The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 13, 1947, Image 1

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AMARILLO, T**., Not. If \m-
Tvvm. Btptlita may vou lo-Uy on
whtthor to Mk Bnytbr Unlroniity
tnutot. to rttoln u pmidont Pot
M. Naff who Indhttod Mat nlrht
ho would atoy on tho Job If it
nil rioht with tho hoard. ] |
Noff announcod Uat wom that
ho U mirnini u hood of Raylor,
fffoctivo Oip laat day of thia yoar
But ho told a Baptlat cthoaral coo
vontion audicneo laat night that
ho aubmittod tho reaignalion “be
eaua* I wanted to allow tho trua-
tooa to raplaeo mo without any of
fonao If they ohoao to do ao "
Tho contention oloota the Baylor
Unltoraity truatooa. Three are to
bo named today.
Mant leading Baptlata paid trih
uto to Neff during tho meeting loot
night, and later the audience Bang
rlayli -* “
it* • ♦ * * vw’'w • . >•
Volume 47
Number 67
lor Llno. H
$30,000 of Exchange
Store Profits to|Co
For Student Welfare
$14,782 Vt ill Be Spent for Books,
General Recreational Facilities
NEWARK, N. I., Not. If t»»-
•A coa»t guard plane took off to
hint for the decommiaaioned bat
tloobip New Mexico today after
two toga cut tho 80,000-ton giant
loooe in hoary aoaa off New York
harbor and wore unable to relo
cate her later. Throe men are aakL
to bo aboard the ahlp.
WASHINGTON, Not. 18 «*t-
Shifting from Howard Hughe*’
war contract*, aonator* turned to
day to an inreatigation which Son
ator Partuaon (R-Mleh) aaid would
dlicloa* how MaJ. Gen. Bennett E.
Mayor* awung a 14,000,000 govern
meat bohd pwrohaao.
WAHHINGTON. Not !»- **»
The week boginnina Sunday, July
,11, haa hoonftaod for tho llil Da.
moeraiia National Oontentian to !•*
hold In Pnlladalphla
Tho Ropuhlioan National Con
tonllon will ho hold In lha oom*
>liy and at arte throe week* earllar
on M.mday, Juno IL
Prootdoat Truman will dollvrr
a Joint aooalon of Oongroa* In per
eon Mondat a tnoooage railing for
•top gap European rottof aid and
.tor Inflation curb* at homo.
Approximately $80,000 worth of books and recreational
facilities for studeata will be purchased from Exchange
Store profits, the,Exchange Store Advisory Board decided
yesterday afternoon
Meeting in Obmptroller W. H. Holzmann's office, the
♦ group agreed that a committee of
atudenta would select tho religiou*
i>ooK phonograph record*, and
fiction reading, material to bo
bought. i
The committee recommended that
a ton percent dividend be paid to
itudonta who participated In the
Exrhenge Store Profit Sharing
Plan during the last fiacel rear.
Student* who made a five dollar
purchase and riepualted their re
ceipt* with their signature would
be entitled to a fifty-eent dividend.
The Profit Sharing Plan waa dis
continued September l, 1I4T, but
H one be returned to operation If
enough atudenta re guest it.
Student* who would like la aae
• rite
Lmge M^na^in”
lasses Visit
Ddwards Plateau
Two Jewish'glHe end a youth were
killed yesterday In a gun battle
with Itritlah troop# surrounding
foa*t«l! plain house, *u*peeted
being an underground Irgun Zvai
uifil pAMltf y
Riity-aeven atudonta, mostly **n
ior animal husbandry majors, l»
Range Management 401 apent eltk-
Thursday or Eriday studying
nge eondltionj In the Kdwa
ateau Th#
AMARILLO, TEX . Nov. 18 -i*
—A Fort Worth Pastor waa car
ried i>wiily from the floor of the
Baptist GewenU ConvenWen -4mm
yesterday when he tried to chel-
•lenge the featured speaker of tho
The Rev. Bill Fraser, a pastor of
Dr. Frank Norris' Fundamentalist
Church of Fort Worth, got to bis
foot from his front row seat in'
the convention hall when Dr. Louie,
Newton, Alanta, Ga., president of
the Soathom Baptist Convention,
waa introdweed.
——Louisiana State University
President Harold W. Stoke says
bluntly that pereona who with to
we the school football stadium a*
l place for drinking are not wel
come at L. S. U. home games.
• CHICAGO, Nov. 18 -C*-0*-
car L Chapman, undereaereUry af
th* Interior, predicted yesterday
.the oil industry will he Unable to
meet th* nation’s fuel needs thia
- winter end that demand* for gov
eminent control* will result
ATUNTicQTTr N,/.Jtoe,
m E J. Tmnim nil Oettm
in the Waller Reutwr vietory
f in the rift United Auto
Worker* yeaterday when He filled
to win re eleelton ie-1 viee preel.
MM, . . jjy
I wEthf
Plateau. Th* Thursday elaai of
twenty-nine men wa* tupervUed by
lavid G, Wilson and Hebert R.
thodea, while the Rtlrty slghv men
from the Friday aertten mad* the
under the auMrylston of Her
eady and Rihert R Rhodes
mw Mg Ira* about five
miles touthweai of Austin whsre
severe erasing hid reeultod In
eothplete slltnfndtlen of deslrekle
rruosee from the plant mvep, Ih
art, the graslng uae had been ••
heavy that th* llvastoek were eat
In* bark from seme of the trees.
Several stops were mad* between
Austin and Llano to sttNlrJk* ef
fects of overgroalng end to see
the different types of graslng by
cattle, sheep, and goats. Sev<
vegetational types were seen but
few of them indicated jn-per us*
or good rang* production.
Many examples of different
types ef brush eradication were
observed. In one area where cedar
had been cut twelve year* pre
viously, many desirable grasses
were found. Nearly aa eight-month
old cutting of cedar contained scat
tered individual* of good grass
Inge Store I
Hotted to the
bulldozing and killing
trees with kerosene.
Checkless Vets
V : 7 , . •
Veterans who failed to re
ceive their sebsistence cbeTka
ia past mouths will be later-
viewed today sad Friday ia
Raaip A af Hart Hall from I
*.' m. to 4:88 p. m. by M. T.
Id Ilk.
tkU latlH tail I Eli ikfttfM
eweem arvwrv wwv* * * wwwm wwwwvm
a tetter to The RiIIaIIm
$44,841 frum th* Rashit
imflt* has been allotiet
Itudent Unton Operating fund,
ilarge aims ef mnney are being
diverted to this eperallni fund se
that students will hg able to uat
the huikltog without paying an sd
dltlnne! fee.
( ail Blrdwell, manager of the
Kathenge Store, pointed out that
C flu had boon cut In th* last
fiscal years. Hs hopes to out
proflU even mere by redaeing th#
coot of arlktoe, or in holding thr
root th* same when the wheteeei*
coot rises. Pinks and serge p»
have risen 71 cents in whole**!,
price, but the retail price wilt re
main tho same, Blrdwell said. Book
prices will have to stay at thatr
present level, because th* Exchange
Store cannot sell below th* pub
lisher's list price.
Blrdwell said that ever half ef
laat yuan salaries were paid to
where will hr wrapped free ef
Members of the board who at
tended the SMeting were: W. H.
Holsmann. who presided, F. W.
Hansel, Brnto> Langford, J. C.
Miller. W. L Penberthy, J. J. Wool-
ket, Scott Hood, Jenninga Thomp
son, Thomas O'Dwyer, and W. H.
Birdwell welcomes any construe-
i live criticism of the store or any
suggestion* as to ways of ins-
' proving the services to studenU.
Cadet Corps to Parade
In Houston Saturday
Yell Practice,
Corps Parade
Will Be Aired
in Ugau to the
H |« be
piny* the pnrl
w9w$h$^NIHPMV I
•MRMlai Mwvs
she laa dram
Mu haa ai
iludtog "HMI ^leafere
ash BAMedua ftEftmla Rl*>le*a*al
red to |
prevtou# Aggie Pta>-
aad “Junior Mlas. ,f
fl4heaMAaliM Ifa tk
lM M
matoretle. Mi
aa, Ineludlng
New Play h Melodrama Plus
Both the Agfie yell practice
C d the corps parade Satur
y morning win be broadcast
over Houston radio Stations,
R. Henderson Shuffler, direc
tor of publicity announced
Friday midnight yell prac
tice la to be broadcast by
station KTHT, from In front of
the Music Hall, the place selected
by Houston city officials for hold-
; the practice. Jock Edmunds
il give a blow-by-blow eccount
of th* proceedings, end Larry G<»o<!
win, assistant sports editor ef Th#
■attalton, la senedaled to agt as
spotter for Edmund*.
8 tat Ion KRYI will present a 80-
minute running aeeount ef the *#•
dot rnrp* parade Saturday morning
at 10 Ihuffier dtoeleeed,
Tu add human tntofeat and eetor
to the awes tael#, muh sadet unit
and staff will ba Aeeerihed ever
tiu air as It pasaea, J, f,.Miller,
managing editor of The lattolien,
will aeelet T, fe. Bahaotton, nerre*
tor ef the parade aetlvlttoe, In pre-
vldlng th* radio audience with a
bird's-eye view of the cadet eerpa.
Rice Yell Leader to Welcome Aggie#
At Midnight Yell Practice Friday
■ ! * - ' ' Uw
The A. A M. Cadet Corpe and Student Body will con- 1
verge on Hounton thia week-end*fbr the Aggie-Rice football
game and the second corps trip of the year.
* to' ' -end include a midnight yell prac-
*tie# Friday, a parade of the Cadet
Corpe through downtown Houston
Activities for the week-
mer^, converted Into bllariou*
comedy la the Idee behind
“Pur* as th* Driven Snow” or
“A Working Girl’s Secret”, by
Paul Loomi*. The author has
don* a good Job of lampooning
the “good old days” of the thea
tre, because "Pure as the Driven
Snow” i* a boot as funny g show
as you’ll ever see.
The plight ti the virtu a— her
oine In her flight from th* black-
muetarhfd villain provides a
laugh a minute, and the stow
thinking hero is a *how In him
Th* audience will find it greet
fun to hiss th* villain.and cheer
the hero while they are doubled
up with laughter. Treat yourself
and your friend* to some fin*
and funny entertainment Cur
tain riaes at the Assembly Hall
IRC to Discuss
‘Future of UNO’
Aggie Band ^ill
Write ‘Rice’ On
Field Saturday
The Aggie Bend will form script
letters on the Geld in Houston Set.
urday afternoon, Lt Col. E. V,
Adams, director announced yester
During th* half-time perform
ances th* band will march on to
the field in a moving split diamond
formation, Col. Adams said. Th#
band will then form “Rif#" in
script letter* facing th* Rice
stands, turning toward ih* A4M
•lands to farm “AOGIE8" In
bleak sertoe, »* <
A sett## ef minstrel (urns which
have rieeKwl no murk favnreM*
comment from past half-time
ihnw* will finish In# Aggie Rand's
show In lleustoe
Both the Mttl* Aggtetond Rami
and the main rampu* Mnd will he
taken to Houston for the Corps
Trlti. Col Adams stated, TH* heftoa
will march separately In th* doOrn-
towo pared* fUturday morning
but only the mein aaiapii bant
will perform on the football field
The band will make the trip In
college-owned buses
Saturday morning, and the game
Saturday afternoon.
Th# midnight yell practice will he
held at 11:80 Friday night in front
# mon,
— * M—y
Not At Rail looking For Uad
“Th# Future of the UNO" will
he discussed by the Intomatloael
Relation* Chib Monday at 7 p.m.,
to room 80S of the Academic build
ing, according to Dr. 8. R. Qa
the history dope'
Wedding a Week Away, Yantis
Prepares to Land in England
Battalion ( orrespondent
1 >
Midi _
“Sink or swim, with Russia or
without—is it the definite deter
mination of Russia to prev
peace through excessive uae of the
veto power in the Security Coun
cil 7,” are some of the main quea
lions to be considered at the meet-
“Sec. of State Marshall’* plan,
which is now being seriously con
side red by th* UNO. whereby its
Assembly may be able to by-peas
Russia and her veto in the Securi
ty Council," ia one of the remedies
Dr. Gammon added.
Poultry judging Team Will
Represent A-M in Chicago
Woman Injured A
Stadium Saturday
Bank, was critically injured Sat
urday at Kyle Field when e pillow,
thrown from the top of the West
stands, hit her on the back of the
of bringing
legist* Poult
igh hope*
Intercollegiate Poultnr
»r I, according to K D.
Th* AAM poeltry Judging team haa h
renewed accomplishment* to AAM from the
Judging Contest to he held in Chicago Decern!
Parnell professor of poultry heabaiilry.
Twenty fiv* judging toam* from loading American land grant
♦ agriculture collage# will offer the
Aggie team keen earn petition Ten
afUto twenty-five eempeting team*
will he frem the imith and South.
dreamland Gets
New Management
MhJ (Mi leMtoU R, II
yeatenlay that aftoj
then Secretary
“7 M.
i he and his wife tonight
of Government Bends
ring th# war and raft ap a; paper
profit af,
In New York, Moewnthau etlled
the retired Army OfftciFiH
mony to th# Senate War Invest If* t-
■ ing Committee “outright tie.”
STOCKHOLM. Nov. 18 -Ul
Gov Malta Jocabeaon, chairman of
the Swedish Atomic ' Committc,
aaid yeaterday Sweden bed Pro
duced her first piece of uranium,
from Schist. Uranium to an
ment used in the manufacture of
Atomic Bomba.
The (tell time you visit Cream-
land *t Ih# north gale you may
get the impression Inat the
truant officer hs* made a elean
sweep Thia Mm th* res* at
alt. Mr*. Beelah Ridgeway ha*
purchased the Ipeal confection
•ry, end haa replace! th* young
boy waiters with waitresses.
. Mrs. Ridgeway, who has had
severe! years of experience In
th* restaurant f«4d, became Hi-
t*rested in rveemlend a few
weeks ago while visiting her
brother Dawson Belt, a student
An InvMtigetkMs toon led to th*
purchase of the! firm.
Not only will the same type
of food and drinks be served as
ia the past, but also plate hinebee
and home made pies will be
found on the menu. Th* serving
of breakfast baa been made po#
stole by earlier opening
Mrs. Ridgeway think* Aggie*
are groat customers, and reports
that business is better than anti
cipated. '
I The teem reaiieto ef the fel-
towing membersi Nenry Tiye,
■■Greer, Alton Hovel and
JMiwhlwn Three men will
hum »he four t« rum.
"Constructive Manegtment Service Rendered
anta" was dtaeuaaed at a Jt-int meeting of th* Bu*
Lwtoiana, end Mississippi, wei
■ Ordinal ily aeeounttng i*
Dr. Vannevar Buah, acientiat, dis-
cloaed yeaterday that th* United
States ha* no system operating to
warn it of sudden air attack.
He told a news conference that . . .
a study of th# whole subject of Pmpffipgl PrtMlpnlitl
"eeriy warning” radar net* ia being « FUIIirU, rrt»CIUai
considered by committee of hi* re
search and development board, a
unit of the National Military ca-
I AlBNjpSBljL ''
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 -<*»-
The White House announced yes
terday th* Arfiy has been asked
to teas* a utoat in Texas now pro-
ducing 641000 tons of nitrogen for
fertUttcr to help boleter the world*
food euppltoe. The ioeeeo, th# an
nouncement said, must ■free to
double the present capacity of th*
catoua ordnance works at Ettor,
wi • l
I IT.. . -V .
Student* Report
Premedical and predental atu
denta who expect to apply for ad-
miasion to the professional schools
in September 1848, Sad who have
ont taken tho profesKional apti
tude test should report to Ro
IS, Science Building before n<
Monday, November IT. according
to George E. Potter, premedieal
predentin advisor
Thia must be done In order that
regietrattoa material* may ha or
dered for the test to be given Feb-
runry * IMS, >
The feultry team to ronehed hv
K D Pnmetl, in Amerlean Poul
try Aaauetatton Judge end one of
the beet qualified poultry eeachea
In the South.
The team plan* to depart Nov
ember II, and on the trip will
visit eevoral colleges, ROP breed
era and poultry •hews. In Chicago
th* team will visit the Exchange,
live poultry market, cold storage
plants and various processing
i. A banquet at Hotel Chicago
will end the judging contest, and,
the winnen of the contest will be
announced at that time.
The poultry Judging team haa e
rough assignment in that ell
» of (he poultry enterprise
will b* Included in the contest
U8DA grading system will be em
ployed by the Jr Jging team.
Extensive judging of poultry
■hows in Texas Wa given the loam
ample preparation. I
Th* last poultry Judging team
to represent AAM at Chicago was
in 1841. One member of the 1841
m was • high placing man in
th* nation. *
The present poultry Judging
team hopes to equal and add to
tho 1841 team's record.
(En route to London to cover the reyel weddii
Special Wireless), Nov. 18—June has traditionally begn the
month of brides, and quite a bit of bitterness has been welling
up in the heart of this correspondent at Elizabeth’* haste
which sets her wedding in November.
It’s not that I expect young love to be restrained and
po—egging the care of age, but November ia one abominable
month for an ocean voy
age. It'a ao cold on deck
that 1 have to wear long-
handlea to maintain my
poeition at the rail.
Getting a cabin on
thia mud-acow waa a
miaUk*. 1 havt felt
*i ground ewella from the
Kngliah channel ever
alnee leaving Houaton
and have kept a $on*|| 1 .. . j ui - •
riant vigil bn the tairtelde, doing Juat what the ahlp do—, I Jill It 1/1*11 HmflO
heave and to—,
A week from today la the wedding, the purp—• of thia
Junket, Tomorrow we elide Into HoutRampton. where 1 will
again mit my feet on terra flrma, and the flrma the
better. If the ocean ahowa prospect of being aa rough on the
return trip, I think 1 will Juat atay here .
A leaaon In geneology la In order before November 80
to acquaint the reading public with what le happening. And
elnce thoeq who can’t read won't care much, wt will proceed.
EU—betfc la the daughter of George VI, who la the aon
of George V, who waa the son of Edward .VII, who waa the
aon of Victoria, who waa the daughter of William IV, who
waa the brother of George III, who waa the aon of George II,
who waa the aon of George 1, who waa the vrest-grandson
of Jam— I, and thia can go all the way back to Alfred the
Great. Anyone who ia really intereated can look it up in
the library.
I have aeen ao many picture ahowa about England, all
with the people madly acurrying around on bicyclea, that
I have wired ahead and reaerveda two-wheeler for my trip
up to London. Come socialism or high water, I intend to
fulfill my boyhood dream M . «
Mr*. William* was at the bot
tom of the ramp when the pillqw
hit her, knocking her unconscious.
She waa taken to the St. Joseph
Hospital in Bryan where X-rays
revealed that she was hemorrhag
ing at the noae and ear*. Mr*.
William* haa temporarily loat use
of her right side.
Heinen Stresses Dependency
Of Management on Accounting
the Sam Houaton Music JJall
where, among “(her thing*TBill
Devi#, head yell leader ef Rice,
wiil extend an official weloome to
th* assembled Aggie thnwf. Prior
to the A. A. M. yell pnmtto*. Ag
gie head yell leader Aaa Helleman
will add re*# the Rice sttodefit body
at their pre-game pep raw.
Core* Parade Hatefdqy
Th# eerpa pared* to achedhled for
|0 a m. Saturday with ait cadet#
due to report at the ***em|ly area
* m. Cadet sentStsMore
I report to the li9|llil— if
ires hy I Rfl a, m
Ifhe sMmMy point •id be the
eat king •imm # la front pf the
ktulhcrn recifie Rartwe.l Rtotion,
Th# wop. will marrh in eolomn of
regiment* as in the PPM Worth
ernde, with th* rorpe ateff and
and in the lead Raflments will
eolttmns -if hattsllona, hat-
taltone In column* of com panic*,
8— eampanlc* in ma** fnrmaiinn
at ctee* interval with a •la-man
The partite rout# wlli follow
Smith Street from th# Assembly
area to Preeton Avenue, where it
will turn left to Main Street. The Y
i out# will then follow Main Street
for five blocks, passing the review
ing atond in front of the Rice Hotel
and continuing to Walker Street,
where it will turn left to the dis
missal point.
Gadat efftoam will carry sabers.
Guidons, colors, and standards will
also be carried in the parade, j
Band vans will he perked at ,
hoik the anaemblv sad dismissal
areas to handle inatrameat*.
After the parade, Aggies and
dates will begin drifting out to
Rice Stadium for the bell game, -
which is scheduled to begin at 2:80.
No official college social func
tion to scheduled for Saturday
night, but numerous private par
ties are being planned to “round-
out" the week-end.
Listed on the Saturday night ao-
rial calendar to the Houaton A. A
M. Club'* dance at the Plantation
from to 1:80. Dean Hudson
and hia orchestra will play for the
occasion. Ticket* selling for SUM
per person may he purchased from
any Houaton Aggie.
ublic Account-
HH and Account
ing Societies Tuesday evening. Edwin Heinen, CertiAcd Public Ac
countont and System Manager for the firm of Ernst A Ernst in T*—*,
wa* prinelpa) speaker.,’
considered to-be related only to the In*
♦tomeI record* of huelneee Hein
Munox Kntfrtains
S|mnitoh Club With
Family Insurance
Date for College
Member* ef the Rinetoh <’luh
w*r# entertained at tnelr regular
meeting Tuesday night with g Let-
Inlsrel farm ef Idngn sailed lottery,
Pedro Munoe explained the game
and tiaeeed nut the prliee- bar* nf
randy! About thtrty flvr member*,
Including four women, took part
In the game#
Evenron# who to Interested In
Spanish whether presently taking
the courae or not, la urged to. at
tend the next meeting of the club
to be held the *econd week In De
cember. Tim* end place will be an.
nouned later.
GeologiMta Honor
25-Year Professor
Friendship Train
up gifts of food fbr
which wiU pick up _
Ear eye contributed by Texas, Ok
lahonia, and Kanees. wtQ be made
up ot Fart Worth, Jdoiiowe C
Fieher, State Secretory of tMt
Lkms Club iponsonng organisation,
Longhorn Editors
Request Students
To Select Proofs
R J. Butler of the AAM Photo
Shop and Tommy John, editor
the Leqgharn, request all students
to see proofs of their pictures aa
quickly aa the proofa of their pic-
tares are ready.
Friday, November 14. to the laat
day veteran atudenta may aaa th*
proof* ef their pictures for th*
I aaghara. The proofa remaining
after thto date will be printed
without consulting th* person
when# picture it in this group.
Extension Service
Engineers Help
Han ProjectB l ]
M. R. Bentley, Extension Service
. agricultural eagtaaer, and
Ulteh. farm labor shop supervisor
have Juat returned frem Johnson
and Hamilton i-ounti.-e where they
worked in cooperation with several
local farmers in planaing two pro
posed irrigation project*
The plans divu»*«*d call for the
individual fanners to irrigate act
oral hundred acre* of pagtorr and
cultivated land, using two existing
well# aad a proposed lake for th*
water supply.
iGcologjr Ch»b paid tribute
last night to F. A. Burt, professor
of geology, for hia 28 years of ser
rice at A. A M.
In appreciation for hto service
with the department, , .|M> club
presented Professor Burt with a
geology club key and a book which
he haa been seeking for several
years—Zittei’a “History of Geology
end Paleontology.”
Waco Mothers To
Honor Aggie Sons
The Waco AAM Mother* Club
will honor their sons who are at
AAM Friday. November 14, by *x^
hibitmg pictures of them, acrord-
ing to an anaouncemant by Mrs.
Mine nrooxB. prr»ioen% ox un ciun
The meeting will bo held ia the
Waco Public Library.
en s itiacuseian altered and broad
en*d thto eoncept to no little d#
r The aeenuntant an ten tpta
l-mtur# of a proapoetlve heal*
ne*e praetieelly •••* the heeto of the
eoneeptinn of Ih* idee ef a ttow
venture Ssbeetueni to a me met
•urvev deelgtmd to ilptermin* Ih#
listenllet vendiiiiliiy itf a new pro
duel (he public aesmintoni to tal
uahto to finatu Ing, erfeanielng, end
, mm ting In# plenl nf Ih# iew
Th«- Beenunlant'* broad mwH-
enee and reUiimuhtfc with (*u*i
n#ee nlar# him In 4 poeHion to
fumton valuable information a* to
the amount, type, ard eoum# of
capital nomaary to give Impetus
to the embryonic buelneoe concern.
Each huelneee is in IndlvUaal,
Heinen seM. In the organisation
of a new business, the key execu
tive positions, the duties entailed
therein, and clear-cut Hnea of au
thority must be well-defined and
Although the task of the con
struction of a plant to eiaqpUally
that of th* architect and engiaeer,
they *hould work hand in hand
with the accoun
Heinen especially
of increasing cotta,
engineer will find the accountant
a handyman to have around in the
layout and installation of
equipmont and machinery.
According to Heinen, manage
ment should seek tlto aid of dbe
accountant in organising the per-
sonnel department to
the ai^e of the labor force,
of labor, number of shifts,
training nooaaaary to produce suf
ficient unite of the product
Product ton requires the attention
of both the engineer and th* ac
countant The planning ef town
ee to aise and turnover to
iwiatfou to the amount ef financ
ing available to ef vital importance
to operation ef the business.
The accountant to not a said
(8a* ACCOUNTING, Page 4)
—Tesaa AAM College employ##*
will hav# until December 1 to ap
ply. for protection for their deaeit-
dent* under th# group Hoapltaltoa-
Men plan, according to J, Who#l#r
Berger, »#rrotary ■leaaeueor of th*
esMip kteenme eegtotlti#* Th#
final date of epplication was *i>
tended from Nnv*mh#r J to fWem
to tftl* her I to enable some of th# *Nt
it pl«r##a tn get In their eppliceilMns
srs nano in nano
ntant, according to
illy during period*
Mte. The industrial
, preai-
wHhmtl toktng phv*lmto
If apnlkatbine are aenl le hefnre
er by Deeemher I, dependents nf
a rnllcge employee will mH h# re>
qulred tn take esemtnaltone to de
termine If they are In gnol health.
The goal nf $8 per cent partial*
patton required by the I neurone*
company to protect itself against
wr*e selection wee obtained by
ovemher 1 end tho** that applied
coverage of their, dependents
bv or before thto dale will have
their insurance poMc/effective on
thto date. Employees applying thto
month will have their policy he-
toming effective December 1.
Children under three years of
age and owr 18 or married are
not covered, and maternity benefits
are not included ia the plan. Pay
ments and classification on a semi
annual- basis are: employee* only,
|7; employee and wife. 817.29; em
ployee. wile and one er more chil
dren. 88^.24.
(■ -■
Landscape Artist*
To Hear Speaker
Ralph S. Ellifrit, director ef tho
Houaton City Planning Department
wRI apaak before the Landscape
Art Chib in the Chemistry Lecture
Room at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday,
cording to Henry H. Davit,
dent of th* Landscape Art
All senior architect and civil en
gineering students age invited to
attend. Ellifrit will speak on city