V-, • •• •P' I-. i 7! •-i *r i i ■ j > -• ■ j:-- Bonfire Bnrriis jTonight! i-fa ■ iLawlence £ 4-4 IT7i r • it alio Statesman, Knightly Gentleman van Ross, Founder cf Afegie Traditions * i . : i . li !l f, :! I' J it-! ■ Si - tORIALS 5DAY .NOVEMBER 127, 1947 IT * ; . •- ! ; V. Zi LET 1 . 'J : : . Ht‘, trrif ii inis 11 ... tou-er.i'j ' i i, Ak>ve the}»yola University student from tr an '“echo chartiber” effect, Crbik'h said he felt no ijl lrt>l»r jufteiN the bplt struck “like /d in. .Setting ,the jnattress, sheets and a pillow afire. drhen my ndse got numb and my ears felt fun- njv|” he said. ‘T. had tioging noisjes in my head and I heidd people ijalkitig in echoes. They would say tmething and tlndji in a second I would hear the s ima-i sounds againp’ { ' j ' j. J j - ■ j Somewhat (fazed. Crouch shook his head and s .rolled out to an 8 o’clock idiss, undaunted. 1 MMM? r p'eiifiluwn trees, (lulijiried them liftoyl onto the campus (•fll;against the ( •I was ivqmr- cornplete the ft re required. i f vfas gener- rfct cAjnifijis. j. . n i i ^ ; | j !” Anywhere but Jit A.&M. the sig)it, of pie On The (Screen I)(|attOf Men slopping'through mini and rain loijikiitg fqr bonfire wo<)d, or the Donimand- an'todriviiig a t|rucilp;ul of.freshmen over country roads under the same ty wit her con- (lilionis to gathj'r t te materiiik wtotikl have. ^ bc|tm ithpijiight straijge indeed. But. Aggies 1 chopping, Or Ijft- hlippertings cais- oinied in the spirit rest bonfire.” Pepper Donna, the “Miss Miami Beach of learned in Chicago that she Would have to put up With her clothing shortage at least uiitil next month. Mrs. Claire Borin, who had sued tier husband, , Jfathan, for divorce, claimed slfe had fo.Unijl Miss ^ )I ion ini’s attire ii> Borin’s apartnient; . K Miss Donna retrieved much I of the apparel but f [led a replevin suit to recover approximately 50 i .ems still missing, including assorted tops aigl bot- tjonrs of bathing suits. Judge J. V. McCormick ruled agaipst (motion bijsihj' onjiraf cd ,i n s iw i; nc, ing timbers vicwctjl thiest A'C*(, uailly as the ent ire cbllege of! .buildiijg "history’s Ijng Grant Gets Hep to Jive In Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer’ i 7?Iow mo|t: Arncflcans ib Russia j was wit'll exi^tlss'ed ff\ Tom rprtnall\| (n tho’fsenati this vk-(H‘k. j^i-.^Cpnnalhd 1(.old Itlfe and 'its .Satellite Stilt gencyi relief piropcisa ivictionyrabd chaos! i people jof t/he eiirfh.l' f- 'H<7 aske 1 Iwliy eonc.erhdd w tl^ the -tO hbpwn qi ebioii-. , .. i i T i ^ I i. + ^•‘Tt fs be liaise ft! ty that .accomifia n\| d' hungeg-'and 1 aydslii]) posefli •?jnd the ededjlo ■'Tnnnb.rfj^ will sei^e ’ti| the /Mstresst'd fual sit I'eriitrt Ccininally said thb fate! <[fi c o n n t r i e s ‘ought fo be lie cont i 5, posit toj: •terror [cell. JNoting h 1 goVekumeiit'l infiunfoif. Tn Fj pi ei-iierp |tng.u.ii;h(|> Man a -i gemen ^of resipobsHiif ly Seibit that Russia ‘s ((b.pid t(‘ ; th(‘ etner- se^fningito prefer lit ions of the \ the H ihe Swifts .i-id q)(j(||| pal ■ t S 1' h Cy hojd' ip! t|lie cont US 's Kf blonij itifi k fown |)f all ii'Mi n’ntVd: , ’■ “hb via Ft%kov,!U>fcause he op- . , tJoseel fo •drunhik, faimlit 'd his life. Inf : Hiingalry.'Xagy, Pfeljiier 1 , lip] to the I'niled fStute.s.in tea **of his fife, li lloland. Mikola- jesyk, forme •{> hojdfjig !v,|j lojuble and hi Hi t>el toward lexjis' Seuat/ir , mi ]. '• • ,:i ■ i, si lice Ihosftill {ties ended in Hurojie.'('(.) inH i| v sajid RusDii no longer must be, permitted to block! a lietip* sfcttlemtmt with bi-nminy. should", be replying MDeljay on the Austrian ipn) (jloririan tvieatijes has made it possible top foreign in- flpenfes to infillratej Germany and Austina aijnl to sdfk imphnjt ip the heartjs of the jileo- plje support: of an; alien concept of govern ment i and: e;mbmc|iing the doct iiilnes of f oni •' “ he declared.. , ‘ ! i I (,! I By 1) C\ h SEI.HIMAN : stiirred. Some hc-iuciii arouhn these THE BACH It LOR AND THE parts like the rollicking life of; BOBb) -SOXER tfampus, IlitSi. this period uhd to those wi- recom-j Slprlpy Temple | portrays the role mend this picture, of ap adolescent who falls madly , ^ in love with a; mature bachelor. T ..,, r-nobeii-W v mw Cary Crant is the date-hait of .1?? !• <) ". I) - Shirljev am! pretends to act along i n' 1 * 1 ’ L ' ^ ‘ u ''" lh until she :s convinee.l he’s not so chllle J ^• ,h . so ne "fide-Irackiitg wonderful after all Mv.'na' L(iy , w-omelly thn, jn (n to kern, !the aud- Shi. lev’s law Wet-sister, is his fute U ‘! U ‘ e . ^.usei and eontW,! as to anil nbt m> had fof a chbiee.Tfu- " h<>,ll " H - Jviiton\is the foi a judgment pf $10,000 for loss of the clothes and lass'of pay due fo Miss Domfia’js inability to work* i # a model. ; i ’ i He set the case over till Deti 4. SOURED SYSTEM • Two Universify of Chicago! graduate students with ambitions to break the toulette haiiik at Reno } j.ve it up Thursday When ippir system wept sour, 'hey were about $7,0t(o ahieitd, on an original in- ' Cstment of $300. The youthful gamblers, iwhjo for a*few days, had Reno’s proFksionarhouse mien looking interest- id, are Roy Walford, 23, oif San Diego, Cal., and -s- Albert Hibbs, i25. Cliillicothe Ohio. Their systietn consisted of betting on No. !> xciusively. j j i’ 1 Walford said they might resumeCplay, but in- ! m)uni|m,T ■‘ion-iVn'd chao ( jmd |st;fferih j f ml uncertain- THi*; world ;outluwl > is certainly bi^t ivsicH ; (lisfrt'ss and Dhatf \\ political pur- '*ical Fkl cptis of. (fom n inagination of ' ' !■ ' black] as iSenatof ('ohh; afe npt 'nclplcss in thi illy paints it. But we situation tf America ■lean Hay] ku 'cessfullv iubv roile'fis bailing nptioh of o)ifbha!f thc.i \\oilkl.j we can j^bid |v]ar .ijnKi pvtjnitually jcoiiie ttj some peace.: p, u t div5(lc dy N'atlee, Ray ’Collins add Harry Havcjnport r.re iiuludyd in ttk 1 filnp Here: is something with a nhw slajrjt which proves {to be good for h laugh. i j • / ' ’( ruii BE VOCRS/ (Campus'.' Spr. EM) is a male Cidilerella story dressed for light/ comedy fare. Ihiaiiha Dgrbin with her popular si aging is hack jjn a gay romance, this .J jime with/la new-star. Tom Drake. The. st/wy concerns a blun- deritjg sin a lb town girl who plays *'goo|l fairy" to: a poor hut pain fully: honest yi)|y. a‘ nulW Star victim of herfex-husgand’s aejempt to get her hlftck. The method VHe ships her a (Corpse in a box wdh some holts (jif material. This piiVs her undhr policy suspicioiji and of course you'vie guessed it:' he is a detective, (leprge Brent tlnd Joan Blondell ])liicy repolrter-ijetectives on rival newspapers in ah amusing hut unrealistic fashion. The pic ture is ratei:l as good hilling for a dual, show. 'Iiotogs, Starnien loinhine for Meet Red they lid ‘This Yetf money, an(lN\l|' “The lustl nod lie J “He’s Avail ■T*"T Contest desigjn: entries fiiH the jlith Division Memorial! froih; Ttjix- ;js University and A&M will jin* ami MERTON ((fnion, SM|j This Was OE THE MOVIES sho\v closed ES a short time . , i f whioji ;fj(|l ujidjer of RaSsi p :,«e(i^l7[|sp^Uf'ci i] 1 „ ykpXIuk l, “' k '"’' l l5ii ' y l “' : ' f I’l-vieWcd njatiiihal! lactivdics.-, ye. avIII bring gravest 1 | led be foil'll ho ftyijmania, M^nui. in'ti lufison hit tk’| Vitfali i From aji Uddipls by vico-]i)rosidci C qi' (p.liqral ti«b to a gn.yj’ ilitij#-cliiss ‘Mpe- cpmos 'ood i')p,nr ( 'gfadiujifos: but de.ojY asip] Tjikiug til t-.iibp ; ct.»nco|jt ion Df taMsI Uu“ i maiiiji fijnioit a hiv .o^ticiajl ‘asstiy/V'd it T 1' y s s) i |r j. <'hn-H-otrros tu 'ilaiiagf ! ! tfoylilo, i hotj uiily qpbn oiursolvosj but m, fpofmvW.: ] J This (Ijies inot ifiienn th, as well. j KjCaye' 'Student'.'' I jlie aiktnmotive ij 1 percentage of men regard rftti’eSt'' for com- ndij idiials who itj! sei'.that niau THE FABCEtM’S DORSE VS Itgieci). ThESjJ Against a trulyi American. hackgVoutid is this iire- sciitatioti of thd lives ofj Ilu* Dor sey brothers. Thi' picturd is aimed at the audience that kcepd u(p with the name hands and thtur styles and interpietat iijns of the popular sohgs. Starred iujthe roleii of them. selvt(< are Jimtjiie and Tommy. Thmigh some Help:' is, given the meager sere enplhy in-, tlije way of (iroduction and dialogue] the film fails to arouse much imprest. THE KABl'toUS TEXAN (Oa.fen, S.MTW it Reimhlic studios atteni[)t$ to gi.i all-out in What they hill as '‘n->t juslt. it a .not-up-to-ipar Skelton film with the same old line. jotirth floor of; the Acadciljic iundiiig Thursday. ,Tlu' exhibitjjm vill \include the- ten best plans vhiehNweye en|ored in the- filial udgingX I WinneiX of the contest wfill’be mnounccdNhetwei'ii halvesLtlt the oothall jh'irBe, accorcjiiV? t 1 " the agricultniT diXartmcnti. The design •elected may reconimcnclydl (for •redion at I’ajwHrum,: Italy] ijjear by Salerjio hchccnrn ;o| established >.vi the Texas division; duriltg the Will'. Band \MI1 Spell Names at Halftime Tettiil lprictH-as the .pace setter w , s! -, 1)Ut wiJh(1llt ,^ n U ,. hiu . dt dT-njaindf iruinagpm^int niuitt liiid tech-, color, raise an pybbrow. Not he- imanafacturiing processes, cau.-e color nuckG a movie, hut if ujfen.s the iijdnr to new t,,lr is Hoi any good the managenmnl hnik .adapt t " i " at : t, " jo ' v ihv j ( D Wilkin: ElIiotlM-s elevated from mamitllctiured goods Saturday We'-forfis' to the. lead as in -orfo ^ectiim .artd sui'pljiises in a:“tyifjcal’T Texan.' in the post- nRintigemefiit niust mlate wavs for rivil days df "wide open law- i| m.W ..ifc.ctivi- aisirilnt1i.nl : o{ dioils. In J " hn ral " reseai’th, juimau relatiuns-liip. and business Hfuliilitk' rnKtfiugmvQiit must solvb problems, complex, and •; and Indpipg all those must keepion a sound lmsii}e.fsj btijsis. Highlighliljhg the lx twhen-halvo# activities of the Turkey Day game will he a dniipue pertorinaitpe by the Texas Aggie Band. They will enter the field and go inito a split formation' similar to that used at the Rice grille. Following the initial stiige of the march, a nfoving TEXAS F will be formed. After countermarching, the Aggie' Band will form OLD or uy-iiianu; inionijt nk|Ufs jt )n|(HUK't|:)n,' ] | i \\'itn \Ejhnrti,tge[( jn (k-eiirriing ' ’’'i'T'.M- 1 A > iMY "> rhe middle of the field. and the student body vilj give the Old Army yelk the last (formation will he a ftlovirig; T. after which, .thy hand will flank .'off the field. Anntljic roll and Caihcrinie 'McLeod are also : Camera, AstroiKMH B Clubs Meet Mond^ C John Chilton of the iphysic/ < piuttnent will speak mji the “ll’sjd: i 'I yluhit in the ■ Arghitecture Liknuy ,, f ,ot,)> ' rra,)hy in Astf.momyr H- fore a combined rmwiiiig of’t (lamyra and Astronomy Cluhsj. The iiddresk is schodijltfd for! 7 pi m. Monday. Deccmbijr 1 in (to 1 3m, Physics Builtling. Afl intc 1 v ed ih smfh work are iijvued rc • tjo thridj pl;innin;g to spend X'Jo.OOu font he iii-moi ia!.; the 3lith Division! A.jsO- i^tion iisked AcfcM and Tekasj «}< u •hitertiir'' 'lepai iments (u (|oo]i(;i'- it * by holotng H coiiipetitipn for Lc i tleaigii. At A&M the] tUhrd .ml fourth yeii'r classes ukhl :thc (Jonte'st t>r a design problem with some 35 sHidiints pariic.ihating-! F Ijve cntrfe- from each school were sent to" the Dual judgment recent ly colnhkjted by the he;ids .{of the two archit' i tuiv deimrtmFms (tnid ! a coiniqittee of. avehitectsi: jcllre-1 renting tfhe Division Association. 1—r ussell Elected >< k: ire: i<>l(>£;i side n (‘parfment,' was ele ted (iif the Texas State Wtd-F 'are (JoiiV'eihtioit held in Austin: No- viamber 20; 21 nmd 22. Russell has s president of the Tisso- •eived nation kefbrp: m dSoi I r* 3 . ^. )IU .Iran l uisklT, 1 head of the r “ Three :iolog i vehtion ton ris. ! M ton-ip inft Par WE HAVE WHAT YOU NjEED I COLLEGE | BMOK North Gate A. J. DRL'CE M ARRIIGS (fiition Prexy i ra 1 ( eflbi (ttl. Dkl’ legates of the A. S. T'.Iuh attended';thei They were Red' E' iifj Itlilgiore. Ben Raujl Boh Weynkna of] M, con fer of Sai W — Li L i BOOKS - C ' ft STOKE ■ 'I ii N '. c ■ iv Albert John Druce of tht' njlec-( tfical engineering departimigt (was ! I'naiTied Ito Miss .Mildred like Vost! at St. Peters Episcopal. Chttrcjl in \ Sn*» m A Tit in.'A kJ . t.,1,.«• \’. n rid tai ■ V | nt tit all levels pgH' (Flily Win s the ui (|h« ( superv liislnj ilie rospnii/j 1S1( cvease> WMTi kwiv t|mmjr))\||i\\ v'u‘h in vg- ;i;veay jVjMirA' ci>TH’t'.mu\ wilVt W Tvfest prepare ^source^ nut uigoih.ui'fL- win ig of assiij'ingr if cient to nnud iydignijjuf cn ]ap pirtomotl ;c ^^Jionuull sho.v .Bart .(b'cs.seil ij-p in I {cutting up .Sjl 7(Hu;n.'o|tTesp(Mi i;uf. fjr ibi I-ht ing sjonengih (»()o hi Is.. ‘Mf ilewi \S'ndii‘k Wgre tin call Nnm'liCtbe i-.iij ling Irish Shul j drawls;p('rs]iins D» you. 1]his is extra'strength Man. You vhi 'some genius 'called no on b L<\ Ic-sfrrf? t." \ .c / il ■ i .x- r- ■ " 4 Washington h mTI-W ith&uy st"..wil| lie up 7 ’fjub-cqfnniitliet •deeper into the liiid {Hugheis and S maUiu y'Brew Bv * \ ; 1 Thd Baftjali .of Cblldge Stiu -■afternodn, eNcej dished aemi-we i|de\fel();p meants : ; fHiw: |if I'ajsfj wiat ericils s11 ffi- lifc' \yants.;of the It 1ft' n ultipliy resT'i n||nt'has sent us iii<)\ l ,LH\V>in eostume ilmf : imx. U ji\ urbil be better," i| this character gull g to i K\;% i'hnivnHu n Iris; I gidfr'wl itedur kiy- News cotitiibutioii •j’may ■win Hall, Cljdsjsified ^OP, Goodwin liull. -i- t.U't .'thefnfsrjlyexjas tlvoug^t-fully a.s id apy other! T skilh.hl: ljiel|l of iindei ihi-oftj'sdTiii 1 c :! nh Si lit } lertum e jion: J ‘R(riTia!ict;-r*-an, n of a farhi. i^hijfi, or bility of madpi’-sliip is QUEEN opens l p.m, 4-1181 LAST DAY ..——... vor. Management' is a ■. i ' TODAY AND WEDNESDAY “Wake Up ii and Dream’’ jicrfiime. Bewnti-'h aija as al'IfiVil spell AY in iwith! this flirtate T ad needh noiexpUma- xotic love ipid charm charm thi* opposite ith its maRieiil allure. >us arorpa- 0m* dgop ejijij'liahting fragrance] lingers and 4 y v r ?1U,* • i*. • /k-v-Ut**! ’ ^*4 Is jt i.a\uli4ee^i'jf op these days t Hte a new book |ie'rfijrji iind J li !' [(/df r reported :| FergusiMY said ■ Iji vestigat ing" to probe. ibis it nj twio odors j IK'^ir ijiiuun", ( Ii Howard jiniiply Won’t know vvhal to make of •m g:ieaneijl| from the T' ( 'o\ Yorl. Jh raid jTfil»hIt(‘s- jiRiiilic' notices the other (lay : “Kx- periejnceid non-professional writer wants fhiri-i n" Rome job to support hoVf'l. Theme: ■ Amej iPanb in exile, showing why they must! llestiim- themselves.I' T~ -rlMf rB ■op. ho) ^jtibsdnp Battalion on, off cial dedsdaper of the Agrijcultjural on, Te •wsr-'W-jT blished five times .a wyek at d Me may --s- • Tltd ARsdeiHted Pirssjis c ilitjed exclusively to the: use fi .ted to it'or i|o« othenlis Rights Of rcifublicatio ’—f cse all 'Abe' Act oji Coii. pt 'fH .. . : . . Ejjl£(cd-twi stKielcl-clam O/fice .tirCoUcwdl Station •alter .ajl Ti-xa.j. of Mi 'ch :i( jiff CHARLIE WRAX Vick Lin4Iey ’** i Tf i *’ jparru Bkkk, Dfk|| H^bbs, f. T. MiU? David SeliBnujn t-—_. ' 1 1 ck T. Menj.lj jis MofKftn. Kenneth' 14 V. Bruce,, Ji.i'llowara Mack ■Louis fr> Jt.j'lidwara jpenoeF."! , — i 4 - JtMMl i/f and] exanlinatjpn period tra'te 44 per sehpol year. ' i— College of _ -, T _, _ d dk :ulitipd eyehy Monday_ through Friday/] Imide Jyl teltfphoiie (4-5444) .:lpl$:ced! by telephone 1(4-5321 DiJn'ilg (the siifumer The Battalion is pub- Adve| using rates] furnished on request. , > ' r UeinWr of the Associat'd Pj’ess in the paper and Real nciys'' Ijer matter herein arej also] t ~T—F or a ) or Associated Gollegkm Member i il EDS0N. j_ Wire Kdltlr ...tManaelkjg bilitWa servx ■hdnical Texas and the City the editmial office, Room 201/Good- it the StmleiR Activities Office, Room iiji Technicolor j- —with— JUNE HAVER k 1:35 - 3|40 eatures Start 5:45 - 7:55 - 9:50 r rejj ibllcation of all . news! dispatches credf- spontanequs origin] published herein. Press Reprc^ehtod najtuinully by •ori;i>md.' 'rtfrxk«j|if«•* a 1 * National Ad- ow York City, ihj^auo, Lon Angebf. and San Krancisco ,Xi; Now SttH'k INLAY LINOLEUM J- ! \ Ui: y 9 x 12 RUGS .Feature Edit(]r „ Feature Writer* | Columnists . />!• . i : Paul M l Don Kr Ma Sam Muuriciv Howejl :d. w. ^pri . WUsoo ^u^rtrpq r.'Wifi', Arthiir .ila. Lro Ham tJLi. kWard. Lar Co-Ed i to rsj|, —-i ' 'f\f i \ d. tlersbell , rille. L. Gr , , :u i hi t ...—u. ..i.iSl'nrtS BJitor (aK.dwyn, Andy ) Wlby ... ..{.Sport* Writer* Xu..4.-i..i..-..Ca«F«4ni»ts ..x.Adveftisinc Manager .-^Circulation Mananor alisi.Hu Kditoi- HENRY' A. M!!.l.r.K URMTURECO. 2 Blocks No. of NoXGate 4 Notice! CLOSED DURING THE G AME Open 5:30 Thursday OHwinWigy. Mzhemif: im“ CARY | MYRNA 5HIRUY GRANT-LOY-TEMPLE wMiAUaMftM (MWl