The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 17, 1947, Image 2
PI '"wi : . J Visit fro |: 'k i' 1 ; W'- m mwwi TORIALS \ MrtisrnA v TMnvTri^rmrp J,'.' I r ie mayors of ought to get together andlj brohoiince this , “Moi’ie. Week.” Two; filmsj'are coming to - town, each of-which has caused more talk than anything sinde “Gone With thie Wind.” At the Campus, The Thfeatij«'(5aild of New York is presenting fHepr^j V,” taurence Oliviert spectacular hroduc^ion which has’ Ijieen called the greatejife mo\ fe j^t produced. At the Queen, “Foiiever 4&ber” Will flash its Kestoration wepchfcts oniw the expectant iscreen, while the apdiened -whimpers “It CAN’T be like the bcok!” II; « 1 Both piefure$ are;showier a t rpad-show prices, -hooked ;as i super-duufr specials. - The Butt news columns ‘have tteate leated of some of to'leave it stored overnight near their pop corn bins. • j . “It is jist a question of, time, of course, until “Foriever Amber” comes under the scrutiny o|f Bop. Parnell Thomas and his committee, they having declared their inten tion of investigating air films which even hint of undercover activity.” ★ St. Louis residents saw “Amber” and rushed home to write lettfers to the Post-Dis patch. Here are two, pro'and con. < Writes the con: “Not long ago a group of men sat down in a luxurious Hollywood of fice and decided what the movie-going public wanted in a picture. They decided tha^t it would likfc ‘Forever Amber’,: a picture which, 4 du “Henry” f)t-length Hut we fnust pass along ... . „ r . the comments madh on 4 m ber in like the book, sinks to new depths of indec- other communities. | '.• ,}! / I ency. TlWy took a low and immoral thought, sprinkledlit with a dash of Hollywood sparkle and now!have served it. Hollywood has ex pressed Its opinion of the taste of the pub- Hc,” \ | • , , j # ' ,I ■ Writes the pro: “It is a historic fact that King Charles H excelled in lasciviousness. It Sajis Columnist r Jick Tdfver oi the At lanta Constitution- , * )| “ForeVer Amber” is a4echnicplor s^x- travaganza which, adcordiip to,.those who have had ithe advanced prices t’O s >e it, fol lows 'the novel’s heroine u iffhithfully from is thoroughly worthwhile to depict |for our pillow to perdition, ft is, hffshort, the first >n. the bad behavior of irresponsible hus true deir^ocracy will be appre- generati kings, dated.” Fortunately, we have! an easy ■ no-foot-j ball week-end coming up* No man alive would be strong enough to survive “Henry V”; “Forever Amber’; ami an Aggie football ■ acid test, pi the new flame- |r0of celluloid. “It bohsts a number of ^Itstapding at tractions,; including . pmUUlpDjlrnell, Cornel Wilde-and the disapi roval j^f sey< ral relig ious leaders. | ^ , -- i v I ■; . “Nor.has the producer i|suqgefl,its box- office appeal by warn ng m<Hie opei ators not game inj the same week. ‘Thought Control' at TUL. . The old, old issue of “itiliought control” not condone in; any way whatsoever the ad- has popped up at Texas, juhivejrsity again, vocacy jdf Communism or any other'such This time it appears^halt ail^Qnnpninist lead- alien philosophy. Individuals representing: WHAT! NO DOOR? Editor, The Battalion: J Being an avid reader of The Battalion, I have of late become Tmbued with many of the ideas ex pounded/ propounded, and con founded in said paper. In fact, I have been instilled with the “Char lie Murray Theory of the, Aggie Way iof Life” to such an extent that l am ho longer the rugged individ ualist tha)t I once was. I no longer believe iif dashing -off to; football games anjd corps, trips and turning over street cars and automobiles that threaten to break up yell practices.)' [ - > ' . . j.;' j I no longer advoate the rpwdi- ness that characterized Aggies in the past, and believe that even though overenthusiastic fans from other schools smear a little paint around our campus, wi shouldn’t get excited. After all, they meant no harm. Boys will be boys, and we mu^t remember that we are lit tle gentlemen. I believe these things so much that I am now what might be termed the shrinking vio let type, and as such can no longer endure the hardships of the old way of life. So, I wondered if the crusading editor of The Battalion would don his suit of shining armor, climb upon his trusty soap bpx and cru sade for) something really worth while/ What I ask for is very simple; to-wit: a door on the show er and latrine room and a x-adia- same room in Legett Hall, basement. I am now a gentleman per the new Aggie way of living, and I abhor 1 the old rough and tough existence. In fact, I can no longer Stand it—I aht not as young as I used tjo be and wfhter is com ing on. Tlten top K there is a really old man down the hall that I really worry aboiit I doubt that he can make a hard winter, particularly with no heat in the shower room. Oh, yes. While you are cru sading against these shameful, nasty edd Aggie traditions, trying to malfe this a fit school for us gentlemen, see if you can fix it so we can sit down during the foOt- s ball games. I get soooooooo tired standing up, and those nasty old boys shove you around so. PROBLEMS CLOSE! Editor, The Battalion ermitted tp'debate on he adjjriii^stTt tion feels ally jtne Ccjmmunist, oustdh 1 was er was accidentally the Forty Acres, and embarrassed. Act ilahies) <L Green of the debate. .IM We think if is rilich Communist on "the <jamjpu||? arid up in discussion,-thhji ItJ isjitlo prohibit Com- nuuiist speakers ajrHf make; it 'ap jested in - : If you decide to print this and such subversive groups are not welcome here j ans " ei ’ same ’,.f ou c:i . n be a *.. sar ‘ , ,, ri , .v ■ T-- . ... . castic as you like, and may call me and thein-appearance on the canipus> will not aiiy 0 f your fancy names ‘ knowin^ljy be.permitted.” . ' they have some 1 doctrine Jh'hich must sweep all hiare’s llelifiesdlv • 1 i ipj. / ■ i ■■ If university !offic-iaL t teas ithe self-styled keflfehiny Com ijnunisi party, h£ .jvfou|l| no ■ L U- i) 1 \ /'• i aro < Ife, t re vers la 1 sentikl phase of unB^Hdt. howeyer, does not permit oilier tjhe j. sity or any universi y tq'bd a / of any political ( r spcta^-iaii kathfn • j campus. Certainly,] the...tih|vf*rsiD ■ as dofes not, indeed, junker tile stjt declared e Texas fjave been allowiad, to speak on tlhl ursik-ersitv campus, University President r i| S.l Painiei lasi'-week. i fo L \ ’ //Said Dti Painter j , , . --"“It wasii-epretientjd'by i|.« officer of com Won Cerise to th(!“ of ic? of [jf he Dej in of Stu dent jLife to he a facility- ^'brum liscussion the House Un-Amerkaii jActivitie's Com mittee and on this u iderstjiirtding jermission was given for use o a roupt in the Geology building. Had iit bee :i knoutjj that an official of the/Communist farty tfp' fhe ' “Under our i.anijounceilpblicy of lolng Whah did Communist Green say at the forum?! j ! He. charged that the House Un- Americkh Activities committee is out to es tablish “ifhought control” over the American people 4- a charge that has been made by Arpericiihs who are far from Communistic. ; In r^ply Fred Ossanna, Jr.,ITU instructor in government, replied that such committees had been a part of the Anglo-American tra- kno’vn Green - ditiojn of self-government since 1833, when hotter ti allow a and "ahow him rf)hll)i ’apibea ear that if heard,- tdi the left. ’ In the past few issues, of .The Batt, we have noticed that your columns have been clustered with the Jewish-Arab quest on. Let us leave this question and discuss Some of the problems which con front us a little closer We do not advocate isolationism, but after 1 begins at home. The UNO must be fully capable of settling the question, feel that any materia Mr. Rosenthal kiould proprjate than his mq via The Batt. M. L. VIVREtT JR.,:'43 (5 Othex-s) to home, a, policy of all, charity ‘ > jK--. •• an(| we aid from mor«| ap- ral support by (he British 1 be installed Infntwx r«wirr I sus pect that any words 1 you might have in your vocabulary might be i mild, compared to things that I have been called, hut don’t forget that I have left the ranks of the two per-centers and joined the 98 percent with YOU. Lovingly, WILLIAM A. SELLERS, ’43 (Ed.,Note: A copy of your let-' ter has been forwarded to the Building and College Utilities Department, We, too, believe that a door and a radiator should Lnmmitides were first set qp Parliament. \ j, i But iQssanna’s clinching point, though it added roj glory to the tarnished record of thq: Hbuae committee, certainly squelched pro- t^sts Gommunisis agsilist the “witch-, whcn C01 respondent Ivan hunting: activities of the congressional Yantis gets back from England, group. .Said Ossanna: “If it is true that the'you ought to make him take His United (States,,prosecuted 2,000 people during'tory 213-14 over again, if he ever on the Shower and latrine room in the basement of Legett Hall.) ★ AND NOW VICTORIA! ; Editor, The Battalion: the jfiivjt World War, think of the benevolent t0 flL l tb „ en v-*L,? ; !]‘ despotsf in the USSRhvho let 'four million in the eiirly days.of the gov- v A* V s to appear on ‘ people vst ernmenlt.” ■ From the reports we have seen stanqing, free and if^pen diiscussio is of con- rK'oilifaged, as an es- uie program permishon for? his appearance meeting, we don’t believe any Texas Univei 4 - Vould hqve been! detjied. ||j .J;( ; ^ , sity students were suddenly hypnotised into becomijig Communists. In fact, we think some waveyers might have been disillusion ed. \! . \ . , ; r . . \ We Americans Ijtive-nothing to fear when we meet avowed Communists! in open de bate. What we have to fear is the insidious effect of underground (work by Communists who hide their colors and operate as “out- Beam in Our Ifhis policy, univer- sponsor ng on our y ©f Tex- e law can- H ' '■ i laws.” : - are the: worst, the people are the poorest fed, the poorest clothed, the incomes are the low-, ■ - _i «u . [IfJ'-fJ-j--. est, illiteracy is the highest, and economic Thofte w.qrdS of ^oc\!i\\ .spok- explorijtaiibn of the helpless is the most ser- eiTT6 ; Texhs !Baptist^ at the|r recont.-conven- ious. i .. j ' - /. . , ' : tion in Amarilloj by jReVi .Qlak’ehcq A/Jrloitton, “Southern baptists'4.'.' are beginning to, qfj ihej: Baptists of the realize they caqnot retain the decent respect of mankind, when on the one hand they de-, cry a jUk in-American neglect of humaonghts by a dominant church, while on the other hand : they themselves as a predominaht churcji remain careless ,,of 'conditions also grievMius,” • ■. , : Queen Victoria .was most defi nitely NOT the daughter of Wil liam IV. She was the niece of William, and the daughter of Kent, I believe. ';r v Yantis says in his article that “anyone interested can go back it up in the library.” W’hy didn’t he take his own advice? WICK VAN KOUENHOVEN (Ed. Note: We have wirelessed Yantis, and he says there is no library aboard the SS Albatross Victory. All he has (o read is some old copies of The Batt, a 1909 Longhorn,- and the YMCA Handbook.) pfranages,, old age istfitriisj, and pitals, wn have added) a‘cancer justice and righteoi is qdhpiact ten > deplored a stale executive jsecreiary on United States (pom nitteeA t ‘To our passion] fori rpin|st)ry thrpugh or- <i nWl g rea t hos- for social e have of- FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . College Shoe Repair North Gate f ■ ’| T . Y 1111 ' ^ v - / *” 'I oHOby existing in 1 certain parts eff thjp worlrl Kvhei'h the domi nant church allowq pHifiil}ignorance: gross superstition, flagr;|nt |ilk>g|trma(jy, 1 immo|rality, and. italik by the favored fetv ,-|o dlurisH under -the very shadow of - leaUtilut Cathedrals and gorgeops church, t^remo) iqls. “N6w southern jbapitis:sj reacjiing.bhyoml (5,000,000- And^un(|ues|tio tably |)redojliihant in ;theiri section^ hpve beg|in tq see how a similar condition, cbnftonjtsij uis. | “In the south-i.we timlihe p! jorest hous itig,.the-death ratejis theih|ghes:, prejudices TMs column often joshes other papers about their ridiculous boners/ But just read nk iecttnbnijc exploitation j:>this: i • ‘ ; ; -jj; v -to t^unsl : under -the i ■ Two headlines in the sanifc column of ths Texas) A. & I\1 Battalion; “Ring Shipment Here”) followed by'‘‘Give Back That Ring ! ’ .Tlw Battalion, dt^iclail n of College Station, Ttfxas, isi . ftfteirijoon, except duting he A lished iienai-weekly. Bub^cri] !■■ ? —r—- r , ^ Neiys contritotiol) J Kvin Hall. Classified It 209, Cobdwin. Hull. The Battalion by telephone! (4-5444) : platjed by telephone (4-5324) The Associated Hress ted to jt or not oth^rtwiijie Rights bf republicatipn Sacramento (API—A Senate - approval bull'by Sen. Harry L. Parkman changing the salaries of San Mateo County sujjervisors from 8175 to $300 a mqnth reached the As sembly today. , ' , ipapei of the Agricultural jahd Mechanical College of Texas and the City ptiblishe Ulive times n week opd circulated every Mbnday through Friday liclays aid examinaticn periods!. During the summer The Battalion is pub- i vatx $4 per school year. jAdvertisin^ rates furnished on request. of at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- or at the Student Activities Office, Room ember of the ssocialed Press Entered n» »econ(Ucl»fS Office at- College Statin*, the Act of Coticreaa of Ji arch ^3. CHARLIE MURRAY Vick JUndlejr — Karris Block, Duke Hoblis. David Seligmani ^..w. Mark T.'Noleft /..i i Louis Morgan, • Kenneth I and .. A. D. Bruco. Jr„~Howard Sue a Ai,-: xdluwvely to the use for republication of all news dispatches credi- tne paper and local indwsj of spontaneous origin published herein. t)ther toatter herein are also xiserved. i , -- jkth’oct dXueJ^tjndtr. Associated Collegiate Press f Member], ...i- ,..Wirt* Editor PadUM; irti ..Managing Editors ...t Feature Editor feature Writers ^ColumcisM neprebented mitionnlly by National Ad vertising Service, Inc., at New York City, phicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. j.!................ ..,. ......i............,... ................. j, (* rts rd/W, K. H< 'wellA/,.... ..Co-Editors Editor ng. Arthur Howard. Larry Goodwyn, Andy Bcro Hammotfd, Hera hell Shelby t..Sportx Writers ” Colville, L. Gray Cartoonists - dvertising Manager ..Advi ^Circulation Manager . Relieinne Wdlf«e "a Opens 1:(H) p.m. 4-1181 L A ST DAY iteStofcfaWoim/ with CARL ESMOND-CARIETON YOUNG CHARLES D. BROWN Features Start 1:20 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:40 - 9:50 4" - i ■ - PLUS ~ POPEYE CARTOON NEWS REEL SHOTS OF TEXAS GAME I i WAS FIRST? tor^ The Battalion: room’ and was quite proud that three Aggie professors perfected the new method of movie projec- I tion. In the Houston Press I ran across a very similar article. Could it be that our three professors havie been for a taxi ride in Nice, Ffqnce? , . .4 v j It should be interesting to note which group comes out “on top” as (he first ; to perfect this im- pipvempnt Yours for better Aggies, O. W. PAINE,/JR., ’34 i Ed. Note: With his letter Mr. Paine enclosed a United Press sjtory stating that a taxi driver in Nice, France had invented a movie screen with such a light intensity that it shows films in bright daylight. 1 Such has been the case of 4 / All Popular Brands of . . DRINKS ml / 4^ before and After the BALL GAMES YOUNGBLOOD’S Rock Building — Midway AGGIES! You can do us a favor by .placing your order4for THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL CORSAGES 4 ■; . ' I % ■ . . . with us NOW. AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP “Our Flowers Say It For You” 4-1212 ~~ ^ STARTS TOMORROW 2:3«! TICKETS NOW The , theatre\ guild Laurence OLIVIER in William Shakupeart's “Henry V In Technicolor HFEEASEb TKHU UNITED ARTISTS up with identical inven tions on opposite side* of the wor M-> POLES EXPEL EX-LEADER WARSAW, Nov 17 Polish. Parliament has fi pelled Stanislaw Mikola, ing him.a traitor, and urging thi government to strip him of citigen \ lovely gifts, 608 S. College Ave. ' 'i, - r ''-jf/f -f WHAT \ CLEVER OLD HE GETS THE CREDIT 'n ! That clever bird is roosting experienced eye on the la; * • ’ i Tr J'■ 11 '■■*$ 4; Kij However, you can borrow JOYCE'S flnei; ' L / U your showers along with a damtjy bassiifftto to hold alii the This is just one of the services JO YCE off fra party hdate ,-r* JOYCE’S TOGS ’ ' 4 4 : | ! v - , , - ■ ■ — RADIOS — GAS H • x , J J! J ELECTRIC BL^I FOOT WARM A T E R S th! 2 Shows Ilail(-2:30 ami 8:30 PR1C1 j*9yf NOTE: This ad a cMoti COB d 74c teacher to any performance special discount pride. CAFE! £ A I A FEATURING DISHES OF INTERNATIONAL FAME and the best in— SOUTHERN AMERICAN, COOKERY KY * MUBB LOTMES INVITE ALL AGGIES TO VISIT THEIR BEAUTIFUL MODERN STORE , | t • . . | j • . < #l Make themselves comfortable in the lounge . . . Use the teleppone anytime . . . ' ;| ' M " 4' • ' Play the radio . • • * Make records for friends or family (no charge). ' | i r” "t; ays feel at home in the ih:- II CORKY & HURD STORE “The Store Of Personal Attention” \ j I ^ r , | | f 2 Blocks North of P.O. — N. Gate l ■' ;. il- STARTS TUESDAY- DARPYL F Z^CK > presents FORM! i r A .{ K TECHNICOLOR m >> % stf • C Q LINOS OARNILL • CORNEL WILOE; RWROGREil-GEORGE 5SN0ER3 tmnuim U V k '• I': . ADM I 80c ■ n.- ith* SI WILLIAMPERLBERB l.w Kflthlwn Wins#r WBBiWm ^ <-\-Y “W 1 ^ ^ 1 * • - - I; |j[ . : ’ 7't !•' ! r : , - «- . ; ' ; r' i .. 1 : f- •