The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1947, Image 1
NEWS IN BRIEF ^ ^ ^ iMl mm (inn, ^ rr.hc# l« Ufa. ih 9 Ittd f„rmtn» r 11 ^" l,n11 ^ KS t'T 1 •<h#r rnuntrlm wH * <MN<VH »lmtlnrljr m«iuc*d" by OoMinunl«m. NKW PAI.IWTINK KILLING JKKUKALEM. Nw. it t**_A "•‘L fir* kilM • British peliM Mrfttnt «nd wounded two othrn. and a Brit- t*h conaUblf today aa thoy aat In from of a cafe on th« Kinyaway, Haifa a main thoroufhfare, it waa announced officially. GBfcl ND DC-4'a ' GALLUP. N. M., Not. If At leaat four airlinea rounded their huge DC-« plane* today, pending an inquiry into the cauae .of a fire which forced an Amen ■can Airlinea ahip to make an emcr- ’gency landing. HIMJsnKn IN THE INTMS3T OF k CHEATER A*M COLLEGE Voltim* 47 OOLUtOE BTATION (AHldtnd), TRXAa, WKDNRRDAY, NOVEMBER 18.1MT li Numbrr M 4 r to Appear at Campus Nov. 18-19 Cost of Issuing ROTC Cbthing May Increase, States Holzmann i BIG BATTLE IN CHINA PEIPING, Nov. 12 —Commu- niat troopa were reported to hare penetrated the find of three de- fenae; lines around ShihkiachwanK today and military obeerreni said the next 48 hour* would decide the issue in China'a moat aavage bat tle of the ciril war. Gl’RW ABOUT RATIX)R1 AJdARILI.O, TEX., Not. 12 - •M—Lemuel Mall, Auatin District Miaaionary for Mary Hardin-Baylok College,at Belton, laid here today he had heard the names of two men mentioned aa poaaiUe aucce*. sora to Pat M. Neff aa President of Bayfor UnWaraity. J Both graduates of B R White, pastor of the ware tt. Kir.t. Bai The college may have to increase the coat if issuing uniforms to ROTC students for the 1948-49 school year, Comptroller Walter H. Holzmann announced this week. Under the present “Ukifform in Kind” plan, the college saves students about f200 for the four-year course, Holzmann /said. Since there are no fands provided by the I'M'1» ,", Maptiat Church at Auatin. and Dr. John HaUy, nrasidant of ths Oklahoma Baptul llnivaralty. PILL rmKNWHIP TRAIN AUMTIN, Nov. I| Dona- lion* for ths fartilhwsatsm Pf4snd- •Mp Tmln, which will sarry (<*«*! from the piNipW «if Taaaa, Okla homa and Kansas to ih# Kaat Uoaat for ahlpmsnt to Wsatorn Kumps'* hungry ponpls, wars roll ing In today. Aggie Players Set to Present Old Tear-Jerking Melodrama By FRANK KNBUFPKR I ploco in the lobby of an inn located A supply of •Kleenex has been in I small town in northern Ver bid in by the Aggie Player* which mont In real Ufa. it will take place will be fumiahad to th# members on tho stage of tha Assembly Hall of tha audltnrs whoa# hankisa ha-1 November II, 18 and 20. baginning at 8:18 p, m. each evening. Tha cast includes: Milt Frankal, Jean Kamodla, Bill Krause, Sybil Claire Bannister, James K. Nelson, Nall Arhopuloa, Tom Moaa, Hetty McMahan, John Uufenborg, Fran- e»a Haat-daUy, Fhvllla Miblar, Dor ' X PAKIHTAN I’KOTKHTH ' NEW DELHI, Not 12 In of fha (Hate of aaaumptinn of ad- netions there were by the Dominion 1 ilia's occupat Junagndh a mlniatratlve protested tod of Pakistan come over wet from weeping it. the trials and tribulations of the heroin* In the forthcoming play, Pure Ae the Drivon •now'', ac- • ording Ui director Geord* Dllla- vog. This play by Paul Lmimia, take* A-M * Adds Facilities V alued at $6000 Offteera «f tl are) Milt Frank* Kraane. *i.r Howard Whltia, a^ l jlja n kfliwi^ ,rt>n * 1100 during Hie stay at the school, in .oH - ^ •••»•* P>*n. ‘n at A. k Committee* Include: (Mage Manager: J. Davie, Conetructlon; J. Howard Davie, chairman; Phyllis Bllber; Ford English; Nell Arhopuloa;. Ted Davis; and Jack Martin. Proporttaa: Tommie Willbm*. ihjiiublvu BcntMiiH tiuruiw cne vrar s [ STILL NO TREATY LONDON, Nov. 12 ; The four-power foreign ministtra’ dep uties ended their fourth meeting here today, still unagreed on mern- harahip of committe«-s and sub- rammittoea to dyaft a German The horRcehoc drive around the Lighting and Sound EffacU: H. M gymnaKltim-' was A>m,neWJ atari Darwin llodges, chairman, C. H. graveled, and flood lights install ed in front of the gymnasium to aid in better and safer parking. A central 'garbage collection unit, where all garbage can be collected and hauled off by the During the summer the PUyer* FHILLIPINE UPSET * MANILA. Nov. 12 -•*>- The oppoailioh Nationalist Party took an early lead last night over the Liberal Party of President Roxa* ; on the basis of fragmentary re- turns from five scattered precincts in the fight for eight senate seats. Ry J \MKH A. HEATH Improvement* valued at almost six thousand dollar* were added to the facilities of the A AM Con solidated schools during the year 1948-47, according to A. M superintendent , Three hundred steel chair* and a stage curtain were installed in the auditorium-gymnasium to cre ate a better community meeting place and school auditorium. state to defray the expenses of the Military Property Custodian or Clothing Issue De partment, an increase in incidental expenses may necessitate an increase in handling charges, he stated. All colleges sponsoring ROTC are re quired to select one of two plans for provid- ♦ Ing students with uniforms, ac cording to current regulation!. The firat plan, known as the “Commutation of Uniforms’* plan, provides for the student to pur chase his uniform and receive a monetary allowance totalling 8112- 77 for the four-year period. This allowance is payable at the rate of 89 per veer for the elementary course (Ms 1 and 2), total 818, ami 894.77 for the advance course (MS 2 and 4). Under this plan student* would have to spend apprnslmalel) IM8 each for necessary uniforms upkeep, and replaremeal* dur ing tk* four-year ROTt four*#, Hetimsan said. At the termination of his rout**, the uniform* belong to the Imlt v id uni student. This plan permit* the eollege to purehaa* uniforms from the government and sell them to the student at coat, plus hand ling charge*, or nermll* the stu dent to puichase hi* uniform from any sourr* he deeiree. Using prir* Hats of uniform equipment -at Inral clothier*, the Initial outlay required of each student entering A. A M, for the first time would exceed 8200. Nec essary replacement* and nltema tlon* over the period of four years would probably require another othy Bryant, and Xerms Uugstou he Ante I'Uyera iel, president, Hill rause, vice presldhnt, Hetty Hr Mahan, secretary: and tieeri* J, IHItaveu. sponsor, LAURENCE OLIVIER and RENEE AMHERftON, above, will lay the leading role* in Mhakiwpeare’s HENRY V Tuesday and iednesdny at the Campus Theater. Aggie Delegation To Visit TU To Plan Activities Publicity: Ferd English, chair man; Nell Arhopuloa; and Frances Beardsley. Box Office ami Programs: Wal ter McMahan LS-, Hod get. Last spring the Aggie Players S resented James Thurber * “The i Ry J. T, MILLER A twelve man dslpgatlnn will confer with Unlv*i»Hy of Texas ■Indent leaders Thursday after noon about arrangements for ths ATa M DT football gum* Thunks giving day, W. L Peitberthy, dean of men, announced, Wednesday Students making thr trip Include the member* of the Welcome Com mlttee: Ralph RothWan. John T Miller, J. H. Rlehardpon, John-T. Poole, and Neal (iallchray. Also, Bill Brown, cadet colonel of the corpe; A. D. Brufe, Jr., presi dent of the Rtudent Senate; Elmo Livingston, president of the senior class; Asa Holh-man, head yell leader; and Jimmy Nelson, co-edi tor of The Battalion, will accom pany the party. In addition to Penberthy, Grady Elms, club advisor, i* scheduled to -1 travel to Auatin with the group. ki Present plans sail univei M., provides for the Army to loan uniforms to the college for reissue to the student concerned. Under this “Uniform in Kind” plan, the college is responsible for requisi * loTici^r hi* soingtke uniforms to the student skwi with university The college is held accountable and • student loaders of facilities which responsible for all losses and dam College Station can offer to the ages to these uniforms other than thousands of visitors who will be Square Dancers To Play Friday Mr*. Paul Baker, chairman of the Texas Hquart Danse Fasti val, and her Te*n-A|e Kshlbi ion Team will play at a Iquars Dance Jamboree Thuraflay even ing at 8 In Uhlag Hall, tt waa Two Performances To Be Given Daily Laurence Olivier Plats Title Role In Shakespeare's Hintorical Drama r ' v • # By R. L. BILLINGSLEY Laurence Olivier’s long-awaited Technicolor production of ShakMpeArea historical drama, “Henry V”, Will play an exclusive two-day engagement at the Campus Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 18-19, the theatre mana ger announced today. There will b« two performances daily lit 2:30 and 8:30 p. m.. with seats in reserved sections. The movie was filmed amid scenes of actual warfare in — + England during the Battle of Lon don, and has had maay honors be stowed on it since-its American premiere. Hailed as the “Best Film of the Year" by life Magasine, fhe National Board of Review, and J The New York Film-Critics Circle, “Henry V“ ia also recipient of a Special Academy Wwaitf. It* star, Laurence Olivier, who also pro- _ . „ . | , „ ., durer and directed tk* film In ad- The half-time demonstration of 4i (tlin t# playing thr title role, waa the Aggie# an .Kyle Field laat Hal- recently knighted by the King of urday resulted in the Injury of Kqgiand for his outstanding his- Her- announced yesterday by a er ef the College Mtatlon reatlon Council, Under the sponsorship of the Recreation Council and the 8tu dent Activities Office, lhe<tM» gram will feature Mr*. Baker end her fiddle band led by Henry Hudson. This group of fiddlers kavo been instrumental in reviving square dancing in this area. Governor Bcauford Jester is Honorary Chairman qf the Tex. as Square Danes Festival. All parsons interested are in vited to attend. There will be a 50-c«nt admission price. Walker Injured By Cadets According To Sports Writer the "binary deterioration due to on the campus (or the game .w -T* “fair wear and tear." The uniform* It ia expected*that an effo: city, was constructed under the cooperated with the Singing Cadet* J?" uin the pr T rty t of the “J hl.-Bi-h.-n, St tk* Kail SKIT- oil Government atvl must Ite returned momou* relat.onsh.p between the effort will be made to keynote • more har- POLES OPPOSE U. 8. MEXICO CITY. Nov. 12 —— The Polish delegation to the UNESCO general conference yes terday attacked the U. 8. position , on all points, including the free flow of Ideas and maas communi cations, on implied grounds of cul tural Imperialism, and urged the conference to appeal to the Unites] Nations “to condemn most ene-get- ‘ icully all the war propagand , " - bleachers at the football stadium The improvements, plus a con siderable amount of playground equipment, were given . to the - bool by the Mothers |and Dad* Club of College Station. The school added Music and Arts courses to its curriculum, refinish ed the a fence Patrons of the school purchased light* and had the football fieid lighted ro as to accommodate night game*. A program of guidance that con sists of administering examina tions and permanenlly recording m The Gilbert and Sullivan Oper etta “The Mikado " —Ptmg A8 THE DRIVEN SNOW — in good condition unless salvaged two student bodies. due to normal deterioration. 500 Rice Tickets to its curriculum, refinish-1 fi Cl HT J gymnasium fb«r and built (jQ Ufl ialC 1 0(13V around the football stadium, i J CONVICTS MANIU BUCHARS8T, Nov. 12 ___ Juliu Mania, Ronjanian National t ii W u instilutod in the up- Peasant Patry leader, was fravkV p«>r five grades. Latct the records are U> be used by Lbe teacher* in ed of high treason yasterday and i ^sentenced by a military tribunal r+ lo life impriaonment at hard labor k AP miTIlRR NEWS WASHINGTON. Nov, 12 The firat Associated Press Ulevl- hf Iff an advisory capacity. Materials for the program were furnished by the Kiwania Club Five radio-phonographs were placed throughout the school by the teachers for use In rlasaroom sion neprtrael unit b*g*n operating wor |, yesterday In Washington as a part »f the regular news eoverage by the Washington AsauiiaUd Press ■MMk : ' if i RKUTMK.H RE-EI.KCTKD ATtsANflC CITY. N. L Nov. If 'A* •Walter Reulher wa* swept back Into office yesterday for a second term a* president of the United Auto Workers, CIO. | FORKVKR TROUBLE LAS VEGAS. NEV.. Nov. 12 - 'A*- Marine Lieut. Boh Herwig. 82, who was married to Kathleen Win- ■or while ahe waa writing "Forever Amber." muet appear in court Thurnday on a charge that he fal sified a marriage license applica tion when he married Nadia liege man. 20 year old university fresh man, laat week. TAFT OPPOSES ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 -■*» —Senator Taft (R-Ohio) aaid yes terday he is “absolutely opposed" to spending 82.687.000.008 on for eign economic aid through June 80, .1948, as proposed by Secretary of State Marshall. BRITISH DICTATORS? LONDON, Nov. 12 —UTt—Win ston Churchill declared yesterday “we ara approaching very neai- tc dictatorship in Britain" under the Labor government The World War II Prime Minister ignored the ad vice of hia physicians to lead his Conservative party’s fight in the Hou^ °f: Commons against the Labor government’s bill to curb the power at the House at Lords. “OUT WITH flANCO" LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 12 -4* —Poland demanded yesterday that the United Nation* Assembly rec ommend the strong! *t possible moaMres short of military force to oust the Franco Regime Books valued at over (our hun dred dollars were adilod lo the school libraries bv such auxiliary , agenrtr* as the Mothers and Dade Club, Kiwanl* Cthb, and Campua Club, and private Individuals. • « - Five hundred asore tickets have hern allotted ARM students for the Rice game, according to a statement made yesterday by C. D. Ownby. Business Manager of Athletics. Ownby explained that student tickets are allotted on the basis of attendance percentage* of prvviMB year’s cameo. Normally M% of the students attend the Riee game and the percentage of tirkeU this year waa baaed on aa MN-student enrollment. This gave AAM students 4M8 seats. In addition te this M%, 4M more seals were allowed, hriaginf Ih* letal la 8281 seats. This figure dqe« not Include Ih* 88# seals that went eo sale today which brings the total la 8714 seals. ' After a careful study of both plans, the latter plan was select ed since it furnishes the student g > better uniform at less ex pense to the individual than the Commutation (Man it was stated. Under the-Uniform in Kind Plan necessary altersflon* and replace ment* of worn out item* are made by the government at no expense to the student To help defray the cost of storage, issuing, maintain ing records, and absorbing unac countable losses, the college sets s small charge of 87 per student for the school year. This charge applies for both semesters or a single se mester, as both khaki and woolen uniforms are issued. The party will leave College Sta- I tion Thursday afternoon and is to return the same night. “nt Guards Posted at Rice HOUSTON. Nov. 12 A student guard has- been thrown around the Ricejlnstitute Campus to discourage recurrence of acts of mischief which have preceded some of the HMU group aerordlng trlw4f f «,tribalkma; lo (iiMirfe Whit#, sports writer of -j^ portrayal begins with the Dsllaa Morning News. an actual performance of ihe play The tneldent oriDned following nmetly as given ai Ik* famed Ih# formation of ike Aggie T ky (Hoke Tkealre In Rkakesoeare'a the ( ailei Coip* j London fa tk* y*nt Dtfa} fi ik*n In Monday mncnlnga p*l»r,' l^ea wm/lno# 4 tk* slag* fa Whiie statedl "H* (Doak Walkerl I" j*#* •Dfa"faU? faekfan took a krutsing wken Irampled ky »ke slew of MaHfagr, Ike rkarge Ih# Aggie Corpe of Cadet# .lam-1 f »k# fcfa»ku durino w pad ing off ih* ftoM afler’lta ke ; Aflneourt, and the M oeenea ke. tween halves demholtration at CoLJ tfaeon tk# vtefarfaua irltlsk mon* leg* Station and might have been? »"* ^aly PefaevM Kather- hurt wort* had not hi* former * . 1 .. . Hlthland Park teammate and pre-,, JRker than pradueer • dtreetof sent assistant student manager.3 PB^leri lit •••! wW fakv diminutive Junior Rldrcdge fallenl Amerleon audience*, hut tkoir art. over him to offer brofaeiion. A»-'! abilitio# hoeom* apparent in Blatant Coach Rusty Russell a I sot, flretreol. Robert Newfag, Lee- tqok a jolting in the stampede and jj* Bnhk*, Xonoa Aaherson, and Dr. R. E. Morgan, team physician, K"mond Knight are the remolndor suffered broken eyeglo**** " ®f the sfarring caat. and the Eng- An explanation and an apology! IW* Insistance on tfafa faalnli^ were sent yesterday to Coach Mot-: • n d knowledge of fandaatantal* fa tv Bell by William L Brown. Ca4 pwtkufarly noticeaklo here in thia dot Colonel, and A. D. Bruce, Jrj land Student Senate, read a* follows where box offs si some* The Mr. Madiaon Bell, t Director of Athletics, Southern Methodist Unieersity, Dallas. Texas, » Dear Mr. Bell: We regret that during lapt urday's game some 6f the cade 1 ran through your team in thetr harry to get off the fielq. We wait you to know that it wa* entirely -NOVEMBER !»-}*- Trana-Pecos Qub To Meet Thursday The Trans-Pecos Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Thurs day night after yell practice in Room 113 of the Petroleum Build ing instead of in the Academic Building as wa* previously an nounced. A football film will be shown, followed by a short business meet ing. . . I > *f*a.^' X *** ^ ^ football games unintentional, and probably wou 1 f , - I of the past Officials and student leaders of both'.school* are participating in the^sttempt to avoid trouble be fore the game here Saturday. Last year’s pregame skirntfaha included fights, head shavings and | splashing of paint on Rice build- This morning the words RICE were found painted in blue paint on the sidewalk behind and ia front of the Adminfat ration Building at At A M. mg*<and the statute of the school's founder. William Marsh Rfat, whose body is entombod in the base of the statute. Dean W. L. Penberthy of AAM and Cadet Leaders came to Hous ton last week for a conference with Rice officials and students The group decided on the stu dent guard, which ia to continue through Friday night. office appeal times eclipse* dramatic capabili- ll3MI * 1 » » Great sticklers for historic de tail, the directors and designers hive created an archive of 16th century dress and landscape as well as an entertaining movie. The battle dress and armor Is especial ly ornate, and the scenes of Lon- H4on, filmed for the moat part froth scale models, would deceive Shake speare himself. Released through United Artist* not hare happened if the band, not performed overtime. We unAarstaad that in the n>4h the team’s physician had hi* gla aa broken. If you will please noti! us of the cost the student body be more than happy to repla them. ■ We are very sorry thdt this in cident happened and we will try to prevent any such reoccurrence in the future. Very truly yours, William L Brown Cadet Col. of The Corps A. D. Bnict, Jr. President. Student Senate —MUVgMREB IS-IS— * Han Angelo dub Will Meet Duchesae# for the dance dill be discussed at the meeting of the Ran Angela Club an, Thursday night at 7:IMI. All •eve re I Aggie "offfatre of the «"*here are urged fa be present day” will he gueat* In Rice dormi ! *** fa bring a picture of their fart## Friday night, nominee. the film fa a Theatre Guild produc tion, and has background muak by the London Symphony Orchestra. Matinee seats are priced at 90<‘ and 8L20, while evening tickets ary sealed at 81-20 and 81 AO. As . a special concession to all studenta and teachers in the Bryan-Cotlege Station area, a discount price of 74c, including tax, will hold for all school personnel. —FI'BE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW-. Vi Rice Game to Be I > Second Corps Trip Th. A. X M Cad,, Catv* and veteran student body will ronvargt Christmas °h Houston thia waak-end for in* ageond official corps trip of the "XL for Friday and Saturday Include midnight yell prartiro Erf. •fay night, a parade af the Ca ( pip* through downtown Houat Uirday morning, and th* A| mh football gam* Co treats fa the eighth far thr AAM Tfaareday. ( ARKOI Dog sad Pet (TibTfaoI LET. PAGE. CAK SOL’S BARBAEA M1L1.KB, left, BAABABA’S father fa fa the BABBABA ANN NEATHBBT. right, cooa. BARBARA’S father la a Junior *ti OF “LADY". l'nd8l ustdn Aggie. »turday after. Bill Davla, head yell leader for Rtra Institute, -will speak at the midnight yell praettee In fullflll. menl of plana Midi lag represents* Uvea of both atnqola that pmvtdo for an exrhonge of yell eladere for both the A. A M. and Riee pre* game yell practice* Th* yell prae- tie# will be held Friday at 11:80 p. m. In front of the Music Hall.., —Ft'aa aa the bbiven snow— South Texahs To , Hold Hort Show ; A Citrus and Vegetoble Insti tute. sponsored jointly by th* Rio 'Grande Horticulture (flub and the A. A M. Extension Servfea, will ho hold November 1» *i at Weslaco. Dr. Guy Adrionce, head hf tlle de- E rtment of horticulture; Dr. H. Hampton, department of agro nomy; and S. B Apple, extension horticukunst. Ml of A. A M. A field day and tour fa scheduled for the laat day of the institute, • November 20. —NOVtHBEB IS-M— No Friday Balt No BattoUoo will he pobifahed Friday. Roland Blag, maaager at -'u<l.iw4 poMtcatioos. announced refafariay. BAfae most of the stadenU will W fa Hoosfaa for the AAM Cdrpa Trip, k waa daemsd in- atriaaM* to print a Friday toaoe, ho atotod.