The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 19, 1947, Image 2

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B a ttali
Statesman, Knightly G
iflivan Ross, Founder of .0
In its f
■<et Us .1
jeen accompli
jsolve the pipblems
Here afe the
ling the yeaf:
of 194
M i F
The Battalion publ shed a teh-poiiit platform, “In 1947,
the year, we find that 0ight of the ten goals have
’47 platform, with ft aiimm.
AFthe beginiiing i|of |19
pn^ aji dream
jiup to the T}re-wai| thrfte- i-w^ek, schedule.
things )egai|-t|i biteak. The A
'cation was
Batt office jgot rejhdy tip-|oll(|w. A fast automatic
ed in the Kasemc it of Goodivip. Truckloads of precious roll-paper began to arrive.
I Associated Press ieasdd-v[ire’teletype was installed ‘ ’ Jl ’’
As Atgjgies s
. a daily Bat#
i monthly, j-ija
Develd) jp
To create an
i al, two 'new
1 -MJ
li tenia t
onal Rdations. Club had its beg
Jnrjing last spring when H. H, Caldwell
of the geography |leparjtn ent and Dr. S. R. Gammon, head of the! historj’ department; com
bined theii effor s to form this group. Since then hais considered and discussed many
the VitUi work prolblerhs confronting our nation and worjd today. pr, .
lag an feditoriftl ir last summer’s Battajiop, in which a “Great Issues’’ course
| Follow
sim rlar to
to iiistitutfe
pre ?ent iafif
tic:;, and
In adil
grou] s were
course iii tHie curricula.; A two-h(fu*rj (jolurse will start ne^t semester, and
jhts ica 1 fir several oiutstanding men jn the field of journalism, poli
os to.le ’tu 'e on the campus, l 1 T . ; ; ' :i V: M ; | ij- \ \ * j'.,
itiori, cimpub dubs and societies have obtained nore outside speakers than prft-
diti jm l|i4 se Buildings
ftnd the
If and
Aild Stoderjts ho
1 At tlfd Marc
l>eii of st|
[.was writ
the niimbfet to t\\|o.
Two i ?nior ? tudemits
A st
“en last >
• Brazos
^dent government
: 1 Aii c
.;pntil sani
ilf Battalion . . .
147, The Batt was comii^ out .twice a Week, and dlailyi pu.bli-
Buring the spring semester, publication was finally stepped,
h 1
<u ji
f • ♦>, * v 4 " ^ 0
r ’
mmr ■ * v
•K,: Mr b
Isn’t Hard to Hold Your
FoUow These Simple
Vle J' ■ |] I ',' r: /
former court bcautifi- voices
rtarila says the Aiweri-’ tw vc
husbands would tarn jyfiy w
j' :
ueen Marie of
>r Ql
divorce* rate would fall i;
citedit for putting thift prpgrftm through. We can only call
people, who may get “steamed up’’ and do something to
our thanks go to th|)se whp have done so much in 11947.
ary of what has been done dur-
to learn
fe7’ said bus!
fily count
p*. his glamor the Wife will no W
freedom to be sloppy, and
prrn*- • *1. ^ WK
, " ■ ' ....
^ ^ *
y>. ^
thjrik she has the
both like each other better.’’
1 ; ' 'F'I • i 1
Edrinond, who operates a plitter belt, “hoi
beauty’’ only a ten-karat stone’s throw froi
avenue, believes the iverase America^ husl
about as glamorous as a sheep dog with
ijally .it is him thai is the whole
contihu ' ' L ”“'
d the Egyptian-Wirn beautician. ‘"I:
et a hold of tilmsAf an® become a
c- -X
^Vn O
& M. PiJie^s mojved fo Goodwin Halk apd The
was ’
ts found, purchased, and install-
ajnd began clacking.
ruggjec bapk to. the campus aft^r; the! Babor-Day vacation, they found
n thftir haljj boxes. After fifty-foiij year? The Batt, which began as a
finely achieved daily statilsL ' .
i I j ; _Jf ' 1 I ■ ' Y. j ■ J I '4 :J
Stfiden Discussion Groups • . .
< i"i . ‘ U I T ij I i- I 1 I jj[ j ;i J jl; f • •'j,''
intepesi hi social and economic problems, both international apd nation-
formed to fill the “cultural lag” at A.&M.
to the Editor
1 - 1
Air-c|)|ditiontng Guij)ii |lall and Cushing Memorial Library is Resolution No
acqomplis i|d. I ] | : I _±, j
an-exce lent jol| of jpigeon-holing the request 1
rary cpoler pficesi in which to see a movie
the req
as held up action on making Guion
md study.
1 7 me
dent n embers
n into the 1M
esty comes out of hiding, we loqk forward to a cooler summer!
Athletic Council
. i I { I {T r ’ j I s f'
Dear Edjtoi*:
A thgasaiid orchids to Blake Air
lison for 1 telling the chronic grip-i
ers ftt A&M to “hit the road.’’
And, brothdif, take it from me, an
Aggie who did hit the road, the
grass is not so green on the other
side. I wont to A&M for two years,
ai'ul theri this fall I transferred
because theicourses I wanted were!
not offered at A&M. (I’m sorry
now that I didn’t change my major
and just sUy in Aggieland),'
I am goihg to a state universi
ty now (not) T. u., thank you), and,
all you gripers, I want you to know
th^t ther|e ip nothing liko, it. There
aav nearly 4000 co-eds here all
ru iriing Ibose. Sounds good, doesn’t
it’ But ithat’s not all—not by a
loi g shot}. Jp this same little (less
than 2p,(K)lj)j) town, 'only a fpw
bheks frioni the University, there
are two (4) ALL-GIRL colleges!
W ly, main,! the place is lousy; with
wt men. j
The c) offered here lire
a lead-pjipie; cinch.; .Nothing hard
like the; ojnjes where you are. Of
course, one doesn’t learn mu
a this school, but who cares jhst
s<> long ak you get tha* old
Quite a L’ioiutj. don’tybu think?
So, atl ntoU gripej's^/fome on up..
The schofcl puts no/fimit oh out-
of-state stuijentsF so yon won’t
have any trouble- enrolling. The
maximum jnujpber of hours you qan
boy, thd marriage it would; last longer. The glkmor,
U must begin ^before
This means, he' indicated, that the hufibai d
should ouit lotting his wife see him when pel first
turns off the alarm clock, yawning and scratching
hlmselfj Instead he should go to the bathroom, {(Have,
comb hjs hair and come back in a fancy dressing
gfjiwn before arousing the sleeping beauty he is
wedded to.
,J hr m'' ’
Trampling Out the Vintage
Plight of Agricultural Wo
Little, Even With Modern
ie<4{nif of -'the board *of directors-a heiv policy lfegardj|g the num-; can . y up i6; you ain’t
jfg on i the Athletic Council |yas adopted^ Before thjs new rule ! work.
ks Only one student was oji
toiincil pbsts. ( ne rfepr eftetits 4he corps of cadets, the other the veterans
imty I
si of it
iitar|r Eating Places i ; .
r i i ! ! i
fes ain f drug
ary ttu asures
now electeld each year (by the senior class for the Athletic
The adopwon changed ! Oh yes, there me. one or, two,
little thijti^sjl forgot to mehtioni
towahi cleaning j ju.p eating establishmeiiU
r- whftn the Veteilan Student Association A
ealth Bnit Sin monthly inspectionB. <
le surveys Shave been run in The ;Ba
.‘tores failing to score 70 jpoi
e Li bran Is Fiction Section
To n| ejt; the need hint mok 1 fiction and non-tecHnical
the College Station area was tak-
k Committee joined wjit h the
Since the systenj of stu 7
ya itfave ueen run in me lOoLM^uun. ojm.e me eypieu^ ui mu 7
mt k change, the* Student ;Seiiate Mes^ .Committee continues the
: Ji . .[ ' ■ ’
ts on the inspections are closed
,000. b" thifii Hast gear’s Exchange Stoni pijofits
'he spent ’|n. buyi ig imoifej books.
1 "Life Co
’■This con
AlsOil a! conjianittee' 0
Cushing Alemoilial li-
werfe allotted to the library to
yap appointed by. the; Studen
purchase of these new books.
, ( .. stijdents and faculty 'members
ilttee no assiist sand; advise in the selectioii alnd
it tee fvill beg|n wjork following the 1 Chpistpiaft holidays.
: Organize a DeEatiiifg Society . . . f
feasors, atl E. Elmqiiist, N. A. Huggett. and Erhil IJubka^ was formed to promote in
"terest inHforensip work
n i
-At ijjiesent the Disllt sjsicjn and Debate Club divides (its;! work into three phftses: in-
tercollegil to, iiitfamuraj, aiiia cjub operations. The fofmeir requires; funds’ for sending
l i r l
o tourjiamehts
throughout the southwest; for that
jjer 2 u
; Nunf
-shown at
“ Sutdi
three English pro-
^independiont age icy, |0|»(rated somewhat like the Singing
* o^el“ the! fisndtioils of i r ercpllegiate debating.
jlntiji iiRral c ebat^r.* ;ire looking forward to an eliminat
Spring, v irle tin
national interest
reason, it is hoped that an
Cadets, will eventually take
• T * !
j tournament early -next
clubj ilsdf |vill feature panel discussions of’quest ions of local, state, and
| J [ji
aO aCcbfnplfchn
Tom Piddy, Wh
- to show
Hepburn.)The si Stesiffujl
hie P <>rth
* an ugly
..‘pecially jjt
that gat
« Tod
^trance w
^ manentl
Mdng spacif.
'TJ Who
* r Gates, v
V. hedges .
.Bala lie
le mov
bid t'kir
e first.!
as r iade a
)lso a group at Bryan Field.
J r »
in ies at Guion
resolution was that bv the end (of 1947; first run movies Would be
T |T 11 f if if , : I
enhhas not been brought; about, but through no fault Of theatre
r ..4J_ _• s j| s ^ em i )ee ,<, established with
[Under! this system each individual
ne 'hadinjg the highest bid i.i allowed
W says that a competitiveibu
all their first-run movies,
ead j of the movies and the c
I'bu jjorfpeii should know.;
• Hang onijto four hats.
! ■se[ug)| has as much
i spirit as a tlccawd tooth. There
are seniors (on the campus who
actually doii’t know even the
NAME of their own school song..
So when you hit the road, all you
gripers, you might as well leave
all those butterflies at College Sta
tion. Duf! ng (football season not a.
small numbeif of students here de
liberately! mifes seeing a ganie on
the honHj 1 fiekl, because they “have-
other thihgs i to do.” It makes nfe
Ever hear of an Aggie miss-
sing a ganie on Kyle Field?
And when [you Cotne uji here, all
you grij)j;rs,|you will just have to
get used|to.the fact that the only
boy you Nvillj meet for the first 'six
months Will He your roommate; And
you mpsltn’t speak to anyone on!
j campus, jljlli ho, that just isn’t done,
Another tfiing. I have been go^
ing/to this; state university for
three months now, and I have not
seen one single senior who, was
wearing la ring. I will go even one
step further! than. that.‘I have not
seen one single senior who even
knows \yhatj the school ring looks
like. It’s disgusting.
Ever-seej an Aggie senior who
wasn’t! wearing a ring?
By tWe Way, I forgot to mention
that along with those 4000 co-cds
are enrolled more than f0000 boys,
and; alsjo, the majority of the girls
at the other two colleges are cither
damn Yankees who thhlk that the
North won .the Civil War or else
they a(e Southern belles whose
“blue-blood” runs icy in the presj
ence of the ’“ordinary college peas
ant.’’ So, you see, the picture is
beginning to lose its rosy glow.
You think “Gibb” is bad. Listen,
the student body’ up here has been
drawing up petitions (every year in
an effort fo boot out the presi
dent; so far, he! hasn’t budged an
inch. This has been going on for
the last ten years. Hell, “Gibb”
hi j o il “Song of Love” co-sfarlring Paill Heinred and Katherine
>id(ler for this area will lie notified
b„vj [next week.
ite Entrance .
H : ! I I! ! ; I ! i I.i .- ir
Id suspect that a year ago
ups were common, es-
(an(^ Ejlp. m^ when it was almost impossible foT bars to get in oif out by
w-. ij I ” ::: ’ |';; !
y'ltrafib mofes s hobthly, even after fojotball gamesi (The new dividedflane en-
ls gomi letec: iiji in|e To lie opened briefly [at iall hojiie gftmes, and was opened per-
oii Tujkey My.
Pbsi Office traffic has its own road, and there is plenty of park-
|v!Jj : • . '.in • r|;|' \ ijM| J. nJ *
t is. mole, the heiv North Gate looks good. Though less dramatic than Eftvst or West
the low
/ ■ gram in
. nate am
“ held the
| 'j j !(Ad(
! / L -^jadj
track te m
tat dlef
le. A Ifu
tip ilal
nts an
was still digging tudnels jin the
sand when this guy took aver.
Wlhen Ull you gripers (lit the
road, I would suggest that if you
have an olfl surplus army tent, you
bring it along. Finding a place to
live might bem slight problem! The
college has ojne (1) permanent
boys’ dormitoey. You see, not all
schools furnish a fellow a room
like a certain college do<($ not a
million miles from here. | Jersey Department of Agriculture Said recently, but
If you’re a good cook, you had ! the farmer's work is never dbiiej. Despite ftdyanies
better dust off that old mess kit. j iji the efficiency of term machinery, thej djep4rt-
Cuts down on iexpOnsejs, you know, ment’s report said, the average Work week ,for a
Ami if you’re lucky, you can find fjirm operator in Septepiber was 69 hojuija,
a regular eating place that serves clusivci of Sunday’s and holidays, dompa
boardinghouse, style, j Meals this i hburs (for the average factory worker. Tb
way cost only 75c (that’s not “per j nient jis makmg time-and-motion studies bf ’fami
Ag students please note.
The industrial worker, organized in labor unions»
may be working increasingly short hours, the Njew
Jersey Department of Agriculture said recently
the farmer’s work is never done. Despite gdva
the) efficiency of term machinery, thej
day” either, Mr. Discontented)
Incidentally^ how much is
board costing at ;A&M thjs
With a few Exceptions, of course,
the boys up, here ahe a mile a Way
frohi the regular’fellows that you
meet xft A&.M. Most of them are
of the “rah-rah” type who would
npT fgel out of place in a racoon
anti and black derby hat. They
like suits witih stripes, bow -tjies
with dots, and letter^ with check.
Work fo reduce the time ^pent on various Chores.
SOMETHING NEW ^j'l | [ j r
A person without a cgn opener has proved that
lick ojf such equipment edn cause no end of titottble.
Leo Hill, Cleveland, phio, was arrested as he
entered the basement door of a Kansas City apart
ment house. He was held for questioning.
Pjolice said Hill was’ carrying a can bf beans
in hi^ hands and told authorities he was drjVdn to
desperation in a search for a can opener hr! some
thing with which to open (the container.
Yow know what I mean. The kind ! iv[rs. Hilda Garold, a 46-year old Chicago widow
whjo join a fraternity so they won’t said phe was determined to get. “the man I, IpveK
haS'e to buy tiieir own clothes. | no matter how long she had to picket him tc ;d|p it.
So, all you ’gripers, get a ciga- , “iHe’s Jack Glotzer, He’s about two yearn ()lder
rette holder ajid a pair of sandals ( than jne and lives ip that building,” she said, pointing’
and come.on tip. Like I said, there ! to the apartment house phe was picketing, tearing
is frothing like itj : an oijl doth sign which announced her int^nllop to
Ciive tne a school 'where people marry Glotzer
aid people, Give ifre a
people shake hsimjs a
where Silver Taps is
a buddy dies-! Give j me a school
school where
nd say howdy,
played -when
She said she met Glbtzer four years age when
he wias teaching folk dancing at the Chelsea folk
d&nce group, and that They became engaged by
whtore spirit jafrd :trailition are em
bedded in tlje- sqUj every stu-: and the exes to round! up some
debt. Give nje Tegm A. & M
Name Withheld by Request
■ 'jW ( I .
Ediitor, The Battalion:
In praise of yotjr “Political Pok-
er(Game” editorial in the Monday
Battalion, 1 say run more like it.
It!j ledves only one thing to be de-
sitjed—that it’s no, the outlook
of! 45,000,000 other Americans who
cap; do something about putting
’ •! situation right.
Your last) jpafragraph there is
gejtting a Htjtlie closer to the thing
need, «s! agnatic n, although it
Linds a little flippant and doesn’t
far enough.
The rest of, yopr editorial is like
thjej spirit of our ti
is I recognized but
ekcellent material for the future
seasons. All of us are going home
fbr two weeks and all of us know
many boys on our home town team
WhoKvould help A. & M. come out
of ain eight game losing streak—
to TL T of course.
Hbw' about all of yog—I am—
talking up A&M to the (best pros
pects you know—it can’t hurt any
thing, and who knows we may
round up a championship team!
-Come On, let’s work together—
just! for A&M.
I Sincerely,
Edi:or, The Battalion:
mes^-tbe need
the [corrective
adtjon is lacking. It reminds me of , v, r e fully agree with
tlje story the Hfrgijsh jirof made ! tjioij Set forth in the
' mute ordering j. gf j, Shirt—IV”.
lashes because ! |! \v ei too, are among ( the many
4 frll read—King C
the’ ocean given 300
the cjondi-
,ter, ‘fTale
didn't obey his ciommand
whb would like to reteive ALL
Kjiijg Canute, we can throw our: theiir laundry back and jin as good
voices at.W ashingtofr bpt Washing-; [(joiiditioiv as it was sent. It has
ton, like the sea, gods its own ways reajehed the point where a laundry
obeying thy laws of politics. ; package i^arely ever returns unless
Why Wait.(until ]the_ November j thtj contents are datinaged in some
ejections? There’s
Referendum in this ( country of ours
apd 10 years (from u.w is no timel^U js th(j blem of j
to istop and wish wed used it in" 1
lt*47. . . if wh Itavej a voice aiuf a
New York; and T( xarkina is
Also, besides damaged laundry, 4° Milwaukee by airlh e than |lL|j
J misplaced El fasd, j'(Try this on- your Jlla
Nallyi The Lfnitec States!^
vjote theh.
j Sincerely,
J lir
talk it
Editor, The Battalion:
Right here; ati Christmas time, j
tilpf ex-Aggiq? have given Homer
Norton a nice present of $20,000—
gncl told him- to
in itself is gtood no
fake moire than a
but out a winning
>49 or '50—it will
rood football playef-s
lighj Schools.(i
N6w it is ill)) to t
1.^ : ii !
(Editor’s Noto
ibws; butj jbecanse
a :1V ftyb«
it's humorc
plating and your re-reading,
oh some Yankee friend!);
, i. | j ]
Texas j oecupice all of the
small paH set asice foi jthe Ilf
owns thq north half ofj:the R1
bank anyone dry,
Toxas is bounded < n the
all of the oceans e ccept the Paf
and S|)utb America; and on I
t|ie Pacif c Oc :an and
rest of thtl world. Underneath'
have at tiis vfrlting
down, ofitj ifr Uplor
12,500 f(gf qr so lor oi
eitas Ms
500 feet
tes ea$t
in Brow
the highest hill in
at'! Guads
above! sea
df the Rockieti.
so bjK
iiSville cal
pie YaHkfees, and the
El PaSo speak of the
Texarkana as “e fete
It is farther! from
arkana than it is
elejthing. On inquiring, we find
the laundry is not responsible, for
All we, desire, is for the laundry
to clean our clothes and return
thmi in good -condition without
damage and minus lossbs.
4 Signatures!
get out”—That
ws. But it will
new coach to
team in '48 or
take players—
from Texas
le student body
elcome! Gifts for all people and
asons where customers share
profit. $1.00 free book with $5.00
TIST BOOK STORE, (608 So. 15th
) Waco,' Texas.
The Battali
e Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the jCity
of College Station, Texas, is published five times a wi
fHternoqp, except during holidays and examination periods. During the summer The Battaljion is pub
lished semi-weekly. Subscription rpte $4 per school y ear. Advertising rates furnished on n
‘(jews contributions may be made by telephone {'G 5 444) or at the (editorial office, Room!201, Good-
iall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (j4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room
3oodwin Hall.
th i their lojii? |pf)rbaches, it makes an iiiviting picture, especially with
iflt[plai|t04 onijtl e West side. We are proild to drive friends through- it.
t ilejic Program
j iJ./i j .* • j — j ■ jif ij j j| *, ; | i Ij ; .! }-
stepsl have been taken to lasiure a more balanced al
Ltime athletic director has [been hired whose dutv it ‘
4 1 5 II' '!r'1 | ' 1 ; {I
a i'hletic programs,
improvement over the old iseibu
,or, • \ : . 1 1
ve been provided
m seems to he beftring
y IT;
Ighter iof
sphPfcft other than football.
is to coordi-
'u.lii'• ’ 'I I • ? 1 •
which thej football cohch also
sketball, basehall,
! ii: *'
f ji;
:tlj- Till
e Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the
in the paper [and lo
red to; it or not otherwise credited
Rights of republication of all other!
itter herein are
* II r . ,
Entered a* -second-class matter at Post
Office jat College Station, Texas, under
ke Act Of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Louis Morsan, Kenneth Bond
Dal'id Scllgman .
Mack T. Nolen —44^ —4f
Parris block, Duke Hobbs. J. T. Miller, |
V. D Bruce, Jr.. Howard Spencer.......
Tom Carter, Ted Copejand, Truman
IO. Martin
ssociated Cql
Wire Editor
^feature Writers
1 y
! If
j j
j-iii.i !
and circulated every Monday throiigh Friday
Member of the Associat
use for republica
sal n“ws of spor
also tcserVed.
(ion of-all news dispatche
taneous origin published
egiate Press
Represented nationally by
yjartlaing Service, Inc., at iK
C hicago, Los Angeles, 1
Paul Martin .j
Don Kngelking, Arthu r Howard.
Matula. Zero Hamnond, Hi
Sam Lanford, W. K. (Colville.
Maurice Ho|well
J.> D. 8am]tt, Preston
J./D. Barrett, Presto
Wilson H^BearthileY.
;hes credi-
National Ad-
ers hell Shelby ..I$porU Writers
L. Gray — Ca
Sparu Editor
Goodwjm, Andy
Texas 1 left
three-legged Bost m tk trier.
The cliaef occupation
pie of Ttjgas is to
making all tbe mdney
At thai, ! tluj wet 1th of
creased! 539(1 bet wet ft
1927. jh the Liwer
that the p|i'
Dallas jjr
tifrent ojf 1
."States, ij*
Ipaftde, wii
th “wetfr
b|y 25 Oi'
on.the KOI
try tb keep] i'dfri
r the ‘
■" Texi
iRio Gr
c which fob
rth A mo rich except a
da, and Meftico. Toxtts
Used to Lave one wet
. I .1 J
50 statea; O 1 the
jth by the G df of
Valley> Texans have (
(jer. • Tho Wealth tl
2,000% .from 1939 to 1945.
one even bet-
tlje re ifrcroastG
/olHM 1039 t
tinjb TGcashvas »o wild that not
even tjho la'w of grivitation waaj^ft
pbeyed, and the eftipf pursuit of
|he Toixiins was Ind uns, but now
it is crop records a id production,
ftatural, gas, ) citrur frtiits, undl j
ustrirts. It a »o healthful
.i that out n Eastland- a) 1 ;
r : rog lived f< r years once
healedjjin a comerktone .without
food, dji, or watcjl'. [ ■ , \,j
Texans are sO iroud of the
Lone -Star State H at they can
not hIMp at night Without dream-
;; ing abdut their State. If 1 Tex
an’s head should he OpeuH, thi
map 0 Texas would be fount
; engrftv id on his br tin.
i The word “Texasb is of Indian
prigin nid means ‘Ffiend» "J and
the Tox is jH-opJe are that v ukr yet(
iunleiis|i"rbu take a slum at {their
If your front gate
t leabt 18 miles f om your frorjt
(Joor, )'tju do not b<long to society
ew coi istitubed in T xas.
' ' I' i " —
Z Ltn!or