The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 18, 1947, Image 1
ipUil p ' "U- i! r iv ■' IN SEC, AN BEFORE. ( 0MMI WASHFNttTDNj f Secretlary < il A.grii | !B. And^rsoirl £ihow< i response t<i \ a Sen a j tions Comniijttee orq it his infoniJatJon on ulators in |g|rajns i; modit|e8.i 1 phaipmaii 1 Bkndgq dered spectjajto " ; r commilitee men \ | * the ca •' •’ * 18 . ec. Uuv| tlTiP t- e AHipjrc Ac that lie big tfffn; d ofie • biheti fflicer r WACO “BIG Clf WACO, Tfex.jj revolt lagauhst Big City Conf« terscholastjq Le|agu((j ed today qnf the h !|1 tion by Vfaco ! hi^ Dallas reqiJdst for &)— ; Y* nton ioh y in rpcjm so with oujdfta k i prfva je f. i lmb wim Coach B said he^di posed set- Worth, Dillas, Hofuston s^Hooh 'vision, is going iti| ^ti foil; hi TC I pMBo^ibf y ;-n<i)i SI !hic ) CO howjtl ic includes Anfednic a seharja i ^ork.; ! 5ATENS TELEVIS SPORTS NEW era, of large C sports events iis growing popuHarit^|; of ^()lt H, Jamisoin; Siwsir \ athletic director, ; in a talk before lege Athi^t|c : Cd GENERA KEEP A' NEW ^(DRK, Gen. AJ (J. W'MbU VolK. 1. 18| W I s ¥\ jatenjed “ ■ L • • i' yisioji Peanjsjylvanja warned fjyje i|enlay| renc^. j, is ># / dian member f of ti Atomic Energy C dieted; yesterday States’’ wilL : niairiti) ancy’ f in tjhe Tiel for 10 yehre at He decl^iied| al;,o sonably pr<|baible'’ not be aniaitomic yet,” but (cdution^ be folly to iwaste ing defensive mi lughfon Unit|drs’|ition4 mniis^ijotii pitei lat the C'lbitcd- O.' iU “ikeemi that |t; Ef “rear hatjthufe wait lar ‘ffpr af while thats “i would me’t in pfirepdrf [sure^l j j j|i ANTI-INhUATIC MAY HAVE 4-H WASHiNIGTOl Senate Dfimocrats day not ^o | block I a three-pjoiht . Rep flation bi 1,. lendir legislation design* costs midhtj get t)i Bii^ sxeiT [Deci priar give spec- comi Open f fla eje< of |a game. High pro- Fort ar)d C' d|- Volume 47 Miracle H _ ■ [Trki SiiA coi JJV THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE ■■ 'l.! ' —4 i; :yd 1 . ■ 1 E STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,1947 I r Imphasis February See r. Alexa hi !fVjl| ;[ , nerallmproveiuent The | college; ijy the. f Cana-j ti Tl Extension Service Prints Automotive Iraining Booklets 11 The Industrial of A&M in coo before thf special feessioh ( day. > ■ jf ULOPh- iTStgl- i(4fi|dn df tHiU thj t V? |liv3n k igress s to- iUNCI THIRD PA FOR WALl -new York, |ec. m A hnoveidegt to ifominage vice-pbesilemt Hettry A». for President on Ian iitd ticket in; the 19 ‘8 eh fdirmall^ laumqhex . yestMi the Progi essive Ci izerjslof ca and ephded in Chiciai nois" leaders; of :he • PrOi Party. ( j' | • ■ There : wenq sti|Dng| indip|atioits, “liberal” farces. .tA’ii- iorraer Wallace > endefit in whs however,' thjejthird|partyjh -might rgau(lt ; in wjidp i AUSTIN! BiLAM WORLD 'TiENSI >. CHICAGO; Dl> , gen R. Au»tiih, ciief ; LI gate to the’Unitet |Nap day blaitheoj cjurn it w ' primaril 1 L J 1 ‘ sia’s unf of tablish R^qs 18 By VICK LINpLEY “A" miracle hgs taken place t>n the A&M campus since I first'came here last Tebtuary/’tDr. W. H. Alexander told students yesterday in a special service at Guion Hall, spon sored by the YMCA Cabinet. , ! | Dr. Alexander, nationally-knpwn-f+—f- !as “the red-headdd preachbr flipm Oklahoma City,” sajd thht ilast •February after his • appearances here during Religiqus Emphasis Week, he found many people tn Texas skeptical when he praised A&M and the Aggies, because of the bad publicity the school ifvas undergoing. Today, rjot only is the general reputation qetter, but the feeling on the campus iis so dif ferent that he could feel the change the minute he stepjped from his plane at Eastyrwobd Field and met the greeting committee, j Dr. Alexander stated, j i Flew From Oklahoma With him on this' trip were his two assistants, Tiiacy Silvpster, minister of music for Dr.j Alegan- derY First Christian Church in Oklahoma City, and Bob Allison, yAM,th director of tie church, who piloted their plane f’om Oklahoma. Silvester, butt of mahy jbkes tbld by Alexander ast yiear, |was the butt of even m >re while here yesterday in pel-sop. He sang a number of feolos, accompanied at the piano by Leonqrd Perkins of the Singing GadetsJ Dr. Alexander vas introduced by Don Hanks, pres dent of the ‘Y’ Cabinet, which was nstrutnentgl in arranging for the ipecial sen-ice. “Believe in Ourselves” • , > . i. • I — - . - ToBe ’ 1 1 r 1-V •. v / , ■ ! ■ :: v tt i:v i hi | m Extension Service perqtion with the State Board for Vocational Educa tion has prepared instructional ma terial for use in automotive train ing programs in the schools of Toxas. The material, entitled “Instruc- t<rls Aids jfor Courses in Automo tive Service and Repair,” was writ- 1 ten; and organized by M. D. Darrow I teacher-trainer with^he Industrial | jExtehsion Service. ( The instructor’s aids consist of | pl an for RemodelinR Caldwell Jewelry Store a job index, Instructor’s guide j sheets, students! 1 technical sheets, j and job sheets for student use. The I job index is a list of 168 typical' automotive service jobs correlated I with a list of technical topics that tug L startling changes jin esbits Cafeteria losed; Fails Ti) Pass Inspeetio New Mana Over Dun New Year’s res erage person, butiwe hai^eli director of the Stu<jieatj D m -••t jl I :j; n- / Number 88 MUNROF. Hay noi n ARCHITECTS—DONALD JARVIS, junior architectural student, here receives a check for first prize in designing a new J. S. CALDWELL JEWELRY STORE of Bryan. Runners-up C. M. BOATWRIGHT, standing next to JARVIS, and JOHN LUTHER also receive prizes from CALDWELL, left. iNesbijts Cafeteria jwMs arily c-lORgd yesterday ai tejr] 2'for failing to pass jtjlie health ipspection, MaCvi the! student needs to kno\y in order to do the assigned jobs. The instructioinal water all phases of automotive “What .we ’need : to straighten I apd is divided into five groups: this world out is: believe in odL j bbdy, chassis, electrical, mainten- selves, believe that [life has a pur ance, and power plant, pose, and then ha\le the courage ial covers service • ; i u .. .i ■ :.;. ■ , | • . i; \ < 1 i . | ; t ■ . ■ j ? Jarvis Wins Design Contest cmaiimqh <Sf the Stujden Mess Committee, annotmedd. _ The North Gate* ea.tim; estf inent received a score ;<nf ($$ iiii the monthly inspectjion cn ejl yesterday by the j!Me^ '•"ittee ; in cooperation w-k Razos County Health om Eating efetablishmeni.5 beliefs wopk in in,” Dr. Alex- he same! fine to make those two the world we live adder ( declared. “1 spirit you have si used i|n the world turn the World upsi “Mankind stands most perilous position ever. Sc en lists give us ten y?ars before we destroy the world by. ;the r atom bomb or by biologic il warfare. Thq Rhe instnictional aids are being usbd in mady of the schools over the state. Among these are the own jat A&M, county vocational schools which it large, jjioqld offer trade training to veterans,. By O. C^ MUNROE • his creative ability, provided he Amazing even themselves, Aggie ! kept his plans within the bounds arehitecitbral students under the of present bnUdirig site, supervision of jG. Ci; McOutchans j After a detailed inspection of have recently' completed their re-! the present site, scale models of commendations jfor remodeling the j the surrounding: \ buildings were Caldwell Jewelry Store in Bryan, constructed by the class and each Winners of the prizes offered by ; of the interested men then <le- J. S. Caldw-ell jfot the best plans j signed and constructed a scale Were: Ddnald E.; Jarvis, first prize; j model of his : idea of how the newly Ci M. Boatwright. Jr., second; J. L. remodeled skore should appear. Luther, third; iapd tying for fourth i When the nio|els and detailed pi ize G. S. Hafin, W. A. Enochs, I designs were completed they were ^ down “Il i 1 kiff Li u . h X . j . M * Marshall, Jr.,; F. E. Mur-j judged by a preliminary faculty le down. th b Righ school day trade .shop j an<1 B H Reed today, in FORT WORTH E: close; , : mi dm |whd i he cjall !d Rbs- - ^.^.iliipjgneffe “to , tt ke ajny the jfisks invj ttved In Mhp >s- lishmtmtl oif coj rectivet sjfcuritk”. i'emiejnt «|it in I; !j OR: world wails and says, Tt’s nojiise, fellows.’ Our great hopes of two years ago, when the end of; ll " War seemed to bring peace,] when the; United Nations founded; have collapsgd.1 |/P#e- yest|;r- tenaioh I SSES iOK'S OFFICE CL0SEI lit ; FORT WjORTHf Dejc. 18|—<Aj). The off! :e jof Jolji 1 Bbuilaid, Tar rant. CoilntY Tax rAssesscjr-Collec- tor, was ^closed il k la"' 1 yisterjay after counly i (foi) nissiohc|s C(Airt had peefeptjed th withilr|wal jby three surety con hi jjnd| blai his pited|ca|nent Bolirll sponsibi^tyt of hotu/s fdr fiim. rid 4 , if he is dnaible tq hq will [take the pie” ntithe ncxl clared affaprs of “perfect! si a]>e.| marshIxllIsi mniest Aom ire t bur ,000 • in w Thin ourselves.” |iakc aj n fight to dleCtien fee it Church Makes Hotter People “The church is the only insO’U' ment foi- dealing with human Wills. Some churches are falling down on the job, failing to realize, their responsibilities tp d^Lw'th great issues, rather than trivial ones. But this criticism dpesCt change the fact that only the church cam deal with the problem of making peo ple better from withini” As an example of chijrch failure, Dr. Alexander pointed put the need to. give equal education to Negroes. “I don’t say they riust come to A- &' M. or T. U., but k say they, must have equal opportunity, or wp will rue the day. Yet bow many serr Wons do you hearjon that in Tex as, or even in Oklahoma Where I cpme from? This won’t niake gie popular in Texas, tut id is. fapingj a tbp I "’il ! ":°v —. —,i- puree, gnu o. ij. rveeu. committee from [the architectural „„ cotirses in auto mechanics, and pn- Recently laying aside well chew- department. Of the 28 designs sub- vate trade schools.j. Requests have e( j pen^jj stubs and worn erasers mitted, eight wpre chosen to be jbejen received for these aids from ^e twenty eight men who compel- ; presented tb J. iS. Caldwell and ed for the awards could look back ; William Nash, local architect, who on many weeks of long am! intelf- were to make the final selections, sive work devoted to their project, j All the plans submitted were the The compelitijon developed when : result of long study by tlje class Caldwell invited the class to sub-! of the many problems faqpd by a mit thpir individual ideas for re-; retailer in regard to Custonier psy- modeling his store, Each student | chology. Thp resblts of this study was allowed to give free reign to! were condensed and placed in book- such put of state schools as Penn| sylvania State College, Coloradb A&M College, the University of To- letjo, and othep schools in Virginia, Oregon and Michigan. Several thousand teachers and students are being served by this autombtive 't material throughout the country. Mj’, How Tiiwes Have Changed Thirty - Seven Years in Long Time, But Prof Likes It ! j ! j | By R. L. BILLINGSLEY If your course of study nasn’t included at least one coursf acquaiinted with the man who daily holds forth cacies of the lathe and radial drill to a group of oil begrimed, opibryo machinists. The gentleman* W r— * I in question is. juf course, Mr Rich- j a ar Was home for Chl . is tmas j rr «- I P^ovidld you jived within the , reality. A change nust come from! the shop instruction stalf, and °|' e ; traveling radius. let form coppering the subjects of customer psychology, lighting, fur nishings, stpre fronts, interior fin ishings and'merchandise inventory. Originally it was planned to of fer three prizes,! a $15 fh-st prize, and $10 second prize and $5 for a third prize. When faced withi the prospect of selecting the best of ferings, Caldwell decided it would be better to revise his awards. Consequently he increased the first prize to $20, the second to $15. the third to $10 and the fourth is -offr 1 |AKS OR Dec. cs” Ifoir (ed that, w bdnd, he ; peo- Hc jde- wertj in IIGHT ON THREE WASilNGT^ Secretaiw jof Sti fe Ma report jfo ithe n; |ion 9 p.Jnf (CSTj) bi'eakiiii? oif .th|* ConfeTeijiccj in Marshall Will si utes ovjer jthe Ct and Miij|uql Net ’i FRlENIibSHIP IF tonig v all ivill Tadioi at fitj The stake Depi Kmenf s iditoday f iik abput 20 min- umhia;, , mCrican orks. I Euorttesji Pejace don. j m i Vl-- EIGHTjfeR WELCOMED M FRANCE .. LE llUVRE, fRANCE ' —iFnjnce j\V jlcomeil the freiuhtjsr A pi jrican L its cnrgp bf 4,00 nated tip tjhe the peoflel of Waitiiig : whe)n ; ies dock fed! his st of box tfarji re£<|j to all {(arts, of At aj docks d( | French ' Plublic Mnie. i Gejrma,in( thanked fhe the najpeiof [he: of the dhildrcjn SENA'fjsjvO' FOR steq A WASHING ,The •Sfeistje appr j tee Voted: yi 1 Sccrefalry of lAg ice a lis land, oft Easterwood Field Receives Financial Aid Through (14A Easterwood Air]iort wilj receii-e financial aid from the ;Cpfil Aero nautics Administration according to information ret eived; by (I* !^ r - Barlow, dean of mgineering and director of Easte wood Airport. Funds which wi 1 he matched by » yum itemise uc si.uuy uasii i, iiiciuueu icuot unc i . *- c.-n ui . i*_i:„ . e in the M. E. Shops, then it is high time you became ^ orfiS^ Mr CaldwdUoIS liinted with the man who daily holds forth on the intri- i — -J——L—— - ; Veterans Assisted In Registration Of Arms, Trophies College Station vicin fy | atjp spected ;each month or thp 70 to 100 percent: Fidi ceiving less than 70 poi: tk iijr . , , , , Jr* i i closed until! such time! as yudt promised by calling the last five * ’ entries ties'for fourth place.. | I | Kuersj stated last night W. A. Nash, supervising archi- Student Senate meetinl t)h?ji tedt, may embody some of the sugi bit’s had irtade “no liitich |k gektions of each entry into the! dooperate” ' with the 1 ihiU: cl/ti'ti VL’VtAn votrtnrD>ll!inir w ! *L iL^j Jjt | new store when remodelling is j started, Just which, design may bg used will depend on the availabilij tyiof materials and structural feaj tuj-es of, the present building wjhenf evt*r it is dismantled. ' L . 1 ■ \ 1 Copies of the booklet on cUstoj mer psychology, which was prej paired by the class, have been sbnl | to [Several of the leading buSlneskj! men of the southwest. In every case the replies have been very coijipli; mentaiiy. Mr. Earle L. Witt, gent erkl manager of, the Pittsburgh Pilate Glass Company, had high, pi-pise for the findings of the class aqd stated that he intended to use thp material presented as back ground for several speeches he was preparing. tyam in: previous montpsj u .lit Vacate Donii. Saturday M i J ; ' 1 ; ^11 stufjents excejjtt jH'fj' Dorm jl4 who plan : :p rij on the campus duririg days should'be out of tl hvitorics.before .‘1 p.mi, $ December; 20, Asffiipkt of Men Bennie A. Zipii ed toqay. 1 All [halls except Dp mil 11 be loqlted rat that tf p.m., Sunday, Januar m TT Hi mejan much to the ay- resolution from W lyne Stark, [dmorial, that there will be no George’fi or [Casey's [Confection 1 Varies jwhCrj they bigin operation ' uhder |hew'management at the enij of thej Chrjstmas ho idays. Stnfk [ announced today tjhe of the hew m inagei s of ithe s caijiteens when fie reyeijdoil riiii if '« tK If die ry -I hit 1 jTe< ii" 1: ai'i 4J ’ ihas iri! I i* Bryan’s most zehs, having He began his 1 teaching career in 1915 at the same position he now holds, but! in far. more modest sur roundings, The first classes he in structed had an average of nine students each, and four classes a of thd genuine! veterans of the faculty v r ; A fyill-Fledgdh native of Brazos County, he wais bom in Bryan ip 1896, where his father was ip the general mercantile business, j His internal grandfather was oije of Uominent t-arlyj citi-1 week was considered quite a crowd organized and sup- in the shop. At present, a fair ported! Bryan’s first school, in ad- average is ”0 men in a section, and dition to his role as a practicing fifteen of these groups report in physiejian. • j each week. Two! assistants have al- Mr. Downard received his early’, so been added to aid in the tool education in Allen Academy, and shop and-generally lighten the load then entered A&M, which he re-j of instruction, falls as being a hit mbre rugged fhan at present, what with the Students still iji the old blue and ! .those of the college ffill piWide grey uniforms, and the one corps . the Briran public schoo l s . taxi ways, parking ramps, and *" 1 jauto parking ftfcilStiesjl at thd air- W I I i i\| ; ' port. The hangar, recently! receiw j | "[() rf 'h ft Alcbhol Tax Unit of'tb*' | '’’••oasury pepartmbnt is assisting ' ,, l overseas veterans* in revistci*. f • . j ing those souvenirs tinder the Na tional Firearms- Act. According to information receiv ed from Alvin A. Stewart, investi gator in charge, state committees of the Aniiy, Navy, Treasury De partment, and National Rifle As- soejatioiji are sponsoring a program Mr. Downard is married and has "Enow Your War Trophies.” a daughter attending Sam Houston • The Army representatives will State Teachers College, and a son ! examine and have deactivated any dangerous-: ordnance soUvejnir tro- namet rami . the changes * the C hits tin a? iw-illme; under inent to Take Holidays j ;n< 41 f tj cleain-iiip nhpaigns n * ed at! both places and the cplleu only ml ^ new | pail will tiike inventory. Thi |or dhjngej antu ipat *d i for| both jlocatidns. Rejfr equlpineht will he (verlUi po htnjer overhaul in : is’pi prder to cjnnseive irojfilfij as j possible Hall Cpnjte'r. ihspectipii receives a pajisibji: stulei i Stkijk. said ’ J Kuers ^stated last' ||)iigjh]ij :it_ aj (hoped fb Install ‘-i chine: at dasey’h, and perhaps put 4 in small dru!g coulters I at bqtli -irg pla]-e|d to ! for -sjuial’l Full Timt* Driver Assigned to Vehicle Ambulance Here, Undergo Repairs, Student Senate By J. Tl MILLER j The college has purchased and is reconditipmijri|e| surplus ambulance for use of the A. & M. hospittflj Kirkham, acting chairman of the Hospital Commit' the Student Senators last night. Although the 'ambulance' is primarily for emergency cases -iy which Wives;, children, and motorists are ihvolv r e<j! will be acceptable for ambu lance service, he said. i Thd hospital has assigned one! full-time driver for the vehicle, and two students will sleep in the Hospital to care for any calls received during the night, stdc ous elections held on at irregulaif intervals, acting • chalsman, revi group., p k The committee will essarj- qualifications (for sitions of Student! S members iif the Studd: (’ommitteti, .the vetei a'n representative, the 'etet tors of The Itattalu n! a Longhorn, and the fejteri 1. Dec, 18 ; testetWay fdpr With food il 107 feet th a 20 his pro waiting orjy, and tons jofmood ido- rfbndship {Train hy ijUniteri qptesl: Capt. A.j^, Snipth- |p werfe ’ to haul (j ranee cerdnufny jjthej Health ^lihiiier, PoiijsdiChapuis, ericap jcopld! irt governs terit ; and If Fi-ainij ed has alclear floor s] wide and 210 feet loni foot leah-to onjeaca Sii vides space for iffide, rooms class rooms, laborat shops. The CAA sponsored construction will start now and will enable the hangar Jo be used early: next spring. > j This is the latjest step in the Address Economics Club development of E and is another asteirwood Field itep; in making - ri to prdu J in grill K i CHIN ON NA! / Counc: PHENy SUII DjpRSON TlDod. priatipnb co tc|day (o iculture er t -i available in this county-wide area one of the finest airports in the state. Facilities at the use of the airport the general pubjic flyers Without cost. Cdmmercial organizations make use of the field MON )DS ’NG, SDec, ol gram (ivjmgi the govi nopoly China’! "lej qotti and contribute to B —<Rb— it. ubpBtna ndejrson traders oditjies. j ' 1 Additional equipimebt will} be ad xled to provide first class facilities airport ajnd the are available tp ami to itinerant its [upkeep. i F. M. Law, chpirman of the First (National Bank of Houstop and former member! of the Board of His spare time is taken up by a 400 acre farm, which he modestly insists grows the best cotton and cattle in the area. phy. Members of the Rifle Asso ciation ejre advising persons of the types of ammunition to use for certain and the types of rifles „ . , suitable for sporting or target pur- Since the flood of war surplus p OS08 equipment has been coming into Persons jesiringinformationre- the department,: much pf his leisure Ka ,. din g the registration of fire time is spent overhauling and plan- arm | or t he examination or deacti- , , , , | v , niug the_locations for the new ma- V atibn of ?ouvenir$ should contact Directors of A&M College, will chines, Twp of the finer acqutsi-!.^Ivin A. StewRrt, Investigator in speak on the campus Tuesday night tions are a Lodge and Shipley lathe charge, 1UG South Texas Building, January 6, in |h$ Chejmistry iLeb^ j valued in excess of $12,000, and q an Antonio 5, Texas. Room, J. T-f Miller, president ; a herringbone, [gear cuttpr, which . joes in a few minutes time the { _,• _ 01 wprk that formerly caused engi- 1 ICKCl'tS OH oH10 neevs to switch to the school of rN 1 Tv Agriculture. js Qr [J e I |{| 0 jJailCe ! Other committee reports brought to light various accomplidHmentS of the Senate committees. . ! S j Neal Galloway, reporting for th^I Welcoming Committee, told thp leaders. group of the failure of the Thanks-; , J Pehiston, managed giving Day Guion Hall, mes . ! hall J , nfnnm , 1 \u center He declared hat of M, Han r J mittC( . t |, at ' th.rtv thousand visitors thf ^ cpmpus for The Turkey Day. clash.;! UV(1 c ] fetei j ias nn whi L J j V Wnon M. Davei port, Jr., a mar/ the c|jm sus ri idf Meteran and: senior busineAS afOpj j mid accounting maioplfrom Winns- , Iboijfl was named ills Ape first stu dent manager. I istjharged jfronij dlft* ■! ^ ra y. as a r ‘ L ture Room, J of thd Economics Club, announced. Wednesday. His subject will be, “A Forecast of American Economy and Ffinance.” '! within reach of those interested ih flying and othej ayiqtion activi ties. -A ! uce. December 11. ■ i i Visit NTAC , 'head of . the rtpient, I Gj u y the horticulture Dahlberg, pto* .. husbandry,.. jand J. G’. Pptter, heac of the physjds N or th f Texas lureday, •I * 1 : Faculty Member’s Ernest Langfoql, architecture department, Adriance, head of departmjent, F. i I. fessor of animal 1 department, visijMid Agricultural CoI|eg: J /ii) ' Law, a graduate of A&M in the class of ’95, resigned from the Board of Directors iifOctober, 1944. He hajd served dn the board twenty Seven years, longer than any other director, and was president of that body for ovet twenty years. Although the! speaker is being sponsored by tha Economics Club, the meeting is open to all students interested in the future of Ameri can finance and banking, Miller declared.- 1 1 |1 ' [1 [When. Mr. Downard was asked the standard question on his opin ion of the\schobl and students), he ansvrejred that i the School was a large part of his life and “if .I didn’t like both the school and students, I wctoldn’t have been around here all; this time.” Which opinion, from-; ;he\ school’s view point, seems tq be Riutukl. .. 11 Weatherford Club Party December 22 The Weatherford A& Christmas party will be nber wrici A&M Club’s stmas party will be held De cember 22, in the Weatherford roerican Legion Hall at 8 p, tn i X Potter to Attend Meeting Of Advancenient of Science Dr. J, G. Pqttcr, head, 0 f -i,- h^ent, will att eh ; he Science to be held in Chi' dembe|- 29-31. i The Del Rio A&M Club is now selling tickets for its annual Christ mas supper arid dance to be held December *26, it was announced tq- day. i : ■!];, [T ! T AH Aggies from the Del Rio sec tion are reminded to get their tick-' ets from 'Duane Strother, Dorm 4, Room 316, novj, sineje tickets must be bought before the \e dance. I Dr. Potter is ja Fellow ‘in tF. tional organization. 1 J t \L i Laundry Closes at Noon Saturday, Opens Jan. 5 V ‘ :f I Tj . ’ . 1 I The laundry and all sub-sta tions will be closed at noon Sat urday, December 20, according to Benme Zinn, assistant dean men; [The laundry will re al : B a. tn. January 5, 1948, j ' 'I! *iT : only four Texas Universrly fangi took advantage of the service. ; The Election Committee is at- tompting to synchronize thy vari^; Rabbi Addresses Interfaith Group j, l r‘ j ( J “The principles taught by Christ} Were basically the Jewish; faith,” Rabbi Robert Kahn of Houston tbld an interfaith audience lasj^ qightj at a Hillel rpeetjing in thq YMCA- ' To explain the ’ difference bql tween Christianity and Judaism aq they stand today, Rabbi Kahn add] ed that Jesus’ disciples used thit) farts of the doctrine th^t: fitte(| their ideas. Speaking eo some 50 persons; e rabbi was making onjq: of hift equent visits to the campus. Ih is remarks fotlotving an inter* ith dinner preceding the address the Aggieland Inn, Rabbi Kahn ited that his visits to the cam* sting” am) • taki place dUlting holidays. Gednce’s the n anagemeht of P Ml Wbyrtej Sniith o( Franklin.' If« j will! le assisted by M. J. Walkei of! Bydui who is pnsently Mrvfif| if as ti.spjstaiiit manager there. Wil liam A- Hill of Wailder is cominj) • • from HoUsjton to sei ve as mstnjagejf | utt )|' of Casey’s| and his assistant * be named soon. ( lean-U p Calnpaigns Beginning Decomlijpri 21, geneny iairtiip eli will be, start ige ration uled, 1) planned In ;iis mlueh of th" for the Memo tile Cjollyg doughnut ma erve the sthaepts (needs jdnig items. j] Thy new managei- fqi George’i, Waynje Smith, is a narried ydterai ami ; nas a three-vei r*ol<l daughter, Cypltnia Jane. Ha ing served ii! tlu*! : liny,; he was (liselplrged as d tecHr iial [sergeant jrroni the Ai|r rorqejip *945. j i , William A. Hill, for ( Mart ksjeyjs, is a graduate of Sap State Tesehers College. An iexypaptain, Hill opf small soi. Hill eriteivil | the is ijmy in 1940 and'served in the piylillnifaptry Divih^hJ AR; * un t j eomm inder. Hoth ne ! rive i i College Sthti 26 ajn 1 have (heir iheiri Jiero as soon ' Remains at Grtirge’s M, J. Walker, p •piept asihstatit ill remain Ih Charleg ( .j , u» (liKi'l < Jl l malnager of George s that!: capacity whil^ unanvi' sy Speripef of Bryan wi 1 take, over asjiajsaiatHnt manat er-. Spencer a> tep<lj?d A&M as an agricultural en- gilieerijig major for! more thup three years. Iri the Army Air Force for (pore than thi *e years, Spc r |\j cep completed 26 missions over EiiL total*Hi as at radio operator on i |enm| ; ' L| Hire Student Managers Uoirwiding with thjf* anpouneb- hienitil of the new narjagers^ Stark nrn]ii aid it that Mine studi nt manager h is appointed witi the poskibili y ithiait tape qr two ad litipnal ntudet (ts !,v,tat,yhc added!. ,, ■ ! Ji- I Irtic m l«u at qy- s Ills.. I iti lUpt ius were always “interestling” and ie “invariably left with sqme chal lenging thoughts.” I] \\ ] One of the questions popped at lomnijf ie< ■■dica)* 1 i hiisa u« tbe , ' j la / each day ivill be poi|ted, According to preseiilt, pli^s the night snack bar land crated, during the qay^ Mess Hall will be;! disc soon, Marvin Kuerfi,!] chair i a ii jo|f the copirbittee, inforniled th Sipc’e -the two operational ing money, it was felt thai line should be added ! to basement rather thah| con ! present setup. Other Hospital ports [ concerned packed by the hospirtil tory use. Each package cough! syrup, cold- medic dages, tape, and asaojrteld equipmentj. They wHI jbe in military' units b<y ou manders, while veterin d: idents mipst contact eitl houisemasfers or their stuj ators, acting chalirinan Kirkham, announce^. • Travis Brykin, Bryan has donated eighteen ra combinations to thg hos| lowing tpe action of the Mother’s? Club. whi:h gi hospital two radios fortj , private rooms. TWe ve dins are (needed by the: to fill all private i hamj stated. ta-j: ^ i'l Reports ori the ieli the National’ Stucknt the college laundrv^ tions to the Studetit tee by the Student jCuui possible rating by swiden fessors were briefly dii the meeting. trtourt bi-ford/getting 1 Hrirdcs lfx ‘ l n A\ T 1 ^ college is paying $7,050 for - CaseL’s Cquipmcn amd $8,500. for thpjqquipmqnt in peorge’s jpjus I..,, -, 1; rn r ~, - ,.‘t sei-gcant, Dll;- , ■ venjNOft served fro n June 1943 uni* til 1>|). 1946. Statk said that thi‘rc has bc|?n sortie- consideration given to cha^ig- ing the names of t!ie two canteen*, | but as yjnt nothin ; htis been doie aldtig this line. Anjr suggestions*' .- will be Welcome, mt- only pn this I.*sub elt, : hut on atwthing that ht help to nil ke j the canteens, iitj [thejy shoubLbe - to best serve illetin the!student?. Abbott will be main- ! ri !h ■ tained iri each pla:c in which sqg- diftill fo* ^r t .ftiqns may be p acid. l>ame Sajrs Dolicy-i .] Hjalhs ( policy af hojh ^ores will remaijn ™<* same n* jthiis ihtaen| iji the past with no revision foiltpe present syibFm of 'te ll axes Iambi-;' nl a ins ti ban-- liif ({aid: * cbm-: /fep-l I their fe adflit; onal Outlay new manage r ‘*1 iarriod and plan to ul il about Do : mitieR follow !pqssi(tle. | "I I for Stock. A & M. S tudent Presides iln Aust • l 1 4 III n, 4! the rs- Jital Kirk- ! ing oi Scijenc . . _.ce, the intg organized aboi dred fifty student cayresi of the stji of the i [ was repre: of 13 stud^.] es L. Livi or,- was 2 Chirles 'logy depj dor, cetmg m thcr San Bill';- 7 ' Divisiori |>e- tj! 9 !8. Ouehijm- rephesefiting 12 u attended the late Diviai m, by a deltff a ij, a juh%r bit- e<tted preside it, LaMotto of fhq rtmeut was e\pc- I ; 4 IV: r, USD i i ■ V 1 ■ ! • < John Alston Snith of Bryul . senjior zpoljogy tna or at A&M, vns elefted prefsidertt ire-tem and ptx- si3|*( ovjer: the sesiiorts of the C|ol- legliate Division o: tlieiTeXas A: dertii' of Science hold in AustL Friday and Saturday), December 12 and .13. t This was th* Slat ahnual melst ing of the Tqxa* Aradgmy ol Dm year itoni<: •v ii i'fl