J: t I'li i I •■'t - -j- :yr v '!•] j.i ■ . 1 and tackle, and wound an IJolster Weighing 197-pounds nnd wi ! ^ to his credit, Sacra will .tie ifhootii letter. He lettered in ;943i4G and in 1943, serv ng With ttie h|avy for Pacific. He s single and s^ud^ring I gineering. ■ * l;v'| CHARLES (RED) OtEiL the starting iline-up thfe s aspn |ii | plot. The 19^-pound H|fiem|n frdniijW i T proven to vhe the failest in^provihg A^M.'team this.seasoni. AdbiiJ. - ' “ m tpi$..seasont : Afhniijodl/ Ovefl^ has shot t ire ugji't ! ward to nip j more th^ri o te - , started rolling. Red halsval o Serv( 'the Aggie T; Association ]|hi.<| yea i’1943-46, serving for 2^,in(cnths as Navy, in the meantime.!'Gvi rid ma T Complete one: of his tjwci jyesjrs qf ’Season. )T 7 [ l ,1^ ■' , — JESSE (RED) Bi ;RDl|rT!a sp tack, moved up frosm {the B teain pome one of the mainstays fnj the product of Abilene, the 11® Hcatbhtk has a! varsity liberal arts. i letter to his credit in • ditt also earned a yarsjity let! as well as a ‘B’ lettei* lastlScaso months in the Navy, is n aryied, play dot' alk ear ED (DUKE) DUSEK.fullbacl pie, Texas where he wak at) All-stii A & M. big Ed has won tk o v »rskty .li* teijs, one in 1942 and one in li)4d plus (^ther back sol far this been co-capta|n. in thr«) i j dixth in the ('onferenca in ! lugging the leather Ti I 361. Dusek, who is majpiring iin pli is 24 years bid, and marrie|l. • : ' * * rresihmap Diisek has been .a maiibtaf; an sbiion, in,thje Aggie b a c k f i e 1 d having jcarr|ed ! bal^ (Same for Ag I 1 I rp? M (C«•*«... present Welt eijonautical En- ference in pass catching u and ’46 ? ow the first five games h njnks. first in the having received 19 2 1 J | | | • > . , , for 226 yards and two touchdowns. Barney is also me thelconference leaders ini mint returns with he right a bfertlf 1 on among the|conference leadert hi punt returns With M; guatd hite Oak has man ! on -the a {fine defensive opposing foiv an averagd of 1)0.4 yards in 111 carries. Welch is of ’48. i’l J0 tra poi studying Agricplturq and plans a graduate iri June IHN (AUTOMATIC) BAELENTINE. the ex nt and fieki goal specialis oh the A&M team, e lettered in 5 mTensign in the pdssiblvi stay to eligibility next ? 'dj / elusive half- Jiadt year to be- Aggie offense. A ried in 1943. Bur- X -jr .paseball iin 1944 t. Red served 24 and majoring in spa; on. Th( e gdmq? th >al! tin ies FOWLED B- (BARNIEyI) UtELCH, halfback-, 25 years old, md married [vitn ohje sen, is a native of Stephbnvil e,,Texasjwhiire he y is a : high school great. Barney, while a|t Aj|gitlani|, V( n yansity let-. W’ -4 Lr. — ' ' J By FRANK KNEUFFEK i-of roughness, and Tracp intended The FBI (Football' Bureau of to delve into the facts of the case. Investigation) has m a n ifig'S t e d He found that the barring w-as t _,_ gravq concern during the past-jev- j justified ( on tlie grounds! that two *A ore _ B evenY hadan junbij-oken string of IS cojiversions at the end i eral months over the frequency of referees’had been burned at the :X Y X (■!; ;! !' ; f- 'T f. ' '! . ! n 1 1 ■ T. hi 7 J n -M 3aital, II Page 4 \ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1947 J. Edgar Tracy an the lob . . . f 1: ■ II W ■ | ; I j.| f {j |i 1 ; !;! i f, , ]} S Sports Squabbles Bring Probe president of J 0 f the ISteilseasoh and kickad 13 out of 16 attempt- charges of fraud and deceit in the i stake for ruling against the homer duripg thY season. The ; 22-yettr ol()l back from I football divisions. Acting !d|n the Ysleta had'.hoped ta tie or break the record of 24 assumption that where there is t i hajils from Tem- teij in ’4(). At A. m meial in ’41. mdire than any Djke” who has st yK ar now ranks ? caif dn i by virtue of ; n ?t yaijdage of ?st< al Education, ! straight set. by Jake M ebstjer of A&M in 1941. He has completed to date iwo bf three attempted field goals this yeir. At one time, Ballentine was includ ed in thp lihk of leading scorers in the SWC by virtue of his' conversions and field goals alone. JAME$ (BABE) h|yLLMARK. described at one time as ong qf the jmo: it promising first year men ever seen {jit A&M. A tailback from Kilgore, Hall mark h^s been holding the ball for the conversions following aj! shoulder injury just before the Baylor game. Weighing only 163, Babe combined passing and running to win varsity letters in both 1943-46. He made All-Conference in 1943, and was awarded the Mostl 'Valuable Player trophy the same year; While serving in fchp Army ddring thp war, he play- qcl for the : Fort ‘ Worth AAF. Skymasterg. He is“|; majoring iti physical education, is married, and has one, daughter. ' ,i ' - PERCY JENNINGS ANDERSON, halfback wa* a second string All Stater at BCeckenridge High., (San Antoriio) in ’40. Anderson won a' Freshman numeral at Aggieland in!’41 and was on the '42 squad. Last year Anderson received a "B” letter and just misused hisj varsity letter after playing some fifty odd minutes in the Ricp and Texas games. Anderson, ihb fastest man on the team, is noted fbr his pass receiving ^nd his ability {as a blocking i back. Coach Norton has used Anderson this sea son as a spot player. ( smoke there is fire, the burbau last week dispatched its experts to the team and a third escaped only by disguising himself as d peanut vendor. Cold Fail To Bonlire Work Nei could the bonfire. A made but A produdf trucks nor high water” :top the week-end work oni izzling raih and cold windi he job unpleasant at times, gie spirit came through to; the desired results. When! slid off slick roads! whe v it j '. j| | . ■' : ! M :\ j local jpoints of the controversy to ferret out any signs of malfejasance. Stocky, stuttering Chief of the Palce-kkk Divisioh, J, Edgar Tracy, reported today on his find ings observed { on an ex'tensive swing through | (he South and Southwest. His. trip into the Deep South w-as prompted by tl|e report that foot ball in Georgia-was operating on a professional baps. ‘ Sandy” Bea\ member of the Georgia Board of sen trailers became too heavy for the) trucks to pull, brute force took over ^nd lifted and rolled them back pnto solid footing. Where tractofs and trucks LTded, cold, wet Aggies succeeded. In some cases It took as jpng as two hours to get a single load of logs out of a pastjare, over the road, and onto __ - , j L i 1 J | the bonfire. r I Tracy (Jould only second the mo- j Aftdr a day’s work in the woods tion put foith by the League that Saturday, as chow time was drawt nw police protection was in or- ing nj U the job of bringing 300 der. He agreed, that there was no 0(ld /ggies back tq the campus other way to mit down on the high became too big for three small mortality rate among officials,. tnicksi The military department who Ure, after fell, only human. , came ^hrough like the Pony Ex- Stocky, stuttering J. Edgar press and met-' the long lines of Tracy concluded his report with men wjalking back with GI trucks, this observation: “W-When they, That gesture saVed 300 men from g-get to playing so r-rpugh, it’s a threje mile hike bn an empty time for J. Edgar T-tracji t-to start stomach in the rain.: checking the w-want-ads. They The j day’s events brought back might take a s-serious dislike jt-tq memories of past years in the' Fa me, and that wouldn’t he g-^ood cific op in Europe to the veteran* for my delicate h-health;”. i present. To the younger cadets thi* j was pijoof that mud can fodl up A situation like nothing else. Every 1 cadet who went through the ordeal i is bping considered for the Purple rledal with What’s Cooking? Liver cluster! barracks hag “There’s twenfy c package of ;r ‘- J rwk’ii mv* Fingj Gu cents—a Aty4 Cl Evep Mom 4—a id she 1 Our teeth w ijste, I lentyne JACK’S PASTRY SHOP ::«w nd look! A whole ('hewing Gum!” IT tipw. dpuld we ever get more ur tnqttjV ■ ,n keien, long-lasting flavor? s or^Dentyne’s swell tast< he way Dentyne helps kee: too.”: \ - -Made Only by Adams ii ifere kies f- C A K EjS if j,Li tftfE-OF I i for more Dentyne ; PASTRIES Come: ini for HbT DOUGHNUTS 1 ^ afte-3 Norjtjh Gate ii - u i r 7^ ! Ice cream 4t its idea v ■A ■ i ■■ i Graduation Cards Can Be Ordered Graduation announcements can be ordered at thq Student Activit ies Office any time before Decem ber 10 J according to Grady Elms, assistant director of Student Ac tivities. The announcements are available in either regular or French-fold type. The regular type carries a list of candidates for graduation Regents, had niade the charge and asked that the game be given back to thej students. Traif-y discovered that Beaver had bijen unable to buy a ticket to the annual G.eorgia-Georgid Tech 5 Staff Members Attend 4-H Meet CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Mondajy, Room 33, Physics Building. tussle! and in his anger said the Guest speaker. Dr. C. Wilson Ran! firsH .wnrns thnt. nnnnprl into his .n~ : first Jtvords that popped; into his ( j] e mindlj HaViry Mehre, who wai run off, LITTLE AGGIELAND UNION from jieorgla for giving the game j SERVICES, Thanksgiving devo- mm SELL IWIliR A BATTALION C fied ad. mt« . . .; se » w< insertion With a 254 minimum. rmtM in pi«*sifie4 Section . ^ per colunin inch. Send all 1 With remittance to the Studen ties Office. All ads should be ‘ by 110:00 A- M. pf the day befi cation, (7) j \! y THE 1 SCRIBE SHOP — Typing, mlmeo- graphinK. drawing. Phone 2-6705. 1007 East 25rd, Bryan. ,(t) 4- _ ATTENTION ENGINEERS — Cet at^tM-Ege engineer's math chart Store. (?) I FOR SKlE—Two ; bedroom prefab |(tove. icebov. drajHn yout change 4 louse »h idk-si: With Stove. iceh(|x. drajH-s. an good linoleum throughout. Large! k -reen porch] Will finance. Apply 202; 9. Mdhl- nerlyn. (|| - f ]■ ' j i . \ J ALL OCCASIONS.^ Genuine Stetson cravats. Reasonably priewi. tll.OO T]IES FOR son ci_ H . up. See Bob Lee, No. 8—322. (7) 4- WANTED TO BUY-Pair of Army plus BINOCULARS. Contact M-Sgt. man. Rons Hall.! (4) FOR SALE: 1936 Chevrptot Master Sports and cngine.- lta- Sedan. Excellent bod\ dio. A-lj-D, College p.iti. $45(1.00. (I). FOR SALE—New large corner Icit. hew addi iind assume payments. Horne. Box 504. College. sur- Nort 10ST idlST ’■■dR SALE — Apartment and mattress. Good ct indition. ! Call 1 $gt. Roland, 4,3201. {ill View, ifiter 5:00 -—44 • " ' 8 room tH'us|p jon. Small eui Corithct Van i. : <■ oh iiitj- FOR SAL? r- Ford jeep. Must! se(t by Thursday; R. H. Gammon. 9-A, Jjiwji. (11 LOST—Clinton wrist watch vicinity Mitch ell, Hall. If found, pli-ase return to'Cus- curida. 77. Mitchell. Reward. (5) and are Thu !can hie obtained with either leatjher or cardboard covers. They 45 and 20 cents respectively. French Fold type is priced at eight cents but must be accom panied by a personal card as mo candidates are announced. These prices are 15 cents lower on regu-; lar leather, 10 cents lower on reg- ! ular cardboard and 4 cents loWei on French Fold than last year. Thiis is a reduction of 25 to 30 per. cent. " r | j Personal cards can be ordered either printed or engraved in lots of 100 only. The prihted cards are $1.65 and the engraMed cards are 3tej5°. l| There will he ho commencement eijcercishs in January,; so the cards M be in'the form of announce! instead of invitations. AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE of Methodist Church, 7:30 p. i^„ Mon- da'y, Decen her 1, A&M Methodist Church. CATHOLIC MASS, 8 a. m., Thursday, Thanksgiving Service, St. Mary’s Chapel. Five Texas Extension Service CAM ERA CLUB-ASTRONOMY staff njembers will attend the Nai- tional 4-H Club Congress in Chii- eago November 30—December 4. PNTRAMOML DEBATEIiS 7 £>* WCM &££ and Le i Bennett, Mae Belle Smith and Wl I, Glass, district agent?. They vj-ill accompany the 27 hoyis. and giris from Texas attending tHp Coqgreps this year. The Congress is an annual meet ing sponsored by the National Coijnmi tee on Boys’ and Girls’ Club "Work and the Federal Ex tension office. Club boys and girls may participate from all states ami territories. National and reg ional awards will be made to club boys snd girls based on theiir aehievetnents oyer a period of years. FOR SALE—Pbilco 12m radio; phono graph. 'Set Hamner. 33-A. Vetj Villagr. tional, Thursday, 8 a. 1)). Sunday evening services-at 7 p. bn. Corps Gobbles 100 Gobblers T - ' - 7 j 7 :i ■ i I - ! 1 ’ (v What a Dish! mp$ beit and a sensational dessert i For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Spoi-ting Goods 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 7 v CUT ROSES [.GYvIj;!! I "N Rose bushes, No. lj 2 yr ■ ! '■ 'T' ’ • i 7 old for Sale every day. 1 I ‘ • 4 |. i I The Rose Stand i 'I > 1 • j 1 j; * S. College Rd. — Bryan •\ Tie ^r rst Nam; of tee Cream j, ' - c. ; LM: T- 1 back to the students, admitted that he had certainly ( given football back to the students. His ends got national mention for their unfail ing ability to drop passes. His backs fumbled eVerytimej, and his ball-teams lost games right and left, but no charge of profession-! alism | was ever levelled at his Georgia ball club. Mehrfe voiced j the opinion that he had probably entered the coaching game ten year) too soon. V Trpcy contracted a severe head-j ache* trying to reason out the,: Georgia difficulty and finally gave ; ,jt up for a bad bet. His next jaunt j was to the Indian Territory, Okla homa! In S the Badlands he found a con troversy as bitter as the Indian Wars of long ago raging between I tWo high schools. This battle was not jbeing fought out on the grid- , iron- hut in the courtroom. ‘‘The, football coach of tomor- j row will need a law degree,” Tracy ! mused philotfopbU-ally. “If you : can’t beat then) on the playing field, beat them in court.” Nqt accustomed to hearing such j legal phraseology as “habeas cor- i pus,” “bill of attainder,” “injunc- ‘ 1 tion,” and “writ of prohibition” ’used in connection with football,! j Tracy suffered from an even more | acute head-ache. He left Oklahoma j and creased the Red River into j Texas. This statp, thirtieth in national | literacy rating, was rocking and. reeling under the reverberations of its own little" squabble. The Inter- : scholastic League had barred three i fqotball teams for varying degree? Housti in one Almost 1700 pounds of turkey were eaten by the Cadet Corps last night j at their, annual Thanksgiving dinner, J, G. Pen- iston, Supervisor of Subsistence, Stated today. In addition to this, they consumed 8 crate^ of cran berries, 700 pounds of sweet po tatoes, 60 giidlons of green peas, 8 crates of lettuce, and 500 pumpkin piejsi j Each tabht had a center piece of banana-, apples, orqnges jghd •grapes.' Dressing and giblet gravy rounded out t|ie meal. One pound of turkey was af- lotted for each of the 1700 men present. This necessitated the using of arproximately 100 tur- Anima keys, weighing aliout 18 pounds | tering each. The men who ate ip-the cafe teria were served turkey, and scrambled eggs. Since yes terday was Tuesday, Jno grain- fed meats were served. The rqst of the menu included njashed po-' tatoos. Candied yams, gpeen peas, frozen corh, ; caiThtsi lettuce,, combination Salad, colh slaw, to- “ mato juice, rolls and liiltter, ap-’ pies, oranges, bananas, gnipes, bumpkin pig, assorted 1 ruit (d* 8 - cake, ice cream, jello, coffee,, and milk ’ U T ! • ^ ''-fe - ' AH Students Make Visit to Houston Thirty nine students taking Ani mal Husbandry 307 visited the Packing Plant in Houston if their scheduled field trips on Mo ulay and Tuesday. r,r—* students were escorted throug 1 the plant by the superiiji- W. W. Bailey, who is ajn Ex-Ag£ie. Bailey was instructor f Husbandry 307 prior to en- the service. In the Army he served in the subsistence depot Quartermaster Corps in 0. v 1 in the Chicag Dividing the students into two groups he took them on an |n- spectio 1 of the killing floor, curing, process ing, storage, shipping aftd processes of the plapt. * .!: M ■ ' • ' ' ')•;• cooling Plot I Do you know that an auto acci- (X -tUa ~ Asm X» n; Lester’s Smart Shop BRYAN ic FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST ! College Shoe Repair North Gate The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— j Come in and see us for large or small appliances^ Radios, Electric Irons, Stu- ii! < I 1 : , . , j , f. dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers ... i ' \ r I | 1 . !./1 , , and many other usefuls i) UNITED ' APPLIANCES, Inc. 25th & Washington Sts. Phone 2-I49U :| ■ • : ! ■ f , ii P ■ i: ; „ Jl Lj & M. \ 1 M Food Market FREE DEUVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph. 2-6189 jV4 dent can wipe out your life sav- ect Your Lif'o Savings j BIRRS Ti f* Wklli Vh. I" I 608 S. JOYCE’S If College Ave. ings and even result ih your wages being garnisheed—for life? Let State Farm Mutual protect you. It costs so little! Telephone your local agent right now for full information. M. ALEXANDER, JR.. ’40 S. Maih Bryan, Texas Ph. 2-2629 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY of Bloomington, Illinois Thy World's Lcrgai Auto Imurance C •si m n d bh bb in ic .1— -r- I; RADIOS — ' L ■ L-lL Jl ELECTRIC ' FOOT W HEATING Ph ’ • f ' E L E C T R I ! .'V i-l M ' : 1 !■ "I AGGIE ! ' m "i H3HES Ah F t in— AN COOKERY EYE oz. Ijiist :k;s ’n toys i r i-’ „ ' j Fall Set and set for fall is this- soft flattering hairdo . . . with lustrous soft curls headed for the Phone )4-9354 for ibintment. \ top app' \ \! \ VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP East Gate ill i, \ DYEBS'FU fi ilu ■ 1585 B i'll J (6E HATT \ \ i i — East Gate jT i !• id •a 'r 7 I ^ § H II.M1 ijJL( Ph. 2-2864 / EATERS I . i 3.ANK ETS y / ■ I t ; S / jk P / s • AMPS R ADIO & E CO. 7 Phone 4-1251 ; 4 K \ • r. Y.A - r A .iti. I \ jjl i ■ ii 1: X * • At the North Gate -■ . ?- Phiime RATES-11 P t Hi,S- , I' . ,, ’ i\ - !■ Ifoors Bast of Bank 4483)94 < tirly lii Daily 7 , Bp:i2j047 ’N r T '17 ■> N . f.- '■n '. ' fl