ’ -ibgolutely no soliciting will be The time again is eight, .SatiUr-j su ’ <1 ,9 r ^P arin lt ™ ea1 ®’j. , r William A Becker RMS&T at the li^ddCbNl bn the dormitories. Ben- day night. February'7. Thei'-placdU en J ,)ha8,s : ® n e f JeCt 10 I “I would like to sec as manypeople 10 ( O able jto afford the $75 uniform add initiation fee, thus eliminating many cadets| who were otherwise eligible. Hdweveii various uniforms |i ave -1- Officers for New Semester Elected By Aggie Players ijrnt,' \ ZiJin advises the [students not ; th/xntribute to ahj) solicitation. : | ‘llrihe solicitor’s cajuse is legiti- ! rtiatleV he may obtain help from the Community Chekt. Therefore He Has no business hoi students." >thering the as possible have an opportunity to come to the dance, so if you haven’t done so as yqt, sec someone; in the Architectural Society and fry. to get a ticket!.” ••—T iUb f-44 • | staipnent ^ame as a re sult recent vequeits by colored ipovsifor financial aid to purchase ifeoy jScbut and footnun uniforms. INaiiied to SA Liyestoek Board iarids inlay clour. Stock ipimit -VP>- j |c° m - for a global whif’ now. .t-T s Pre- Dallas Sat John Laufenberg wis elected ,, ' i' 4-! Hv Min,.,. i,„i of .he a. on WodncMn!-niKht. jumS "e" son was olocted vk-e^lident E Betty McMahan was named sec retary Plans foir construction Work am various other jobs to be ( done foi the coming production were fprmu luted; Committees were chosen an<| plans for purchase of nqw ctning (jfD— | said j So- mow. fj.staff ithat' fight, -/ mM edi|al student s injl'vfisiting the lew ; Founditi >n H y 4« B t cont ic t Dri profesor of hi' logyj! bsefices and rfcotn I: The toullWiU bedin' - monilng at 9. Dr. jjower afi li; , president for agricultiuie, have been u eqted charter members of thd Jpu d 6f directors of the newly or-! gun itd San Antonia Livestock Ex-j ppsitton, Inc. The exposition wil Aho 1 4 in the $1,750 fnenti also' entered into the”'disHijlfH P n j £ | • } MP Investigates Local Crossings j LJ : !■] I fj! Iti The chief engineer jofjj the Missouri-Pacific Railway has conducted ia preliminary inves tigation of the traffic conditions at the Cqllege Station Depot; City Manager Francis Vaughn has announced. A meeting with the College,! city, and Southern Pacific railway officials,- has been arranged. , J: j : The Battalion recently editor ially favored more adequate warning systems at railroad crossings after the second of two traffic deaths occurred at the depot Jajst fall. Young, Heady, Walker Return From Meeting! Dr. Veinon A. Young, Profes sor Harold F. Heady, and Assist ant Pasture and Range Specialist Alfred H] Walker returned Tues day front Salt Lake City, Utah where they attended the first meet ing of the American Society of Range Management. ! 200 Members Attend Over 2()() members! of the nOwly formed society, representing all the western states and many of the southern states] were in at tendance. At preserjt'' there are about 550 members |n the society made up of teachers, range man agers, and liycstockmcn. The theme of the program cpn- tered around problems facing the range industry, recent develop ments in range management, and the actions being taken at the present time to solve these prob lems. Highlights of the meeting in cluded a talk hy Dean J. L. Dean of Colorado A&M, Who spoke on the training requirements for range management. Dr. Walter P. Cottam gave the banquet speech on the “Consequences of 100 years of use of range land in Utah.” Young Presents Paper Dr. Young presented a paper en titled “The Invasion of Brush on Western Ranges and Possible Mdthods of Control.!’ He is well qualified to speak on brush ^prob lems because he has worked with; the problems in several areas in the \vestern states. Young was el ected n councilman in the new so ciety. ! U Professor Heady has been cjo-. chairman of the orgnrtzfttfbn"Ttmv-1 mittee, and for the past year has acted as secretary-treasurel*' of the group. He was re-elected to, that position. ! J Walker has been in the Texas Extension Service for several yepi's. He spent Six years as county agent and at present holds a master’s degree in range anil forestry from A&M. He is well acquainted with the range prbblems in Texas and Col. Guy S. Mitey, le$ve A.&M.'in Augpst, today by President 5 ibb Gj| report to the War College! ington, D. C. on Aiigjst 2ft “We deeply regypt loaf ! j .) V. umber 1 com u COLONEL (jjfJY SJ '■ 4 Nine Cash Prize Donated for i|lo Airplane Cor t planning tuss ‘ ons ' n meetings, with special You,, f? reported. Bryan Bobbitt, Coljl merchant, has dohatejf ujge Sfifhlr nine dis- DrJ i Newman Club Will role meals, and home! prepared mix es for quick breads. ’ S< me thought wHJ also be giyeil to wi le selections in tparketing, M'ss Tribble said. | ^ O At the. close of the. program favors blVC UcMCe tjUndRY will bcNgiven to those-attending. ; ^ J The claims is free Wid all veterans’ | , T . miH Rwnii A pre-Lenten dance will be held wnmSnLd b y the A. & M. Newman Club Sun- _ ‘ ’[ day evening at 7:30 in the K. of C. Hall in Bryan, Jack Denning, re porter for the organization, an nounced.; ! ' i i-ll wives ip College SUitio are invitod to attend, it Students May Pick Up Cuion Tickets :.! f □ttr ;-~ | 'Mi li, ■ ■ Pictures for Sophomore Ball f|n Friday 13, Due by F|j) SWeetheait entries for the Soph- Heading the Sweetheart Cqmntit^ Sbisa Hall on Febrm Officers of the dub for the com- i ing semester will be elected jit a j meeting Which will be Monday Students who havd beeVapproiN j evening at 7;15 in the basemen! of ed by the Student Life Committee j St. Mary’s Chapel, to receive Guion Hall passes dioul} 1 pick up their tickets in the Stu Activities Office as soon jas possi C. G. “Spike” White, director, nounced today. Groups of students aparoved for. the pass privilege are: uajor and minor ;‘T” card holders; company, troop, band, a!nd battery command ers; drum and bugle cohps mdn- hers; cadet officers whose rank is lieutenant colonel qr abode; editors of student publication^; aind junior and senior intramural managers. Also included arc: yell leaders; officers of the Singing 1 Cadets; junior and senior class officers; band seniors who are taking their senior ^privileges this year! student senators; and! housemasters. prizes to be awarded irttjidel aii|) nple confost-fiyerS''-fiiHidiiiy aftm off' February 8, Rogers U lartop pounced today. j The contest is open jli< all 4 ?rs in the Bryan-Colleig s areej. jvents will begin at! 12:30 ind end at (i p. m. Shle ctatoirii uPe nvited to watch the fitents vjtiicih ivill be held on the parking uljacont to the BryUii Bohl lasqball park. No 'fils wjll ■barged either contestjai ts ori f|)(j4-l ;ators. j ; j j ■ I rst power rapBel caHtdiit! feii. omparable to stato-vjri le con eSl Including stunt, combat and 'flM’M flying, Barton asserts The combat event, wi els flying in one area time, will be one of yvents for spectators, of Bryan is expected times of over 100 mph | This fi of the se pent with numerous piodeleits competing fqt Barton said. ! Stunt [event judges Bill Kock and D. T. Houston, and C. I. [Temple. Members ol eromodelers club timers and recorders fjqr thej pwo events. % Extension Agent From S Makes Campus Inspection b<*- tiire t|i two; at file| the fqdtuji uck Goj to tu i 1 the j itherj top 1^[»; will in Stodgh Mitchdlj this 1 sie n'r . ■ ■ .v i ' ortTo McNair ndant and PMS&T, will accprifJing tp an announcement rist. pe has received orders to IfdPilleislie J. McNair in Wash- loy.’f President Gilchrist sa^d, in making th|e -amiounfe- mqnt. “He haa d.oine an, opt- atanding job hcro-v and has m a ll e much progress, in building up oil r military d.'part- mdn't. Unques tionably,' he is one of the ablest men we have ev er had in this position at the college, We know, however, that t|he new Assignment is one to which any ambitious of ficer aspires, and we do not wish to stand in the way of his taking, a step w h ic h. ho feels : is to the best interests of his career.” Coming her? in September, j 1946, Meloy undertook the task Of re building thf mili tary organilzqtion of the Corps of . Cadetf which, had + praclicially been wiped out by the wdr.| His i accomplishments have beeim omtstdnding. Military train ing ft A.&M. today is ackriowledg- ed;!i.|> be the strongest in its hisv tofyl with practically every Army fee repmented. Performance ofjJjhe! Corjps of Cadets this year has jbeen the most. 1 efficient evqr stem hjere. i lt)27 graduate of the United St0i||>s Military Academy, Col! Me loy |al$o received training at four InfMitry schools and dt the Com- maml and! General Stiff 'School e coining to a!&M. He d as an Instructor rff tactics ater an assistant commandant he.- Tank Destroyer Sqhool, Hoojd, before going to the - ' Eudfpcan 'Theatre during- i World Wall 11. j | Europe he participated In the Rhi|elnnd,i Central European, and iSdfklhern France campaigns. His deciiratiofui include the* legion of iMjerlt, Bronze Star with Oak leaf cluster. Arjmy: Commendation Aib- bfin'.l Armv' of Occupation Ribbon (ETp(, Wdrld War II Victory Rib- bqhl EAMC Ribbon WitKjithrec can^aiigh stars, American Thea- i tre Ribbon :iind the American De- ! fen4? Ribhon 1 with one campaign i b successor to this important posfi willl be named." President I GilcJiri.st skid, "until we have con sulted with ‘officers of the 4th Arnty,: and with their help found |th(e]man best suited to fill the posuion. We are fortunate in having time In which |to do this. Col. Meloy does not leave; August. His successor will; ought ha early enough to have benefit of the Cq|loncrs ek-! per^nce aiid advide, preserving the ; gaiils whicih he has made for us.” j ID 1 Li ly OTTO KUNZE Sweetheart entries for the Soph omore Ball on Friday, February 13, H, are due before noo)n, Wednesday, Fel uraly. 11, Don McClure, Class pie-felent, announced today. FiCtures of any dimension miist be 1 iccompanied with the girls name esc qft’s name, her age, hometbwn, pne | school she is attending, he j * e may be mbmitted of the same girl, but !ho jsjhafoshots are acceptable. Entries will be judged by the Swi #th|eart Committee, consisting 4 1 1 „ Penberth; director of the A^gie oqe Sweetheart will * until *' said nnounccd until during V McClure ! Heading the Sweetheart Cqmmit J tee is. Bob Spear] He is being as sisted in making plans for the ball by Marliss Bird. Billy Mayo, Gene Hollar, and Martel! Moore. ? . McClure urges sophomores to submit pictures of their ?swc0tjj hearts as soon as possible^ After judging, all entries will be return ed, he declared. ; Pictures should be submitted to sophomore representatives in each dorm. They h'e: 'Bill North] Room 208, Dorm 2J John Taylor,; Room 213, Dorm 4; Bill_Mayo, Danb 6; Tedi Dorni 8; Dean 1 Dorm 9; Bill Black Dorm 10; and Mart 412, Dorm 11; The Aggieland Orchestra will play for the dance to be held in Martell Moor^ Room all on February 13 from 9 till, 1. Dress will be formbl. Tickets scaled at $2, staig or drag, are on sale from the follow ing corps sophomores: John 'Wil liamson, Donn 2; 1 John Christen son, Dorm 4; Jimmie Rose, Dorm 6; G, Rogers, Dorm 8; Doyle Avant, Dorm 9; Art Gorman, Dprrn 10; Gniene Hollar, Dorm 11, And Herschel Maltz, Hart Hall. Veteran sophomores wishing! to attend the ball should buy their tickets from who lives .11 4 'McClure, in Rodin 409, Dormitory 10. J Tickets will go off sale at 1— Friday, .February 1$ MeClur said. T' . . Corps senioif,are invited to atr tend the ball upon payment of the regular admipsior fee, McCk T concluded^ | J Elsa Liodstrom. home economics adviser of the Royal Agriculture Society at Halmstad, Sweden, is visiting the. Texas A&M Campus to study arid confer with the Ex tension Service staff. V Miss Lindstrom is here in the official interest of tnh Swedish De partment of Agriculture and the Federation * of Swedish Farmers Association, which employs hfer as Home Economics Extension y\gent, in Southeastern Sweden. She has been in the United States since May of last year dur ing which time she has visitech many of the eastern, central and southern colleges and universities. Miss Lindstrom arrived here from Arizona and will go to Mississippi from here. According'to her plans she will return to Sweden in the latter part of March after having visited approximately 34 states. American household equipment is of particular interest to Miss Landstrom. She thinks the Ameri can housewife enjoys many Con veniences which are unheard of in Sweden. Rationing is still in effect in Sweden and household articles arc about fifty percent higher there than they are in the United States, Miss Lindstrom said. This is her first trip to the United States. Before the war she visited many European coun tries including Denmark, Po land. Romania, Hungary, Ger many. Norway, and Austria. During her stay in the United States Miss Lindstrom is reporting back to Sweden by means of arti cles which are published in twenty newspapers and one ni^gazin|ej! 44* ter her return she wil^ iiako a ficiul report to the R«) u\ Aji:i lure Sqciety of Swc^l in ah II plans to give lectures !)^ the 51k ish people concerning [tie adylp ments ijiadenn home j|(onomi the American people, j One pig edge Ameivican : have oyer their Swed *n Co 1 jparis is .the deep fredjzi Unit, Miss Lindstrom. Thijij home serving apparatus ami the re:n done in American colw res inji her favorably, she st^t>d The Agricultural Ek ensiou vied in i the United Sjii :es aiije ‘ “ ' ity of 1 :cord lets Must Get firth Records 1 faterajut. Advisor Taylor W lkin» suggested today that nil married veterans secure Cer tified copies of their iliihlren’s Idfth certificate* a* noon an fdble. ! [ ; f ! ! , : iueli a'move w ould expedite work of the VA and de- ise the possibility of the yet is checks being ! late when thf antirlpate