The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 17, 1947, Image 4
Vy •v What’s . AEROCRATS A. H. Pavilion * -- : :80 iBrurri 'UB tojmeel t r iju rm \ at 7 pm. Glider contest. [ iea lay, ei, : ’ ASME, 7:30 p. ik, Lecture Room. ISpei ; March, former prjCsecutint attoij- r / hey for US Antl-fttist. ^ I' ABCH1TECT ;l I r • ■C : TH’ *17 k -j ; . base P; / M ...I- Ju.-v- W< SOCIE1 V: >iNTraji .tJbone .». > : . p- M: fe- pi m., Tuesdi fv at, Archt A$HRONOMY Jonday, 7:30 p.m., ics Building. 'X •WIVES ition Metholdiat Chi , r londay, home of Mrs; itaw-, 217 Lee, Street 1 DERATE AND' DISCUSSION CLUBj 7 p. m., Monday; YMCA Assensbly room. Panel discjussion x ? O E STEAKS AT 1ED CHICKEN BLOOD’S swSta el in md see it or ! Dial 2-1328 cl&aW, OIL, AND ADJUST ALL TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Royal Type) writer,, Sales Representatives^ Bryan Business Machine Co. trioa of • ■■ v kMj w.mmtamsxm; taftwaaBii tti| ■ ( "Sb ■ f I * syetem. B, 7:30 p. m., 307 Academic, will be discussed. ENTOMOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p. Plans m., Monday, Room 5, Science Hafl. INTERNATIONAL RELA TIONS CLUB, 7 p.m., Monday, cademic. PE ART CLUB. m., good- •EWRITER Portable. \ i ,■ 107 W. 22nd Street es - Service:-[Rentals - Supplies .v 1 Bryan, Texas Mmum i mmudHi^iniwiiii^ 'flit ; ■yV on-down shirt! n k F; j I i irs the ,-if wj J , N. * r+1 '1 TT -L i • \ ks vxxu\ oful ooflor rdiU: fust right one fits so opmforthbly. Tailored with /, aUtke skill t tot,hap lipade ^(mkdftan j r iihenfrkof jud&y since 1857. 7 In tohii e pnd so ld coltrs. Di op in an H pick out a few today! :l: UfSJr i 7 ' White,“blue, thitigrecn . . $3.95 .'Ctafea!^ uiini|iiii ImiuiuuwUi i yHMimniiiiM tate iiiii|muiiiigiii!ilaniiiiuiiMiiiiiiiBuiwtfmiiim»iiiiiiniiini!ii 205, LANDSC. _ peech. by Ralph S. Ellifrit on City lanning Tuesday night 7:30 in hemistry Lecture Room. Senior architects anjd C.E’s invited. PRE-MEDfPRE-DENTAL, Tues day 7:30 pmj lecture room Science Hall. Movie. VETERANS WIVES CLUB (Homemakers Group), 7:30 p. Tuesday, YMCA. Christmas gc ies. RADIO CLUB, Monday. Discus sion of propsed widening of 75- meter phone band. ' SAE meeting Tuesday night 7:30 in Projection Buildiitg. Uilm on Automobile Pro duction. 4 TSCW EXES meeting Tuesday night at 8 p.m. at June Ratliff’s apartment, B-9-D, College View. Call Marian Webb at 4-7574 if you plan to comb. , TEXAS SOCIETY Of Profes sional Engineers, 7:30 p. m., Tues day, EE Lecture Room. Grading System To Be Discussed By Debate Club A panel discussion of the A&M grading system coupled with the So called “pass or fail” system will be featured Monday night at a meeting of the Debate and Dis cussion Club, Karl Elmquist, debate coach, Announced Friday. The discussion will take its cue from the recent! Battalion editor ial concerning the demand of stu dents at Tylane University for a' pass or fail grading system. Under the proposed set-up only two grades may be given a student: P or E. The panel will attempt to clari fy details of the system, and will ask the audience to participate in a question period at the conclusion of the discussion. Students who desire to compete in the proposed * intramural debate tournament may file application at the meeting, Elinquist declared. The meeting Will be a regularly- scheduled one jfor the debaters. Business affairs of the club will precede the panel discussion. Re- freshpients will be served. B-29’s MADE READY OKLAHOMAjciTY, Nov. 17— (A 31 )—The airi force’s hugh material center here at : Tinker Field is throbbing with activity as work crews rush to prepare B-2^ Super fortresses ordered from storage in to first-line duty. RADIATOR REPAIR j . J, Cleaning - Recoring All Makes and Models 7; .- : ' i ONE DAY SERVICE I • M ' j DISHMAN Pontiac Co. 1 1 ■ ; Across from P.O. Bryan, Texas Ph. 2-1684 - The Battalion ; ■ Page 4 . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1947 : : :v>.4v r j SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI- CAMERA FANS—Guaranteed fresh S5 mm. FIEp AD. Rates ....$< a word per insertion with a 251 minimum. Space rate* in Classified Section]. < 60< per \ column inch. Send all classifieds with! remittance to the Student : Activi. ties Office. All ads should be turned in by 10:00 A. M. of the day before publi cation. (T) . I THE SCRIBE SHOP — Typing, mimeo graphing. driwing. Phone 2-6706. 1007 East 28rd, Bryarj. (7) ATTENTION ENGINEERS — Get your engineer’s math chart at the Exchange Store. (7) . • • j; [ »; FOR SALE—Clean 1934 Ford. See be- tween 8:00 and 6:30 at Aggieland Serv ice Station. (1) FOR SALE — Combination radio phono graph. Phonograph not automatic. 335.00. R. A. Johns, 8-D, Law. (1) ■ ■ ■■ SPECIAL SEASON RATES: LifO —J. 40 weeks, $3.00 Timje .... .... 40 weeks. 3.00 Coronet 1 year 2.60 Readers Digest 1 year 2.75 News Week 1 year 4.25 House Beautiful .... 1 year, 6.00 Johnsoif Magazine Agency at College Book Store. Box 284, Ph. 4-8814. reloads. Choice of emulsion^. Ansco Su preme, Ansco Ultra-speed and Eastman Pius X. 36 ex. OOC. 20 ex' 35<;. G. P. Bristow, No, 14—320. (7) j FOR SALE—New baby chest of drawers. Wardrobe compatrment. College View B-18-C. (1) Register now for new classea ih shorthand and associated subjects to sfigrt Novem ber 17th. Phone 2-6655. McKeniie-Bald- win Business Cdllege. (7) FOR SALE—Two bedroom prefab house with stovle, ice box, drapes, and shades; good lindieum throughout. Large screen porch. Will finance. Apply 202 S. Man ner lyn. (1) , !' CLEANING Cross Country Meet to Be Stai ■ ■ v;-r.f v.i A :t to Be Staged lay in Austin J FOR FURNITURE or livestock hauling contact J. N. Montgomery, 147 Cooner. (7) , ' HAVE YOU started your sterling yet? Request a personal showing of lovely Fine Arts Sterling Silver patterns and explanation of our exciting club plan. No obligation. Mrs. Roy N. Griffin, dis tributor, Box 5122, College Station. Project House 4-D. (7) FOUND—Maroon 4 and gray football jacket left in Model “A” by rider near Pales tine, Saturday. No. 2—302. (3) ' " ; ■ |0 Memorial Stadium in [Austin will be the scene of the twenty- sixth Annual Southwest Corifer- eneb Gros* Country Meet to be held on Tuesday, November 18. Four conference schools, namely, A&M, Arkansas, SMU, and Texas will enter teams in the 2.7 mile ' ' • ,T\ ij j The Aggie team that will en ter the meet will consist (if five of the following players: J. D. Hampton, Jerry Bonnen, | Carol Hahn, Royce Raven, Joje Me- Glothlin, and Mark Geeslin. - i 1 ’■ 1 7k)..' ; Jerry Thompson of Texas is favored to cop his fourth 1 South west Confidence Cross Country. Championship while Texas will likewise be favored to win the team title for the eighteenth time. PRESSING WATERPROOFING 7 f I- j' • ' .7 1] . .j ; j. All Kinds of Repair Work and j , • Alterations /!. • | AGGIE CLEANERS N. Gate We Deliver \ Phone 4-4554 '7 ... • V m mi lesTi ' SixG week to interview seniors, W. R. Horsley, director, announced Fri day. j'M : \\ M'. Senibrs in business and account ing, economics, agricultural eco nomics, and sociology interested in sales will b< interviewed today by an agent of the Proctor and Gam- : frpm will : iHRi 7,'i ew Seniors enjgiueer i "Itf ; tc see iiig Company, j ^ Ay, a representative! , it4 Chemical Company [chemistry, chemical ] mochanicl ,„gi-4 ^ J Tmi JACK’S PASTRY SHOP FUIXIUNBOF CAKES i / A ,rt. - ■ . . . bvember 18, a Sperry ompany, Inc. represen- ] . tervieW seniors. i f j; e ' M r '-' ! ! 7 / } I i ■. 7 ; 1 V-. 1 >: ,s : '■ 7! I-' - ;j. . • •• ■ . - • >1: l '/■ !. Am Come in for HQfr •Jr’f. after •. » >• I 3R.M. . r. ■ : ; • > ■ FOR SALE—400 acres—2,700 foot front age new Highway 6, nine miles south college. $20.00. 209 Park Place. College Park. (1) FOR SALE—Coolerator. $25.00. 209 Park Place, College Park. (1) \ AGGIE VET and wife. No Pets, no chil dren. Want small, unfurnUhed house or apartment. Cali Mrs. Gates, 4-6724. (4) 4 ' v LOST -v Rbnson lighter with initials “D.B.H.V” in George’s. Reward. Dale. B. Hardeman, Box 5194. (5) -r WTAW TUESDAY 5:45 Sign On I : ’ • ; • 5:45 Musical Program 6:00 Texas Farm and Home Program 6:15 Cbffee CluV 7:00 Martin, Agronsky 7:15 Vet’s Mailbox 7:80 News of Aggielanil 7:45 Tik Tok Time 8 :D0 Breakfast Club 9:00 My True Story 9 :iit) Betty Crocker 9:45 Sacred Heart 10:00 Breakfast in Hollywood 10:82-.Galen Drake 10:45 Ted Malone K 11:00 Welcome Travelers Ml Record Back ;;7 7 ’ ^ r, '' L /i; &M i i;5. r ) Bryan News 2:00x 1 12 :0ik Baukhage Talking 12:15 'Varner News 12:30 Music for, Tuesday 1:00 Waiter Kiernan 1:16 Ethel and Albert 1 :S0 Bride aniK Groom 2 ;00 Ladies Be Seated 2:30 Paul Whitemahs^Club 8:30 Treaspry Show 'x 3145 AtiteKpoon Music 4 i30 Keys of Faith 4 -45 Stbry Book Lady 5 }fl0 Sportsman 5 :T5 Terry and The Pirates 5:30 Sign Off i ^You stride it rich when you choose Chesterfield.;. they re tops! .NEW ...FRENCH PERFUME 7’ \ d? 4 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER STARRING IN rARAMOUNT^jL "GOLDEN EARRINGS” I M ' 'I -ipr- ! X-.v is f y : ' 7 •' iV;-. BIK1E ut fell, l' Em v mm ' Wmkm 'M / i ! J.iM V OIAU 1 4 |u ■ it • I FUR STORAGE HATTERS or ic an CROWN JEWEL / 7, , V. 4 r Aggief if you Wmm IP ill P f M liim I ' //f J I //M ff/Mw . r/Mm i.fMp ’ f.tWM A SfcgppMM'* s . : ymm ■f « Bff •/ Hr ^ * K mm of Aggieland 1, .! ; A i . !. ; . ■' and what WTAW 7: I i i ,i v . want !to know what happened on the Cimpus yesterday • j I . ' ' j l , > ' ! 4 ed,:p happen today, tuhe; in on News of Aggieland fli,tl|[inday through Saturday. Perfume with the enchant ment, the inner fire of a rare gem. The famous crown bottle is suspended in a diamond-faceted setting. ouncel3BQ 1 ounce 25.00 Purx-size crown 4.00 1 -• plus tax Lester’s Smart Shop in BRYAN .T i i' m i. ; Aii i 1 7 ■ ■ ; .t' j —t This to you as Store, J V '' V F|| " , |lh ■ s A‘ J j 4^ is ccjmpiled by the staff of the Battalion and brought feature through the courtesy 4>f The Exchange It ! r ' •|M ■ 7 A / I / he Exchange Store ' !■ , V ill •.. r , , , ; ; . ’ JiS \!i i-L •».a. Vt’S The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— ( ' | Come in and see us for large or small appliance^: Radios, Electric Irons, Stu dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many other u^efuls UNITED* APPLIANCES, Inc. 25th a Washington Sts. Phone 2-1496 1 A ■ A- ■ ;■ x - ' "1 J- ' : i ■fcili / !■ : i r U; ’ I i’ u i M BETTER TASTING V fm © COOLER SMOKINGJ ^ ' | ■ ! — . . ' I M v ; -U V ' : i ■ ■ i . 'U / di ; V: u - -. • ’ r7\ ■ •r. • ;ci i '-■7 A 1 .. 1 T17 W ■■-7' IATISFY ill .Lteb f . -.■1' ■ ' >h N