The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 14, 1948, Image 4
r - 1 •• Page 4 Bkttalion Li !—^——k-4 r NESDAY, JANUARY 14, 194. wica: Intramural Notes A Infantry Ente: Semi-FinalsAfttr Composite Vic Company quick games i IwMfitr r too jfromf' Companl Composite yettenlup t< entaj ill Eemi-finats- in|vollcyba 1 tonijr] s anti V r a|lly rmersj to .aj 15-5 t gaime a (id aj second. Gwirtn For spnVked the w tory in tihe fi triumph tn the Dick BauyH' and ■ Bi Ijj \\1i looked pjood Composite ere vjmqd s '-'limj'RSOAY j c :45 sign On :4~i U*<ior<l<*I Music' | R:00 Texas Farm an*t Horne Pr f, :I5 Coffee: Club ! f? :00 Martini Arroh^ky j7:15 Rotary! Club > [ i ’and ! oKrat 1 : i : ield j Aitlllerjn: Battery C. stepped in th feating C Cotnposijtc | senii-fiilals dlH°' t : fw League cham ijionshfi). The Igk’l Artillery unit *ook the first 15-13}' C Composite} grjubkx 1 ' secoruT gaine,j il5-7,j ar d? C j *^»|1 won the last plame, jl5-L2j. Jimmy TiltJ} 1 and Di\)is 4 or starred fjor th4 winmerj,' ' ‘ ’ Zmpvalt and [feon (Ian the losiny Contposit • ? :30 News < C Aggie fj :45 ' Tik T<-c Time: ! (1:00 Preakfist Club 9:00 My Tn e Story' 9:30 Hetty (!ri>cker j 9:45 Borothy Kilgalieh 10:00 Ilreakfast in Hollywood |l0:30 (Salen Prake 10:45 't<*l j Malone ; J 11:00 yfeltjorrie Travellers j ;11 :.'10 Record iRack |U :!t5 Pryan (News . I . il2:0O Bauljhaye Talking : 12:15 Varner [News jl31-30 IijCIoHc Monror Ijhow ! 1 :C0 ’ Waiter Kierrian;: ' I 1:15 . Kthel a>ml Albeljt ;• 1:30 - Bride lind Iftrdrjm I' 2:00 I.adi's Be Seateld j, 2 :.'10 Paul Whiteman Club! 3:30 Treasury Shtl'v : 4 rOO Afternoon Musis 4:30 Rev. McDaniels! 4:44 Milt Berth Trio fi :00 Sportsman 1 5:15 The College Speaks I 5:39 Si«n Ojff "H • • rr ■ Battery C Cavalry this somi-finajlS, at game will F>a Infantry toam; for tiu championship <tonigjhti TEXAN API’ NAVAL OFF KAMT [afternoon; 1 i the wir tier of tie- itj oDt witji k THUIISPAY Sign On ' : jj I , '•! •FUn and Fpnty Free Fun and Fancy Free: Ti Pime r OV ED Af riAL, WASHINGTON-, Jan. 14 — «T?-| The nomina,ti Andrews of secretary of tji' od today |by t .wires jcornraittj<|e. the senate. FOR THOS DEMAND of Mark E lw si nayy v^afi ap] le .sentito armei t wj got 5 j ki. 9:00 9 :00 i ; 9 :30 j |10:00 Swing j 110:30 Morning MuMcalf 1 liO :45 1 Pearls <lf Velvet 11 l :0() Musical : InInr!ude III :15 Texas Sehopl of the V* r ;11:3d/ Record Back ] , T2:0(i' Baukhage Talking 12 •.la Varner News {12:30 Clark Monro.' Show j ' |.:09 Afternohm Melodies j 1:80 Between'The Bines fj "T1 rr r- -j -it 1:45 Musical Ppj-lraits , kjxas to C e> assj: t^ 1ft • 2.00 Musical Forlrnits Fp fj* j | 2:3l) Bullabyei Time ! i |U, I.2N5 rick A June ' . ! ! 3:0f) Music by : Masters j 03:30 Lean Bark and Listep 3:45 Album Qf- 1 Comedy Favorites |t4:30 Afternoon| Serenade ’ 15:00 World Ne.Ws' -4 Its :15 Musical 'Tete- A T#te >5:30 Cocktail Time ; fi :00 Headline; Edition j i fi: 15 Elmer linyis: t ,'j lfi:30 Smoke Itiogs” i" :00 Candid Mlcirophooe ! IlMI—Mill H WHO M : The best \- College Shoe Riepair i Fl ■ ,7:30 The Clock 8JI0 Willie Pipdr • j ! ;S:30 Darts for Dough; , ! 9:00 Are Theke Our ([hi!,Iren 9:30 Lenny Herman Quiritet ! 1.0:00 News oil Tomorh)\v I j 10 :ir,' Sign Off ! . j j Senate to Select Delegates Tonight : WITH AN EYE TO SIGHT, as well a 8 an ear to. sound, the TSfW Modem Choir will be in Town Hall February 6. Shown above are the three sections of the 45-piece choir. DR. WILLIAM E. JONES, director, and the violin trio, MARY ODEN, HELLEN RtLBREV, and BEVERLY TUCKER. .'he TSCW program will consist of sacred and secular music, folk songs, and music by rrjddern coin powers. Grid Official Man Of the Year in SW 1^ J will . e Na t in furniture aind h^rdwarq unfinished dbjskjs and Li, _,Li bfipk I Heiiiry 7:15 in the [V’MCA jOaimet {to,mi. ReoVding tei |j president, j |_ The delegates A! D. : Bruce, ! .. . will |be ehod'n krom six tiatylidales j which the |Election ^Coiiinfittecj selected fioim fj applieiit io.ns Imadc ijist 'week. Tliir-: [teen applications Iwerje fileil by , 5 • j.ri i J sophomores joti the .gimptis, tm! We have a|fCom{ll6te linO off i 'fourteen, applications wipre mad( by : members of the Freshman Clasfi. A new president andj parliair tarian for tile Student iSenatp : he elected. The vaca!i<;y in- ‘ jCoInpfi J- f 't, Phope 44PS r 1 f ' i North Csatft f Miller y - ’ ! i acahdy president’s' posjitiod rpsults i;the mid-ternj graddatiotn of Ur }jipresent president. eel na! • '.P> Newsfeature DALLAS [— The dowtitroddeifi sports official—the guy who takes f all the gripes of thij fans—caiji j •gain hetjVt from the action of thf j Texas Sports Writers Association | ipj pladiiig its^ accolade, of “South-,j Westieriler of the Yoai-.f’ I Official Jack Sisco; wjho wajs'i .njiurh lira the news the past foot- j hull campaign, being the target rtf! Exam Conflicts Postt'd In Academic Building The conflict examination sche dule for the current semester has been posted op a bulletin board in the Academic Building, H. L. Heaton, registrar, an- notniced today. Students who havij confjlicis at tme of the ten regujfar final examination per iods j should consult this: (list to find out when such, examina tions will he taken. 4- The Student Senate 1 two ' delegatfs for the :xuiiujmu : u . Student Assqoilttion during its r 'g- | f, ular. January 'meeting^ tonight ‘ 1 botUil barrage at the Texa^j-j , .. ,. Oklahoma! game and socking “ 'VArmorlon AljLo sjpeijtatb}- who used unkind woDls ! V V ll I llldl Ictil /AoIVo ajfjUlrjthoj Southern Methodist-Arlj- ~ 4» V* s »»»?.}«■(«.( I., “l( (ui{|*oj 0 f Rabies if.: en- kiil the ffom ice, ’J f I |GREEKS START OFFENSE TIN MT. I’AlRNASSl'Sj iv ATHENS. Jan. 14 | ^-<^4 A !(Greek offensive was liuiinched' :es :ter,<lLy against a force cjf 800 g :n'llas on famed Ml. F’arnasus, ,.j j miles northwest oi A tihe ns, with nan amphihiojus operation from'the I (Gulf, of Coripth. ^ tnpipujs, rousing vote at the nti- tiOlin nual meeting of the tiskoeiation. , . , , . I ; , : : All pet;s and household animals The: writers; stud they picked the, should be vaccinated for rabies and veteran -official for thie ' eauRerj he; “brought into th the'eyil [wp.JOnow exists: th honor he- | n control jiirugratn set hp iii cooper- 4 What’s Cooking? (Notices should be in\The Bat talion office before 5 p. m. of the evening b«fore publication.) if ■ ' * The Entomology Club meeting and seminar ctass schiTluled to meet tonight has Iieeni postponerl indefinitely. Due to unforseen icir- euntslanet^s, pr. il. f. McGill, speaker schedule*! for tihe evening will be unable to appear. The Aggie Chess Clijb will not hold its scheduled meeting Wed- nesdav night.!: j AGRiri^LTiJRAL COUNCIL. 7 p. m., Thursdjty, YMC.Aj Assembly Room. ASAE, 7 pcm.. Wednesday, Ag- I rieulfural Engineering L e c t u r e Room. Guest speaker',-W. L. Uiieh I of Extension .-.'Service. ; : BAYLOR - ARCHER - YOUNG SOUTH BEND, IND. Jan. 14- t^*)—Notre Dame, although defeat ed by Michigan in a post-season associated press poll of sports writer^ says that “championships should be won! on the field.’! A Notre Dame official made that statement last night; before about 1,200 jKTsons at the annual foot ball banquet at which Notre Dame was awarded the Dr. Henry L. Williams Trophy, symbolic of the National Football Championship, presented by the University of Minnesota “M” Club. The Williams Trophy was award ed Notre Dame on the basis of the associated press poll of sports writers at the close of the regular season Dec. 8. The post-season poll was taken after Michigan’s stun ning 49-0 victory over Southern California in the Rose Bowl Game January 1.1 ■ -:' , | ; , L The Revi Jjflhn HI Murphy, Notre Dame vice i president and chairman of the faculty board of control of athletics, took cognizance of both polls in a speecb in which he de clared: . “I am sure that you and I and millions of other football fans— as well as the University of Minne sota ‘M’ Club—have no reason to disagree with the voices of the na tion’s sports writers in the associa ted press poll at the end of the regular, season, which has come to be accepted as the final word on this subject; and that we also heartily concur with the logical as surance of the AP that a post sea son poll was not intended to super sede the votes at the end of the regular season. Turf Men Elect Jones President ; \ At Session Here Gordon H. Jones of Dallas, gional agronomist, Civil Aero nautics Administration, was re elected president of the Texas Turf Conference last night. The asso ciation is in conference here. Others elected are H. T. Horn- buckle, professional of the Odessa Country club, vice-president, Ben Lee Boynton, president of the Tex as Golf Association, vicei-president and Sydney H. Watsop of Dal las secretary-treasurer. FOR SALE—: 1947. Sr<| S -2, Wroom houne. . 'tMt. N. Oskwuud. EKg FOK ALL OCCASIONS. Owulj SfceO-on c?ttv»G- R-MCmably priced. 11.1 up. Soo Rub Vi», No, I—322, DRESSMAKING, alterations, ' abU. 114 Cooncr Street. Rjut Station. [xU^n ChWf "74 ,, l torcj-ekX very! good rondifion.! **V t| price pSM.00. See Fincher, B(X>m IIS FOR SALE—litf In toi be Wolff, Room 281. Dbrm 16 FOR SALBr-’i j'i*** bedroom liui couch. Apt. A-B. V« Vi Hag* FOR SALE —! Double unit prefabrical ‘ I house. No. I*. Project Houwf Arcs, qp* "0R 8AU Ubbed: Rent ab Alev. 9 Bee Whit, ing and 1 gr dual idual measure: l noxct-ll ii* Udorvd su la nlft* n' ouir owti smart wofflcna of la) if you have it For Wppolnt- 4-1162, 9:00 a.m. to C 00 p.m. spring blouse* in l(|ng knd lost received: at Be|j*y Rofi* 4 M* 1 *- ill house and k t Fur- refrlgerator hcli ‘ will pay for it i heel scooter very H-|B, Project Houm tOR SAL fay be !lna] M. 0 House. -4 rvx/ms p^iu-d any day Fab-view. College Henry Hall. 4- WANTF.IV .Student* to do foiimtain tot-I: at College confectionxrien. iSe-e WajilT Stark In 214 Ooodvfln or manager ' Caxey'n. i » j •}" 1 1 FOR SALE— 4 roomj house, ; rage, porch and storage roofni. Kasy p menta. 007 Pair-view, South Cate. FOR SALE—Conventional in excellent condition. See Courts, Hwy.: fl. Apt). 2. FOR SALK-Hollywood bed. Wli.00. CoUirfc View, C-20-X. ■ . I,_ .- 'il, i : . ii->| in I | «. FOR SALE-1019 Buick apeciajL Mecbhdie rally perfect. New pOint )|>b. SeeJ»lt Apt. A-8-Z, College View, oy write: 2826, College Station, j , ■' . ■■ i FOR SALE—Factory made, jail steel. m" “ >n ■■OR 9ALE)- Home, 3 room* and iftth, lo cated on jrampu* between proje it house and tennu court*. Available fo - sprinir semester,! inspertion invited. Be I * Dickson, ilr. Student owned hou e or Box 4M2. i^AVTED 4 Experienced beauty | Call 4-1169. Pfuitt’e Beauty and MOT 91(0! :'OR sal: tudio touch, platfo: pr. dinette suite, 4 piece bedroom chest of ' drawer*, face condition,: very reasonable.- See atler ApU A-44B,. College View aWt*. icellent v> 5!:00, room furnished 1 ousel —, terms, ■ 205 S, M||innetl>n ! JOST— K. wheel trailer—less than 600 miles. Tj.- new Coodycar tire* and trailer hitilh About 6 x 7. See William A. I Wyatt. A. H. Dept, or 404 S. Hakwelt Drtii Bryan. A F.. Log Log Decitrig alidc rule in yrildw rase. A. M. Tubb on ease. Berta) Nk 060879; Reward. Rox 404'; Reward. Rox UUon. PPICIAL NOTICE 1 L ASAE to See Demonstratif Of Electric Arc Welder W. L. Ulich of the ExtenBiiil Service will demonstrate -the J ~ of the electric arc welder ton! at 7 p.m. before the . American Ciety of Agricultural Engine The meeting will be held in Agricullural Engineering LecL Room. ^jnpiJct schrdulR ANNOUNCEMENT I bje conflict examination sehw ule for , rurrenlj scmtsler lia* bK-n pwtednm, jn'bulletin jboard! In the Acad.emip Build ing. ! All sludentg who 'have con ’lieIs at (fnt of th*| ten tegular final exalbinaLion iflods shbiild consult this list to]Find!Out hen such! examinations are, to b> taken. ’ H. L. HEATON I' Registrar SUL ROSS MASONIC LOD IE Called meeting Si 1 I .edge No. 1300, A.E.f t ity) p.m.. Thursday! II Work in Master’s !De- groe Visiting Mattel Masons cofidially welcome, GIBB GILCHRIST. W.M. X-Ray Unit Moves To Annex Today 0 l?'- n ; | at ion with Uxt-al vyte-vinaiiians, Dt.* Room 126, Academic. , I-, , , , , I>«ey7| E. A. Grist, extension, vett-rinfiriat*. BARBERSHOPPERSj 8 p. ed gahibler and the (ajrf wRo camt here, said iyestehlay. j Wedhesdav. Music Hall.: KtalHl.jtbi lose. '• • I Grist urged all ipcopie to report CANTERBURY CLUB, 7 4«y I, ' 1 * * ! • • - 1 Ajrisr urjioo an ipcopie to rrjtnn CAN1 KKUUKY t'UUiH, V p.m., lyou (the spectators) do nrttj j$ ;mimals| to Ihe local vet- Wednesday Parish Houke. plijig tor more sportsrtiaqlike eonjl-i ] ei inanan and health huthoi}ities at DAI.LAS (TLUB, TJJO Ip. m. Mon- Seveti hundred persons were X- rayed In the YMCA Monday and COl?NTY CLTB? 7 p!md Thmsaiay, J^y, L R. Bolotte, member of ’ the X-ray team, said, j i The X-ray unit started loading equipment at 4 p. m. today for the trip to Little Aggieland where du|et. by Tans it may ijestilt in Uly j once. f ' . day, YMt'A- . Chapel. Plans for death of collegiate fiKrthall, Sisco; Q U tjhreak among wild ani- Sports Day. said in several speedhes’ during m . l!s ‘shriuld be reported immediate- EAST TEXAS, CLUB.;7:30 p. m., th^ sfeson. * j \ ; Iv to the ifexais Sanitary Livestock Thursday* YMCA Room. “Sidco hat. been a foremost cni- Commission in Fort Worth and to ENTOMOLOGY CLABS and 421 sadev-; against the (Wo greatest; t the Fish and Oyster. Gopimission j Seminar, M ediiesday, 7 ; p.m. room evils ^confronting the future wH-, in Austin, Grist said..Several eases Science. Building, H. T. McGill, fare of fkiir abiateur spbfts, namely | of rabies among wild foxes in Pa-; speaker. “Gram Fumigation.” drinkilifj: -and] petty gambling,”! nola and Grimes Counties have says Geprgel White of Da!lak, presi-; been reported to the college voter- dent, )j>t the Sports Winters Asso- inaria-ns, and Grist said that in- (uatiob. ■; lb ; j i j dicdtioivs jioinjt, to a recurrence of Whjte also is sporls editor «fi tost year’s outbreak of, rabies in H. L W Phone 2-7009 ■' \ I |fi the Dftlias Morning iNfws. tMotatefo CAf ETERIA SOUTHERN ! ' \' FEATURING dishes of • INTERNATIONAL FAME j| i and tl lie best in— AiE 1 \ : RICAN COOKERY Kiwanis to Install Officers Tonight Montgomery and neighboring coun- I ties. ' It is generally believed that the j hot summer months of the year i are the da tiger periods insofar as rabies is Concerned. HoweVer, Jan uary, February, and .March, for some unknown reason, are the n HJSK, (Haskell, Jbries, Stone wall, Knox Gram ties), 7:30 p.m.,. Thursday, Rotim 328. Academic. IK CLUB. 7 p m., Wednesday in Proiection Robin of the ME Shops. KI WANTS CLUB, Sbisa Hall Wednesday exiling. Installation of officers. LCTHERAN STUDENT ASSO- GTATION, 7:l. r ) p. in., Wednesday they will work until Saturday noon. The College Station X-ray team will go to Huntsville after they finish fheir work at the Annex to X-ray jprison system officials and inmatek College Station ladies who help ed with the work in connection with making X-rays are Ruth Johnson, Helen Roberts, Katherine Hart, Marjorie Tighe, Nahcy Capers, Johnnye Van Hook, Jeanie Clend- ening, Helen Knight, and Beth Kluge. m/rM 1 ; ; too io» <>« i HD BILL j n*M m*u Moyb* you dkn't jumpi twice o$ hidft I'hen you wear | . 11 ' ffl , | ' T] H Boll-Bond Sh^et, but it fejeli Hke ydjj could. They Tit jo well, look jo good, land w«er jjjo long you'll !di . f [3 | agree they'rfl the be«l ;pbrf sheet j)-ou ever had, - Come,in for i* poir and jel'reody jlor more ft|n. The Exc iange Store i I ^ “1- ‘‘Seirvinff Texas J, u Vljf Aggie ianger mpnths in Texas, Gtlist con* eluded Jan. U Thd third annual installation of officei's of the College. Station Ki- wanis club will be held at Sbitig Hall |onight at 7 p.nii Sidficy L. . Loyele-is: will be in- stallejl as president, succeeding Joe H. prirrejls, who will become a mem* beii qj’ the board of directors. „„„ Dr. ifcrnest Wright of Houston, j, in j»| lieutrtjijifnt governor | of this dis-’j / , M triet,;|uiin be the installing officer. ’ an ' A program, of music and song | Reb. (! en arranged: and following Feb. ) Randuet a social hour &ill be ) p e j, jq 21) 21 u A&M Hardwood Schedule for 1948 tes the he{(: n:i i©tB(r officers to: be installed in-' Tr , cjudei, Joe It, Motherai, first vice- 0 ' pp'-esiflont, Ralph W. Steen, second Mar Vpce*|ievident,j W. N. Colson, sec-I retary and Wl S. fanning, treajs urer. SoLriels will be master of cere- nionifes. :j ■ M: Specialists Leave To Contact Agents MjSs Mary Routh, clothing spec ialist for the Extension Service, and MiSijyNena RoHei^onl, assistant, left j jyestorduy to <|onfer with County Hotn^ j Demonstration Agentk in i diffehrnt parts of Texas. The clothing specialists will coni- I tact jail agents,..of the separate counties, in one. central point in each district. The agents in turn! will tabh contact the organizations in their respective counties. Miss Routh will cover central j and part of west Texas, while Miss I Roberson will travel to east and southehjst Texas. : , YMCA Assembly Room. RANGE - FORESTRY CLUB & AGRONOMY SOCIETY, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, YMCA Chlajpel. Guest speaker, Dooley Dawsop, vice-presi dent and agricultural manager of , Second National Bank) Houston. THE SCHOLARSHIP Honor So ciety will ha Vie its picture for the Longhorn made Thursday night at j 7 at the Assembly Hall. ; SOCCER CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Wed- Austin, Tex. > neH( ] av 129, Academic. IL uston. Tex. SOUTHWEST. TpXAjS CLUB, College Station 7:30 p.m., Thursday, YMCA Cab- ( ' oll | ,>rc ^ tutlon m STUDENT SENATE. 7:15 p.m.,! College Station Wednesday in YMCA Cabinet I Cblpege Station Rohm. Dallas. Tex.! VETERAN’S WIVES CLUB, Ft Worth Tex 7:15 p.m., Thursday,, YMCA. it,' ran, VETERAN’S WIVES BRIDGE Gollegv Station , CLURi 7;l6 p ^ Thursday, !—;—! —— : . YMCA’. ' ." i • In television, each individual WEATHERFORD CLUB, 7:30 picture is drawn by light in about j p.m., Thursday in Room 303, Aca- one-tbirtieth of a second. demic Building. Feb. Texas' •iTiice Baylor SMU TCU Rice SMU TCU Texas Waco ■ McLennan To Meet Thursday The Waco - McLennan County Club tinll meet Thursday night at 7:30 iij Goodwin Hall, E. O. Court- ade, president of the club, announc ed. Pictures of the dub for The 1948 Longhorn will be taken in Assembly Hall following the meet ing. , Courtade requested that all“ vet erans ' wear white shirta and ties with dress pants. Arrangements are being made to transport Bryan F’ield jfreshmen. from the Annex. CORKY A|iD HURD M Ml f ] ' . . « 1 order now fdli IcWivery graduation. ■ J \ Don’t Walt ~— Planning a Wedding Soon? See uk for the finest in engraved wedding invitations and announce ! ■ ■; ments. ■ J H, Taylor’s Variety Store North Gate ’.! j. *1 g*r - 4/ i ■ ' 5 I. j . I il ; • : - ■ f};: DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS or lean I ■ -■I-.., : | ACCREDITED BIBLE COURSES :r , ; ' 1 Register In Sblm HaU at "Reilgloiw EducaUon Table. : ' |l; Course ' i Days & • ; r ■ J Number Instructor 305 Anderson, N. 306^ Fowler, J. F. 1 S’ ! • ; '311 Fowler, J. F. 313 Smith, A. M. 313 Smith, A. M. 314 Smith, A. M. 314 Smith, A. M. 317 Anderson, N. I; h , 1 • m fl 318 Davis, C. W. 319 Davis, C. W. ! i I ■ ! 1 ! ^ 320 Smith, A. U. 321 Divta, C. W. : !’ 1: ' ■ |:j ! ; : ..^,1 > ’I M P. -i •1 I I i , I j. ■1 [il ’ | Til if ■■ ■A