The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 06, 1948, Image 4
■-i i ■ v ■ / r— \ •••.a . ‘ , » . • ,■ ■ JJi i i la ■jT’",], 1 1 ^ ti 1 , ttalion! $• • -i i • ■ It - Page 4 1. ■ TmSDAY, JANUARY 6,11948 * wicou, y i: Displayed Lobby ofJH i • 'Cushing - Memoiriajl iiibri on display for tvl'oj week; main lobby, four cdlhr! P ai estry exhibits, according brarian Paul S. ^aMiice. The exhibits were prepared for the Texas Forest Ser hcep at i.. &• M. by the Pruett: FH»m>|nDeiji- ton, one of Texaff c utbiaitdiiig creators of such di s pl a 2 s 4* the four . was spjonspndc liy t^e Texas Ldmber Manijifia(jtur|rs As sociation and another; by t|e Tejji- ■ ‘I’ of h Texjas ir to t Forest le pep- as Forestry Assocjial|i<i)n The exhibits arej_a pa; program of the ' Service to bring b pie the appreciatipnj 'arjd yjtlue our Texas trees, use here, the exhibits w shown! at other cjitiies and in the state. hibitfi hasi as iitts ! theme "Know Yoir Texas Trees|(; another shows thf ways tit) “Cut Our ; Timber Right.”! A third dis play- is devoted "ioi Texas foreht fourth deals with “Ra itec Tn are a Money Grot).’: All .ncli^le color photos and prt wlork Unlucky Horse till', HALLANDALE'Fii/I.’4 (i1>)U- Apprentice Harold ! Feattierston, Gulfstream Park! A^iinler !sensa tion, warded off k nglt h»x>k tb the chin recently; when a horsie tossed a loose shoe. ;Th: siroe, ap parently sucked loose by clingihg niud. snim- back with thef speep oTirnbullet and jyoiumg Ffcathep- Ston, game but grpggy, cotbplefied the race but' capceUcd hii .mount of the day^ ! i >1.1 :\ firtsil Leonard Boswell HERE AGAIN 11 [ 1230 Highway ! No. Near UtL W”; Drinks — Short I ;; | Photo Engravers Needed at Once i T . j , , ! All students Who have pre- |vlous experience in a photo en- ■ graving are requested to ’contact .Roland Bing in the Student Activities Office as., jsoon as possible. i "We hope to get a photo en- jgraving lab in operation ion' the ’campus. With such a iabora- itory on the campus, it Will be jpossible to have pictures print ed in The Battalion the day af ter an event has taken place,” pe said. ^ j } . n , : ; ; ; Vets in Training ' “I Reach Record High toW-rjjs j i ! ‘The number of World War II veterans in all types pf training milder federal programs adminis tered by the Veterans Adminis tration reached a new peak or ZkpOO.OOO on November 30, 1947. I iThe current .enrollment is more jthlan four percent higher than the previous peak of 2,674,\00l) estab lished on April 30, 1947. I November figures represent new aks under each of the two laws providing education: and training fop veterans. By the end of the mpnth, 2,546,000 veterans Aere in training under the Servjfcemjen’s Readjuestment Act (GI BiltL And ZSp.OOO under the Vocational Re- hajbilitation Act (Public Law 16)j • disabled veterans. Most of the GI Bill trainees were Hpdying in schools, with li,150,000 enrolled in colleges and Universi- tiids and 651,500 taking work in other schools below the collegiate aetel. Institutional on-farm train- pnt attracted 199,000 while 545,500 ter Vtfre training on-the-job. | .|| {Among the disabled veterans, aplproximately 86,000 were study ing in colleges and universities. | AAother 35,500 were enrolled for | stijidy in other schools. Farm! trainees totaled 23,500 and oni-1 thj?-job trainees, 109,000. I I ! . j Garden Club to Meet Friday at 3 in YMCA .“Care of Potted Plants” will bp discussed by Coulter Smith of Bry an] at a meeting|of the Garden Club Friday, 3 p. m. in the YMCA, ac cording to Mrs. Cecil Wamble. I 1 1 5(11: li-. I • i ■ 'll : ■ mmm Reserve Officers To Give Dinner Dance Saturday , |Tie Brazos County Chapter of the Reserve Officers Association, Will Hold an annual dinner-dance at Sbisa Hall Saturday night. The. banquet will begin fat 7':30 p. nt. and the (lance, with music by the Aggit* and Orcheilltra, wiH begfh at ' • 11 ii ■ ■ * i 'J s* * • Ticlfep, which 4 a V W bought separately for the {lance, must be secured |by 6 p. m. tjnirsday. Tick ets cap be purchasyff feofn Allen M. Madley,'! secretary-treasurer uf the association, in Roorh 10{lj Goodwin Hall. : / . j [ ' I / |! Tickets ihay also be purchased from the/following A&M students: Powell HHummach,| Dave Bluce, Joe ’Culiihanv Morgan Terry, Bob Page. T,, B! .\R>tz, Bill Aveh, Tom my BlAckstone, CXT. Stporig, Woody Gijeen, Joe Holmgrben^T). E. Grif- fin, and Bill Ogan. X, • Faculty. members ami residents of {College Station who yml attend the dance are Lt. Col. Joe idavis, Harry Cadtkjss, Sid Loveless, R\L. Klgins, Fred Bjenson, Steve Martih, W. S. McCulliey, Manning Price, Lucian Morgan, Dr. S. 0. Brown, and Sgt. Pat Reed. Attendance in uniform is re quested, though not required. -Cl.I J ; 1 I 1 - - - i y Aggie Debaters To Appear on KORA | The Aggie Debate and Discus- sipn Cldb will present a debate Tuiesday night at'8:30 over Station KORA in Bryan. j 1 The subject of the debate Will be: “Resolved, that a . federal World Government should be {es tablished.” v William S. Downkrd and VVilliitnl B. Wilson will advo cate the affirmative, with Charles R. Kirkley and J. T. Souels repre senting thy negative side of the qtiifstion. The same debaters will repre sent A&M in a series of inter collegiate debates against the Ujni- vrbity of Texas in Austin on Thurs day. Each team will engage in a series of Airee debates. Kirklov and i f c,kU 7 w,l ‘‘ V' e /‘ X 'T^ Soules will appear in a public de- ' t,on of S1X months ,n 1921 at which Ipate in the Ujnion Building at 4 p. m. Downard aind Wilson wjll oppose a Texas jj. team in a radio debate over S aiion KV r ET in Austin at 9:30 p. m. Thursday. ;4~xr t rrx.:: Wlial’s Cooking? GEORGE W. JOHNSON Extension Agent Extensioner Quits Position as Agent Of Texas District r 1 j ■ The resignation of George W. Johnson as Extension district a- geht has; been announced by J. D. Prewit, Extension Service vice-di rector and state agent. The res ignation became effective De cember 31. A native! of Tenafia in Panola County, Jcihnson attended Sam Houston State Teachers College, Southwest Texas State Teachers College, and A. & M. Most of his life was spent m the eastern part bsf the state. He taught school for Six yeajrs in Panola county. Johnson’s 35 years in Extension work began as county agricultural agent for Newton county in 1912, In 1916 he became Texas forestry agent and set up the first fire patrol in EastiiTexas. He also as sembled. the material which made up the first stktp forestry report. Ijn 1917 he .wjas named emergen cy assistant iji 4-H Club work. From 1919 up: to the time of his resignation hej; served as district agent in six different Extension Service districts, with the excep- Former Officers Of Divisi Meet in Bryan Sj)Uy officer^ of tJfe 143rd^In- fantiy Regiment of the - Texas-36th Divif|oh National Guard’ registered last-Saturday ati the LaSalle Hotel for tljicir regulan quarterly meeting. Host for the oecUsioh was the local 1st Battalion cbmmnhded by Lt, Col, Taylor Wilkins. • i . Mqjor General Preston Weather- red, division commander frop) Aus tin, Brigadier General rMiller Ains . ,, worth of Killing, and Colonel Rob- Brown Shipbuilding JlL, Hi- ert lies from Houston, were among the Out-of-town'gUestjj. 3'he program (began; with an in- frtrnwl dinner dt the Fjn-Feather Crabj Saturday : evening. Sunday monjing the : Regjnlient met in Sbisq Hall to discuss Operation 88, 888, a program designed by the National. Guai d la.^t October to re cruit; 88,888 more men| Following the dtsCpssiori, the groub lunched With President Gibjb Gilcnrist. E. L. Angel'll, and Cell.' Guy|S. Meloy Were guests. A: the conclusion of the luhcheop. tb.e meetplng was adjourned until June with; the probable meeting place j being WaCo. (Notkjes should hej in The Bat talion office before 3 p. nt. of the evening before publication.) AGGIE AERO M b DEL EjR si CLUB,’7 P- m., Wednesday, Room! 108, ME Shops Building. | AGRONOMY SOCIETY, 7:30 p. m., Thusday, AI liecturte Room. Elect officers for next semester. AICH 5, 7:15 p. m.; Tuesday,/Pei troleunjil Lecture Rojom. Speaker Dr. J. jD. Lindsay. AS MR, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, ME Lectunj'! Room. Speaker from Co., Houston: ftS, 7 p. m., 1 [P n BARjBRRSHOPPE Wednesday- YMCA. BOY SCO! T Annual Dinner, 7 p. m., [Thursday, Sbisa Hall. ECONOMIqS CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m,, Chemistry I-ecture Room. Speakea: E\ M. Law, chailrman of First Rational Bank of Houston. FISH & GAME CLUB, Tuesday night, 7:15 p.m., .3rdj floor Ag En gineering Building, i 1 HEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7:3(1 p. m., Thursday, MEIShops Lecture Room.! MARKETING AND FINANCE CLUB, 7:3(1 )). m., Tuesday, Room 312. Agriculture Building. NEWCOMERS CLUB. 2 p. m., Wednesjday, Upstai's Lounge of YMCA l For reservations call Mrs, E. MJ |Hildebrand. 4-4fi74|, Mrs. Donald Bowman, 4-6612, or Mrs/ Jean liljeal, 4-8269, (•. 1 NEWMAN CLUB,l8 p. m. Thurs day, Assembly Hall. Longhorn! pie-1 hire, i 1 PRH-MED PRE-DENT SOCIE-i TY, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m,, Biology Lecture: Room- SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB • tJ i 1 : : i CLASS SF.t.tJ WITH A BATTALION CLASRI- Flljn AD.) Rfilp , . . 3C a w6 jij! p*>r in5.y-tii.n vlth |a minimum. I.'tpat-p rapjs jin’ Classi)fit'd Section , . , COt* peri column imh. St-nd all ola "ifiods with (voiittanr.- to the Student jActiy- itiei Ol'fitf. A(1 nd« should bt* t.iirned in 4 10:0t) of the day befolf)pub- liraiion. i F , .... MeKKFJ'IK-^lAI.pWIiN BUSINESS. | UOl LECEi 0ff(t» n-fj-either etiurst-s in i |)(ho)t l l haiid. UMjl|.H<H-ptiiK and Bixociultij suh- jt-tJtl. Dial; 2-M|fi.'. Bryan, Texas Begin Taking Club Photos for Annual Tomorrow Eve Thm first club and society pic tures for The 1948 Longhorn will ! will hdi’c Longhorn {Piotiircs made be taken beginning tomorrow night 1 in Assembly Hall, 8 p.m{, Wednes-i at tne Assembly Hall, Co-Edltbr I day. | . : Bobby tVilliamspn said yesterday. ! WACO McLENNON COUNTY Roy’s of stands have been erect- { CLUB(|7:30 p. m., Thursday, Rdoni I ed id the Assembly Hall so that .‘101, (|j>odwin. Bring tickets oif j all gfoup pictures will have a uni- i money.! ! form| background. . ' ”- J 1 — Folir clubs will lx? scheduled each I night at approximate 2(l-minute ! | internals to give members ample i timojto aifrive and have the picture ! taken, Williams said; The pidtiire schedule for the re- main|l( : r of this week is as follows: Wednesday, January 7 time he served as Sabine County agricultural agent. VETS SERVE 2' 2 YEARS The average World War II vet eran served in the anjned forces for about tyro and one-jhalf yegrs, .the Veteraps Administjration has estimated. I The radio announcer of the Sugar Bowl Game was slightly confused w hen he said “Listen to the T. U. Band play the Texas Victory Song” as the strains Of THE AGGIE WAR HYMN came over the air. ! 7:15—Han Angelo Club 7: UK—ASM E 8 ~ASAE.| 8:20—t-Saddlg ,& Sirloin Club Thursday. January 8 7:15—Accounting Society 7:4jo—AS('F.j\ 8 | —New man Club 8:210—I’remed-I’redental i Friday, January 9 7tip—Debate & Discussion 7: llO— \gronpmy Society 8 ! —Business Society 8:20—Del Rio Club Extension Group Fete Ag Students First-Run Begins At Campus Jan. 10 Firtt-run pictures are on tjec way tf) College! Station, Ben I i*rgu- son, pianager pf the CampuG said yesterday. Heif Husband’s A fairs, bc*gin|( at the Campus TheatH Sat urday niidnight, running inday through Wednesday. i i The picture, a S. Sylvan liitmon production, stairs Franchot Tome as an advertising account exciutive with Lucille Ball as his wise-:!rack- ing wiife. [The Inventions the; plug and the jams they get into combine to make Her Husband’s AffaiirK an hilarious comedy which has ieceiv- ed the trade magazines’ sta dp of approval. This Columbia show was acquir ed through the newly inn< gated bid system, in which the picture is awarded to the theatre subrr ittiirtjg the highest bijl. Whether tlj{?- bid systepi continues or not di mends upon j forthcoming decision l y the Suprdmc Court regarding the legal ity 4 the former way of disl^ilhut- ing plctunes. -Another first-run product'pn to lie shown soon is Song of Ljsvc, a story! of the‘ life of the Sch mans and Brahms with music by U p two famous composers. Thii adihission on first-nir jimov- ies wiill be 4(j cents and the 30 cents; adihission • will contimlje on second-run pictures. mu r i - Irt , SiAj.f; (tel ftt i,«o, I WA I -f !?; ii. —1,1 ■ ntknnhwaMMn If" 1:11 ADS -4- IBE SHOP—fTypinr,, iwinK/j Phorfe 2-6701 gryan. | q,M t.arn Hull R (lova i walch nimaovrtph- .'.1007 fci.rt With i |r4l<l •-ward. Joe S orf-in, Fwo lietjroom aril street n. f new ji (> nUt J l{ft. dr i ijnisd jeombina |F. Pritchett, ;|| I ' I ^ •SAS-ij: ied; el l nillifH » I wi ii-n - .Si!jn:i,ll house a teltle' refrigrrat wlll[ pair for it M'opte’rl very re _ ,| ;Pfoj.4t Hous’. lot. Fur; >r inctuUed. in 4 yi-ars. nsonahle. S(ee TLfcSDkr «. J|ANUAR|Y # EUNKKjflAV 7, ; JANIU F li ROpS E(),|I)«E $(>. ridi ill mwetirtg Bul Mom !.od|f " r ! A. Hj & A, M-.. > IhbrMlny, iJanuan roUfpj j tlopi (floor G- I-ejriop Frnjiet Hotsi Atfa! I No. 6. Visid’' trf- coldiully isjf-leome. Cl UK OILCH | Mf. 11. HA IK TRADE WITH 1$4« FORI) SI DELUXE Till leater. Seat a|jn. LinToiln - Mercia CHARLIES CADE If --4L ed oak 2* ion-’ trailer. (025 Po|k, 194I) . I gY 1048 . iX.K.AA.iM tel No! 1:160, :4«! Pi M.. K. T.odgc American at Trtifer ng hn-tbren HIST. W. M. KTT.jWbjF CADE J t*ER OR tovers. IR. 3L. Lack ’$ AUto Stores JOE FAULK ’52 Whimr Bike M Blo.Yole Suppl: I loiutihgatd ! 217 £ 0 allege jsth. | Bryn 4-11,6)9 j | j 2 1669 ! . All jjunior and senipr students in the,, School of 'Agricjilture arc in-| vited tjo meet with the district | agents and other staff members of j the Agricultural Extension Service : January 6. at 7:30 p.| m. in the Al i Lecture Room. An bpportunity to learn some thing :hf the Agricultural Exten sion - Service, including county ;y|ief!tl work, will be given all. those pre sent. 11 '• Cofl’be and doughnuts will be serve<|ihy the studenfts of the Ex- tcnsiojij Service Organization Class, sponsms df the meeting. clfanjnG r ALTER AT THEIR Blfct 'campus q Over The Exr: in — ~T PRESS1N IONS I |j J, , r — at ATNERS Age Store 4 ■, / A ij i \ ? ' u< I ■'4 Is Tl ij( < I !i> I': ; f WELCOME BACK AGGIES r t —i- kf" b\ >i i 1 - Pi v ii n • 11 ft !' P, !! fj hi-; . I ! ; I ill ;|i i r. We thank you for your patronage in ■ . : !. j,. j r ■ ; ■ ] I ’47 and stand ready to serve you again in ’48 ! 1 ! ! t i THE EXCHANGE STORE I i . I. “Serving Texas Astsies I — i ^ “ .li - ’ r I I. ■ .j. ■■kM i V -i J Mi ii ■ ■ - f ) i.ii. • L J iM 'll li |i[ Al : 1 ■ 11 i I l I ;! : ii / V