I : ; -• 1 / f ' ' •' I . ■ i.l ' i I ' id B t ft HKf 'W Spirit ahd| huijtl^ jyiie wie-t'irst SWcf they lb$t| tjo the janie Kiel,I House Tbf «jial s lost by only a ivtm'.’poin :s, 68 The asset 1 jr the qi iutet Fayetteville kv-a s pu foo George Kok, tie!tali sas center w.'fiose 2$ boint the basis of tile tred dm wliit 16 tallies II * itory. A1 \Wi iliamB, h seven team! niatje, ad ie 1 to the Razorbfack set re Tight play ijnarkert tl c firsi. &w minutds of th» gjame f eithei s de could gain an initial j ! d\ aptagp djnd ^ 'aring al out t jie Hi e; that t ie tcii i nd ised t« havci o i*r iful ov nr fhiir J .g- %. jit w us njotl ui til t# of pi iy thift fhe the fansd wo pbfnt adyan wihite were A&M, gtjewj gies’ opepi {| after ten mfn vV ' ~ TT MimmmmimMi t!j lANpt UIATULA iA arly leal 51 Fiilay t enough for the Texas AgjfleL it!6f the Arkansan Razorbicks in teams Friday hight in IfieWare surprised manv as the Aggies 4 L_J -| _jk gie fans got thqir biggest thri the closing niinijtcs of the gam the spirited Aj&M quintet oh»pe £4jvithin four points of the :owerin Kazorbacks, With six mijniiteB: t play, the hustling Aggies iepeatidf r ( , ibeccm s bote sfjinjg Iganieji jfor I gie defense tjightenej Hogs were fqfod (to ] in several instances A&M Zone dqfOnsc. The partisaii !cix w|l ' -in Razoybacks spiurted au* id tf| 1< ad that A&M nefeit w^s a|lt> fo |o\jer- come. f-M-' The A&M I which they h season, sparldeif ip th first quarters of pjjatfj byt tl ej oldfifault of the Marooti ami \ ; h te, missing baskets, held j buck th if scyir^g Rebounds for |thie Ag {i< ptj Weiii- few as Kok ■ huni > around Uie bajfk- board Joo elfise fm |he s jonjter Farmers to geili: hjuM if tlu ! lldlL Aggie defensle.!wils lifeie (jinlng the first 20, k^luies cl - j pla t 1 the* Razorbacl|s!iI^J_4Lio! 21 it . “f- ; ^.jTi I Aggie shoOtinjg shi,r||eheeen more accurate the Wore ment on they were |in complete | could have been higher. A&M jeon- , DC)N VOLDIMJ. letter centqr -for the Aggie quintet, provides much of the badly need ed height on the Cadet squad. The El Campo rqurtd-ba jer islands 6’ 3”. charge* controlling ihe backboards and were never headed or tied. Be fore five minute^ of the tilt had elapsed, the Farmers had found tfjie hoop for six field goals and iwo free tosses wfiich added up to a commanding 14-j lead. .At this point, Wharton’s Piohieers staged a brief bally, cujt thei Cadet lead and the remainder of the first half i N WIe. tlELD iy PAUL MARTIN ji f 1 4' i A&M Turnbow, f Moore, f ^Jenkins, f Williamson, f| [J Hovel, f | 4 Kjimpiprman, |c| Voiding, c .» j. 1 »jBitey, g { i 1 -'Schrickel, g |j Garcip, g TOTAL j.Lj. ] Arkansas ' | j j Winiajms, f Coheman, f Cathcart, f . Schumchyk Kok, 0 Cambell; g Adams, g Horton, g Kearnes, g % Byles, g .. Rantnk, g TOTAL Halftime Stdrei:! ^ Texas A&M, plf. s ba< Vi beg i(jcamli Ap e|int)iinders of the bright spots on the Poker honors fdr the night Went to a pair Ed'kland r .'honors tor Tine-up. Standing only about |slx- ( , f j»i„ncer.s’, Biil Betts anti Max Cones ghf. j I j | two,; C-dtheart proved [outstanding i oi, ai ,j ( .|i.[ Both ejagers added 15 | Francis BaylJr boast with hh long, oiu-biqndid set'sfiots pojnljs f tb Whartlons side of the', Somm< ' ps g oigjht 1 Wins ' of ledger. , t f F' ck t 0 . ns "" r.ticfeais ? AH-in-all, Gene LidnbehV elqirg-' { T I Martm ih ipre - yoihfer- es'|>ioye«l w> be a toj|glt, jfast group j.-:*-, 1 * i , ,, , Ve phy open-,'of eagers. ' (t-arkwit 1 0 1 2 ti . j , , . , sommett J 0 0 0 me iace oj |']| was Marty Kafovy’s charges, Francik 2 0 0 4 gntg a strong however, who provided the hiost j pjegmiti 0 0 10 gggPcfea- pleasa.jt sliirnriis^ iHspite the fact. \4 H ftin' •jt; 12 Sat T that life Jlogr. tv ere slated'to Eckles : Total 5 0 1 5 0 0 jl 2 1 0 0 0 0 20 3 } 0 1 0 1 1 lj' 0 o' 2 0 o' 0 1 0 4! 0 7 0 16 j 4 tijih l.j uijday night. Martin series with A. margins, seven not so decisive (the tw.d - gaim & AL by! dejcism anti fl pojintf, but . Walhtce their ten games this seqsoij, the diSpi-lled Porkek-s • j had i while A&M had clashes here la idly much differvnc full charge ilf jthe hail,[the spiilited j- waI j Arkaipsas toclf Cadets, made n fignt -of it fkrona W-inttaker |«'gmnuig td tjnd. -I i ’ ; L 1 Langidii' L Kfiday night, anytpigiies tlie'V'isi- | ( ones |as tvqs exileetkl. In ‘|l<>rs hadl for ain easy Victory Mere DeWiU , .j S( iij i the dispelled. Sparked.iby Bill' Bafey. Al"°h veraded lirl points : f&hd Jacked up 13 pqjnts, the Fajrm- avcrqged |s points, ^ njatehed then tiallqr and more, 16 points difference fwhih-j the tw.. experienced foes altno$t point for j - v showed f that' pnmt. ■ j * H was Saturday though when,the ch (horgejKok was j Aggies really hit their stride. (5et- ‘ L two | terjins— ting-off tw ji fast start* they pujeed' \V IIARTON d sayj thb top the> visitor.- with ileads varying Tomkihh . It: ik’as la ijrede-> ifrotn two to seven points, -Hilly Flouitnay lat ail Agg^e Oager.'jTuiinHinv turned in a bang-up ijiei-- Stroiiadal Six-foot' 10-ir the difference or perhaps we |5 j ten inches of h 2| 0 j termined fact't ' f 5 ttying to keep 4 ; ing, would fir 2H’ hacking penaltJ. iler •oil n tht shout in Hatton Kirk la ml Sutton Melcher Totaif NTAC | Powers., f ■ ! Petersoti, f I White, )e ’ McArjalJy, g . Younji, g . . j Nornttm, c > ; Hutsqn.; f j I’ot U'j', g I .Matthews,:c , Grounds, g Total !! Halftime score 14. i I Fg Ft FI Tp 4 2 16 0 4 0 •> t) 0 0 ’ 8-12 12 28 A&M 22, NTAC 0 0 in 0 2 0 (1 (I 0 (i 0 0 2| 3! 4 2 0 q 1 » Swiraniers In First Match With Kansas ; COLLEGE STATION, Jan. 12— tPi—Winners Fight cdn.^eutivii lual meets jaat; year, a' povhrrfuil Texas A&M Itjollegc swimmM,ig (earn will pluninj into its new- seaV Son tonight agaiijisi Kansas State k Manhattan, Katnsns- i -Onlji one. nu ihe 11-inan Irtivje-ling squad which ilfio will com |oma I'nivip-sit on Wi-diiesday ieturuiiig to A tir'il are Tettlenmkn. ; IPad Swimiii)ing aturday night the A Tejcait Aggies hfere toljwin thtj ^ame, he fast and qugk- Cailet sqiiadi and theyljwene ing after lojipg their 31)-40 lei wit t six miinutbs and thirtjj seeprv to go in fhe gjuiid. } i » Aggie rooters shook the stanj as their team took an eii irly le and! kept it to lead 24-lJd ut tl) hull. The Aggies outplajed tlu oppments, taking the Vilitl aw^ front them op the backjlktard wel as the floor. A blow to the team Wa^ |th of Elly Turnbow on foq a i f|rs: nine mitjiutes of pjlajy af! Uid sparked the team with he poir was whei ts and some fine playiitif. But not) until the last of jibe gal the team regulars i slow •Cte against Okla- \ at Norman, Okla., •January 14, before ggieland. The other ...... . . „ tloadji A r-t Adanv.-wn - hasj. Tmmed newcomer David; \ardamtm of Port Arthur tjor the 200 antj 4fi0-yard free style events along with Bernard Fyfan 4'ho lives at Kit'rrville hut swam for Th, mas .Jiffcr.-on High in-San AtiUmio. kamperman look' jg' 1 A under the basket, and hi olting Helped, to keep tlhe Agp uhd m 1 i,l ‘“ — eipeu. the «jkme. j\ p Afk Curtis ajnd Zigi itlianis {had tjo stop the jtlpck at a 0ffic|iu illianw . jjcruitial [ pjoint jjn the game to got huekboi bnincirjg llui dowji from behind tre it lodged after rim of the basket. I Saturday’s Game regulaif: i j up hat Turgbow's loss y ijis fell T te Aggies held Big Gtiuj-ge K jt to 1|J points, compared, wji :h his the ptevioui night, buj j [killed stop Jim Catharf, forwatid; fair t Arkjmsas team who mitig up points. Bob jKampermaii sti» elosjly {o Kqk and held Kol, shoe ting down [while matphjing h poinjt lor point, . j [lj Don Voiding also held -h 6 nUJ !i her two man on the Arkatk ms teugf, Al Williams, to a podit i5 poi tota). Aggie fapsl who refslved impiesston Friday night -hat KPv and Williams wdi-e all thktj Arki sas hud Were nkistaken, fft] tieit of t([iesg men were high sjiojrer Stj unlay night, Of the two ! games, Arjtahsa Cokch Gene Lambert si,ijd “W kKlked better last night jl Friday be* ting them seven points tha wp did tonight iteatin^ the eleven.” • j ‘ i j Sjam JbnkinS: was thej defensive spatk for the Aggies will jhis b; stealing and .tiie-ujis w^ich ga his team the ball seVe’Ul tur wHejn it was Arkansas! time ■shOOt. 1 1 j ' jMike Garcia qlso playodlhift bdji t ball game of thei season^ Hilo im ! ' mg 8 points to follow Ku ippet'm Al 1 ; ahka ~ fi liatfik Ckihca 4'1 unnjbyk ’ c ; CaHnpbjtU G (litmsj g Wi 1 y 'tV^als i 111 r TkjXAsi&M Turlnbowj f Mdqre, f; llsfkiuil! f • i WMlianfepii, 1 cl 'eitit, fil.i I I dhjel, riltk*4 it tut If > IJIslrict.| j Y: ■'4 nL 11 Cash, bil|inpesi w it h rcserv|; • bdluric > > amii of c'olk'ctiim j. Ltnited Stated (jl< and gaiarjujitil' Obligati|)rts |nf 1 Corporate! stj>! of Felldral i Loans ajid di scimji erdraflta) !. ... Bank- pHinisies L ned and fiMureis {$4 02.9f Other ii^sjets . TO^AL Demand depcisi s irjtit neft- Mrinaii-ce. figuring; inj pracVicnUy HaniJ th a Jlcyefy piltjy -offensive qr defehtuVe : Kjdsqn Lj fore he fouled put} after » rrp | jtoHnpitws '.nit i‘e mi nytes had nly Olsati elatisd. Bob Obainoh U 3 ts oh eharjties and Kqmpctman mapagpd to koe] [a Matthys Dennis; gp- Rieger Hlill Belt- Total THE BATTALION SPORTS MONDAY. JAN. ms events with Jiohti WesilUrvelt Corpus Christl.| j Sjpeneer, the confhreijt'0 ba(| - D.- k Lea of El Paso, who letter- strdkl ' tampion, and E,trip when tin- Aggies drench- backstroke. t -m\ , tid Kansa, State, 52-23, and Okla- H -'J hl “ r 1 of P al1 ^! ' ivi11 Homa, ,.*i to IV, will be available the lUO-yanl relay tkuun w f Jjj>r tin 2n0-vailirbreast sitFoktt'with | ^‘Daui, Liley and Westettvielt. lj Gem Summ'ers of Bryan. i Another newTomer, D.Vjmg Cmth ■ | Stum ne is ai^o will Hwirn in the ^Uunn*l Mamaliga, will Itiedliiv ivlav Wiitl; Howanl S|)oncer , ^ 0 j Wa tph ms No. 1 diver,jjk)hn “ [ j - df San Antonio anil Jack Rillev of "‘tinn ot Tort Worth, anWjto Meht " Adamson, 4 Wills ILiint. A&M lost the conferetl Dallas’ Danny Green, who set Texas last year on dm l| - , „ (jp title! jc tig poitjjjs | qloutliwest Coi):ferefiee records last and Coach Adamson. Jiuj)es and lUO-yard freje j Hcemann will help bolstl'ij the f\l- jt priding reg- <:heck on Kok? whilt' dropping proved thitt he di(i pdjhts through the h«Mip for lii; dejK'pd entirely;upon point man among the hosts, 1 qut outstanding , . . ejtce among individual iseorerp, jijid Halftime scored Te.Vaj A&M 31, towerjinjg three full a 1 great job- as did [Gene S<'hm<:|kt l. Wharton 25. -foot fqur-tnch Bob Mike Garcia seems to; be fisti ijtg I hiis o u'fbrm jigain find was looHihg r. will compete in those two : gie swimming team this season 0 not have t< . , . .. (J -Jmight to tujrn ijut outstanding-per- Batey, number thrqd ini the .edit(ijr- 58 ■ formances. J. 33, Al, itliajrtts inches above 1 si> 1 — Staltj No. (751 f mst at the cl of tins !§tjalFaiuj iKinning Yd a UUnperating under thej linking ijtws jt mj jtibeij of the Federal Rj'servjc Systieni. v ith a call made l>y tpe Stjate Bi^nk- he federal Kes>erve Baulk of tjiis, like, tei did aj. his bc-L .last yea Sji n;Jenkins is perhaps Che; n impr )Vetl mitn on ihii jaiuad, cpm- bini|jg.';i flawless flbotj gaino Fith ispidiji and accuracy td be o-mj of the (l.-iiiigeroo- meni pa it He court. j .Dm siilen buted .VoM.il ; three- mali-it Steers Meet Frogs Tonight at T(!l 1 Ar.dTl\. Tpx., Jap. 12 —.RT)—- Still guiding his ijghtly.-ntatinod 1-0 little to tlfii -lose outk'dme. s q u od past mmries and tough op- ,g. because Of his six-foot Cow * JHn.s v direct )c ■<; F,e . lies |t i inel. rvo its (f 1/ and qoitporaticji A Depositf pfj jDiii ij 4. cludinig jpjisui Deposit!; iff jStr Other CMtpjqsjitS j-'-j-- LAL DjF- abiliitii etc.) - TO 1 Other 1 I 'A I bo i Capita lj Surplus TJndiyidb K-eservbit it aind . Lj pn;)tjit|! / i- -wrouir d [I ♦Tljisj bjahi;’! (fa'pitffl tpek 1 L , Assets’ Jpljedget ties I, W.j Lam . L $Utd ofjTc Swmi to u ITAL ACCOUNTS red carjital.J [ ' '1 I j 1 .'j TO”4u c. TofitJ l[vjkiLrijiiijg and cahtal .-I j 1-1 T I E S • f imjl yijiijals, partnerships,’ as [Government (in-. political subdivisions n-g- $1,800.00 -stock nk.i. Mluding $6,929.20 qv- . L $ ]223.19t».66 0jr>«7.o6, fuirnittfre •■!- - -i -I 1 Stj tj i ivinl sj an'it: |'i)ilitjic'al subdivisions (tifia! I tljn'ti officers' checks. L •t' $1,000,213.06 1’ I IH.4 (not jncliiding iLtjjns siiown below) lj A C C O l N T !> L •105.-1.511.07 2 1,06 j'. 7 7 j 6,80j).00 . [457j3sj).21 i 17.6S>l.02 j 1.3oj),18 $lil34,187.91 S 737,226,1.66 34,35*. 31 ! 286,409.86, j 2,25(j 23 j 2,500.00 *-L- pi'esslire Ihtt - is shjtv peimrise of being a great deal! n lituTp before the .-'etiS<>n: is over ;i .1 j j j ^ ! P : I Fd [, Jlich.-; 4s, former YiHatiova guard, ■- eojiehingdhe Wilmington Oipjdrk of tllu Aiju-rican Fjolljall Assrjchjtion. a Washington Upd-kin farm. ; j ■ : - f— ...L. — For Your VisuiaJ Problems Consult I Dir. ( arlton R. Lat ' OlTOMKtRfisT 203 S. Main ~ Bry an Phono 2-1662 his Teka- S Dmgiiom basketball j .-quad Into the middle of its South- j west Conference championship de-j feltse this week, Wiupor of all but three of their | past ll0-gamesr—and those three de feats all by one point—the battle wise Steers' go tjo Fort Worth to night to face TCIi, then return to Austitjj to meet Texjas A&M on Friday in Texas’ firs] home game since i)eeeml»er j!3, j j Th • last-second !3ji-31 loss .to Oklahoma A'&M it) the Alt-College meet finds last;month is the one feat against title elejven wins on the stlrsort’s record thus far. Iron ically. it was Oklahoma A&M in a 10-3!i victory tj year ago at Okltn- homa City, thtilj Wtis Texas’ lone defeat* at thij jume ;stace of the 1'.116-17 season. ! ! ] • % account for prefer- $ 11,062,74: f 5b.00( ik) 15,00( 5,44 |omsists itih ... total ■G of: I •. • par Value SSOJJOO.OO MEMORANDA tj asjgned to secure liabili- tier pt.rpuses Fly. Ai .jt-President & (.’ashler, I l.Oftf .00 j • 7i,ittj.8r> It] $lj,134,18719(11 named l)arik>; hintty oj-titty jhat the above state to the t ejt of n knuv l«igw j- | $ 1359,92(181 5 I ^ T it 'the abetve- jnent is tjue (tl A and belief. ‘ W. LAMlRj ELY 4 S. A. LIPSCOMB ’ * Litcjstj: H. E. BUBGJ8SS, i j, ' ] G- E. POTTER, Directors, j )Myiof; Brazos ss: s-ijl H-jd before me this 7th ‘Would you wrap the Dentyne Chewii as a gift, please?” 7 't*That dame drives me not*! 'Wrap it a* a gift,’ the says 1 . At if anybody wanted to bother with fancy gift Wrapping* to g*t at that delicious, clean tasting Denjyrte Chewing Gum with the rich, long lasting fUv