Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1948)
I- ^ — IPf B^talion THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, —-Pft ' ister Will Be Baptist Religious Week ;f By W. H|iB vARDSLEY p ’ Drj -Foiest (V-Freezorf pj ^tor of tho . Fiir«t , Baptist Church of Wlacp, « illl be theffiaojtist speaker during Rejjigious Emphasis Weejk, February'|l6-|2!0. i whom w<trc u Loaviln if W; de oH 1920, f horn Dr. Fr(jezor H been the paster oif ;ko jffovor -J. |M. Brrujfhtdn; of atwl Pat Noffj! of ivci i i jchjn’oK U’o|k. <o -P k-sitnTone! ro, Ra)i(“: K; Eirth 'Cj ir- Or. Fr pxor atkitKi od t- Thiootf^fit |al latjini ! in 192.1, I o- iglfjie beoamr p;|s- 'abfenjiicl# Bitpt 1st I.eavin Just outs olipa. in the Sout Semiqan tutaing: t tor of'the ('hjiiroh. jAll |ofl : oharoho*' ; havoj'ilH*en In cenlofs |if .student! life. Lo<jaj;iiJ in H'ajei [h are two oollc! jeii.f Joiirth ('a^kili m State (?ftlIo(fo ttrrnl tloridjith C 1 Wake T |)rept Is ten tpc 2s away. His : Sut tlajj F:bool r wa|5 ( a* Largest in/No jtb . F i roliina at t|ie tiinij of hii> pa: (Lorite ! tlnon ((or/iinl* tioj Ifijras after 1 ing p pastor iij: M|s.s ipfi {'(fr sever al years, he a.<||ept|e<: ^he pastor? te of the Broadway ; 1 ijptisf (’hor h of Fort W or tit. Dr Fiveaoii li thif, Dost; to bfieorne Itjht'• pgistpr the Waeb Fiiwt ^a|)f.iist fvhqrd Dr. FYj»ezor||.s :t npjember <f t Board- off T rtij^eesj < ’ Ray lor t T i versitv, Korcitlti Ajjijtion Boahl the Southern ? ! Baptip n Tejfas I!keeut|j'e i p.<| tirtl, antjf .t u* State Fndlowniejnt ipipjFnlar>fhim|tt Conimittt|e. !| I r—ftj ( s During! the i|)Vor]« Whir^ IT ioan paigh in; Frant e Gei| jKi.sehhowefs armies required m«|b tha,n a m lion gallons b: gap|jne .evety hours.- '’ebruary I known aslthb! “Pastor of Govfernotrsg’ has : . P 1 iw, - • • -* • SVHIft it Pi |/’ tippets Cotton Fields, Waving Pal jffii l : v 1 f i IlI.■ Hi:tr Wisidng Danish (lold Misty Rain ■' . ’ il ... . .L. .. - JL u l r ! , Lecturer Finds Iff] f j/if | ; _ /111 Snowy flams ] By JAMES NELSON II i H'J •! K I I '( rival ion of good wiH behvt-en! Derjin/ii'k and ):he IJnited Sta tes arid] a!nf : American inteivst )n Dhn- ish sujehpecture, sai<l Lars Marnus, noted; Danish a rehit pet now lectpy the achievements pf ’the. architect will be shown in the buildings he ereatel You can tbll if any effort and work has been put forth By the individual by studying his aecom- plishntbnts, a man may hastily Ml 1 **• h hia mm *■ ^£:z^zi^u: ■fi MMto of tw Royal Ak.| !fif deniy.0/ Copenhagep, Marnus fr that, the gi efit intervst In his I ']*! to his ability, These are answers ua v y,,,, ,., r « «. ,»» tA £ sLi'-oo s i ••t/fs i. r i tw r“- ^rr 4 * m , ?f -li aha., .ho, riXli'f S,-a io co m o , inkyif today reah/e he need for back md visit w l lh U mv old ' h ‘F u '»j education if !, h f! > friends and to meet new people. 1 '' r " he a<1(U ' 1 - ; Most Of the teachers that I met on f m " j my previous tours of the US are | now the deans and leading men of out;id the vrecjtion of buildings hnd j layliig-out of 'lawns, He a-lso sjaid ? that} the dormitories Were \yell great schools,” swieed in future life When, asked .for hi- first hii-ksioii! rijf A&.M, Marnus sta that he W4s highly impressed With j HOrne of America * s the, p anmag that had-later. eaM.ed | Mami# rplated . t»i ♦ Iti/v '< i< 111 /if l\i 1 11 < f 1 n n-o >Ar./1 t • ' j ' « “No Palm Trees? Marnus was prepared to find plttjmed! structures. “In most ialses wavia K P alm fees and sun-bath- thejbuildings dn American campus es jgive- the apDearnnce of Ipflugj! old,-; but the biiil-dings here hpv)p a;! new look ‘ to them, 1 ’ Mamus lex-1 plained ed cotton fields on his first visit to the south. But iastead he found snow-covered plains and cold misty winds, lie alsb expres sed hirs desire for everyone to krjow that he did not. bring the cold weather from Denmark. Plans to come toj America in 1940 DR. FORliST C. FRFjK/t.R Baptist S|M-a;kcil CREET1NC CARDS 1$ 'W£O0/y/<S>S - n j- h ■ /U./V&SS I T^/F/n YC>< tows Sf I*: 1 [j ft&C. FQ# \fU/?PO$£ to ov/r^u , 4$r£$ cPk 0M. C<T*t<Ci&U. iveiyo/HF 7V COfat /\AYO m-oad' s Manjjrum Pockets Bing Crosby Open ■ ! DELMONljlk CAtJF., j.Taip, 15 I <.44—Stylish Utile :Ll<!>yd .Majiignini pipe ke ted S2.533 pind. thjfi pro fessional golf chamyiiibnSnip jjn] the 19t8 Bing Orosby Totirnametit, Tuesday , ' ! 1 ' ! ' :' i : L I The fi l-holp tourhument whs piayed dvejr three different courses Here on successive dajyjs. iMajigruln j ,:cth»lked up teji undef par flu - the i j Itbree rounds, and a j^otal o|f’205|. Mrs. Marnus, who is acrnmpa|ny- ingi her husband on bis tour, added her, praise of the pleasing appOar- anlSe .that A&M presents. I I i Tk* 1 i O'! •jTbe ppogivss being made by | KlClP, 1 Dabisli atui : Anierican arebityets I , * jis iidiout. the same,'’ Marilus stated. ! COPENHAGEN -(A** -A rough, 1‘Tjunie is jno basis for jpdging the | neck in the Danish town of diljf ere neck. One country will; be • Naestved took a ride on a motor- full her advanced! ip some fields i bike and then ehallD.ged the own- Wljlle the other'Will be (iqually jad- I vatieed ip somcj otiler phaiej of I W(4 k.” ! I |n every study or Work theri? is eXtiressc-d' the philosophies of the individual. As in all gbeat works er to st:irt something. The rough neck woke up 101 minutes latter and learned that the owner of the motorbike w-as the .former Danish lightweight champion, ; Franz Zmuda, interrupted by the German occupa tion of Denmark. It was impossible to secure passage to the US be cause the Danish Merchant Fleet had been tujrned over to the British and American governments. He spent an uneasy time during the war waiting for the opportunity to return, to the US,. Since the war Mamus has been active in helping students who 'gome to Denmark from other coun tries. He. assists them |in meeting the^right people and obtaining the necessary things to help them fur ther their education. He also aids the students in meeting noted peo ple of other Seandpnavian coun tries. \ Marnus, who speaks English fluently, expressed hit desire to be able to lecturp’Cb all: who would be interested in the advancement being made in housing' pi Denmark. He said that irF every large city that he has visited so [far, the in terest in this work Isj wery keen He has engagements j;o\speak in several large cities in the porth. Visiting Other Schools Before leaving Texas, Marnus will hold lecture .series, similar to the ones being held .here, at the University of Houston. Texas Uni versity, and at Texas [IWli- From Texas Marnus plans to go through Ariizona and New Mexico, lecturing at schools and principal cities. He will then visit schools on the west Coast bpfjore heading northwest. Another trip to th<| south will bring him to Louisiana and the schools of other southern states. Approximately 18 mobths will be required to finish the tour. <our\e ii- 70; the par 71 : MopTcjrey i Ren insula layout in, ]G7] add f he I filmed par 72 Rebble ,Bei|ch lest in OF. Stan: Leonard of ylarjeouver, P> ; (l, grabbed the secojnjd spot! with fellow an of Iscore John- 10 win ExJLanile The “Sen ing Texq ->r.'b • • • Store 'Aggies”. GLEAlflNU Lf PRESSING ! ALTER VriONS , ' ! a 21ft. It/was A'orth '$pi}5.b0. I { Third • |iUic.f among: I professionals was Ren j Eprshey, Pa, |logan'r'| n Was 211, but he teamed .vith ; by Dawson oflLos Ahjgtles ! tlhe pro-anhatmil. best [mill cjompe- ' tlition with a low-of [Iplj. Prpssing : Hogan but a Stroke ijejhijnd th take j fjoprith position monei’l was, (Bobby [ llpcke, pro from .Johannesburg, South Africa, I with 2112. I|t was worth $1,233. [ ■ I M .. tr For Your Sporflng-Goods N eeds *; JONES SPORTING * GOODS 803 S. Main > Bryan • v j • >'■ . ' Ph. 2-2332 “ 1 , 1AL f I &T THETR BEST — AT CLEANERS AMPUS f*ver Tho ICkcfiange Store r i i|| JANUARY I* 4? • Mf'W f f BOOM; I In the will come into its own. NEW LOOK OLD: The long style will win greater acceptance. , ' 'j ' PRICES UP; Housewives will have to shop more carefully. Living costs probably will rise. ft' ■ .si %■ -y - ^ ~ '.:a, fvA *•; te ... v i > As* ** ~ •' W A' UUK AR A NCR He tils TOPCOATS TOPCOA TOPCOA i. ' ' A iWiiol S\veal<‘rs $5.50 yin lues . \ ■ j ■ li; ■ .. ; 1 j i$.95 Values L j IT P 6.50 Values r . !. J H - v too Values^ .. j ^.00 lvalues I. i ,1 I i'll't ' . " - r''''l 215 EL 26th St ll? i ir h 1 ro[|) Coat I [I . Now S2X.50 . Now 20,5(0 . Now! :V2.50 IA $2,3(5 2.(15 i 4.35 4.«5 . 0.00 [ AUU WOOL:; BOTANY ROBES Discount coirwAV e co Across from P. O. v^ ; .... 0. Gm,s&*r if ' M ' ■ ■ WmmZw * m i m : pf,- ' fmk t u m .2 / £ <£0 i.. lijlRIFE ABROAD Europe's left-right i Tight will go on. War is| unlikely. JOE LOUIS KO'D? The champion, growing old, may be upset. Photo shows him floored by Galento in '39. I • h • - t i i i J lii lit A » m mr-i 4 € 1 , ! f teifm . -' 0 ^--,4; -4#^ - ! Hitter .V- t' 'a - ^BUMPER.CROP YEAR: Farmers.again.will find marct» far everything they c|tn plant. Santone Mothers Sponsor Program By Singing Cadets The Singing Cadets will hold a Concert Saturday night in the Thomas Jefferson High School Auditorium at San Antonio, under ihp sponsorship of the Sah Antonio A&M Mothers Club. Fifty-five members of the group will take part in the program beginning at 8 p. m., Bill Turner, djrector of the Singing Cadets, announced to- day. Li ; Saturday afipmoon tjae cadets tvill be guestsmf the Alamo Live-; Stock Commission at Gjecn Pas tures, and Sunday morning the ca-i dels will give two pepforpianceR at Brooks Memorial Hospitgl. Soloists in the selections picked for the occassion are: Harry Doran, tenor, Leonard Perkins, baritone,! Buddy Boyd, baritone, and Helmut Quiram, bass. The group will alsoj feature the novelty quartet group “The Aggie-nizers” which is com posed of Tommy Gould, Boh Stin son, Helmut Quiram, and Buddy Boyd. Two members from San Antonio will perform with the cadets, tho t\yo are Ben Scholl and Jules Sar- ran. This will be Sarran’s last per formance with the cadets as he will graduate in February with a BA in business and accounting, [Turner said. Arabian Oil Agent Will Visit Campus V. A. Walker, representative of the Arabian-American Oil Com pany, will )>o on the campus Jan uary 20-21 to interview engineers interested in employment in Saudi Arabia, Director of the Placement Office W. R. Horsley announced today. A general meeting of all inters jested engineers will ^he held at 9 a. m.. January 20 in the YMCA Chapel, he said. A movie describ ing the operations of the Company will be shown at the meeting. Students wl|o wish to schedule pn appointment for personal inter- views with Walker should contact the Placement Office, Room 208, Administration Building. FtKD Ap. Ratra rd With ImomI CtJtSf . M » word f injor.rtion! with a 25«* minimjmi. Spa rata* in; Clmwlfiad Section; 11 ... if , per column inch. Send all ! clas*tfi«Pi with reipittanee to the Rt|iqi>nt Act; . «#. (All ads should ' tx* turn itj by 10:00 a.m. of the day before poM lieatioa. ! ll THE SCKI ins, dral 2:ird. B bltfnn 00 B SHOP—Typins, mlimeokrai I 'ink, Phone 2-670S. |1007 ElUi M-KKNZIK-BALDWIN BUSINESS C< LEOE offers i refresher wurstk in shot hand. bpokWeepinir and L-sUiCiatiyl jtjet*. ; Dial - 2-0655. Bryan. TeraZ. FOR SALE—House. 4 rooms:; and May be! inspected any day jafter Si P. M. IJ19 Fairview, Colletief Station^ FOR SALE —1 Double unit pridabrica house. No. 12. Project Housb Area. Henry: Rail. FOR SAiIe -3 room r-’-vJ I 1 S2.950;0ff -t- terms. rw;v« 1 ' ■ i , ! furnished house q-j 20r.- S.. Miinnerf f FOtJNDHParkfr “Sl.” Pay cliaitn at 10-A, Hart. I ^ I ' There are few mines which cf taiii moke [gold than is corjtained thi^ vaiilts at Ft. Knox, Ky. WH A W . ; I FRIDAY ^ 5:45 Slrn On 5:45 Recorded Music 0 :00 Texas Farm and Home Program 6:15 Coffee Chib 7:00 Martin Aaronnhv , 7:15 Cowbqy Melodiee , 7 ;30 News of Aaitieland i ,7:43 Tlk Tok Time j •S :00 Breakfast Club 'f; 9:00 My True Story ) 9:30 Womans World 9:45 The Listentnir Post 10:00 Rre&kfast in Hollywood! 10;30 Galen Drako L-, 10:4. r > Ted Malone 11:00 Welcome Travelers 11 :J0 Record Rack 11:85 Bryan ' News 12:00 RaukhaKe Talkinc 12:1 r> , N°ondav News , IZiSO Clark Monroe Show [ 1:00 Walter Kiernan t 1 :t5 Rev. Van Sickles 1:30 Bride and Groom 2:80 Ladies Re pealed 2:30 Paal Whiteman Club | 3:30 Treasury Shotl s 4 :ftn Radio Workshop 4:30 Church Women 4:16 Rhythm and Reason 5:00 Sportsman 5:>5 The Colleire Speaks 5:«0 Sian Off KAMT Correction CorrectcNl! The healjth inspection con - ec- in thp Tuesday Battalion incorrectly j stated that the Ag- g tel and Imj received a grade of . 79 irt the December survey. The Aggieland Inn received a score of 90, and the Aggieland Pharmacy should have! read 79. Sbisti Hall’s rating of 100 percent was omitted from the previous story. What’s Cooking? (Notices should be in The Bat talion office before 5 p. m. of the evening before publication.) ABILENE' CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, YMCA* AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL. 7 p. m., Thursday, YMCA Assembly Room. [. BAYLOR - ARCHER - YOUNG COUNTY CLUB, 7 p.m., Thursday, Room 128, Academic. DALLAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Mon day, YMCA Chapel.- Plans for Sports Dav. EAST TEXAS CLUB, >7:30 p. m., Thursday, YMCA Readihg Room. ECONOMICS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Room 307, Academic. (Plans for next semesterNwll be discussed.) HJSK, (Haskell, Jones, Stone wall, Knox Counties), 7:80 p.m., Thursday, Room .328, Academic. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Assembly Hall (Pic ture for Longhqrri will lie made.) RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB, 7 p. m. Thursday, Solarium of YM CA. ' : : j THE SCHOLARSHIP Honor So ciety will have its picture for the Longhorn made Thursday night at 7 at the Assembly Hall. SOPHOMORE CLASS MEET ING, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, YMCA Chapel; (Plans for Sophomore Ball will be discussed.)! SOUTHWEST TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, YMCA Cab inet Rpom. SWEETWATER CLUB, 7:80 p. m.j Thursday, Room 22!>, Academic; TEXARKANA CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room 128, Academic. TSPE. Brazos l County Chapter, 7:30 p. m., Monday, EE Lecture; Room. VETERAN’S WIVES CLUB, 7:15 p.m., Thursday, YMCA. VETERAN’S WIVES BRIDGE CLUB,; 7:15, Thursday, YMCA. WEATHERFORD CLUB, 7:30 pat-. Thursday in Rojom 303, Aca demic Building. 9 ;00 SJifn ’ On i 9:00- Fun and Fancy Froc 10:00 SyinR Time ! 10:30 MnrninK MuMCale 11)00 PearU of Velvet V :30 Record Rack ! 11:55 Bryah. New n ( 12:00 Christmas I^nend 12115 Noonday News 12:39 Clark Monroe Show DOO Afternoon Melo<lies 1 ISO Between The I.iin-s 1 ;45 Musical [|'ortr*lts 2:0Q Musical I’ortraits 2:30 Isullaby*! Time 2::45 Rick A Tune 3i:30 I.ean Back and I.ikten :i:45 Album of Comedy Faviljtes 4:30 Afternoon Rerenado , 5!:00 vyorld News 6j:15 Musical Tele A Tete 5;:30 Cbpktail fitn 0 >1:00 Hvndlim- Kditidn 6;: 15 Rimer Davis 6::.'I0 Smoke Rines 7:00. The Fat Man 7,:30 This Is Your FBI s;:00 Break .The Hank s’:30 The Slterrif SdSj Champion Roll Call 9::00 Bbxini; Bouts 9:30 Your American Sports 10:00 News ,of Ti>morrow 10:15 SiKn Off flmill >n>>ire -lectriC refriyer: e will pa^ for >i 3 leheel ! scooter v Whilf, ij-ll.. Project and loti Fop- itor Included, it in 4 ( yettm. fry reasonable. House. I - . -K. jA-.E.l'Loa i” srat: SALE)—Efficiency 4 por.lh anj storage r >om house, ytt- a.m. 1vat>j l>n)f- 607 Faitview, South Gate. SALK+- Hollywood bed. YSfw, c-iosx. [ YOR flAI.K new, us ‘ SfoR SALE^—1989 Iluick Ml cally pet-f<'ct.. !Nev( pair t A4f.j Collcifc View ^IMN. Coljeke Station. | 'Or! FMtorjf mar c. wheel tfajiler -lesh (than pefp Gil Abt>ot 5 A.; H. 1 _ Urt'an. | SHaIrp RHDUCTloFS nojv- lajjl'ies wrinrimr; apparel Dfiess Shop, Rast 1 Gate. Cflpepper Real! Kslate Aij-e i’loiftJFF.R expi-rt ta|lor is t'tfc up i|n ne\i> ishrths! cidthtst toj inditjidnpl I ed: service in ladies cither from oujr own ADfRARLt aprjnit! blouse i *H|(*rt slie|ves iiist j-eceiver DijeMii Shkp. Eist (Gate. 1 ’tr - !' -‘OR (SAI.R-S tii. ce bedro cujhdition.l spririKs! includ - ttfC-n-XL CoUepc: View. DR. R. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas Leonard Boswell HERE AGAIN!! 1230 Highway No. 6 Near the "t” Drinks — Short Orders The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— j j j 1 Come in and see us fetj large or small appliances: Radios, Electric Iron s. Stu dent Damps, Floor ijiamps,! Presto Cookers, C pi fee Makers... and many other us^ftils ! UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. j. | |1 25th a Washington j Sta Phone 2-1486 ‘Fri*ido)re. 7 less; than 6 ep4h. Photnc 4-1332; after year i tirfs 7. Sic \yilliam] DcMtitrl*!; tlidc Tubb oh I can*, rd. Box , 40-1, ft. boX. Like m. |l 5:30 p.mj ^ronths. ljoo.00. all stW j2 500 miIcs{ Twfl trailcii jbitcri, A. Wyatt, ff., Racwcll! Rrlvc, ready (o :ind trrildiii mr*': llmixo-ljl- r>-d suits u1m|). either fpni our ojwn smm wonh-ns iih yolur’material if vjoli havc^‘ ” m^int photiic 4-l3f>‘i, 9 00 a it. For appoinr m. to 6 :0# in limit »nd| at iMsy Ross am Kijitc.i VO 6W.0fl. I [.Ofp, Idyritific.-itior) hrai-c! -t w-ith thi* in-; i-djfiption "Sift,”: I’l'u-.- rrtjirn ti^ )V. A■ HarlK-r. 223. Dorm Ktitii" SALE »lcii(ivc tvbc 11400. fbpfz. lollcpc Vi, j-4- "T-4 FOR SALE) I Yellow' pold w (sldinttj s«(t. tt’h fliiimon.l- ; in <-h-onn. l dcsil n. Sefli N.-l-ool, , piom; 109 • 17.; 11 41* l NFl-.n li i trailer, an old of w li*e View hr Box; 1307 FOR SALE] -iTrailer! house 7 ; C-l C«impus.! ; ♦4——4-—5—1 Fpt?ND Slide rtile, See TV Oja-ner idlrntify: ai»d |>ny " t;"—- "1 j—rt— WANTFP ; First jtrrade puli kil teacher imntcd(atelv. S ate a(il Salary Chntact jWi e| Oalchau “ T| v x«s. 12 miles west ftpehers ishare j ride. . irv cf|fel'tji<!( n R« > tv Hies car. oh hist it bejds. Serj Schaeqel. B-3-V. Coj-; Colleirw S(ntiot). nil room. Aren, lie . schooll mil- Sunt)., Snook. FOi SALK -Conlveptiopal liiji. oxcellwnt cohdition. Se« jCjburts. Hwy. 4. Apt. -■ lOFFlfTAL NOTICE —r——— i—r i SDL ROSSpMASON 1C Called meetlliK Mlah N|>., 13( t -pc rook itove at Mc^rthuf LODGE Sul Roil af.Aa.M, 7 :00 ip.mi. Thursday If. Jan) Masteifs D<* Master Masorf uar>. Work ii Krcf Visitinn cotidially welcome, j GJBB fllLCHI IS'!'. W k M W; IL BADG11TT.! Sec'y, Have Flu RECORDS IJADlOS , School! A-Office Supplies ALL YOUR NREDS ■ : - ' r’ . HASWEI Meet Him Today! Do you enjoy peace of mind? Do you want a feeling of security? : Much depends upon your own ifforts in seeking needed protec tion. The State Fam Mutual Automobile Insurance Company agent can help you. 3ee him Today. j. M. ALEXANDER, JR., ’40 :i 213 S. flfain j 34 |• I 1 ’ * !- i\\ STATE FARM MUUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY of Bloomington,: | Win ill j - fhr WcrUft Lorgnt Auto Ini ironco Co. for (i in- ! i<i)tograph| iMaci Real VifLFjTINE A iNEW PITTING Service— l r ES ON -OR NEGAfl : \l 4 -pT-Da^ SffeFvic ■ I : l ,1 Mi. A&M OeeiH PHbTO SHOP