., /A Paradoxical C Christfriajs tim& tiat s;asin al merriment and ] ing and ail A. & r the United State torial 1 y. ■: 1 Uwu as el S' iw people a mood. Edit been able to^prpe Christmas”, est of rat io coming of a the earth. Though Christinas i$ t loug the childrm’s )jiij§i-ls. Tie outward signs of Christmas are * ' | i8iWe - il; ( if i f it of the inward signs izi what a grim Chri Was This.. uhijislmapljj 11947, marks ;rha.d s F M.}hi most eventful itohi: A review of • I ill ward signs'? Sow many of a grim Christmas this is in 1 ( L . ( ( ^ ‘ [i! . i | ! | ' t ■May) TT * if the VU.tax. ■ Feline lii le; Fondly Freqin as thought that cats could do little Was rr, meow, and Ifcad nine lives. But pow be gettin* nm+ilt. | . r j .. A Tapper for instance.! jer is the mascot pnd liftj-time pal of the firemen m! one of Boston’s suburban fire Stations. Not content with the “usual firehouse mascot’ chores of lying under the pinochle table or riding on top of the hook and ladder, Tapper has invented a new twist. i'j. . When the fire bell rings and her friends starts the pole, Tapper is not to be out- done. She climbs down the pole too. -ii •1 BETWEEN THE BOOKENDS .. i She shops on, wraps all; fdur paws around jthe brass pole and sets sail. She can go to blades with thS best of them. DEER, AND COSTLY, ; ij ! .When a 200-pound deer rah into his automolbile and was killed in Rowley, Maes., Norman (3. Flitz- patrick, pf Augusta, Me., was-, pleased although a gafageman said it would cost $00! to repair; his-icar. iiluxil “Baclt in Maine,” he explained, “when this THRjEE EOR ONE happens, you keep the venison arid the staite must- 1 ' J ~ pay for the damages to youf car.” He was reminded he was in Massachusetts, however, where the deer gops to a state institution,'and you pay ydpr own, rjepjair bills. Mr. Fitzpatrick’s smile fadfed. * , t » hand may y lie worth t' but J. !B. Isenhart three with ope | shot !■ of the world/and want to do bout jit? (Such as was done by here in the clothing drive last us realize many paint something the istiidfn weeje.)! There ajre probably more Aggies with broad milnds and generous hearts than cynjcs would haye !us believe. Perhaps this paradox ical Christmas will open the eyes of others to o|ir responsibilities, as well as our joys, in these weeks of holiday celebration. ‘Years of Locust’ Gives; One Feeling of Home and Kinship tps iof( 1943‘Would meces- lyriadi of subjects, ers fit Tdxas Christian] tidiciilous, fjthletic, L myicula’ ir relations , t .gties lally stb edgO, Texas l|947 pas also seen a football season which .Hculffr add fina ly, ad- although admittedly mot • a raving success, W ■ ]. for the .Scjuthwiestf Confeifendd track ' 1 M. ijink tStlfe. The year watch- il mate cuhttimtjoni o grown to-f tafe-lwi|e disputes; (if an a football cciach Ho once again blazin the past gridiron During! the ; y '! | 1 l “Bli laupchi othi well with everyone except: some two-percent- upst c Crown | & M. for the and Texaij, in tu conference switn ed an indljgnartt Caded Cprptej stage la mid night march in;preiest tjo the Adlministration, the subsequent entrance c f tl|e 'Veteran Stu dent Association iMd* the frav 'and the ulti- mimtml ofSh ' ‘' '' . f ff i«7 row* Which had w «« proportions, in aj senate lion’s junp from a tri-weekly to a daily pa , \ : f: f i I j L Le „^ee was ncjt without its brighter “moments—a thrilling 21-21 tieliri the rain with Arkansas; a revengeful 24-0 drubbing of previously unbeaten Baylor abd a valiant but losing battle agjainst one of the finest ,$MU's teams in the lattdCs, history. a 1 Ip fiyidp other than athletic in nature 1947 has produced other advances, the birth of tpe Ub ra fnentatoiy bi-monthly publication of land Sciences students; the Batta iurhp fro By| MBS. WILNORA ARNOLD Reiader4’ Adviser • THE YEARS (jF THE LOCUST by b ou, a Grace , Erdman. Dood, Mead & Company. 1947. Da.,; it. His dog, going to surprisad a Isecohd bird find cadght jjtirtlediby the proceedings, flew up k e ills ,heck against & farm building- liikiHed a new shell, pocketed the loot, “ -pejratidnrsi • ; A ■■ i j’ . i 1 I tl .ll .4 Aj stri ojfer it -d bj rejeei it y a| it ! iir ger. ] lie ordtfrjt (lidercd f.lipm In AT On The Screen I, -U tVpifies “that granted to all human be- fop ” 1 igter, re Was folds through the richness and ’di-1 ings, no matter how much they "'Ll || wilked into/a Newark, N. J. tavern Anna Vikizdcite at 26 Ferry Street aHl her if she would bandage his k£ IIF P i ' i dr'. investigation!. ; ‘f H j j|.; j 4 ' t j| I and ja Rshuffling ,hf administrative off And thp grand fold weajr hiikjseen Interrtal that seji; W. L. “Penny” Penberthy to .u- -J ~*LiLi-*L t at ^ directed at Deal) of Jjlejh’S post and Ithe taking ovef of htit rtKo! j . trflr Isiri nijering during le® ..Norton!, flame that is i-i li 1 • 1) j il / M 11 I' Twas Ihe nig all througli the hois & Not a .dreaUirq v louse: il- • I " ■'+ For th i | Chaiilm gathering jlata On anarchists, thata; ,When Aut oif t belly-acheijs.: The National Makers. They ajecosted complaint: “. . . This fjor-jj eign intruder, this Nid|o|as Saint! Come to rescue, ou dustry f a He cuts down puf" profit reducing sales!” . The W h of Comm|ltitee. proceeded churn: “Where he get all money to Illegal gremlin!” “I knohi from the ) tl. /regained the the jreihi) of Student.,Activities^ bv “Spi per ice^ the vprsiiy of its chajnjicters, it increas es irt complexity, like life itself. may seem to be slaves of a hjos- tile fate, of saying 'NO’ to (the In its pagejs one feels the pulsing | law \yhich beat^ themi down.” Fp»r rhythm of the sdakons and of man, , aspects of this remarikable woipan of lives intprwoVem and dependent} are now brought J together to form on each other, unaffected by the a rounded portrait in THERESE, hysteria of bur teeming cities! Best j superbly illuminated by Mauriac’s of all, perhaps, is (he feeling of [ precise insight .and magnificent ‘Life With Father’in’80s Was Stuffy. Formal Fwin) By DAVE SELIGMAN , tral American neighbor LIFE WITH FATHER (QuCen, | ture has bundled in;it a WTh). Father ( William Fowell) is|bf entertaiijment: singi the archetype of the absolute fam-! Hayings, dancing by ily rponarch of the ’80s—a man not; bashing Cesar Robiero, inclilhed to take any liji from the. Celeste Holjm. ."j Whi9kytajnd-bejcr. She pijovijded that, r quarts j df beer to go i ^ijcj finjHhH jby giving i a,if i urt 1 411!, uv ^m^v me’ White. ! P'' i -I .11 iii all it’s been quite a year. Beyer see the like of it again. C G. A- & M. / i ! ? If (iuiiied, up CoiigressmeH; all raised 'll ' '■ " Li i crimson-cloaked demon! He must 1,1 l (ham, bers of Congress they sat trrival cf Nick on his journey - ill- conienipt charge was Hung by the with CaireLj ' |] \ ;r § : 1 ,, theh, in the wink of an “aye”, he 4 bewildered, Saint! Nick ?d i home and kinship land the nepd of security lying (leop in each heart that the author ’ has expressed through the atmosphere of a slmall community, knit together by their regard for a man they all respect and love. ★ ALBERT SEARS by Millen Brand. Simon Shuster, 1917. Millen Brand, as he demonstrat ed in “The Dutward Room”, is a novelist who rteafies characters so oyerwheldiihgly human that they seem almost larger than life size— like a giaiit closeUp on the screen, viewed fiiom a first row seat. Such u character is Albert Sears. He is r hard and uncompromising man, qnwiping, in fact unable, to adapt himself to L-jrcUmstances. He is a frontiersman by birth and in spirit, loathing the crowded,'- re stricted li(e of the eastern city in which he ii forced to live. He is a stern, old-fashioged moralist, yet finds hiipself in love With a woman who is not his wife. He is a fight ing spirit, [but he; finds no target for his anger against thej world in which hje seems tb; be an ana chronism;, i i! !; imagination. The first brings into perspective her early life, drehialjically climax ed by her trial fbr (he murder of her husband.- Then follow two shorter episodes of her subsequent days in Paris, and thp last, entitled “The End of the Night,” tells of Almighty Himself. But there’s an innocence about his tyraiiny which! exct(ses the kind way feverybodyi feels toward him. Mother (Irene Dunn) i|s a gehtM and guileful soul with grekt skill at winning victories by passive re-'! sistance. There are foumsohs each; with a differeht shade o(f T(*<1 hair. Great care was taken by fhe pro- i|br fidelity The-story 'as in tnost not much but there’s a^jnei mefit i in watchii(g H American vjisitor, ,woo the daughter of a nat American-born wife. ■! i i 're JUNGLE PRINjCESftl (jiutlund shf ■ „ him $18.80 l| si i4(> bill,'and wh* led at; tjie $20 under a light. jodljWrfeit.. j - , !• I '/• T'lj TTTjTf!—rH tlTs isjhlfi teyvest film. For areonlt /' it ml adnos; here Marline; Dietrich; (if his rfpmme fatale.” . j At times jthg story looks as if it (nit toward; renatic and , , th I’ough the War yea re ithe theme ; is the pre-i conflfct plotting apd biruialities of Itihe Nkizif and attempts ol'^he Bril*i ofh to ! snatch the GernuiiV poison ), ijjas fermjula z ! ! Ml M her last days ahd nights. With the 1 , care was umen ny me pro- penetration into the human heart ( ' llc * rs to Kivq Technicolor Ddehty for which he is famous, Mauriac I u ' t f le 0 ^ m 4 Da >\ Hls lavs bare the soul off a “bad” wo- I especially h^ red hair man, who yet has | Mr. Gay’s widow. TW). Ray Millandj is gt for the mbiiey lately in (Gan : and courage that redeem her hu manity. The presentaftion ter of Therese ip done so effortless ly that the readier is tl^at he is reading present as. he- sees of the charac- through Therese eyies. Scarcely aware novel. He is the world “Father” W«i) put on the screen; whep the play was already a suc cess, I.t was filpied like a success:, it hes the glitter, the good hunjor of this area, but lere first picture^. Playing Dorothy Lamoup (back new look left the strong dry) Millanid stars ip ! u Edgar Rice Buijrougl s’ er junglewfitert’, fans' y ill gif kick out of this-j-the i’est of yoja jj cap try sonfething else) G>ng aj le njii' (ie ? one h: ’ ,J . JiPp tefort highf igle an And theh; incident: comes tjhe Manh irst urplrisecl am the; chair, rv^lsewHere,to go!” they heard him defewrej Ij, . J L ii. ,,, , A .real e^ate wUr brings a Negro ElFxugh |.of lip! M e 11 pot tolerate family, the Manhursts, to live .in : i". i '. T\ And j\ye,’ir judge!' on you fairly . . e. a white ntighbprhood, and uhist rat. then if ipob a be- you What’s yoiir REAL name? Aren’t Kit by| birth? Why the red Karments? And what are . worth?” Three hours of this and the witness broke down; The;Y/hairman then shouted,: withj /th'e clown! T i ‘To jail over - sized h^lhairrtan. •ii s sold fhev dragKcd Santa off; now the question hatijuajen:.: 1 -! i !j : :||[ ; ' j; ■ jj Whiu 11 givd.the; presents? Kris Kringle’s in pri(;pii. A# .there he will 'rot, found guilty of treaFoii!,! lid; there he will die, and this is the il I l» '.J : . ■ ■ii - And thjh, with d shout, hrewas off on his way him say. Our’n iiioi) is |hregtejned! le six heard dur| Constitution, he wasn’t inten- hrotighout all the clauses o Santa.was menitioned. M l ii ' —^Tulane Hullabaloo H- 'fl The Ba, of College afternoon, lished semi !! .talion, Station, Except ( eekly. :ialn :wsp fts.lis pu, rg iho iday. ibfurijitiop f News j win Hall.. < 209, Goodwill intributio i Classified a m. ader of the Agricultural ilpjed five timqs a week jj, and cxahiina.tiorrr peri (ate $4 per school year, made • by telephone (4-54- pliaced by telephone (4-61:2 echanical College of Texas and the City lircujlatqd every‘Monday through Friday idds.l Purihg! the gummer The Battalion is pub- Advjei:tikir|g rates fuP ‘ makes thcpi thb; victims nt nic terror. Albert Fears iis not! a hi , liever in Negro equality. Neverthe less, he finds hilnsolf dnjwn to Tom Manburst by (he stjubbpm honesty add har$h backgrounds they have [ip conjmon. And on be-' half of Tom Mgiihurst he does battle-ragifinst greater odds than he ever .encountered ip his frontier past. Rough hewn, unbending, and with little [ grace, Albert Sears is an oddly [reassuring [ figure in a world of scjft comprorhise; and slick surface, i DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES nJm & j. ' SPORTING GOODS jj j (j ■ , : Hillcrest Hardware 2013 College Road |# 41 AC t Payments Increase When VA Notified Veterans acquifijig dependents after entering training under the GI Bill as singlfe men should notify the Veterans Administration im mediately so tjhat aa adjustment may be made ;)n tljeir subsistehce allowapqes. . | || |[ * ' Payments art* increased on the date that it is notified and not re troactive to thb date the veteran actually acquired a dependent. The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— I Come In and: see us ftjr large or small appliances: Radios, Electric Irons, Stu- • LL ! J dent luunps, Floor I^amps, Presto Cookers, Coffee I L | ■ T 1 : Makers . .. ! ; and many' other usefuls UNITED M ’ M! APPLIANCES, Inc. 25th & Washington St*. Phone 2-1496 j 4f and the adroitness of a is a success! j J j ★ ■ ’ J : CARNfVAL IN COtfTA RICA (Gujon, TWTh). A gay light com edy filmed in Technicolor In the! beautiful scenery of that! little Cen- Lack’s Auto Stores success. It GOLDEN EARRINC S TWTKKS.) Millapd is bicjk ugi J JOE FAULK ’32 Whizzer Bike Motors / I -1 i f Bicyde Supplies i ' !' ‘ ' ill Southgate “ 217 S«- Main College Sta. Bryan 4-1169 2+1669 I i WE HAVE WHljr VC f 5 SCHOOj • i COLLEi NJorth Gate .1 I : I | Jr. | L ThF‘ Exchange Store “Serving Texafe! Aggies” /r • ' YAW QUEEN ' I * ll ll i I WED. — THURS. furnished on request. i •' at ithe' editorial office, Room 201, >r ati the Student Activities. Office, Good- RoOm roof] TqT-TTTJ : J 1 I ' Opens 1:00 i I All-Ameri The As:' ted to it or Rights of r< ociated do Entered as Office at Col the Art Ji Coi Viek Eindley Farris Block. Itljo David Selit inan Mack T. Noleq Louis Moriran. K. D. Bruce. . Tom Carter. 4 O. Martin iilek (exclusively to the use ited [In the paper jand local i otherf matter JJ re,, —M4J ^ Member of tlte Associated Press /MW, herein are ,also ixiatec of s Preiss ilicatioini of all news ' tanepus origin TH^U SATURDAY f dispatches published 1 id credi- herein. i 'Jational Ad-1 York pity. Francisco., ..Go-Editors STARTS TODAY PLAVS 8 DAYS “Jungle Princess” ■fore 5 ..Sport* Editor .....Cplu m on D. Kiel Goodwyn, Andy ' jrlby J.4..S|wrt« Writers re.--CartonnlstJ sin* Manager — Assistants v TT I ni ]. Features Start 1:00 * 2:50 -'4:40 ► 6:30 9:50 !j j — ,.lMI :-Ha ■ MT 8:25 Merrie Me elodies Cartoon OTHPQ r ml! tit mx- i WILLIAM iTAItlNO IRENE WITH ilizabeth mm EDMUND GWENN-ZASU PITTS 0 "tr MICHAEL CURTIZ •Ob,.— ttkM* *—• P OMISSION : : . : I • i ,f | ■ i j ( \ . j . ‘ , y Matinee .80 'j Mights . !• I aVlii LM L" L L30 9.H 1 L tOOKS K STORE College AY.,n Station I \i’ ■ re- THUKSDAX Jj ARNER PATHE AMERICAN A i TEA ;s T EM fiH IIUDAY- i •! ! SATUKOAl \iU • •it • • it >'• lit Ji L J~Ckillier’s Ii0l47 dual runs ania|yi. 4 j. C M fjl I lit JT ,J BING ; CROSBY ►I GLORIA JEAN iitl L,,' rtf J ; - !. iv