f ^ ^ \ r j J, _ I Page 2 j •V .!•■ f:-i! Battali j.' • 1 I ' ■' ' V.. -TORI • W 1‘ S.holl ! ! DAY \ \ if G «f Aggie Traditions ' ~ 1 ■ ' ![.|! — 1 ‘iloJdjteir, Statesman, Knight}] i^e Sullivan Ross, Founder o TO Ghristrtias!... IkH DfecfeMBER 18, 1947 N «ct yo but t bUbyl U v to -rei s inievfit As you for Chris time you lege? v We ex: the holidays already ha{\i several m j ! . Traffic ®eath Mother perkpn”. A&M you jstand to be that ‘‘ j)ther tiirsop” fulness, dW waft :hfuiln words and jmake } ood your roommate Id it be the last iih or -t~i r • TT i: M I ?U ’ v. •§ ?! ' WITHOUT GRAVY 3 f li If N t- ■ it- . IS, ) U - I! >r A&M Col- iflrn to A&M after itafb e ‘‘death” may an j^ppoinllment for you atld Aggiws! | |v . i ijways happen to 0 students from :e as knyone idoii’t the ikgodd xpects 100 t dr Public Safetj die during the holidays on Texas ringing the year’s^ total to least 2,870 people will be in- * ‘I B I • rges, “That each citizen htmself Such disci jonsibility for the hua act: ’ or i Surety First, care- m: ation, but! they a pplication.; We have hadiievejra 1 !ss aife beautiful (oii’ti do it” conver- holloviwithdut individual ;ers ■J I I- I “Sijlver Taps’ Mondaysjtljis fallffor vf^tlnjis of week-end traffic accidents. *' *' e¥ ' ith s veraj ore spi body, the !lkw of may take place bt i A letter;to President governor: Beaufo id Jes Collapse on h a large student siys that others n er; ibb Giilchrist from r stated that the Depa ersotis ighwlays 6 ,100] and jured. f iI GdVerno impose iupoi sense of re otherd that lead to the death A pre^lctionjof 100 are not inevita prevented,: j jjj; , Sush sickenihg hlaiigfht , would be a stark negation of the Christma: message bn earth peace, good will toward men. A concerted and intensified campaign, God \Villihg, may bring about ah accident- Tree Christmas seaspn for all the people of our Statei” I f jj|, . || ... In lyour eagerneifs to get home you can but you may lose a rk pline and a fwelfare of dcts behind-the-wheel nojt njjury of hi& fellow men. dearths and 2,870 injuries ble. They can and must be 4, Trampling Ouj the VmUgt . .| jt H . m Hemlerso: doctor from Eurel ways : to cure cow: ' r I, „ ,j\ 'I; Ii-win, old-fashioned countrj' N. C. has proved that the best .. >s to ha*; plenty 3f the; f»m footed animals among one’^ medical “ekvipmerjt : fir. Irwin uses his surplus cows to lend to nts, The. system is based ori the theory min mdst have a cow, especially if he is si dock forks over a co^’ if the patient di already | haVe one and the patient gets the of; plenty of milk. The doctor gets a return oh investment in the form of all the calves. “Proiri a $1$0 cow, 1 can Isell the calf fori a good return,” jsays the IdOc. V Years of family practice have ccnvinced: him, the doctjor HBys.-that “a^cpuplc should be refused a ier Ti idlal!, that « cent ! b; J Jol Wi t: iM star. he U l ll in, a cento V is tdwel i, a sjtove and a cow.” j EST POINT FOOTBAIX, H THERN STYLE ley hive- a \i al B . j . er ahd suffering he 4-^_ As MacKenzic Sees It l \ ■ ; j ■ i. marriage license uhlcai'tliey can say bed WEST PO SOUT football tehms ojf the United States Mili tary Achdettiy seem to bel following in the best tra dition of) the Old South although Genera] U. Si Grant would probably tulm over ih bis grave if he heard about tlje new developmefits along the Hudson. For the second straight year, the Army fopt- captain. | x v/t v»*v o\;vRfiiva jvuAy w»v Avnsy- ball eleven has elected a: Southern for] its football gain tjme by hurryijjig lifetime.jRE CAREFUL! Education.. Big Four Collapse Finds US, England, France in a Huddle This year, it was Joe Steffy, All-American guard from Chattanooga, Tenn, Nelxt year, the Army’s gridiron destinies will he handled by feill Yoempn, r r ion oi A proposal issued re^ht|y lb Truman’s: Commii turns the Upotlig been in the shadov we are one) of the ers, our entire ec be spinning its w The federal pi financial Help to by llj)60, and it c “Quota Systems” y President ouble!tjbl ege -enrollments with high schoql work By DeWITT MacKENZIE Al* Forsign Affairs Analyst The collapse of the Big Four efforts in London to frame Ger-. man and Austrian peace treaties has sent America, Britain and France into a huddle to devise ways and means for the economic consolidation of Western Germany, sufficient funds, poor instruction, and in- leaving eastern Gprjmahjt in the adequate facilities, especially in the rural of th e Russians who will ureas, are fordn* our prima* schools to! ^ turn out students who aie unable to cope s Plan and extend Sovipt domination ht „ . r - Higher Education levels. Gur own Gilbert-Aike tundition that has the Tfexak educational watch Thj seams arej also bursting at lower ‘ ‘ ' n Committee, dog, paints a tajtie|li!a denunciation of a / teachers and oth ;r pro: but stand jliii peril kk foi^te elite” as ttkll. . j At fir^j glanj^ oup- colleges, with their tion dr no education at all. L r pchool failures at ever befw4, and: years as wfell as for same flme. Although disma picture of our grammar schools. In irlds niiokt educated paw- sufficient funds, poor instruction, cation 'machine seems to eels, jj * jposal I ! fp|s for sufficient across western Europe. This may easily be the decisive European battle in the struggle between Communism and the Demo- _ Aside front the faults of the; entire sys- anlit^la segregation in tern, there arej some self inflietjed stop gaps. schooling. The 'Kit page tfeporf! said in part The admission quota systems, employed by On the brighter side is that, we mpjfc only {(face ia g||oittage of doctors, many universities, are in many instances the fact that it finds the three sSibnal personnel, tailored to deny learning fp certain hiinorit-! niajor Democracies finally united ngjan “intellectual ies. In the 17 states where segregation is ‘n this crisis. practiced, the Negro receives inferior educa- As the Bis? Four ( onfert!nce was n’t act any Jopgor fts referee be tween Russia and the USA. He said “it becomes dbVious that the USSR’? efforts no longer are aimed at perfee.” Braaiilt’s stakemenj might be ex tended. It is equally true that it rto longer is possible for any coun try, or individual, to take a middle of the road course between Com munism and Democracy) It’s either one or the othbr. N s Meantime, in accordance with treaty obligations, the last of uncle Sam’s Troops in Italy are aboard Found ! | •College Speaks End Y^ar Frjflay taly ort, The Trur^an report lists these statistics: by 1960 there will be two million new admin- ] rushing to aiv angry:close, French j Foreign Minister Bidault was qtidt- ! o of a graduat ing class failinj. High greatly” its]fihancikl aid. It mehtions scholar- *|rt T,b ? r - 0 at the oW Boy ScoUt .kSni ■ R»t in the Rollinfcvfood Addition. The dance will begin at 9 p. m. and cjlose at midnight; ] . i ’ ; The Austin A&M Clbh decided re numerous thap shipi fellowship*, and general support, and rr iji the last tw r 6 says specific proposals will be offered later. Many schools We are noli only anxious to hear these pro a Yuletide transport, bound for home, and the British also have folded their itenW and departed that economically shattered and politically turbulent country whose government is, fighting a life and death struggle agaihst Moscow-di- rected Communism. | At first glanc.C this withdrawal might seem like Ranking crutches from under a { cripple—but not so. These military Contingents had been reduced to a handful of men, mere token forces. And as the Americans sail away they are re placed by President Truman’s blunt warningrthat, if Italy’s sovereign ty should he threatened, the United States would be bbliped to con sider what [measpres would be appropriate far the maintenance of peace and security. That, I take it, (is a promise— couched in thp lapgbage of diplo- A bbjx of Christmas (’Sards, be longing to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Batcher, were found at the an- pcx. The Cards are at thtj Campus Securit|y Office at the annex. * A watch and a pair ojf glasses have been found outside the Ani- inal Husbandry pavilion. These articles can be claimed by identi fying theip at the animal Hus bandry office. : [ $Faco-McLenrion To Meet Tonight The YVaco - McLennan County Ulub will meet in Room 301, Good win Hall: (at 7:30 p. m. tonight to make final plaris .for tjhe Christ- ■L ~ j-L_ g o Cour]ade, pyeSi- '1 ! I ■y7l -'t . I vint land nanagers ITr endamfe in #1 tex. Moy s am lot, jw? ntikt Dr. T. R. Kami ton, o: the! partment of business and acfcdiljjiktt in$, will spe^k Frilay dt 5:1* WTAW on i'Why Business in Cycles”. This tvill be the speaker before thi Christjmaii days. The daily Collej'e Splaaks S jwijl be reburied ol JanUa: y 5, tl} when C. A. Sauer, of ith,?'Em; i| department will speak on ; Tpy 1 Language Bbgipn'ngs”. I ! ipas rlahcje, djent, announced today.] : The lance will be held a,tj the Casa 1 lainca Supper f'Jub, 1 Lake Shore prive, Waco, Difcembej- 22 with music furnished ijiy the] Ag- gieland Orchestra and a floor show by the Club. An invitation has been extdnded by the clbb to all Aggies living in the Weed area and to those who Will be in the dity cjuring the Chi-istrmi holidays, j Tickets, may be procured Ifiom the Iloige Music Shop,]821 -Austin venue, Waco, or at thif door Mon- ay night. I : ; ovi, Fto police] lii Chi ih nine tavern jiown trouble B obstacles jin his ’1 him. He told police | many pbpple ill my gun in the ih< ft’s rodm. the gun was stolen.? ,. •WNO [T j ind the owner,” wail^i . This goat is going to , but I’m not.”i THE CUSTOMER S' in Sacre- l e hadn’t. Pouhd- as ,ajn immediate hlt-r-a e it has flicked up consi ie idy interiors. Id in . as annotmeed t^o- ' ig hunHk with a of iit jis:;iiot both approve t ■ F r tbea irable rtrt t limitec he idea a° ri And Wl \ / o ajnprn iplqmas. 'if posa wrill s, but are equally as eager to see what at a meeting Monday night to hold Over-Snecialization Curse te done about them. lii macp—to safqguari gressiom igu d i taly from ag.- I I -if! ; - The import of' Prekiq mission on'educkeon fdi- has so ( mel eloquqr^ Word: discussed! in thes| coli|iraji3p|refunded educa lion.' for citii' tlizensjifp asj \N sion. The dqmmitlee sajys fll as for the first of several reports said | . 1 l.l f , li ‘Bpecializatiojn is a hallmark of our so- cietvf,/ and its advantages to mankind have •1: ‘Presjetjt collftge pjrt tributing: ajdequ afely |o dents’ adujt liye pitizens. f i --- “Thisj is tr Unity of liberal ed by ovwspecik fnt Truman’s com-’ ctiised above) also anj a isubject often ^ irr „._ r ._„ r ._. ?d educa- cietjf,/ and its advantages to mankind have EoitlpOsitC (jfOlip a profes- been remarkable. Bjit in the educational iiro- ryi 4 . o gram it has become a course both of strength I O iriCUl JtUlUcirV o . m , , i , I aridlof weaioiejsa.. :r if] mfra'P*, ai .^ no ^ c “ 11 " iFilteriiig downward from the graduate quality ?ot stu- ail( j .p r0 f ess i 0 nal school levels, it has taken workers or as 11 - - ^ * T j n\ - - eitljef in lir| ; ' In short: tc students; spend of study.: \v,ithqlu with theibsjpecia ; will rouijjd jout t - r fp . The cl Tintes Hfr ; HEAiPLINb une recently:. BILL IK-w From Bos fell through t seat of Jld qld. zatioin. :y, a cot rse of studies which •eir thin kirjg, .The-foriimiss jon, M-hich Itljia week made on education, their Christmas Parjy at “The La Congp" in South Austin oil Decem ber 29th. All members of the cliib and the Bryan Field! freshman :p'e urged to attend. Details of the party may be obtained; by calling president uinuny McGuire. e part because the The 479th Composite Group, Ot- T k gsmized Reserve, will hold its next d' 1 '"'*” 1 ,cvc, ?ii‘ 4 ' . Y ... U looting at 7130 p. :m., January 8 over.the undergraduate veais, too, and in the Chemistry tieeture Room, morp extreme instances it has made of the Colonel R. A. EadA commamling libefial arts colleges little more [than another officer, announced today. Topic for discussion will be “Psy chological Warfare” presented by Professor M. S. Kavanaugh of the' department of education and psy chology, Visitors who are ] interested are invited to attend. Staff Members Go To Alabama Meet * Dr. D. R. Ergle ahd .Dr. J. Fer guson qf the? Agricultural Expe riment Station and Dr. J. G. Pot ter, head of the (physics depart ment, are attending a conference on the applipatioij of radioactive isotopes in agricultural research at Alabaha.Polytechnic Institute, Au burn, Alabama, 1 Detymber 18-20, The eonfeit-nce will include pa pers on reseajrch hjy'agriculturists, biologists, aiwi physicists. bcafiqi hfts been splinter- vocational school, in which the kim of teach ing s almost exclusively preparatory for ad vanned studv’in one or another specialty, o jmany s^obls let too many “Today’s college graduate itrtay have gain- po mud i time in one field e( } ijechnicbl or professional training in one making them take, along fi e lt] of. wbrk or another, but!is: only inci dentally, if at all, majde ready for perform- ' - his'dutlies as.-a man, a patent and a citi- ing zen TJ Dallas (Tex.) isifleB ad iin Id aa L , NhTER SAY ‘NO When ybu pan, 1 hd a jnjljpe jiitle 5-room red brick fop Sale, ]:It h room/^inning riom. ki room add bath.j ' ‘I |j| ■ j A, LOST-AND-FOUNI) advertiser report ed misjbai?(l-I tick stbry in the Salt Lake City (Ut)ih) Telegram: “Lost—Keys on three rings, has i four-leaf clover and rabbit fbot.” jj tiHy m j 1 ■ ■ 1(1; 8 bedrooms, living hen, 8x9 breakfast Civil Service To (jive Nurse Exams The'Civil Service Commission has alinounml examinations for i the positions of General Staff Xui'sn and Head Nurse, according j to Paul H. Figg. Regional Direc* i REllp'lrA^T ^lycribei; wrote to, the NfKtll jBA^ i tJl ^Ma hist' clt pie.”i 1 The of College Stjatijc ‘'ftftJetfnoOT lished se • Newt i|| win Hall. 209, Qoot j rierald Trib- ITS DIAPER !L ' Ppst: “The boy lobr in the rumble i Los Angeles Times: ' mt 1 ! that she (had been , one] tear up (he Tinids. andj will keep: our 1 pooch tute.” Classified ad in Beaumont (Tex.) Jour- Street, Dallas 1. Texas, naji: “FOR SALE—Two milk cows, onji ex- l Viek Lindlk r Fmrri. Bl«f, David Mack T. Ia>uU Mori »n, A. D. Bru i. he Battalion neighbor infoimed $2644.80 tb $3397.00! per year. Emj )ur dbg and another ployment lyill be with various Fed| I am lorry for this eral agencies: in the state of Texas: loekod nn in the f,i. Application forms may be obtaim lOCKCu Up 111 tnt XU j Post. Dffifnr oi- fronil ! 1 ed from, tjhe Post Office; or fronji the Director, 14th U. S. Civil Serj- vice Regibi), 1 210 South Harwonijl ' i. I Corpus Club Holds Christmas Dance The Corpus Christi Club will hold its annual Chnstijnas (jance at 9 p. m., Deeenabev 26 at the Plaza Deck in that city.] ' Special gutsts of the club will be the athletes of the local high school and jnnidr collegij. Tickets nifty be procured now from Forrest Sparks. Room 401, Dorm 2, oi} from members of the club inCaf-ptis Christi during the holidays b\[ calling 5666. U, S, SI B STAYS DOWN FOR SEVERAL WEEKS HVASHINGTOilNj Dec. 18 —a'Pi-L An America]) Submarine remained under water,; off New England re cently for “a coup|e of weeks” and could have stayed (here much long er, Rear Admiral Cjiarles W. Sty- ler has roVealeg. The craft was equipped with a “snorkel,’’ or breather tube, cop ied from captured German t’-boats. . ■ I ' i ' • -i Li i • I English Tea Given By IStudy Club IV- ir ^ L: The Campus Study Club hold an Englis i tea Tuesday in the VMCA