Loveless |« S ToBMS Pl’-'"' Sid v Lovelesf, ] manadtr Life" guest speaker,a}, a jpi|t mejel %/f i .L ii If 3 ini '•n ! ■ r?? —Vv > ■ M ' fonii(aine white piqu<. Gfobd Hou^keeping' Nayy or Iblajck, 10-r r £ RountfejJ lit look % e rayor| pverrlbdr 1 h i ! j of the Business and Accounting Societies Tuesday e^ering at 7:80 in the Agricultural Engineering Lecture Room. ■, Loveless, who is also a mejnber of the business and accounting fac ulty, will speak on “Nattional Serv ice Life Insurance.’! Deadline for extending lapsed Nntic nal Sejrvicej Life Insurance policies ba6 been ex tended to July 31, lp4£. The Business Sotieny’s aiinual barbecue, “The Bilsiress f ” will be discussed, and an election will be held to fill thje position* va cated by graduating) seniors, t ; More than 400,000 people -visit Carlsbad Caverns i annually. U ew Mexico The largest Electrical Appliance Store in ? | Bryan— j ' | • .! 1 i i. Come in and see Jus jfor large or small appliances: i 1 ] ■ Radios, Electric Irons, Stu-i \. 'I 1 j . • r _ dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers^ Coffee Makers... • 'i \ ' 1 ' ’ • t ! | and many othpr usefuls 1 : --UNtlfD ^ if APPUANCES, Inc. 25th & Washlngtr Phone 2-il490 4- n Sts. ill nTm tt rrtl: Liu U • -h. The Battalion I If Page 4 MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1948 Special Meeting OfVSA Tonig r i!,'. j r | h Pn A special meeting of the Veterjan Student Association will be h Dr. Thomas Mayo, head of the English department, Will discuss the A&M educatioinal Sysfem at a meeting of the Debate imd Dis cussion C)ub tonight at 7:|30 ill the YMCA Assembly Room, J, T. Mill-1 er, president, 1 announced ; Sunday. After Hr. Mayors introductory talk, the-floor will be opened for audience diiscussion and qutmtions will be directed towards the chair man, who will act as moderator for the discussion. TUESDAY ti /I ■' ■ I S:4S . Ri»n On ; ‘.V • 5:45 Musical Program C :00 Tpxaa Farm and Home Program C:15 Coffee aCIulb l A r 7:00 Martin Asronsky 7 :15 Vet•# Mailbox/ A SSI FIE D Ad lllllillMIP !Iu n 7 :30 New* of AfUland English Majors To Hear Carmichael 7:45 Tik Tok til 8:00 Breakfast (Club 9:00 My Truy Stmnr • 9:30 Betty Croeker 9:45 Saerod Heart,. 10:00 Breakfast |in Hollywood 10:30 Galen Drake. 10:45 Ted Malone 11:00 Welcome Travelers 1 iXtO Record Rack 11:55. ir.ryan N.-w- 12:00 Ba ikhane Talking 1^:15 'Varner News* 12:30 Chirk Mjitiroe Show 1:00 Walter Kiirnan 1:15 Bthel awt Albert, 1:30 Bride and GroOnj 2:00 Ladies Be Seated 2:30 Paul Whiteman Club '3 ::I0 Treasury Show 4:30 Key* of Faith 4 :45 Story Book Lady 5:0Q Siiortsman 5:15 College Sneaks 5:30 Sign-Off; KAMI All English 9 :D/) Sinn Or* TUESDAY majors are asked - 9:00 Fun and Fancy Free to be present at 7:30 Tuesday even- j ,J;»® ^ an lZ,'T‘ ,v FrHC j ing January 13 in the, YMCA sola- IL” Morndn^'M^irale | rium to hear J. W. Carnuehael of i«:45 Pearls of VAlvr-t ; 1 the E'^bsh department iPad a dis- 11 ::1 ° kecord Rmic-WTAW icussion on the relations between jgioo Baokhn^'raikiny- | literature and religion, j.i2:i5 Vamer New*- i j This will be tHe third of a series ! ,! k :S0 Ciaf Monroe show i °f discussions among English ma-^j:^ ^wrmm’n MeMfc-s j jors and teachers. C. O. Spriggs j j sin Betw.-en-TW Lime. ! led a discussion on literatbrh and! P :0 ° Mo*k»i portraits economics while Dr. T. ¥. Mayo {:V." a, rTine* i whs responsible for the one devoted | also Uith Back ami Listen to literature and sciience. : ( •»:<* Album of Comely Favorite* 4:3D. S«-*reiiacl»? 4.^ Did You KiuUv i | r , - I f : -j . , the Best Clothes For Your Sporting Good.* Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 5:00 WotrJil N« r>:!5 Mujlfral Tfte a 6 :tt0 C'tu^ktail Tinpc 0:00 Hptdlirn* Edition * 6:l. r > Kinjipr Dlivj^ fi .30 Studio Mu 7 : ! 00 Yodth Aiks' The’ Government 7:15 Th* ('hriktian Scn-nei- Monitor 7:30 Anfuricn’i Town ! M^'tinR X :<)0 Ito^itnn Symiihony H :3() Boiftoh SyniiShonP 9:00 Itoiiton Symphony 9:30 Harmony Hotel 10:00 NtjPs Of Tomorrow 10:15 SiKfi .Gff lire found at # If H' : CORKY *HHRR 4ELOTMES I “The Store olj Personal Attention” North Gate College japyajrl Jkto/txh CAFETERIA FEATURING DISHES OF INTERNATIONAL FAME and the best in—f SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY SELL| (WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AQ. Rate* , . . 3 FOR SALE -2 bedroom house, new in'May, 1947; I'ird Street, N. Oakwbod. Call 4-4134/ ■ j, , , —-—- i FOR SALE- New K it. dressed oak 2-wheel stock and combination trailer. $1:35.00. I B.. If. Pritchett, 162 3. Polk, Bryan. - r— ——■— FOR SALE—Small house and lot. Fur- | nished; electric refrigerator included. Rent alone will pay for it in 4 Years, Abo. 3. wheel scooter very reasonable. | See ’tyhite. 11-B, Project. House. FOR SALE—House, 4 rooms and bath. May be inspected any day after 3:00 P. M. 619 Fnirvlew, College Station. FOUNjD- Small sum of moi^ey on Military Walk. January 5th. S<*<* Mary Persons in Ati>tin Hall. ’ ' ’ ™T" _- ■ Manager of Chile Company to Speak Tomorrow to AIEE W. B. Clinton, manager of pro duction and distribution foY the Compania Chilena de Elpctricidad, Chile, will be principal speaker at a meeting of the American Insti tute of! Electrical Engineering Tuesday} evening at, 7:3,0 in the Electrical Engineering Lecture Room. \ In; the states for the first time in Itii years., Clinton is carrying out an investigation on the Research Foundation AC Calculating Board. He will speak on the “Experiences in Foreign Engineering.’’ At the conclusion of his leave in the United States, he will return to Santiago. Two G-E films, “World's Largest Electrical ‘Workshop” and “Curves of Color!” will be shown. WANTED TO RENT—'Garage Noith Gate or behind Duncan Drill Kiel I See A. E. Boron, Dorm 2-323. ■■■4. ■ . I .■ I. j FOR SALE -Zenith table model radio, ji: roril player, rocking chair, kid iey:»hatM< jdreiier and-stool, box .spring) lCrjj - Ire a. Also, baby bed and stroller, buggy, arid swing. 32-C. (follege View) f6r itab e ALE—Frigidalre. 7 ft. Iioilol radio. I Phone 4493 mat a MUST SELL—Going back to A S room house and jl&th on Idry- jot^ 1 block from llus line atm b' ;ity center. Sma)l equity.' Ho ne,| Dorm 14-430. , ireeioi comma Bite- Vi WAlTERi or WAITRESS want-id, i Franki linV Night Club. Apply in wrlypi .aftir .11 apV Meyde - $15,8«.|.% vly sharpened. Room — kiftk chair for child. :. 5, Aggie Autote^. ot water auto heater com* nd ! connection*. *7.50. See Station. -• rco.-H i 4-1749. Sin-til EfxpeHencad beauty operator. Pruitt's Beauty and Accea- —i rr . .ij V ':L. SALE - - Dbuble unit pre-fabricate.; panl 33". Pricij $5.00 eaijh. ! Phot or write Bkix 2115, Oolblgc SI) 4v runditi air, a)| ati el. 7% pubic ft., fijiodi sloi capacitjy. Good condition. *76.(10. Mj E. G. Corney. Lake View ilAcfes, miles-south of East Gate off jSiighwayj FORj SJ^LE—lee b)uxV 150 I DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIO able. 144 Cooner; Street. E titl Stitlon. ri-a-a Colli) FOR} SALE—1945 Indian Ch'ajl •'74" nb- toiicyelk very goofl conditionil ibew ti|| Price |395.00. See Fincher, •llnffO' H® W-tlff. Room 231. Dorm 15. FOR SALE Home, 1 3 rooms ajjid hath,: dejet hq for spr i-'r Ani Eco Class Visits Port (^f Hoiiston The Economics 109 Class, For- | eign Trade Ejxchange, is visiting j the Port of Houston today, accord- ! ing to Dr. C. W. Randle, head of the economics department Dr. Randle accompanied the group. Tjhc class is being conducted 1 through all the port facilities by port representatives. rated <>p campils between p) anjl tennis! courts, Availahli) semester, inspeetiiln invited.I| Dickson. Jr. Student owned jhoupe ND I 7 orjUoa 48H2. ’ ; t |j M FORj SALE -3 piece bedroom jiulitje. 1-a i ■ ! cojich.' Apt. 4-B Vet VillaE-jj. ' T O Bllx mctljjer.- Write Box 2^4, One Arc Lamp dori 284 80 Collision We Have a cpmplef» Hom^ ;Appl| ini KITCHEN} CLOC COFUjEE K TOASTil what is this. 80% collision we hear so much about? ijjly this—State Farm Mutual pays 80% of your collision bills, from one dollar up to $250 and 100% of all over that .amount* Phone or write ydur nearest State Farm Agent today. cJm. ALEXANDER, JR., ’40 j! 21f) 9. Main ! ^ 4f 5TATE fARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY jjJ •> Rlobminglon, lllinoll Th* World't Largest Auto Inturonco Co. 1 I : 'Tf 1 ELECTRialMpptlWES - hu ■ inr : i i iir Ha T - u - ! : 1 F?— / TT |toi'k of ;)tll the Useful 1 I ERS AGGIE RAD COMP ! »'■- f! 1 CLEARANCE SALE h ? ■ f i ■ - here is ihe event you have been looking ■ r • •• •; ; pr ** !• \ ; : o ' I for. ■! - v Beginning at 8 a. m., Monday, January 12th and continuing through Saturday, January 17th 4«• COMBINATIONS & APPLI ANCE iNfr m . injr 1 .1 ; I 1 Otii stock of Mi inter Sports Clothes are bei offered at reductions ranging frdxiu 20% to •k> 1 /3%. This is your opportunity to Replenish your uardrohe at prices very^close to wholesale. here are a few s amplesV l \ OINE LOT OF WINTER SOCKS, regular 50c to LOO value at $h l A% ofi. j ^ ALL SPORT,AND iJOAFKR COATS lo vh ; All Sales Final - ar at One of the finest selections of Long Sleeve SpQrt Shirts Me have ever offered. These 7 will nlfake excellent grazing for moths if we atj^mpt t<) ^torei them unil tiext fall.. so they are ypiirs at 25% One lot of Marpo^n 1 Bath Rohes and Smoking^ Jackets with Aggie emblewi — Broken Sizes: Take one of these home at 25% discount. No Layaways - No Return - W • ’ ' ’ - ' | ^ j , , j ., ■ > • ' • i J | j ' | "j j J j - . ' jl Final *- | I -No Layaways - No Return - / M No Refunds THE EXCHANGE STORE | . j j . : - j | : j' • ; || - .j . I - ! ■ ! . ‘: ' / I | : ■ I ! ' - | .j ' j :: !' - - > d-ii h -1 j 1 M' ■ “Servmg Texas Aggies” /! I ■ | : !%. j -j!- 1, J| ,{ “Serving Texas Aggies” / '51 i ijyjh